• Published 17th Jan 2015
  • 2,794 Views, 56 Comments

A New World, A New Dawn - Uber Reaper

'One must do all they can depending on the situation.' This applies even to anonymous trainer Eric Angelo alongside his team. Finding himself in a new world and finding a friend in a mare. He brought along a sense of duty as he attempted to reunite

  • ...

Chapter 8 : A Chance Encounter

What you comes to expect within something sometimes can be surprising. What you expected to happen, expectations for something or a place, sometimes you can be right..... or horribly wrong in those expectations. A lesson I learned the hard way when I expected that this world would be peaceful, however, it was far from peaceful. No matter where you go, no matter what kind of planet you end up in, there's no such things as a true peace, it's just an illusion - Eric Angelo

Play this as opening theme

Three figures within the shadows of the building walked down the street, or floated in the case of Eric and Will.

Eric stared forward with an unchanging expression that someone would take as a stare that could pierce into their soul as he floated down while listening to a muffled conversation. Yet the look was far from that, it was the look of an annoyance.

“Just what is going on tonight? First, I would’ve thought that this day is really going to be great. Second, sadly I was wrong.” Eric muttered.

The muffled voice starting to clear once more when Eric stared at the origin of the voice in question to his right. He had turned her voice out when Sally had been ranting off for some time now, safety and all that.

“And Eric, what were you thinking? You could have died for all we know! You should have waited for me!” It didn’t take Eric long to realize that Sally had followed through with his promise earlier, after the close call with the Tentacruels.

Slightly shaking his head with a sigh, he just ignored most of her rant. “Maybe it’s not such a good idea letting her rant after all....too late anyways.” He willed himself to tune her out again.

Until he heard the words she said next. “You need to be more careful next time! I can’t believe you just jumped in like that!” Sally said while walking in front of the wet and damp Eric.

He didn’t change his expression, he just continued to stare ahead with gloomy eyes and not sparing a second glance. ”I’m always careful. I thought things through and I didn’t see any other option.”

That and no one probably wanted to save the stallion from a certain death. I had to react, there’s really nothing else I could do.

Will sighed, curbing the urge to facepalm. “I’m surprised that you actually thought things through. I mean, jumping into the sea to rescue a stallion pony? That’s a very smart thing to do. Maybe the ones with legs should jump in next time.”

Sally glared at the Reuniclus. “Will, stop the sarcasm for a moment. It’s bad enough that I have to deal with Larry all the time. Now I have to take care of Eric.”

Will shrugged. “That’s a wonderful suggestion, Sally. Oh, wait, I’m wrong. Why should I shut up?”

Sally gave him a deadpan stare. “Your sarcasm is getting infuriating.”

“Will is always like that,” Eric mumbled through his mouth.

None of them actually heard it. “It’s your lucky day, Sally. I might consider shutting my mouth for once. You know, make everything sunshine again with the silence.”

Eric looked at both his Pokemons. ”Just like the good old days.” He didn’t pay attention to both of them, since this is always happening. “Wet….I can’t believe this is happening to me.”

This day really haven’t gotten better than the last two days when I first arrived here, for Arceus’ sake....

And the papers.” Feeling said paper stuffed into the right head’s mouth, he bit his lip. “Shit, what am I supposed to do with it?

Should I just go with it....or should I just forget about it?” Eric sighed. “Neither is better....dammit.

Just as they moved down the road, they passed a big building in silence. Eric took a sideways glance toward the building. ”Hmmm?”

He stopped on the spot, turning around fully to face the building. His Pokemon admired him for his level-headedness, but they also admired another thing about him as well. His newly developed perceptiveness after his transformation.

Eric didn’t give a single thought about that, the only thing that mattered now was what he saw. Something very peculiar. “....why is the door open in the middle of the night?”

“Huh?” The banter of the two Pokemons was put to a hold when they heard Eric muttering about something. They turned around to see him looking forward like a statue to a building.

Will shook his head, or his entire body, before floating to his trainer, followed by Sally. They stopped in front of him. ”Eric, come on. Stop daydreaming and lets go. The cold of the night is inviting and all, but I don’t want to see you get sick either.”

“As much as I hate his sarcasm right now, Will’s right. We need to get you dried up!”Sally stated, worried about his health now that Will was soaking wet.

Eric suddenly put an arm up. ”Wait….did you two notice anything?”

Sally and Will tilted their heads in confusion.”Notice….what?”

Eric pointed forward. ”That….”They turned their heads toward the museum.

After scrutinizing every single detail of the building, she shook her head. ”I don’t see anything wrong. Wait a minute, why are we doing this? We should get back to Dawn!”

“I said, wait…..the door is wide open. There’s not a single security guard either.”Eric had expected a secure building for a museum would at least have some security at night. Not unless they wanted to be rob blind.”Which means, there are only two answers. Either the guard is incompetent enough to leave the front door opens….or..”

“Or what?” Will urged.

“Or unless….we got a burglar on our hands.”

Sally groaned. She knew what he was thinking at the moment, and she was not agreeing to it, not after the talk they had. ”I thought you said you wanted to stop doing those….things. With this being a more peaceful world and all.”

“God Almighty Arceus himself is probably too incompetent when it comes to choosing the world we live in then. It’s not as peaceful as we thought if there’s a burglar running around.”Will quipped.

Eric ignored those two again. His mind is only on doing one thing again.”Maybe we should check it out.”

“What an excellent idea!”Will slapped his arm together.”The worse we can get is probably dying painfully or get accused by the cops. The latter is the best case scenario.”

“Eric….”Sally said in a warning tone. “Don’t….you’re wet and hurt. Stop being a hero for once and let’s just go. It’s probably nothing.”

“I hardly sees an open door to a museum in the middle of the night nothing. In fact, anyone would find that suspicious.” Eric thought. “I’m a part Dragon-type, being wet would hardly affect me. Look, you two can go home if you don’t want to. It’s probably dangerous so I’ll check it out myself.”

“That’s an even worse idea! You can hardly defend yourself!” Sally shouted.

“Uh, correction. He can defend himself with his hand-to-hand combat, or should I say, hand-to-head?.”Will added.

The Salamence turned around and glared at the Reuniclus.”Not helping, Will!”

“Just saying. Our trainer is not as defenseless as you think he is.”

Sally sighed.”Forget it. Eric, let’s-” She turned around to see…..nothing. ”Eric!?”

Will pointed at the museum. “Have you checked the museum? They say the exhibits are quite lovely for robbing blind right now.”

Upon the implication, Sally turned her head toward the open door to see Eric now poking his head inside. “Eric!”She practically flew over to his side.

Will sighed while chuckling. “That’s our trainer.” He floated over to join them.

“Eric!” Sally landed by his side, poking him.”Eric, what are you doing!?”

He didn’t respond, but he kept his head inside the door. Until he muttered something.”Sally, come here.”


Now Will joined behind Sally.”Are you going to tell us, Eric? Or are you going to stand there posing your pretty butt to us?”

Eric didn’t say anything. Just motioned the two over.”Just come over here, you two!”

Sally and Will looked at each other before poking their heads inside the door. The scene inside made their eyes wide open.

It was...subtle, but it was clearly the scene of a crime. While most of the museum was somewhat untouched, there were certain spots that had signs of a scuffle, most notable being the parts where things were frozen. And that included a few of what must have been the night guards. Not to mention, several of the exhibit locations were empty as the artifacts had been taken.

“What the hell happened here?”Sally questioned

“Probably an Ice-type.”Eric muttered.”Ice just don’t appear out of nowhere in this weather.”

“Yeah, and that is assuming ponyland does not have some kind of cryo-weapon or something.”Will added.

The Hydreigon gritted his teeth at the prospect.“There’s a burglar here.”Eric entered the museum proper to witness the chaos. ”And the burglar is probably an Ice-type.”

“Ice-type.....that won’t bode well for us.” He muttered. “Either way, a burglar is still a burglar.”

Sally also stepped inside, glancing around to witness the ice.”Doesn’t look like a clean job to me.”

“Yeah, probably an amateur. The God Almighty is more incompetent than I thought. Bringing burglars into the magical land of pony and rainbows. What a fantastic turn of event wouldn’t you two say?” Will added his sarcasm into the conversation.

“Will, stop the sarcasm and shut up!”Sally warned.”And there’s a real burglar, keep it down!”

“Oh, now you want to stop the burglary?”Will raised an invisible eyebrow.”I thought you were going to drag Eric by the tail back to Dawn’s house? I’m shocked!”

“That’s different!” Though in her mind, she had secretly wished that Eric will just leave this alone and go back home. But largely, now she wanted to stop the burglary as well.

“Ssshh, keep it down, you two!”Eric hissed.”There’s an Ice-type inside which means Sally won’t be a good choice nor will I. Will, I’m going to need you again.”

Will shrugged. “Whatever you say, Eric.”

Eric nodded. ”Alright, let’s get to work.”Eric led his two Pokemon inside.

“Just this once, I’m going to indulge myself in doing this again. Shit, I don’t even know why I even bother doing this after my talk with Sally.” The Hydreigon mumbled through his mouth. Fortunately, a certain Dragon also had the same thought.

While making their way to the stairs on the other side of the room, they take a good look on the guards who are frozen solid. They couldn’t help, but pity the poor ponies who safeguarded this place from burglar. Their faces almost looked like that of ice sculptures, though strangely enough, many of them had rather...plain expressions, like they didn’t even realize what had happened until it was too late. Even Will was quiet.

But Eric is undaunted. He kept moving forward or floated. It wasn’t long until they arrived at the bottom of the stairs.”I wish I had the Mega Wristwatch Keystone. It would be helpful now,” Eric muttered.

“Alright, you two should get ready. Sally, prepare to assist with Flamethrower. I want to surprise them.”

“Right behind you,” Sally declared. Flames already licking her lips.

“Let’s get this over with,” Will added.

Eric looked up the stairs.“I’ll go first, you two watch my back.” He floated up the stairs.

Sally and Will quickly went back-to-back just like what they had trained. Sally moved forward while Will floated backward, watching anyone that might ambush them. Since, Will doesn’t have legs, he doesn’t really need to watch where he steps on as he floated up the stairs.

When they’re almost up, Eric watched above the floor from the stairs. He almost froze himself on the spot when heard something. “Is that....?”

Out of nowhere, he ducked before putting an arm head up. ”Wait, I think I hear them.”

“The burglar?”Sally questioned. Eric nodded.

“They’re real-life amateurs. Couldn’t keep noise down like a professional would. This thief is either brave or dumb.”Will snickered.”Boy, here we are trying to stop some dumb burglar and he acted like some school kid stealing some cookies. I’m properly amazed, maybe I should give him a proper slap on the back and a clap.”

“Be quiet. And Will, keep watching our six. I don’t want any innocent get caught in the crossfire or anyone entering the building.”

Will gave a sarcastic salute.“Sir, yes, sir.”And he leaned his body down to give the first floor another look over.

However, what they didn’t know, was that someone else was here too. Nevertheless, they continued on upstairs.

Upstairs was oddly, deserted. It didn’t take long for Eric to figure out that the commotion on the first floor must’ve drawn the guard toward it, thus making them another victim of Ice-attacks. None of them complained, though, as the last thing they need is some guards getting in their way, mistaking them for some burglars.

After passing through several exhibits concerning Equestrians history and artifacts, they are now trudging through the old library, toward wherever the burglars are currently doing their robberies.

“I don’t like this.”Eric muttered.”A Salamencite and Keystone would be useful now. It should end things quickly…..Dammit.”

“Where are we? This place is like a maze.”Sally glanced around the old library where they kept stuff from Equestrian past.

“You could say that again.”Will is glancing around behind them. Making sure, that no one would sneak up on them.

When they about turn around the corner, they heard….some conversation. They all stopped even without Eric needing to put up his arm head as a signal.

“You hear that?”Eric asked.

“Yeah, I heard it. Pretty loud, too.”Sally frowned.

“No, all I heard is just school kids arguing over cookies.”Will chuckled.”Of course, I heard it.”

Sally wrinkled her nose.”Someone is smelly.”

“Then that someone doesn’t know the proper code for hygiene.”Will quipped while grinning.”Maybe they should pose in an exhibit and lift their arm so we could smell the glorious smell from their armpit. Hoooray, for the one who wins, we shall give them a kiss.”

Sally sweatdropped.

Eric ignored those two, he peeked around the corner. What he saw made him blink.

There in the room, was a Sceptile wearing a uniform of some kind, and a Weavile. Both of them had several artifacts inside the bags they carried, but right now it seemed that both were...arguing with each other.

“Oh no you don’t. You’re not getting in my way THIS time!” the Weavile growled as he landed a kick to the Sceptile’s leg.

“And you ought to take a chill pill!” the Sceptile growled, as he whacked the Weavile upside the head.

“Oh yeah? Well maybe I’d be more ‘chill’, if you hadn’t cost us the contest!” the Weavile growled.

“You are one annoying dude, you know that? How did I ‘cost’ us anything?” The Sceptile retorted, anger in his fangs.

Eric stopped peeking. He looked back at his Pokemon who vigilantly watched his back this whole time like he had ordered them to do.”I was wrong, there are two of them. I should have known when we heard the argument.”

“What? Two?”Sally questioned.

“And if the argument isn’t enough of a sign. Those two aren’t loud enough to wake the entire town, then. Oh wait, maybe they should get a concert together. Name it, ’Argument Between Two Boyfriends.’ That and all gay stuff.”

“Well, they are both males. That much is true.”

“Who are they, then?” Sally tilted her head in question.

“A Sceptile and a Weavile. Sally, I was wrong, you had a type-advantage over the Sceptile.”Eric put his arm head to his chin.”We have to rethink our strategy.”

“Hey, I know what you’re thinking, Eric. Why does Sally have to go against the overgrown tree lizard.”Will complained.

“She has a type-advantage over him. Besides, Grass doesn’t do well against both Dragon and Flying-type.”A new train of thought went into his head. ”Unless, the Sceptile knows Dual Chop.”

“What should we do, then?”

“Be quick about it.” Will reminded. “I doubt those two will continue their foreplay forever.”

Eric quickly tried to wrack his brain for a decent strategy when dealing with the burglar. Obviously, those two aren’t going anywhere for the moment. But he had to think fast on a solution.

It wasn’t long, he already known a strategy. “I got it. Sally, take the Weavile on. Will, take the Sceptile.”

“What? Eric, I’m a Dragon and Flying-type. I’m at a disadvantage against a Weavile!”

Even Will is surprised at this….strategy he proposed.”Eric, I think you might be deluding from drinking that many sea water. Unless, we wish to see a real-life ice dragon then you better explain this.”

“You should know that whatever I decide always has a hidden meaning to it.” Eric explained.

Sally groaned, that didn’t help much. “Eric, please say it straight. What do you mean? I’m not as smart as you or Helen.”

Eric put his right arm head to his chin again.“We’ll take them by surprise first. If that doesn’t work, we’ll just have to do it the old-fashioned way.”

“Ah, the good old-fashioned way. It’s perfect actually, all we have to do is just charge head on into the fire and get sun tanned? It’s lovely and all, but I prefer to maintain my coloring thank you very much.”

The Hydreigon ignored the sarcasm, he glanced at his loyal Salamence.“Sally, can you do that trick again?”

Said Salamence raised her eyebrow.”You mean, that trick?”Eric nodded.

“It should get you out of jam.”He looked toward the Reuniclus next.”Will, prepare to use Future Sight and Pain Split. It should help as well. You’re a Psychic-type besides your moveset hardly worked against the Weavile. Only Sally’s.”

“Oh, now I see. Perfect plan, the worst I can get is probably get chopped by the overgrown lizard. If not, then we’ll take him down. Oh wait, maybe the Future Sight will fry him and we’ll get to eat a lizard for breakfast.”

“I still think this is a bad idea.”Sally said, head hanging low. Not liking where this is going.

“You’ll both do fine. Remember, watch each other’s back.”Eric peeked around the corner again, the Weavile and Sceptile still arguing like a husband and wife would.

“Get ready…..” Eric motioned his two Pokemons to follow him again toward the inner exhibit.


Sally charged and when the thieves laid eyes upon the source of the voice, their eyes widened simultaneously with shock. The Salamence went straight toward the Weavile while the Reuniclus just floated out of the exhibit calmly like he had all the time in the world. A Hydreigon floated out of the exhibit, giving the burglar his dark glare.

The Salamence right forelimb glow a bright purple. Dragon Claw attempting to rip the Weavile’s face off. The Weavile, acting on quick reflexes, flips over the attack, putting him right in front of the Salamence.

“Cute. Now good night!” he growls, before firing an Ice Beam. However, the Salamence seemed to have anticipated this, as she suddenly spun around, her tail glowing with a Dragon Tail, which smashed into him while he was in mid-air, sending his attack off course, and straight to the Sceptile.

The Sceptile had a moment to look, and a split second to dodge, which he did via an impressive limbo maneuver. “Watch it, dude! You almost turned me into a Scepcicle!” he shouted, before charging at the Salamence, his claws glowing with a Dragon Claw attack.

“I present to you, who makes his grand entrance.” Will quickly floated sideways and right in the path of the Dragon Claw. “Will!”

Sceptile didn’t care, as long as his attack hits. The Dragon Claw is brought toward the face of the Reuniclus. Only he felt….lighter for some reason. He soon saw the reason as his eyes found that the Reuniclus body is glowing and so was he.

“Hey! Put me down!” He tried to struggle, but couldn’t. He is in the grip of a Psychic-type now.

“Sorry, what was that?” Will made an exaggerated show of digging his non-existant ear. “Can’t hear you properly with the sound of something of a cat screech here!”

“I said-”

“Oh, wait, I know! You wanted for me to redecorate your face. Uhm, correction, apply makeup to your face!” the Sceptile suddenly found himself flung upward.

“No no no no!”His head banged on the ceiling. Bang, bang, and bang again.
Sally flinched each time when the Sceptile’s head is banged.”That’s gotta hurt.”

“Waaah!”Now he found himself flung toward the ground at high-velocity. He closed his eyes at the last second.

All seemed silence, silence, and silence. That’s when Sceptile decided to open his eyes. He found himself sighing in relief. His snout was just an inch off the floor. His hope is dashed when the light weighted feeling is lifted and he found his face made acquaintance with the tile.

“And there you go! Thank you for your patience! I hope you come back to Will Make-up Saloon soon!”

Weavile growled in annoyance, and gritted his teeth when he saw Sceptile groaning on the ground as he shakily got up. These two were good. But he wasn’t about to lose yet.

“Tough guys eh? Dark Pulse!” he growled, before firing the attack in a wide range, aiming for the Reuniclus first.

Sally glanced at the Weavile. Seeing the Dark Pulse heading straight toward her friend, she shoved him out of the way before diving to the left herself.

“Gotcha!” Weavile grinned evilly, before cutting off the Dark Pulse, switching to an Ice Beam aimed straight for the Salamence as she was in mid-dodge.

What he didn’t expect was Sally suddenly putting her wings out and doing a sideway spiral. Dodging the Ice Beam as it hit the wall. Sally quickly halted and stabilized herself.

As she did that, she saw Sceptile immediately lunge for her, another Dragon Claw ready, while he looked pissed as hell.

“I will be your opponent, lizard!” Will put himself in Dragon Claw´s path again. This time, he didn’t do a thing. Letting the Dragon Claw slash him.

“Are you crazy, dude?!” Scep couldn’t help but gawk, even if he didn’t mind the fact that his attack had hit. He jumped back quickly in fear of retaliation.

“Maybe, maybe not! Why don’t you try tasting this!”His body glowed blue again. Sceptile braced himself for another Psychic attack, only that….it didn’t come.

Sceptile gave a deadpan stare.”Was that supposed to do something?”

“You blind? Maybe you’re lacking brain cells to process information. No, wait, I get it. Maybe you’re too dumb to recognize an attack when you see one?” Will gave off a clap.”Congratulations, my lizard, you just won the first prize. Where you get to pose there as I kick your butt.”

Scep growled. A grunt caused him to turn his head toward the source. “Eat this!” Weavile fired another Ice Beam toward the Salamence.

The Salamence took a deep breath and countered with a hot red Flamethrower. The beams collided in the center. Both fighters grunted as each tried to gain dominance over the other. Not one could gain ground over the other which in turn caused the beams to explode dead center. Dust kicking up all over.

Both Pokemon quickly stepped back. The Salamence flew backward toward the Reuniclus while the Weavile jumped back toward the Sceptile’s side.

“These guys ain’t half bad,” Weavile grinned. “So...where’s your trainer? He too chicken to show his face?”

“You can tell?” Sceptile commented.

“Yeah, these two are way too strong and coordinated to be some random wild Pokemon, and there’s no way they’re related, so that means they’ve got a trainer directing them. Again, where is he? Or is he just a big pansy?” Weavile taunted.

Eric didn’t react to the insult, just giving off a gloomy stare.

The Salamence and the Reuniclus looked at them with eyes full of determination. Until Will started another conversation.“Look at them, Sally. Like two guys on their first date. My, my, they’re already getting along quite well.”

At his words, both thieves snapped their head sharply toward the snarky Reuniclus. “What did you say?” Both said at the same time while growling.

“I said, you’re both are doing quite well with your foreplay. Of course, I said you two are on a date. Am I missing something here?”

Both thieves gave a deadpan stare which said that they’re not amused at all. “You’re a very sarcastic mon, aren’t you?” Sceptile stated.

Will gave off a clap. ”Congrats, congrats, for figuring out until now that I’m pretty sarcastic. Then, I should assume you guys are lacking brain cells to comprehend my sarcasm.”

The Multiplying Pokemon turned around to face Eric who all this time just glared at the opponent.”Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the two most gay and dumbest Pokemon on the planet. Here, we are now presenting two dating male Pokemons with the lowest IQ who have somehow managed the feat of figuring out that I’m a sarcastic idiot. Give them an applause.”

The two thieves’ eyes twitched, before they looked at each other. “Hey Scep, truce?” Weavile offered with a face-splitting grin.

“Until we tear trash mouth over there in half? Deal, dude,” Scep matched the demented smile, before they both glared at the Reuniclus.

Sally, despite not really agreeing with Will’s sarcastic attitude at this time couldn’t help, but snicker. Even the gloomy Hydreigon is let out a small chuckle which is a rare thing for him to do.

“The cards are already falling.” Eric muttered.

“Sally, deal with the Weavile! Will, do what you have been doing!”The Hydreigon took a deep breath before he unleashed the command.”Act on your own!”

“Got it!”Sally quickly charged toward the Weavile again. Dragon Claw in tow.

“Time to apply some more make-up! Courtesy of Will!” He charged toward the Sceptile, ready to catch him in his power again.

However, as the combatants were fighting, nobody noticed the soft sound of the simple count down. Nobody but Eric, as he was not directly in the fight.

“10...9...8…” the voice murmured.

“Hmmm?” Eric glanced around at the voice in order to find the source. ”.....I must be imagining things.”

“7...6...5...4...:” The voice continued, just as Sally was going full speed at the Weavile with a Dragon Claw, while Will is getting sliced up by the Sceptile using multiple Leaf Blades.

Then just as he about to unleashed yet another hurt, a sharp pain caused him to abruptly faceplant. “What!?” The Sceptile went to his knees. His entire being suddenly felt pain all over, while Will was glowing blue with his signature grin.

“Oh, does that hurt?” Will grinned as the glow went away.

The Sceptile was now breathing heavily.”W-what did you...do to me?”

“Pain Split! That’s what!” Will grinned as he winked. ”Now, say goodbye to the waking world of magical ponyland with a smile! I promise that I’ll apply my best make-over so here it is!”He gave off another exaggerated bow, just as he saw Sally miss the first swipe, only to nail the Weavile with the second swipe of already prepared Brick Break with her left forelimb across the face, sending him tumbling back.

“Checkmate….” Eric muttered as Sally charged again with Brick Break. Intending to end this. “Looks like this is it for them…”

Out of nowhere, a crackle of lightning is heard. Scep glanced above him as a blue heavenly lightning bolt was about to strike down upon his being.

“I present to you, overgrown lizard barbeque! We’ll be having that for breakfast!”

However, at that moment, the voice returned. “3...2...1...show time!”

Play this as battle theme

The two attacks hit...only for the Weavile and the Sceptile to suddenly burst into what appeared to be multiple Pidgeys which flew into so many directions, they practically covered the room.

Eric glanced wildly around the room. His vision obscured with the Pidgey flying and let loose feathers.”What the….Pidgeys?”

The Hydreigon began batting away the Pidgeys. “...where did they come from!?”

The Dragon Pokemon meanwhile tried to bat the birds away. Somehow they reminded her of a certain bird. “What the hell? Ah, get away!” Sally tried to bat the Pidgeys in vain. “You’re ruining my move. Stupid birds!”

As the Pidgeys fluttered around, finding various exits in the form of open windows, they soon parted, revealing someone else now in the center of the room. It was a Zoroark. A shiny Zoroark, and one that was dressed in a black cape and a black cavalier’s hat. The Zoroark smirked slightly, before bowing slightly, much like how an actor would on stage.

It didn’t take much for the former trainer to realize who it is. “...you!” Eric gaped while pointing at the Zoroark. ”The cape, the ridiculous cap…..I should have known….”

“Oh? Now isn’t this a surprise. Do refresh my memory, as I don’t recall ever meeting you before, though I suppose that’s not saying much in this situation.” The Zoroark chuckled in amusement.

Will made another move toward a conversation. “Well, isn’t this a surprise. An unexpected guest. A cape? Seriously, what are you? The Queen of Parfum Palace? That would be nice if you put a crown on your head.”

“Nobody that important,” the Zoroark chuckled in amusement at his comment. “Just someone who’s come out to play for a little.”

“And I’m the Champion Diantha.” Will quipped. “You hear that, Sally? She said play a little. That means we have to give a proper spank to her butt for playing this late at night. Bad children. Don’t worry, just a minor turn of event. We shall rectify that.”

The Zoroark didn’t respond. Instead, she seemed to tremble a bit, before the trembling revealed to be full blown laughter. This earned the Reuniclus a deadpan stare from Sally, not actually believing that his sarcasm actually made someone laugh their lungs dry.

“Guess I was right. You all ARE an interesting bunch. Guess good things do happen when you go out for a little exercise,” she said as she reigned in her laughter. “As for a punishment, we’ll see who punishes who on account of what you did to my friends earlier,” she smirked. “But we’re getting off topic. I do believe I asked you who you were before. It’s quite rude to ignore a lady.”

“You’re no lady.” Eric replied with neutral face. “You’re a thief.”

“And a worse one at that. Dammit, it looks like I will never catch a break at this rate.” The Hydreigon sighed internally.

Sally quickly flew back to her trainer side. “Eric, you know her?”

“Yeah, I know who she is. She’s the Phantom Thief Fox. But to me, just another thief who stole just for the fun of it.” This in turn caused Sally to snarl.

“Awww, really? Nobody ever does understand our grace and class,” Fox chuckled, feigning hurt. “Why does everyone lump us in with the common thieves when we’re so much more than that?” she said dramatically in mock hurt, before chuckling to herself.

“Grace and class?” Will began racking his brain for more conversation material. ”Let’s see, here we are with the Phantom Thief Fox. A guy…or a lady who said that she had such grace and class that’s somehow the reason she always escapes from the law. I’m not going to full and all with the detail, but here it is. A Phantom Thief Fox ended up in magical ponyland, we ended up encountering her, and about to fight her. God Almighty Arceus, your act is so full with pure incompetence that our brains had no choice, but to process the sheer aweness of this situation. Fantastic, isn’t it?”

At this, everyone sweat dropped. Everyone except Eric. “...friendly advice. Don’t bring him anywhere near the ‘Hall of Legends’ that Arceus is currently living in. Not unless you want to be short one team member,” Fox blinked, honestly not sure what else to say for once.

“I didn’t expect this to happen. That Key Stone would’ve been really useful now. Dammit.” Eric muttered. “No matter.”

“We’ll just have to do this the old-fashioned way. But I know it’s not going to be that easy with her.” His eyes resolute, preparing to take care of the infamous thief.

“Sally, Will! Be careful, who knows what this thief will do next!” Eric tensed his arm. Preparing to fight her if necessary as well.

Fox just smiled, as she tipped her hat over, not once moving from her spot. “Well then, shall we begin the show?” she chuckled.

Eric glanced at Will who glanced back in return. Eric nodded to him. For once, Will didn’t reply with sarcasm, just a simple nod as well.

“I can’t let her escape. No choice, then.” Eric pointed an arm head toward the smirking Zoroark. “Sorry, Sally.” He muttered.

”Sally! Use Outrage!” He didn’t want to risk her escaping. At the command, Sally’s eyes glowed a murderous blood red.

“Outrage? Are you sure you want to have a berserk dragon in this museum?” Fox chuckled in amusement, seemingly not caring about the dragon charging at her. However, just as Sally was about to reach her, Fox shifted slightly, easily sidestepping her frenzied attacks, before tossing a small ball at her face, which exploded, coating her face in a web-like substance. “You see?” she chuckled.

“Sally!” The Dragon Pokemon growled while clawing at her face to get rid of the sticky substance.

“Is that all? I really need to work on Weavile’s training if he let her beat him. Speaking of which...Blizzard,” Fox simply said as she backed away, before Sally found herself in the way of a gale force blizzard.

“Flamethrower!” Fox’s eyes widened slightly as flame burst out of the web-covered mouth and went straight for her. Cutting straight through the blizzard.

“Not bad,” she mused, as the Flamethrower hit. However, what fell out of the flames was not a Zoroark, but a faceless dummy. “Needs some work before they can get the right shock and awe,” she idly commented as she stepped out behind Sally. “Back to the drawing board with you,” she said, before another Blizzard was launched, this time from a different direction. The Salamence grunted as the shards of ice hit her for four times the damage.

“Oh, really?” A voice sounded behind her. “Pretty lady, let me apply makeup to your face!”

“You’re really annoying, you know that?” Fox deadpanned, before she threw a small ball at him. The only move she could currently use: Shadow Ball, and a small one at that.

Will being cumbersome, couldn’t dodge fast enough. “Uh-oh.” The ball hit dead on, making it super-effective, even despite it being a watered down version due to lack of practice.

Then out of nowhere, a wave of pain hit the Zoroark. “Pain Split,” she winced. “Not bad. But not good enough,” she said, and before he could react, Fox had chucked a few more balls, which covered his face with webbing...right before he was blasted by a Hyper Beam from the rafters.

“Will!” Eric floated toward the Reuniclus. A simple checkup revealed that the Reuniclus is fine, albeit now unconscious from the unseen Hyper Beam.

Sally meanwhile, struggled to get up. But her body screams for her to lay down and rest. “....no!”

Fox just sighed. “I think that’s all for today. The artifacts are all in the bag over by the side over there,” she said, gesturing to where she had stashed the artifacts that Rascal and Scep had stolen.

“Unfortunately, I was unable to prepare a fitting finale, so I must regretfully bid you, adieu,” she smiled, before moving to jump out the window.

Before she could do such a thing, she felt another rising temperature heading toward her back. Glancing behind quickly, another Flamethrower was heading toward her. “Oh?” she mused in mild surprise, before easily sidestepping. “You’re pretty sturdy. Normally a Pokemon like you should not be able to stand after taking two Blizzards head on.”

Sally gave the Zoroark a death glare while breathing heavily, eyes focused only on Fox. “Not like someone like you would understand me.” Somehow, through pure strength and will, she remained standing out of loyalty toward her trainer. That and coupled with her being the strongest of Eric’s team, she’s the jack-of-all trades of the team.

“Oh? I see, so she’s your trump card then? I’ll bet she’s even your starter,” Fox chuckled. “Alright then, I’ll answer that one. Liepard, if you will?” she said, before a Liepard jumped down from the rafters, standing between Fox and Sally.

“Sally!” Eric was getting worried about Sally. Getting hit by two Blizzard like that and to remain standing is not an easy feat. He bet that she’s struggling to keep her eyes open right now. “...... can you still...?”

She turned her head toward her trainer. “Don’t worry…..still can.” She strained out the words.
Seeing this, Fox sighed. “Really now, just stop. I take no pleasure in ordering my Pokemon to fight weakened opponents. Shall we call this night a draw and leave it at that?”

“Over my dead body, thief! It’s scum like you that made the world destroy itself.” The Salamence shouted, then she remembered her deepest memory of that ‘day’. “Scum, like you that made my life the way it is.” Flames already licking her lips again.

“Sally!” Eric shouted, getting increasingly worried.

Fox just sighed at seeing her like this. “Very well...if that’s how you want it. Know that I refuse to take any blame for what might happen next. Sucker Punch,” she ordered, to which the Liepard shot forward, and well...sucker punched Sally before she could react with the building Flamethrower in her mouth. “Play Rough.”

“Headbutt!” The Liepard head snapped backward at being suddenly headbutted before it could unleash the attack, however, she easily righted herself, landing on her feet.

Eric knew he couldn’t let this continue any longer. They had to end this now! “Let’s end this game! Sally…..use Giga Impact!”

“Toxic, then Hyper Beam. Sneak combo!” Fox ordered. In response to that, the Liepard fired the glob of poison at the charging dragon, the poison affecting her immediately, but not stopping the attack. However, when the attack was about to hit, Fox’s cape suddenly wrapped around her and the Liepard, before the both of them vanished, leaving Sally to crash into the ground, right before they reappeared not far away, with the Liepard already charging up a Hyper Beam.

Sally could only get a glimpse of what’s going to hit her. “I’m sorry, Eric.” And the beam hit.

“Sally!” Eric floated as quickly as possible toward the smoke where his Salamence lay. It wasn’t long before he held the Salamence unconscious head in his arm. “No…”

“That’s enough, Liepard,” Fox ordered, stopping the Liepard from charging another Hyper Beam. “We’ve already won.”

Eric gritted his teeth. “Dammit it all!”

Fox just sighed, not finding any enjoyment, nor fulfilment from this win. “Let’s go. We’re done here,” she sighed as she turned to walk away, but not before adding, “I’d better not find anymore ‘surprise’ attacks. Don’t push your luck.”

Eric ignored her. He just held his loyal Salamence head in his arm. “.........”

Seeing as he wasn’t going to say a word, Fox simply leaped out of the museum, disappearing into the night.

“....Sally.” He checked her pulse. He found himself relieved of worry when she revealed to be fine, but won’t be walking around for a while either.

But more pressing matters is that the thief escaped. Glancing back at the window, he is fully aware that by staring outside wouldn’t make her come back. Is this it? Did they fail to stop a simple thief?

For once every few years, Eric lost it as he knew the answer. “......why does a thief like her have to exist!” Eric gritted his teeth. “I can’t believe this. Why does she deserve to be sent here?!”

He knew he couldn’t find the answer to that right now. There were more pressing matters at hand. The Eric glanced at Sally before looking over to Will. He sighed, he knew that his heroics got them into this situation and he’s going to take full responsibility for it. He took a deep breath to regain his cool before adding.“I’m going to get you both home.”

The Hydreigon had no choice but to carry Sally piggyback and Will bride style. Leaving just enough room for his wings so he could float. As he did so, his mind wandered back to the fight, wondering how he could have lost to a thief like her. After a while of thinking it through, he realized something. “If only Alexander was here…..he should be able to handle her.”

“Next time…..Fox, you won’t be going anywhere but to prison.”

“.....that is if I encounter her again…..that can be either likely or unlikely, but I wouldn’t count out the possibility.” Eric added. Unconcerned of two Pokemon weighing him down as he floated down back to where he came from.

The night had fallen completely and the sun had long since gone over the horizon, replaced by the ethereal celestial body that will accompany the night.

A large lone figure exited through the front door of the museum, the shadow until the moonlight itself uncovered Eric in full glory. Sally with her head over his shoulder and Will within his arms, as he stared up at the moon that rain down an ethereal light upon beings that still lingers outside the protection of their homes.

Truly a beautiful night, indeed. If one wishes to have a night like no other, then they must always be optimistic. Sadly, this isn’t true for one Eric Angelo, who stared at the moon in silence.

Still feeling the contents of his right mouth is still inside, he gritted his teeth in frustration. “.....that moon would have been beautiful....” Looking down in sorrow, Eric shakes his head. “....if only it didn’t remind me of that thief.”

With dismay, he staring at the unconscious form held in his arms, not caring if someone sees him carrying someone like Will is his wife before glancing at a draconic head over his left shoulder. “Dammit, it’s all my fault, I really shouldn’t have brought them here in the first place.”

Remembering his hopes earlier today, he resisted the urge to curse again in annoyance. “Today really hasn’t gotten as better as I expected. I shouldn’t really get my hopes up next time.” Eric muttered before floating down the path that would lead away from the museum and taking the left turn at the small T-junction. Without another word, the Hydreigon head straight on the path back, where they were headed to before, the added weight haven’t slowed him down in the slightest.

Still staring at Will, he muttered once more. “How am I going to explain this to Dawn?” He would’ve put his right arm head against his chin if only he wasn’t carrying Will, sadly, that action cannot be done now. “.....might as well get it done and over with. I don’t want to extend this matter anymore than I have to.”

Closing his eyes, he floated down the street where there is no light to accompany him. Any other day, it would’ve compelled anyone to find another way, but not this Dragon. Floating down with both precious cargo and into the darkness where only one destination awaits him....Dawn’s home.

Play this as closing theme

Author's Note:

Chapter 8 is here, guys, and this herald our hero first encounter with the legendary Phantom Thief Fox. Also, I used the theme above with the blessing from TDN Internet and Fox and anyone in her gang belongs to him. From now on, it will be our official Phantom Thief Fox theme.

Once more, I apologize in advance for any error I've made. It's no excuse, but I'm not a native English speaker. Yeah, sorry if I sound like a broken record, but I'm that kind of person.

Hope everyone enjoyed my fics thus far and any likes would be very appreciated.

As usual, I'm always in dire need of editor for help, nonetheless I enjoy writing this.

Thanks, hope you guys enjoy!