• Published 7th Mar 2015
  • 433 Views, 6 Comments

The Mists of Midnight - MidnightMare

After attending a wedding in saddle Arabia as an official princess Duty Twilight brings home a treasure as bid by Celestia, Discord knows he has a connection to the treasure but can't remember how.

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A Threat?!

Rain fell heavy as the small dark colored Filly Staggered her way through the streets seeking any kind of shelter. The little lean to she’d made for herself had been taken by a big colt! She shivered flicking raindrops off her wings as she tucked close to cracked buildings seeking some relief from the storm.

Tears mingled with rain on her face as her little legs finally gave out, tired and cold and wet. Just as everything seemed hopeless a dark figure appeared, Standing before her was a big grey stallion. His mane was long and black and his eyes were red, an earth pony. She shivered afraid he’d mock her, a Pegasus lost on the ground… but she wasn’t lost, she’d always been here.

The stallion smiled instead stepping forward and crouching shielding her little body from the harsh rain. He spoke gently his voice soothing. She was so relieved he seemed so kind, and she was so tired and lonely, the little warning bells of instinct she’d developed in her short life went ignored. With promises of a warm fire and good food the Stallion led her to his home, and as the door closed behind her She had no idea it would never open again.


Chapter 2

A Threat?!

In her room, Twilight paced, wings fluttering with distress, Hanging from the ceiling Discord watched. Frankly, he didn’t know what to say right now either, He was trying to remember why that Servant had bothered him. She’d barely said a word, leading Twilight Sparkle to her guest room, and explaining if Twilight needed anything then she merely had to pull the bell pull and she would be right along, then she’d bid good night and had left, never once showing her face, keeping hidden by her shrouds.

That silvery mane had been unmistakable though, he knew it, the shine, the texture. How, how did he know? If he wasn’t half mad already the frustration might have just pushed him over the edge.

“I just can’t understand why Princess Celestia would want me to bring a Pony back… Don’t get me wrong everypony is special but… the way she spoke, It seemed like I was bringing back a very sacred treasure… I don’t want to be offensive but how can any pony be a sacred treasure?” she said distressed looking up at Discord.

“You’re certain the maid is what she meant?” she asked hoping there might be some mistake, even though she’d already asked him a few times, the exact same question.

“I’m sure of it, though I will tell you this, again, I don’t know how or why.” He said dropping and falling through the floor only to merge out of one of the leafy plants decorating the room. “I’m just as confused as you are, and that’s saying something as I know quite a lot.” He said proudly frowning then he stroked the white tuft on his chin.

“No, it’s not that I don’t know… it’s like I can’t know.” He mumbled thoughtfully. Piquing Twilights curiosity she stopped pacing and looked over at him

“Can’t know? What do you mean?” she asked Drawing a Scoff from the Draconoquis “Just like I said, The knowledge is there but I can’t get it, Hrmm in your terms, it’s a book that’s locked and I’m not allowed to have the key.” He said, his tone just a little sharp twilight lifts a hoof placating

“I’m sorry that was a dumb question, It’s just such a weird situation I’m panicking, I’m sorry.” She said, Discord shook his head “No, We’re friends, That means you don’t need to apologize for my irritation, it’s not you I’m mad at, I don’t like not having access to what’s right there, It’s enough to make my head pop.” He said, which it promptly did so, like a balloon it simply burst drawing a startled yelp from the princess. As the headless card board cut out of his body fell over Discord slithered up behind Twilight chuckling

“Oh don’t get so upset, If you don’t figure this out I’m sure I will, Something like this falls neatly in my realm after all.” He said playfully, Twilight frowned “It does, how so?” she asked not liking that idea much

“Well think about all the chaos it’s already caused in your little pony head, Obviously the reason I recognize it is because it’s some aspect of chaos!” He exclaimed with his usual glee, when that idea had come to him his annoyance at not knowing had faded, replaced with the excitement of unwinding the puzzle, and oh did he love chaotic puzzles!

“You should sleep for now Twily.” He said his voice mimicking her brothers perfectly as he used the nickname, “You have a big day the next few days.” He said poofing up his own personal grandiose bed, that hung upside down and seemed securely stuck to the ceiling, look at it Twilight arched a brow, uh… right, just… Just make sure no one spots that.” She said with a sigh shaking her head she trotted off to wash up before heading to bed, indeed, the next few days would be hectic helping the bride prep for her wedding. Thinking about Desert Rose and her words Twilight smiled as she settled on the soft, down filled mattress.

Maybe she was right, And she just needed time to learn how to be a princess…


The next morning twilight was relieved to discover that discord and the bed where gone and her room was perfectly in order. But she didn’t have time to waste. The servant who had caused so much stress the evening before came to collect her for breakfast with few words, and again Shrouded. While all the maids wore robes in different ranges of coverage This particular Mare seemed to be keeping herself unseen, only the vague gleam of grey eyes seen under her hood.

“U-uh…” twilight swallowed, what did she say? She wasn’t sure the it hit her, she was the princess of friendship! Extend a hoof of friendship that’s it.

“I never got your name last night, I’d like to know it.” She said trotting up beside the slightly taller Pony, she paused seeming almost thoughtful before bowing her head “Misty Midnight, your majesty.” She said formally then began walking again, Twilight huffed out a breath, a Mare of few words it seemed. Not that she could talk, remembering back to her arrival at Ponyville that very first day when this journey had started.

“It’s a please to meet you Misty Midnight, Um, is it ok if I call you misty? You can call me twilight.” She offered but the mare shook her head “Such things would be most inappropriate for my station my lady, but You may call me Mist if you wish, I understand my Name is quiet a mouthful for conversation.” She said her eyes and tone giving twilight the impression of a smile.

“I believe the Royal Bride wishes to attend to her final fitting today, she is hoping for the advice of Lady Rarity whose opinion would mean a lot to her highness.” Mist explained as they followed the long halls. “The plan discussed is for a small Breakfast and then into the town, after the fitting Her highness has offered to take you and your friends on a tour of the city.“ she stopped at the door of the dining room bowing her head respectfully

“Should you require anything, please inform me I will be pleased to see to your needs during your stay.” She said, Twilight nodded frowning faintly, it was weird the way Mist said that See to her needs? What a weird way to say that. Shaking her head she went to the table smiling seeing her friends, Applejack arriving shortly after her, Desert Rose explained the Golden Dune was tending Duties as King and regretfully could ne be with them today.

“He doesn’t need to feel bad, He’s a king of course he has important duties to see to.” Rarity reassured, feeling quiet pleased after such a good sleep in such a beautiful bed.

“were your rooms satisfactory?” Desert rose asked, the ponies all voicing their appreciation “There where peacocks in my room, they were so beautiful and they let me feed them.” Fluttershy said her voice soft as ever but her delight clear.

“Oh yeah? My room has a view of the aerial Tracks for the Races, it was great I got to watch the morning work outs of the Fliers it was great I saw some awesome maneuvers.” Rainbowdash exclaimed clearly more than eager to go up and show off her own moves. Desert Rose chuckled

“I tried to picked rooms that would suits all of you and if I couldn’t I arranged for things you might like to be there for you.” She explained, Aj nodded “Yeah, Actually I was nervous my room would be all Fancy but it’s actually really cozy, and I really appreciate the spice samples, I was thinking I wanted to get some to take back, now I know which ones to get.” He said appreciatively. Twilight smiled Glad her friends had had such a good time.

“What about you Twilight what did you get?!” Pinkie asked eagerly. Twilight blushed “O-oh books, but well I was so tired…” she mumbled sheepishly. She’d been so stressed the night before she hadn’t even glanced at the books in the room, It was unlike her.

“That’s alright the journey here can be quiet exhausting, I’m sure you’ll find time to enjoy them this evening.” Desert Rose assured, thankfully not offended. Twilight nodded “Yes I’m feeling very well rested, and the bed was perfect so thank you very much.” She said hoping to at least offer a compliment and appreciation like the others.

Breakfast was lovely, not the grand feast of the night before but nice. Calm and at ease the ponies ate while their assigned maids sat behind their chairs incase anything was needed. Twilight was relieved to note her friends seemed just as awkward about having maids as she was, even Rarity who approached most things with a level of dignity and acceptance. She had sort of expected Rarity to accept the maid as he ‘due’ but she seemed just as put off as the others, though showed it differently. Having a pony take your luggage, and having a Pony tend to everything you do, where two very different things after all.


The Day was a blur of shops and color. The golden city was amazing, from the architecture to the markets and closely knit community it was vastly different from the indifference of ponies in places like Manehattan. Twilight had been delighted to be taken to the largest book shop in the region, She’d bought several books on the royal legacy of the kingdom and general information about Saddle Arabia. She also bought a couple Comics, knowing Spike enjoyed them, hopefully he might like comics from a new place.

Settled in the fitting room of the Sandy Seamstress Twilight and the others exclaimed over the wedding gown while Rarity worked with Sandy to make needed alterations, and a few, glittering improvements from raritys personal gem collection.

“It’s a beautiful gown and I’m so honored you’re willing to let me work on it with you.” Rarity said her horn glowing with magic as she set glittering turquoise colored jewels in place on the gown. Sandy smiled Oh please, you flatter me, I’ve saw the designs at the Manehattan show there where beautiful.” She complimented, Desert Rose smiled looking at the gown in the mirror it was beautiful, it was white with swaths of draping turquoise fabric to add color, and trimmed with delicate but intricate golden Embroidery

“It’s so pretty.” Fluttershy said warmly, it was a lovely gown, Rainbowdash tilted her head she couldn’t quite understand the need for such a fancy dress but well it did look nice… Ha but she’d never admit such a thing it would totally ruin her rep!

“Ah wedding are great because weddings mean parties!” Pinkie pie said brightly.

“Pinkie would get married just to have a party, Maybe if Cheese comes back?” Apple jack said slyly with a teasing grin at Pinkies shy blush “N-no I wouldn’t But it would be great if he came back…” she said softly wiggling in her seat she began to giggle chewing shyly on the tip of her of her mane.

“I don’t know Twilight and That guard I think would be more likely to be our next bride and groom.” Rarity hummed looking over, Twilight gasped blushing and looking away as Desert Rose looked over

“Oh, Is there a special somepony in your life?” she asked with pure feminine interest

“Oh yeah! Twilight went to another world and met a boy and then she came back and he’s here to as a Pony! And he likes her to, but |I’m not supposed to tell her because he said it during a milkshake binge at Sugar cube corner!” Pinkie exclaimed before gasping “Ah… Oops, Forget that part ok Twilight?” But the princess only Gaped at her

“H-he said that to you? Are you sure he was talking about me?” Twilight asked nervously Pinkie nodded “Yep yep yep because he was saying a soldier isn’t suited to a princess!” she said brightly then gasped and covered her mouth with both hooves “Ooohh! I didn’t pinkie promise not to tell now I’m telling but I said I wouldn’t tell stop asking.” She said flustered. Twilight nodded “No it’s fine I’ll stop, I don’t want to know anymore.” She said with a shy smile.

“ooh so what is this stallions name?” Desert rose asked Rainbow snorted :Flash Sentry can you even believe it?” he said with a scoff Twilights feathers ruffled “Hey what’s wrong with that Flash Sentry is a nice name!” she said, but at a sideways glance from Rainbowdash and chuckles from the others twilight realized she’d been tricked, blushing she folded her wings and looked away

“L-look it’s he’s just helpful is all…” she mumbled shyly Desert Rose smiled

“The best thing about love is it’s always so, unexpected, from the hard crash of love at first site, to the slow silky slide from friendship to love, and everything in between.” She said as Sandy placed the veil and headdress on her head, arranging the flowers while Rarity helped with the Gems.

“Being able to follow that love, is even more magical. Not everyone can, for one reason or another, something may stop their love, and that pain, could kill.” She said softly smiling at her reflection then turning to show the full gown

“What do you think?” she asked she glowed with excitement at the prospect of getting married, her dress was a dream, everything about it was Bridal. Every pony sighed, Even Rainbow dash found herself charmed by the romance of it…

“You’re positively stunning dear.” Rarity said lifting a hoof to wipe away a tear of admiration, oh she loved beautiful things but this, this she loved most of all seeing the joy and the glow of a happy perfectly dressed Mare. Granted all she did was add the sparkle of crystals, but still.

Once the dress was removed and carefully packed away to be sent to the palace for the wedding the Mares went out, Rarity and the others eager to explore the Market they had seen the day before. Now free to enjoy Twilight noticed so much more, not just the look and smell, all the bustling ponies, the conversation, music played by gypsies and troubadours. There where open spaces where Ponies danced for coin and cheer, some ponies drew and sold their art, other sang to draw crowds to their stalls. But most of all was the laughter, so much going on and so many having fun.

The ponies parted ways Going off to find what had caught their eyes the day before, Twilight trotting through the crowd hoping to maybe find more books, when something caught her eyes, the dark robes of the maid. She was at a stall selling flowers. Gathering them into a basket she paid and looking around Galloped off, intrigued Twilight followed, in a puff of smoke, Discord, a small figure on her shoulder held on to her hair

“That Pony again? What do you think she’s up to?” he asked Twilight shook her head “I don’t know. I hate to be nosey but if she is who celestia wants we should try and understand why… besides… I don’t think she’s suppose to leave the palace grounds, Remember the ones yesterday they said they had been ‘sent’ and I haven’t seen any other maids outside the palace, I don’t think their allowed to leave those walls.” She said, as the crowds thinned and the paths became smaller, the quality of buildings deteriorated. Sand building up where the wind had blown in, the desert attempting to take back what belonged to it. Still Misty Midnight kept going and twilight determined to see what was going on followed. Eventually buildings stopped and the two ponies broke out into the golden dunes, Mist turning once they were out and glaring at Twilight under her hood

“Why do you follow me?” she demanded, her reserved nature gone her eyes so sharp for a moment twilight thought she might have been mistaken she even took a step back as the mare flicked back her hood letting it fall away. Her coat was such a dark blue it was almost black, so starkly contrary to the silvery almost white of her hair and eyes.

She was as Twilight thought, a touch taller, with a sharper muzzle rather like the Pony Flur de lis who Rarity had introduced her to.

“I’m sorry I, I wanted…” but before twilight could finish Discord crashed up out of the sand between them snarling at Mist shielding Twilight from her. Misty took a few steps back slowly watching him her eyes wide

“Discord?” she said slowly seeming stunned by his presence, not shock at seeing the fabled lord of chaos, but… stunned, as if she recognized him not his story.

“Discord what are you doing?!” twilight demanded but the Draconoquis only hissed his wings flared large and threatening

“Keep away from my friend.” He snapped snarling at Misty who took another step back, From what Twilight could see the mare almost looked ready to cry, she sighed

“Do not fear me Discord oh lord of Chaos I have no interest in your friend, I will serve her as her maid while she is here, but beyond the palace walls I have no duty to her, and thus no care for her.” She said pulling her hood back up

“I ask only one thing, do not speak of seeing me. While the king is aware I am out, he will not take action against me unless I am caught. He allows me this one thing I do not wish to lose it.” She said clasping the basket handle with her teeth and turning galloping off into the dunes. Watching her dark shape disappear Twilight was stunned by Discords unusual protectiveness.

“What in Equestria possessed you to do that Discord?” she asked as he relaxed “I-I don’t know.” He snarled shaking his head “Each time I see her… I It’s strange I don’t like it, there’s chaos, something unnatural around her and I don’t like it.” He said disgusted “Twilight You might need to consider that The reason Celestia wants you to bring her back isn’t because she has good value, but because She’s Dangerous and Celestia intends to lock her away.” He said firmly he looked antsy and uncomfortable. Feeling sympathetic Twilight reached out

“The desert is a big place, if you want, you can find a solitary area and cause some chaos this afternoon, I bet if you ask Pinkie pie she’ll be happy to play, she still loves your chocolate rain.” She said Discord looked over arching a brow before nodding “I think I’ll do that, an afternoon of causing havoc ah, Harmless, Havoc, would be nice.” He said and with a puff of pink smoke vanished.


The afternoon rolled into evening and into night, while the ponies ate and discussed their afternoon, Pinkiepie curiously secretive about a few hours she’d seemingly vanbished after they had come to the palace. Of course after Rainbowdash pointed out sticky spots of chocolate milk in Pinkies hair the other ponies suddenly understood and left her to it instead sharing about what they had purchased that afternoon.

Though Twilight couldn’t see her sitting behind her waiting to be given an order, she knew Misty Midnight was there. She hadn’t thought that the mare would be a danger. Now she thought back, everyone she had ever faced had been… well very obviously evil, Nightmare moon, Fangs, world domination and an evil laugh? Bad guy, Discord, attempting to take over Equestria and mocking Celestia? Bad guy, Chrysalis, taking over Canterlot and trying to brainwash Shining armor? bad guy, Sombra? bad guy, sunset shimmer? Bad guy, Tirek? bad guy, the sirens? Bad guys! All of them they were just very… obviously evil from the way they acted right down to their motivations, which seemed to be general take over or destruction.


Twilight frowned. Not all evil was obvious. Some evil was quiet, calculating and cruel, a dark shadow that lingered ready to destroy. Could that be it, Was Mist acting nice and destroying something slowly from the inside? She just didn’t know. As the meal ended She walked slowly letting Mist lead her to her room before letting the mare leave. As she stepped into her room she found it empty, no doubt Discord was still reigning chaos over some secluded area of the desert .

She needed to sleep and think, if Mist was a threat, then just being her friend wasn’t going to work.


The garden was beautiful at night. Dark and quiet, with the light of the moon and twinkle of stars the only light. The silver shine twinkling on the rippling waters of the fountains and small horse made springs of the garden. Inside these walls was a paradise, and Oasis free of the vagaries of the desert.

As every pony slept Misty Midnight dropped her head letting out a sigh. She felt so tired. Looking up at the clear night, and the beautiful moon shining in the sky. She flicked her head and let the veils spill away letting her silvery mane spill out glimmering in the moon light as she drew a deep breath and began to sing, the emotions trapped in her heart and mind pouring out through the music as she lamented having to leave.

Even as she sang it the tears fall sliding down her dark face. She walked through the gardens, She loved the night, only because it was her only freedom. No matter what life, No matter what Pain, the night was her one and only joy, a freedom not even the darkest curse could take from her.

She should have known this would happen, really ever since the stories of his freedom and subsequent defeat by the heroes of Equestria, Mist had wondered if she might see him again, The lord of Chaos… but, so different from others.

She wasn’t surprised he didn’t know her, that was just one more term, Only ‘he’ knew her only his will could free her, and why would he? After her crime, this punishment was just… she knew this, knew it as true as the moon and stars in the sky… but she was just so tired, so many lives, So many deaths, and not a single solace but the cool and quiet night.

Thoughts of it brought on a rush of memories, new ones hitting like a freight train that had her staggering wings flapping uselessly as she sagged against a tree gasping for breath. She could breath, she knew she could, could feel the air sucking in to her lungs as she desperately gasped, but, that didn’t change the feel of the rope strangling the life out of her the weight of her body heavy on her neck, it could have been quick, it could have been painless. But that defeated the point of punishment, how long had it taken, as she hung there strangling?

She broke out of the horrific memory of death and fell to the ground coughing out a weak horrified sob. So much death, so many deaths. Did any other Pony really know how many ways there where to die? And just how painful it was, How lonely?

Laying her head on her hooves she closed her eyes and cried quietly. It was easier not to have friends, then that aspect of punishment would not come into play.

”Weep and suffer, Suffer the way I suffer, You will know only pain. Till the end of time, forgotten by all, Suffer, and die again and again, it will never be enough”

No it would never be enough, yes she accepted that, But the misery… even if she wanted to end it, oh and she had, in her lives she’d become proficient at it… but it didn’t end, because it just kept going on and on, never ending.
