• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 830 Views, 7 Comments

SpikeBelle Honeymoon - Darth Redbeard

Spike and Sweetie arrive at their destination for their honeymoon. Will they be left alone?

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Yang just stood there in shock at what he was seeing. A bright light enveloped the entire throne room as Spike and Sweetie were sitting on the thrones, both wearing the crowns of the Dragon Royalty. No one was ever allowed to sit in those thrones ever since the Imperial conquest of their city, yet here were two teens, just barely married, sitting in the thrones that were empty for years.

“What happened?” Spike asked, unsure of what he did. “We just sit on the throne and all of a sudden, we’re sitting here like we own the place.”

“I shall inform the Imperial Emperor at once about this,” Yang said. “He might know what this means.” As he left, Spike and Sweetie got off the thrones, hoping that they wouldn’t be in trouble. They were here to enjoy their honeymoon, not end up in a prison cell.

“I really hope we don’t get into trouble,” Sweetie said. Before Spike could say anything, a few members of the Imperial Guard rushed into the room, performing their usual entrance for their Emperor as both Yang and Matthew walked in. Matthew had a determined look on his face as he approached them.

“What happened you two?” Matthew asked, no sign of anger in his voice.

“We arrived here for the tour and I ended up hearing a voice in my head saying to sit on the throne,” Spike began. “There was something about it that seemed to make me want to listen. When I sat down, a bright light enveloped the room and both Sweetie and I were sitting in those two thrones.

“No one is allowed to sit on those thrones!” one of the guard’s exclaimed as he moved to arrest them.

“Calm yourself, Thomas,” Matthew ordered. “The order was that no one from the Dragon Nobility would be allowed to sit there until the true Dragon Emperor would return. We were told the tale when we took the city. These two didn’t know that rule, so there is no use in arresting them.”

“Yes, sir,” Thomas replied, backing off. “Sorry about that. I guess I take orders too seriously.”

“We all do,” Matthew replied. He turned to Spike and Sweetie. “As for you two, go ahead and finish up the tour of the palace and head back for the hotel right after. I’ll call for some help and try to get some info from the library.” Matthew walked out with his guard’s as Yang stayed put.

“Now, let us return to the tour,” he said, walking out with the two following him.

At the palace communications room, recently added during the First Imperial/Lennex War, Matthew was making a call for some help on figuring out what had happened to Spike and Sweetie. Those two had helped him when he was in Equestria by reminding him why he continued to hold the mantle of emperor, so now was his chance to help them. Even if they say he helped bring them back together after Spike was captured, what they did was something that he would never be able to repay.

“Imperial Embassy of Equestria,” a voice said. “How can we help you?” Matthew smiled, knowing that voice anywhere.

“Luna,” he began. “Sorry for calling you during your vacation, but we have a situation with Spike and Sweetie Belle.” He explained everything that he was told by both Yang and the couple before Luna spoke again.

“I’ll be at Drago City soon,” Luna said. “Also, don’t worry about calling me about this while I’m on break. This is something that concerns me as well. I’ll be on the next plane with Twilight, Flash, Shining, and Cadance. They’ll want to see the city and they can help us find out what’s going on.” Luna hung up as Matthew went to the stable.

When he arrived, Spike and Sweetie were petting the horses as Yang walked over.

“The tour went alright,” he said. “This was the last spot, so I better get back to other matters. I promise we’ll discuss those regiments after this whole mess is cleared up.”

“Understood,” Matthew said. “The help I called for should be here within the next few days. Hopefully everything will be cleared up.”

“If I may,” Yang began. “I think the legend of The Golden Dragon has just began to shape once again. You’re familiar with it just as any other leader, despite not being from here. You should know what that legend also says.”

“I know,” Matthew answered. “They’ll be the ones to decide the fate of the Dragon Empire. They could reclaim it or let it stay under Imperial rule. If they declare it independent, I will gladly take all Imperial forces out of the city and all Dragon territory and concentrate on other matters.”

“We would still be allies,” Yang mentioned. “The empire actually turned out better after we got rid of the leaders that caused all the pain and suffering. You mostly brought us new ideas and innovations that have helped us to improve.”

“I won’t be around forever,” Matthew said. “When my time comes, TK will take over. You know he’ll do a lot better than I’ve ever done. Even if I made the empire stronger, it was not just me that did so. It was many others that helped.”

He walked over to the young couple just as they got done petting the horses.

“I can see you two are enjoying the horses,” he said. “The one you just petted is about to give birth. When the foal is old enough, if you two want, you can have her. These horses aren’t used for war. Just for rides around the palace, which they get bored staying in here all the time.”

“We’re hoping to get settled in first,” Sweetie said. “We need to take care of finding jobs, getting bills paid, taking care of the place, and so on.” It was true. Prince or not, Spike didn’t want to live like a royal, neither did Sweetie. They did agree to work for their money. The money they did have was saved up for whenever they had kids of their own for their education.

“From what I was told,” Matthew began. “You two already have your jobs picked out, but I don’t know what they are.”

“I’m working on becoming a writer,” Spike said.

“Singer for me,” Sweetie chimed. Matthew just smiled before going to his horse.

“I better head out for a bit,” he said. “I called for some help on what happened in the throne room. We’ll find out before you head back to Equestria. I’ll meet you two tomorrow for the trip outside the city.” He mounted his horse as he finished explaining. “Let’s go, Classie.” He rode out of the stables, heading towards the city gates.

“I really hope we can figure out what happened,” Spike said.

“Me too, Spike,” Sweetie agreed.