• Published 1st Feb 2015
  • 12,089 Views, 463 Comments

Deathwing in Equestria - SoaringCoal

On Azeroth, the dragon Aspects fought Deathwing. They could not defeat him, so they banished him to another world to save their own. Now Neltharion, free of his madness, struggles to get home from this new world, but thats harder than it sounds.

  • ...

Touched by Harmony

Neltharion woke up with a gasp. He was sweating. Neltharion had just had a nightmare about granny Smith trapping him in wine cellar, wearing some sort of bathing suit, and then proceeding to get drunk and start talking until Neltharion was nothing but a pile of bones. He shivered. Well, that was disturbing. He would rather have a lengthy conversation with his corruption than having that dream again.

He carefully got out of bed and looked out the window. The sun had just risen over the horizon. He was up early. Neltharion stuck his head out of his room door, looking for his appointed guards. Neltharion smirked. They were nowhere to be seen. He trotted to the kitchen where Twilight was sitting at the dining table with a enormous leather-covered book in front of her. She was writing in it with a quill. It was purple with small gems on it's cover. It also had some text on the cover he couldn't decipher. Neltharion was a master of many languages and very skilled at writing in said languages, but he didn't understand head or tail of the equestrian alphabet. The text was just to smudgy, but that's what you could expect from a race that use their mouth as a writing tool.

Neltharion walked over to her. She hadn't noticed him yet. He looked around for any nearby heavy objects that could be thrown in his face before asking quietly. "What are you writing?"

Twilight looked up from the book. She had bags under her eyes and her lids were only half open. It was obvious she hadn't slept. She yawned and gave Neltharion a tired smile. "It's me and the girls' friendship journal." She urged for Neltharion to come closer and he did so. He pulled out a chair and sat beside her. "In this book, we write down our experiences that make us learn something about friendship." She used her magic to go a entry from Applejack. "But also the hard choices we have to make to do the right thing. To stay true to who we are. Here Applejack had to make a hard choice to tell the truth even though it made her granny very sad to hear it, but Applejack knew it was the right thing to do." She went to another page with an entry from Fluttershy. "Here Fluttershy had to stay true to her element despite what she wanted. She wanted some creatures called the breezies to stay with her even though she knew they had to go home. In the end she had to force them to go home, but by doing so she were showing them kindness." She went to a number of different entries with the rest of her friends. "We've all had to go through a tough experience."

Neltharion smiled sympathetically. It was amazing how different this world was from his own. The daily issues of his world seemed to be unheard of in this utopia of love and friendship. Hunger, need of resources, war, they all seemed so meaningless in this pony society. Neltharion couldn't decide it was admirable or ignorant of them to live in this protected shell and ignore such things. A question rose to his head. "You keep talking of these elements. What are they?"

Twilight's eyes lit up as she was more than happy to explain. "Do you remember when I told you about the elements of harmony that helped princess Luna?" Neltharion nodded. Twilight continued. "The elements of harmony are gems that were made by the tree of harmony. They each represent an element of friendship, but for somepony to use the elements, they must also embody these element within themselves. My friends and I are the living embodiments of the elements of harmony. Applejack is honesty, Pinkie, Laughter, Rainbow, Loyalty, Fluttershy, kindness and Rarity embody's generosity. Those five elements forms the sixth, which I embody. Magic."

Neltharion was baffled. Such a common thing as friendship is actually a source of power in this world? He was getting more and more impressed by the day. It also explained why they wanted to befriend him. Friendship and this 'harmony' was apparently the source of all good in this world from what he could tell. He chuckled.

Twilight looked questioning at him. "What?"

Neltharion gave her a sly grin. "It's nothing, princess. Who do you want me to 'befriend' today?"

Twilight yawned again. "Not many of the girls are up at this hour." She glanced to a nearby watch. it said 6:20. "Applejack began her chores twenty minutes ago. Other than that I think Rarity might be up. Spike told me he was going to help her today. She always gets up extremely early when she has a client or a dress order. You can help her too." Twilight smirked mischievously. "Im sure you have great expertise in the field of dressmaking." She said with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Neltharion shot her an annoyed look. She simply chuckled. "Very funny, Twilight. Now, where does Rarity live?"

"She lives about ten minutes from here. She has a store called the carousel boutique." Neltharion gave her a deadpan look. She could tell that what she had told didn't help much. "It's an octagonal building with alot of decorations and a second floor." Neltharion gave her a confused look. Twilight rolled her eyes. "Trust me, you can't miss it."

Neltharion nodded. "Very well. I just have one question before I leave."

"What is it?"

Neltharion gave her a confused look. "Why aren't you in your bed? Why are you sitting out here writing, when you should be sleeping?"

Twilight looked at the ground. She couldn't snake around his question. She was simply too tired and didn't have the energy. She sighed. "I've been having these nightmares, and they keep me up all night. No matter what I do, they won't go away."

"What are they about?"

"I-I can't tell you..."

Neltharion raised an eyebrow in confusion before shaking his head. "And you don't need to." He started walking towards the kitchen entrance. He turned his head back to Twilight. "Remember, they are only dreams, Twilight. They can't hurt you."

"I know..."

Neltharion smiled at her. "Also. One final request?" Twilight looked questioning at him. He took it as a sign to keep talking. "Can you keep my guards away from me today as well? At least until late afternoon?"

Twilight gave him a sheepish smile. "I can try, but they really don't like it when I tell them to take the day off."

"Trying is all that I ask you do. Thank you, Twilight. Now, go get some sleep. You look horrible." Neltharion smirked and walked out the kitchen door.

"I'll try!" Twilight yelled after him. She would never tell him, that she couldn't sleep because the nightmare she kept having was a much more bloody version of her fight with Neltharion, and everytime she closed her eyes, it was always the same. Those red reptilian eyes staring into her soul and Twilight knew it was a fight she would never forget. She would never forget the fear, her helplessness and the ancient rage of the dragon aspect.

As Neltharion walked through the empty streets of Ponyville in the glimmer of the morning sun, he could not help but sigh in relief. The streets were completely empty. He was the only being around. He glanced around the different houses and back at the crystal castle he had just left. It was beautiful how the castle itself reflected all of the suns light in all kinds of colors around Ponyville. It made the town shine. He made a reminder to himself that he would soar over Ponyville at least once before being sent home.

He heard the sound of wind getting slashed through by something fast and looked up. Above him were a cyan blur, leaving a short rainbow trail, flying over Ponyville. The blur seemed to be targeting nearby clouds and soon disappeared from sight. Neltharion could not help but envy the, what he assumed had been a, pegasus above him. He had only been a pony for a short five days, but that didn't stop him from missing being a dragon. He missed the power his form in itself possessed, but also the fear and admiration so many other creatures had towards him. Most of all, he missed flying. Flying is something all dragons on Azeroth can do almost directly from birth and having taken that away was painful to think about. Neltharion stopped walking and glanced to his sides and looked just beneath the shoulder blades. He could probably change his form so it had wings and maybe give it a horn as well, but that would reveal he could still use his magic and the ponies would panic if they knew he could, so he dismissed the idea. I've only been in this form for five days, it won't hurt to be in it a little longer. He started walking again.

A sound of bushes being rustled stopped Neltharion. He looked to some bushes behind him. There was nothing in the bushes from what he could see. He shrugged and started walking again. After less than a minute he heard the same sound from nearby bushes. He stopped and turned his head. In a bush right behind him, he could faintly see rainbow colored tail fur at the edge of the bush. Neltharion rolled his eyes. "You can come out, Rainbow dash. I know you're following me." He said in a annoyed tone. He could see something in the bush flinch as he called out the name.

Rainbow Dash flew out of the bush and stopped inches from Neltharion's face. Her eyes were narrowed and she had an angry frown. "I don't trust you, pal. I know you're up to something. Something bad."

Neltharion raised an eyebrow but other than that he kept an emotionless expression. "And what would that be?"

Rainbow clearly hadn't thought this through as she looked taken back by Neltharion's casual response. "I... Well... I don't know!" she yelled, frustrated with herself. "I just know that you hurt Twilight and for all I know, you are planning to do that again!"

Neltharion could not help but facehoof at her words. Thick headed pony. "Tell me, Rainbow dash. Don't you think I would have hurt Twilight already if that was my plan?"

"You already did!" Rainbow pointed at him accusingly.

Neltharion rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes I know. Thank you for reminding me. But what do you think my motivation would be to hurt Twilight again?"

Rainbow landed and put a hoof to her chin in thought. "Well... I don't know..." Her head hung in defeat and she avoided eye contact.

Neltharion held a deadpan look. He had expected that answer. He could relate to her wanting to protect her friends, as he wanted to protect his family. The difference was that she had most likely done a much better job at it than him from what he could tell. "I can understand you want to protect your friends, but it was never my intention to hurt Twilight and Discord. What happened the other day was... Unfortunate. I regret it, but there is nothing I can do other than apologize and move on. You know as I do that if I wanted them hurt again, they already would be." He turned away and kept walking.

Rainbow glared at him for a moment before she rolled her eyes. "Pfft... Right, as if you could without your magic." She said.

Her mocking words stopped Neltharion on the spot. He considered for a short moment if he should put her in the dirt, but decided against it. Things were already tense between him and the ponies. "Do not mistake this petty excuse of a body and my lack of magic for weakness, Rainbow Dash. I am still stronger and faster than you and any other pony." Neltharion put a hoof to his chin in thought. "Now that I think about it, im surprised your race has lived this long, seeing as you are all a bunch of weaklings." He started walking again. A victorious smirk appeared on his face when he heard powerful wing thrusts come towards him.

Rainbow Dash landed in front on him with clenched teeth and angry glare pointing in Neltharion's direction. "THAT'S IT!" She yelled and went on her hind legs while punching the air in a threatening manner. "Alright dragon guy, put 'em up. Let's do this!"

Neltharion raised his eyebrow. If Rainbow Dash were trying to be intimidating, then she was failing miserably. What is it with these ponies and their senseless violent behaviour? "Im not going to fight you, Rainbow."

"What do you mean by-- Hey! Don't walk away when i'm speaking to you!"

Neltharion picked up his tempo and started running. As much as he wanted to fight that pegasus, he didn't want another incident like the one with Spike. Plus he didn't have the patience to simply tell her off as that would take too long. From their short encounter Neltharion had gathered that Rainbow was very loyal to her friends but also incredibly stubborn. This meant she probably wouldn't leave him be until he put her in the dirt, after his insulting yet satisfying remark.

He ran as fast as he could around buildings and other obstacles to shake Rainbow off. He stopped behind a building he didn't recognise. Neltharion smirked. "Looks like I shook her off."

"Fat chance, dragon guy."

Neltharion's eyes widened and he turned. Behind him, Rainbow was flapping her wings in the air, a victorious smirk on her face. Neltharion facehoofed. Right... I forgot she can fly.

Rainbow landed in front of him. She spread her wings and put a hoof to her chest. "You think you can outrun me? I’m the fastest flyer in Equestria." She announced proudly. "Even if you had wings, you couldn't get away from me. And you know why?" She got closer and put her hoof on the base of Neltharion's neck, just above his shrapnel plating. "Because im just. That. Awesome." She poked him for each syllable.

Neltharion rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Whatever you say, Rainbow." He moved her hoof to his jaw.

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "What are you doing?"

"You wanted a fight, I'll give you one. I'll even let you have the first hit for free." Neltharion's tone was dead serious.

Rainbow smirked. "Hah, Okay. You might want to make an appointment with the nearest doctor. You're gonna need it." She pulled back her hoof and swung it with all her might towards Neltharion's jaw.

"WHOA! What The--" Rainbow yelled as Neltharion sidestepped, gripped her hoof with his own two and flung her into a few nearby bushes before her hoof made contact with his jaw. He knew it would take Rainbow at least a couple of seconds to get back up.

Neltharion bolted away from there, but not before yelling back at her. "See you around, Rainbow Crash!"

As Neltharion ran away, he could faintly hear Rainbow yelling back at him. "Coward! Come back here and fight me like a mare!"

He continued running until he saw a octagonal building with a second floor. It could only be the one Twilight had described to him, so without a second thought, he ran towards it.

A doorbell rang as Neltharion ran inside the door, panting from all the running.

"Coming~!" A familiar voice rang somewhere in the boutique.

Neltharion quickly Recollected himself and looked around the boutique. Nearly everything in the interior was either purple or pink with the same color ribbons decorating many places inside the boutique. White pony sized mannequins were all around the boutique in many shapes and sizes. Most of them were wearing different outfits. Mostly dresses. There were also at least ten mirrors from what Neltharion could see, a small stage, dresses hanging on coat hangers in long lines, needles and other accessories used for sewing and a shelf with many kinds of different fabric in all kinds of colors. The amount of detail and effort that had been made into this little boutique was breathtaking. Neltharion kept walking around the store until a familiar unicorn appeared from another room with red oval glasses on her snout.

Rarity stopped when she saw who she had entered her store. Her eyes went wide with confusion before shaking her head and plastering a big smile on her face. "Hello, Neltharion." Her voice was cheerful, but strained. "What brings you to my boutique?"

Neltharion could tell her smile was forced and he could see a droplet of sweat coming down her face. She was scared of him. Neltharion sighed. Let's try and change that. Neltharion returned her smile with his own. "Well, Twilight told me you might be up so I saw this as an opportunity to come by for a visit." He glanced around the boutique. "And must say, this shop is impressive. I've never seen such masterful attention to detail." He glanced to a nearby pale blue dress with perfectly cut small sapphires and diamonds forming snowflakes on the sides.

Instantly Rarity perked up and her smile went sincere. "Why thank you, Neltharion. I didn't know dragons had an appreciation for such things."

"Most of my kin don't, but i’m not like them." Neltharion replied. "I was always different like that."

"May I ask why?"

Neltharion did not expect that kind of question. "Well... As I've told you, I am the Earth-warder. My duty was to reshape the lands of my world and protect them, so they would stay habitable and fertile in such a way that no living creature would ever need anything." He looked dreamingly out of a nearby window. "Sometimes I would shake things up. You know, just to keep things interesting. I would make an entire continent fertile and green and then one or two places across the lands with completely different weather patterns. I remember this one place I made encircled by mountains and made the inside cold and filled with snow and ice. Outside I made it to be swamps and green hills as long as the eye could see, with some mountain in between, of course." He turned back to Rarity with a warm smile. "I enjoyed my work and I made little details myself into the different lands, to make them unique."

He spoke with such enthusiasm about his work that Rarity couldn't help but relate it to her own passion in fashion. They were a lot alike in that field. She smiled sympathetically at him. Although what he said raised a lot of questions in Rarity's head. "Then why did you stop doing it?" The instant the words left Rarity's words left her mouth, Neltharion's face darkened. She could see hints of sadness and anger in his facial expression. Rarity wished she had kept her mouth shut.

Neltharion looked to the ground. "I... Well you see..." He shook his head and looked back up at Rarity, his smile returned. "That's a tale for another time." He looked around at many different clearly unfinished projects. "So, anywhere I can be of assistance?"

Rarity beamed. "Why of course! I have been getting a lot of orders and I could use an extra hoof." She walked over to an unfinished suit urging Neltharion to follow and he did so. Rarity remembered something. "Oh, before we start I have something I want to give you." She trotted over to a nearby table filled with fabric. Neltharion eyed her curiously while as she went over the different fabrics and even throwing some on the floor. She pulled up a black silken fabric and levitated it over to Neltharion. "I made this for you." Rarity smiled sheepishly.

Neltharion grabbed the fabric and folded it out. He raised an eyebrow. "It's a cape?"

"Why, yes it is." Rarity replied. "I talked to Twilight yesterday and she gave me the idea." She trotted over to him and held it up with her magic.

It was a silken black cape with a hood. A marquise shaped ruby was at the base at the neck of it. Neltharion was flattered. The fact that Rarity had taken her time to make this for him even though she didn't know him, made him happy and very confused.

Rarity folded it back together and gave it to Neltharion, who were eyeing it curiously. "It's okay if you don't like it." Rarity looked away I just thought it would nice for you to have it so that everypony won't stare at you whenever you walk by."

Neltharion kept staring at the folded cape in his hoof. Why would Rarity make this to him? He had done nothing to deserve getting anything from Twilight or her friends. Even when Neltharion was disguised as a human on Azeroth, this had never happened before. No one had ever just given him something because it seemed like he needed it. People always wanted something in return. That is what Neltharion had learned from the mortal races on Azeroth. Nothing is ever given for free, there is always an ulterior motive. What did Rarity want in return?

"D-do you like it?" Rarity carefully asked.

"Hmmm?" Neltharion shook his head free of his current thought process. "Yes, Rarity, I like it." Her concerns for him liking her gift only seemed to confuse Neltharion even more. He took on the cape. It fit him like a glove. Even his platings sharp corners didn't even seem to bother it.

"I also enchanted the silk, so it won't shred against your plating." Rarity said as she saw Neltharion looking across his plating and testing the cape by stretching it.


Rarity raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Well, I didn't want you shredding your new--"

"Why did you make this cape for me?" Neltharion interrupted her. "I have done nothing to deserve such a gift." He glared back at Rarity with raised a raised eyebrow. "What is your motive? What is it you want in return?" He asked, tone completely serious.

"What do you mean?" Neltharion's features hardened further into an angry scowl that caused Rarity to flinch and hide behind a nearby ponyquin. "I-I just wanted to be nice. Im sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." Rarity peeped from behind the ponyquin.

Neltharion kept a confused, but angry look. As afraid as she is of me, she should have revealed her motive by now, if there were any he concluded. His features softened. "My apologies, Rarity."

Rarity peeked out from behind the ponyquin as she heard her own name.

Neltharion snickered at her frightened look. "On my world, gifts aren’t really a thing. Im sorry for frightening you."

Rarity stepped out from her hiding place. She held a curious look. "I-it's okay." She replied. "I should have maybe thought about, you being from another culture, may have other customs than we do."

Neltharion waved a hoof at her dismissively. "It's actually not that different. It's just that for mortals on my world, gifts are just tools for favors. There is almost always an ulterior motive."

Rarity felt like speaking up on how barbaric, dishonest and greedy his world sounded, but decided against it. She didn't want to offend Neltharion's home.

"Anyways, shall we get some work done?" Neltharion asked.

"Hmmm? Uh, yes." Rarity replied. A smile occupying her face once more. "We have lots of work to do. Let's get started." She went over to the cloth filled table, Neltharion following close behind.

Author's Note:

I rewrote this chapter twice because I wasn't satisfied with it. When I finally found the direction I wanted this chapter to go, I got stuck. Darn Rarity dialog. It's too hard. Also found a Cover picture. I tried making one myself, but as it turns out I suck at drawing and using paint tools.

From what i've read, and experienced, Azeroth is a rather depressing place outside of holidays. That's my reasoning behind the place not being very generous.

Other than that, sorry for the long delay, I have been very busy... And lazy. Also I was honestly conflicted on where this story was going. I found out, so hopefully this will be the last long break between chapters. Next chapter won't take as long, that I can promise for sure.