• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 1,508 Views, 82 Comments

Lessons in quirks - Mike84

When a student from Fillydelphia appears in Ponyville to continue his studies on the field of cutie marks there at the recommendation of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are in for another adventure.

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Chapter LI

It went back to the town hall while the sun was setting. Feeling somewhat strained and closely pursued. The first action here in Ponyville had drawn more attention than foreseen. The action in Cloudsdale had been a work of art, the effects of which were now to be felt. If rumors were true, the topmost of the ponies, Princess Celestia, was examining things there, but she wouldn't find anything but what she was supposed to find. To dodge attention, it had meant to go into hiding for a while in the small, but central village of Ponyville. But with the preceding successes it hadn't been able to keep itself back, but had moved right on when there had been the chance of obtaining some of the material wealth so suited to trick or bribe ponies into actions suiting the purpose.

The colt called Frank Blanket from Fillydelphia, the place where it had happened to have been before, had turned out to be a very convenient dummy, not just as a distraction for the unforeseen attention, but he had also turned out to be a useful piece in this endeavor. The dividing and distracting potential of his treatment was not to be underestimated. For the time being however it would be better to lessen activities for a while and just watch things unfolding without drawing any more attention. The princess they called Twilight had been an amusement to tamper with, but her relentlessness and that of the other representatives of the magical items named the Elements of Harmony was getting dangerous.

It would have been fascinating to switch into her powerful position. It certainly would have given a lot of insights and possibilities beyond that of the other positions it had switched into. The princess' pet bird had prevented the approach though and it hadn't tried again. The risk was not to be underestimated. It had been easier in the larger places it had visited before. Not only had the anonymity of those larger places made actions a lot easier with lesser risk of drawing attention, but they had also offered good chances to promote the endeavor. The mere blocking of a few vents had effectively run down the entire weather factory for the time being. Perhaps the consequences of this could still be exploited further...

It reached the town hall where it, or rather the pegasus Featherscribe, was greeted by the mayor who was now heading for her home. The mayor too might have been an interesting target to promote the purpose, but then again it might have attracted too much attention for too little gain after it had already exploited the mayor's underlings. Seeing how the plan had been to go into hiding rather than launching actions here, things had gotten a bit out of control. It would spend the night here until the distraction from Fillydelphia would be transported off to Canterlot. It would then keep a low profile for a while unless the purpose required otherwise. It might go to one of the places it already knew, Fillydelphia perhaps, or one it had not yet visited, maybe Vanhoover or San Franciscolt. The experience here in Ponyville in any case suggested to go for a larger and more anonymous hiding place. Much as it had gained here, the teacher Miss Cheerilee having been a particularly rich source, the frequent switching had also been a drain on its powers but more so on its mind. Though nothing remained of actual memories from the former when switching to a new position, it still put a stress on ones mental integrity if done too often in too rapid succession. Perhaps it would be necessary to return to its original position for a little while. The nearby forest might offer the chance for that, though the perils that kept it unfrequented by the local ponies might pose a problem to it too...

The distraction from Fillydelphia was being noisy upstairs. Calling for something by stomping fiercely. The memories of Featherscribe's nature required to mind the call and ask whatever the colt Frank Blanket wanted; so it went upstairs and through the hatch. Something had agitated Frank Blanket a lot. He was talking of a book and of the answer to all the unanswered questions and demanded for Featherscribe to get Princess Twilight here immediately. Featherscribe would not have left his post just like that, but neither would he have ignored the urgency of the colt's demands. Moreover this could actually be important.

It required to hear more information from Frank Blanket. What he said was very alarming. A possibility for the entire cover to be blown, a risk that the near total unawareness of ponies of the existence of it and its kind might end. It had been unaware that such a book existed and demanded to see it. Indeed there it was, a threat to the endeavor. The book had to be destroyed and also the one who had read it. It fought back the instinct though to do this right away. The current position was ill suited for it. Moreover, this was the kind of deed that could, if framed into a different context, promote the purpose a lot more than any of the preceding actions.

A plan formed into its mind. The plan would require a free change and witnesses. The princess Twilight would be the perfect witness. The free change would prove another drain, but at least it would have to deal with the own memories and consciousness only in that form. It reassured the colt that the princess would be informed before he would be brought to Canterlot, but Frank Blanket was extremely insisting, threatened even to call from the cupola until Princess Twilight would be there. That kind of action might have promoted the image of him as mad, the image which it had tried to foster, but still it was a risk that could not be taken. So it reassured the colt that he would ask a passerby by the town hall to get the princess. Frank Blanket reluctantly agreed but impressed the importance of this once more before it left the room and latched the hatch.

It returned to Featherscribe's office and considered the next steps. It had visited Canterlot before and while it had not dared to turn active beyond reestablishing a contact there, for fear of being tracked down by the high princesses or their guards, the visit had given it some memories of patterns of appearance that could be used now. It also would have to get away from here unseen before returning unrecognized. It was lucky. There was a nightingale on the sill of the window of Featherscribe's office. It abandoned the no longer useful position and ensured its passivity with a sleeping spell. In the position of the nightingale it flew and landed at a sheltered spot not far from Golden Oak Library. It would be easy to attract the required attention for later testimonies in the form it would appear in now. The sun had mostly disappeared already. This was a bit unusual, but perhaps this too was a consequence decided upon by the high princesses in response to its actions at Cloudsdale. It granted itself a satisfied smile in its new shape.

Whatever the reason for the early sunset, it would provide a formidable stage for the next entry and the action that would follow. The colt from Fillydelphia now knew too much and had turned from a distraction into a threat to the endeavor. Frank Blanket had to die!

Author's Note:

Last edited on December 16th 2015.

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