• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 1,508 Views, 82 Comments

Lessons in quirks - Mike84

When a student from Fillydelphia appears in Ponyville to continue his studies on the field of cutie marks there at the recommendation of Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are in for another adventure.

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Chapter LXVIII

As the three princesses stepped out onto the porch of the town hall, Twilight cast a gloomy look back at the stairs leading up to the storeroom. Celestia and Luna both stopped and gave Twilight questioning looks, but it was Twilight herself to turn to Celestia with a question:

"Did you know about Mr. Blanket when you suggested to him to go to Ponyville? That he doesn't have a real home, I mean. That he has so little and yet still seems so, so... okay with that?"
"Did I know?" Princess Celestia repeated musingly as if uncertain. "I think I guessed that there was something different beyond the display of etiquette he put up in Canterlot and I was really reminded of you by the sheer enthusiasm he displayed while searching through the library. I was already thinking about whether or not I should ask you if you would be interested in helping him with his research when Luna came and suggested just that."
"His research...", Twilight thought. After everything that had happened she felt like she had almost forgotten why Frank had come to Ponyville in the first place.
"I'm feeling bad for him", she said sadly. "I think tonight the attacker destroyed much of what little he had. And just because he happened to be there to be dragged into all this by her. Was he even serious when he just suggested to put up his tent in this weather?"

Twilight made a gesture encompassing the whole dark cloudy night sky from which the rain was still pouring. She cast a rather useful little umbrella spell as she stepped from the porch and began to walk in the direction of Golden Oak Library. Celestia and Luna joined her and for a moment Twilight curled her lips at the idea of the unlikely scene of the Princess of the Sun, the Princess of the Night and the Princess of... whatever she was the princess of tramping through the forsaken alleys of nightly Ponyville through torrential rainfall.

"He would have set up his tent", Princess Luna said matter of factly. "But he was glad he didn't have to."
Twilight gave her a surprised look.
"One can see more about a pony if not too dazzled by the light", Luna said sententiously.
Celestia raised an eyebrow, giving a taunting look which Twilight was sure she didn't often display.
"I'm sure being able to visit that pony's dreams also helps, my dear sister", she quipped.

Luna ignored the quip as she said very seriously: "He didn't tell us everything."
"He did not?" Twilight asked surprised.
"No, he didn't", Princess Luna confirmed while calmly walking on and ignoring the questioning looks of both, her sister and Twilight.
"You know?" Celestia asked.
"I do."
"But you are not going to tell us?"
"No, I won't."
"But you will if it is important for us to know?"
"Of course."
"Very well."

Twilight had followed this court exchange between the royal sisters with great confusion that showed so much on her face that Luna condescended to explain: "I happen to have a fair idea of what it is that Mr. Blanket didn't tell tonight. But I don't believe I am entitled to tell you at this point. Maybe Mr. Blanket will do so himself and perhaps it will never be important for you to know."
Twilight swallowed an annoyed response that she was sure wouldn't have made Luna any less secretive. They trudged in silence for some time when suddenly Twilight remembered something else she wanted to ask.

"When I was talking with the attacker back there in the clearing, she said something very strange."
"What was that, Twilight?" Celestia asked.
"When she had given her riddle talk about her name, it occurred to me that a vortex that she said her name was could also be a swirl." Twilight blushed a little, but in the darkness of the night it was barely noticeable. "And with all the power she had shown before I was wondering if it was anyhow related to Star Swirl the Bearded... perhaps even if she could be him."

For her relief neither of the two princesses ridiculed her for the absurd thought and Celestia was quite serious when she said: "Star Swirl the Bearded has passed on a long time ago."
"I know", Twilight said. "But that is not all. After I said his name she was laughing and asked something like if I was talking of the one who had unleashed changelings upon the world."

"Unleashed changelings upon the world? Star Swirl the Bearded?"
Celestia shook her head. "Star Swirl was a very responsible magician. Quirky at times, but a good pony all through and very conscious about the effects of his magic and therefore cautious about anything that he felt could accidentally pose a risk to his fellow ponies."
Twilight nodded. It was kind of comforting to hear this about the pony who she idolized like nopony else, except for Celestia.
"So what she said was nothing but humbug? Just her trying to confuse me?"
Celestia didn't respond as they all plodded on.

"Your Highness?" Twilight asked after some steps, sounding almost a little desperate.
"My dear Twilight, I wish I could tell you this for absolute certain. I am certain that Star Swirl was a pony and magician of absolute integrity who would have never 'unleashed changelings upon the world' by any intention or accident that he was aware of. But what we were told today goes to show how much we haven't been aware of. Never have I heard of a Dr. Adus Noceo Quircs or of most of what Mr. Blanket told us about his studies. I cannot exclude the possibility that Star Swirl too may not have known something that this attacker may have been referring to. I would not be honest if I claimed to know for certain what I don't. Up to now, I was unaware that there may be another one like Chrysalis."

"Luna!" Twilight pleaded. "Whatever you are not telling us doesn't have anything to do with this, does it?"
The Princess of the Night shook her head. "If it was important for you to know now, I would let you know." She took a deep breath and looking at Celestia and Twilight in turn she said: "Sister, Twilight, when I ordered the release of Mr. Blanket and declared royal pardon for whatever trespasses he may have committed tonight, I also instructed for further possible investigations to be consigned to me. I promise I shall conduct them very seriously."

By now the large oak tree of the library had come in sight and Luna cast a look up to the sky.
"I will not linger anymore. The guards are to drive the creatures of the forest back into Everfree and I should be with them."
Luna spread her wings.
"Shall I join you, Luna?" Celestia asked.
Luna gave her sister a warm smile. "Thank you, Tia, for asking. But even you need to rest and the guards and I can handle this. The night is mine to guard."
With that, Luna took to the air and flapped away as another flash of lightning illuminated the sky.
Celestia and Twilight were looking after her until the rolling thunder sounded through the night.

"I need to talk to her", Twilight said more to herself than to Celestia.
"Queen Chrysalis, I mean. She is still locked up in her castle."
"Which is where she must remain", Princess Celestia said firmly. "It is a great relief to know that she at least is under lock, key and spell with the prospect of another one like her around."
"Of course", Twilight agreed. "But if there is anyone we know who must know more about all this, it will be her. For all we know, she may be behind it all and know the ends Frank does not remember."
Celestia nodded. "I am going to seek her out as soon as possible and see what information I can acquire from her."

"But Your Highness...", Twilight gave her a look which Celestia knew and had come to dread. She had often been subjected to this look of pleading, disappointment, and a sense of not living up to expectations from her most faithful student. Princess Celestia, one of the most powerful beings in all of Equestria, was utterly powerless against this look which she referred to just as 'the eyes thing' in her mind.
"...do you believe that I cannot do this?"
Apparently Twilight's dismay was so strong that she forgot to maintain her umbrella spell and thick raindrops were pattering down on her even though she didn't seem to notice at all.
Princess Celestia discretely expanded the omnipresent field of magic surrounding her and protecting her from the rain whenever she wanted so it now included Twilight and the still sleeping Spike.
"My dear Twilight, I have all confidence in you. But this is Queen Chrysalis we are talking about. She will not simply give away anything if it isn't in her interest. Even locked up she remains one of the most dangerous enemies of the good ponies of Equestria. She is sneaky and knows how to deceive—"

"Like when she deceived you while I saw through her?" Twilight blurted out.
The next moment she froze in motion and her eyes widened in shock as if Queen Chrysalis herself had suddenly appeared in front of her. Never ever had she been so presumptuous, least of all towards Princess Celestia.
"Your Highness...", she stuttered, "...I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..."
"If the horseshoe fits, wear it!" Celestia said in a meek tone that upset Twilight more than a stern rebuke would have. Twilight cast her eyes down and drooped.
"Celestia, that was really not what I meant to say. I am very sorry. I shouldn't—"
The high princess of Equestria silenced her by gently putting one of her hooves on Twilight's mouth. The hoof was unsoiled by the mud of the rain-sodden way as if it had just been polished. Princess Celestia then put the hoof under Twilight's chin and carefully raised her head until their looks met again.

"My dear, dear Twilight, you are right about this. Perhaps I really needed a reminder that it was you who actually captured Chrysalis in the first place."
Twilight blushed a little. "It is just that... with all this being a princess and all I think I need to do something and not just... continue as usual."
Celestia nodded slightly. "I understand. But please don't think that I didn't trust you to be able to handle her."
Suddenly the face of the high princess took on a very grave, even sad, expression.
"Your Highness?" Twilight asked cautiously after some moments had passed.

"Perhaps I'm just worried. Maybe too worried, but still..." Celestia took a deep breath and her face straightened again. "It is just that being able to do doesn't mean one cannot fail at the attempt. Often our failures teach us important lessons, Twilight. But when it comes to dealing with enemies like Chrysalis, a failure can be very dangerous and not as correctable as many other mistakes. And you facing off that unknown enemy in the forest on your own... I think it worried me more than I allowed to show in front of everypony when you told about it in the town hall. I know you are strong and very capable, Twilight, and I will not be in your way in assuming your new role as a princess."

Celestia sighed and appeared to be pondering about her next words for a moment before she continued: "You are a kind and gentle pony, Twilight. These are high qualities to go along with your curiosity and keen mind. As a princess however, there are also times when one must be ready to ignore these important qualities. Sometimes a ruler has to make decisions between two evils and can only hope to pick the lesser one. Dealing with a fiend like Chrysalis is often a cause that can force us into just that kind of decisions. Perhaps it is the most difficult thing to learn for a ruler; to maintain and embrace your friendliness but not allow for it to be exploited. Please remember this when you visit Chrysalis, Twilight! Be careful and don't underestimate her because of her earlier defeat!"
Twilight nodded. She didn't allow for the happiness about Celestia's change of mind about her visit to Chrysalis show on her face, but she felt she had been given not just the chance to do something important, but especially the possibility to further pursue all the questions that, for her greatest frustration, had remained unanswered so far.

There was another flash of lightning followed by a rolling thunder that made the sleeping Spike shift uncomfortably on Twilight's back. Princess Celestia cast a look up to the dark clouds.
"I am worried, Twilight. I'm far from the omniscience which some ponies like to ascribe to me, but I apprehend that what we learned today is but a fraction of the whole picture, maybe just the beginning of a long chain of events. I feel like things are set in motion towards ends I cannot even guess."
Twilight opened and closed her mouth several times without saying anything. What was there to say in response to the high princess' premonitions?

The Princess of the Sun turned her head, looked back at Twilight again and gave her a smile from which, even in the darkness and desolation of a night in pouring rain, all the light and warmth of her sun seemed to eradiate. And yet there was a slightly melancholic streak about this smile, which nopony would have even noticed who didn't know Princess Celestia as well as Twilight did.
"I'm just hoping that you won't be too soon forced into the kind of decisions that I mentioned."
Suddenly Princess Celestia unfolded one of her large wings and wrapped it around Twilight's head as if to shield and to embrace her at the same time.

"Twilight, I know it is a challenge for you to get accustomed to your new role as a princess and that you want to live up to your own expectations as well as to those which you believe to be mine. I have been wandering through this world long enough to have seen many great ponies come and pass and sometimes fail. Some would perhaps expect that after thousands of years the ponies of so much lesser a lifespan would cease to matter in the minds of so long lived alicorns; that we might cease to care. But it is because I do care that I can think of myself as a good ruler. Yet at the same time this care is also our greatest burden to carry. You got all the care and friendliness that one could ever hope for from a princess and I have no doubts whatsoever in your ability to be a good ruler over other ponies. It is your ability to rule your own goodness when necessary without suppressing it that worries me. My dear, dear Twilight, your getting accustomed to your new role as a princess is a challenge to you... but not to you alone."

Twilight was looking up to Celestia wide-eyed and still trying to think of something to say. "But Princess Celestia... I don't understand. Was it not you who made me a princess in the first place? Don't you... you know, foresee things like you did with Luna's return?"
Celestia shook her head. "No, Twilight. I always anticipated that you might be a princess and through your own actions you have proven yourself worthy. There were and there are signs that sometimes allow us to make very good guesses about what will be. However, other forces are at work in this world and in our destinies than just those who control the order of sun and moon or even chaos. After thousands of years of study it still seems like only a few words from a large book could be deciphered that would tell us about which destinies determine ponies actions to turn them into princesses or pawns into heroes or villains. Perhaps Mr. Blanket may be onto something to decipher a few more letters in that large unknown book."

They both stood in silence for some moments before Celestia released Twilight from her wing's embrace and said: "Luna is right. I should retire and get some rest, and so should you." Twilight nodded.
"And have your injuries checked tomorrow, Twilight, to see that everything is okay or else...", the Princess of the Sun gave an almost sheepish smile, "...I will make sure that Spike and your friends won't stop pestering you about it."
"I promise", Twilight said with a chuckle that felt incredibly relieving after this talk.

Celestia spread her wings and soared up. One bright light amidst the dark clouds, like a shooting star or a never ceasing heat lightning, outshining the real lightnings that were flashing up time and again.
She left behind a Twilight still so absorbed in processing what the high princess had told her that she didn't even notice getting soaked by the rain now that Celestia's protection was gone. It didn't take long however for Spike to give some grumbling protest and mumbling:
"What's wrong? Did I miss something?"
"No, Spike", Twilight said, renewing her umbrella spell. "Sleep on! We will be back home soon."
And with that she plodded the last steps on the muddy path to Golden Oak Library.

Author's Note:

This passage:

"But your Highness...", Twilight gave her a look which Celestia knew and had come to dread. She had often been subjected to this look of pleading, disappointment, and a sense of not living up to expectations from her most faithful student. Princess Celestia, one of the most powerful beings in all of Equestria, was utterly powerless against this look which she referred to just as 'the eyes thing' in her mind.

is a little tribute to Skywriter's the hilarious fanfiction Princess Celestia hates tea and the excellent comic adaptation by Mister-Saugrenu which includes a really cute depiction of what 'the eyes thing' is.

Last edited on December 20th 2015.

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