• Published 1st Feb 2015
  • 12,091 Views, 463 Comments

Deathwing in Equestria - SoaringCoal

On Azeroth, the dragon Aspects fought Deathwing. They could not defeat him, so they banished him to another world to save their own. Now Neltharion, free of his madness, struggles to get home from this new world, but thats harder than it sounds.

  • ...


Fluttershy was rushing through the crystal castle, carrying medical supplies. Since she and the girls had been woken up by a dragon and griffin, who had then taken off to somewhere, the castle had been made into a makeshift hospital, as the Ponyville hospital itself had been one of the changelings first targets to attack, and Fluttershy had been fluttering around, trying to help everypony ever since.

All Fluttershy really remembered from before waking up at the entrance of Twilight’s crystal castle was that a bunch changelings had barged into her house and attacked her and her animal friends. They had put up a good fight but had eventually been forced to run away. The next thing Fluttershy remembered was waking up on the cold crystal floor at the entrance of Twilight’s castle, her mouth feeling like it was on fire from something the griffin had given her. The griffin had called the drink he had given her his Beak Burner Beverage. The rest of friends had it even worse. But mostly Pinkie Pie who had, despite her injuries, crawled down to the grass field around the castle and began licking the dirt to get the bad taste out of her mouth. Applejack and Rainbow Dash kept the bad taste in their mouths, and didn’t complain and Rarity… Well, she stayed unconscious for some odd reason. They had all been relocated to the throne room, directing the many ponies around while Fluttershy, nurse Redheart and a couple of other ponies were trying to help everypony else with their injuries.

Fluttershy had just gone back to the entrance to check for more refugees when the door burst open, revealing Luna and the entire pegasus department of the royal guard. “FEAR NOT, MINE LITTLE PONIES, THINE PRINCESS HAST COME TO AID THEE!” She shouted in the royal canterlot voice, effectively sending Fluttershy squirming into a corner

“Eeep!” Fluttershy squealed as she covered her eyes with her wings and hooves.

The guards began streaming inside, intent on helping anypony that needed it, a few squads starting flying around the ruins of Ponyville searching for potentially trapped citizens and then eight guards stationed themselves at the entrance, while Luna went over to Fluttershy. “Element of kindness, Fluttershy, where are the other elements and my sister?”

Fluttershy peeked out from beneath her hooves and wings. “U-uhm, the dragon and griffin that woke us up told us to direct you towards that mountain.” She pointed out behind Luna out the entrance where she could see a tall mountain in the distance with cracks and large holes in it.

Luna looked onto the mountain, she could see something rising above it and then coming back down and a tail curled around the side of it. She looked back to Fluttershy. “Thank thee, Fluttershy. I shall go assist my sister, you stay here and--” A rumbling interrupted her and she heard something big rising into the air. She darted around and became pale at the sight. Deathwing had spread his enormous wings and was now flying back towards Ponyville, black smoke appearing behind his wings, but Luna was more concerned about her sister. Where was Celestia?

All the commotion from slightly panicking ponies slowly died out as the sound of enormous wing beats began resonating through the crystal castle and it slowly caught their attention. Everypony froze and listened carefully as the sound came closer and closer. Slowly, the ponies that were able, began walking towards the entrance, almost hypnotized by the steadily rising sound of wing beats. They didn’t even pay attention to Luna at first. Luna and her guards also stared in fear of the oncoming beast. The ground and castle shook as he landed just outside of Ponyville and the castle descended into panic. Ponies darting around the castle screaming and desperately trying to come up with a plan or finding a hiding spot. The guards tried to keep everypony calm and was failing miserably. Some came back to Luna, asking for orders. Eventually Luna had enough.

“SILENCE!” Luna yelled, her canterlot voice reverberating through the castle and the ponies inside stopped on the spot. “You four!” She pointed at the five guards surrounding her and four of them saluted while the last kept its gaze on Luna. ”Assemble all guards that can fight and get the elements out here. If we’re going to die today, then we will go out in a blaze of glory!” The guards saluted once more and started running deeper inside the castle. “And you!” She looked at the remaining guard. “Keep on a lookout for the remaining reinforcements from canterlot. They should be arriving at any minute and they will need a briefing.” The guard saluted and ran out of the castle. Luna turned to Fluttershy who had gone back to her previous position. Luna rolled her eyes and walked over to her. “Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy winced at the sound of her name and peeked up from behind her wings and hooves. “Y-yes, princess Luna?”

“I want you to stay in here and wait for the guards to return with the rest of your friends.”

Fluttershy sighed in relief. She thought the princess was going to give her some super difficult or dangerous task, but she luckily didn’t. Behind Luna, a stallion came limping. It was Flash Sentry who had bandages across his head, two of his legs and his sides. It looked painful for him to walk but he did it anyway. “P-princess Luna…” He called and successfully caught her attention.

She turned and gave him an odd look as she inspected his injuries. “Go back and get some rest, captain Sentry.” But he didn’t move. He looked out and his eyes widened as he saw the dragon who had landed outside of Ponyville that was looking around.

“W-where… Where is princess Twilight?” He asked, trying to keep himself standing. He hadn’t gotten the worst of injuries. A few broken ribs, some blows to the head, excessive punches and kicks that had been averted by his armor, but still gave him a lot of bruises and a sprained foreleg. Surprisingly, his wings were completely unharmed.

Luna sighed and remorsefully shook her head. “I do not know. All I know is that my sister, Twilight, Discord and some dignitaries went after Deathwing and they haven’t returned.”

Flash’s eyes widened at her words and he became slightly paler. He fell on his haunches. “Y-you mean h-he, it?” He could feel guilt crushing down on him. He felt as if it was his fault. He hadn’t protected his princess. He had been beaten by changelings and now princess Twilight, his responsibility, was probably gone.

“I do not know, Flash, but we might find out soon.” As those words left Luna’s mouth, the earth began to tremble as Deathwing began walking through the ruins of the village, surprisingly careful not to step on anything, towards the castle. Each step shaking the ground and castle.



Several ponies came to the entrance and stared in a mix of awe and fear as the giant came closer.


More ponies came to the entrance and all the guards came flying up past them and sat down the elements on the way, next to Fluttershy. The guards flew outside and formed a wall at the entrance, staring defiantly at the beast as it slowly approached.


The pegasus division were now joined by the rest of the guards as they came streaming into Ponyville forming a battle formation. A half circle around the castle, the pegasi rose into the air, the earth ponies standing at the front and the unicorns standing behind them, going to act like artillery. They all stayed calm and awaited orders from princess Luna, but she herself was waiting. She didn’t know for what but she waited anyway.


The ground shook more and more as Deathwing closed in on the castle. Ponies from inside had now come out as they had accepted their fate, some even welcomed it. Luna joined her guards in the ranks, standing in the middle of the earth ponies. Even Flash had managed to get out and now stood beside Luna, preparing for the worst.


Sweat dripped down Luna’s snout. The tension was killing her. Why was she waiting? What was she waiting for? She looked to the guards around her and noticed the uneasy looks they shared. They were afraid and with good reason.


The dragon stopped in front of them and raised an eyebrow at their appearance. How cute. He thought. It was absolutely pathetic and pointless for them to try and stand their ground. Neltharion had seen armies melt beneath his gaze and then flee in terror. Yet the ponies held their ground as he glared at them in a intimidating way, mostly due to his stature.

Molten blood dripped from Neltharion’s chest and hit the grass beneath him, creating a small crater as the ground seethed beneath the liquid. Several guards gulped at the sight and imagined that soon the grasses fate would become theirs. Melting in the remains of Ponyville as it turned to ashes. Their knees suddenly felt wobbly.

“S-stand down, b-beast!” Luna yelled with as much courage as she could muster. She was trying her best to be brave, mostly for her subjects, but it wasn’t exactly easy. As she gazed into Neltharion’s eyes, her courage turned into fear, but she kept standing strong. The swirling inferno that was Neltharion’s eyes bored through her mind and froze her on the spot. Luna had never felt more scared. Those eyes, the eyes of death itself, showed her her own worst fears, her greatest failures and drained her of all hope. She wanted to just sit down and cry, but she refused. Her subjects needed her now more than ever.

Neltharion simply glared and huffed in annoyance. The guards were stone still, waiting for their princesses command, intending on doing anything in their power to slay the dragon before them. They waited and waited, the air full of tension, their hearts beating harder and harder, the adrenaline coursing through their blood, all ready to--

“BWAHAHAHA!” A sound laughed at the side, drawing everypony, and dragon’s, attention. It was Discord, sitting in his usual throne with two bowls of popcorn, a giant glass of chocolate milk, with straw, and giant foam finger on his hand, it reading: Discord #1. “Oh, oh this is just so hilarious!” He yelled as he fell off of his throne in a laughing fit. “D-don’t mind me!” He managed to get out. “I’m just enjoying the pointless tension and the fact that those so called fearless-guards of Equestria are about to call for their mommy and run home crying!” Several guards scowled at Discord but he didn't seem to notice or care for that matter.

Neltharion shot him a deadpan look. How in the world this childish trickster one of the most relatable people to himself he had ever met was beyond his understanding.

Luna was practically fuming at Discord’s laughing. “DISCORD!” The draconequus in question stopped laughing when he saw Luna’s facial expression. She looked just like her sister when she had been chasing him around in the canterlot gardens. “What is the meaning of this?! How can thou sit and laugh whilst we are about to go into glorious battle?!”

Discord sat back on his throne and began twiddling his fingers with a pouting expression. Somepony always had to ruin his fun. He shot her his best innocent smirk. “Because i’m a pacifist?” He said and a halo appeared over his head. Discord noticed and pricked it with his talon and it popped like a balloon.

Neltharion was just standing there, enjoying the conversation while shooting the guards a quick glare, to which some flinched.

Luna groaned and looked briefly at Neltharion and then back at Discord. Maybe this was the moment she had been waiting for. A distraction. But a question was also aching her mind and she had to ask. “And where is my sister and princess Twilight?”

Discord looked towards the mountain they had been at a few minutes before and scratched his head. “I have no idea, but they should be arriving sooner or later. He did put on quite a show, you should have seen it.”

Without warning Flash Sentry flew up, stopping just in front of Neltharion’s face, blinded by his own anger. “What did you do to the princesses?!” He yelled at Neltharion. To some, that would be a foolish move, to others it was downright insane, but for most beings, that was a death sentence. Charging up in front of the face of death itself and almost accusing him of doing something horrible was in retrospect for Flash not a good idea, but it seemed to be at the time.

He didn’t get to stay up there long as Discord snapped his talon and Flash, once again, appeared on the ground, beside Luna, without wings and mouth. Discord also teleported in between Luna and Flash and began to whisper. “Control yourself, Flashing dentist. I don’t know if you both noticed, but our friendly neighbourhood dragon isn’t exactly in the best of moods at the moment. Let’s wait for Celestia and Twilight to come, then we can sort things out.” Discord saw the mares in question flying over Neltharion towards them and smirked. “Speak of the sun-” Celestia landed in front of them with Twilight’s cloud in tow. “-And she shall appear.”

Twilight carefully stepped off the cloud, assisted by a couple of guards who had regained their postures and tried their best to ignore the dragon in front of them. The two dignitaries also landed behind the crowd, joining Twilight’s friends at the entrance. Everyone was silent, but not for long as Luna broke it.

“Sister, what happened at the mountain? where are the changelings? And why are… Uh, Celestia?” Luna noticed her sister wasn’t paying any attention to her whatsoever. She was staring at Neltharion with hate in her eyes and he was lazily staring back.

“He killed them…” Celestia muttered in reply to her sister. But Luna didn’t hear her.

“I’m sorry, sister, but can you please talk a little--”

“He slaughtered them all!” Celestia yelled as she continued to stare into the eyes of the destroyer. Her will was slowly breaking under their gaze but she would not back down so easily.
Luna’s eyes widened at her sister's words and she became slightly pale. “A-and what about Chrysalis?”

“We left her up there. It didn’t seem like the best time to try and befriend her.” Twilight replied regretfully. They had left Chrysalis in a pitiful state. Tears running down her face and she was curled into a ball as the ashes of her people fell from the sky. “But there’s nothing we can do about it now.” The villagers had now all come out to witness what was happening and they were all watching with shock at the words that had been said.

Neltharion snorted in disgust. These ponies pity and care for the changelings disgusted him. Could they not see that this was for the best? His sister, Alexstrasza had been given the gift of compassion and love by the titan Eonar. To love even the most unlovable and care for every living creature and yet she had understood that sometimes life is not worth preserving for the greater good. These ponies flawed logic angered him. The ground rumbled and a lot of ponies cowered as Neltharion’s deep voice sounded through the ruined village.

“Your pity and care for those creatures amuses me. You remind me of my sister.”

“And what would your sister think if she knew of all of this?” Celestia asked, with a hateful scowl. “That you killed so many without blinking an eye!”

“My sister understood that sometimes, life is not worth prevailing. Unlike you who are so blindingly arrogant in your own abilities to see how much of a danger you are to your people with your weakness and refusal to take life.”

Twilight was about to defend her mentor when Discord ported in front of her and held up a hand, wanting her to listen to what Neltharion had to say.

“Your actions may have cost us a powerful future ally!” Celestia yelled. She had really believed in the changelings or at least In their potential. After All, if Discord could change, why couldn’t they?

“And may have saved all of these villagers lives. You weren’t here. Don’t pretend to know things you have understanding off. Did Twilight tell you what was happening when I decided to step in? Did she tell you they were about to execute her and her friends in front of the eyes of their families and the other villagers?”

Celestia was shocked at this revelation. She hadn’t thought about that. She had been so caught up in the whole business with Neltharion that she hadn’t had time to question what had happened in details. Neltharion stomped his foreleg into the ground and red cracks emerged at the point of impact.

“Your ponies aren’t alive because they can fight! They are not alive because of their courage, their bravery or their will. They are alive because of me! Because of what I did to save them!”

Lava emerged from the red cracks in the earth and the cracks across Neltharion’s body started to glow brighter. Such arrogance of Celestia, such stupidity and so ungrateful. Neltharion was not happy.

Discord teleported up in front of Neltharion’s face and snapped his fingers, creating some pony sized ice cubes atop of the lava and on Neltharion’s back. “Why has it become my job to calm down people? It was usually me who started the trouble, but nooo, now I have to prevent the trouble from getting worse.” The lava died out, hardening into regular rock and the glowing ceased. “I just want to point out that I am on your side in this. I’m glad you wiped out the changelings.”

“WHAT?!” Luna and Twilight’s friends yelled in confusion at his words. Luna continued alone. “How can thee support that? Sure, we agree that they should have gotten punished, but killing them is not how we do things here in Equestria!”

Discord smirked. “Good thing that Nelly here--” Neltharion’s one eye twitched and he looked angrily at Discord. “-Isn’t from Equestria.” He didn’t get to say more as Neltharion swatted him into the ground with his claw, earning a gasp from everypony. Discord was flat as a pancake, but he took. his flat thumb to his mouth and blew in it, as if he was a balloon, and he instantly got back his normal self, mostly unscathed. “Worth it. And also, Twilight here agrees with me.” He suddenly pulled out Twilight from behind his back. Some ponies looked confused to the place where she had been before and discovered a giant Twilight plushie. Flash would never admit it, but he felt slightly compelled to hug it.

Twilight had no idea how she had ended up there with Discord and more importantly, how was Discord able to hold her without hurting her? Twilight shook her head free of those thoughts. Sometimes, Discord made even less sense than Pinkie. She looked onto the crowd and saw their looks of dumbfoundment and disbelief at Discord’s words. But what got most of her attention was the look of her friends. They looked horrified and Applejack shook her head in disbelief. Applejack simply couldn’t believe it and neither could the rest of them. Discord shifted his grip on her and positioned her underneath his arm, holding her the same way he usually held Fluttershy, like some sort of teddy bear. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt even though he was making contact with her injured wing.

“Is this true, Twilight Sparkle?” Luna asked in disbelief. Twilight was a very peaceful pony and a good friend in her eyes so for her it was also very hard to believe.

Twilight looked around and saw everypony was looking at her. She wanted to hide away from the attention and avoid the question entirely since her answer would probably cause a lot of commotion. She looked up at Discord and saw he was smirking confidently at her. A sign for her to just speak the truth whether or not she agreed with him. she took a deep breath. “W-well… I guess I do agree with Neltharion’s actions.”

All of Ponyville, the royal guard, princesses and pretty much everyone other than Discord and Neltharion stared dumbfounded at their newest princess words. Her friends kept silent as they tried to process her words through their minds.

Twilight saw the looks of disbelief and decided to explain further. “I mean I understand his reasoning, Chrysalis was destroying Ponyville and there’s no telling what she would have done after she was done with me.”

“Princess.” Flash stepped forward. “You can’t be serious, that ‘thing’--” He pointed at Neltharion. “From what I’ve heard, he practically destroyed more of Ponyville than all of the changelings combined efforts in minutes!” He started angrily to flap his wings and started to rise in altitude. “He traumatized every villager here, think of what the children saw!” He pointed to a pile of dismembered changelings beside Neltharion.

“Flash.” Princess Celestia tried to get his attention, but he ignored her.

“You.” Flash was now in eyeheight of Neltharion. Flash narrowed his eyes and scowled hatefully at Neltharion. “Ever since you came here, you have brought nothing but trouble. I bet you’re the one who somehow lured the changelings here in the first place!”

Neltharion kept a steady and annoyed gaze on the pony that had invaded his airspace, but kept silent.

“Flash, stop it!” Twilight yelled from Discord’s grasp, worried at what might happen if he angered the great dragon.

“Look what you did to this village.” Flash looked onto the ruined village and then back at Neltharion who had not moved his eyes from Flash the entire time. “Look at all of the destruction, all of the chaos you have caused, look at the--” He didn’t get to talk any further as Neltharion lifted his claw and flicked him away as if Flash was an annoying fly, sending him flying through the air and eventually into the ground behind Twilight’s castle, also earning a gasp from almost everypony around.

“FLASH!” Twilight yelled as she saw him crash into the ground. Several guards flew over to check on him and Twilight shifted her attention back to Neltharion with slight fear in her eyes.

Neltharion reveled in the satisfaction that one little action gave him and suddenly he felt more relaxed.

“Annoying pest.”

“HOW DARE THEE!” Luna yelled and she rose into the air, lightning flashing behind her. “Thou has attacked our subjects and destroyed their village, and after we proceed to converse with thee instead of retaliating in kind, thou attack another one of our subjects!” She then started to stare at Neltharion so intensely that they didn’t notice the guards returning with Flash Sentry and laying him out in front of Twilight, in a fetal position.

“Flash, are you okay?” She asked. First now did she notice that somehow Flash had gotten ahold of the plushie of her from before.

Flash only clutched the plushie tighter. “Who's a gorgeous mare?” He held up the plushie and now everypony could see the scratches and blood dripping from his head. His wing was also crooked, but he didn’t seem to notice. “You are!” And he began clutching the plushie. his disillusion display of the doll supplied those who watched his creepy actions deep protruding blushes, twilight face turned deep crimson at some of the aforementioned phrases, his creepy whispers echoing to those present. Luckily he quickly passed out and was carried inside the castle to her relief.

Twilight heard snickering and turned to see Discord who was barely able to contain his laughter . A quick scowl silenced him and she turned her attention back to Neltharion who was having the most intense staring contest of the century with Luna.

Neltharion’s gaze hardened further and Luna slowly descended to the ground once more, realising that she should be careful around Neltharion. There was no telling what he might do. He already seemed on edge. Neltharion turned his attention back to Twilight.

“You wanted to sort this out, then do so.”

Twilight gulped instinctively under Neltharion’s gaze. “Right…” She had to come up with something. She had to come up with something to make him see her and her fellow ponies side of things. No, she had to talk to his logic, he would understand that, right? Twilight got her eyes on some of the ruined buildings behind Neltharion and knew what to say. She cleared her throat. “Neltharion, turn around and look at what's left of Ponyville.” Neltharion’s gaze hardened a little.

“Are you going to try and scold me as your little soldier did? I did what I had--”

“Please just do as I say.” Twilight interrupted him. She looked sadly behind him at the sorry remains of Ponyville. The shattered homes, the bloodstained earth and the priceless memories that were lost in those homes. The villagers look followed Twilight’s and some eventually began to sob at the realisation that their homes were gone. Eventually Neltharion’s gaze followed theirs. “Look at what you and Chrysalis did to Ponyville.”

Neltharion looked as well as he could onto the ruined homes. A light wind swept through the air, ash and dust alike swirled into the air. His eyes followed it and let his eyes towards the mountain and the scorched hills on the other side it. What is her point? It's just a ruined village. Nothing that can't be fixed

Now that Neltharion looked beyond the destruction, he found the scenery beautiful. Tall hills stretching as far as his eyes could see. Their lush green grass, flowers and tree’s bending slightly to the soft wind. He could also see a long clear lake stretching throughout the outskirts of Ponyville, it water reflecting the light and colors out and almost blinding Neltharion. At a closer look he could also see fish traveling through the lake. His ears picked up the sound of rock falling of the mountain and hitting the ground beneath it. Neltharion’s nostrils picked up the smell in the air. It was fresh, like new lawned grass and flowers. He would have smiled if his metal jaw allowed him. The fresh smell was all too quickly replaced with the smell of ash and smoke. He came to a realisation and his eyes widened. How long has it been since I stopped and enjoyed the world around me? I used to love watching the world as it went by, my world, my wonders ever remaining with me as everything else withered. What happened?

Of course Neltharion knew what had happened and he could never forget it. Yet it was still shocking and saddening him just how much the corruption had changed him. How much it had destroyed and still was destroying.

“Have you ever had a home, Neltharion?” Twilight continued. “A place where you could do anything you wanted. A place for the memories most precious to you?” Twilight watched as the everburning fire in Neltharion’s eyes dimmed and were replaced with sadness.

“No, I have never had such a place. I had my kin, my siblings and my world and now... I have nothing.”

Twilight was saddened by his reply. Neltharion’s situation was becoming more clear to her. She couldn’t imagine how he was feeling. To be in a foreign place with no face he knew and with no certainty of ever returning home. “Nevertheless, i’m sure you can understand how these ponies feel. They have lost their homes and items that were very precious to them. Do you understand?”


A rumble sounded as Neltharion dug his claws deep into the earth beneath him and the earth around the village started to grind together and replace itself with new earth from deeper beneath the surface, taking away the dried blood around the village, unearthing further remains of buildings, and making it all seem like there never had been any sign of battle other than the ruined buildings. Neltharion breathed out slowly and as he did, the life around and inside the village returned. New grass grew in a matter of seconds and ruined husks of trees regrew and appeared as if they nothing had ever happened. Neltharion felt dizzy after using his magic in such a way. Every part of his body had curled with discomfort when he had used that magic.

The villagers, princesses and diplomats watched in awe at the display. It was as if time itself had been sped up.


The draconequus in names ears perked at the sound of his name being called and he flew up to Neltharion. “Yes?”

“I have seen you have a unique form of magic. Do you think you can restore these homes?”

Discord smirked and cracked his knuckles. “It shouldn’t be to difficult.” He snapped his talon and in a flash, all of the ruined buildings had been restored to before the changeling attack.

The villagers started mumbling amongst themselves, most cried of pure joy as they spotted their respective homes now restored.

Discord slowly descended and Twilight managed to limp up all of the way up to him. “Thank you, Discord.” She gave him a warm smile.

Discord returned the smile with one of his own and patted her on her head. “What are friends for.”

Celestia and Luna joined them aswell, them both smiling at the joyful moment. Luna broke it. “We still need to discuss what we will do now. Neltharion still assaulted Flash Sentry and we also need to find a way to show Neltharion the consequences of his actions.” The rest of them gave Luna a skeptical look.

“We can't, Luna.” Celestia said with a frown. “He has shown no care or concern for our laws. Everything that has happened tonight has proven one thing to me. Neltharion can do whatever he wants and there is nothing we can do to stop him...”

“But he has just shown that he has a certain desire to stay on good terms with us, or at least princess Twilight.” Luna retaliated. “Perhaps we can use this to our advantage. Or maybe we can get the elements back from the tree of harmony?”

Twilight kept looking at the great dragon who was still looking out into the night. He looked so sad. He hadn’t as much as moved an inch since he had spoken to Discord. “I think I might have a suggestion.” The remaining princesses and Discord turned their attention to her. “Let him continue his stay with me. There is still so much we can learn from him and I have a feeling he can learn much from us as well.”

“Twilight, are you sure?” Celestia asked.

“Yes.” Twilight replied. “I believe in Neltharion.” Celestia stared at her but eventually nodded in approval. Twilight turned her attention back to Neltharion. “Neltharion!” She called, he didn’t respond. “Neltharion!” She called again, this time he responded and turned his head in Twilight’s direction.

“Yes, Twilight?”

“Could you please turn back into pony form?”

Neltharion didn’t like what Twilight was asking of him. Why should he return to such an inferior and disgusting form? He obviously knew why. It wasn’t exactly convenient for a dragon his size to be in a small village such as Ponyville. Heck, Neltharion despised his form as it was. Everytime he looked at the plating, everytime he felt the taste of metal in his mouth, it reminded him of his failure. But Neltharion had to accept that this was who he was now, this was what he looked like and nothing could change it. It would even follow him into whatever form he would choose to take. He could try and suppress his corrupted traits, such as his plating.

A thought struck Neltharion and he almost felt compelled to smile even though his jaw wouldn’t allow him. Why should I hide from what I am? He would make sure the ponies would never forget just who he really was.

“Very well.”

Twilight smiled at his reply. She had been slightly worried that he wouldn’t want to turn back into a pony, but it seemed he thought it a good idea as well.

The pressure in the air dropped and fire ignited across his frame, it soon started spreading around Neltharion’s body, quickly engulfing it completely. The onlooking citizens and guards looked in awe at the display. After a few seconds, the previous form of the great dragon seemed to be shrinking and ash started to fall underneath where the great dragon had stood, and soon the fire died out, leaving a shape no one could see clearly, they could only see the guise of a pony through the wall of ash and dust that had started flying through the air.

Twilight looked at the shape enwrapped in ash and knew that Neltharion had turned back into a pony. She almost longed to see the tall orange stallion with dark plating, it was certainly better than having a dragon in your backyard that could make beings like Tirek run home crying for their mommy. But there was something wrong with the transformation. Twilight couldn’t place it, but the shape just didn’t look right. Her suspicion was confirmed when appendages on the sides of the shape flared, they looked like wings?

The veil of ash dispersed and everyone there gasped at the sight. Where Neltharion had stood was now a pony stallion. His mane, coat and tail were black as night. Six black horns had grown from the back of his head, dark grey plating was covering his entire body, except the hooves and a long crack going down from the start of his neck to the bottom of his chest with the same molten liquid coursing through, but it wasn’t dripping down. Two tattered dragon wings were on his sides where a normal pegasus would have its wings and a crooked horn had sprouted from his forehead with small cracks across it.

The stallion seemed to be struggling in opening in his eyes, but he eventually did and Twilight’s heart almost went up her throat. It was those same fiery eyes.