• Published 15th Jan 2015
  • 4,723 Views, 1,358 Comments

Equestria Was Merely a Setback! - Thunderscourge

Trixie, stranded from Equestria and in a mysterious land named Azeroth, tries to get by day by day...but it'd be easier if there weren't so many Crack Elves, zombies, and pesky gnomes getting in her way! Comedy/satire crossover with World of Warcraft

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Meta 3: Picture This!

A/N: Special thanks to monaman, Sidetrack, the other sans, Amethyst Blade, Housecarl of Clan Drops, Booster Spice, GamerGoddessDin, and Kitsuja for your comments last chapter! I do hope to hear from you in the coming chapters, and I hope you all continue to enjoy!

I'm going to be a bit busy with real life for a little bit, but I wanted to give you all something so here is another of my meta bits for you all.

Expect many, many pictures.

Hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

To begin with, some music!

Character songs for this coming arc:


Trixie has awakened her connection and teachings from Princess Luna, so expect her to unleash that power upon her foes now, especially since she won't have to hold back against the Undead like she likes doing against living foes. Trixie may still be a goof, but she is going to wreck those she comes across who aren't too far above her in level.

Jerid vs Vanessa

It's an AMV for the former, since in his own series he is hunting a child to take revenge for them killing everyone he cares about, and so he and Vanessa are going to be going at it pretty fiercely. Jerid's character arc is a mirror of that of Vanessa, someone who is a bit of a jerk who lost people they care about and seeking vengeance. How Vanessa responds will determine her character growth, for now she's on the receiving end of blind fury. The song also works in reverse however as Vanessa's issues with wrath will see her retaliating. Since I do love mirroring original character arcs however, do be warned that if one takes a fine tooth comb look through this video that they may figure out where certain future chapters will go. :raritywink:

It's taken a bit of build up, but now the rivalry begins.


While Jerid is a personal threat to Vanessa, the one that will be a larger threat to the group as a whole will not be him but rather his ally Avitus, whose cynicism will bring him to complete odds with our hopeful heroes and cause him to be relentless in not only pursuing them but killing them outright rather than waste any time messing with them. He is not Mograine and will not waste his efforts to try and personally gain from the matter, he just will unleash a never ending hail of fury (aka, gunfire) down upon his foes. Tense times will arise from this, and it wouldn't be out of the question to think that his standoffish nature will bring him to blows not only with foes but with allies as well.

Now, I know what people are thinking after last chapter...


And I know, right? It took long enough...though...

In my very first drafts of the overarching story, Trixie and Kael wouldn't get together until after the initial Burning Crusade material, but given that I have had major plot rewrites since then (mostly as I come up with ideas on how to expand previously small or minor things) and things have gone in a way that I thought it'd be stupid not to have them get together, they are together now.

Now, there's something I don't do, and that is love drama. This can be seen by how I framed the romance in the first place: it hasn't been "will they or won't they", it was "when will they". Even the inclusion of Jaina is not there to be a third wheel instigator of a love triangle, but rather to be there as a part of the major lore of the setting. Man I hate love triangles. So now that Trixie and Kael are together, don't expect them to go through any stupid drama. Kael's the sort that can hang in there and still love a woman who has no affection whatsoever for him, so him actually having his feelings returned by Trixie means basically eternal devotion. On the flip side, Trixie is so starved for validation and love that she will sponge whatever feelings are given her way by him and return them in full. So we have a mutually beneficial relationship here, and this is really just me letting you all know that now that it's a thing, I won't be going back on it or pulling any stupid relationship drama. Will they agree on everything or never get mad? No, but that's just how people work.

I know I've had my love for other series and things ruined by writers placing unnecessary relationship drama in it, so I'm not going to do that to you all.

We are currently at stage 5 of this. Let us wait for stage 6.

Couple of things to look forward to in our coming arc without spoiling too much...

Some people are going to die. :scootangel:

Instead of a large, multiple chapter spanning dungeon expect one or two chapter dungeons in terms of content. This way we get a larger sampling while still getting a taste for them. Also, expect to see some more major cities such as Orgrimmar and Undercity.

Oh, and the Crusaders are coming for them. Think of them as enemy aligned player characters occupying the same space as our dear protagonists, in that they will be enemies of most nearly everything the protagonists come across as well, but they will be trying to kill the protagonists while they do their thing in different dungeons and places.

Oh, this made me think, and how about we do some character images again? Here are ones who have had recent mention or will have some kind of importance soon, so you have a vivid image to associate with each of them.

Trixie Lulamoon, Princess of Equestria

Trixie with Princess Luna

Kael'thas Sunstrider, Leader of the Blood Elves

Vanessa VanCleef, Leader of the Defias Brotherhood

Lavitz Slambert, Knight of Stormwind

Karl, Hired Mercenary and former SI-7 Agent

Dirge, Defector from the Scarlet Crusade

Nana, Team Pet turned Child (younger one in image)

Cookie, Vanessa's Murloc and cook

Grand Moff Tarkin, Emissary from Equestria

Aria Blaze, Criminal earning freedom by serving Grand Moff Tarkin

Adagio Dazzle, Criminal earning freedom by serving Grand Moff Tarkin

Aria and Adagio

Jerid Messa, Scarlet Crusader

Mouar Pharoah, Scarlet Crusader

Jerid and Mouar

Avitus, The Blood Raven of the Scarlet Crusade

Renault Mograine, former Commander of the Scarlet Monastery

Sally Whitemane, High Inquisitor of the Scarlet Crusade

Mograine and Whitemane

Brigitte Abbendis, present leader of the Scarlet Crusade

Saidan Dathrohan, Missing Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Crusade

Oskar von Reuenthal, Co-leader of the renegade Outland forces

Mitter'meyer, Co-leader of the renegade Outland forces

Mitter'meyer and Evangelin

Sayaka Miki, supposed fan of Trixie's (true motivations unclear)

Kazuma Kuwabara, Useful idiot who stumbled into the wrong universe thanks to Hela's manipulating events

Anavel, former soldier under the Kael'thas Sunstrider of Tempest Keep

Tony, Karl's brother and technical adviser in Outland

Chromie, Member of the Bronze Dragonflight

Jaina Proudmoore, Mage of the Kirin Tor

Varian Wrynn, Missing King of Stormwind

Anduin Wrynn, Prince of Stormwind

Lady Prestor, Royal Adviser of Stormwind

Bolvar Fordragon, Regent of Stormwind

Thrall, Warchief of the Horde and leader of the Orcs

Sylvanas Windrunner, Leader of the Forsaken

Varimathras, Adviser of Sylvanas

Lor'themar Theron, Regent of Silvermoon City

Kargath Bladefist, Warchief of the "True" Horde and servant of Illidan

Illidan Stormrage, Leader of the Illidari of Outland

Garithos, Deceased leader of the Humans of the Eastern Kingdoms

Arthas Menethil The Lich King, Leader of the Scourge

Helya, Ruler of Helheim

Edwin VanCleef, Former leader of the Defias Brotherhood

Yang Wen-li, Innkeeper

Princess Luna, Ruler of Equestria, Asgard, and Jotunheim

Loki, Trickster God and Ruler of Asgard, Jotunheim, and Equestria

Luna and Loki

I'm Hela sure I forgot some people, but the above list is pretty big as it is and I think it's alright for the time being. We have a giant cast!

Now, something else that might be on people's minds:

Is Lavitz actually Vanessa's uncle? Was Dirge correct?

Yes, Dirge was correct, because Dirge may be a canon character who has yet to reveal his true identity, but his OC bits are drawn from Doctor House and thus in turn come from Sherlock Holmes (who House is based after). I've been working at hinting it for quite awhile, but Lavitz has a sister in this universe (unlike his original) and both he and his mother don't like talking about her. This can be seen when they visit Lavitz's house and Kael notices some things like Lavitz having a picture of his family which happens to include said sister.

The characters of the story are all interconnected in their own ways. Funnily enough, it's not that they are all connected mainly to Trixie or Kael, but rather many of them branch off of Vanessa in one way or another...though this makes sense in the way that Kael is specifically hiding from the people who really know him, and Trixie is in a new land so people don't have many direct connections to her yet. So, as the third most important character, Vanessa is the one who has the most connections: first to Reuenthal as the man who slew her father, next to Lavitz as the brother of her mother, and there are more that I am waiting for people to notice. There's another major one that will make a coming arc quite hilarious.

I decided to use Reuenthal as a basic adventurer of the Vanilla World of Warcraft material such as the original low level Deadmines, since Kael and Trixie's little adventure doesn't start at the beginning of Classic/Vanilla WoW but rather towards its end: someone had to have done the material they didn't do, and I wanted a face to put on it. Furthermore, it ties into his original universe incarnation's character to have a woman seeking revenge on him, so it made him an even better candidate for being on the receiving end of a revenge plotline.

For Lavitz, he is a simple but great character at heart as a best friend and loyal knight, the guy you want by your side on an adventure...but he didn't have much beyond that since he's from an old JRPG with a large cast and his story is really just on the first disc of a four disc game. So, by giving him a single extra family member I have given him room for growth: he sees his sister in Vanessa, and a knight of Stormwind is now trying to look after a member of the Defias, their sworn enemies. It won't be easy though for him, since Vanessa already has a bond to Trixie (and by proxy, Kael) so she isn't as willing to get over her pride to receive Lavitz's familial affection since she is already receiving it from another source. If she was starved of it she would begrudgingly latch onto him, but in their present situation Lavitz is going to have to try and earn his niece's love.

The next major connection? I already gave my hints, so I'd just say to look at hair and eye color. And irony. I'm big on irony. :trollestia: Just remember everyone, I do. But you've already probably picked up on that. :rainbowlaugh:

It was noted by someone last time that Chromie was in Vanessa's notebook, and for that there is a good and simple explanation...but I apologize that you may have to wait awhile before we get to that. It was just a hint of future things to come, but time warping shenanigans will ensue.

If you really want another clue, I put it back at Chromie's first appearance at the arena. No, I'm not kidding. Go look and search carefully. Then you'll be like super ahead in knowledge. :rainbowlaugh:

Oh, returning to the subject of Romance, expect to get some clues as to where perhaps some other romances will be going now that the Trixie/Kael one is locked in.

For the pairings, expect them to be either straightforward or delve into the realm of my love for irony. :twilightsmile: I'll leave it up to you all to figure out what that means, but I will be giving bits and hints to that effect soon.

One example though of a romance is one that's happening so offscreen it's in another story! Luna married Loki from Marvel? When did that happen? Well, I kind of have an entire story based around that, which culminated in Trixie going to Hel, meeting Kael, people shipping them, and me creating this story for the two of them, so I'd recommend going and reading that if you want a quick answer. :rainbowlaugh: If you don't though, don't worry, I've got you covered. All will be unveiled with time, I just need to do it bit by bit since you all could see how difficult it is to do just plain exposition for awhile.

In Loki's own myths though he has a child with a horse, so I kind of just twisted them to my own needs. :rainbowlaugh:

So, Helheim, am I right? What's up with that?

Well, if one looks back one will see that I have been very insistent from the very start that Trixie's referring to "Hel" rather than "Hell" was on purpose. The best way I can explain it is that the "Hell" of this setting is an amalgamation of the many different Hells, Hels, Hades, and other things of the sort from across the multiverse. There are entities who control each of the sections, such as Helya controlling the Helheim connected to Azeroth but not the Helheim connected to Asgard. The Asgardian one is controlled by a woman known as Hela, who is the daughter of Loki and Luna and who is a timeless embodiment of death itself. She is the top god in terms of "Hell", and she came to set things straight when Helya tried to wrongfully claim Trixie's soul, enlisting in her aid a Night Elf who died before he was ever born, a man who has fought demons and been to a hellish realm (Kuwabara), and an angel of sorts who has experience with death itself. Perhaps if she had more time she could have used her powers to bring more souls to aid her against Helya, but she kind of was in a rush since Helya was already having her Kavaldir (the giants) going after Trixie.

If one thinks for a moment, Hela's rush to aid Trixie is curious thanks to Trixie remembering being tortured by Hela the last time she was in a Helheim, but may come a bit clearer when one remembers they are sisters by marriage: Luna took Trixie in and made her a Princess underneath her, meaning that Trixie has a direct tie to the top god of Death.

Keeping that in mind, one may begin to see why she might be so special compared to the others in Azeroth. It is not the complete picture, but it is a piece of the puzzle to keep in mind.

It is also why every single party member they have had and nearly every single referenced character in the story so far (not 100%, but many of them) died in their own series. Don't believe me? Lavitz, Reuenthal, Karl, Vanessa (allegedly, revealed just recently in Legion to be alive), Kael'thas himself, Tarkin...the list goes on, but Trixie is currently surrounded by people who should be dead. Not only are they out of place in terms of where they are, but they ought to be suffering in Hel or living nicely off in Valhalla right now, but instead they are here with Trixie on her quest to make the most of this second chance of a life.

While I intend to follow character arcs as they were in their original series, don't expect things to be automatically like how they were there. I mean, Karl died in his debut appearance in Die Hard right before he could kill the hero (or in this instance, Mograine) yet here he stands. So just because they died in their origin series doesn't mean they have a death sentence here...but similarly just because someone ought to live doesn't mean they will do so here.

And yes, I do think so far ahead to have set Sayaka's appearance up nearly thirty chapters ago when I included her at the arena. :rainbowlaugh: I tend to do stuff like that a lot whenever possible.

Oh, and in case anyone was curious what the monster she summoned looks like, if you can't make it out accurately in her picture above, here it is.

Only requires the sacrifice of your heart! :heart:

Author's Note:

That's all for this time! It took awhile to compile all of those images after all.

Hope you enjoyed this little discussion of some of what is going on, and I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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