• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 4,539 Views, 167 Comments

Second Son's Time to Shine! - JJJ1

Goten, son of Goku and little brother of Gohan. Now the young boy has a chance to stand among his two idols as a hero. A hero of a brand new world called Equestria.

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Back to the Present.

Second Son’s Time to Shine!

Chapter 4: Back to the Present




Disclaimer: I don’t own DB, DBZ, DBGT, DBS, and MLP.

…..Castle in the Everfree…..

“Who’s Bardock?” Goten asked with genuine confusion. He had never heard of something with that name before. Maybe it was something he could eat? He’s been hungry for a while now, and whatever this ‘Bardock’ was, it sounded yummy!

“Don’t play like that, thy dear old friend.” Luna said while slowly walking towards Goten. A dangerous gleam in her eyes that made Goten think of Majin Buu.

“Thy may not have the control of the Elements of Disharmony any more, but thou must have lost most your power after transforming into the form of a child.” She gained a smirk, completely believing that she now had more power than the makey.

“But I’ve always been a kid!” Goten yelled a little louder than he wanted. A small pout on his face that made Nightmare Moon stop for a second. The proud warrior she fought, the one that could only glare and scowl at her, was now pouting like a real child? That didn’t make sense. Mind wipe maybe? Age regression? No, her sister had forbad such actions log ago. The secrets lost to time now. A descendant, maybe? But who in all the world would ever consider mating with that thing?

Questions for later. Destruction of Equis and all life now.

“Very well then. Perhaps you are not the man I believed you were. He was a much fiercer warrior, and probably much stronger than you could ever be.” Nightmare was confident in her abilities. Especially since she was now fighting a child.

“I’m strong!” Goten protested while giving the ‘Mare in the Moon’ the stink eye. Which even Nightmare had to admit, made the black haired child look more adorable than anything else. She chuckled softly at the outburst, making up her mind that the child wasn’t anything special. Other than the way he looks.

“Then come, and show me your ‘strength’ young one.” Nightmare said in a mocking tone. Not believing that the kid would be able to-

“HIYA!” With a quick punch to the side, NIghtmare was sent flying back into her castle thrown. Complete surprise on her face the whole time.

She remembered well the strength Bardock had before, and just how he used that power. The pain she felt from this blow alone made her think back to the humiliation dealt to her by that monkey. To say Nightmare was furious would now be an understatement. No lower life form would EVER do such a thing to her again.

Rising from the now destroyed thrown, remember to fix that, Nightmare let loose an animalistic growl. She would no longer underestimate the child. He was clearly as strong as the other primate.

“So be it.” With not a seconds hesitation, Nightmare was flying right at Goten. Her long and sharp horn gaining a dark glow around it as she was just about to run the boy through. Yet to her shock, the boy seemingly disappeared from where he was. Like an afterimage… Oh no.


Not a second later, a small but fast blue beam of light was racing at the Mare in the Moon. SHe quickly activated her Magic shield, in hopes of stopping the blast in it’s tracks. Yet as the beam meet her shield, both her and her protection was knocked back from the force.

Letting the shield fall, Nightmare flew under the wave of energy and made a mad dash for the boy. The wave coming from his hands, further linking him to Bardock. Nightmare grint her teeth in frustration. This boy would pay for what both he and Bardock did to the moon princess.


The blast of black magic raced at Goten,who had already stopped his own attack. The child did something that Nightmare didn’t like. He smiled. The Saiyan child crouched into a stance, while cupping both hands under his body. A blue aura appeared around him while that smile stayed.


Unlike the last, this one was bigger yet slower. It’s power easily on par with her own blast, as shown by the explosion caused when they met. Shock began to form in Nightmare’s mind. This wasn’t happening again. Not after what happened with Bardock!

With new found speed, Nightmare was on top of Goten. His eyes widened a little as he ducked under her incoming razor sharp wings. Quickly spinning, Goten kicked the Alicorn in the side. Not expecting this, Nightmare flew away from any further attacks from the boy.

This was humiliating to the Lunar Princess. The boys very existence was an insult at this point. Here she was, a mighty Princess that could bring an army to their knees on a whim, being beaten back by a child that didn’t even have a scratch on him. Almost just like what happened with Bardock. Except that this was a CHILD! A mere boy that should have been dead long ago!

“Here I come!” Goten screamed as he started to run at Nightmare. His face had a large smile on it as his blood boiled! It was to long since Goten had last fought, and this was his chance!

“Oh no you don’t!” Nightmare then fired multiple blast of her Black magic. Each focusing on the small Saiyan hybrid. That smile never left the boy’s face as he jumped over the first and spun around the second.

“WHY!” More magic blast come from her horn. “WON’T!” An even greater amount came, each buzzing with her power. “YOU!” She started to fire them off even faster than before. “DIE!”

Goten didn’t answer, instead focusing on dodging the hundreds upon hundreds of blast of magic. All the while, getting closer and closer to Nightmare. The boy didn’t expect one of the blast of magic to hit him in the back. Yet it wasn’t the only one, as the small distraction gave the rest a chance to hit him. Goten found himself in pain from all the blast, each hitting him time after time again!

Nightmare stopped her magic from continuing, laughing at the way the boy screamed. He thought that his power was anything to her own? HA! She was THE strongest ever! There was no way that a child could beat her!

“ARRRROOOOOOUUUUUUGGGGHHHHH!” Nightmare raised a brow at the sound of Goten’s screames. That wasn’t the sound of pain she was expecting. No, that was something MUCH different. But what?

Goten knew that he couldn’t take all the hits. They were simply too many for him to come out of it and still be able to fight. Yet he knew of how he could get out! His power charged within himself. His hair flapped while his teeth grinded against each other. Letting out a roar of power, Goten let his family heritage take over.

The explosive power behind Goten’s scream not only stopped the magic from hurting him any more, but even made them disappear from existence. Not making them explode, just simply making them disappear. Yet that wasn’t all, the old castle shook from the roar. Windows shattering, and a blinding golden light shining from where Goten was.

Nightmare couldn’t even make words. This was a whole new level of power than she had ever felt before. Not even Bardock had reached this far. It scared the Princess of the Night. She had needed the Elements of Disharmony to even come close to fighting Bardock. And she could just barely keep up with this smaller version as she was. Yet now he had even more power? Her chances were getting lower and lower.

As the smoke cleared from Goten, Nightmare instantly took notice of the changes made. His hair was now spiked further up, and changed from it’s natural black to sun kissed blond. His eyes lost all the innocence they once held, and formed a cold glare. His pupils, now a teal color. Yet his aura… it was gold, and flowed like fire. Something the princess of the night had only seen few times before.

“Wha-What are thou?” She took a step back without noticing, her breath caught in her throat. It was then that Goten’s eyes became calm again, and his huge grin returning as well. The aura vanished and Goten stood there, like he hadn’t just transformed.

“That's a silly question, I’m Goten!” Placing a hand on the back of his head, Goten just smiled at the princess of the night. Said princess was shocked, not even a few seconds ago, this child was giving her the hardest glare she had ever seen. Now? He’s just smiling and giggling like any other child.

That's right, he is only a child! A small child that could never reach me!

Nightmare regained her composure rather quickly after that, her confidence filling her once more. A nasty smirk adorning her features once more; Nightmare had to struggle to keep her laughter. That she believed that a young colt could EVER match her power. It was ridiculous to even THINK of it. She had almost beaten him before, and she would make sure to end it this time.

“Yes, a silly question. But tell me, can you do it again? Transform, I mean.” She didn’t care for the look of slight embarrassment that Goten had. Only that he calmly shook his head no. That should mean that he has already pulled out his tricks. Fantastic.


The black magic raced from her horn to Goten. It’s speed much faster than before, and with much more magic power to fuel it. In the mind of the Princess, Goten was as good as dead.

Yet, even with the black magic racing to him, Goten stood still. His eyes looking at the attack in an almost bored expression. The young half-breed then put his hand out to the attack. A small smile gracing his face.

“Heh!” The smile turned into a smirk, as the blast connected with the hand. Yet, instead of an explosion, the boy kept the beam of magic at bay. Showing no effort, Goten pushed the beam back with his bare hand. Walking slowly along with it, Goten got right up to Nightmare’s lowered horn. Cocking his fist back, Goten swung and nailed Nightmare in the chin.

The black magic suddenly stopped, and Nightmare was sent flying into the old castle’s walls. Bringing the whole wall with her.
Goten just looked at what he’d done with a small smile. Confident that his opponent was still kicking, and raging mad at this point.

A Magical explosion blew the rocks away, showing Nightmare’s damaged form. A bruise showing on her cheek already. Her eyes, glowing purple with fury, and her hair, still flowing to an unseen wind, was a mess now. Not giving in to her injuries, Nightmare sent the boy a deadly glare. One he just shook off as he stared at her. An innocent smile still on his face.

“You… YOU DARE! YOU DARE STRIKE THE PRINCESS OF THE NIGHT! I WILL END YOU!” Rushing forward in a fit of unbridled rage, Nightmare attempted to schwerer the boy with her horn. The belief that he was still inferior to her making it all the more fun!

Her horn then went through the boy with no such resistance. A smile of pure enjoyment crossed her face. She had done it! she had- wait. Something was wrong.

No blood, no screaming child, no pressure on her horn, and the boy was still smiling to her. Or where she was. A look of complete shock came over the princess. She had been deluded! The image of the boy faded as she finally realized she had been tricked.

“Haha! You fell for it! You fell for it!” He childishly said, hoping around behind her in a show of glee. If she wasn’t so angry, Nightmare would have called the action ‘cute’ in a way. But her anger made the notion of adorableness almost non-existent.

“Again? AGAIN YOU HAVE MADE ME A FOOL!?” NIghtmare know only saw blood red. In a mad dash, Nightmare threw herself at Goten. Moving her horn at ridiculous speeds, NIghtmare tried her hardest to kill the Half-Breed.

Yet no matter how hard, how fast she was, her attempts met only air. The young boy was dancing around the attacks like they were going in slow motion! All with that mocking grin on his tiny face!

No Nightmare! Think! He is… stronger than you. But he must have a weakness!

“Missed me!” Jumping over her last attack, Goten quickly spun over her head and landed right on her back. Turning, Goten’s face suddenly brightened even more. A mischievous grin spread across his face while looking at the mare’s exposed back side.

“Hehe!” Nightmare turned her head as much as she could, curious as to what made the child laugh like… that.

“Ride ‘em cowboy!” Sitting down on Nightmare’s back, Goten yanking at her dark flowing mane and laughed as Nightmare jumped in surprise pain. Eyes wide in complete shock, Nightmare could do nothing as Goten pulled and tugged at her hair, trying to get her to go this way, and that way.

“GET OFF!” She didn’t want to risk shooting a blast of magic at the boy in case of hitting herself. But at this point, she wouldn’t care as long as the Saiyan Hybrid let go!

“No way! This is fun!” Goten shouted, laughing as Nightmare tried to buck him off. Her attempts getting more and more desperate as time went on.

Having enough of the child's antics, Nightmare flew straight at a nearby wall. Quickly folding her wings and turning her back, NIghtmare and Goten flew right through the wall. Yet it did not have the desired results.

Goten was still holding on with a smile, and Nightmare was pretty sure she took some damage as well. This only fueled the flame in her eyes as anger filled her every action. What both Goten and Nightmare failed to see, was the six Mares standing there and looking up with slack jaws.

Twilight and the other Mares were stunned to say the least. They knew there was a fight going on somewhere, and decided to stay as far away from it as possible. But now the fight was in front of them, and Twilight had no idea what to think. Neither did the other ponies in the room.

Back at the fight, Nightmare was still trying to get Goten off of her back. Completely ignoring those under her, Nightmare attempted the same thing with the floor. Flying at her top speed, Nightmare turned at the last second. Only to receive pain instead of satisfaction.

“Why are you crashing into the ground?” Goten politely asked from above her. His face showing genuine confusion.

“You little!” Rocketing right back at Goten, NIghtmare was suddenly behind the Saiyan in a flash of white. Nightmare then brought her hoof right at Goten’s unprotected back. Yet just like her horn had done, Nightmare’s hoof ran right through Goten. His form already fading away like static.

She had been tricked again. The princess of the moon, having been tricked by a child no older than 10! It was the worst of humiliation. And the brat was going to pay for his transgressions against her royalty!

Down at the ground, none of the ponies could believe what they were seeing. Goten, who now had blond hair, was fighting on even grounds with Nightmare Moon. Someone they knew to be extremely powerful in terms of Magic. Even the stubborn Rainbow Dash was awe struck just by looking at the fight.

Just then, Twilight had an idea. Looking at the fight, then at her ‘friends’ Twilight’s plan began to form. A smile came to her face while looking at the fight once more. Seeing Goten jump, duck, and dance around all of Nightmare’s attacks only led Twilight to be even more confident.

“Okay girls! Goten is holding off Nightmare, and I don’t know if he can keep it up for a long time. So we need to find the Elements of Harmony as SOON as possible!” She said while slowly backing away from the fight. The other mares gave short nods, as the followed her.

Fluttershy looking at Goten with worry. Hoping the best for the Saiyan.

Back at the fight, Goten dodged to the right of Nightmare’s attack. Backhanding a blast of Dark Magic the next second and flying over the next blast.

“I will KILL YOU!” Sending even more blast at Goten was not very effective. Seeing as how he either deflected them, or dodged them completely. Not even making the dodged blast come back at him would work.

He had her tricks down. He had seen, and learned all the little kinks that her attacks had. He knew that their true strength relied in speed, rather than actual power. And he knew that some were mixed with a type of dark, poisonous energy. He dodges each one of those she fires, and it infuriates her to no end. Each one that has a Poison type affect, dodged completely. But how did he know!?

“My turn!” Bringing his hand up, Goten gathered energy into a small ball above his hand. Yet, instead of sending the blast at Nightmare, Goten shot it into the sky. The propelled him right at Nightmare with break neck speeds.

Nightmare smirked as she successfully dodged the blast. Yet her face morphed into shock, as Goten put both hand down in front of him, and charged a ki ball. Goten used this new Ki ball to fling himself much faster at Nightmare. Catching her by surprise and smashing head first into her armored side.

Nightmare flew right back through the wall, and landed squarely on her other side. Trying to sooth the pain with her wing, Nightmare failed to see Goten calmly walk up to her. His face still containing the stupid grin!

“That was fun, but I think we should stop.” Goten said as he crouched down next to Nightmare. He didn’t want to hurt her too bad. Just enough to make her stop doing the bad things she was doing.

Nightmare looked at Goten in slight shock. The other monkey would have never said to stop the fight. Yet this one, didn’t only suggest it, but he was showing HER pitty! He was pitying the Princess of the damn Moon! Unacceptable! Her horn shined for a quick moment, yet the shine quickly faded as she snarled at the boy.


The point blank attack hardly made Goten flinch as he just vanished from view. Appearing on the other side of Nightmare. That same pitying look on the small Saiyans face.

“WHY!?” She screamed, already firing another bolt of Magic at Goten. Only for him to disappear once more, and show himself at a different angle. She tried again, and again. Yet the same kept happening, and that same damn look persisted!

“Just stop.” Goten demanded. Not letting any of the princesses desperate attempts at getting to him, we'll, get to him. Which only served to infuriate the Moon Princess even more.

“Never!” She couldn’t. Not when she was THIS close to fulfilling her goals. All she needed to do was get rid of this boy, take care of those fillies, and find Celestia and finishes her off! Only then, will her dream of eternal night rain supreme!

Goten didn’t respond this time, focussing on getting closer to her while dodging the blast of magic sent at him. Taking it a few steps at a time before he was forced to move out of the way.

“RAW!” She yelled, trying all she can to hit the boy. Her mind losing itself in her rage. But Goten just kept on getting closer and closer, his face shifting to a neutral state. Another look that seemed out of place on the boy, yet still somehow fitting at the same time.

“I’m ending this.” The sheer seriousness of the normally happy boy’s voice made Nightmare actually pause for a split second, more than enough time for Goten to close the distance between them in an instant.

“What!?” Nightmare quickly backed up, only for Goten to follow only a few inches away from her retreating form. Goten reached a hand to her, a ball of energy forming in the empty space. Nightmare stared at the blue ball of energy in shock, unable to move any further as Goten was just about to blast her.

Yet before the blast could be sent, a dark purple magic circle appeared under Goten. Looking at it in surprise, Goten let out a loud cry of pain. The magic circle shot up, becoming a pillar of magic with lightning bouncing all around the circle, and by extension Goten.

“AHHHHH!” Came Goten cry, his eyes closing and his arms tensing at a failed attempt to halt the pain. Seeing the boy trapped in her magic circle, Nightmare calmly walked up the edge. Regaining her composure as she looked tauntingly at the the Saiyan child.

“You see boy, I almost forgot the most important thing about magic. The fact that it isn’t just simple blast of destruction. And in our fight, I was so confident, so angry that I didn’t think to cast a trap.” She almost laughed at the boy's pain, his eyes squinting open to give her a light glare.

“But during our fight, I remembered that it wasn’t always the strongest that came out on top. But the smartest. I just had to lure you into a trap, and I have to say, it was all too easy.” This time a laugh did escape her mouth, yet only as a giggle.

Goten could honestly say, this was by far the second worst pain he has ever felt. The first being when Buu killed his mother. No amount of physical pain could even begin to compare to the hurt he felt after his mother was squashed as an egg. Not even the pain the pony was forcing him through now!

And if he could live through his mother’s death, HE COULD LIVE THROUGH THIS!

Teeth grinding, Goten’s eyes shot open as he suddenly took control over his body. Bringing his arms to his side and then pulling his head back. He had remembered Gohan telling him of the time he did it when Buu had him trapped. All Goten had to do was push out all of his power and break the magic apart!

Nightmare suddenly stopped laughing as she caught Goten holding in his cries of pain inside, refusing to let his pain and angry be heard. Nightmare was at a loss as to what the Half-Saiyan was trying to accomplish. Yet she still remained cautious around the trapped child, not

believing for a second he could escape.


He split the magic circle in half!?

True to her words, Goten’s raw energy split the circle of magic right down the middle! The resulting split in magic caused Goten’s aura to burst out! Consuming everything in a bright white light of his power!

“RAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!” Goten didn’t stop. He kept pushing the power out! Hoping that something would happen. He felt close to his goal! Like he could just reach out and grab it!

Just a little more Goten! Push yourself a little further!

Yet just as he was about to reach it, like a painful jolt, it was gone. Leaving Goten’s eyes to widen as he suddenly stopped the power output. His mind left to wander as he fell to his knees on the cold ground. He didn’t notice he was short of breath, and he couldn’t care less.
He had failed. He had failed at what every other saiyan alive had achieved! He couldn’t become a Super Saiyan 2 yet. It was to far above his current power level. That was the only explanation for what that was. Darn it.

“DANG IT!” Slamming his fist into the stone, Goten’s eyes took a sudden shift to anger. His mind racing with confusion over his predicament. He wasn’t near as strong as his Dad, brother, or even his own friend! And that was only because he couldn’t transform to the next level!

A small distance away from the troubled boy, Nightmare stood in quiet shock. Not only had the boy completely destroyed her magical field, he looked as if he could go on for much longer. While she herself was running out of options, the boy still held the advantage of power. Power no boy that age should even have!

Why? Why were they so strong! How could simple primates over power her! First it was that disgusting man named Bardock, and then this smaller counterpart named Goten. She was a princess of the highest of power! She could raise the moon and control it’s power! Yet those two had stood in her way like unbreakable walls to her plans of eternal night!

She could not stand to be this weak! And she will beat this child to prove her strength!

Yet, unknown to Nightmare Moon, the Half Saiyan child was having similar thought about her.

I won’t be weak anymore! I’ll continue to grow strong so that I can stand with my brother and dad! I will make them both proud of me!

Having made up his mind, Goten looked at Nightmare with a raging fire in his eyes. Nightmare glared back with the same intensity, preparing for the coming fight. Goten dropped to a familiar stance, and Nightmare’s horn glowed a menacing black and purple combo.





Nightmare fired her dark blast of magic at the boy, pushing more power into it as it got closer to Goten. Power radiating as rocks and rubble were blown out of it’s path. Yet Goten kept a calm stare as his teeth gritted against each other. He pushed his hands forward with his eyes opening wide with power!


If one were to look, you could see a fully grown man that looked just like Goten appeared behind the boy. The man having the same look of power on his face as he to stood in the pose Goten did. The only difference being a small smile on his face.

The familiar beam of blue energy erupted from Goten’s hands, meeting Nightmare’s attack head on.

The result was a power struggle between both combatants. Then an explosion from the epicenter of the two blinds the two from view. Their yells of strength still filling the air with power.

…..The Mane Six…..

“Come on! Work you stupid rocks!” Twilight said in frustration as she tried to use her magic to spark the elements. The five stones stood in an arc, neither looking more important than the other. To the side of the Purple Unicorn, her friends stood close, looking at her and the stones in worry.

“Hows about ya take a lil’ break Twi?” Applejack asked as she walked up to her with a worried look. The unicorn had been at it for a few minutes now, and no progress was made in getting the ‘elements’ to even light up. And while she knew how important it was that they work, she also knew that trying to hard wasn’t the answer. They needed cool heads to solve the problem, and stressing about it wouldn’t do no one any good.

“Yeah, you’ve been doing nothing but trying the saaaame thing OVER and over again, when we should be out there kicking NIghtmare butt!” Rainbow added as she passed the time by doing some punches in the air. Ever since she saw Goten fighting Nightmare, she had wanted to join in the fray. Yet all the others told her no, and basically used magic and rope to keep her from getting involved.

It was stupid if you asked her. Even now she could hear the results of their fight. Constant banging and yelling, while the occasional shout of pain. It made her jealous of Goten, while also pitying the small child. Every time she heard the boy cry in either rage or pain, it was a sound she wouldn’t be forgetting any time soon. Yet the fact Nightmare had screamed just as many, if not more, times than Goten made her smile.

“I can’t stop now! We are so close! Once I get the elements working, than we can finally help Goten and stop Nightmare. But we can’t do anything without the help of these elements!” She yelled at the other mares in the huge room, her mane getting frisky as she went right back to her work.

“Aww, come on Twilight! Being grumpy won’t make things better!” The ever so hyperactive Pinkie said as she bounced around her second newest friend. The newest being Goten!

“Maybe not, but I can’t stop trying to make them work.” She said stubbornly getting ready to use her magic once more.

“Darling, listen to them. You can’t think straight at this point.” Rarity tried, yet all she got was the same look of stubbornness as the rest did.

“I need to finish this.” Her horn started to glow a bright purple as her eyes squinted.

*Sigh* “Fluttershy dear, please explain to- Fluttershy?” Rarity turned to the animal caretaker, and her eyes looked at her in confusion. The rest soon followed as the started to stare at Fluttershy. Strangely, the normally shy mare didn’t even notice all the concerned stares sent her way. A look of pure worry on her face as she stared at Goten’s location. Every yell and blast making her wince and her worried expression getting worse.

A pink blur followed by two big blue eyes suddenly filled her vision. But she just looked around the party mare, and right back to Goten’s and Nightmare’s battle.

“Fluttershy?” Pinkie asked, scooting right next to her friend.

“Y-yes Pinkie?” Fluttershy took her eyes away from the far away battle. She looked at her friends without trying to mask her own worry. How could she? A young an innocent child was risking his own life while they wait to help him. It tore her up inside. While she definitely didn’t want to fight Nightmare, she would if it meant that young child didn’t have to suffer that pain.

“Are ya okay sugar cube?” Applejack walked up to the shy pegasus. Sitting on the other side of her.
Fluttershy could only shake her head no. She wouldn’t be okay for a while after this.

“Ya wanna talk about it?” Again, she shook her head no. It would only make her seem weaker than she already was. She at least needed to stay a little bit strong.

“Come on Flutters. You can tell us anything!” Rainbow added, floating right above her with a steady beat of her wings.

“I can’t.” She really didn’t want to cry this time. She wanted to hurry and help Goten in anyway they could.

“This is to be expected. Your worried for Goten, aren’t you?” Rarity said from behind all of them.

Fluttershy didn’t answer her friend this time. Yet the mares knew that Rarity hit it right on the nail. A look of understanding came upon all of them at the same time. Realising just how much more she would care about the fight than they would. If they didn’t like feeling helpless to help him, she was absolutely torn asunder by her guilt and worry.

“He’ll be okay Fluttershy! Goten’s gonna stall that meanie until we get there and blast her back into the moon!” Fluttershy looked at Pinky with a thankful expression, glad to hear the encouragement from her hyperactive friend.

“YEAH! We’ll totally kick her flank!” Fluttershy found some of her worry for Goten fading as her friends kept trying to cheer her up. They knew just what to say to make her feel better.

Looking at all the other mares and how they cheered Fluttershy up, Twilight couldn’t help but smile at them. They really were the best friends anyone could ask for. WAIT! They weren’t her friends! They had only met a day ago! And she had other things to worry about anyways.
Looking back at the stone elements, Twilight stood again. Her horn glowing once more as she steeled her resolve. Everything will be back to normal when she defeats Nightmare Moon with the power of the elements. She will go back to her studies in Canterlot, and the Princess will be back in charge.

All she had to do was activate the elements. With squinted eyes, she focused her power into the stones once more. The glowed purple just like before, and they even started to float. Again, just like before.

She had to do this. For her teacher, Celestia. For Equestria and all it’s innhaptitense. And for her friends!
Before she could even question her choice of wording, the stones did something they hadn’t done before. The started to shake erratically, even going as far as to glow much brighter than before!

Twilight eyes widened! She had done it! The elements were now active, and she could use their power to finally seal Nightmare back into-



A long crack spread across all the stoned elements at the same time. Then the crack suddenly sprang all along the stones, causing them to fall to the ground and out of her magical aura. Soon the stone that was left was turned to dust. Leaving the 6 Mares to stare at the remains in shock and horror.

Their last and only chance of defeating Nightmare Moon was gone, and they were now helpless to her power.


“YA!” Goten sent a swift kick into Nightmare’s exposed side. Not done, he quickly grabbed one of her hooves and spun her right into the stone below them. Little pieces of rocks flying into the air as she teleported away from any attempts from Goten at continuing the attack.
Appearing right behind the Boy, she shot multiple blast of magic at the boy. Hie quickly noticed the blast and instinctively put his right hand in their path. A blast of Ki blocked the magic, and Goten jumped above his own blast while shooting off more at Nightmare.

Not wanting to let the blast hit her, a quick teleportation let her escape. Only to receive the full brunt of Goten’s fist as it made contact with her sheek. Nightmare was sent flying, but she quickly stopped herself to look at the smirking face of Goten. A look of surprise on her face.

He knew where I would appear when I teleported away from his attack? How!? Not even Bardock could tell where I would appear, and he is far more experienced than this boy. That I have no doubt.

Goten just kept on staring at Nightmare. Waiting for whatever kind of attack she would use. It was then that Goten noticed something. He was… enjoying this fight. He wasn’t scared in the slightest, but excited at the fight. Why? He had never felt this way about a fight before. Sure, fighting Trunks was nice, but that was just for fun. This was a serious bout, and he was sure Nightmare was aiming to kill. So why was he enjoying every second?

Hehe, maybe his mother was right about his dad rubbing off on him. But he couldn’t think about them now. He had a Nightmare to fight.


A wave of dark magic flew right at Goten, yet his Super Saiyan awareness let him dodge the wave almost too easily. A smile made it’s way onto his face as he sped right behind Nightmare. A well placed elbow on the back of her neck should do the trick.

Yet a force field appeared right before he could connect the blow. And when his elbow met the field, a sudden force sent him flying into the ceiling. He was surprised she had managed to do it so quickly. He was sure that he had got past her defenses and had her by surprise. Yet by the look on her face, she wasn’t surprised by his assault at all.

She was learning his movements and techniques. Just like he had only a few moments ago. Dang, she was as smart as Gohan! WIth a burst of his golden aura, Goten jumped at Nightmare in a full power charge!

She leaned to the right as the attack sailed right by her.Yet when the figure vanished like a ghost, Nightmare knew she had made a grave mistake.

Goten appeared at her side and rammed his head right into her midsection. Saliva escaped her mouth as Goten then started to wail on her midsection. He kept on pushing, hitting and kicking her until she was literally against the wall.

Nightmare Moon had tried to teleport away from the boys attack, but she couldn’t concentrate over the insane amount of pain! The child just wouldn’t let up on his warpath! He was really looking to end this, but Nightmare would be damned before she fell that easily!

Nightmare’s back hoof shot out, taking Goten by surprise and forcing him to backpedal a bit. Giving Nightmare the distance she needs if she would ever hope to win the fight. Flapping her wings to give herself lift, Nightmare flew to the other side of the thrown room. She could think clearly about the situation.

The boy was tough up close. The bruises on her side were a testament to that. She needs to keep this a battle of distance and strategy. Getting up and close was too much of a risk at this point. She was sure that using the same trick twice to escape wouldn’t be possible, and that would be if she even got the chance. This boy had proven that despite his innocent outlook, he could be a cunning little warrior.

He also has the power to back his position as a strong warrior. Not to mention the many stance that seem perfected to a ‘T’. Nightmare had found all of her arrogance over the child gone, knowing just what the child was capable of now. He could even rival her with the dark elements. The only reason she was even holding on was because of sheer will power and her cunning in the fight. One more assault or attack like the ones before, and she wouldn’t be sure she would even be able to stand, much less fight.

As for Goten, he was busy studying Nightmare’s movements. Goten could clearly remember his Father telling him of Gohan’s fight with Cell. And He especially remembers how Gohan learned all of Cell’s moves and fighting techniques just by watching him very closely. Remembering every detail of a person’s, or pony’s, style. Their breathing habits, their quirks, and even how they think.

And so far, Goten could say that it was easier said than done. Nightmare Moon was proving hard to figure out. And every time he would get close to knowing how she moved, she would suddenly change and do something that just wouldn’t make sense to Goten. But he was getting a little bit better at it. Just a little more, and he’d have her down to rights.

…..Mane Six…..

“T-they broke?” Twilight repeated for what seemed like the millionth time. All of her hopes, her chances of defeating Nightmare… gone to the wind. Literally. The dust that was the Stone, was now getting spread apart by the unseen wind in the old castle. Twilight for all her brain power, could not figure out what had went wrong.

“Aww, don’t worry Twilight! We didn’t need those stupid rocks anyway!” The cyan Pegasus said while patting Twilight on the shoulder. Applejack and Rarity nodding in agreement. Rarity with much less enthusiasm than the former. Pinkie appeared right by her, a huge smile plastered on the pink mare’s face.

“Yeah! We can show that big meanie the REAL Magic of Friendship!” The pink mare then turned in a random direction and winked at a non-existent screen. I, as the author, suddenly feels very uncomfortable. Weird.

“Yes.” The crazy mare said as she still looked at the non-existent screen. You, the reader, now feels very uncomfortable at both my humor and Pinkie's antics.

The mare’s just decided to ignore Pinkie’s antics as they try and think of a way out of this situation. They didn’t know how long Goten would last, and their darn well wouldn’t allow him to fight alone for much longer. And to Rainbow and Applejack, the answer was simple.

“We have ta’ help the kid.” The country mare said while standing by a nodding Rainbow Dash. Both already in agreement with helping Goten. Twilight and Rarity looked at the two like they were absolutely crazy, which they most likely were.

“Are you kidding me! She would kill us before we could even say ‘Hi’!” Was it just her, OR WERE THESE PONIES BUCKING OUT OF THEIR MINDS!? Fighting Nightmare Moon head on? That is practically begging to be killed on the spot!

And since they’ve wasted this much time, there’s no telling how powerful Nightmare Moon had gotten! She could even be more powerful the Princess Celestia at this point, and still be growing!

“No, we just won’t stand by and do nothing while a kid, no older than 10 by the way, fight for us all by himself!” The rainbow haired mare argued, her sense of loyalty over weighing any other option.

“Ah’ agree with her! We can’t just sit with our hooves under our flanks while he might get killed out there.”
No matter how she wanted to argue, Twilight found that she really couldn’t. It left a horrible taste in her mouth just thinking about leaving the boy alone to die. She couldn’t in good conscience just up and retreat.

Rarity also didn’t have any proper argument for leaving Goten. Even though she wasn’t really a fighter, she would do what she could to help.

“I-i’m in.” Fluttershy suddenly said. Not looking any of her friends in the eyes, but they could tell she was serious about this.

“Are ya sure Flutters?” Rainbow asked, clearly worried for her first friend.

“Yeah. I sure...” She said quietly. Her hooves suddenly becoming much more interesting than the mares in front of her.

“If she’s in, than I am to!” Rarity shouted, putting her right hoof in front of her.

“I’m in.” Came Rainbow Dash.

“Ah’ wouldn’t have any other way.” Apple jack put her hoof with Rainbow’s and Rarity’s.

“Aww shucks! You don’t even have to ask!” Pinkie’s hoof was seen in the circle.

“I guess I’m in.” Fluttershy added, clearly not liking the idea. But Goten’s screams of pain from earlier were still fresh in her mind. SHe would try and help him to the best of her abilities.

All that was left for Twilight to agree. Yet she was more hesitant than the others. Unlike her, they have never seen an Alicorn’s power. It was on a scale much higher than any ordinary pony could ever wish to achieve. And she knew that she had never even seen the true power they could posses. So the idea of going up against one? Not welcoming.

But, she would never forgive herself if that was Spike in there. Risking his life. So why should Goten be any different?

Giving a small smile, Twilight put her hoof with the others.

“I’m in.”


Author's Note:

Yup! After SOOOOO long, I have decided to finally place the next chapter in this! Now, I have a few things I would like to say. Number one, I am sorry for the late updates. I'm not going to say that I'll get them out faster or some crap like that, cause I'd be lying. Like I did every other chapter. Sorry for giving you guys false hope of fast updates. But they are higher on my list of priorities now.

Also, have any of you noticed Goten's sudden change? That was completely intensional, and will be expanded upon later. And I'm sure you guys could probably guess why Goten can't go SSJ2 juuuust yet. But I'll leave that mostly for your imaginations!

I will be drawing some inspiration from many fights in DB, DBZ, GT, and surprisingly Super! I did say to commenter that I wouldn't draw anything from after Berrus's and Goku's fight in the Battle of Gods Sage. But after some... recent developments, I have decided maybe a little. But you'll see what I have planned later on in the story. If I ever actually get there, that is.

Now, I'm tired and it is very late where I am right now. SEE YA SUCKAS!

Comments ( 40 )

7758667 I have given you more.

This is great

Holy freakin' God, FINALLY!

7869074 Thank you, kind sir. :moustache:

7869078 Yup. Finally. Hehe, sorry for the long wait.

7868677 KO awesome chapter, Goten is giving Nightmare Moon a run for her money as Goten shows off the power of a Super Saiyan and the mare 6 will join on the fight as well. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

7869117 Do you plan to keep Goten in Equestria cause of everything else that happens like the changlings, Sombra, Tirek, etc

7869181 Well, I plan to go to atleast Discord, and see where I should go from there.

7869125 Yup! Super Saiyan beats Pony in my humble opinion.

7869217 awesome do you think you could have ssj Goten race Rainbow Dash (ik him going ssj would be overkill in a race) in a future chapter

7869232 Hmmm, yeah. I could see that happening sometime in the future.

Have you played dbz raging blast 2? I think its fun

7869706 Thank you very much!

7870182 Dude, I have played ALL of the Budokai, Tenkaichi, and Raging Blast games. Hell, I've played Final Bout. FINAL BOUT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

>> Rising Saiyan

7870437 You're welcome!

Is it bad that I can see Goten absolutely shattering Nightmare's confidence unintentionally by mentioning Goku, Gohan, Vegeta and Trunks?

7875403 Nope. I would say more, but I'd be reaching spoiler territory then.

7892137 Goten isn't going for the absolute kill. At first, he was trying to get her to surrednder. Then after the trap she set, it was a bit late for Goten to take her out since he had used a fair chunck of his power to escape the spell. And while still not trying to kill her, Goten can't do mutch other than fight Nightmare on her level. Also, Goten might be able to destroy both the sun and Earth. But he's only a kid that doesn't really know how to use his Ki energy to it's fullest yet. That, combined with his inexperince leave Nightmare with a very small advantage thats kept her in the fight.

7893120 Dragon Ball may not look it, but experince and actual planing do play good part in a lot of the fights. Goku and his two fights with Frieza prove this. Frieza didn't have the experience using his full power or transformed state and paid for it by burning threw his energy faster. And his fatal mistake when he fired off his version of the Destructo Disk just made things wort for him.

Cell was an amazing stratigist. He and Goku were going neck and neck threw out there whole fight. Yet Goku constantly used much more energy than Cell did, which caused him to run out of power at a faster rate than Cell did. And while he was running out of steam, he still remaind Super Saiyan. So did Gohan when he almost had his arm blasted off. Hell, Gohan was even a Super Saiyan 2 at the time.

As for the power gap, that I agree with. But simple not being able to compete when someone just has more power? That is not how Dragon Ball runs things. Even if it is a really big part of it. But for every move DB characters use, there is always a conseguence for doing it.

Powerful blast equal less Ki in there reserves. Boosting abilities like Kiao-Ken means a stamina loss. Super Saiyan takes both to a much lesser degree.

The reason Nightmare is still around is because Goten simply didn't have the foresight to end Nightmare then and there. She used her greater intellect and her more versitile use of power to hardly keep up with Goten. If she was up against a superior warrior like Goku, Vegeta, or even Gohan, then she would have lost badly. But Goten is a kid, and as he showed during the World Martial Arts Tournament, he doesn't have much experince using his Ki in battle.

Hell, I stretched his Ki usage beyond what it would normally be.

7895815 Okay, read my story very carefully. Have you actually seen Nightmare seriously damage Goten, aside from where she placed the trap down. She doesn't have the power to fight Goten head on for long periods of time. She is literally hanging on by the skin of her teeth here. She and Goten are by no means equals, but she has skills that let her constantly outsmart Goten and actually get a few times. But as you've read, Nightmares Attacks either get dodged easily, blocked with little effort, or even taken head on.

There may be a huge gap in power, but does Goten really have the training to release all the potential? He trained with Chi-Chi first, then Gohan who was slacking in training himself, and with Trunks both when they practiced fusion and when thy had to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. With only that much, I don't see Goten actually learning all that he can do while Super Saiyan


Don't worry. After years and years of reading fanfiction, this kind of disappointing stuff STILL bothers the hay out of me.

I'm really not sure what to think of it, it looks like that kind of story that could be nice but proofs me otherwise after I started it, but I give it a try.

Not sure what I expect, I guess I hope he is not simply OP there, at least that is what I would like to see this time.

7980868 Trust me, I'm doing all I can to keep Goten in character while not going full 'ONE PUUUUUNCH' Man on everything. He may simply beat non important characters easily, but main villians will give the little Super Saiyan trouble.

7980975 Nice thank you, I know I shouldn'T take everything so seriously, but I just love my fanstories:scootangel:

7981026 Yeah, I feel ya there.

I really liked this chapter, but well you know the only thing I had to complain about last time. Them living so long doesn't have to mean they know about everything already.

7992302 Knowing about everything? The only thing she should know is what was shown to her when she fought Bardock. So forgive me if I don't understand what you mean by her and Celestia knowing everything. Do they know characters from the DBZ universe? Well, they should only know about Bardock and Goten.

7992596 I only meant that again Goten isn't going to be a suprise to her, kind of like when Celestia knows about the whole world and even was a pirate when it is a story about one piece.

It is true she doesn't seems to know abour his species, but for some reason they thought they needed to protect Equestria from the rest of the universe. I just hoped Goten would be a complete suprise to her.

7994456 Okay, now I get what yoir saying. And now that I look back, crossover stories do that quiet often, huh. And now I have unknowingly fallen into that trend. Eh, Goten still has PLENTY of surprises for the MLP group.

7995600 That's good

is this still being updated.

8034155 Yes it is.

8034308 ok thanks just wanted to know:pinkiehappy:

Is this story going to be updated?

Probably not, but considering what I'm seeing on your page and on FanFIction dot net, I don't think I really need to now, do I? cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/403707935873564721/853840758540206080/e83a024875f48ca21ecaf2502f696403.jpg

I didn't mean to step on anyone's toes. It's just been a long time since you posted to your story, so I figured I'd take a crack at it. Even still, I was interested to see where you'd go with your story.

Lmfao, don't worry amigo. No toes have been stepped on as far as I'm concerned. It's not like I own a monopoly on "Goten in Equestria" stories. I just so happened to be one of the first to really try it out. And besides, I've read what you've written. It's some good stuff. Could use a fair bit of polishing, and maybe a bit more deviation from my own story in the earlier chapters, but I still say you did very well. Lots of potential, especially if you continue growing as a writer.

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