• Published 15th Jan 2015
  • 4,723 Views, 1,358 Comments

Equestria Was Merely a Setback! - Thunderscourge

Trixie, stranded from Equestria and in a mysterious land named Azeroth, tries to get by day by day...but it'd be easier if there weren't so many Crack Elves, zombies, and pesky gnomes getting in her way! Comedy/satire crossover with World of Warcraft

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Level 34-35: Walk it Off

A/N: Special thanks to the other sans, Housecarl of Clan Drops, and EchoWing for commenting since last time, as actually hearing back from you guys was much appreciated. I was really worried after awhile I was only going to get the one comment...then Housecarl came in, and Echo is a newer reader but at least it was some form of feedback. Was kind of depressing to get more views on another story's chapter in five minutes than this one got in two weeks despite this one taking far more effort to make, but I guess that's just how the dice fall with stories...

In any case, I hope you all enjoy, and I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

“Tell me, Agent, what do you know of the one we are following?”

“What do you want to know? How she’s a pathetic traitor?”

“I do not believe that tricking would-be criminals such as yourselves into trusting her, then defeating you and ruining your plans against Equestria is true betrayal given that you first were betraying your homeland.”

“Semantics, whatever, that doesn’t change the fact that she went nuts with the power she took from me.”

“From us.”

“Whatever, Aria, I already apologized for taking yours!”

“You will stop this insolent behavior at once. Now, answer my question.”

“What do you want to know? That her mother was some abusive fiend? That she hero-worships a former villain you now work for, named Princess Luna? Or how about the fact that she apparently found an Elf in Hel and decided to take him with her?”

“Perhaps if we analyze her relationship with the secondary target we can better locate them…”

Telonicus did not heed Trixie’s warning, and after repositioning himself and Sylvanas so that they could avoid Trixie’s next volley of magic he paused to straighten out his armor. The force behind Trixie’s attack had pushed pieces out of place and kept his black suit from meshing together as it should, though little in the way of actual damage could be seen on it.

Because he did not heed Trixie’s warning, as Telonicus prepared to use Sylvanas to beat Trixie into the ground he saw a purple glow in the hands of his foe. He could not see any magic attack incoming from her, so he paid it little mind, and so paid for his arrogance when a powerful blow rained down on the back of his head.

Trixie shifted her arms to continue her telekinesis, swerving the magic infused hammer of Grand Crusader Dathrohan they had stolen from its bag to smash into Teleonicus from behind and then into Sylvanas too as the latter spun while Telonicus moved his controls erratically upon the powerful strike he suffered.

After the hammer sailed past Sylvanas and right into Trixie’s palm, the Elf let out a haughty laugh one might expect of a noblewoman and twirled the hammer around with a seeming skill and experience rather than natural dexterity.

"Uncle would be so proud."

Having just returned along with the remaining missing members of their group, Kael heard Trixie say this and was instantly taken out of the current situation and became focused on what Trixie just said. Had she remembered enough to know of her family back home?

"You have an uncle?"

Trixie shrugged, since technically the answer was no as far as she knew, but she did have an adoptive family she picked up before coming here.

"Yes, well a step-uncle, but that's a story for another time. My step-father is more of a magic user, but his brother is quite fond of his hammer," she smirked and held the hammer up into the air, where Trixie summoned a cloud that then struck the hammer with lightning. The electricity stayed in its tip and sparks could be seen jolting out from the weapon, “Time to make them both proud of me, even if they can’t see this.”

During this exchange Telonicus had been fixing his helmet, which had been struck so hard as to half turn around on his head and thus obscure his vision. It had also been dented given the weapon’s massive power caused by its former wielder’s magical enchantments, and so the Elf lackey was suffering a severe pain in his temple from where the dented metal had smashed into his hair and scalp.

When Telonicus finally managed to fix his helmet’s position so as to see out of it again, albeit not perfectly since it was not 100% in the correct spot, he was made privy to a lightning storm crashing down both from the cloud and from out of the hammer. It had been Trixie’s plan to short circuit his controlling device, but unfortunately the engineer had crafted it to be resistant to such damage, rendering her attack useless in its purpose…but it still ended sending a jolt down the man whose irritation was rising at how this pathetic woman was making a fool of him.

He drew a pistol he had crafted as well and took a shot at Trixie that would have actually caught her between the eyes, if she had actually remained where she was and not vanished entirely. He turned as he heard another sound and caught a hammer swing to the cheek, though now that his guard was not entirely lowered he was able to tank the hit far better than the initial one. His jaw ached, but he just ignored it to point his pistol at her again and fire into her gut.

The back of his leg pained him as the reverse side of his knee was impacted and shocked by another hammer strike. If Trixie held as much power in her as Telonicus did the attack may have put an actual dent in his fighting capability, but instead she was coasting off the weapon’s own power and thus only managed to force him down on one knee as he recovered from the strike.

Lashing out wildly, Telonicus struck Trixie across the chin with a gauntleted fist as she attempted to teleport in front of him to land an upward swing of her hammer right across his chin. If it had been a weaker person it may have just broken their jaw, knocked out their teeth, and maybe even killed them, but Trixie took it all in stride and after spiraling back a step she swung her stolen hammer straight for the man’s face again.

With greater agility than Trixie without her quick teleportation, Telonicus caught her hand and wrist and stopped her attack before she could land the attack. With her in his grip, he hoisted her up into the air and pointed his pistol up into where her neck and head met. Remembering a moment later that he was supposed to bring her in alive, he tossed her onto the ground and swiftly kicked her gut with one reinforced boot.

"Teleportation in such rapid succession..." he wiped blood from his mouth and then kicked her so hard that Trixie tumbled over, at which point he began to stomp harshly on her back and spine, "You are not just merely Blinking from one position to another. You have tied illusions into your attacks. I did not expect so much from a novice, but now I know better."

His attempt to stomp Trixie into unconsciousness was interrupted when he was struck in the side by a fireball the size of his body: Kael had faith his attack would not harm Trixie as much as what this powerful foe would if he were to just let him continue beating down on her, so he would ask forgiveness for any damage he caused her later.

When the fire subsided, Telonicus let out a laugh that sent a chill down Kael’s spine, a chill that worsened when he realized he had done next to nothing to his foe thanks to the magic powers imbued in the man’s armor. While not resistant to normal attacks like Lavitz’s was, this armor the man wore was quite capable of resisting fire, a result perhaps of the tinkerer’s fear of his lord titled “The Sun King/Prince”.

Irritated not only that his opponent was powerful enough to overpower Trixie so severely, but also take a powerful hit like that and be completely fine, “Okay, just who are you?”

Kicking Trixie over with such force that she crashed over into Kael’s legs, Telonicus picked his pistol up and took aim at the ‘fake’ Kael though kept from firing until he could introduce himself, his spare hand lightly controlling Sylvanas to continue attacking the others, “I am the Master Engineer of the Blood Elves, the great Telonicus, appointed by Kael’thas Sunstrider himself, and now tasked with the goal of handling the man who falsely proclaims himself to be the Sun King!”

Kael helped Trixie to her feet, his partner having lost her breath and thus leaving him to respond with a tilt of the head, “I never appointed you anything, though I’ll probably give Tony that title when I get around to it,” once Trixie could stand on her own, Kael shot a glare at Telonicus as the man missed a gunshot: Trixie had teleported both herself and Kael to a few feet away, “You don’t get out much, do you? A more practiced combatant would have killed us by now with the tools you appear to possess.”

Vexed that he not only missed but that he was being mocked at the exact same moment, Telonicus unloaded his remaining ammo while growling at Kael.

“Silence! I’ll show you—”

His aim went awry due to something biting down on his hand and altering the position of his fingers. It did not cause him actual pain, but he did struggle to fight off the toothy bite he was receiving thanks to a Mana Wyrm.

“What are you doing you filthy animal!?” he shook his hand, and to his displeasure he noticed that the animal had clamped its mouth down on some rings he was wearing. When he managed to throw the Mana Wyrm aside, the rings slipped off his fingers along with it, “Those are mine! Give them back!”

In an act of defiance, Nana shook them side to side to throw them in every which direction, prompting Trixie to give a pained laugh.

“Good Nana!”

Telonicus grabbed at the closest of the rings, but his attempt to retrieve it failed because it was grabbed, and swallowed, by Nana first. The man shook with anger as he tried to grab the small creature, failing due to its slippery nature and his diminishing ability to think and aim his attacks thanks to his complete fury.

“That was my Ring of Shapeshifting! Do you know how many Druids I had to go through for that? Do you know how hard it was to create something like that!?” realizing he could not retrieve it as the Wyrm slipped away from him time and time again, Telonicus gave up and focused his attention back on the actual battle, “Fine, whatever, I didn’t need it anyways…required too much mana to be useful as it was.”

Nana’s attack had an unintended effect, and that was the inspiration of another animal to assault Telonicus. The engineer soon found his shin being assaulted by a rolling pin as a small fish creature assaulted him furiously…to no effect.

“What is this, a Murloc? I am Grand Engineer Telonicus, not some zookeeper!” Telonicus punted Cookie away, “Perish!”

“An engineer, huh?”

While Telonicus and his pet Sylvanas had been busy fighting the others, one member of Trixie’s group had slipped away to quickly concoct a special poison for the occasion. Now done with the alchemical process, Vanessa had returned and slipped a dagger through a gap in Telonicus’s armor to his shock as she appeared as if from thin air.

“If I wasn’t going to make you suffer for the rest of your short lifespan, I might ask you to fix a certain robot for me,” cold fury crept into Vanessa’s voice as she twisted the blade that was impaling her foe, “You met him at Deadmines, isn’t that right?”

Despite the pain he felt, Telonicus managed to backhand the teenager and drive her back. The dagger remained in his abdomen, causing him to look down at it and recognize its shape.

“Ragnaros the Firelord’s dagger? However did a whelp like you come to possess such a powerful tool?”

Vanessa recovered from the strike she received and launched forward to try and drive the blade deeper in her enemy, sparing her unwillingness to kill on this occasion for the man who had helped lead to the ruin of her makeshift family and the deaths of so many she cared about. The straightforward nature of her attack let Telonicus, possessing greater agility even than the swift Rogue, remove the dagger from his body and slam its handle into her on the way out of him.

His opponent stunned briefly, Telonicus smashed the handle across her face and knocked her to the ground a dozen feet away. Such was the strength difference, even though Vanessa was the most powerful of their group in terms of raw fighting potential, “Come back when you’re a bit older kid. I’m not fighting brats and pets, such a task is beneath me…” he gestured to Sylvanas, whose blurry movements were tearing into each of the rest of the party. One moment she would be beating down Kael savagely, and another she would be strangling their healer Dirge, “But just fine for a puppet like this!”

The deaths of so many she cared for still fresh on her mind and the wounds still deep on her soul, Vanessa did not even seem to care about the damage she had incurred thus far and shot to her feet to press her attack again.

“You hired the Defias to capture her!” she used her spare dagger to try and stab at his throat, but he parried it with the stolen orange-red blade of Ragnaros, “But idiots looking for the bounty on her head slaughtered us while we were dealing with Kael’thas. What the hell were you thinking?!”
He smashed down her dagger and attempted to slit her throat with the twice stolen blade, but his attack cut through air rather than flesh, “It doesn’t matter who brings us her as long as it happens, the others are all expendable.”

His callous words pushed her further over the edge, and so Vanessa in her dodging motion felt no remorse in picking up his since discarded pistol to fire the weapon point blank into his body. The first two shot hit as intended, but he managed to knock her arm away with a powerful swing of his own. As he bled from his own wound, Telonicus grabbed her wrist and clenched it tight enough to begin breaking the bones beneath his gauntlet.

Vanessa growled painfully as she received a kick to her side that, in addition to the grip on her wrist, dislocated her shoulder. Fortunately for her, the poison she had hastily concocted was finally beginning to show its powers, and Telonicus stumbled as he felt himself grow rigid. His movements became more lumbering and less than a complete blur to his foes as the poison sapped his strength, resulting in him accidently releasing Vanessa as his original grip faded along with his power.

Even with one arm hanging limply at her side, Vanessa pressed this newest advantage and stabbed furiously at his black armor, “Ripsnarl and the others are dead because of you!”

Her attack made contact as the Elf continued to try and adjust to his new status, though an accidental stumble by Telonicus kept her from burying the blade in any vital region. She followed this attack up with a combination of slashes and stabs that kept Telonicus on his feet as Vanessa began to press him back.

Once he had settled into his current sluggish state of being, Telonicus blocked one of Vanessa’s attacks at the cost of the dagger he had taken: Vanessa caught it in the air between them, though this divided attention allowed for him to smash his head down into hers and knock her back. She fumbled to hold both daggers in the one hand, and so she ended up dropping her smaller one which was quickly taken by Telonicus to fight back against her.

“It’s not as if the Defias isn’t used to being wiped out. I mean, after what the mongrel bastard did to your father and his cohorts, you all ought to be pretty skilled at it by now!”

The reference to the first Deadmines battle that had caused the Defias Brotherhood to nearly be wiped out actually gave Vanessa pause even as it riled her up: what did this fool know about it?

“Mongrol?” Vanessa almost stopped completely at the odd descriptor he ascribed to the man who defeated her father, but by her next attack she had regained the furor she was fighting with, “Who was it?!”

“Oh, you don’t know?” he cackled, “Inform me, kid, what do I get from telling you? Seeing you so worked up is so much better!”

While avoiding Vanessa’s relentless pursuit and attacks, Telonicus continued to toy with her companions as he had Sylvanas try and kill each of them, only to fall short of the killing blow due to the intervention of one after the other aiding them.

“Each moment you fight, your loved ones suffer! How will it feel to lose your family for what, the third, fourth time depending on how we’re counting?”

Vanessa glanced over and could see that he was not actually wrong, with Sylvanas in one swift motion stabbing an arrow right through Lavitz’s thick armor, then taking another to try and stab at his neck. Timely aid from Kael kept the Human’s neck from being run through as well, but the man still fell over from having been impaled by an arrow whose magic burned him.

Telonicus could not help but revel in the fall of one foe, even if they were not actually dead yet, “And so ends Servi’s pathetic family! It is so sad to think that an accomplished Warrior’s only legacy will be his poor imitation of a son and harlot of a daughter.”

The wound would not end up fatal due to a quick series of healing spells cast upon the knight by Dirge, who began to help the other man up.

“You will be alright. Sylvanas is fighting his control and is not as powerful as she would otherwise be. If that was not the case, you would have died faster than any healer could fix you.”

Lavitz nodded in thanks to the man and also in agreement to what he had said: he could not afford to allow any more would-be lethal hits lest he not be saved in time by their sole healer.

“She is on an entirely different level…”

As this happened Vanessa’s fight with the one pulling Sylvanas’s strings was reaching a critical point as their attacks each came closer to harming the other. Vanessa was nearly dancing around her opponent as she sought to attack the weak points in his armor, only for her handicap to keep her from doing so: her more primary arm was the one that had been dislocated, and while she was still skilled with the other she was truly a two handed fighter and so she was at a disadvantage just as her foe was. Only, while they might both be handicapped, Telonicus had started off better than her thanks to the equipment he wore, so he currently had the upper hand.

An upper hand he used to land a savage blow to her good arm as she simultaneously landed an attack on him, the result of the exchange being that a sickening snap was to be heard as the bones in Vanessa’s arm broke while her dagger buried itself in his upper body.

With both her arms disabled, Telonicus took a moment to breathe and then laugh at her condition, thinking her quite literally disarmed for the time being. He was in pain too, but the same poison that was dulling his strength and senses also was keeping him from completely feeling it.

The moment he paused though was used by Vanessa to move forward, grab her dagger with her teeth, and then slash across his chest with it. He gasped as his armor was actually torn by the dagger, and it was not until she had slashed him yet again that he kneed her in the gut and grabbed the teenager to hoist her up in the air where she would be unable to continue such an attack.

Vanessa’s struggling caused him to lose his grip, but he caught her again by her short (for a girl) hair and lifted her up by that. He brought the dagger he had taken from her earlier up against her spine and prepared to taunt her one last time when she forced one shoulder against his arm forcefully, kicked him in the gut to put some distance between them, and then twisted herself around his arm to grab with her excruciatingly painfully fixed arm the dagger still buried in his chest.

Telonicus whipped her back into place by pulling on her as he held his grip even tighter, though his next attempt to stab her literally in the back was paused when he realized she was bringing her dagger up towards her head. Cut her hair to free herself, Telonicus rationalized, and so he smirked at her attempt to gain freedom from his grip.

“Cutting your—”

The blade plunged not into her raven hair, but into the hand holding it. Vanessa fell down and wasted no time in twisting around to plunge her dagger into his leg, while Telonicus cursed as his hand bled.

Vanessa had another objective though in stabbing that hand, and she soon seized an opportunity afforded to her: he had been holding Sylvanas’s controls with the same hand as he had Vanessa’s head, something she felt when grabbed, so when he dropped the girl he also dropped it.

Simply put, Vanessa stabbed her dagger down with as much force as she could muster into the mechanical device.

Telonicus heard the machine explode as its technological and magical components began to malfunction, and he looked down in horror as Vanessa rolled away from the mess, “Wait, what…”

He dropped the dagger he was holding to try and hastily stop his creation from blowing up, but it did so, and it did so in his face: its explosion nearly knocked him off his feet, and a well-placed arrow the moment afterward actually managed to.

The other battle, the one sided massacre that could not even truly be seen by those being beaten down, had ended with Sylvanas’s freedom, and she had taken no time at all to exact some of her planned vengeance against the man who dared to take control of her.

“I don’t have time for your games…” the blue skinned Undead hissed, “Telonicus, tell me, what made you think that you would get away with such a dirty trick?”

“I…” Telonicus muttered to himself as he pulled out another contraption of his own creation, this one appearing to be a small box with a button on it, “This isn’t the last you’ve heard of me!”

He pressed the button, and in the next moment the Elf had disappeared completely, no doubt having teleported or otherwise having removed himself from the area since not even the skilled Hunter Sylvanas could sense his presence any longer.

“How many devices does that fool carry with him? Can he not fight with his own strength?”

Sylvanas received no answer given that everyone else was dead tired or nearly dead around her due to her recent battle from which she emerged basically unscathed. Vanessa had collapsed post-victory, and the only one still actually standing was Trixie, who had been the one who set into motion Telonicus’s defeat by stalling him long enough for Vanessa to poison him. Still, without both of their contributions he would not have been defeated, while if it had not been for the protection afforded by Lavitz, Kael, and Karl they all would have died, as well as the healing from Dirge.

Since she was the only one capable of receiving thanks at the moment, Sylvanas turned to Trixie and decided she was worthy of them in the given scenario, “Thank you for freeing me from Telonicus’s technology. What is your name, girl, and for what purpose do you linger in my territory?”

Despite being winded and wounded both, Trixie tried to remain dignified as she gave a polite bow, “Trixie Lulamoon, Apprentice of Princess Luna of Equestria. I am a Great and Powerful magician who has come quite a long way to this land, and I now work with the true Kael’thas Sunstrider to reclaim his throne. We came here as a task handed to us from Stormwind’s nobility to defeat the Scarlet Crusade at the Monastery to weaken their stronghold on the continent, in return opening the table for negotiations down the road by having earned Stormwind’s trust.”

Sylvanas snorted at the explanation, not only because she knew not of any ‘Equestria’ or Princess Luna, but also for Trixie’s reasoning for being there, “You would work with the Alliance? Your people are beholden to the Horde, as are mine.”

Trixie shrugged, figuring that if Sylvanas was to feel like killing them there was nothing they could do anyways presently, “I have not truly encountered this ‘Horde’ yet and hold no loyalty to it, while Kael seeks to partner with whomever will grant his people peace.”

“That would explain the Stormwind Knight in your ranks,” Sylvanas’s eyes darted from Lavitz to Vanessa, “And the Human girl…a Defias member if I am not mistaken?”

Trixie put herself between them and held a protective arm out, “A girl I have taken under my wing by the name of Hope. You need not concern yourself with her.”

“Very well,” Sylvanas pointed to Kael lazily, who was barely conscious and bleeding from his forehead, “I would have words with your companion, but he does not appear to be in the mood. What do you intend to do where you are headed?”

“There is a group of Scourge necromancers and the like who we seek to defeat in a place called Scholomance east of here. The more attention we draw to ourselves, the less attention will be paid to the army we have, so we will conquer it and draw more like Telonicus to come after us. So long as Kael lives, they’ll want him dead, and their interest will remain so long as we stand in the spotlight of the world.”

“Crafty…” Sylvanas smirked at the misdirection this group was causing by merely existing away from its army. After a moment of thought Sylvanas realized that she was about to be done a favor by these wanderers who were trying to just create as much of a ruckus as they could, “And if you can wipe those idiots out I would appreciate it. Come to me when you are finished and you may even receive a reward for doing the Horde a favor. I hear recently they’ve stolen some bones from our own graveyards, not to mention some kind of special acquisition.”

That caught Trixie’s interest, “Special?”

“A green dragon of some sort I believe. Arthas uses undead Wyrms in his army, so they likely intend to harness the power of this one as well. I wouldn’t know more than that, since my aide Varimathras is the one who has kept an eye on them. Demons don’t tend to like their wayward slaves after all, just as Arthas detests my kind.”

Trixie smirked as she held out a palm for Sylvanas to shake, “It’s a deal then, we’ll come to Undercity when we’ve wiped out the Scourge dungeon. Will we have the opportunity to see more of the Horde there?”

Sylvanas ignored the gesture as she turned her back and began to depart, ready to put this…troublesome encounter behind her, “My city is far more crowded than that ghost town you Elves call Silvermoon. You’ll see your Horde, and perhaps come to recognize its strength: it is not something you should wish to draw the ire of.”

Before disappearing completely into the woods, Sylvanas turned around and looked with her red glowing eyes straight at Trixie in a manner which unnerved the latter for reasons she could not explain.

“Farewell, Lulamoon…keep the Princeling alive if you can. It would be a shame if that romantic fool meets his end before I can share my mind with him on some choice subjects.”

Once the leader of the Undead had departed Trixie rushed over to the sides of her friends, who were all groaning and moaning from the savage beating they just endured from the Undead elf.

“Are you all okay?”

“We’ll live…” Lavitz coughed once before forcing himself to his feet, at which point he patted Trixie on the shoulder, “You fought well. It seems your skillset has increased quite a bit since we first met.”

“Just remembering old tricks. Nothing to it, I am the best magician there is after all,” Trixie boasted in an attempt to cheer herself up.

“You should check on Kael. I’m sure he would appreciate it,” Lavitz whispered down to her as he nodded over to where Kael rest face-first on the ground and was trying to get up to no avail, “I’ll help out Vanessa, and Dirge seems to be working on Karl.”

Agreeing to this plan, Trixie moved over to her partner and helped him up and on to his back so that he no longer was forced to taste the grass and dirt of the forest, “How’s my favorite meatshield?”

Kael wanted to smile at her joke, but he was in too much pain to display his appreciation for the humor, “In terrible, agonizing pain. Sylvanas was as strong…maybe stronger than Dathrohan. I’m fortunate that idiot engineer wasn’t able to use her full strength.”

Trixie ran a hand gently over his forehead, wiping away the blood there while also showing her care for him in the tenderness used, “You’re always looking out for me,” she moved stray blonde hair out of the way so she could kiss him on that same forehead in what she felt was a considerate yet not romantic gesture, “Thank you, Kael. I don’t know how you put up with me.”

“Haughty…foolish…” his brain basically shut down when he felt her lips press against his face, and his only lament was that it had been on the wrong half of his head, “What’s not to love?”


Trixie’s long ears perked up at hearing an unfamiliar voice, but she ignored it to lambast Kael for his playful insulting of her after she had just been so nice to him. She forced a health potion onto his chest and then moved up and away from him, crossing her arms as she grumpily looked away, “Very funny Kael. I was thinking of a way to thank you, but now I think I’ll just ignore you for daring to suggest I am anything less than perfect.”

“Yay! Yay!”

Kael did not think he was the only one hearing the voice of a young girl saying the same thing over and over again. At least he hoped he wasn’t the only one hearing it.

“Do you hear that?”

Trixie nodded and began to look around to see what was causing the disturbance, only to blink blankly as she noticed the cause, “Huh?”

A maybe seven or eight year old girl with blue hair and pig tails was running around the two of them in a wide circle. She had silver yet simple clothes on that had a tint of blue to them, and she had her arms out as she ran in an “airplane” fashion.

Confused to all Hel by this, Trixie held up a hand for the girl to stop running around so she could talk to her, “Ummm, excuse me, who are you and when did you get here?”

The girl relented and tackle-hugged Trixie, her voice cheerful as well as confused, “Big sister Trixie, it’s me, Nana! Don’t you recognize me?”

Trixie looked around quickly to try and account for all of their pets, finding Lavitz and Vanessa caring for a wounded Cookie, but not finding Nana anywhere. The hair color matched Nana’s blue scales pretty well…and the silver clothing was kind of like some of the rest of her.

Had Nana just done what Trixie herself was capable of, and changed forms from an animal to a person?

“N-Nana? But…”

Nana pointed to her mouth and laughed, “I ate a ring and now I’m a person too!” she turned to resume her running, which was quite similar to how Nana used to float around them all in circles, “Yay magic!”

Trixie stood and gawked as she tried to make sense of what happened, though the more she thought the more it came together in her mind…Nana had eaten a transformation ring of some kind, and Mana Wyrms did feast on magic, so had the Wyrm accidentally mimic what Trixie was capable of doing?

And if this really was Nana, what would they do with her now? She was a little kid now, not an animal with sharp teeth that could fight in dire situations. Trixie frowned as she realized that this, while cool in some ways, could become a problem given their present circumstances.

Nana paused her running again when she realized that Kael was trying to get a good look at her, kneeling down beside him and taking to his side like a loyal dog.

“Big brother Kale’floss, are you okay?”

If he had the strength at the moment to do it, Kael would have slapped his forehead in exasperation, but he decided to let it go since for Nana he was just happy she could do more than growl. To try and amuse the young girl though, he made light of his situation.

“Well, I was stabbed, and then someone who weighs as much as a horse crushed me—”

Trixie shot him daggers with her eyes, but Nana actually understood the veiled reference to Trixie’s condition and began to clap and ran over to Trixie to hug her again. Given her animal senses previously she had been able to find out the ‘secret’ despite not knowing it had been one.

“Big sister Trixie is like me! Horse-lady, yay!”

As Nana nestled herself in Trixie’s stomach, Trixie felt she had to ask something important.

“Nana…can you transform on your own? Like, go between forms?”

“Uhhhh…” the girl lost some of her excitement as she tapped her stomach and began to think, “I dunno. I ate the ring, and then when you used a lot of magic I ate that too and poof.”

If Nana couldn’t transform, that meant she was just a little kid now…and that would be dangerous not only for Nana herself, but for everyone else around her. Trixie brought a hand to her chin and began to try and think of a solution, “Hmmm…”

Nana tugged on her sleeve, “What is it big sister?”

“You’re even younger than Vanessa. I don’t want you to be in danger, but I don’t know how to keep you out of harm’s way.”

This prompted Nana to hold her arm out and try to flex it to show off her muscle, of which there really was none, “I’m tough! See?”

Kael, having recovered a bit thanks to a health potion, stumbled over to the two and gave Nana a soft pat on the head which was received happily by the former animal, “Trixie, I think we’ll have to keep her with us for now…not like we can just drop her off anywhere safe.”

Relenting to this since there really was no other option, Trixie nodded while looking down at the blue haired child, “Fine, but no fighting, okay Nana?”

“But…” Nana complained, being what one would consider a tomboy and actually enjoying being able to knock someone’s clock out. She wasn’t well built for it, like before, but she enjoyed helping out in the last fight.

“You’ll get hurt, Nana, like Cookie. I don’t want that to happen to you.”

If Trixie said so, then that meant it was what was best for her Nana decided. After all, Trixie was the one who saved her from that mean Hunter and had taken good care of her ever since. The only person nicer had been Mister Mitter’meyer and his wife, who had seemed to really enjoy having a pet while Nana was in Silvermoon and on her way back with Mitter’meyer, “Okay. If you say so big sis!”

Their group soon reconvened, with Karl nursing a head injury that would just need to heal a bit on its own given Dirge’s exhaustion from healing up everyone for so long, but the first thing said was not about what to do next but was Vanessa glaring at Nana as she hugged Trixie’s side.

“Who the hell is that?”

“Well, Nana ate a ring that had transforming properties it seems…” Trixie rubbed the back of her head as she flashed a nervous smile, not exactly sure how to explain what happened, “It seems to have had an odd effect on her, coupled with the magic she gobbled up from the battle.”

Nana abandoned Trixie’s side to run over to Vanessa and hug her too, “Big sister Nessy!”

Vanessa gawked as she was suddenly tackle-hugged like Trixie had been earlier, “I…”

Kael laughed at how annoyed as well as confused Vanessa looked at being shown such sudden physical affection, “Admit it, she’s cute.”

Nana agreed completely to this description as she continued to strangle Vanessa’s body with a tight hug, “Yeah!”

The former Wyrm decided she wanted to be held by Trixie a moment later and so she ran back over and clambered up to be held, accidently grabbing one half of Trixie’s chest on the way up and making her blush as Nana finished hoisting herself up from her new perch. Vanessa watched Nana and Trixie hug one another with distaste, crossing her arms and complaining, “Fine, okay, whatever. She’s cute. Does she need to be so clingy though?”

Trixie smirked, recognizing quite well the emotion being felt by Vanessa, “Someone jealous?”

“As if.”

As quickly as she had made herself comfortable with Trixie, Nana released herself by squirming and ran over to something she saw, her attention span being as low as that of a young animal.

What she had seen was Telonicus’s broken controller, and she bent over to look at it, “Oooh look, a broken thing!” grabbing it and hoisting it up in the air for the others to see, she beamed brightly, “Can I keep it?”

Trixie shook her head no, personally wanting to study it but also knowing that since it had exploded in multiple ways that there was likely little to gain from it and much to lose should it decide to explode once again, “It’s just scrapmetal now Nana. Leave it and let’s go find a new place to camp out for the night.”

“Okay!” Nana carelessly dropped it on the ground and then joined the rest of the group again as they prepared to head out, the young girl running ahead of them a bit, “Going for a walk! Going for a walk!”

As they walked to find a new place to camp, Kael whispered to Trixie, “Why do I feel like we’ve adopted two kids?”

“Oh quiet Scrooge, we’ll just need to find a nice home for Nana to stay once we get the chance.”

“I take it we’re keeping the other?”

Trixie shrugged, not really knowing the answer to that, “Vanessa does as she pleases, and for now that means helping us.”

“You said you wanted to talk when we get the chance. Do you still desire to?”

“Once we settle down again I think would be a good time.”

Their private conversation was interrupted by Nana, at the front of their group, pointing towards a light in the distance. They had been traveling for some time, but it was so dark that they did not know how long or how far, only that now they were coming across what seemed to be another structure.

“Is that a house?”

Trixie grew gleeful as she recognized the structure as one she had seen before in Azeroth, “An inn! Now I don’t have to wake up with leaves in my hair!”

Nana pouted unexpectedly, “But I like putting them there.”

Still nursing a powerful headache, Karl looked down and noticed their “newest” member.

“Am I only one who is just noticing small child?”

Author's Note:

I got the name Nana from the anime Angel Tales, which is about a former pet owner who has his former pets reincarnated as people who then try to help him. Nana was a dog in it, and "Aya" is the sound she made...quite like the sound (Nya) Mana Wyrms make. So basically since the introduction of a Mana Wyrm three dozen chapters ago I've been angling towards precisely this moment.

Now Nana needs a home, since she's not exactly up to snuff with the other characters at the moment. I wonder if we know of any good families who could take care of a kid and who are good people...hmmm...

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, and I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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