• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 1,508 Views, 82 Comments

Lessons in quirks - Mike84

When a student from Fillydelphia appears in Ponyville to continue his studies on the field of cutie marks there at the recommendation of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are in for another adventure.

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Chapter XXXI

"Alright", Twilight said, giving everyone a warm smile when the group-hug finally disintegrated. "I am going to write to Celestia about this. I just want to talk to Zecora first. Maybe I will have a little more to tell her then."
Receiving skeptical looks from some of the others Twilight added: "Celestia might not even get around to read that anyway before her return from Cloudsdale, so till then I can try to find out something more just as well."
"So we all head for Zecora's place?" Rainbow Dash asked, sounding a little skeptical, but willing to to let the matter about the letter rest for the time being.
"I don't think we all need to go there", Twilight said. "You probably have other things to do?"
"Well, Ah guess I should take a look after Apple Bloom an' the others lest they burn down town hall or anything like that", Applejack said.
"And I must prepare the prison release party for Frankie!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully. "I'll ask Mr. and Mrs. Cake if they can make us speculoos for that!"

"Pinkie, you did understand we think that there is somepony practicing dark magic in Ponyville, didn't you? We should wait with parties until we know it is safe", Twilight said.
"Why? Don't you think meanie magic magicians go to parties? We could arrest the meanie there and then party because of that too!"
Twilight just didn't know anything to respond to this view of Pinkie.
"Don't you think we should warn everypony about this, Twilight?" Rarity asked.
Twilight sighed. "Usually I would say so. But not only do we not know anything for certain, but also, you know how everypony here would react?"
"Panic and run for their lives and lock themselves up in their homes?" Rainbow Dash suggested.

Twilight nodded. "If we know who or what exactly we are warning of and what we can do about it we really should, but at the moment I'm afraid it wouldn't make anypony any safer if we told them that there may be somepony practicing dark magic, especially if we don't have any idea who that might be."
"I cannot imagine anypony in Ponyville would do anything like that", Fluttershy said quietly.
"It's probably nopony from Ponyville anyway", Applejack said. "Like Twilight said, there is no pony in Ponyville with that kind of magic. We don't really have anypony suspicious yet, do we?"
Everypony but Twilight were shaking their heads, but Applejack didn't miss that not only did Twilight not shake her head but her expression had also become rather contemplative.

"Do we, Twilight?" Applejack asked.
"Hmm..." Twilight didn't respond.
"Twilight? Did ya hear me?"
"I did meet a pony today I have never seen before."
"What? Who?" Rainbow Dash called immediately.
"His name is Swallowtail", Twilight said. "Does anyone of you know him?"
They all shook their heads.
"He is a servant of Mr. Rich. A unicorn. But he is rather old and also, when I just asked a few questions about him to Mr. Rich he made it very clear that he has absolute confidence in him."

"An unknown servant in the house of the Richs! Now that would put him right in the best place to pull that theft off! How come none of us has ever seen him?" Rainbow Dash called excitedly. "Pinkie, you know every pony in all of Ponyville! You are sure you have never seen him?"
"No, nay, never!" said Pinkie Pie. "Never had a welcoming party for this Swallowtail either."
"Mr. Rich said that Swallowtail had been serving his father already", Twilight remembered. "So he would have been around by the time you first came to Ponyville already."
"And never once be seen by Pinkie?" Applejack asked skeptically.
"Yeah", Rainbow Dash agreed. "Not like it was easy to hide from Pinkie. I know that for a fact!"
"He hardly ever leaves the house, Mr. Rich said", Twilight added.
"Now that is rather odd, isn't it?" Rarity asked. "Living in Ponyville longer than anyone of us but never be seen by anypony."

"Maybe he is just shy?" Fluttershy suggested cautiously. "Some ponies don't look for company."
Twilight nodded. "He didn't come across as a very approachable pony to me. Mr. Rich was very affirmative that he trusts him. Also, what would such an old unicorn want with bags of bits?"
"I could think of some things", Rainbow Dash commented.
"I'm not saying it wasn't somewhat suspicious", Twilight said. "But I think we must be careful not to get obsessed with that idea because we don't know him. It would be like the distrust against Zecora back then. It would be not so different from why that old town law would single out Frank."
None of the others said anything.

"Well, I guess I'm going to Zecora then", Twilight said.
"Wrong", Rainbow Dash said with a sudden grin.
"What?" Twilight asked surprised.
"We are flying to Zecora, Twilight! That's the perfect chance to give you some flight training. With no clouds in the sky, I don't have much else to do anyway."
"While you are such a never resting workhorse when there are clouds in the sky", Rarity chuckled.
"Hey, I do my job, I just do it faster than others!"
"I take your point", Rarity said smiling and turning to Pinkie Pie she asked: "Pinkie Pie, could I borrow this hat of yours? I think I got an idea..."
"You don't want to add that to the academic cap - pith helmet combo too, do you?" Spike asked skeptically. Rarity ignored him.
"Thank you for the offer, Rainbow", Twilight said. "Let's go... or fly rather."

There was hardly a pony outside. The sweltering heat of the afternoon probably caused most of them to seek refuge in some sheltered parts of their homes. Fluttershy accompanied Rainbow Dash and Twilight up to her own home at the edge of Everfree Forest. While she was there it had been rather straight forward flying that didn't pose much of a challenge for Twilight. When Fluttershy said goodbye and descended to the ground however, something changed in Rainbow Dash's style of flying. Up to that point she had just flown alongside her, but now she began to spin around her in circles. As Twilight tried to follow her, Rainbow shouted: "Just keep flying straight forward, Twi! I'm just checking."

Twilight felt a bit uneasy, like this was some kind of test, but none about the book learning she by now felt mostly at ease with. Following Rainbow Dash's instruction, she looked forward and kept flying straight. Just a few seconds had passed when Rainbow Dash burst into Twilight's field of vision so suddenly and so closely that the start threw Twilight's flapping off beat and herself off balance.
"Spread them out!" shouted Rainbow Dash as Twilight fell and for Twilight's surprise Rainbow's shout came from below. Somehow Rainbow Dash had managed to get underneath, just a little above the treetops and by the looks of it prepared to catch her if she fell too far. Against all instincts to flutter frantically Twilight spread her wings out far and almost immediately felt her descend stabilize and slow down. Gaining a little height again with some careful flaps, Twilight shouted angrily: "Don't do that Rainbow!"

"Do what?" Rainbow Dash asked puzzled as she caught up to her within the blink of an eye.
"Just... popping up out of nowhere exactly where I am flying!"
"What do you mean, Twilight?" Rainbow Dash said while rubbing her neck with one hoof and giving a smile so sheepish that it was clear she knew exactly what Twilight was talking about. "Popping out of nowhere? That's what magic users do—"
"You know what I mean!"
"Point taken, but when flying you must have your eyes everywhere, Twilight. Nothing blocks your sight in a cloudless sky. You must learn to see everything coming before it is there."

Twilight sighed. She knew Rainbow was right, but while she still had to concentrate to just keep flying straight, keeping everything else around in sight and mind was asking a lot of her.
Rainbow Dash was flying a short distance in front of her and once again she was flying backwards using her wings in a way that made it almost look like she was rowing through thin air. With Rainbow Dash it looked like there was no more chance of her falling down as there would have been for a pony walking on solid ground to break through the surface.

"You can slow down, Twilight", Rainbow Dash said.
"What?" Twilight called. Coming from Rainbow Dash of all ponies, that was an unusual instruction.
"Your flapping, I mean. It is way more hectic than it needs to be. In such hot weather the air can really do most of the carrying for you. Just spread your wings far, bend them just a little and flap slow and steady. There is no need for quick fluttering, Twilight, and it is a lot more relaxing to let the hot air do most of the work for you."
It cost Twilight some effort to try to do as Rainbow told her. It was like an instinct for her to flap as fast as she could, trying to stay up and the idea of slowing down sounded like it would mean an immediate fall.

Rainbow noticed her fears.
"Don't worry, Twilight, you can do it! You will not fall! And if you fall anyway, I'll catch you!"
That was yet another thing Twilight could hardly think of doing, catching and carrying another pony midair. Trying to do anything like that would most certainly make her fall too. But she knew that Rainbow Dash could do that with little visible effort. She had seen her doing it many times before.
As Twilight forced her wings further apart, spread her feathers and slowed down the flapping the effect was quite surprising to her. Not that she had doubted Rainbow's word, but she had not expected for it to not only be less tiring but that she even got additional lift rather than loosing altitude as she had half expected to. No doubt, this really was a lot more relaxing than the hasty fluttering she had kept up before.

Rainbow Dash gave her a broad smile and as Twilight meant to return it, she noticed that she was smiling already anyway. The sensation of being carried by the air was uplifting in every sense of the word.
"Very good, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash said. "This doesn't work as well at any time of course. Only when it is so warm as it is right now and it doesn't work as well the higher up we go. So let's get up a little higher, shall we?"
"Must we, Rainbow? It's so nice down here and if this doesn't work as well the higher up we go..."
"Come on now, don't be such a chicken! You do want to learn something new, don't you?"

Rainbow Dash sure knew which buttons she had to press. Angling her wings a little more, Twilight began to ascend. Rainbow Dash however bolted upright pretty much on the spot almost like a missile. Twilight gazed after her rainbow track, feeling a little hopeless. This bolting upright seemed to defy every law of aerodynamics and gravity she had ever read about. She struggled to ascend in a steeper angle, but the steeper she got the slower she became and from one point on which wasn't even close to vertical it felt like she was suspended from some invisible thread rather than gaining any height, in fact she felt that she was slowly descending, no matter how hard she flapped.

"Easy Twilight", Rainbow's voice said right beside her. Once again Twilight hadn't noticed her approach at all. She had been so focused on her struggle to gain altitude that a flock of dragons could have flown by without her noticing. At least she was so exhausted from the effort that the sudden address by Rainbow Dash didn't give her another downing-initiating start.
"What are you doing?" Rainbow Dash asked. There was no mock in her voice.
"I can't do it! I cannot bolt up like that, Rainbow!" Twilight's voice was slightly trembling, half from the effort, half from disappointment in herself.

"No, Twilight, and you don't have to. Many pegasi can't do that. I was just flying ahead to test the airs up there to see what we got. I didn't expect you to follow me like that."
Somewhat reassured Twilight asked: "So how am I to do it, Rainbow?"
"I think you should just screw yourself up", Rainbow Dash said matter-of-factly.
Twilight goggled at her. "I beg your pardon?"
"Like this", Rainbow Dash said in blissful ignorance of the little shock she had given Twilight. Flapping a little faster with one wing than with the other and leaning a little sideways, Rainbow Dash began to fly upwards in spirals much like she was following the threads of a screw.
"It's an easy way to gain height on the spot", Rainbow Dash explained. "It is also a nice little practice in flying curves, in overcoming dizziness and in flapping your wings at different speed. I think some eggheaded flying instructor called this 'asynchrous flapping' or something like that." "Asynchronous flapping?" Twilight suggested.
"Yeah whatever. Come on up now!"

Rainbow Dash turned out correct on every point she had made. Twilight did gain altitude relatively quickly by spiraling upwards, she had to increase her flapping speed gradually the higher they got and by the time Twilight had gained a rather considerable height she felt so dizzy she had to stop for a moment. She tried to spread out her wings to let herself be carried as she had just learned, but up here it didn't work. There were no warm updrafts to provide lift under her wings and she immediately began to drop until, flapping hastily, she managed to drift around an imaginary spot in midair which was about as close as she managed to come to Rainbow Dash's maintaining fixed at one point. Twilight was a bit out of breath and realized that she hadn't ever flown up this high so far. The air was thinner and she had to breathe faster than she did down below.

"Breathe deep", Rainbow Dash recommended, reminding Twilight of the erroneous name Pinkie Pie had spread the previous day. "Breathing deeper is less strenuous than breathing faster."
Twilight followed the advise and was not surprised to find Rainbow correct about this one too, but nevertheless she was still feeling dizzy, a little sick and also somewhat sleepy.
"Do you often go up this high?" Twilight said.
"Sometimes. It is possible to fly up even higher, but the further up you go, the colder it gets and the more flapping it takes to stay up. Also one gets ever more sleepy. Beyond a certain point everypony just looses it."
"Have you been there?" Twilight asked not sure if she was surprised.
"Well yes, at one point during the academy time I just wanted to see how far I could go. Gilda and some others where there to catch me... just in case."
"What happened?"

"Well, I did get really very high. It was pretty cold up there and breathing got really tricky. I started seeing funny things and in the end it was like there was a black curtain coming down. Next thing I remember was that I was falling. The others didn't actually have to catch me, but you know... I never felt the need to go there again. Don't worry, we are not going there, Twilight."
"Isn't this pretty high already?" Twilight asked, struggling a little against nausea.
"Higher than pegasi usually have to go for any weather works", Rainbow Dash confirmed.
"Then why do we go here at all?" Twilight asked somewhat grumpy.
"Take a look around, Twilight", Rainbow Dash said enthusiastically, spreading her wings and every hoof in every direction.

Twilight did and without further explanation she realized what Rainbow Dash meant. Ponyville was but a small spot down below and Twilight could barely recognize what she believed to be the roof of the town hall, the large tree housing Golden Oak library and the wide stretches of neatly arranged trees that were Sweet Apple Acres. The river flowing through Ponyville seemed like a thin glistening thread in the landscape. She could barely make out the thin dark line of tracks leading away from Ponyville's train-station, but somewhere in the distance a vague, blurry, moving dark line revealed an approaching train. She saw the snow capped mountaintop towering high over the shining and glittering golden roofs of Canterlot which appeared like a toy castle from up here. Far and wide almost to the southern horizon stretched the dark jumble of Everfree Forest, the ruins of the old castle of the royal pony sisters towering over the foliage at one point. Looking far to the blurry horizon in the west, Twilight even thought that she could make out the sea glittering in the sunlight at the far edge, but perhaps this was just a trick of her mind.
"Yes...", Twilight thought, "...this is a view worth some strain and effort."
Equestria from high above was really something to behold.

"Keep this in mind, Twilight", Rainbow Dash said. "Some may envy you for being able to get this view."
Twilight gave Rainbow Dash a questioning look. "What do you mean?"
"When I was talking to Frank earlier today, he said he sometimes thinks about what it must be like to be a pegasus and soar through the sky."
Rainbow Dash hesitated for a moment, then she added: "You know Twilight, I think that talk made me want to show you this. Of course ponies usually either don't have wings or have them from the day they are born. I imagine they take some time getting used to, Twilight, but just look at all this. Look at this awesomeness and tell me, isn't it worth it?"
Twilight was a bit surprised at this little speech from Rainbow Dash and thought for a moment if perhaps some similar speech had been held in any Daring Do novel, but Twilight couldn't think of any. Rainbow Dash was right again either way.
"Yes", she said, giving Rainbow Dash a smile. "Totally worth it!"

Rainbow Dash's mention of Frank had reminded Twilight of their actual destination and she in turn reminded Rainbow Dash of it.
Rainbow nodded but added: "On the way down there is something else to practice. Apart from the view there is another reason I brought you way up here."
Twilight couldn't help noticing a slightly malicious undertone in Rainbow Dash's voice and a mischievous grin on her face.

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked cautiously.
"Falling", Rainbow Dash said dryly. "Everypony can fall, even those without wings, but to get out of a fall again is sometimes not as easy. But it is very important to avoid injury—"
"Rainbow Dash, what are you telling me?" Twilight asked increasingly alarmed as Rainbow Dash zoomed closer.
"We are high enough so you have a lot of time to work yourself out of the fall on the way down and of course I'll be there to catch you if necessary."

"Oh no, Rainbow, don't you dare!" Twilight said, having gained a good idea of what her friend was up to and trying frantically to flutter away from her.
"You gotta learn this, Twi, so you don't end up in such a situation not knowing what to do. The most dangerous kind of falling is you go down in a spin. Natural instinct is to flutter as hard as you can, but that doesn't help to get out of it. You need to spread your wings far and hold them there until the spinning ceases and then you can pull out of the dive slowly. Don't try to pull up too abruptly or it can bend your wings at this speed."
"Must we really?" Twilight asked pitifully.

"Twilight, there has never been a flying student eager for this lesson... except for me perhaps."
With those words Rainbow Dash tapped one of Twilight's wings. On the ground this would have been a friendly backslapping, up here however it made one of Twilight's wings contract and before she knew it, she found herself in a rapid downward spin towards the ground.
She was kicking frantically in every direction and trying to make every motion her wings could make at the same time. She was screaming out loud as she felt a rush of adrenaline. Everything around her was spinning so she couldn't even tell up from down for certain anymore though she was pretty sure that down was where she was going at high speed.

"Keep your legs still and straight!" Rainbow Dash shouted loud enough to drown out Twilight's screaming and the swooshing of the wind in her ears. Twilight forced herself to do as Rainbow told her and noticed the fall became somewhat less erratic but still spinning so rapidly that the dizziness the earlier 'screwing up' had given her seemed mild by comparison.
"Your wings! Spread them out far and hold them still!"
It wasn't easy to spread the wings against the push of the air stream. For a moment Twilight felt like her wings were two sails being blown by a strong storm, but the push gradually decreased, as did the speed at which she was spinning until she was just dropping without rotating anymore.

"Very good, Twilight!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Now dip your wings slowly!"
Twilight angled her wings a little and as she did so, she could easily feel why Rainbow Dash had impressed upon her not to do this too abruptly. The force of the air stream was immense but it gradually ceded as she pulled out of the dive and suddenly gained so much lift under her wings that it felt like she was yanked upwards.
She kept her wings still as she was down to the level again where warm updrafts provided most of the lift she needed. She took a deep breath, trying to end the hyperventilating she had gotten into during the long fall and suppressed the urge to gag. It occurred to her that she hadn't eaten anything at all since the picnic in the morning, but for the time being this was quite a relief.
Rainbow Dash descended into Twilight's field of vision, smiling broadly.

"That was quite good, Twi!"
"I'm gonna get you for that!" Twilight called not really angry but, high on adrenaline from the fall, quite determined to pay back Rainbow Dash.
Twilight dashed towards Rainbow who playfully dodged her attack without even ceasing to fly backwards and facing Twilight as she did so. Twilight whirled around chasing after Rainbow again who avoided her with unnerving ease with a kind of zigzagging, laughing cheerfully as she did so and descending almost to treetop-level.

After the third futile attempt to get her hooves onto Rainbow Dash and maybe send her into a little spin of her own, Twilight thought of the one advantage she had over Rainbow Dash up here.
Twilight's horn flashed in purple as she prepared a levitation spell to fix Rainbow to one spot, but before she could cast the spell, Twilight dropped. Concentrating on the spell she had neglected her wing-work and before she could recover from having lost the beat of flapping she already broke through the foliage, and felt a blow against her chest that knocked the breath out of her.

"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash was immediately right in front of her and gave her a frightened look. "Are you alright?"
Twilight found she was hanging across a broad branch of a tree. She gasped a few times to recover her breath.
"Please say something!" Rainbow Dash said.
"Regicide is an offense, you know?" Twilight gasped.
"Regi... what now?"
"Killing a princess."
"So bad?" Rainbow Dash asked somewhat reassured but still too concerned for jokes.
"I'm okay", Twilight groaned. "Just a little sick."
"Shall I give you a lift? To the ground I mean."
"I think I can do", Twilight said and the next moment she teleported herself to the base of the tree. She was rather worn out and somewhat wobbly on her hooves.
Rainbow Dash landed beside her the next moment.

"I'm sorry", she said contritely. "Maybe the spinning was a bit too much for the first lesson, Twilight."
As the fright was wearing off, Twilight began to find the whole lesson ever more delightful, took some pride in having found her way out of the spin without any need for Rainbow to catch her and felt the need to reassure her friend, who now seemed more worried about her crash into the tree than Twilight herself.
"It's okay, Rainbow", she said with a smile. "You're a tough teacher, but a good one at that."
Rainbow Dash smiled broadly at the compliment.
"You know Twilight, when you were chasing me after the spin you did some nice flying too."
"I did? But you were just zigzagging away like it was nothing!"
"Of course I did! I'm awesome! But I think at that moment you didn't think so much about the flying as about trying to catch me. Your flight was a lot straighter and more steady there than it was when you looked like you were thinking about every single flap."

Twilight smiled a little feebly, not quite sure if she was to feel flattered about the compliment or self-conscious about Rainbow Dash's impression that she was thinking too much about her flaps.
"But Twilight, I don't think you should try doing any magic while flying too low to pull out of a fall."
Twilight nodded. "When I concentrated on the spell I abandoned the flying."
"Never a good idea to jinx your teacher anyway, Twilight", Rainbow Dash said laughing. "Did you ever try to put a spell on Princess Celestia?"

This time Twilight too couldn't help laughing in spite of Celestia being part of the joke.
"So I hope I didn't scare you away from more flying lessons?" Rainbow Dash asked seriously once they had both calmed down again.
"Can't wait for the next one... once my legs don't feel anymore like they were stuffed with feathers, I mean."
"Any time you're ready, Twilight."
"Maybe I should take a lesson in landing, Rainbow. That's still the most difficult part for me", Twilight admitted.
"Yeah, I noticed", Rainbow Dash sneered, squinting upwards to the tree branch.
"So... Zecora", Twilight said.
"Yes, we're almost there", Rainbow Dash said. "I made sure we were going the right direction while you were chasing me."
"You paid attention to the direction while I was chasing you?!" Twilight called flabbergasted.
"Of course I did. I always do." And with that Rainbow Dash turned around towards Zecora's cabin which indeed turned out to be just around a few more trees.

Author's Note:

Last edited on December 13th 2015.

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