• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 4,538 Views, 167 Comments

Second Son's Time to Shine! - JJJ1

Goten, son of Goku and little brother of Gohan. Now the young boy has a chance to stand among his two idols as a hero. A hero of a brand new world called Equestria.

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Pika boo! Where are you.

Second Son’s time to shine!

Chapter 2: Pika boo! Where are you.



Technique or Attack.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, or MLP.

“Hi! My names Goten and I’m a half Saiyan half Human!” Nightmare stood there trying to contemplate what she was just told.
This child seems… familiar somehow. That look when he glared at me, that face, spiky black hair…! Spiky black hair! It can’t be! So young after ten thousand years!

“Well child… it appears that you have forced me to make a tactical retreat. Enjoy your victory while it last. But remember this. The next time you see me will also be the last thing you will see in this lifetime!” With that said the dark Alicorn vanished into the shadows.

“Huh… That was weird. Hope to see ya again!” The young Saiyan shouted into the dark. Unknown to him many of the town folk walked closer to him. Well… not really walk but more as charge. Looking behind himself Goten saw curious faces charging right to him. And what happens when you charge a young saiyan? Well it’s not the best thing to do. Using his Ki Goten created a wave of energy to blow back everypony. The action succeeded in it’s job.

“Hold it kid! We just want to talk!” Said a pony with a country accent. (I Can’t write like how AJ talks so just go with it!)

“Oh… um ok.” He restrained his power so the ponies could walk up to him. Out them all Goten’s eyes only saw a few that were interesting. Six ponies is what Goten counted. They were the only ones that decided to walk up after that last attempt.

One pony had a light lavender coat and a darker shade for her man with a strip of pink running down it. It’s hair reminded Goten of his best friend Trunks. The pony had a horn that seemed to be dull compared to other horns he’s seen in the mountains of Paozu. She also has a butt tattoo that looked like stars with fireworks. Goten felt her Ki flow. It felt like flowing river.

To the right of her was another pony. It didn’t look very happy for some reason. This one has a light blue color and rainbow styled hair. instead of a horn she or he (Goten can’t tell genders) had wings. On the pony’s butt was a different tattoo that looked like a lightning cloud. When Goten felt her Ki it was like feeling Lighting.

Next to the blue one was a pink one. It had the biggest smile Goten ever seen on an animal.The pony has a light pink coat and darker pink hair. It did not have wings or a horn like the other two. Instead it was a normal pony. The pink pony had a number of different colored balloons on her butt. This one’s Ki was just… wild, fun, and strange.

To the Left of the lavender one were three other ponies. The first one hid behind her hair as she approached the child with curious eyes. It has a pale yellow color with dark pink hair. Like the blue one she has wings. It also has butterflies on her butt.The Ki in this pony was calm and slow.

The second had a large cowboy hat and a look a look that said “Don’t move”. It has a pale orange coat and sun-kissed blond hair. Like the pink pony she didn’t have wings or a horn but she looked tough. It has an apple on her butt. This Ki felt tough. Like you would need a ram to open it.

The last one also didn’t look very happy. It has a stainless white coat and a darker purple hair that Trunks or the first pony. Like the first pony she has a horn. It has three gems of different colors on her butt. The Ki in this one felt stable. Like it would never break.

“Ummmmm.... Hi. My names Goten.” The ponies looked a bit shocked at Goten before regaining their composure.

“My name is Twilight. These are some acquaintances of mine.” Said the purple one. It sounded female to Goten.

“MynameisPinkiePieandthatwasawesomehowyoubeatNightMaremoon!” Said the Pink one. Also female in Goten’s mind.

“Nice to meet you Pinkie.” The ponies stared once more at the child. He is the first one ever to understand Pinkie. But after getting through today hundred shock the ponies continued.

“Mha names Apple Jack, but please call me AJ.” Said the orange one.

“I am Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in the world!” Goten stared at the Blue one for a moment confused.

“My name is Rarity… please let me get you some better clothing. While the piece is fascinating that color is outrageous!” Goten looked at his clothing and then back to the white pony.

“No thanks miss. I really like the clothing I have now. But thanks anyway!” However this did not have the desired effect on the mare. Every time she looked at the Gi her eyes twitched.

“Oh whats your name yellow pony?” All eyes went to the yellow pony in question. (Except Rarity’s that were still twitching.)

“M-my name is Fluttershy…” Goten kept his confused face.

“Now that introductions are out of the way… I have to ask… what are you Goten?” Everyone(Pony) looked at Twilight and then to Goten.

“Like I said to the big scary horse. I’m a half saiyan half human. Sorry but I have to go after that mean pony. Maybe we’ll see each other soon! Bye!” And with that the Hybrid was covered in his white aura and rocketed into the sky leaving the ponies flabbergasted.

“.... WHAT THE BUCK!” Shouted Rainbow Dash. While some of the folk began to process the last few minutes they remembered the NightMare moon thing. And the hell broke loose. Yells of terror and screams of dread filled the air. Leaving one lavender pony to sneak off almost without being sighted… almost. The five ponies saw her make an exit and followed Twilight to her home.

(You all seen the show so I don’t have to go into this scene.)

………………………………….……...Above the Everfree Forest………….………………………...

“That mean Ponies Ki is hard to track… I wonder if this is how Gohan and the others felt when they tried to find the Androids?” Goten had been flying around the forest for a while now trying to find the Dark Alicorn. But everywhere he looked it’s like the Ki would vanish then reappear in a new spot.

“All this thinking is hurting my head! What would Gohan do if he were here… He would think up a way to lure the pony… but I can’t do that. Dang it I’m thinking again!” Goten stopped after a bit. He stopped because he felt six familiar Ki’s. He remembered them to belong to the nice
ponies he had met earlier.

“What are they doing here? Maybe they know where the mean pony is!” After coming to that conclusion Goten decided to follow them. After settling on the ground Goten tiptoed after the six Ponies.

“How are we gonna cross this?” Pinkie asked to her friends. The others looked slightly confused. So was Goten but for different reasons. Looking ahead of the six Goten saw a river that showed no sign of walking across. Just as Goten was about to let himself be known to help them something yelled.

“Oh what a world, what a world!” Said the Voice. The Ponies made their way to the Voice with Goten tiptoeing behind them. Goten’s eyes filled with shock as he saw a giant Dragon… actually it was rather small compared to Shenron.

“Ummm… excuse me sir but… why are you crying?” Twilight asked the Sea Dragon.

“Well I was just sitting here when all of a sudden this tacky little cloud of purple smoke just whisked past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off, and now I look simply horrid." Goten anime fell creating a noise that the others took notice of. However he quickly hid himself in a bush near by. The ponies shrugged it off.

Close one Goten… Have to be quieter.

"Oh give me a break!” Shouted the Cyan pegasus. She was waving her hooves in the air trying to get her point across.

“How can you be so insensitive! He has such lovely scales, Well combed mane, and a pretty manicure! Are ruined without your mustache.” Rarity said with a frown.

“All so much true! I’m hideous!” The dragon put his hands on his head. Goten had an anime sweat drop appear.

“I won’t let this crime against fashion go uncorrected!: She shouted as the fashion pony yanked a scale of the Dragon off and, used it to cut half her own tail off.

“What the?” Shouted the others as Rarity gave the hair to the Dragon.

“hohohoho! My mustache. How wonderful." The Dragon gave a big smile.

“You look simply… Smashing.” She had no idea why she paused. (For all you out there who don’t get it I was quoting a meme which also has a mustache.)

“Rarity your tail…” Goten was still confused about this whole ordeal.

“It’ll grow back in time! Plus I hear that short tails are in season.” She replied.

“SO would the mustache…” Rainbow added.

“Hear let me repay you! Walk across my body to the other side.” Offered the Dragon. They walked across. While Goten just flew to the other side out of sight.

After about ten minutes worth of walking Goten saw a large castle. Not only that but he felt the Bad horse's energy in their. He took to the air above the six ponies.

“I don’t want them near the fight… I better try to slow them down fast enough so, that I can fight her! But how?” Goten looked towards the castle trying to find someway of slowing the Ponies down. That's when his eyes fell on a bridge that looked worse for wear.

“Yeah! I’ll just untie one side and pull it to the other side! Should slow them down a good amount.” With that Goten flew to the bridge. Seeing the rope Goten quickly untied it and, grabbed the ends. He flew across the cliff with the bridge in hand.

“And… there! Now that thats done I should head off to the bad horse and fight her!” Looking to the dark castle Goten ran in that direction.

………………………....……………..With NightMare Moon…………………………………………..

“The boy just helped me stall them a bit. Why didn’t I think about doing that? Well it seems that the child wants to come at me.... How did my sister bring HIM back to Equestria? Better question. Why does HE look like a child when I last saw him as an adult? All these questions will be answered soon.” With that she walked into the dark.

………………………….…………...………With Goten……………….……………………………….

“This castle seems to go forever!” Shouted a frustrated Goten. He ran through the dark and creepy castle looking through every room. Yet it showed no results.

"I'm looking everywhere but still no sign of that mean horse!" Goten then saw a huge wooden door that seemed like a good place to look. So stopping there Goten slowly opened the gigantic door. Inside Goten saw two thrones that sat in huge room.

"You'd think this place was made for giants'! I better check around for the evil horse." Goten proceed to sense the room for her Ki.

“There is no need for that old friend!” Out of the shadows came the black Alicorn.

“Old friend?” Goten raised his eyebrow at NightMare.

“Why of course! You may look and sound younger and go by a different name but, I would recognise that hair anywhere! You may fool others but you can never fool me! SHow your true face BARDOCK!"

Author's Note:

Bet you all thought I was talking about Goku! well no Bardock has been to Equestria before! How will Nightmare react to Goten not being Bardock?! How will Goten react to learning of his gandfather?! Find out the next time on "Second son's time to shine!"