• Published 7th Jan 2015
  • 517 Views, 6 Comments

In another reality - Makahin

I had a 'experience' with MLP universe. Here I'll tell you the details.

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Chapter 4: Married life

When we came back to Ponyville, our friends were waiting us at the train station and everypony wanted to know how was the week in the castle, so we went to the Sugarcube Corner to eat something and put the news on time.

I and Rainbow were living in my house in Ponyville, it was easier to me go work at the bookstore, but in the holydays we used to go to the Dashie’s house in Cloudsdale. Octavia and our orchestra were invited to stay in Canterlot, instead of Ponyville. I didn’t accept. Ponyville was my home, where I grew up, where I met the love of my life; I couldn’t leave the village forever.

With my work at the bookstore we were able to have a good life, we weren’t rich, but we could pay all the taxes and stuff. Rainbow started to train in the Wonderbolt Academy two years ago, and she passed in all the trainings, and soon she got a good rank in the Wonderbolts that her salary could pay everything in our lives, so I sold the bookstore to Ms Gray Magic (the mare who helped me). Dashie has started to work harder, and spent more time without me... So I used to stay in home, or help anypony else with some kind homework, or help pinkie with parties when Dashie wasn’t with me, I did that because didn’t wanted feel alone, and to have something to do.

In Dashie’s 1st mission far away from me, she was a bit nervous, and worried about it. The day she had to go in this errand, I flew with her and Tank to the Wonderbolts Air Base, in a distant cloud near Cloudsdale. When we arrived, we had to farewell. There was a big crowd of pegasi waiting for their lovely Wonderbolts go in this mission.

“Don’t worry Dashie… everything should be fine... You're best pegasus in Equestria! And you’ll be soon at home …” I said pulling her in a hug.

“But Fih… You…” She was trying to figure out she weren’t nervous, and I felt a small tear drop in my shoulder “You will not be with me… I’ll miss you…”

“Yeah darling I’ll miss you too…” I put her in front of me, and I placed my hoof in her chest. Her heart was beating quickly and hardly. “No matter what, I’ll be always in your heart.” I kissed her, and I said “I love you.”

“I love you too Fiddler.”

“Attention all the Wonderbolts of the 3rd regiment, we are leaving in five minutes!” Said out loud a stallion voice.

“I have to go now…” Rainbow said while she was going to where all the others Wonderbolts were “I’ll see you soon Fiddler!”

I waited with Tank until the regiment go in a beautiful formation… There was around 30 pegasi in the regiment, and I tried to find Dashie there, but I couldn’t.

“Yeah Tank, it’s only me and you now…”

The small tortoise looked to me, how it wanted to say ‘I know my friend…’ We flew back to home in a sad flight. The trip to the base was a bit happy because me and Dashie went talking about random stuff, until we arrived there... but in the way back... it was only me and Tank... Was worthless start a conversation with Tank, he was a tortoise, and tortoises doesn’t speak. The only things that a listened was the sound of my wings, Tank’s propeller, the wind lightly hitting my face and some birds and voices in the ground. For the first time in months I felt alone again, and decided to go to another place, not to home, but to my hill. That hill where I played alone years ago, where I cried away from everypony, and where I and Dashie kissed for the first time. It was around 18 o’clock, a calm evening, without clouds in the sky. I sat there, Tank at my side, and I started to think. Think about my whole life. ‘It’s like a dream’ I said to myself ‘I married the mare of my dreams; I have a good home in my village, with nice friends… I thought that was impossible… but now my dreams are true’. I can’t remember how much time I passed there thinking, I went home late o’ night, around midnight.

The time I wasn’t with Dashie, I wasn’t the same. I was a bit lifeless, “without colors”, and something was strange, I knew it… For the first time I compared my life with the other’s… Mine was so strange… Some thoughts in my mind bothered me… They were saying:

“I’m different than the others… I shouldn’t be from ‘here’ ” or “so strange my story, isn’t?”
That almost made me crazy. I used to hangout with somepony else to forget those thoughts… Sometimes I invited Autumn Prince to go with me to Cloudsdale pub, or to go to somewhere. With two weeks without Dashie, I received a letter from her:

Dear Flying Fiddler

Our mission in the borders of the Cristal Empire is near to end. I can’t give more details because some security reasons. I’m alright here, some bad griffons are messing around here, and I hope everything is okay there too… Our commandant says we’ll back in a week or two…

With all my love


Those words cheered me up a bit, and the time started to pass slowly than the normal. So used, more than never, spent my time flying around, helping the others, playing music, or going to the hill to watch the sunset. But sometimes those annoying thoughts came back from the depts of my mind, for some reason.

A week later Dashie arrived back. She came unexpectedly. I was in my home, playing the music that I composed for her, and suddenly I heard a knock in the door. I imagined anypony else but not her. When I opened the door, I had a surprise. She was in the doorstep, with the Wonderbolts blue uniform, she had a tired look, but her eyes and smile said that she was so excited and happy to see me; she just jumped in my arms into a tightly hug.

“I miss you Dashie… So much…” I whispered in her ear

“Me too darling…”

We kept hugged for a while, the she entered and we started to talk. About her mission, the griffons, the crystal ponies, the snow combat… And I told about my days in ponyville, how I used to pass the time, about the music, but I never told her about the strange thoughts.

The time was passing, and in two years Dashie got a graduated rank in the air force, so she didn’t needed to go in missions, but in some she went, because she was a true leader. She won some medals in battle, I day after day I was more proud of her. She was so happy with her life: the wonderbolts, our life together, but she didn’t want have fillies. About me? This was better than a dream: I was married with the love of my life, we had a simple and good life, she was happy, I was happy. What more could I wanted for me?