• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 831 Views, 7 Comments

SpikeBelle Honeymoon - Darth Redbeard

Spike and Sweetie arrive at their destination for their honeymoon. Will they be left alone?

  • ...

Trouble in Drago City

Author's Note:

Man that took a while to write.

Anyhow, enjoy the cliffhanger at the end.

Spike and Sweetie finished their tour of the palace and went to the market district of the city. The sun was still high, which meant that the markets would be booming by now.

Spike’s plan was to buy something for Sweetie to help calm her down from what had happened. Sweetie was afraid of what would happen as the two of them were almost arrested for something that they didn’t even know about. Matthew had called his soldiers off, but what would happen now?

The carriage arrived outside the district, allowing for Spike to get out and help Sweetie out of their ride. As Sweetie was getting out, Spike held her hand as she placed her feet on the ground. If there was one thing he was always known for, it was being a true gentleman, unlike many of the Canterlot Nobility.

After the fighting in Equestria, the nobles had looked for someone to blame and decided that Spike would be the scapegoat. Many of them had tried to attack Spike while he was living in Twilight’s Castle still, only to be forced out by Twilight’s Guards. Another time was when both Spike and Sweetie were taking a walk in Ponyville Park when some of the nobles’ kids tried to attack them. Even though they had gotten away, Spike still received a few broken bones.

As soon as Twilight heard, she immediately sent Flash, along with Big Mac and Caramel to bring in the parents of those kids. Let’s just say, the Ponyville Bar had never seen such a bar fight. The three guards were off the hook, but the parents, for starting the fight and resisting arrest, were sent to the local jail until further notice.

The kids came back and tried to attack Sweetie Belle for just associating with Spike, but unfortunately, Spike was ready to fight them and used some tricks that Babs and her boyfriend, Button Mash, had taught him. When he was finished beating up the nobles’ kids, the parents themselves went after them with a small private army, determined to hurt Spike. What was unfortunate for the nobles, was that thanks to a new treaty between both the Imperial Empire and Equestria, that a group of new Imperial cavalry troopers were training near by. As soon as they heard the commotion, they galloped over, causing the private army to flee since they didn’t have any weapons on them. The nobles however, were rounded up and sent back to Canterlot. That was the last they heard of them.

He felt Sweetie’s hand touch his shoulder. As he turned to face her, he saw her give him a small smile. For years, she was the only one to know when he was in pain or that something was bothering him. While Twilight could usually tell since she raised him for a while, both Spike and Sweetie shared a special bond that could never be broken.

“What are you thinking about, Spike?” she asked.

“Just some stuff,” he replied, hoping he could fool her. She gave him a look that said ‘seriously’, forcing Spike to tell the truth. “I was just thinking back to all those nobles a few years ago. I just don’t know why they had to act like that.”

Sweetie gave his hand a squeeze, her special way of telling him that it would be alright.

“Listen,” she began. “They haven’t bothered you since the last group tried. Remember, they lost a lot of their power during the war with it going to Celestia and Discord after they got married. I’m still annoyed by those nobles that tried to increase their power by trying to get you to marry their daughters just to try and get access to Twilight’s throne.” Sweetie’s eyes darkened at the memory. One had even tried to bribe Spike to marry her, but Sweetie put a stop to that when she kissed Spike right in front of many of the nobles in Canterlot.

The cries of the nobles could be heard for miles that it was said that even in the Imperial Capital, that glass from the palace was still getting fixed to this day. Spike was lucky to still have his hearing, but they did leave him alone for awhile, until another noble tried to kidnap him to marry her. That was the only time he ever saw Sweetie get physically violent with someone. The girl had several broken bones and was hospitalized for three months.

When her parents tried to sue, Fancy, just as he and his wife Fleur did for Soarin, had intervened and helped Sweetie Belle from going to prison, stating that the noble’s daughter did try and take a member of the Ponyville Royal Family hostage, a national crime in Equestria. Sweetie Belle was off the hook and many of the Canterlot nobles were issued a restraining order on both Spike and Sweetie.

As they walked through the market, the old architecture still intact, the beams from the first buildings to appear in the city centuries ago, still sturdy even after all the fighting. The paper windows were new, as they would always be replaced, but the district in general, remained untouched.

Fish were being thrown onto the counter of a nearby stand, the smell causing a few people to run. Another stall was handing out free samples of candy for kids to try. Even the bakeries were bringing out fresh goods.

When they stopped at a stand that was selling old jewelry, the sounds of guns clicking were heard a few stands away. They looked and saw a few men place hoods over their heads and enter a nearby shop while pulling out weapons, the safeties off. Next thing they heard was gunshots, as people began to scream and run out, heading for cover. Glass shattered as the crooks threw various items out the windows, causing more damage. Five more ran over to another building and started spray painting their logo on the walls.

“It’s the Dragon Gang!” the nearby stand owner exclaimed as he and many others began running. Shops closed their doors and locked the windows, hoping to keep the gang out.

Spike saw what was happening and grabbed Sweetie’s hand, pulling her away as they ran with the crowd, doing their best to not get separated amongst all the chaos.

Unfortunately, Spike ended up tripping as Sweetie was shoved along with the crowd, leaving Spike laying on the street, the Dragon Gang running right up to him, weapons on hand, ready to deal with any stragglers.

“Well well well,” the leader said. “What do we have here, boys?”

“It looks like someone didn’t get the memo,” another one replied. He picked up Spike and shoved him up against the brick wall to a ramen shop. “When we appear, you run. Or else, you’ll die.” He brought out his knife and cut Spike’s leg. As he was preparing to kill him, a gunshot rang out, as the bullet hit his hand, making him drop the knife and Spike, the latter hand being used to grab the wound. The gang turned and saw Commander Naruto, by now leading not only the Imperial Commandos, but also five regiments of the Imperial Guard units. With him was his wife, Hinata, holding the gun that the bullet came out off.

“Damn!” the leader yelled. “Run for it!” The entire Dragon Gang ran off, going back to their hideouts, as Naruto and Hinata ran over to Spike, helping him back up.

“You alright there, Mr. Sparkle?” Naruto asked.

“I’m fine,” Spike replied, before turning to face Hinata. “Who are you?”

“My name is, Hinata,” Hinata replied. “I’m Naruto’s wife.”

“I didn’t know you were married,” Spike commented. “Of course, I never got to really talk to any Imperials very much when they were in Equestria. Just the main officers when they weren’t fighting.”

“That’s alright,” Naruto laughed. “Besides, I worked behind the scenes a lot, such as those commando raids before the fights, or the one that helped out when we were rescuing you.”

Spike tried his best to stand, but he fell down, holding his knee. Hinata rolled up the leg of his pants and noticed a deep cut, bleeding out quickly, but still somehow being controlled. Amazingly, it was beginning to heal, but still required attention to keep it from being infected.

“What’s going on here?” They all turned and saw members of the 1st Imperial Rifle Brigade walk over, their green uniforms covered in sweat from the run over to the Market District.

“The Dragon Gang again,” Naruto answered. “We were able to hit one, but they all got away.”

“We’ll get them next time,” the captain said, his uniform a much lighter green. His face was covered in scars, indicating that he had been through many battles, most of the time getting charged by Lennex cavalry. His dark blue eyes were giving off a serious feel as his lips showed a frown.

They were cut off by Spike trying to get up again but collapsing once again. Naruto and Hinata took him over to the nearby jeep and placed him in the back, making sure he wouldn’t fall out.

“Where’s Sweetie?” Spike asked. “Where’s my wife?”

“We’ll find her,” Naruto replied. “The route to the hospital is the the route those that ran moved towards.” With that said, Naruto started up the jeep and drove off, careful to avoid anyone that was coming out of hiding or anyone that was arriving to help with repairs. Despite the streets seeming small, the jeep was able to navigate through all of them, still leaving room for people walking.

Meanwhile, Sweetie had been looking for Spike ever since they were split up during the panic. Everyone she asked had no clue where her husband was, only that he may not be around anymore. With every person, Sweetie felt tears form in her eyes, beginning to fear that what they were saying was true.

Just as she was about to give up hope, she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She turned and saw Hinata standing behind her, giving her a small smile.

“Are you Mrs. Sparkle?” Hinata asked. Sweetie nodded her head.

“Who are you?”

“My name is Hinata Uzumaki,” Hinata replied. “I’m the wife of Commander Naruto Uzumaki.”

“You mean the Imperial Commando general?” Sweetie asked.

“Yes,” Hinata answered. “He also has command of a few Imperial Guard regiments, but that’s not important. I hear you’re asking around about your husband.” At the mention of Spike, Sweetie’s eyes were wide open, her heart beating fast for any news on her husband.

“Where is he!” Sweetie exclaimed, praying that he was alive.

“Follow me,” Hinata said, leading her to the jeep parked nearby.

As soon as they got there, they saw Spike talking with Naruto about what his life was like before the whole Lennex invasion. Naruto in turn, told him about his role during the Imperial Civil War and the wars after, leading his men at the front lines or raids before any invasion started.

“SPIKE!” Sweetie yelled, running over and embracing her husband. Spike returned the embrace and kissed Sweetie on the cheek, glad that they were once again reunited.

“I was so worried,” Sweetie said, kissing Spike’s face all over, tears rolling down her eyes.

“So was I,” Spike replied, enjoying his wife’s embrace. “I thought I was a goner until these two showed up.”

Sweetie turned to face the two Imperials and hugged them, whispering thank you multiple times.

“Well, now that we found you,” Naruto interrupted, “we need to get Spike to the hospital. He was injured. while the cut is healing, we want to check for any infections.” Hinata helped Sweetie into the back of the jeep and got in the passenger seat as Naruto drove off to the hospital once again.

“Naruto,” Spike began. “You never did tell me what it was like for you during the Imperial Civil War. Just that you were one of the Rebel officers.” Naruto sighed, hoping he wouldn’t of asked that. Hinata saw the look on her husband's face and placed a hand on his shoulder. Naruto looked over and saw his wife giving him a small smile. Naruto took a deep breath and began his explanation.

“The Civil War isn’t one of the best moments of my time in the Imperial Forces. At first, I was doing good until we reached the Battle of Thomas Bridge. The battle was ten miles south of the capital city. We could actually see the Imperial Palace but before we could march forward, Cole had led his men to intercept us.”

The sun was beating down on the Imperial Rebel army at Thomas Bridge. Many of the soldiers had went to the river and began to swim around, cooling off from the heat. Rebel General Seville was sitting in his tent, looking over the plans for the assault on the capital.

“So, any word on the main rebel army?” Naruto asked walking in from meeting up with a few of his scouts.

“Nothing yet,” General Seville replied, not bothering to hide his worry. “Matthew was supposed to be here by now, but we must assume the worst. Our spies have told us that Cole is leading the main Imperial Army out to meet us, so chances are, Cole crossed the river and attacked Matthew.”

“Should I take my men across the river and secure the hills overlooking the camp?” Naruto asked “We could get a better view to keep an eye out for Cole or any reinforcements.”

“No,” General Seville answered. “I want this army to move in force. If Cole has attacked Matthew, then we can take the capital and end this war.”

“Still, at least allow me to take some regiments across and secure a foothold,” Naruto argued. Naruto knew he could take the other side with his regiment and hold off Cole if he could, but he needed to get permission, and the only way for that was to have more regiments.

“Very well, Naruto,” General Seville relented. “Take your men and four other regiments across. Keep an eye out for Cole’s forces.”

“Yes, sir!” Naruto saluted Seville and left to find his regiments. He picked his men, Hinata’s regiment, Samuel's Cavalry, John’s sharpshooters, and Lee’s fifth infantry volunteers to move across.

As they reached the opposite bank, they set up defenses around the bridge, hoping to hold it from any frontal attack. Stakes were set up to stop any cavalry charge as the most elite force of the Imperial Armies on both sides were their cavalry. Abatis were set up to help hold the Imperial infantry in place in case they needed to retreat.

Back at the camp, two more regiments were ready to cross the bridge in case Cole moved in force. Their own artillery was back guarding the camp, hidden behind their own barricades, protected from returning fire.

Just as Naruto’s forces had finished up, cannon fire could be heard in the distance, signalling that Cole was attacking. Explosions rocked the ground as the Rebel forces rallied together, determined to hold the line. As they reformed, Cole’s men had appeared on the field. Around seven thousand Rebels stood in the way of ninety thousand Imperial troops attempting to cross the bridge.

Wave upon wave of Imperial forces marched forward, but were being driven back by Rebel cannons. Unfortunately, their success could only last so long as Naruto’s forces were out of ammo.

“All units, retreat across the bridge!” Captain John shouted, as the rebels began to lose order from the constant artillery and panicked, shoving past each other trying to get to safety. Naruto and Hinata’s units were the last ones remaining as Cole launched his whole army against the two.

“Naruto!” Hinata shouted. “We need to get out of here!”

“I know!” Naruto exclaimed, trying to get his men back into formation for an orderly retreat. He had no such luck as both his and Hinata’s units broke ranks and fled. Naruto and Hinata ran across the bridge after their men, only for Hinata to trip. When Naruto tried to go back for her, Imperial artillery hit the bridge, causing it to split in two, Hinata still on the Imperial side of the bridge.

“HINATA!” Naruto tried to jump across, only for his and Hinata’s men to hold him back. Naruto could only watch as his fiancee was taken away to the Imperial camp.”

“After that, Cole attempted to build pontoon bridges to cross the river. By then, Matthew arrived with the main army which helped force Cole to retreat. While Cole suffered heavy casualties, he claimed victory with the capture of Hinata. It was almost another year before we marched on the capital again. When we attacked, I led both mine and Hinata’s units to the prison, freeing Hinata and the other prisoners,” Naruto explained as he drove up to the hospital. Hinata got out and ran inside to find a doctor as Naruto sat in the driver seat, remaining completely still, tears threatening to break from the memory.

“So when the main army arrived, Cole retreated?” Sweetie asked.

“No,” Naruto answered. “Cole still tried to cross.”

“I don’t care what happens!” Cole shouted. “I want you to get those pontoons built so we can cross and kill every last one of them!”

“Yes, sir!” the officer replied. Despite almost shaking in fear, he kept his composure. His men were already under heavy fire trying to get the bridges built by Rebel cannons, but Imperial cannons were firing back, weakening General Seville’s forces.

As Cole was heading back to his tent, another officer ran over to him.

“My Lord,” he began. “We’ve set up a bridge a few miles east of their lines. We can cross and destroy them.”

Cole smiled so large it could almost rival that of a popular character. Now he could wipe out these rebels and get back home and run his empire.

“Send in the second corps,” Cole ordered. “No mercy.” Cole returned to his tent to deal with his prisoner as the officer went to gather the men for the attack.

As the units began to head for the Rebel’s right flank, General Seville saw what was happening and turned to Naruto.

“Get your men, Hinata’s unit, and Lee’s troops over to the right and hold them off!” he ordered. “Keep them busy as long as you can.”

Naruto didn’t reply, but nodded and began moving to the right, setting up as the Imperial troops began crossing.

“Let them have it, boys!” a soldier yelled as he and his fellow rebels opened up on the advancing Imperial troops. Bullets whizzed past the Imperial infantry, some of them missing and hitting the water, while others found their mark, the soldiers that were hit falling down on the bridge or falling into the river.

While the determination of the rebels had kept many of the Imperials from getting across, the second corps finally crossed the bridge and formed into their battle lines. As the rebels reloaded, Imperial troops opened up, hitting their targets just as the rebels had done when they were crossing the bridge. The shooting continued for the next thirty minutes until Naruto’s men were running out of ammo.

As Naruto was about to pull out, an explosion hit the Imperial lines, knocking down several men. Pretty soon, more explosions would hit the ground in front of the Imperial Second Corps.

Naruto and Lee turned around to see the main Rebel army arrive. The unit that came to help them was known as the Fire Brigade, as the amount of fire they put up in battle would tear apart a whole army. All along the front, Imperial troops pulled out, giving the rebels the field, but at a steep price.

“That’s all I know,” Naruto finished. “After that, we fell back to a nearby fort to regroup and rest.”

“I’m sorry,” Spike said, seeing how upset Naruto was.

“It’s alright,” Naruto replied. “It’s just something I very rarely talk about. Besides, I got Hinata back and everything's good now.” Just as Naruto finished, Hinata and a nurse came out, taking Spike and Sweetie inside. Naruto followed close behind, his sword and pistol out and ready for battle in case more of the Dragon Gang ever showed up.

The group waited for two hours until a doctor arrived with news on Spike’s injury, a grim look plastered on his face.

“What’s wrong?” Spike asked.

“You were hit by An Vampire Fuinnimh,” the doctor began. “We have the cure so you’ll be fine, but there’s something else that we noticed.”

“What is it?” Sweetie asked. The doctor turned to her, his look a mixture of shock and something she couldn’t place.

“Spike is,” the doctor began.

Comments ( 4 )

i really hate it when writers put a big cliffhanger right where it gets good. :trixieshiftleft: good job though and i cant wait till the next update. :twilightsmile:

Duh duh Duuuuuh the cliffhanger revenge lol

these stories take time

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