• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 830 Views, 7 Comments

SpikeBelle Honeymoon - Darth Redbeard

Spike and Sweetie arrive at their destination for their honeymoon. Will they be left alone?

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“This is your captain speaking,” a voice on the radio said. “We’re landing at Drago National Airport. Please remain seated until the plane has landed before collecting your bags.”

Spike woke as soon as the voice finished. As he rubbed his eyes, he felt something move closer to him. Looking to his right, he saw his wife, Sweetie Belle, snuggling up to him as if he were a pillow. Spike smiled as he remembered that he was now married. Married to the most wonderful girl in the world, well to him at least.

“Sweetie,” Spike said. “Wake up. We’re landing.” Sweetie stirred as she slowly woke to the sight of her husband smiling at her. Sweetie gave Spike a quick kiss before replying.

“Morning, Spike,” Sweetie replied, hugging him just as the plane finished it’s landing. They looked out the window as the city seemed to pass by them. They got up and collected their luggage as the flight attendant walked around.

“Welcome to Drago City,” she said. “We hope you’ll enjoy your stay and we would like to thank you for flying Air Equestria.” Spike and Sweetie continued to head for the terminal as large numbers of people crowded them, as if an event was taking place today.

When they reached the terminal and finished collecting their bags, they went outside, hoping to catch a taxi to the hotel.

“Taxi!” they yelled, but everytime they tried, they couldn’t get anywhere.

“Looks like we’ll have to walk,” Spike said, trying not to sound disappointed. He didn’t want Sweetie to be upset, but from the looks of it, the honeymoon seemed to have ran into a lot of trouble right off the bat.

“Well look who it is,” a voice said. Spike and Sweetie Belle turned and saw Matthew standing near by. “Mr and Mrs. Sparkle.” he finished as he gave a quick bow. “What are you two doing here?”

“We’re on our honeymoon,” Spike answered. “But we seem to have trouble getting a taxi.”

“Follow me,” Matthew told them. “We can take my carriage there. What Hotel you two staying at?”

“The Golden Dragon,” Sweetie Belle answered. Matthew just smiled.

“The Hotel of Royalty. Many of us stay there. I actually stay on the top floor to get a good view of the city.”

“So you’re staying there right now?” Spike asked. Matthew nodded as both Spike and Sweetie Belle smiled. “We have a lot to tell you.”

“I’ll be sure to listen when I’m not busy,” Matthew replied. “But first, let’s get you to your ride.” He led them to a large carriage that was painted in blue, just like the Imperial flag. Sweetie Belle boarded first with Spike getting in right behind her and sitting the the same seat she was as Matthew sat across from them. As the door closed, he removed his hat and leaned back in his chair.

“I guess I should explain that I’m not here on vacation,” Matthew began. “Part of the reason I couldn’t make it to the wedding was because of a plan I and others made. We’re planning on invading the Lennex Empire. Spike, as you noticed, they’re still after you, even after their planned conquest of Equestria had failed. The only way you’ll be safe is if they’re conquered.”

“So Sweetie and I will be safe soon?” Spike asked, hoping it was true. Matthew nodded.

“Part of the reason I arrived was to raise some more regiments to assist in the upcoming battle. Just as some officers went to Equestria to check on the training of the guards, I came here to do the same. I’m working with the governor to raise at least ten regiments if possible.”

“I thought that everything would be fine after they failed the first time,” Sweetie muttered, upset that others would never leave her husband alone for what was in him. While she was glad there were those willing to protect them, she wished that he never got the Dragon DNA.

“That I really can’t answer,” Matthew began. “I’ve been in war so long but even I don’t have the answer to why someone would continue to be after your husband. I can most likely name every move an army could make, every position for a weapon, or even what food would be needed, but for why someone would continue like that, I don’t have all the answers.”

“You must know something!” Sweetie exclaimed, tears forming in her eyes. Matthew placed a hand to his chin as he closed his eyes, thinking of what to say.

“There might be something about Spike’s Dragon DNA that seems to attract them to it,” he began. “Some of my men have Dragon DNA, but they never get targeted for capture. There is something about the DNA you have or something about you that they want. I’ll try and find out while you two relax and enjoy the sites.” Spike and Sweetie Belle nodded, just as the carriage came to a stop. A soldier opened the door for them.

“The Golden Dragon hotel, your majesty,” the soldier said, saluting Matthew. Matthew returned the salute as he left, allowing Sweetie Belle and Spike to get out, grabbing their bags in the process.

Upon leaving the carriage, they saw two lines of soldiers standing at attention along the walkway to the hotel entrance. Their armor brand new as they kept their faces straight, not blinking as the wind blew in their faces. What caught them was the fact that these men didn’t have muskets, but carried spears that were twenty feet long.

Upon entering the hotel, they were greeted by one of the most gorgeous sites. A golden statue of a massive dragon, protecting a small village, a plaque reading “The Tale of the Golden Dragon”.

As they continued to look, an older man walked over to them.

“I can see you’re fascinated with the tale of the ancient one,” he said. “It’s a tale passed down through generations about how a dragon saved our nation from destruction. Many believe our fall was due to what the ruler was doing. The Dragon passed judgement through our conquerors, resulting in the peace and prosperity that followed.”

Before the man could continue, a bellhop walked over to them.

“Are you Spike and Sweetie Sparkle?” he asked. Spike and Sweetie nodded. “I’ve been asked to help you two up to your room. Follow me.” The bellhop grabbed their bags and walked them over to the elevator. When they entered, he pressed a button leading to the top floor. The elevator ride was slow as the music began playing. All Spike and Sweetie could do to keep them occupied was rock back and forth as the elevator went up.

As they reached the top floor, they walked over to their room. Walking down the hall, they passed many great paintings of dragons, cities, ships, and one or two pictures of Imperial and Dragon forces going at it, showing the bravery of both sides.

“There’s another painting further on up that depicts the Battle of Drago Plains.” As they neared the end of the hall, the painting came into view. Imperial and Dragon forces charging head on, Dragon spears pointed right at the Imperial infantry who were charging bayonets forward. Both sides showing that they knew that this would be the last major battle before the city fell.

“It’s almost like they were ready to wipe the other side out,” Spike commented.

“The good news is that the losses for both sides was relatively light,” a voice said. The three turned and saw Matthew approaching. “The amount of men killed and wounded for both sides was about three thousand. Two-thirds of those were injured and were able to get back into the fight. The ones that lost their limbs were sent back to their homes to recover as heroes. We had around four hundred dead with two thousand injured. The Dragon Empire lost two hundred dead and another four hundred injured.”

“The Imperials won because of their numbers,” the bellhop explained. “I was one of the soldiers in the battle that fought against them. Even if we lost, it was the most powerful moment of the entire war. The Dragon Empires greatest moment of bravery.”

“You don’t seem to be too upset,” Spike said. The bellhop just smiled.

“The key is to know that even if we lost, we tried our best,” he replied. “We knew it would be over after that day, but we did our best to defend the city.”

They arrived at the room and went inside, their bags being set down by the bed.

“Ring if you two need anything.” The bellhop left as Spike began to unpack everything, leaving a few things for Sweetie to take care of before they sat down on the couch in front of the TV.

The room was just as they were told. A Queen sized bed, a comfy couch, TV, luxury style bathroom, a hot tub in a closed off area, and an excellent view of both the modern and ancient city. The room was really set up for royalty as the hotels reputation had provided.

“So,” Spike began. “You want to go explore the city?” Sweetie shook her head.

“I’d rather just stay here with my husband for today,” she replied. “We can visit the city tomorrow. Gives us some time to relax after the trip we had.” She snuggled up to Spike as she let out a small yawn. “I love you, Mr. Sparkle.”

“I love you too, Mrs. Sparkle.” They soon drifted off to sleep, getting ready for their honeymoon.