• Published 15th Jan 2015
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Equestria Was Merely a Setback! - Thunderscourge

Trixie, stranded from Equestria and in a mysterious land named Azeroth, tries to get by day by day...but it'd be easier if there weren't so many Crack Elves, zombies, and pesky gnomes getting in her way! Comedy/satire crossover with World of Warcraft

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Level 32: Why Don't You Take Over?

A/N: Many apologies for the time it took me to finish this. Real life has been really dragging me down and keeping me from doing even half the writing I want to be doing, but thankfully I'm getting back on my groove now. Been really difficult this past month in real life...

Hope you enjoy, and I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below! This chapter is so chalk full of foreshadowing I hope that you guys catch some.

“Let me at them!”

Grand Inquisitor Whitemane tried grabbing her partner Mograine to stop him from assaulting their enemy, for while he still was alive he was still in no condition to carry on battling. His spirit may have been crushed, his pride humiliated, but his rage was carrying him forward towards those who had beaten him, disarmed him, and likely spelled the end of his upward climb within the Scarlet Crusade.


He pushed past her and swung his only remaining fist at Trixie, who sidestepped his wild strike and used a leg to trip him. Mograine’s momentum carried him forth into the far side of the room where a bookshelf lay, his head smashing into the books there and shaking the structure.

“I...I won’t be…”

He stumbled backwards as heavy tomes fell down upon him, but he was not given a moment to collect himself as his daze was soon interrupted by someone grabbing him by his hair.

“Oh, did you think I was done with you?” Trixie laughed, an action which preceded her using her strength to lift the man up by his hair and hurl him across the room so that he broke through another bookcase.

Kael kicked Mograine onto the floor and restrained the man, “Trixie, grab the one who can still pose a threat.”

As the echo of blades formed the white noise of the hallway, Trixie found herself faced with a white haired woman whose face was now like Mograine’s and filled with rage. Whitemane’s hands shined with holy light as she prepared to save her partner from Trixie and Kael.

“Begone, foul creature! Fall to the High Inquisitor of the Scarl—”

Where Whitemane attacked with her holy power there no longer was a silver-blue haired Elf. Whitemane gasped as she spun around to find Trixie, only to find a hand grabbing her throat and crushing it with inhuman strength.

Trixie smiled up at Whitemane as she continued to constrict the woman’s throat and ability to breath, for she was still working off the anger she felt at everything Mograine had done and this woman she now fought was trying to help that monster, “I have a problem I heard you can solve.”

Whitemane tried clawing at Trixie’s hands, only for Trixie to squeeze tighter in response. This caused the woman’s struggle to die down, her physical abilities not anywhere near the level of Mograine’s given her specialization as a wielder of the Light.

Seeing as how the wicked member of the Scarlet Crusade was at her mercy and thus she had her full attention, Trixie gestured to Mograine and twisted Whitemane around to see him writhing in pain as Kael finally forced him into unconsciousness with a powerful blow to the back of the head.

“You revive someone for me, a power I know you have, and this idiot can live. Despite everything he’s done to us.”

Trixie glanced over to where Dirge was healing the near mortally wounded Karl, whose stubbornness had actually improved Trixie’s opinion of him. Someone else who didn’t know when to quit? He would fit right in with them. Only, his brother was dead...which was why Trixie was striking this bargain. She had all the power at this point of the situation, but that did not mean she had to be heartless.

Whitemane tried freeing herself again, only to be swung at the door-frame and then have her body slacked from her hurt spine.


Whitemane whimpered and nodded, prompting Trixie to drop her to the floor.

“All yours then. Kael, let her coddle him and do what she needs to make sure the idiot does not bleed to death.”

As the fighting died down and the victors became clear, Kael and Trixie found themselves looking at a hallway of saluting soldiers in the armor of Silvermoon. At the far end of the hallway overseeing the relocation of the defeated and unconscious Crusaders was Reuenthal, and now pushing through the crowded hallway was Mitter’meyer to approach his lord.

“Hail Lord Sunstrider!” the crowd said in unison, each Blood Elf in the hall saying it except for Kael and Trixie. While Kael was nervous and bashful about the sudden attention, Trixie snickered and nudged Kael’s side playfully. Kael started to look at her when he felt a hand on his shoulder, and turned to see that Lavitz was looking out at the crowd with pride. For a trained soldier, such a sight of organized troops likely was a beauty in and of itself.

“Your people have arrived, it appears. Quite the entrance too.”

Kael returned the physical gesture and thanked the Warrior who had seen to his protection each step of the way. Without Lavitz he would not have been able to fight Dathrohan, without him he would not have survived the battle in the Graveyard, the first encounter with Mograine, or the final charge of the Crusaders. The Stormwind Knight had done a great deal for them, just as he had helped in the Deadmines, “After today, I’d say you earned the right to call them yours too.”

The statement surprised Lavitz, who kept quiet because of how any response he could say there could be taken wrong by someone. Instead he just gave Kael a small smile before looking back at the crowd, leaving Kael to add, “I know you’re still loyal to Stormwind, but you’re always welcome with us.”

By this point one of the two officers in charge of the reinforcement army had crossed the hall and knelt down before Kael on one knee and showing further respect by inclining their body forward into a partial bow as well. Kael smiled at the “Gale Wolf” Mitter’meyer who had, with his great speed, come to their aid.

“My lord, Reuenthal is handling the post-battle mop up. As per your orders, we are doing our best to prevent any unnecessary casualties.”

Trying to appear regal despite how disheveled how unpracticed he was, Kael gave a small nod “Thank you, Mitter’meyer. You have done us a great service today.”

“Of course, your majesty. I will forever be in your debt for the day you saved my life. I will follow you to the earth’s end.”

“I am glad you are safe. When you fought Kargath…”

Kael’s voice trailed off as he thought back to the other Kae’s invasion of Silvermoon. Of the slaughter of civilians and guards alike for the sake of power. When he had to stop eating with friends to instead flee for his life and leave them behind to uncertain doom...

Mitter’meyer stood up and smiled at his Prince, “I am fine, my lord. So long as I fight alongside Reuenthal, no foe can stop me.”

“If your performance today is any indication, I must say I agree,” Kael laughed as he watched Whitemane and Mograine be led away by some of the Silvermoon forces present.

Mitter’meyer was about to respond when a Mana Wyrm that had been hovering around above all the fighting instead lowered itself to begin nestling itself into Trixie, and then Kael, and then Mitter’meyer himself, “Hey there Nana,” he laughed as the Wyrm brushed it soft scales over his face, “She was quite worried for you all. When your mercenary brought her, I used every bit of haste I could muster to follow your command, but she seemed even more impatient than I.”

Kael brought a hand out to touch the Wyrm and it responded in kind by putting its forehead up against his palm before taking another couple trips flying around Kael and then leaving to go see the other person it had grown close to during travel, that being Mitter’meyer’s partner Reuenthal.

As the Wyrm began to do its affectionate gesture towards Reuenthal, who mostly ignored the distraction as he continued to fulfill his duties in organizing all the soldiers and the post-battle situation. Kael smirked at the display, appreciating that he had such capable soldiers under his employ, “Quite the orderly fellow, isn’t he?”

“One of his redeeming qualities, my lord,” Mitter’meyer said in a partially joking tone, now also looking over at his best friend. While he may dislike his friend’s liberal sex life and lack of commitment, he still valued him for the genuine if odd bond the two vastly different men had formed.

After he finished looking Reuenthal over Mitter’meyer looked back to Kael only to find Kael wincing in pain, prompting the Paladin to take a step towards Kael worriedly, “My lord, are you alright?”

Kael smirked as he forced himself to remain stoic despite the pain he felt in his body from the day’s many battles. He had come into it all feeling deathly ill, and that was before he had to fight hordes of fanatics far stronger than him, or the undead, “Thanks to you. You came just in time.”

Beside him Trixie scoffed, having been ignored up until that point, “I’m fine too, thank you very much.”

As if just realizing she was there too, Mitter’meyer jumped back and gave a full bow as quickly as he could manage, “Lady Lulamoon, my apologies.”

Seeing him act so subservient to her too despite considering him an equal and friend made Trixie laugh in the manner of a noblewoman, “You don’t need to bow to me, but it is flattering. I’m not a Princess.”

“Nonetheless, I am pleased to see that you too are safe. I am surprised you two managed to make it this far on your own,” Mitter’meyer stated before realizing that it could sound insulting, “Not that I doubt your abilities, just…”

Kael stopped him from apologizing further with a hand, “We understand. It’s alright.”

Trixie slapped Lavitz on the back and added him to the conversation since she, like Kael, valued his service as how and why they were still alive at this point, in addition of course to their own contributions, “We have this guy to thank in part for getting this far.”

Mitter’meyer appeared surprised to see Lavitz, and needed no introductions before recognizing who the soldier was.

“Lavitz of Stormwind?”

Similarly, Lavitz recognized the Elf standing across him from reputation, “Mitter’meyer, the Gale Wolf, I presume?”

Mitter’meyer grinned brightly and held a hand out to shake as he realized his fortune in meeting a man he once thought he would have to fight, “It is an honor to meet a soldier of your caliber. If you do not mind me asking, why has a knight of Stormwind come to join my lord in battle?”

Lavitz took the other man’s hand and returned the smile, the blonde soldiers sharing a glance before looking at Kael, “Kael’thas saved my life, and given the rift between our people I hope to help mend things by following my father’s footsteps by serving the Sun King.”

Once the handshake ended Mitter’meyer shut his eyes in memory of a soldier he once knew, “Servi was a good man. I did not know him long, but it saddened me when I heard he fell in battle due to the treachery of the Alliance. Garithos deserved a thousand deaths for his folly.”

The thought of his late father gave Lavitz pause, causing the conversation to die down as Mitter’meyer knew not what to say beyond what he had. An idea did come to mind about how to change the topic however, and he dug into his bag to retrieve some parchment. Lavitz gave a confused look as he was handed it by the other soldier, who was grinning.

“Here, take this.”

Lavitz opened it to find extremely detailed cooking instructions befitting of a master chef, and Mitter’meyer proudly spoke as the other man looked them over, “My wife gave me some recipes for cooking, in case I would go hungry on my journey. I am no cook though, so perhaps you can pass them along to your mother and sister?”

Mitter’meyer didn’t catch Lavitz’s eyes grow sullen once again, for Lavitz also forced a smile that the other man did not recognize as a false once. Lavitz appreciated the gesture, but he could not do as Mitter’meyer wanted: only one of those two women still lived, a fact he had been grappling with these past hours for reasons he would never disclose with the others.

Still grateful, Lavitz slowly formed a real smile as he brought a hand out to touch the Elf’s shoulder respectfully, “My mother will appreciate this. Thank you,” he lowered his hand and sighed, realizing something about being given a gift: one generally should reciprocate, but he was wholly unprepared for that, “I am afraid I have nothing with me to give in return.”

“There will always be another occasion to exchange gifts,” Mitter’meyer winked. The two moved aside to continue their conversation and get to know one-another better while Kael and Trixie each watched them with some amusement.

“They seem to be getting along.”

Kael nodded to Trixie’s claim, “Perhaps there is some hope for us to mend fences, if two opposing soldiers can meet like this.”

Trixie smiled softly, “I would like that. It would be sad to have people fight who would otherwise be drinking companions.”

While Kael rolled his eyes at the way she brought her new hobby into things, he saw that Mitter’meyer had stepped back to whisper to him, “Please, give us your orders, my lord.”

Kael glanced around the hallway to see that now things were in complete order: the Crusaders were all relocated, and his troops now stood in rows saluting him. At the end of the corridor he was faced with Reuenthal, who stood like all the others saluting, and Kael found himself once again proud to have such loyal men under his command.

That did not mean, however, that he had a speech or anything planned for them. Or even really an idea of what to do from here, given that until just recently he was unconscious a lot and not very capable of rational thought.

Still, thinking on his feet, Kael tried to say something to the many men before him, “You all came from Silvermoon City to my aid when I needed you. For that, you have my eternal thanks, for today would not have been won if not for your loyalty and swift call to duty.”

Kael looked over to Lavitz, who stood by his side in a protective manner befitting of the bodyguard role he had assumed, “We stand here in the Scarlet Monastery because we were asked by the Regent of Stormwind to defeat the Crusaders here as a sign of goodwill. While the man Garithos once betrayed our kind, it is my hope that one day we do not have to fight our former allies.”

His allusion to the Human nation finished, Kael looked back to the crowd. He could sense an overwhelming aura emanating from them, an aura born of the magic each soldier possessed in their equipment and own power which was spilling out around them as they cooled down from their brief but decisive battle, “Now, returning to Silvermoon is not an option, not without sparking a civil war that will hurt our people, so we can only move forward. I can feel the power you all possess and it gives me faith that you can carry out a trying task I feel I must give to you.”

He had toyed with one idea awhile back, but he had not thought it would need to be used so soon...still, he had to do something, and so Kael quickly decided what he wanted to have this private army of his do...and what he wanted to do as well.

Reaching a hand out to them, Kael spoke as boldly as he could, “Go to Outland. Disrupt the operations of the false Lord Sunstrider and keep him from bringing our people to ruin with his reckless and vile actions,” he clenched his hand to signal his anger beyond what his tone could convey, “My goal is to one day reclaim the throne belonging to me by right of birth, but I do not intend for that to be it alone. I seek this power with my own hands and through my own blood. I have come to far to be stopped now, and if you will lend me your swords and strength, we can together save our people from the peril they face.”

Cheers rose from the crowd, and Kael took this as a sign that his men were keen on the goal he set forth, and so he continued on, “We are the Blood Elves. The Sin’dorei. Together we bleed, and with our blood we shall build the future for our people.”

Trixie noticed as Kael’s face began to sink into the expression it took before a sigh, and she shot him a worried glance that he did not notice thanks to his attention being glued in front of them.

“This task I ask of you will be one that I do not ask with an easy heart. We have all seen the power of our demon empowered foes, the brutality of our enemies…” he sighed for a moment before lifting his head up and once again clenching his fist, “But there is something I can do to make your efforts easier.”

The only person in the hallway able to ascertain what he meant before he said it was the woman by his side, who gave a sad smile as she realized life was about to get a whole lot more difficult. Still, if it meant she could be with her friends, with her partner...

“They seek my head. Bounty hunters have been hired to kill me. Criminals hired to kidnap my associates. If I follow you to the battlefield, the attention will be turned to you all as they seek to kill the rightful ruler,” Kael shook his head, “I will not join you in Outland. Not yet. I will instead divert their attention from you all, give you the opportunity to establish yourselves in there and begin our campaign against the false King. As they waste resources and time to find me, you will be able to seize ground, save lives, and prepare for my return.”

The crowd could not silence all of its gasps, but with a curt order from Reuenthal it managed to regain its composure soon enough for Kael to continue on speaking with the same bold determination as before in his voice.

“For, when I do come to Outland, it will be to finish things. We are not ready yet to wage a full blown war, but there are things I can yet do to tip the scale, and so I shall. Even if it means distracting them with my life, I shall.”

Kael’s speech once again hitting a lull, Mitter’meyer stepped forward and addressed his leader in concern.

“Sir, may I accompany you?”

Kael shook his head no and gave a big smile, “No, Mitter’meyer. Your place will be with Reuenthal and the others where you are needed most. Your commanding skills can best be used with the army we have with us,” he turned to his side where Trixie, Lavitz, and Dirge stood, “But I will not be alone. Joining us is Lavitz of Stormwind. If it was not for the aid of this great knight, I would not be standing here today.”

The knight saluted Kael, and cheers came from the crowd from the Blood Elves who respected the man for looking beyond the racial prejudices that had plagued their people. Because of his father’s service to Kael in the last war, Lavitz was a known figure to many of them even if he was not the highest ranked soldier of Stormwind.

Once that formal introduction was done, Kael looked to the woman he loved, Trixie, who he privately hoped to one day introduce as the Queen of those gathered before him. While unable to say as much then, he still wanted to make sure her deeds were acknowledged, as he owed her his life more than any other.

“Furthermore, this is my partner, Trixie Lulamoon. If you are to serve me first, you serve her second. It was her plot that allowed for a handful of warriors to capture this facility without spilling blood, and it is because of her we were able to coordinate with you all to manage this victory.”

Trixie blushed as an uproarious series of cheers thundered in the hall, the soldiers gathered enthused by the reveal that the woman beside him was not arm candy but rather a sharp minded woman who had handed them this military victory. In return for their warm reception Trixie gave them a polite bow, both happy about and embarrassed about her newfound fame.

As the voices died down Kael spoke up again, having roughly thought out the rest of what he wanted and needed to say. He brought his hands out to gesticulate in as grandiose a fashion as he could manage, “Our people have faced many a threat, have fought against impossible odds with the only goal being survival, but each time we have lived on. We shall not bow because some tyrant has stolen my mantle, we shall not allow him to end our struggle!”

After the next cheer, Kael shouted two names in the tone of a commander.

“Reuenthal, Mitter’meyer!”

The two men both snapped to attention, prompting Kael to give them their orders.

“You two are to lead the expedition in Outland. Today we prepare, and when the arrangements are made, you will leave with the speed I have come to expect of the Gale Wolf, and the coordination of Cunning Eagle!”

“My Lord!” both men called, accepting their given task.

This said, Kael once again addressed the entire crowd, his tone taking a more somber note, “You all have sacrificed much to be here, and I ask your forgiveness for asking you to sacrifice more. I promise though that your loyalty will be rewarded, not just in glory, but in the survival of our race! In the protection of our friends, our families, and your comrades in arms!”

He pumped an arm up in the air, “Glory to the Blood Elves!”

The crowd returned the gesture and began to chant.

“Hail Lord Sunstrider! Hail the Sun King!”

And, to the surprise of both Kael and Trixie, the chant began to include another verse to it.

“Hail Lady Lulamoon!”

It appeared that receiving Kael’s seal of approval along with the express order to respect her had instilled loyalty in those gathered, and neither Trixie nor Kael was about to complain when hearing their names chanted over and over.

In a nearby settlement, a man stood watching as another man was forcibly tied to the outside wall of his own house, next to where his wife and mother-in-law were similarly entangled. Holding a hunting knife in one hand, the auburn haired man looking at the three captives began to speak in a slow and deliberate voice.

“It has come to my attention that you are a member of the Scarlet Crusade, an organization whose presence here on the continent is sewing disorder by splitting the efforts of the Human race. Do you confess to this act of treason?”

The dark skinned man in the uniform of the Scarlet Crusade struggled as Aria finished tying him there, “Yes, I’m an interrogator for the Crusade! Please, don’t hurt me! Don’t hurt my family!”

The auburn haired man nodded once before bringing a hand up to his gaunt face, “It has also come to my attention that you are your family were harboring one of your sworn enemies, an Undead Forsaken being, to relentlessly torment him and cause him maximum suffering until he would lapse into true death again. Am I correct?”

“Yes! Please-” the man whimpered before a snap of his captor’s fingers had him struck across the face by a grinning Aria.

Speaking in an annoyed tone, Aria’s boss began to roll his r’s more than he normally did, “I care not for your sniveling. Now, answer this for me: has the Scarlet Monastery been disrupted in any way? Has it been attacked, invaded, or otherwise harassed?”

Interrogator Vishas of the Scarlet Crusade tried struggling in the bonds taken from his own house, from the Undead he had tied up, but it was useless given how they were meant to constrict movement just like an interrogator would wish for, “I heard that they were having trouble today with something…” he wracked his brain for more information, only to panic and cry out more when he realized that his captor was about to snap his fingers again, “But I was on sick leave! I had time to spend with my family! Please, don’t hurt us!”

“Tell me more or your life is forfeit as of this moment.”

“Something to do with a caravan I think! I heard some roaming Crusaders talking about it! Whatever’s happened, our garrison will have taken care of it! Now let me go! I answered all your questions! I don’t know any more!”

Having received what he wanted, the man in an olive-grey uniform turned around and began to walk in the direction of the Scarlet Monastery.

“Very well. Agent Two, you may fire when ready. Do be quick about it.”

Vishas screamed, his family trying to as well but their gags keeping them from doing so, “But you said-!”

The one in charge of the situation turned back halfway to give Vishas a cold glare, “I am a man of my word, but I never actually gave you my word I would forgive your crimes. You are far too trusting of your captors, while I am far less generous towards those who would sell out their kind while also shirking their duty to engage in pointless humiliation of a lesser creature.”

After a moment’s pause, he looked to Aria and gave her a nod.

“You may fire when ready.”

His back was turned when Vishas and his family screamed in agony as the mana in their bodies was ripped from them and then their lives were stripped as well from Aria’s potent magic. On his way out, he ran into the third member of their group, Jaina, who had just returned from a task he sent her on.

She was not happy.

“You send me to look for enemies, and I come back to find that you have killed three people!”

He rolled his eyes, “Hardly innocents, Lady Proudmoore. The Scarlet Crusade is your enemy as much as it is mine, and these cretins were vile criminals on top of their treason.”

Jaina gawked as he walked past her without heeding her complaint, though he did stop to look at her briefly and give her one last thought on the matter, “I do not care if you consider my methods harsh. You and I are seeking the same group. If you have grievances, voice them then. Until then, I will do what is necessary for our cause, and that includes eliminating any and all threats to those we seek to find as well as ourselves.”

As he continued on at a fast but not erratic pace to their destination, Jaina fumed and thought about what to do. She did not like either of her traveling companions, and they were little better than the people she stood against politically who brought the Horde and Alliance to blows time and time again. Still, they were on Kael’s track, and Jaina did feel an obligation to meet with him...and stop him, if need be.

Having finished eating and killing the morally bankrupt family, Aria caught up with Jaina and laughed at her irritated expression, “For such a hottie, you really know how to get your panties in a twist. We never said we were nice. Looking after ‘Huffer here and killing anyone who stands in our way is the reason I was let off parole.”

Jaina’s face twisted into a snarl as she realized just the sort of people she was working alongside, “For what reason would the Night Elves imprison one of their own?”

“From what I hear? Insulting a tree. But no, I’m not one of those forest hippies. I’m a Siren, I get people to do as I say and want, and I eat magic, magic I can steal from others just feeling everyday emotions…”

Aria leaned in close to Jaina to an uncomfortable proximity in the latter’s mind. As Jaina recoiled, Aria took a deep breath in and then smiled as a light aura of magic around Jaina disappeared.

“Such as fear. Not as tasty as others, like anger, but it does the trick.”

The disturbed Jaina was frozen as Aria walked by to catch up with her boss, with the purple skinned woman commenting to herself on the way, “I can’t wait until we meet up with Adagio. At least she’s just a know-it-all and not some would-be moralist.”

Jaina waited a moment before following them: just who had she joined forces with?

At the Monastery hours had gone by and things were wrapping up. There were many logistical issues to handle, and as the top ranking people present Kael and Trixie were expected to help oversee them. After all, it would look bad if they just had others do their jobs for them, even if the duo could hardly be faulted for wanting to take a rest after their long day.

One outstanding matter was finally being dealt with due to the concerning party having just awoken. Before Kael was a kneeling Karl, who appeared both infuriated at the world and himself.

“It was my failure that allowed Mograine to escape.”

Kael shook his head, “You were enraged by the death of your brother. I cannot, and will not, punish you for letting your emotions get the better of you. You will have the reward promised to you before, and you may part ways with us.”

With a nod, Kael had Trixie bring in a wobbling Tony, who had been revived by Whitemane as per their agreement. Because of her powerful connection with the Light she had done what few others could and revived someone from death without turning them Undead.

As Tony approached Karl and tapped his older brother on the shoulder, Kael continued speaking, “Though, if you wish to stay, you may accompany us as we travel Azeroth. We could use someone with your skillset,” he paused as he remembered that Karl once worked with the spy agency in Stormwind known as SI-7, “It would mean turning your back on Stormwind, though.”

After being shocked a moment by seeing his brother, Karl stood up and clenched his fist, “Fuck Wrynn. Fuck Stormwind...Vhere you go, I follow.”

The matter handled, Kael dismissed him, with the hired soldier quickly embracing his brother, who had agreed to join the expedition to Outland and serve as their technical adviser.

“Don’t you dare before me, Little Brother.”

Glad to see them reunited, Kael still had other matters to attend to and moved to see how Trixie was doing. They were in the main atrium at the front of the building, with their small army making every preparation to leave as soon as it could as well as make sure the present owners of the building did not stick around. It was this last matter that Trixie was brainstorming about when Kael came over to her.

“This base is going to be overrun by the Alliance when we leave I’d presume. It may be best if its present occupants are not here when that happens.”

“How do we handle so many prisoners though?” Kael asked, only to receive a shrug.

Trixie tried thinking of her memories from her past life to see if there was anything that could help, but she was still grappling with them and so she had little success, “Strip them of their weapons, for one, and two, is there any way to transport masses of people?”

Mitter’meyer, who had been helping Trixie, spoke up, “On land? Perhaps Zeppelins would work. Goblins run them around the continent, and they will work for gold, no questions asked.”

“Good. Have someone locate as many of these flying vehicles as needed and pay them with some of the gold we have acquired here,” Trixie ordered, glad that flying vehicles were not confined solely to her world now that she thought of them. As intended, they had looted the Crusade’s gold from their internal bank to keep them, or who came after them, from using it for nefarious purposes. Outside of that only limited looting was allowed, and it mainly came down to stripping the Crusade of their ability to fight so that they would be no threat to the Undead and would be forced to retreat from this region rather than stay and fight. Other stealing was not prohibited, as they were not barbaric thieves.

“As you command, Lady Lulamoon.”

Since Reuenthal had the organization for departure handled, that meant that their main duties were all done for the time being. Trixie used this time to go visit a sleeping teenager who she had been semi-hiding from the Blood Elves, lest someone somehow recognize the former thief named Vanessa VanCleef.

Kneeling down beside the unconscious girl, Trixie brushed the many strands of stray hair out of the teenager’s eyes, “Vanessa, you did so much for me…”

If it had not been for Vanessa’s determination to repay Trixie for her kindness, Trixie was quite sure they would have died due to Dathrohan’s unexpected appearance. Seeing Vanessa go through pain no child ought to just to protect her...Trixie felt a warm feeling she recognized now. It was similar to the one she felt around Kael, and to a lesser extent Lavitz, Reuenthal, and Mitter’meyer…

She cared about Vanessa, much like how she remembered her own adoptive mother taking care of her.

“Thank you. I think I know now what Princess Luna felt when…”

Her voice trailed off when she realized Vanessa couldn’t hear her. Still, she was really just saying it for herself, and so Trixie just smiled as she decided right then that whether Vanessa wanted it or not, she was a part of their family and Trixie would do what she could for her.

Kael had followed after Trixie once he made sure with Reuenthal that everything was being taken care of, and seeing her smile down at Vanessa made him remember why he cared about Trixie. Despite all her bluster and smugness, Trixie had a good heart...it just needed something to bring it out now and again.

“How is she?”

Trixie looked up at Kael, still having the warm smile gracing her face, “She’ll be alright. She just needed to sleep after everything that happened.”

“I take it she’ll be coming with us, Lavitz, Dirge, and Karl?” Kael asked. They had decided that, with another map granted by the meticulous Reuenthal, that they would go to a number of regions where ‘dungeons’ were that they could train in and basically draw the fake-Kael’s forces through to slow them down. A small army would have a harder time slipping past unfriendly areas, and if they fought that would slow them too.

“I’d hope so. She needs someone to keep her from giving in to her despair,” Trixie explained as she ran a hand across Vanessa’s forehead, where sweat had formed when she began to writhe in pain and fear in her sleep.

Kael patted Trixie on the head and rustled her hair affectionately, “You should get some rest too. It’s been a long day.”

Feeling a yawn coming on, Trixie stretched her arms out, “You’re right about that.”

Going to sleep...Trixie sighed as she realized that it would probably be a less than deep sleep, much like Vanessa’s. There was a lot on her mind, and if past nights had been any indication she would possibly have dreamwalking get in the way...



Trixie brought her own hand up to touch his atop her head. Feeling his touch made her feel more relaxed, despite all the painful memories that had flooded through her that day. She was too tired to deal with them at the present moment though, so that would have to wait.

“Can we talk tomorrow?”

Kael looked down with some concern, “Of course. Why?”

“I’ve remembered so much...I need someone to talk to about it…”

The pained, yet wistful voice he heard made Kael understand what she was alluding to, and so he nodded before kneeling down and hugging Trixie.

“Anything for you.”

Later that night, as Reuenthal and Mitter’meyer were organizing their forces in a nearby town, it was found that one of their soldiers had stolen and pillaged against the exact orders of their King. Given the quantity of what they stole and the direct orders given to not engage in such activities, military doctrine called for their capital punishment.

Reuenthal had his entire force lined up behind him as he stared down the offender, who had been tied to a post in the town square. The man struggled in his bonds as his half-Elf superior with mismatched eyes stared him down and prepared to enact the punishment personally rather than through a proxy.

“Today we captured a base, and tomorrow we’re going to go start a war to steal a nation! Why is it that a Prince can steal and I can’t? How is it any different for him to steal a country and me to steal some gold and treasure!?”

Reuenthal gripped his pistol tightly as the insubordinate soldier continued to yell.

“How is he any better than me!?”

Enraged that the man would dare compare himself to their prince after committing a crime for the sake of greed, Reuenthal lifted his gun up to point at the man dozens of yards away.

“Then why don’t you take over the nation!”

The gunshot echoed and left a silence in its wake despite how many were standing there vigilantly, though what was said by Reuenthal caught the troubled man off guard.

Why don’t you take over the nation...

If power and talent was what determined what was right and wrong…

Reuenthal shook his head. No. Down that path lay a dark road that he would not entertain.

None would notice his hesitation following the gunshot, but what transpired would weigh heavily on him in the time to come.


The man’s eyes opened up instantly at the sound of his name. Standing at the front steps of the Monastery alone in the middle of the night, Reuenthal had been waiting for the early hours of the morning they would be leaving in to finally rest. He was exhausted, but his troubled mind was keeping him from yet sleeping. He would need to be completely devoid of energy to sleep in this state, and so he had resigned himself to sleeping on the first leg of the journey while letting Mitter’meyer use his skills to lead them swiftly towards their destination.

Turning around, Reuenthal noticed Trixie standing behind him. How had she managed to sneak up on him like that? Was he so tired he could not hear her footsteps, footsteps he had previously noticed were stronger than they ought to be for someone of her size?

Not about to let his distracted mind and exhaustion keep him from common courtesy, Reuenthal stood up and bowed to her, “Yes, my Lady?”

Trixie gave him a sad glance, “Is something the matter? Having trouble sleeping?”

Reuenthal did not answer her question directly, instead averting his mismatched eyes to the side, “I was just thinking.”

“A wounded mind left to fester alone cannot heal,” Trixie moved beside him and brought a hand up to touch his shoulder supportively, “Believe me…”

He was taken aback by the gesture, as well as by how Trixie just sat down on the steps he had been sitting on himself before. Once seated, she sighed and looked up at him with a sad smile.

“To earn our trust, you divulged very personal information about yourself. Know that it did its part... ” Trixie explained, “I’m sorry about what you went through.”

Not knowing what to say back while remaining polite, Reuenthal just let Trixie speak as he slowly went about taking his own seat again.

Trixie hung her head as she began to once again sift through the memories that had flooded past her before. Before she had wanted to remember...now she wanted in many ways to forget.

“My mother threw me out when I was a young child. I didn’t have a father or anyone else,” Trixie shook her head, “I may not have been shackled in a nobility that might mock me for what I was, but nobody cared who I was.”

Still unsure what to say, Reuenthal still could feel himself growing pity for his superior who was returning the gesture he once gave her to earn her trust. Was she trying to do the same? “Lady Lulamoon…”

“I got my start, really, when I was fed by an…” Trixie wondered if the word Wonderbolt would even mean anything to someone of this world, so she instead substituted it with its description, “Aerial acrobat who took pity on me. In return I showed him some magic, and learned that I could use it to amuse rather than just to steal apples and bread.”

Trixie snapped her fingers and a small lightshow flickered before her before quickly dying down.

Once it was finished, Trixie spoke again, her tone still sullen but also growing to have some outright pain in it, “My second mother was my mentor, and while she was far more loving, she was a selfish person because of dark magic lingering in her. She hurt me even when she didn’t mean to, though she tried her best for me.”

Trixie looked up at Reuenthal as she tried to fight back tears stemming from everything she had remembered. She had yet to sit down and tell Kael everything, but letting out a piece of it now was easier than the whole thing...and she felt that the lonely man could use it.

“Reuenthal, I know what it’s like to suffer. And while I’m sure Mitter’meyer is a great friend, he isn’t like either of us. He doesn’t know the pain we do because his life is so nice, so…normal,” Trixie poked at Reuenthal’s chest, “If I’m right in my suspicions, you keep your pain locked away even from him so you don’t disturb the beacon of happiness that is your best friend.”

Reuenthal sighed and hung his head as he realized that, as much as he did not want to admit it, the woman had pointed out something about him he knew to be true even if he had never thought about it, “You are a sharp woman.”

“Thank you. I try,” Trixie responded with a small laugh, her smug nature returning.

Given that she had just given him a personal piece of information to help him out with whatever was biting as his mind, Reuenthal felt obligated to show his gratitude, but he did not know how. He was unused to interacting with women he had no intention in bedding or giving orders, so his leader’s partner being kind to him in a friendly manner left him quite disarmed.

Hesitantly, Reuenthal spoke while not looking directly at Trixie, “I...I am stoic by nature. I do not tend to share my feelings or what have you,” After a small pause, he looked over to Trixie and smiled, “But...I appreciate the gesture.”

Trixie brought a hand up to his shoulder again and gave him a smile despite the weight her memories were bearing down on her, “You may be a pledged soldier beneath Kael, but don’t think you aren’t our friend too.”

She stood up, using his shoulder partially as an aid to do so, but once upright Trixie looked at him again and reaffirmed her smile, wiping away any traces of her pain.

“You’re not alone. Kael...Lavitz...Karl...Me...We’ve each dealt with our share of broken hearts and souls. It’s important to have those like Mitter’meyer to aspire to be like, to want to protect and enjoy the company of, but it’s the broken birds like us that need each other the most.”

Reuenthal closed his eyes as he contemplated what she was saying, “Shrewd words from a woman wise beyond her years.”

Trixie turned around and gave one last pat to her new friend’s shoulder before starting on her way to go back inside. She had woken up from a nightmare and needed to cool off when she found that someone else was doing something similar, “I need to rest again. Have a good night, Reuenthal. I hope you understand what it is I am saying. If you ever need an ear, I’m here for you. Just in case it’s a breach of station to talk to Kael.”

Once she was gone, Reuenthal looked up at the stars above him. Stars that he wished in his wild ambition to touch and reach.

While he was still dealing with the feelings he had resulting from what he said to the executed soldier, he felt some comfort knowing that someone for once other than Mitter’meyer actually cared in any form for him.

“That woman…”

He smiled to himself devilishly as he realized that merely calling her a woman was incorrect. She was more than that: she was the one he one day hoped to see beside Kael’thas Sunstrider leading their people.

“No. My Queen is more correct. Prince Kael’thas would be foolish to take any other, and if the betting pool is any indication we all are aware of this.”

Having spoken to a friend that night who understood the type of heavy emotions and conflict he knew so well, Reuenthal found it easy to drift off to sleep finally, his mind less cluttered with the dark thoughts that tried then to plague it.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading, and I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below! Sorry again for the delay, and I hope at least a tenth of the foreshadowing has been caught by you guys!

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