• Published 7th Mar 2015
  • 433 Views, 6 Comments

The Mists of Midnight - MidnightMare

After attending a wedding in saddle Arabia as an official princess Duty Twilight brings home a treasure as bid by Celestia, Discord knows he has a connection to the treasure but can't remember how.

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Changing Hooves

Deep in the back of a dark cave a Mare panted regaining her breath after having given birth to her second child. Twins, a beautiful blessing, Next to her, the stallion who had sired her children and with whom she’d built a home, cradled the first child, a son, who gave strong lusty wails of new birth.

The parents nuzzled even as the midwife returned hesitantly carrying the bundle no doubt containing the second child… the bundle was still and silent. Fearful the mare tried to stand “My baby?!” she demanded when her partners hoof kept her down to rest.

The midwife said nothing, cantering over and settling the small bundle between the two ponies. With a delicate move of his hoof the stallion uncovered the child, his questioning worry turning to an enraged scowl. Confused the mare pulled away the cloth and gasped. Laying curled up small and weak was a dark coated Pegasus.

The Mare shook her head stunned, this could not be possible, two light coated earth ponies could not create a dark coated Pegasus! It simply did not happen! “You have betrayed me?!” the stallion demanded angrily, she shook her head desperate

“No my love, never, I do not know what this thing is, it is not ours, it is not mine nor yours!” she insisted the midwife stood by nervously the stallion settled the son with his mother then loomed over the small bundle “If the creature is not yours then it should be destroyed.” He said simply, lifting his large hoof, but before he could strike the midwife rushed forward

“No! If you do not wish this child, I will take it but do not kill it, bringing death to the birth room will bring illness to mother and child.” She said folding the cloth over the baby and plucking up the bundle stepping back “I will take this away, it will be forgotten.” She said nodding to the mare

“She will need rest, Mind your wife and child, do not worry for this creature.” She assured. Once the stallion settled the Midwife turned and galloped out her hold careful on the bundle.


Chapter four

Changing Hooves

Twilight woke with a start, confused by the odd jumbled of images that had made up the most bizarre dream she’d ever had she was sure. Crawling off the bed She brushed out her hair and washed her face. Seeing Discord on his bed, surprisingly normal on the floor face down on the mattress he slept, his snoring a dark almost dragon like growl that ended in a strange whistle.

Assuming he’d taken part in the party Twilight shuffled over quietly pulling up the covers so he’d be warm before slipping quietly from the room. Waiting by the door Misty looked over inclining her head gently

“celebrations continue your highness the Ceremony will take place at noon, Once it has been done then the second half of the celebrations shall start, at this point the King and his bride will join in the festivities.” She explained “This is where it’s most important you remain in attendance, so if you wish to nap before lunch to ensure absolutely you can stay awake as long as possible inform me and I will make your excuses, Your friends will be ok but as the royal representative your attendance is most valuable.”

Twilight nodded shifting her wings fluttering nervously “Uh right no pressure or anything…” she mumbled drawing to her surprise the first little chuckle from Mist.

“You needed worry you will not be required to do anything, You presented the gifts the other day and Your friends being here is Your gift to the bride so You have no obligations, simply enjoy yourself, your friends have been.” She assured gently.

The celebrations Twilight walked into where just as fun and loud as they had been the day before Not surprisingly Pinkie Pie was still partying up a storm, more then happy to take part in dancing and singing and laughter. She seemed to have attracted a crowd of admirers with her boundless energy.

Rarity was awake and sitting with a few more subdued ponies holding what seemed like a very intense discussion. Apple Jack and Fluttershy where at one of the tables eating and talking quietly, while Rainbowdash was surprisingly nowhere to be seen.

“Good morning.” Twilight said taking a seat on Apple Jacks other side. Receiving morning greetings from her two friends she nodded towards Pinkie.

“She’s going to want to do two day long parties back home now.” Twilight said with a wealth of fondness for the energetic pony. Apple Jack chuckled. “Probably, that’s if we get her home, if this is tradition here she might wanna stay.” She joked

“How did you sleep last night? I know my rooms quite a ways away from the party so it wasn’t to loud for me what about you?” Twilight asked

“I slept well, my rooms pretty far away to, probably so the noise doesn’t upset the animals.” Fluttershy said with a smile shifting to move her mane from out of her face “A couple of the peacocks shed some older tail feathers, they said I could take them home with me, their very beautiful it was so kind of them…” she said softly pleased by the gift while Apple Jack shrugged

“I slept ok, I’m used to the noise of the farm so it wasn’t too bad, though from what I can tell Rainbowdash tried keeping pace with Pinkie, that’s why she’s not up yet.” She said Twilight laughed “Well she’s always been competitive but even she should have known no pony out parties pinkie pie.” She said the three ponys laughing lightly as they enjoyed their breakfast.

She felt a lot better after having slept. Taking part in the festivities. Eventually Rainbow joined them refreshed and ready. Shortly before lunch Rarity commandeered them dragging the others off to her room.

“This is a royal wedding! We all must look our best!” she said firmly practically lassoing Dash and AJ to get them to her room.

Each gown suited each pony, subdued and elegant rarity glowed with pride at having crafted outfits that wouldn’t overwhelm the beauty of the bride.
They returned just in time for the start of the ceremony. It was beautiful, traditional music and song where soothing As the shroud was removed from the two ponies they turned to face each other. Sunlight glittered on the gems Rarity had added to Desert roses gown making some of the mares sigh enviously. Twilight didn’t understand the language the vows where made in but she didn’t need to to understand the meaning behind them. The look in the eyes of the couple was clear, they where pledging their love and life to each other. It was beautiful to see. She heard a sniffle and glanced over, rarity was dabbing at her eyes discreetly she smiled despite her tears. Returning her attention to the front as the couple began to sing. Their words mixing with that of the songstress as she began to sing again soon all ponies began to sing The Mane six doing their best to keep up.

Once the song ended the cloth hanging above them fell spilling the beautiful white flowers they had collected across the couple to shouts of congratulations and well wishes.

As if waiting for that signal, the party restarted. If the ponies of Ponyville had thought the party before had been intense that was nothing compared to the burst of celebration now that the couple where officially wed.

With food and laughter and song The party was wild. Even pinkie seemed a little overwhelmed… well for the first few seconds. After that she jumped in with eager abandon, Seeming to pull her party Canon out of nowhere she let it blast to shouts of encouragement from the attendees as bright balloons and colorful streamers filled the room, the party spilling out into the gardens and the halls. As more ponies seemed to fill the palace to celebrate.

As the party went one Desert Rose and Golden Dune made their way over to Twilight, who had sat after dancing for a while, catching her breath, she smiled to them noting just how happy they looked. Inside she felt a brief pang of longing, a partner of her own… love…

“It was a beautiful ceremony and you both look so happy.” Twilight said with a smile. Desert Rose nodded leaning against Golden Dune a moment nuzzling him gently. The stallion smiled.

“Desert Rose has told me she wishes to grant you and your friends each a seed, as a sign of your friendship as her gift to you.” He said Twilight nodded “Yes, it’s an incredibly generous gift we’re all very happy to receive it.” She said warmly. The king nodded regally accepting twilights thanks with dignity.

“The friendship of you and the princesses has always been valued by us, as such I as well wish to grant you and your friends a gift for coming to celebrate this joyous occasion.” He said “ask me a boon and if it is within my power I shall grant it to you.” He said. It was on the tip of twilights tongue to turn down the offer, what could she ask for from a king, they had been so generous already! Then it hit her… the perfect thing. Perhaps this had been Princess Celestias intention all along. Seeming to understand her expression Golden Dune smiled

“You have thought of something?” he questioned gently prompting. Twilight nodded blushing faintly.

“Well… yes, if I may.” She started nervously Golden Dune smiled. “Anything, Your continued friendship is of great value to us, and the joy you have brought Desert Rose these last few days is a gift beyond measure.” He assured. With that Twilight nodded, well no hurt in trying right?

“Then… I ask, May I take Misty midnight, The maid you granted me… back home?” she asked carefully. When a look of surprise crossed Golden Dunes face twilight barreled on “She’s been so very useful and kind, having her available made me realize I have no one to help me at my own palace, because of my duties I’ve had no time to arrange that sort of thing I could use such a competent aide.” She explained quickly, it wasn’t a lie, she didn’t have any staff at the castle at the moment.

“Well, it’s certainly an unusual request…” The king said thoughtfully before finally nodding “But it is as you say she is quiet capable, and perhaps she may be happier moving on…” he said musingly twilight smiled as he nodded

“Alright then, For your friendship, I grant you Misty Midnight. I will inform her after the celebrations.” He said twilight smiled bowing deeply “Thank you your highness Her home will be a happy one with me, your sign of friendship will never be forgotten.” She said formally. Standing she smiled at Desert Rose who nodded proudly, approving of Twilights formality her eyes twinkling with pride.

“If you will excuse us, We must attend our other guests and of course grant the others each their own gift.” He said Twilight nodded as the royal couple moved off into the crowd.

“Easier then you expected?”

At discords voice twilight jumped, looking around for the Draconoques all she saw was a dark maned stallion, with a goatee.

“Discord? I didn’t know you could, well … look like that.” She said amazing he huffed a breath

“Looking like a pony is hardly difficult. It makes it easier to watch and be involved without ponies going all gaga.” He said rolling his eyes then he grinned “It’s more fun for me to, getting to mingle and observe without trouble. Watching from afar has its merits but being involved is much more enjoyable, especially if I get a chance to add… just a little chaos.” He said, there was a puff and groans. Looking over twilight frowned as Pinkie pie examined her Party canon which seemed to have stopped working.

“Discord?” she said drawing his name out questioningly “Just a little fun, no harm.” He assured as with another puff the canon blasted chocolate and cotton candy coating pinkie and some of the closest onlookers. There was an instant of shocked silence before gleeful shrieks erupted, Pinkie looking particularly excited, obviously knowing where the sweets had come from

“Woohoo Party on!” she declared too much enthusiasm. It was that joy that kept twilight from chastising the lord of chaos

“Harmless fun, fair enough.” She conceded, discord grinned before nodding to the couple in the throng of revelers.

“Offering you a gift was a lucky shot. You might not have convinced him for her otherwise, but I stand by what I said… I think she’s a danger, despite how you two where … I spoke with her last night, The Pony is strange, she knows things about chaos that she shouldn’t and dared me to kill her.” He said snorting annoyed there was more to it, but until he understood it he wouldn’t bring it up to Twilight… perhaps if he spoke with celestia on their return…

He could always just go there now but, something held him back, not that he felt this strange Pegasus might hurt his friend in the brief time he’d be gone. No he just… didn’t feel like he needed to go and ask yet. It was strange. That’s what put him off about the whole situation. Just how strange it was. As lord of chaos, well, nothing should be strange to him. For him chaos was the ordinary and the expected. He knew it as well as a mother knew her babe, so why didn’t he understand this?

The two went their separate ways to enjoy the party which lasted two more days after the ceremony. By the end of it all even pinkie pie was exhausted collapsing almost the instant they reached the train.

“I will miss you very much, you will come visit right?” Desert rose said hugging the ponies as they stood on the platform. Twilight nodded “Absolutely, This has been absolutely wonderful, I’ll write often as well.” She assured, Rarity grinned she had extra bags bursting with all sorts of gems and fabrics, exotic feathers, ribbons and antique hoof weaved lace.

“The gifts are just so generous please thank Golden dune again for me darling.” Rarity said delighted as she hugged Desert rose in turn. Each pony expressed gratitude for their gifts. Apple Jack had been given many different spices and plants to grow her own. Fluttershy, Peacock eggs to raise as her own, Rainbowdash had spent a day training with the saddle Arabian flight team and had been given an honorary pin, and pinkie pie had been given many pastry recipes to try at sugar cube corner.

Every pony was happy… except Misty midnight, who stood by silently, hidden by her veils her quiet eyes watching them before looking back at her home. She knew not to get attached, things where so fleeting… but… this had been so wonderful. Yes she’d been an orphan raised as a servant, but she’d had a home, a warm bed and food. So many times she had not had even that.

“Misty Midnight?” She looked up startled surprised that desert rose had approached her

“I feel this journey will be a good step in your life. When twilight sparkle asked to bring you to her home… well… I will be sad to see you leave, you have been loyal and hard working. While others have taken advantage of the offer to travel and move on, you stayed loyal to us and Saddle Arabia. We love you as one of our own, but staying in one place, is to stagnate.” She said gently tipping up Mistys chin gently

“Maybe, when you get there you will find that that is where you wish to be, or, maybe, after a while, you will wish to return. But, You will never know either way without trying.” Misty met her queens eyes and finally nodded

“I understand your highness… I… I am surprised at myself. I had not realized how dear to me this place had become.” She said softly. Desert rose nodded.

“It is not until we are gone, that we realize what we are left behind.” She said softly gently kissing either side of Mistys cheeks

“Go now, and see what the world holds for you, and if your path brings you back here, you will be welcomed home.” She assured. Feeling bolstered by the words Misty Midnight nodded and, moving on impulse hugged the mare in an unusual show of emotion.

Stepping onto the train she looked nervously at the ponies who watched her, Twilight smiled “Everyone, this is misty Midnight.” She said warmly. The girls greeted her warmly, and Misty, in a small secret place, felt warmth. Far away from thoughts of punishment. She enjoyed the few seconds of friendship and welcome.


Trees and rolling grassy hills flashed by, inspiring a sense of nostalgia as Misty Midnight watched the window. Rainbow dash and Apple Jack had fallen asleep with Pinkie pie while Rarity Organized her gemstones and Fluttershy gently nurtured the eggs she’d been given and admired the colorful feathers she’d gotten from the birds.

“It hasn’t changed so much….” She mumbled absently to herself, drawing Twilights attention away from her book
“Hmm? Did you say something?” she asked Misty shook her head “Ah no, don’t mind me please.” She said sighing “It’s quiet beautiful.” She said after a moment shivering “hehe and colder.” She said slipping the veils off her face she sighed

“It’s nice in some ways, hard in others.” She said finally Twilight nodded “Yes, it feels colder to me to after spending so long in such a hot place like a desert, but you’ll get used to it soon, it’s summer time so the days are pretty warm, you’ll be eased into winter through fall.” She said gently

“Yes, I must admit, I’m a little excited to see snow, Even in winter we’re to far south for snow.” Misty explained Twilight nodded “It is nice, as winter comes just let me know when it gets to cold, Rarity always has a wonderful collection of winter wear we’ll help you find something comfortable.” Twilight said warmly

“That’s… kind of you…” Misty said softly glancing back out the window, her shoulders slumping slightly. Twilight shifted “Misty… are you alright? You seem…” “Oh we’re home!”

Pinkies exclamation startled everyone waking Apple Jack and Rainbow dash as she sprang up like a spring and rushed to the window “Ooooh Look look look everyone’s here to meet us!” she said excitedly as they passed into Ponyville Misty shifted nervously tucking back a bit, Noticing her nerves Twilight nodded reassuringly

“Why don’t you stay on the train a moment while we greet everyone.” She offered Misty nodding quickly in agreement. As the train drew to a stop the ponies exited to much fanfare, and to Twilights surprise, a selection of the celestial guard and

“F-Flash? What are you doing here?” she asked surprised blushing as she saw the armored stallion. He was so cute… not just that, it seemed the people of the other world where the same as their ponyville counterparts, meaning that the kindness of Flash back at Canterlot high, was the same kindness of The guard before her.

“Princess Celestia has sent some of us to guard your Palace until you can set up a guard of your own, I’ll be in charge so if you need anything just let me know.” He said blushing faintly himself. When he’d initially heard that Celestia intended to Send a guard to Twilight he had worked hard to be noticed to earn a position on the team, but, to earn the commanding position! It was an honor and meant he could see Twilight Sparkle far more often.

She seemed to glow in his eyes, her mane swept up off her long slim neck the feathers of her wings fluffed slightly in surprise. She was… beautiful.

“Hey Flash!” Both ponies jumped as Pinkie Pie burst in between them

“so you’re going to be staying here for a while? Awesome you can come check out sugar Cube corner, you’ll love it I got lots of recipes while we were gone!” she exclaimed. Twilight chuckled turning to the others, eagerly sharing their stories with family and friends. Assured the crowd had dissipated some Twilight headed back to the train to find Misty Midnight, who was still sitting where she’d been left shifting nervously from hoof to hoof.

“You can come out, a lot of ponies have left now.” She said, Nodding Misty stood plucking up her small bag and followed Twilight Sparkle out of the train car. While Ponies went off with their families, Twilight and Misty Midnight made their way to the castle with the new guard flanked by soldiers on both sides Made Misty nervous.

“Well, here we are.” Twilight said as the beautiful Crystaline structure showed itself as they crested the rise of a hill.

“I was living in the Library, but During the battle with Tirek It was destroyed.” He said her voice hitching slightly. Misty looked over “You loved your home.” She said quietly. Twilight nodded” I really did… it’s surprising now to think of it, when I first got here I felt so resentful. I was princess celestias student, I had studies, magic to learn, why was she sending me here of all places?” Twilight smiled.

“Now, I’d rather be here with my friends then anyplace else.” She said with a sigh as they entered “This is my home now, not just this castle but ponyville. I’ll always love Canterlot, but, not as much as Ponyville.” She admitted sheepishly, Misty found herself charmed by Twilight sparkles sheepish honesty nodding agreeably

“That’s fine, I think it’s wonderful that you’re so happy.” She said Yawning she flushed “I’m sorry, I’m quiet sleepy, It’s been a long journey and I’m unaccustomed to such travel, may I sleep?” she asked, Twilight sparkle nodded

“Oh yes absolutely here let me show you to an open room, uh, nothing really set up, so just think of it as temporary until we can arrange something you’ll like.” She said trotting along, there was a spring in her step that Misty midnight assumed came from more than just being back home, and probably involved the Orange Stallion guard who had walked on her side on the way to the castle. There had been sparks there, a romantic dynamic that While Misty had given up on for herself. She still admired and envied in a small way.

“Don’t feel like you have to go to any trouble, just a room and a bed and a hot meal I’ll be happy.” She assured twilight shook her head “No, Look Misty, You’re not here just as a servant or a maid, I want us to be friends. I want you to have a nice room you can think of as home.” She said firmly before sighing.

“I’m new, at approaching this on my own. All my friends, they all came to me first, I had no idea how to start a friendship or how to really… do this. But I know I want us to be friends, I know that, I want you to be happy here, not sad, or isolated.” She said Leaving Misty speechless.

“I….I….” the dark colored mare couldn’t think of what to say, how to respond to such honest feelings. She held herself back, but at each turn Twilight Sparkle kept sticking into her weak spots. Her shyness, her friendliness her vulnerability. Mist sighed, This must be what an older sister felt. Looking at the princess Misty wanted to be her friend, to share with her and laugh with her and her friends. To be part of a tight knit group.

“You don’t need to say anything now, settle and rest, there’s no rush ok? We’ll take things at your pace.” Twilight said finally pushing open a door to a small but pretty room “I hope this will suit for now.” She said gesturing “My room is right down the hall if you need anything ok? We’ll probably have dinner later, I’m tired myself but I need to see spike and see how things have been while I was one, so just relax, I’ll send someone to get you when it’s time to eat ok?” Twilight asked with a smile, Undone, Misty smiled and nodded stepping into the room, she set her bag on the bed and pulled of her cloak looking around, it was a very pretty room, climbing up onto the bed she sighed flexing her wings.

She didn’t dare forget her punishment but… but it was difficult to remember, when faced with such kindness… but, the nicer twilight was to her, the tenser Misty became, waiting for the hoof to drop and tragedy to strike, a honed and wicked blade, aimed always for her heart.