• Published 17th Jan 2015
  • 2,795 Views, 56 Comments

A New World, A New Dawn - Uber Reaper

'One must do all they can depending on the situation.' This applies even to anonymous trainer Eric Angelo alongside his team. Finding himself in a new world and finding a friend in a mare. He brought along a sense of duty as he attempted to reunite

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Chapter 3 : The City Where Nature Thrives

In this life, things can go either the way you wanted, or the other way around. I learned that you shouldn't get your hopes up, really. The universe always seems to make things make a U-turn whenever you think that things go your way. That is why I have to react accordingly to the situation at hand. Things don't always go the way we wanted, no matter what. It's just the way life is. - Eric Angelo

Play this as opening theme

Blue skies, winds blowing, clouds moving by, and the breeze of the sea greeting the City of Vanhoover in the afternoon. The city bathed in the warm afternoon sunlight. Truly an incredible day for it’s inhabitant as they do their daily routine.

Not one would miss the beauty of today’s nature. It’s a sign that it would be a good day, indeed. All is good, except for one white-coated Bat Pony mare outside of Vanhoover.

“.....my painting...” Dawn held one canvas in her hooves. Said canvas appears to be splattered with paint of various colors of blue, red, and purple.

“Hydrei...” A three-headed creature known as Hydreigon floated beside her. His face looking regretful at the mare’s ruined painting.

Earlier that day, said Bat Pony was happily sitting in the endless meadow, painting the landscape with skillful hooves. It could have been a great day, except that three old friends greeted her. As if her day couldn’t get worse, somehow a tiny, floating, three-headed hydra came to her defense out of nowhere.

Somehow, the hydra released a fire-breath like thing from it’s mouth that had caused the stallions to go towards the dreamland before the last one red stallion was punched by Dawn herself. The blast from the Dragon Pulse had unfortunately caused the paint buckets to be blasted off their upright stance, splattering across the entire painting.

It all happened so fast, the Bat Pony had no time to react at all.

“....sorry about the painting.”

The mare glanced to her right towards the Hydreigon. ”What?” Dawn looked with confusion in her eyes. Clearly not understanding what he spoke of.

Eric the Hydreigon who told Dawn the name of the species he is now instead of his real name in return made a gesture of bowing his head low. ”Hydreigon, drei.”

“......are you apologizing?” She is met with a sad nod in return. Dawn sighed. “There’s nothing we could do about it. It all happened so fast. So, don’t be sorry.”

The Hydreigon put his head up again and nodded in reply. The mare growled, looking over to the heap of three unconscious stallions who happen to ruin her good day. She couldn’t help, but let out a low growl from her throat. “I swear that jerk never learns his lesson.”

Eric didn’t reply, he just stared toward the object or subject of the mare’s animosity. The Brutal Pokémon had hoped he didn’t have to hurt them, but they forced his hands....or heads when they attacked him all of a sudden.

Five seconds later she got back to the pressing matters at hand. Mainly, her ruined painting and what she supposed to do now that she had made the acquaintance of the three-headed hydra beside her. “Soooo, I know that I’m glad that we’ve introduced ourselves. But what are you going to do? Because, you know, I have to return to the city soon.”

Eric didn’t reply, all he did is just point toward the city. Dawn’s eyes followed and found what he’s pointing. “Vanhoover? What about it?”

The hydra-like Pokémon sighed. Before pointing to himself, to the grasses on the ground before slowly pointing all the way upward toward the end of the meadow and stopping at the city proper.

The white mare scratched her head in thought. The answer came sooner than expected. “Oh, you want to go there!” The Hydreigon nodded.

Then a thought came. She shook her head. “Wait, wait, wait, going to Vanhoover? You, Hydreigon?” Said Pokémon nodded, not understanding where she’s going with this. “It’s a bad idea. You’re going to cause a mass panic by going over there.”

The Hydreigon sighed, putting his right arm head to his chin in thought. “How am I going to explain this?” He said internally, knowing he couldn’t properly explain without sounding like Pokéspeak. Simple gestures is what he could do for now.

The mare tilted her head. “Hello? Hydreigon?”

Eric is indulged in his thought that he only noticed her now. “Hmmm?” He glanced back toward the mare.

The mare frowned. “Were you listening?” He nodded. Dawn sighed. “Look, you can’t just waltz in there like you own the place. You’ll cause panic. And panic means bad news.”

“What is she saying? Why would I cause a panic?” His thoughts wandered again as he quickly remembered what had happened earlier during the scuffle. “They all acted like they have never seen a Hydreigon before. Even Dawn. Maybe I should assume that everyone here haven’t seen a Hydreigon being an isolated region. Even then, they all speak human language. How is that possible?”

Eric chewed his lips. “But, I still need to get help. I have no choice in this.” With his train of thoughts reached it’s end, he turned his eyes toward Dawn again.

He waved at her to get her attention. And it did. “Uhhh....is there something wrong? You’re waving your arm...heads...” Dawn is speechless on how to refer to that one.

Eric didn’t reply to that one, instead he made the next set of gestures. Eric pointed to himself, her, then to the grasses and all the way upward toward the city. The mare quickly understand, being it’s almost the same gesture as before.

“Wait....you want us to go together? As in...to Vanhoover?” He nodded in confirmation. The mare put her scratched her head in thought. “Well, that certainly helps. If they sees you with me, they might think otherwise.”

Then she has to burst the happy bubble. “But that still won’t exactly dissuade anypony looking at you and me wrong though.”

The Hydreigon mentally groaned. “I’ll cross the bridge when I get to it.” He said so unconsciously. But to her it just sounded like his species name spelled out again.

To his surprise, the mare somehow understood his desire. “You still want to go?” Eric gave her a simple nod.

Dawn let out another sigh. “Why do I feel like I couldn’t talk you out of this?” Eric scratched his head in return, not knowing how to reply without sounding ridiculous.

“Fine, let me get my stuff first.” She turned toward the ruined painting again, crouching to pick it up. It would be if a head hadn’t also reached out toward the painting.

“Hey, what gives?” Her eyes found the Hydreigon again who patted his chest before she could say a word of retord. “....uhhh, you want to...carry it?” He nodded.

Then she made another connection. “Oh, I see now. You offered to help?” Eric nodded for confirmation again.

The mare scratched her head, now she had one quite the polite hydra who is willing to help her. “Uhh, you didn’t have to do that really. I can carry all my stuff just fine on my back.”

But he kept his gaze on her that somehow screams, “I insist, Dawn.” Then, he pointed toward something behind her. Her gaze found the spilled paint buckets.

Dawn chuckled in amusement. “You’re quite the gentlemanly one, aren’t you?” The Hydreigon just made an unseen shrug.

“I just wanted to help. I caused the paint to spill on the painting. ” He said out of muscle memory. Of course, it just came out as Pokéspeak.

Somehow this scene reminds her of a gentlemen helping a lady out. That gentlemen who came to help her is a three-headed fellow. “If you insist, then I’ll carry the buckets.” The Hydreigon nodded and heaved the painting using the both arm heads mouth, turning it around so the wet part would face outward before resting it on his chest.

Dawn meanwhile, trotted over to the spilled buckets a few feet to the left from the painting. A little bit of paint spilled across the grass. She didn’t really pay attention to that part. She bit the handle of the bucket before flinging it onto her back. The same goes for the other two which she somehow carefully balanced, despite standing on it’s sides and could roll off her back.

“How did she do that?”The Hydreigon stared in bewilderment on how she does that. He didn’t understand how could a single bucket didn’t drop from her back like that.

“Ready, Hydreigon?” She shook her head at her voice, coming back from his thoughts to the waking world. He nodded in reply before pointing toward the heap of stallions. The mare frowned. “Just leave that jerk here. I already had enough of him for one day.”

Eric didn’t reply to that one. “Alright, to Vanhoover we go.”

And they both trotted, or floated for Eric’s case, toward the city where nature thrives. With Eric eyes shone with determination.

“Are you okay? You got bucked pretty hard back there.” Dawn asked while they trotted, or floated for Eric.

Eric just answered with a nod. “Uhh, okay then. But you should mention if there’s anything wrong.” He nodded again. Really, he wasn’t that hurt, Dragon-type resilience and all. That and Pokemon were fast healers.

And they both headed toward the city in silence. Even the chirps and wind are somehow absent during the progress.

Dawn felt uncomfortable in this. Earlier they’re talking a lot, now it’s pure silence. The Brutal Pokémon didn’t notice her growing anxiety, his only goal right now is finding a proper help. That and also helping the mare for the trouble that he himself had caused for her.

Finally, Dawn anxiety had grown to the point she think it’s time to start a conversation. “You know, you could tell me about yourself. How could you be sapient and all that?”

Eric stared at her like she had grown two heads. Where had that come from?

Dawn sighed. “I know, that came out of nowhere. The silence is killing me. I just wanted to start a conversation. Even if I couldn’t understand you most of the time. It’s not like everyday you could meet a sapient hydra-like creature.”

“Hydreigon.” He let out a weary answer. This day certainly had thing happening a lot and fast at the same time. The Dragon-type couldn’t have imagined him meeting some multi-colored Ponyta and two with wings, no less. One with wings like a Golbat or Noivern.

“Well, you certainly helped me in a pickle there. So, thanks I guess.” Eric nodded again for what like possibly the dozen times he did so.

They continued down the meadow, not following the path Eric had treaded upon earlier. The walk continued in silence as the afternoon passed by. The sun slowly setting in the distance, leaving a the sky an orange hue in the east behind them. Casting a slight shadow over them.

Five minutes later, they had stood within the outskirts of the city. The Hydreigon could see concretes starting from where they are now toward what he assumed to be the suburbs.

“Here we are.” Dawn trotted forward and stood before Eric. “Welcome to Vanhoover Hydreigon: The City Where Nature Thrives.” The mare stated, using a foreleg to point toward the city.

Eric had witnessed the city from the distance, but he could only imagine what it’s like up close. Turns out he was almost correct. Houses with transparent windows that sandwiched front doors lined the concrete streets that are protected with tiled roofs which are also painted mostly of the clear sea blue color. Looking left, he could see a rail that had missed his eyes the first time he bore witness of the majestic city. At least four amount of carriages of many size and style also visible on the street.

He could see several ponies walking down the roads. At times like this, most ponies spend their time downtown in order to do their daily jobs.

Eric had swallowed the view with his scrutinizing eyes. “It’s certainly has some charm to it. I can see why they call it ‘The City where Nature Thrives’.” He mumbled. “Though, there’s one strange thing. Why does it feel like there’s a medieval sense to it.”

“Alright, Hydreigon,” The Bat Pony voice broke him out of his thoughts once more. “Walk or...float closer to me. Ponies might see you the wrong way and cause a mob. Don’t want that to happen, do we?” Dawn let out a small sheepish smile.

Eric closed his eyes in weariness. “I just hope it won’t come to that.” He muttered.

And they walked into the city proper.

“Something is wrong....I haven’t seen a single human since arriving here.” Eric glanced around rapidly in order to spot anything. Anything that resembles any human being.

Ever since arriving into the city through the open gate, He had received nothing but stares from the strange multi-colored Ponyta full of various emotions. Fear, bewilderment, shock, surprise...the emotions ran the gamut of emotions. But out of all that, Eric had noticed something peculiar.

There are not a single human in sight. Even after walking for a few blocks into town. He assumed that at least a single human should greet his eyes. He was wrong.

“I assumed that no one here seen a Hydreigon. That much didn’t surprise me. But not a single human. Just where am I?”He continued to mutter.

Ponies are starting to either stare in shock and stopped what they are doing. Some whispered to one another while others quickly scrambled toward their home before locking the deadbolts, or dropped what they were carrying out of shock. Eric mostly ignored them, but even he starting to feel out of place seeing nothing but Ponyta. That and them being multi-colored with some somehow having horns on their heads.

“I expect a Rapidash to have a horn, not a Ponyta.” He mumbled.

Even Dawn is starting to feel uncomfortable at being stared by dozens pair of eyes. Obviously in shock of what the Bat Pony with three buckets on her back is doing with a three-headed hydra carrying a canvas on his chest. Her head drooped. “I knew this is a bad idea.”

Dawn had done her best trying to tune everything out, Eric had fared a lot better than her. The Hydreigon are shown to be much more composed than her.

“Halt!” The stern male voice shouted. And it came from somewhere out front. Both mare and the Hydreigon quickly rooted to their spot.

There on the end of the street at least a group consisting of six ponies wearing some kind of black uniform with some sort of wide chain-link cuffs on their belt. Two Pegasi, two Unicorns, and two Earth Ponies, all of them are of various color with their mane and coats. With training bred from the years spent in the City Guards Academy, they worked like a well-oiled machine. The six guards quickly stood beside each other and pointed their spears at the same time toward the looming hydra.

Eric didn’t do a thing, he just tensed his arm in preparation for defense. Not before indulging himself again within his thoughts. “Spears? Are they really this isolated? This looks even more medieval.”

Dawn reacted quickly upon the spear pointing at her companion. “Wow,” The mare quickly stood in front of the Hydreigon in his defense. Somehow, the buckets didn’t fell off. “Easy there. What seems to be the trouble, sir?” Inwardly, she knew the answer.

“Ma’am,” the leader Pegasi Pony with the white coat and black mane held out his hoof. “I need you to step away from the hydra!”

The mare put out her hoof in return. “Calm down, he won’t hurt anyone. At least, that’s what I think.”

Silence permeated for a five seconds before the lead Pegasi Pony spoke again. “Can you understand me, hydra?” A nod answered him. “What are you doing here?”

“He couldn’t speak.” The mare answered for the Hydreigon.

“What do you mean?” The Pegasi asked, raising an eyebrow toward the mare.

“What I mean is he could understand us, but couldn’t really speak our language. All he says is just his own name, Hydreigon.” Dawn added, hoping that it would dissuade the guards from attacking.

The lead Pegasi Pony stared back at the unmoving Hydreigon, still clutching the painting to his chest like it matters dearly to him. “Is this true?” Another nod answered in reply.

Some of the guards felt general relief through their body. But they all remained tensed otherwise, still remaining cautious just like what they had trained.

“Just what is going on? There are no humans in sight, only multi-colored Ponytas. Medieval looks. Where am I?” Eric mumbled incoherently through his lips, understood only by himself.

Without his notice, the lead Pegasi Pony nodded and glanced over his shoulder to a Unicorn guard. “Corporal Assault!”

Said pony with light blue coat and blond mane quickly tensed up in response, pointing his spear upward with his left forehoof and saluted his superior officer. “Sir!”

“I need you to cast a translation spell on our friend here!” He pointed a left forelimb to the floating Hydreigon.

The pony tilted his head in confusion. “Sir?”

“It’s an order, corporal! Get to it!”

“Yes, sir!” He quickly trotted up to the Hydreigon without a single amount of hesitation. The Hydreigon glanced down at the pony. “Now hold on for a moment. You might feel a little tingle.”

The pony’s words rang true as Eric suddenly felt a tingle, a tingle that soons spread across his entire body. Five seconds later, the glow of the corporal pony’s horn died down. He trotted backward before speaking. “Now, try speaking something.”

Eric frowned. “Speak something? You probably won’t understand me.”

Ponies had somehow gathered around the commotion without Eric himself realizing. They all had astonished look on their face when they heard him spoke. Two of the guards widened their eyes in astonishment

Dawn gasped, Eric turned her head toward the mare in question. “What? ….what’s wrong?”

The Bat Pony pointed at the hydra-like Pokémon. “I can understand you!”

Eric raised an eyebrow in question. How did she understand him? “What?”

“I mean, I can really understand you! Not the usual ‘Hydreigon’ that you always spoke about!”

Eric himself also become a victim of astonishment. Then he realized something. “Whatever the Ponyta did worked....I think.” Whatever the Ponyta did to him earlier had allowed him to understood by anyone hearing his spoken words.

“I think the spell worked.” The lead Pegasi Pony turned toward the corporal earlier. “Good job, corporal!”

The pony quickly saluted. “Thank you, sir!”

“Thanks a lot, sir.” Dawn is thankful that the guards helped her out with the.....different tongue dilemma.

“It’s not a problem, ma’am. We’re just doing our job.” The lead Pegasi Pony stated with much confidence.

His head turned toward the Hydreigon. Somehow knowing that he had become the subject of everything today. “It appears that you are an intelligent creature. I would like to speak with whoever-“

“Sir, sir!” Everypony in the vicinity turned their heads toward the source. Something is cutting through the crowd of ponies that had somehow circled them without notice. The crowd made several curses as the pony trudge forward.

The one cutting through the crowd soon burst through the crowd and through the guard formation, revealing himself to be an brown Earth Pony City Guard. It appears that he’s heaving for breath. “Sir, there’s....there’s something in the...” The Earth Pony guard is found silenced with the lead Pegasi covering his mouth.

“Calm down, private!” The lead Pegasi barked. He straightened up again before removing the hoof from the Private’s mouth. “Now, what is it that is look like you’ve been chased by the beast of Tartarus?”

The pony took several heaving breath. Three seconds later, he looked up at his superior’s eyes with his own. “T-there’s some kind of monster in the square by the fountain.

“Monster? Are you joking, private?”

“No, no, I’m not joking. I was ordered to come and get you, sir. It was real, sir. As real as the Unicorn who uses magic everyday.” The pony stared as if he had seen death itself.

The lead Pegasi Pony somehow found this hard to believe. Nonetheless, he wanted to know now the he’s curious. “Private, can you give me a description of the....monster in question?”

“It was....it was made of rock, sir!”

“Made of rock?! Now you’re pulling my leg, Private!” The lead Pegasi Pony stated disbelievingly.

“I’m not! Look, the point is, he looks like a rhino! His body are covered in thick rock-like skin that protects him from our spears.” The Earth Pony took several deep breaths before continuing. All, but forgetting any formality before. “There’s also some kind of holes on the palm of a three-finger hands that shoot out rocks.”

Eric head snapped upward at the description. “Rock-like body, a drill-like horn on the nose, holes on the palm of three-fingered hand.....” The guard stared at the mumbling Hydreigon. “There’s only one Pokémon that matched the description.”

“Is there something you want to tell us, hydra? Because I heard that you seemed to know what this is.” The lead Pegasi Pony asked with an eyebrow raised.

Eric eyes found the pony again and he answered. “I think I know what you are referring to.” Somehow, that didn’t ease the guards nerves. Because they know something is wrong.

“Stay back!” An angry-looking rhino-like Pokémon is waving his arm around with the rocky ball in the middle between his palms ready to shoot. He had been waving it for more than a half an hour after being speared by some Ponytas. Though, no one managed to pierce through his tough rocky skin.

Said Rhyperior thought that it would be a good day to sleep in his cave in the mountains. He thought it would be nice and besides what worse could happen when you’re sleeping? Indeed, fate is a powerful and fickle thing because they could change what supposed to be a good day into a bad day by making him found himself in the middle of a town full of strange-colored Ponytas.

Now he is currently trying to defend himself from his attackers in front of a simple-looking concrete double-decker fountain. Where crowds also gathered in a circle at the outermost part of the square to watch the spectacle. “Back away! Or I’ll make sure you Ponytas will regret it!”

“Surround it!” Six city guard who are currently wielding spears that might as well be chopsticks against the big rhino are making a wide circle

“Stand down!” A voice barked. A Pegasi Pony in the city guard uniform made a sudden landing besides his comrades.

An Earth Pony came up and saluted the Pegasi. “Captain, am I glad to see you.” The Earth Pony smiled at the prospect of backup.

“Likewise, Sergeant. Tell your stallions to stand down, we have someone who will try to talk to this.....creature.”

The Sergeant couldn’t believe his ears. That or they are now playing tricks on him. “How is that even possible. He’s been saying Rhyperior, Rhyperior for the good of the half hour, sir.”

“All I know is, that someone understands this creature.”


“Because he happens to speak this creature’s language.”

“Hey!” Almost every single head, except the lead Pegasi Pony snapped toward the source of the male voice. Their eyes found that of the pupil-less eyes of a floating Hydreigon. The Brutal Pokémon floated in front of the crowd. A Bat Pony mare stood behind him flanked right in front by five guards standing side by side.

“Dragon!” The Rhyperior exclaimed, quickly pointing his rock toward the Dragon-type. Rock Wrecker ready to fire .

Eric quickly put his arm up in submission. Showing he meant no harm. “Calm down, I’m not going to hurt you! Let’s talk this out like two person, I mean…..Pokémon would. Nice and easy.” Eric slowly floated toward the panicking Rhyperior who aimed the Rock Wrecker building up in the middle between the palms toward the Hydreigon.

“How do I know you’re not lying! You could be with the colorful Ponytas for all I know.” The Rhyperior shot back, not buying any of that. And not taking his aim off for any reason.

“Why would I lie to you?” Eric pointed at himself, slowly floating forward. “Look, I’m just as confused as you are. I don’t know how I ended up here. And I certainly didn’t know how we meet Ponytas that are of various colors here. Let alone some of them having horns, wings, or Noivern-like wings.”

The Rhyperior gritted his teeth. He glanced away downward for a moment before snapping his gaze back toward the Hydreigon who stopped in surprise. “You’re lying! Those Ponytas.” He glanced to the left before flicking his head toward the same direction, showing a group of six City Guards consisting of ponies wielding spears and the same uniforms. Two Pegasi, two Unicorns, and two Earth Ponies. “They have been attacking me for the last hour.”

The Sergeant Earth Pony had ordered his team to stand down and regrouped during the initial negotiation with the rock-like creature. The lead Pegasi Pony flew back toward his original group to stand at the leftmost of the, beside another Pegasi like before. Dawn is standing behind the guards, in the front of the gathering crowd. Painting now on her back with buckets somehow balanced on the flat painting.

Meanwhile, Eric gritted his teeth. Things are going downhill for him. He knew he had to act fast. “Those Ponyta didn’t mean to attack you. They’re just panicking in the heat of the moment. How would you think someone would react when if say….Groudon appeared in the middle of the city?”

“Well.....” The Pokémon is left speechless. Though, he knew the answer to that question.

“And that’s why, you need to calm down.” Eric eased. “They didn’t have a thing against you. We all would panic if a situation like this occur.”

The Hydreigon floated forward again, intending to deal the final blow. “So, please. Just calm down. Put down your arms and we can talk and discuss like two real.....Pokémon would. I’m sure we can reach an understanding.”

The Hydreigon had hoped that it would work. He knew what would happen if he failed. A rampaging Rhyperior is not exactly pretty to look at.

The Rhyperior started to relax, evident from the slowly dissipating trembling of it’s arms. The Rock Wrecker building in the palms of his hands are slowly disappearing before completely going away entirely. Finally, the Pokémon slowly lowered both of it’s arm in submission.

“...okay....okay...” The Rhyperior arms are now by it’s sides. “I hope you’re not lying about this, Hydreigon. If you did, I will make you regret it.”

Eric sighed. Relieved that’s one less fire he had managed to avoid just now. “Alright, that’s good.”

Eric in turn also lowered his arms to his sides. “Let’s tal-“ He’s cut off when the unexpected happen. A pointy spear bounced off the side of the head of the Rhyperior. Eric knew that meant trouble.

Evidently so did everyone else, as everyone present face hoofed. Some even stopped breathing for a moment.

“Private! Who told you to throw that spear!?” The lead Earth Pony barked at the uniformed unicorn pony beside him.

Said unicorn pony trembled in fear. Seeing an opportunity when the beast had lowered it’s arm, he quickly threw that spear toward the rock monster, hoping that he would hit the mark. Unfortunately, the spear had bounced off harmlessly off the head of the Rhyperior, who are now unleashed a death glare upon the pony.

He is not amused. Turning to face them with a snarl. “You!” He pointed his arms and subsequently, his palm toward the pony. Rocks starting to build up again within the middle of the palm of the hands.

Eric waved his arm frantically. “Wait, wait, he didn’t mean it.” The Hydreigon gritted his teeth in frustration. Eric tried to calm the incoming storm that he knew would come now.

“Liar! You said they didn’t mean it! Why did he attack me, then?!” The pony is now trembling, suddenly regretting the poor choice of action.

“Just listen to me. He didn’t mean it!” The Rhyperior ignored his words, he just kept the aim true toward the group of guards.

The Brutal Pokémon last ditch attempt to salvage the situation had failed him. “Just like that, it failed.....dammit!” He mumbled a curse. He knew what would come next, and he didn’t like it.

Eric glanced all around him, ponies forming a wide circle around the area are now watching with anxiousness. He gritted his teeth. “I’m a Dark and Dragon-type....” His eyes found toward the group of guards with one trembling pony in particular. “Ponyta is Fire-type.....Shiiit.” Eric knew what he need to do. He knew what he’s going to do is stupid, but he felt that he had no choice.

Without warning, the Rhyperior shouted out. “Eat rock, Ponyta!” It came, a boulder at the size of the Rhyperior palm shot out of the hole. Doing an almost bullet-like projection toward the group.

Eric was unprepared. He was ready to fight the Rhyperior if necessary, but not immediately. “Son of a....”

Fortunately, the guards regained their senses soon. “Guards, scatter!” The lead pony barked. As quickly as they can muster, the guards scattered. Pegasi flew upward, Earth Ponies dived to left and right while Unicorns teleported to who knows where.

And unfortunately, that led to one event opening up to another. Eric saw this immediately on where the rock is heading now. “Oh no...foals!” The rock is now making a beeline toward where a small group containing two adult Earth Ponies both male and female. In the center, two foals of the same species and light blue color stared in shock as they found themselves being the new target of the incoming bullet-like rock.

It all happened so fast that Eric with speed previously unknown to him, quickly zipped the toward the childrens , preparing to unleash an instinctive Dragon Pulse. Five meters away until impact, the ponies around the family quickly scattered. Soon they followed, but fate doesn’t allow it as one of the children tripped, forgetting about him. Three meters away until impact, the family turned around, noticing one of their missing family member.

“Book Smart!” The mare shouted, and tried to gallop back only to be held back by her husband.

“Mommy! Daddy!” The foal cried out. Then, he got a surprise when the three-headed hydra who previously talked toward the tall, rocky, rhino zipped in front of him.

Somehow, Eric managed to outfly the rock and stopped a six feet in front of the child. He tried to open his mouth, but the rock was already closing in. He glanced behind him, the foal is still on the ground. The Hydreigon quickly spread his arms wide in an effort to protect the foal.

“It’s okay, kid. I got you.” Hoping for the best, he mumbled two words of comfort. Though, the foal is too much in fear or in his right mind to understand.

“Hydreigon!” A familiar voice shouted from somewhere. It’s Dawn. The mare attempted to fly toward the Hydreigon. Abandoning the cargo on her back.

Eric closed his eyes and braced himself for the pain. Then, unexpectedly, his non-existent ear caught the sound of a whistle.

“Brick Break!” He knew that voice. A female voice that he knew for a long time.

His eyes shot open in order to bear witness to a Salamence flew in front of him and bashed the incoming rock-projectile with her right forelimb sideways. But it also came with an unexpected side effect.

The boulder exploded into hundreds of rocky shrapnels. “WAAAAHHH!” Dozens of tiny pebble struck the Salamence with equal force and velocity of the original whole projectile, sending her tumbling back.

Eric, being quick witted as he is, quickly caught the Salamence within his outstretched arms. “Gyah!” It came unexpectedly and he flew above the foal and slid across the cobblestones on his back.

The foal meanwhile used his hooves to cover his eyes as he lay there on the cobblestones. “Oh, my baby!” Two larger pair of hooves quickly wrapped around foal.

“Mommy, I’m scared.” The colt mumbled through tears.

“It’s okay, baby. Mommy is here now.” The mare nuzzled the sobbing foal furiously as she joined quickly by her husband and her other foal.

“Uggggh,” Eric groaned, somehow, he had managed to catch the Salamence before sliding on his back. Now, said weight is on top of him before he shifted so the weight slid along his belly before hitting the ground.

“She’s heavier than I thought.”He muttered. Getting up to free his wings

The Salamence groaned as her butt hit the ground. “Hydreigon!” Eric’s eyes found that Dawn had landed beside him, quickly putting her hooves beneath his back to help him onto his non-existent feet. “Are you OK?”

The Hydreigon nodded. She is quickly interrupted before she could add anything else. “Dawn, you need to get the family out of here! It’s dangerous.”

“What, but....you’re hurt!”

“I’m fine, you need to get them and everyone else away from this place. Things are only going to get worse.”

The mare seems to hesitate. And Eric quickly added. “I’m fine. You need to go, Dawn.”

“Alright, alright, I’ll go. Just be careful” She trotted toward the family who is comforting their crying children. Soon, they’re heading toward the crowd who had wisely pulled back into a safer distance which is out of the square and range of stray attacks.

Then the Hydreigon heard a groan, he quickly floated back up and toward the Salamence. “Are you okay?”

With a grunt, the Salamence rubbed her face. “Yeah, thanks for that, whoever you are.” The Dragon grunted without glancing backward. Getting up to face the Rhyperior who is chewing his lips.

“......are you Sally?” Straight to the point, but he had noticed the evidently small eyelash as another thing he knew about her. He dreaded what would came next

If her head snaps any faster toward the Hydreigon it might break. “How did you know my nickname?”

“So you are Sally.” He noticed the confusion on the Salamence’s face. He sighed. “It’s me, girl. Eric.”

Then anger replaced her features as she turned around fully to face the Hydreigon. “Are you kidding with me, Hydreigon!? Because if you do, I promise what comes next won’t be pretty. The real Eric is a human, not a Hydreigon!”

“It’s me, Sally. Why do you think I called you with your other nickname?” Eric replied cooly. Not all fazed by her threat.

“Prove it to me! Prove that you’re Eric and not some criminal Hydreigon posing with his voice. If you’re bluffing, I’ll know and I’ll break your jaw!” Sally was angered on how this Hydreigon just took her trainer’s identity and his personalities before posing as Eric himself. How dare he!

The Brutal Pokémon shooked his head sadly. He knew the time has come. “I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this.” He took one deep breath before continuing. ”I found you in my backyard alcove when you were little. You were shivering and hurt and I took care of you.”

Her features softened, there’s only at least two people who knows about that. One is right in front of her now. “...Eric?”

He nodded. Sally moved to hug her trainer and nuzzle him in relief, she was so panicky when she woke up in some meadow and didn’t find him or Will anywhere. “Eric! I’m so-“ She was cut off when Eric held up an arm head.

“Save it for later, girl. We have things to do now.” Her head slightly drooped at his command, but nonetheless she obeyed.

Sally turned around to face the Rhyperior who had already prepared another Rock Wrecker when they were talking. “Stupid Dragon!” Now another Dragon had appeared and shattered his Rock Wrecker to protect the Ponyta and the other Dragon that had tried to lie to him.

Eric gritted his teeth. “I don’t need this now.” Glancing around, he had found crowds of Ponyta had still gathered around the square but all of them remained on each end of the square instead of standing around it. “This makes things more difficult. If the longer the fight goes on, those Ponytas might get hurt.”

Eric knew the solution to the problem, just one. “I have no choice. We are going to have to end this now. Can’t risk collateral damage.” He mumbled. His right arm where the brown watch lay strapped around his wrist tensed. “Time for Mega Evolution, Sally! Prepare yourself!”

“Got it.” The Salamence braced for the feeling that is coming. Eric brought up his right arm where the Mega Wristwatch lay and pressed his left arm head to it.

....somehow, nothing happened. “Hmmm?” He pressed it again, trying to feel something hard pressing against his left arm head. “What....?”

He turned his arm around to see what’s wrong with the keystone on his wristwatch and he got one more shock that amounted in this day. “The Key Stone. It’s gone!”

That made Sally snap her head left almost all the way toward the Hydreigon behind her. “How didn’t you notice until now!?”

“I don’t know! Most of my stuff is gone as well! I wasn’t really paying attention.”

Sally also frowned she noticed the lack of weight that was supposed to be on her left ear fin. “Now that you mention it. I think you should see for yourself.” The Salamence used her left forelimb to point at her left fin ear.

Eric probably got the third surprise of the day when he find that the Salamencite earring Sally wore is also gone. “Dammit, things haven’t really gone our way this day.”

“Anyway,” Sally quickly flew backward as a bullet-like rock smashed where she had once stood, creating a small crater. “I guess we have to do this without going Mega I guess!”

Eric sighed, hoping it wouldn’t come to that. Fate says otherwise. “Alright, like I said we need to take the Rhyperior down as fast as we can. We don’t need to add collateral damage.”

“The old-fashioned way?”

“It is, girl. I’ll lead, you follow.”

The Salamence grinned. “I like it.” She finally re-faced the Rhyperior proper. Snarling, flames licking her lips in challenge.

“Are you with the weird Ponytas, Dragon?” The Rhyperior also bashed his arms together in return. Accepting the challenge by the Salamence. “You protected those Ponytas who attacked me. Then you must be helping them!”

“What’s with you always assuming the worst in someone? It’s probably accidental.” Sally retorted. But her words went through one ear and out the other. As it appears that the Rhyperior won’t listen after perceiving that he was attacked again earlier despite Eric’s reassurance.

“Let’s see what you got, Dragon!”

Play this theme

Without warning, the Drill Pokémon charged. Intending to bash the Dragon Pokémon into the ground with Hammer Arm.

“Get ready, girl!” Her trainer reminded. The Salamence tensed every single limb of her body as the Rhyperior closed in.

The Hammer Arm fell onto her head. Or it should have been. “Circle to the his right side!” Opening her wings wide, Sally quickly made evasive maneuver toward the Rhyperior’s side, dodging the Hammer Arm that would have probably crushed her head from the weight alone instead of the power of the not very effective attack.

“He’s sluggish. Iron Tail to the leg!” She halted by skidding, her tail stretched out and glowed a grey solid steel color. Making an impressive spin, the tail bashed into the baffled Pokémon’s right leg who quickly went into his already small knees.

“Brick Break him!” Eric emphasized the command by pointing the at the kneeing Rhyperior.

And she did, she bashed him sideways on the butt with the super effective move her trainer had ordered. The Rhyperior somehow finding his stomach flat on the ground with his face level with the ground.

The Rhyperior growl came from deep within his throat, getting up slowly because of his cumbersome frame. “You’ll pay for that, Dragon!” Sally didn’t grace him with a reply, just a glare.

The Drill Pokémon finger and hands began to glow dark purple signifying a Poison Jab attack is coming. “Take this!”

The Rhyperior, for someone so cumbersome, ran at full-speed toward the unmoving Salamence. “Sally, dodge the Poison Jab!” He unleashed the first jab toward the Salamence who had dodged it by leaning her head to the left.

Leaning right and backward, she dodged most of the the attempt to jab her in the face. The Salamence didn’t made any comment during the dodging, just made the Rhyperior more angry with how easy the Dragon Pokémon dodged his attack like that.

The Rhyperior gritted his teeth in frustration as the little Salamence flew backward from yet another blow to crush her against the dirt. “Stay still!” He had finally lost his patience, bringing both of his arms above his head for a hammerfist Poison Jab and ran forward.

“Flamethrower to the face!” And the Rhyperior soon found his face engulfed in flames.

The flames died down soon enough without any effective damage, but the Rhyperior’s eyes are not. He is blinded by the heat to his eyes and the sudden bright light. “Ack, my eyes!” The rock-like Pokémon swung his right arm around in an attempt to purchase any kind of hit to no avail while his left arm are rubbing his singed eyes.

“Somersault and use Iron Tail to the head!” With a single quick beat of her crimson wing, the Salamence jumped upward.

Doing an impressive somersault, she flipped over the head of the blinded Rhyperior. But not before her tail stretched outward mid-flip with the same grey solid steel color and slammed into the back of the Rhyperior’s head. The Rhyperior went down with a wide-eyed expression and an open mouth before his face has yet met the ground again.

Pause the theme.

Sally landed harmlessly with grace behind the Rhyperior before spinning around and flew backward to gain distance. The crowds couldn’t help, but stare in awe at the impressive fight that the winged Dragon that showed up out of nowhere were able to dish out.

Even Dawn herself couldn’t help, but admire the strength of the Dragon who is for some reason commanded by her new three-headed friend. “Wow....”

“Nice job, Sally. But don’t let your guard down just yet.” The Hydreigon’s eyes found the Rhyperior. “I’m going to check him out.”

“Wait, Eric.” Sally, with an almost whiny voice, held out forelimb to Eric in attempt to stop him from behind the downed Rhyperior. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“I’m going to check if there’s any long-lasting damage, there’s nothing wrong with that. Besides, I told you to stay on your guard.”

Any further protest is drowned when Eric approached the downed Rhyperior. Right in front of the Pokémon, he floated to near ground level and put his right arm head to the head of the Rhyperior.

A few seconds later he glanced upward at a worried Sally. ”Looks like he’s knocked out.” Then a rock-hard three-fingered hand found itself gripped his throat tight. Cutting off his air supply.

“I got you, Dragon!” The Hydreigon found himself pinned beneath a heavy arm holding him down onto the dirt.

Eric’s wing beat erratically in an attempt to get out. The Rhyperior kneed on top of him, left arm pulled back and glowing white with Hammer Arm. “Oh no...” Eric know that it’s going to hurt because of him being a part Dark-type. He quickly bashed his right arm head against the face of the Rhyperior’s repeatedly in a vain attempt to free himself.

Then he felt the urge again, the same urge that allowed him to use Dragon Pulse. He heard a voice call out to him again, it’s Dawn. She was screaming full of worry.

What Eric didn’t notice, is that the most angry-looking Salamence is right behind the Rhyperior now. If stares could burn like a laser, then there would a hole in the Rhyperior’s head. But that’s not going to happen anytime soon.

Instead, what’s going to happen is that the Rhyperior just noticed a ‘whoosh’ in time for him to glance behind him and receive a sideway Brick Break across the face. A Rhyperior is supposed to be heavy, yet he somehow found himself flung off his feet by a powerful Brick Break. He rolled across the ground before halting by slamming against the wall of a house and shattering every single window.

The Dragon Pokémon landed beside her trainer protectively with expression of raw anger. “Touch Eric again and I’ll break every single bone in your body!” Sally stated with malice in her eyes. Somehow, the Rhyperior could tell that she’s willing to follow what she had said.

The Drill Pokémon slowly getting up from laying on his side. Groaning all the way. “You’re very good, Dragon! I haven’t fought someone so strong in a while!”

“Trust me, you haven’t seen the worst I could do if I Mega Evolve!” A groan sounded to her left. Turning her head, she found that Eric is slowly getting up. “Eric! Are you okay? No injuries?”

Eric had floated back up during their conversation, no harm had befallen on him and the urge going away while coughing. “I’m okay, girl. Don’t worry.” He took much needed air into his almost breath-less lungs.

“Are you sure?”

“Positive, Sally. It was a stupid move, but I’ll be fine. So I think you should to pay more attention to the opponent.” At the small berate, her eyes found the Rhyperior again, snarling all the way. How dare he intend to harm her trainer!

Continue the theme

Eyeing the Rhyperior-sized den on the wall, he knew what it meant. “We can’t let this continue any further. We need finish this game now.” He pointed his right arm toward the Rhyperior. “Sally, use Outrage!"

If there’s a face that’s capable of giving nightmares, here it is because a Dragon-type using Outrage is considered deadly. Sally’s eyes glowed a murderous blood red, her entire limbs tensing in order to give a good amount of thrashing to her opponent.

“You’re going down, Dragon!” The Rhyperior in turn made his arm glow dark purple. Preparing another Poison Jab attack.

Eric quickly floated sideway to get out of the line of fire. “Finish him off!” And she flew at high speed toward the Drill Pokémon who in return sprint in a slower fashion.

They both closed in on each other fast, the crowd stared intensely, determined to find who’s going to win. They met in the center, Sally’s right forelimb pulled back and the Rhyperior’s arms both being pulled back and he punched....only for his Poison Jab to meet nothing but air. The Salamence ducked beneath the blow, strafing toward his back by floating off ground a little and unleashed Outrage. Pain, it’s pain that he felt as the Salamence literally trashed him with punches, kicks and batting wings across his face.

With one final cry coupled with a punch to the face, he got flung off his feet again, and crashed straight into the fountain, causing it to crumble. The dust settled sooner than later, revealing a Rhyperior with swirly eyes on his back staring into the sky.

Theme end

The Salamence eyes still glowed red. “Is it down, Eric? Please say that he’s down for the count.”

Eric waited for ten second for the Rhyperior to react. And nothing happened in those seconds. “I think it’s knocked out for real. Great work, Sally. You did well once again.”

The Salamence couldn’t help, but smile at her trainer’s praise. “Oh, good, then I can fall on my side then.” Upon saying the magic word, she did fall onto her side.

“Sally!” He quickly floated over to the Salamence side.

A familiar Bat Pony mare watching in front of the crowds rubbed her forehead in an attempt to clear an incoming headache. “This day is getting quite strenuous, even for me.”

Play this as closing theme

Author's Note:

Here we are, chapter 3

Hope everyone who read it enjoyed it. Sorry for any mistakes I've made. No excuse, but I'm not a native English speaker.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy. Any likes would be appreciated.