• Published 21st Feb 2015
  • 5,334 Views, 27 Comments

Save me - WhiteFur

Twilight had always been the one to save the day, but what happens when she is the one in need of saving. The Changeling queen is back and out for revenge.

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------------------------------------------------------------------------Queen Chrysalis---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stretching my wings no longer brings pain or stiffness. Instead I feel power, regality, strength. Hmm, this will do very nicely. It is almost time for me to exact my revenge on those foalish ponies.
Taking flight, I lift myself from the ground, basking in my own abilities as strength returns to me. Perfect, I purr to myself.

“My Queen, I come bearing the most excellent news!” Nightingale enters my chamber, eyes shining with confidence and pride, just as they should. When I have regained my title and laid waste to my enemies, he will be rewarded as my second in command. He shall be the only one not to receive punishment for disloyalty.

“Speak,” I hiss at him, growing impatient with his silence.

“I have just come from the Crystal Empire, where I found a certain pony on a date with a stallion,” My head spins fast as I gaze at my servant.

“Give me all the details, now!” I screech at him.

“She is weak, and looks as if she has been starved. Her body resembles that of a skeleton. Her eyes that used to be glazed with words and images of books now hold the image of her friends and family. Her heart has learned love, not just that of friendship any longer.

"She is in love with a stallion named Flash Sentry and he loves her back. Their connection rivals that of Cadence's and Shinning Armor's. They are drunk and blind when in the presence of the other. My Queen, she is vulnerable and weak.” He bows to me.

My mind races with plan after plan of what torture I wish to exact on this miserable excuse of a princess. She will pay, and now is the chance to collect my reward. But is victory not sweeter if exacted on a worthy opponent? Yes I do want revenge, but I do not want it given to me on a silver platter. I want to make her feel the pain I have felt. No, I want her to feel more than I ever did. I will wait until she feels on top of the world, and then I will steal it from under her, just as she did me. I will not stop there; she will feel pain and heartache, and she will die from it.

“In one months’ time, we will strike. Let her heal, let her love grow stronger. For as she gains strength, so shall I. Her heart will be at its' fullest when she has admitted her love out loud. Then, we shall take her.” This will do nicely.

“But my Queen, does it not benefit us now to take her while she is weak?” Nightingale questions.
Seething with anger I turn to him and shout, “Do you dare question me?” A fire now is represented in my eyes.

“Never my Queen, whatever you say is perfect.” Nightingale cowers slightly before giving me a small bow.

Ah that’s better. That takes the edge off my anger. I turn my sight to the night sky. I have a second chance on the perfect day, and this time nothing is going to stand in my way.

I close my door on this perfect night, leaning against the door. I can barely contain my joy and happiness. How will I ever sleep? Heading over to my bed I pull out my journal, documenting my first ever date. I can’t help a squeal from escaping my lips. As I finish writing, there’s a knock at the door.

“Twilight may I come in?” It's Cadence, and with a smile still glued to my muzzle, she enters the room.

“From your face I take it that your date went well.” She points out.

“It went perfect! But I’m sure you know that.” She has enough acting skills to look taken aback.

“I don’t know what you mean; I spent the night in the castle.” She winks at me and I throw a pillow at her. Before I know it, we're having a pillow fight. Crashing down onto a pile of softness, we laugh hysterically. A perfect ending to a perfect night. Once we are able to breathe easy I fill Cadence in on all the details she may have missed. And by the end of it I am finally tired.

“It does sound perfect Twilight, I am so happy for you. Oh yes I have a surprise for you. Next month is the anniversary of the defeat of the Changeling Queen. We are hosting a party in celebration, and I would like you and all your friends to attend and help with the party.” She smiles.

I didn’t think I could feel any happier; to have my friends here with me is just the thing I needed.

“I’m sure they would love to help out!" I chirp. Cadance wraps me in a hug.

“Thank you Twilight, I am so happy you’re here with us. I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” I say with a yawn, my body starting to relax into bliss.

“I’ll leave you to your sleep, you're healing and still need rest.” She gets up to leave a smile on her muzzle as well.

Before I go to sleep though, I send a message back to the girls telling them about the ball and my date, otherwise I would never live it down. Collapsing into my bed, I drift off into blissful sleep. Al though there are no wings engulfing me I dream sweetly.

Author's Note:

Who knew writtng from the view of an evil character was going to be so much fun? i really enjoyed this chapter hope you do to!

Thank you to TheNewBionicBrony for the edit!