• Published 17th Jan 2015
  • 2,795 Views, 56 Comments

A New World, A New Dawn - Uber Reaper

'One must do all they can depending on the situation.' This applies even to anonymous trainer Eric Angelo alongside his team. Finding himself in a new world and finding a friend in a mare. He brought along a sense of duty as he attempted to reunite

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Chapter 2 : ....A New World Appears

Some people out there believe that everything happens for a reason. I don’t because that would be a fatalist attitude. Things just don’t happen the way they are. All of us have the power to change what we wanted, and what we’re going to experience. Because I did, it’s the way this world works. Though, I couldn’t speak for the entire world because I’m just one person. What’s one person can do to change the world? All I can do is just react accordingly to the situation at hand. That kind of ideal to change the world would be naive.- Eric Angelo

Play this as opening theme

“Ugghh....”Eric woke up with a groan before rubbing his blurry eyes. Once clearing his vision, he found himself looking at the clear blue skies with a few clouds in it.”I fell asleep? Since when did I fell asleep?”

Gritting his teeth, he tried to get himself up, but for some reason his hands felt....different. He moved his arms to his side to hoist himself up into a sitting position.”What the?”He finally got a look on his arms.

His arm is primarily covered in some short of dark grey fur.”Fur?”He raised his right arm to his face and he got one of the worst shock in his life.

There’s his brown watch, but there’s a head attached to the arm where his hand are supposed to be.”A head!”He raised his left arm to confirm his suspicion. And true, it was the same as his right arm.

He began to panic. He couldn’t believe his eyes, and so he tried to check the rest of his body for any similar or strange physiology, and even feeling his own face. True to word, he could see two overall fuschia-like stripes on his abdomen. He felt his neck all the way toward the head, he could feel fur along his longer neck and some sort of flower-shaped collar which surround his head. He could even feel that he doesn’t have a nose anymore, just some sort of snout. Worst of all, he couldn’t see his legs anywhere nor feel them, just feeling the sharp stump on where they used to be.

Needless to say, it caused him to hyperventilate.“What’s going on!? Why am I like this!?”He began to glance around rapidly in frantic around his own body.

He couldn’t believe his eyes, he even rubbed his eyes again just to make sure he wasn’t seeing things. One on hand, he believed that someone must’ve done some illusion on him as some cruel joke. On the other, he must be hallucinating something that looks real. Which means he’d taken hallucinogenic drug, which he never did.

He shook his head out of panic, trying to purchase a calm mind.“Okay, okay, calm down.”He took two-to-three deep breaths to calm his drumming heart. “There has to be an explanation.....there has to be.”

Then he remembered something. He woke up from sleep earlier.”That’s it. I must be dreaming, it has to be a dream. There’s no other explanation for this.”

But he couldn’t be sure, so he decided on one thing to do.“There’s only one way to make sure.”He moved his right arm head toward his face.”Alright, let’s do this.”And he pinched his cheek.

“OWW!”He covered his own cheek, it was a lot more painful than he expected. “Ahh, that hurts like hell!”Using an arm head to pinch his own cheek is a bad idea, because he made the head bite his own cheek.

After a moment, the pain died down, but it only confirmed his suspicions. It was something he dreaded to know, that he wasn’t dreaming after all, it was all real. As real as he felt the sharp pain from using the arm head to bite his own cheek. And he could feel the head opening it’s mouth as if it’s connected to his nerves when he tried to pinch his cheek.

He held the arm head in front of him, turning them all around to inspect them.“So, this is real?”Then he realized one thing that’s relevant now from inspecting the heads for hands. There’s only one thing that have that kind of physiology.”Heads? Does that mean I’m now a....Hydreigon?”

He couldn’t believe it, or his eyes are just playing tricks on him now. But he knew that’s impossible, because he clearly could feel the mouth of the heads opening and closing as he played with them. If the pain earlier wasn’t a clear indication, then the feeling of void where his legs were is enough proof. He could feel the stump, but not legs.

“That explains why I couldn’t feel my legs.”He sighed as he put his right arm head to his forehead while shaking his head.”Dammit, I can’t believe this is happening to me.”

Cursing his luck for letting this happen to him, he calmed himself down from another bout of panic.”Okay, there still has to be an explanation for why this happened to me.”He put his right arm head to his chin and began to wrack his memories for any relevant answers.

“If I think to what happen before, when, and after I fell asleep, that should answer my questions.”

“Alright, I remember before I went asleep, I was spending time with....”His eyes widened in realization as he remembered something. The last vision before he fell asleep.

He got up quickly from his sitting position to floating.”Sally!”He glanced around in order to find his loyal Salamence, to no avail. He tried calling someone else closest to him before falling asleep.”Will!”

He wasn’t concerned about the expansive nature, he was more concerned about his Pokémons right now. They were nowhere in sight.”They’re gone. But, they were right beside me. It doesn’t make sense.”He shook his head in frustration while gritting his teeth. Now, his Pokémons are gone.

Then he realized something when turning his head left and right.“Wait...” Glancing around again, he found himself in an expansive countryside, where he woke up in the middle of a meadow. Small hills dotting the area. Looking to his right, there is a road leading to left and right directions. But, from what he remembered, this isn’t the area where he last remembered to be with Sally and Will..”This isn’t where I fell asleep in. There was supposed to be a river.”

He put his arm head to his chin again. Muttering to himself as he tried to find explanations.”Before, I fell asleep, I was with Sally and Will. When I fell asleep, I saw Sally before losing consciousness. After, I fell asleep, I.....”He tried to think of an answer for that one, nothing came up except one.”.....I.....woke up here.”

He chewed his lips.“Which means.....there’s only one answer.”Eric gritted his teeth at the prospect of the answer.”Someone or something must’ve done something to me during the interval where we fell asleep and waking up here. But I fell asleep near a river, so he must’ve separated and brought me here.”

He had to admire his own level-headedness. Most who found themselves transformed into a supposed Brutal Dragon Pokémon with heads for hands would either faint from shock or run around like a headless Torchic. Other than a small panic fit, he quickly got over it in order to find any logical explanations for his situations.

But he couldn’t find the time to admire his own level-headedness. He had to find out where he is right now. There’s only one currently in his team for the job without Sally around.

The former human reached into his jacket, but couldn’t feel any clothing. He glanced down only to discover that he didn’t have his jacket anymore nor any belongings in it. He didn’t really pay attention when he panicked or when looking prodding his mind for explanation.

His wallet, badges, and Xtransceiver inside have gone alongside his jacket. Most importantly, his team and friends inside of those Pokéballs are gone.

“Shiiit, that ‘someone’ had the idea of stealing my jacket and Pokéballs.”He sighed with frustration now that his jacket along with his team is gone.“Unbelievable, now my jacket is gone. With my friends along with it. What’s going to disappear next?”

Unfortunately, he didn’t long to find out that his two bags are also gone. A rucksack where clothing and the berries were and the shoulder bag where his poffins were.”Son of a......” He cursed again at his rotten luck.

He figured he didn’t know what next course of actions should he take, except one.“I guess I should find help.”He turned his head toward the road.”It’s the only thing I could do now.”

He moved toward the road where he planned to take one direction, hoping that it would at least lead somewhere populated.

Eric stopped when the Hydreigon realized he’s moving. Moving despite not having legs.“Wait, how am I moving? I don’t have legs...”That’s when he gasped with realization about Hydreigon physiology and Ability.

He glanced at the six thin wings with two pointed each behind him. Eric right now realized that Hydreigon do have wings for floating or moving around because they didn’t have legs. He could feel himself moving them with regular beats. He didn’t feel any strain from moving them, almost as if he had them his entire life.

Coupled with the ability Levitate, he could float naturally without prior practice.“Huh, that felt weird having wings.”He shook his head. Returning to the matter at hand because he could admire his new wings later.

Eric floated toward the direction of the road. It didn’t take long when he approached it. From the looks of it, it seems to road is formed from years of use where someone repeteadly used it that caused the lack of vegetation. Compared to the meadow, it sticks out like a sore thumb.

The Hydreigon glanced at the two direction.”Where to?”His eyes fell upon a sign where the direction of the road takes him to the right.”Hmmm?”

He floated down the road until he came up on the sign on the right side of the road. It appears to be made of woods, styled with two horned and winged Ponyta rearing on each other on the center top.

His eyes fell upon a sign, a sign that says with curvy style writing.”Vanhoover, the city where nature thrives.”Eric says out loud.

Eric immediately felt confusion.”I don’t know any city in a region named Vanhoover. Am I in an isolated region?”He asked himself out loud.

He shook his head, he could think about that later. For now, he wanted to move and get help to find his team.”Hope for the best, plan for the worst.”He floated down the road without another word.

The Hydreigon floated down the road in silence. There’s nothing happening along the way that would gain his attention. Only the faint chirping of birds and the ocassional wind that made grass move back and forth. His mind is set on only one thing, finding a settlement and get help.

That and also finding a way to reverse his....situation.

He had also known that he had been floating for a while now, it did tire him out from regularly beating his wings. It felt like walking. He wiped some sweat off his forehead.”Hope the city is closing soon.”

Eric made it to a hill that causes the road to flow upward and over it. He had a feeling that he will see his target settlement soon.

And he did, by floating up the hill and stopping at the top. He finally looked toward the marvelous city of Vanhoover. Sunlight beating down on the city and on himself. Revealing the incredible architecture in the afternoon light.

It’s a harbor city that much is true because Eric could see the sea in the city beyond. Skyscrapers pierces the sky that could be compared to the ones in the likes of Castelia City or Veilstone City with the mix of Undella Town beaches. Rivers running through the city with bridges crossing over it toward the mainland or to other smaller district. There seems to be the downtown area where skyscraper choked the streets and smaller buildings in another district where the populations rest at night. Endless meadow surrounded the city like walls protecting it from enemies.

To the north of the city, small woods and road leading into it could be seen. Bird flying into and out, happily greeting the afternoon. His eyes found what looks like to be a ski rail leading from somewhere within the city into the snowy highland in the woods beyond, just below the snowy mountains. He concluded that the population here love skis.

To the south of the city, he could see another smaller city near the thicker woodland also to the south. Skyscrapers that looks almost has the same design as the one in Vanhoover. There aren’t seems to be smaller buildings to support the population though. Right behind the city, he could see a single mountain that is visibly pierces the sky.

Despite the situation, Eric took the time to swallow the view with his eyes.“So, this is the surrounding area of Vanhoover.”Eric said to himself while admiring the view.”Where nature thrives, indeed.”

Slowly nodding, he knew what he have to do.“Allright, time to get to work.”He wasted no time and floated down the hill, can’t wait to get help and reverse his current physiology back into that of a human.

Meanwhile, in a place nearby.

The hills outside of Vanhoover were proving to be quite relaxing in the afternoon. One could lay there, enjoying the flowing breeze, hearing the birds sing their songs, and watch the cloud pass by. Anyone could well lay in here all day and enjoy the beauty of nature until the night overtake the morning.

One mare is here to do just that, while polishing one of her skills as well. The mare is a snow white coated of the clearest white. Mane and tail as red as the thousand suns with blue streak running through. A single small ponytail dotted her mane, and tail, leaving the rest of her mane long enough to flow down her neck.

The most peculiar thing is her eyes, eyes as blue as the skies with slitted pupil in the center. And instead of pegasi wings, it’s leathery. Like that of a bat.

Several metal buckets of various color stood beside her hoof to the right as she dutifully brushed the sketch being propped by a piece of wood.“And....done.”She put down the brush in her hoof before leaning her head aside to stare beside the picture she had been painting using a brush. The snow white mare nodded at her handiwork, it’s almost lookalike.

The painting itself is a picture of Crystal Mountains in the distance with small parts consisting of the meadow where she is now, woods, and the snowy highlands below where the mountains stood strong above. The sky, cloud, the rugged color of the mountains with grasses and trees had been brought out well with skillful hooves and mouth. Trees and grass are much more vibrant, snows are much more clearer and making the real snow look dull in comparison , while the mountains glowed with the afternoon light, piercing through the skies with the spear-like peaks.

Then her good mood ended when a haughty voice sounded.”Well, hello there, Dawn. Fancy meeting you here!”

She knew that voice. As irritating as it was, she turned her head toward the direction of the voice to her right.”What do you want, Crimson?”Three ponies came towards her.

The red Earth Pony stallion with the out-of-place cream mane grinned that annoying grin. His two friends, one a black coated Pegasi with red mane, and the other also a Pegasi with clear blue skies coat and red mane. As if they were brothers judging by the same mane color.

“I just wanted to know what you’re doing, Dawn. You know, for old times sake.”The stallions both stopped in front of her, where the red one greeted her haughtily. With the tone where he’s trying too hard to be nice.

Dawn knew what he wanted. He pretended like he cared, but she knew better than that.”Cut the pleasantries, Cris. If you’re here to bother me, then you can leave me alone. I have no time for you or your friends.”

Crimson chuckled.“Nothing gets by you, huh, Dawn? Am I really that open-booked?”

Dawn rolled her eyes before replying.“First, you’re trying too hard!”Dawn stated, confidence could be felt in her tone.”Second, you’re a jerk. I’d thought you would know better by now, Cris.”

The red stallion scoffed in reply.“You assumed wrong, Dawn.”The stallion offered his hoof toward her in an exaggerated gesture of a knight in shining armor.“But, I’m willing to ‘forget’ about the part where you hit me if you could just come back with me.”

Dawn stared at the hoof before batting it away.”No,”It was such a simple, but powerful word. A simple ‘No’ would mean that someone refused.”Now leave me alone. I got work to do.”She turned back toward her painting to finish what she had started.

“Now, where was I?”Muttering, she stared at the ground where she put her brush, she crouched to grab it. Only a hoof came down on it.

She looked back up to the stallion who stared down at her.“You know, Dawn.Why do you have to make this difficult to yourself?"

She stood back up to face the larger stallion. Scowl decorating her face this time.“You’re the one making this difficult, Cris. I told you to leave me alone!”

The stallion sneered.”Why would I? This is a public place, it’s not yours!”

Dawn scowl deepened.”You know what I meant!”

“Oh, you mean this?”He knocked the almost-finished painting down with a forehoof.

“What are you doing!?”Dawn raised her voice in surprise.

“Teaching you a lesson!”All the nicities in the voice is gone. The brush came free from the bottom of the red hoof. But, the stallion turned to face toward the knocked down sketch.

She held a forehoof out to the red stallion.“Hey, wait a second, that painting is almost finished!”

The stallion didn’t listen, he reared back to bring his forehooves down on the painting.“I don’t care if it’s finished or not! This should teach you not to ignore me!”

“Hydreigon!”The all turned toward the source of the cry. Alarm bells ring in their heads, but couldn’t react fast enough when a creature shoved the stallion aside back toward his friend.

The creature, revealed to be some kind of floating three-headed hydra with six two-pointed wings, the small kind. It didn’t have legs, just sharp stumps. The hydra just stood there, before slowly fixing his gaze toward the stallion and turning to face them fully. Strangely, they didn’t react, just giving it an odd look.

The mare behind the Hydreigon was shocked. Shocked so much that she fell on her flank, she didn’t expect a hydra to suddenly appear in front of her. Much less a floating one with six wings. Fear overtaking her, this was suppose to be a nice day. She was dead wrong.”H-h-hydra!”She pointed a shaky hoof toward it, fear made her freeze.

“Hydreigon!”The hydra snarled at the stallions.

They all stared at the hydra in front of them. A floating, small hydra, with funny looking wings. After some staring, the stallions looked at each other. Before burst out laughing out of nowhere.

The mare is baffled at their reaction. Where she felt fear, they actually laughed. Is this what it meant to laugh in the face of fear? She didn’t know, but a little of her fear forgotten from watching their reaction.

The red stallion clutched his stomach.”Hahahaha, my stomach. What kind of joke is this? A tiny, floating hydra?”

“Guess this one must be some kind of midget?”The second orange stallion laughed alongside his friends.

“Or deformed! It doesn't have legs!”The black stallion added. They all stopped laughing when their stomach couldn’t take it anymore, tears forming at the corner of their eyes.

The hydra didn’t react, only giving them a cold glare. Before replying.”Get lost, Ponyta. I don’t appreciate harassment.”

They stared at each other. Not getting what the Hydreigon just said. Only hearing,”Dreigon, Hydre!”

The red stallion stared at the Hydreigon in confusion.”It can speak? What did it just say?”He turned his head toward his two friends.

The black one shrugged.”Sounds like, a load of nonsense to me?”He turned to the blue one.”You?”

With a shrug, he replied.“Don’t know, don’t care. I don’t speak hydra.”The orange one replied.

Inwardly, the Hydreigon wasn’t amused by their response nor the fact they couldn’t understand him. That and they look different from the Ponyta he had known.”They don’t understand me....I thought Pokémon are supposed to understand each other. They even speak human. Shit, just what have I gotten myself into?”He said internally.

He could think about that later, right now, he wanted to defend the mare. He figure this time he would improvise instead of planning.“Last chance....”He pointed to his right.”Get lost, before I have to hurt all of you.”

They didn’t know what the Hydreigon had said just now again. All they heard is just another blabber that came out of the mouth of the main head.

“Did you hear him?”The orange one asked his friends. They nodded together.”He can’t even speak straight!”

The black one made a funny face while imitating what the hydra has been saying until now.”Hydreigon! Hydreigon! What’s wrong? Should we teach you how to speak right?”

His friend chuckled. The red one smiled a sadistic smile.”Maybe, we should do it a favor and shut it’s mouth for it.”

The stallions couldn't agree more.”Get him, guys!”They let out a cliched war cry while charging.

Dawn pitied the tiny hydra, it didn’t know what it gotten itself into. Just as the first punch is thrown, she closed her eyes to prevent herself from seeing him get beaten up. A little while, all she heard is grunt. The Bat Pony opened her eyes and the mare is surprised when she open her eyes. The small three-headed hydra is actually doing pretty well.

He sidestepped, or floated aside a swing before punching the red stallion in the chest. He heaved before a mouth clamped on his hair and shoved him down so his face could be acquainted with the ground. The second, black one came, attempting to charge him. It failed when in mid-charge, the hydra made the slightest side float and shoved the stallion forward. His face dug trench as he slid forward.

The third one, the orange stallion came at him with his entire body reared up and taking up a wannabe martial artist stance. He ran forward, punching the Hydreigon here and there. But the punches were all parried or dodged with ease. The stallion gritted his teeth in frustration and made a punch toward the hydra’s face. He didn’t expect the hoof to be caught by an arm head mouth.

“Owww, hey!”He attempted to pull his hoof back, but the mouth held it secure.”Let go!”

“....okay...”He said simply. It came out as Pokespeak.

“Huh?”His wish is granted, the mouth let go, but not before his other free arm jabbed the stallion in the face. Causing him to stumble backward and landed on his back awkwardly.

The mare stared in awe, forgetting her previous fear about the hydra earlier. He danced through the strikes before counter-attacking like a graceful dancer would, only his movement seems much more tense. It was like watching one of those performance where this hero would come and save the damsel in distress. This situation is almost the same, but her saviour is much more grotesque. Then her face-fell.

The orange and red stallion came at once toward the Hydreigon. Eric attempted to kick the red one out of reflex though, that reflex didn’t save him now because he didn’t have legs anymore. The length of the stump weren’t exactly far despite following his reflexes.”Crap!”

He felt tremendous force on his stomach where the two stallions pivoted around and bucked him in the stomach. He opened his mouth in a silent scream as he were sent flying onto his back.

The mare gasped. Eric grunted as he use his right arm head for balance, floating back up as he did so. When his orientation returned, he didn’t expect a weight to be dropped down onto his back that it caused him to put his arm out to balance himself.

A head revealed itself from behind the Hydreigon’s own, hooves held tightly on the Pokémon’s neck.“I got him!”The black stallion on the Hydreigon’s back shouted to his comrades. They quickly went forward to put the hurt on the Dragon-type.

Eric did what every people would when someone clung to you, he struggled. But, found that the stallion wouldn’t let go. So, he did the only thing he could do when he learned hand-to-hand when someone chokehold him from behind. He snapped his head backward.

“Ahhh, my snout!”A muffled sound of agony is heard. The stallion grip slackened around the furry neck.

Eric swung his arm behind him and clamped the arm heads mouths on the stallion’s forelimbs.”OWWW! The hydra bit me!”He ignored the cry of pain. He saw the two stallions from stopping to pivot around again.

Once again he reflexively kicked a leg out that wasn’t there to stop the action. He cursed his old reflexes that doesn’t match his new physiology. With the stallions pivoting around, he did the one last thing he could do, he ducked his head low and threw the extra weight on him over his head.

The orange stallion couldn’t see it coming because he’s on the verge of unleashing a buck when his black comrade crashed on him. They both grunted in heap. But, it didn’t stop the red stallion from finishing what he started.

Two things happen. First, two hindhooves strike his cheek. Second, he’s send flying while spitting out some blood, landing on his back.

The red stallion who had bucked the hydra in the face turned around to face the grounded hydra.“Ha! Not so tough now are you, hydra!?”The red stallion sneered with glee. The other two is quickly getting up, their faces is a scowl from being beaten up.

Eric didn’t reply, he only gave them a cold, dark stare from his position on the ground Grunting, he struggled to get up, only that he felt the sudden urge to do something....to defend himself. The three is approaching him with a sneer.

The urge is getting stronger, the urge to do something to defend himself.”C’mon guys, let’s get this over with!”

That was it, he couldn’t contain the urge anymore. He opened his mouth, causing a light to glow within.

The three stallions stopped in their tracks. Baffled at the light appearing at the hydra’s main head mouth.”Huh?”They stared at each other in confusion.

The stallions weren’t exactly the brightest bunch. But, Dawn knew. Dragons will usually have this kind of glow within their mouth before they would unleash the hurt.

She tried to shout at them to run, to no avail. A shockwave of purple burst out of the Hydreigon’s mouth. They stallions were too shocked, but the red one regained his senses fast enough to dive left out of the way. His friends are not so lucky.

BOOM! The beam strike the ground, two screams followed afterward as two stallions of black and orange were sent flying.

He quickly covered his mouth using both arm heads. Staring in shock on what he just did.“Did I just do that?...Impossible....”

Meanwhile, the red stallion grunted as he made to stand up to four hooves again after that quick dive. With a groan, he slowly turned his head toward the destruction. Smoke rose from where the shockwave hit. A distance to his right from the smoke, his two comrades lay in heap, unconscious.

His eyes is full of panic, only self-preservation remains. He didn’t want to deal with a....whatever breath the hydra just unleashed.”Screw this!” He wisened up to put his tail between his legs to turn around and ran.

But, he didn’t run because when he turned around then his face meet a fistful of hoof to his face. Solar Dawn stood behind him all this time. Waiting for him to turn around before she would smack him good.

His tongue lolled out of his mouth and uttered one sentence.”...mommy, I’m seeing stars!”Then he joined his comrades in their forced sleep, falling onto his back.

“Go to sleep, Cris!”The mare spat out, reeling the hoof she had just used to punch him.

Meanwhile, Eric finally floated back up while shaking his head.“...assholes! I can’t believe they got the better of me.”He grunted a curse. He put up a head near his face and wiped his mouth. True, there’s a small amount of blood on his lips.“I didn’t expect a hoof to strike that hard.”

He sighed while putting his face to his arm head.”Could be worse. This Pseudo-legendaries resilience is more useful than I thought.”Then the image of what happened earlier crossed his mind.”But, what was that earlier?”

Once again, his mind tried to wrack itself for answers. It came sooner than expected, just from the image of what he just did.”....Dragon Pulse....I just used...a Dragon Pulse.”He said as if he couldn’t believe it. He had just used an attack during the heat of the moment.”Instinct, it has to be. There’s no other answer or explanation.”

He figured that it must be instinct. After all, cornered creature are much more dangerous than an active predator. Cornered creature usually follow their instinct to their fullest just to defend themselves. It applies to everything, including human even to....Pokémons.

“That explains the urge. The urge to defend myself.”Now Eric understood. A Wild Hydreigon always consider everything as a foe. They would act on that instinct and attack. Just like how he did.

“No, my painting!”

“Hmmm?”He turned his head toward the sound. During his self-indulging thought, he had forgotten the Ponyta mare is still there, holding a painting in her hooves.

His concern overwhelmed his attempt to think clearly, so he floated slowly toward her while holding an arm out.“Are you okay?”

The mare turned her head toward the hydra. To her it was just,”Hydreigon, Hy?”. She had forgotten it is still here. The mare dropped her painting and flinched back, a small amount of fear returned. That wasn’t all, with the stallions down for the count, it’s just her and the big bad hydra. A small hydra, but still fierce.

Eric sighed and put his arm down. It was confirmed earlier that the Ponyta couldn’t understand him, so he just stopped.”Hydreigon, gon.”

Dawn is confused. A second ago it was advancing on her with the right head raised like it’s going to eat her next. But now, it stopped, just stopped and floated there with the help of those wings of it.

Eric meanwhile trying to figure how to communicate with it. The attack he had just unleashed probably didn’t leave a good first impressions on the Ponyta mare. So, he tried to make gestures this time.

Dawn was staring at it warily, then she saw it pointing to itself, to her before waving it’s right arm as if to greet her.”What are you doing?”It dawned on her. It was making a greeting to her.”You’re making...gestures. Is that it? You...you’re making gestures to me?”The mare pointed at herself. It nodded. The hydra pointed to her, opening it’s main head mouth, pointing inside.

The gesture made her flinch backward sharply.”You’re going to eat me?!”She yelled, her wings twitching to take off. In return, it waved frantically at her while shaking his head.

“You’re....not going to eat me?”The hydra nodded. It started making the next gestures.

The hydra pointed at itself again, to her before making his arm head face each other as if playing puppet before opening and closing their mouth. Somehow, Dawn understood what it’s trying to say.”You...want to talk to me?”

It nodded before sighing in relief.”Hydreigon!”

She could tell that it was relieved that she could understand it by the huge release of breath. Dawn herself found that she could relax.”At least, it wasn’t going to eat me.”

She turned her head toward the ruined painting at her hoof to the right.”My painting....”The Bat Pony sighed in frustration.”I spent hours working on it. Now it’s ruined.”

“Hydreigon!”The Bat Pony snapped her head toward the Hydreigon who is floating slowly toward her. A small amount of fear taking over again.

When it gotten closer, Dawn was a bit intimidated, both by the size that’s bigger than her and he’s looking down at her. His shadow covered her own as if they would cover her whole and swallow.

But, instead, he offered a right arm head. Dawn was a bit confused. She quickly made the connection with a ‘o’ mouth.”You want to shake my hoof?”It nodded.

She awkwardly scratched the ground with a hoof. “Well...I guess, I could.”She put her right hoof out. Then it was clamped by the right arm head mouth. She flinched, expecting pain to come....but nothing.

Dawn looked at the head, it clamped on her hoof, but she didn’t feel pain. Guess, it must mean that it treated her gently. The hydra didn’t put pressure when he clamped the mouth of the head on her hoof. It was a new experience, having a hoofshake with a hydra. A weird, but enlightening experience.

The bat pony shakes the arm in return.“I’m Dawn. Solar Dawn. What are you?”

It pointed to itself, Dawn nodded. Eric awkward raised his left arm head behind his head to scratch it. He figured that he couldn’t just spell out his name, it would probably came out as,”Hydreigon.” Again.

He figured one solution that could be best for now, at least until he could find a better means of communications. It would be awkward at best. Eric pointed at himself at said.”Hydreigon!”

“Hydreigon?”The Bat Pony mare thought she heard that somewhere, then she realized what it meant.”Oh, the thing you have been saying until now! That’s what you are?”It nodded in confirmation.

Dawn chuckled nervously.“I guess....it’s nice to meet you..Hydreigon!”

Maybe this day wasn’t so bad after all.

Play this as closing theme

Author's Note:

Well, this is it, chapter 2.

Hope you guys like it so far. I should mention now that I'm not a native English speaker. I'm not a stickler for grammar.

Anyway, enjoy. Any likes would be appreciated