• Published 1st Feb 2015
  • 12,090 Views, 463 Comments

Deathwing in Equestria - SoaringCoal

On Azeroth, the dragon Aspects fought Deathwing. They could not defeat him, so they banished him to another world to save their own. Now Neltharion, free of his madness, struggles to get home from this new world, but thats harder than it sounds.

  • ...

Summer dresses and Chocolatey Dreams

"How in the titans did she talk me into this?" Neltharion muttered to himself. He was standing on a podium in a green summer dress. To say he felt humiliated was the understatement of the millenium. "Why am I doing this again?" He almost snarled at Rarity.

"Why, because you're the only one I can test this dress on." Rarity cheerfully replied. "Now stand still, I don't want your plating to shred my dress."

"Why couldn't you just test it on yourself?"

"Because the mare i’m making this for is a friend of Bulk Biceps." Rarity casually replied while picking up some fabric with her magic. "She is very tall and muscular. Frankly, I think you're the only one around here that could fit in it other than big Mac."

Neltharion growled unamused in reply, but Rarity didn't even flinch. Over the last eight hours of sewing, gem polishing and cleaning, Rarity had become more relaxed around Neltharion. She felt comfortable around him. He was nice, civilised and had a certain understanding for her work. An understanding her friends didn't share. Even though he was still doing the occasional growling and giving negative remarks when she forced him to do something he disliked. Which were apparently A LOT of things. He didn't like sewing and he certainly wasn't good at it and he didn't like cleaning or discussing fashion and color patterns. And those were only the fashion related stuff.

"That doesn't make this any less humiliating!" Neltharion retorted while moving uncomfortably in his dress.

Rarity rolled her eyes in annoyance of his whining. "Oh pish posh, Neltharion. I'm the only one around and I promise you, I won't tell anypony about this." Her words seemed to calm Neltharion a little as he stopped moving.

Neltharion sighed. "Very well. Just hurry up and finish this damn dress so I can get out of it!" He yelled, unamused by the whole situation.

Rarity snickered at his reply and went over to him with her selected fabric piece, a scissor and a needle. "Yelling at me won't make this go any faster~!" She sang calmly while keeping a mischievous grin. "Just calm down, relax and this will be over sooner than you realize." She began sewing and cutting the new fabric.


"Rarity?" A familiar voice asked from the other side of the front door.

"Spike?" Rarity left Neltharion's side and trotted cheerfully over to her front door. She unlocked it and took the handle. She was about to open the door when she heard Neltharion clear his throat behind her. She turned her head and saw Neltharion giving her a warning glare meaning: 'Don't you dare open that door while I look like this.' Rarity took the hint. She opened the door slowly, only enough so it revealed her head through the opening. On the other side stood a confused Spike. "Hello, Spike. What brings you here?" She asked.

"Hi Rarity." Spike began with a big smile before settling back on the confused look. "Uh... Why is your boutique closed? It's wednesday. I thought you wanted my help today."

"Oh... Yes..." Rarity replied. She had completely forgotten Spike was coming to help her today. "I... Decided to... Take a day off?" She glanced back at Neltharion before putting her focus back on Spike. "Yes, that is what I did." She nodded hastily while smiling sheepishly.

Spike's expression just got more confused and slightly curious. "You never take a day off. Is something wrong, Rarity?"

Rarity took a quick glance back at Neltharion who were staring at her curiously. "No, Spike. It's nothing. Well... See you later." She began closing the door, but spike put a foot in the opening.

Spike didn't buy it. "Come on, Rarity. You can tell me." He began forcing the door open.

Rarity went on her hind legs and tried to push back but she tripped over a ball of yarn that belonged to her cat, Opal, in the process and fell on her back while Spike pushed the door open.

Spike's jaw dropped when he saw Neltharion standing on a podium in a grass green dress with yellow flowers on the sides. It took a moment for his mind to process what was happening before he fell to the ground, laughing uncontrollably at the sight. "Pffft, BUAHAHAHA! That is the funniest thing I've seen in my life!" He managed to get out between laughs.

Neltharion could feel his face heat up in embarrassment and made no effort to try and stop it. Instead he desperately tried to get the cause of his embarrassment off by any means necessary. He fell down from the podium, his plating shredding through his dress like a knife through hot butter, and knocked over three ponyquins, shredded a wedding dress, the blue dress from before and a suit with his sharp plating, making giant holes and even ripped some fabric off the different outfits.

"MY FASHION!" Rarity screamed as she witnessed over a week hard work getting shredded before her very eyes. Spike stood beside her in awe of the destructive display happening before him.

Neltharion finally got the dress off and tossed the shredded piece of fabric on the floor. He stared angrily at the former dress that had brought him such embarrassment. He looked around the room and realized what he had done. The former, somewhat, orderly room was now a complete mess with fabric pieces from different dresses lying around the place. He facehoofed. Great, now look at what you've done you idiot. He looked to the two witnesses of his unintentional yet destructive rampage through the room. Spike just stood with mouth agape in shock. When Neltharion looked at Rarity's face, he could feel his blood run slightly colder. Suddenly his former hateful stare at the shredded dress seemed like a cheerful smile compared to the face Rarity was holding.



"Sister, I know we have discussed this, but please reconsider." Luna pleaded as she walked beside Celestia through a hallway, within Canterlot castle.

"No, Luna. We are not going to banish Neltharion from Equestria." Celestia replied in a annoyed tone. "We have to think of the consequences."

Luna groaned in annoyance. "His magic is restrained, what could he do?"

Celestia stopped and turned her full attention to Luna. "We don't know how long the runes will hold." Her tone was dead serious. "But one thing I know for sure is that they will break eventually. And from what I've understood, he has proven quite a threat even without his magic."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean, Tia?"

Celestia's face turned grim. "Before the girls took Neltharion back to Ponyville, I asked Twilight to send a report on the details of their battle."


Celestia sighed. "I recieved it yesterday." She replied. "And what is says troubles me. In the report Twilight describes no use of magic whatsoever from Neltharion."

Luna's eyes widened. "WHAT?" She yelled at her sisters face. "But how is that possible? How could he best both Discord and Twilight without use of magic?

"Im not sure." Celestia replied. "Twilight described in her report that his body withstood heavy hits from Discord and herself. Paralyzing spells had no effect on him and when they finally knocked him off his hoofs, he didn't stay down for more than seconds at a time. He also never showed any signs of exhaustion. But magic began to revert him to his true form because of what Twilight describes as sheer emotional pressure, but he himself never used any. This leads me to believe that his body in itself can take much more physical and magical punishment than normal ponies, maybe more than we can, Luna." Celestia shook her head. "Even without his magic, Neltharion is a threat." She finished.

"Then can't we just hand him over to the griffins or something?"

"NO!" Celestia yelled with wings flared, causing her sister to flinch. "I... I’m sorry, Luna, but we can't. If we give him to the griffins it could start a war and I want none of that."

Luna kept silent for a moment then nodded. "Very well, Tia. I trust your judgement."

Celestia smiled and nodded back at her sister. She remembered something. "By the way, have you found anything on how we can send Neltharion home?" She asked.

Luna shook her head. "Unfortunately, no. Other than the mirror, we have no way of contacting or transporting to other worlds." She replied. "I will go to Starswirl's library tonight to see if I can find some information on other world traveling spells."

Celestia kept her smile. "Good. But now, go get some sleep Luna. You have a long night ahead of you."

Luna nodded again. "Very well. See you at sundown, dear sister." She began walking the opposite way down the hall.

Celestia watched as her sister walked down the hall before turning back to the task at hand. "Now to get ready for that picnic." She muttered to herself while walking towards the royal kitchen.

Discord was sitting patiently in the Canterlot gardens, waiting for Celestia. It was a beautiful garden. All types of flowers in all kinds of colors, birds flying around while singing and many different plants Discord didn't recognise. It was only made more beautiful by Celestia's sun shining down into a nearby pond, reflecting the sunlight out into the garden. Discord couldn't think of a time he had seen a more boring place. It was all so orderly and so... Perfect. No chaos of any sort. Nothing out of place or anything. He wanted to turn it upside down, maybe turn some of the flowers carnivorous, make the birds spew confetti whenever they sang and maybe turn the grass blue and make it so it would change color and properties whenever somebody took a step on it, so it would also turn liquid or rock solid. He decided against it as he wanted to make a good impression.

Bushes rustled nearby and Discord turned his head. Out of them came Celestia, radiant as ever, levitating a picnic basket beside her and a warm smile occupying her face. "Hello, Discord." She said cheerfully.

"Hi" He responded while keeping a smile of own.

Celestia sat down beside him and levitated out two plates, two glass cups, a bottle of red wine and a array of different delicious foods out of the basket. Sandwiches with many different contents, mostly salad, flowers and tomatoes, two pieces of chocolate cake and some fruit.

Discord looked hungrily at the delicious foods as Celestia poured up a glass of wine for them and handing him a potato sandwich. "Very nice, Celestia. This is really fancy." He gave her a toothy grin.

"Why thank you, Discord." Celestia replied. "I hope it is not to boring or ordinary for your taste."

"Not at all, my dear. This looks delicious."

They both began eating and taking some sips of wine while making the usual small talk. after which an awkward silence settled between them. They didn't know what to say to each other.

Well this is awkward. Discord thought to himself. Maybe I should spice things up a bit? Yes, that could work. Now I just have to figure out what I should do. Discord put his lion paw to his chin in thought. He got an idea. "Say, Celestia."


"What would you say I take us on a little adventure?" He asked with a smug grin.

Celestia looked questioning at him. "I don't know, Discord. I’m not sure it is such a good idea. I have to be back at my royal duties in an hour."

Discord rolled his eyes. Looks like this is going to take some convincing. "Oh come now, Celestia. Loosen up. Be adventurous." He urged while poking her in the side with his elbow. "I'll show you places ponies never knew existed, teach you things you didn't know could taught." He announced while getting closer. "I'll even give you the lost recipe on Chocolate dream." He whispered seductively in her ear while playing with her mane.

Celestia's whole body tingled. She wasn't sure if it was because of his touch or because of his words. The lost chocolate dream recipe? He must be trying to trick me. Celestia had only tasted the Baltimarian chocolate dream once, over two-thousand years ago. It had been the best chocolate cake she had ever tasted but, unfortunately, Discord burned down the royal bakery it was from, shortly after he came to power. To make matters even worse, the maker of the Chocolate dream had, at the time, a rumor for having a very short term memory, so he had always written down his recipes before he forgot them and all of those recipes had perished in the fire. Or so everypony thought. Celestia had thought she would never get to taste that magnificent cake ever again. Until now.

"Celestia, are you okay?"

"Huh?" She shook her head free of her current thought process. Celestia realised she was drooling and quickly dried it off with her hoof. She smiled sheepishly at Discord. "Yes, Discord, I am okay. Were you joking about the thing about the Chocolate dream?" She asked curiously. Discord straightened up and looked downright offended by Celestia's words as he took his eagle talon dramatically to his chest.

"Here I am, offering our great benevolent ruler a chance to see things nopony has ever seen before, and all she can think about is a two-thousand year old cake." He smirked as Celestia's cheeks turned red from embarrassment and she avoided his gaze. He started to snicker and that snicker turned into a deep roaring laughter that knocked Discord of his hoof and claw. He began rolling on the ground while laughing.

Celestia's face was now as red as a tomato and she scowled, unamused, at Discord. "It's not funny!"

Discord stopped laughing, wiped a tear from his eye and got up. "Sure it is, my dear." He replied. "That is what I like about you, Celestia. You are the representation of order and authority in Equestria, and yet you never cease to amuse me with your little chaotic habits." He stretched out his lion paw, urging for her to take it. "And no, I wasn't joking about the recipe."

Celestia looked reluctantly at his lion paw and considered whether to take it.

"Just one little adventure, and then you can have the recipe." Discord said in a low voice. He was sure he could impress her with some of the places he was planning on taking her.

Celestia shook her head and smiled to Discord. She put her hoof in his paw. "Okay, Discord. But you have to get us back within the hour, I still have royal duties to attend."

Discord returned her smile. "That shouldn't be too hard." He snapped his eagle claw and they disappeared in a white light.

"YOU FOUL UNCIVILISED BRUTE!" Rarity screamed after Neltharion while throwing sewing equipment after him, mostly consisting of needles and scissors.

"Rarity, calm down!" Neltharion yelled back at her as he barely got behind a flipped table dodging the enraged fashionistas weapons of choice. He didn't get to talk more as Rarity levitated him out from his hiding spot, and threw him out of the front door.

"GET OUT YOU, YOU FIREBREATHING DRESS KILLER!" She yelled after him as he face planted the dirt, his new cape landing on top of him, and the front door to the boutique shut behind him.

Ow, that actually hurt. Neltharion rubbed his head and got up. He felt groggy. Neltharion saw a couple of bystanders staring at him as if he just dropped out of the sky. He rolled his eyes, brushed the dirt of his cape, put it on and gave the bystanders a mean look, causing them to scatter. He looked back at the boutique and shook his head. I'll sort things out with that crazy mare later. He looked out onto the, now buzzing with ponies, town and saw the glimmering rainbow light from his temporary home far in the distance. He decided to go back as he had nothing better to do.

On the way he came across the, what seemed to be, center of Ponyville. There were ponies everywhere conversing, buying from nearby stores and some were even singing with other ponies joining in as they singers got nearby. Neltharion raised an eyebrow at this and eventually rolled his eyes in annoyance. Urrgh, this place seems more and more like some sort of fairytale land. He thought to himself in annoyance at the sight of the perfect little town. He noticed Pinkie Pie were the leading them in the melody. Oh no. He thought as they noticed they were coming towards him. He took on his cape's hood and strolled as casually as he could threw the growing crowd of dancing and singing ponies, hoping that Pinkie or someone else didn't notice him. Just as he got to the other side of the street, all of the other ponies in the street had begun singing in chorus and dancing in a peculiar way. Neltharion shivered uncomfortably. "Creepy. Im glad I got out in time" He said to himself as he continued out towards the crystal castle.

Neltharion had been walking for at least fifteen minutes and this confused him. Why weren't he at the castle yet? He looked around and saw he had come to a street he didn't recognize. Neltharion facehoofed. He had somehow gotten lost and was near the edge of Ponyville, close to the Everfree forest. "How in the world did I end up here?" He asked no one in particular. The street he was walking on was completely empty, probably because all the city residents were in the main street, singing and dancing. Neltharion trotted around, looking for a familiar glow from the crystal castle. He found it bouncing around several building, giving no sign of where it was coming from.


The sound of multiple voices screaming made Neltharion turn around. About a hundred feet from him, he could see three familiar fillies running away from something that was following them and seemed to be made of... Wood? At a closer look, Neltharion could see it was a wolf... Made of wood. "What the?" He didn't get any further as he noticed the fillies running towards an earth-pony mare with raspberry colored mane, pale yellow coat and a rose adorning her flank. She were first noticing the fillies and the wolf now. "Come On, move." He muttered in the direction of the ponies and wolf. He could see that even if the mare started moving now, it would be too late. Neltharion sighed. "Damn it." He muttered before going into gallop towards the ponies and wolf.

It had been a very relaxing day for Roseluck. She had picked some flowers, gone back to her flowers shop, eaten lunch and were now enjoying a relaxing walk through some of the less crowded streets in Ponyville. In fact, she was the only one there. She had heard, from her friend Daisy, that there were some singing and dancing going on in the center of Ponyville arranged by Pinkie Pie. She could hear from the volume of them singing in the distance that most of the town was probably there. Roseluck didn't mind though. Today was her day off and she wanted to be alone.

She heard faint screaming coming from nearby, but she dismissed it as she recognised the screams being the in the voices of the Cutiemark Crusaders. Roseluck shook her head in annoyance. She knew the CMC had a knack for getting into trouble, and that they started screaming almost over nothing. She heard them scream again, closer this time. She also heard some words like 'leave us alone ya rotting bundle of sticks' and some other wood related stuff. This confused her. Roseluck turned around with a raised eyebrow.

The sight froze her on the spot. Coming towards her were the CMC and a large Timberwolf. Rose didn't know what to do. Soon enough the CMC ran past her, all three yelling at the same time. "Run, Rose!" But it was too late.

The Timbewolf lunged at Rose as she was an easy target. Rose fell on her back and closed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable claws and jaws of the wooden beast, but they never came.

Rose heard the wolf whimper as something hard slammed against it's wooden torso, knocking it into the dirt. She carefully opened her eyes and they fully widened when she saw what was standing in front of her.

It was a big orange coated stallion with a black as night colored tail. He was wearing a black silk hood and cape. He stood facing in the direction of the downed Timberwolf. He turned his head towards Rose, revealing his face and features. He had eyes red as blood and a black mane similar to his tail. He was wearing a serious frown on his face. Rose felt her heart almost skip a beat as she scanned his face features. He was the most handsome stallion Rose had ever seen. He reminded her of Big Mac, but this stallion was more intimidating and he was bigger, probably stronger to.

Rose heard the Timberwolf growl and she saw it lunge towards the stallion. "LOOK OUT!"

The stallion reacted quick. He stepped forward and uppercutted the Timberwolf in the jaw before it's claws could make contact. It sent the Timberwolf flying into the dirt again, but this time the stallion didn't wait around for it to attack. He ran to the Timberwolf, who had just gotten up from the uppercut, and kicked it in the face with his hind legs, knocking it into a nearby house wall, unconscious. He snorted and walked back to Rose who was staring at him in a mix of awe and fear.

"Are you alright, miss?" He asked in a cool and serious voice as he stuck out a hoof to help her up.

Roseluck's whole body tingled at the sound of his deep smooth voice. She looked at his offering hoof and noticed some kind of grey black metal seared to the upper half of his hoof, but she dismissed it. "I... Uh, yes. Im okay." She answered. The stallion was still keeping the serious frown on his face when Roseluck gave him her hoof and he dragged her up. Looking into his eyes and touching his hoof Roseluck could feel her heart beat faster. In her mind she imagined their life together. Their first date, them moving into her flower shop, them traveling to Manehatten and Baltimare, their wedding, the kids they would have and them both sitting, in their old years, under a tree during a sunset leaning on each other. It all seemed so perfect in her mind. "Our bridesmaids will wear lavender." She dreamily muttered to herself. The stallion broke the stare by rolling his eyes.

"Good." The stallion finally said and turned as his eyes caught something in the distance. "Be more careful next--"

He didn't get to finish his sentence as they both heard the Timberwolf waking up, growling. Both Roseluck and the stallion turned towards the Timberwolf once more. It got up, but it looked dizzy. Understandable as it had taken multiple hits to it's face. It didn't stop it though from going in an all out run towards them. Roseluck hid behind the stallion, pushing her side against his, she could feel something cold and pointy underneath his cape. The stallion looked down at her, a confused look on his face before turning his attention back to the oncoming Timberwolf. Something underneath his cape started glowing white and Rose heard a loud whistling. The Timberwolf got closer. Nine feet. Six feet. Three. It pounced towards them, and then Roseluck heard something weird, it sounded like a growl, but more reptilian like a crocodiles.

"Valignat." The stallion said in a low, but much darker voice. As the words left the stallions mouth, the Timberwolf burst into flames. The Timberwolf howled in pain as it burst into ashes mid-leap, showering the stallions cape with it's remains. The whistling and glowing from the stallion ceased. He snorted and Rose could swear she heard him mutter. "Annoying piece of firewood." He turned his head to Roseluck was still clinging to his side, looking up at him, dumbfounded at what she had just witnessed. He stepped away from her and gave a polite nod. "As I said, be more careful in the future." He said and started walking down the street, leaving a jaw dropped Roseluck looking after him.

She shook her head free of her amazement of what she had just witnessed. In her head, this stallion was downright amazing. He had saved her life, easily defeated a Timberwolf, swept her off her hoofs AND he was devilishly good looking. The stallion also intrigued Roseluck. He seemed so mysterious from his appearance alone. Rose grinned maniacally. Oh, there is NO way i’m going to let you get away from me so easily, handsome. Im going to make you mine. She started to follow in hot pursuit of the mysterious stallion. "All mine." She whispered to herself while creepily grinning as she gained in on the stallion.

Author's Note:

Inspiration for the whole crush thing is partially taken from MLP FIM comics issue #9 + 10
I apologize if it doesn't seem very realistic, but this is my first time ever to write this sort of thing. I know it is no excuse but bare with me.

As we get further into the story, expect the chapters to get longer and longer.

Again I apologize for not being able to keep up the formerly promised two chapters a week or even one for that matter. Alot have happened since I started this story, as in im waaay busier. I will try and make up for it in the future.