• Published 13th Mar 2015
  • 4,539 Views, 167 Comments

Second Son's Time to Shine! - JJJ1

Goten, son of Goku and little brother of Gohan. Now the young boy has a chance to stand among his two idols as a hero. A hero of a brand new world called Equestria.

  • ...

The story of a Warrior. Part 1.

Second Son's time to shine!

Chapter 3: The story of a Warrior. Part 1.




Disclaimer: I have no rights towards DB, DBZ, DBGT, DBS, and MLP

"FRIEZA!" Shouts a lone man, bloody and battered he stands tall in the face of his death. He knew that his time was up... yet he had to make time for his son. For Kakarot.

"Hehehe. You filthy monkey's have always entertained me. Sadly, I have no more options but to kill you all. A waste really." Sitting in his floating chair, without a care in the world, is the mad tyrant, Frieza.

"Bastard! I'll kill you right here! Right now!" It was all talk, and he knew it. Everyone knew of Frieza's massive amounts of power. He was no fool. Frieza will kill most of his kind, but he isn't going to kill Kakarot! It was with that, that he felt the energy fill up his being. In some situations, he would feel invisible, yet now he felt week... POWERLESS!

"Such words from monkey garbage." Frieza knew that his men would eventually be able to overpower the saiyan, but where was the fun in that? No. He will die by the Tyrant's hand.

"GET READY!" He concentrated all his power into the palm of his hand, ready to die. Frieza lifted his finger into the space around them. And orange ball of light coming to life.

Just a bit more! I need a bit more time!





He had no idea why, but by saying the words, he felt an enormous rush of power. Yet it still wouldn't be enough. He would still die. Yet he couldn't care less for the other Saiyans, his son had to live.

"This attack will decide my fate, THE FATE OF THE SAIYANS, THE FATE OF MY SON, and your's of course." He smirked, which sparked new found irritation in Frieza. Now was the time for the Saiyan to strike.

"ARRRGGGHHH!" With a mighty yell, he threw the blue ball of death right at the Tyrant, but it proved unless. Even with his power up, It was only a second delay. Yet through the corner of his eye, he knew that one second made all the difference. He could now die, a happy man. The last thing he noticed was Frieza's cold laughter being blocked out by the supernova.

"Kakarot... Defeat Frieza. Do it... my son..." His only regret, He didn't get to hold the baby in his arms. Not once.
That, is the day that Bardock, Father of Goku, died. Yet that was not only the end, but the beginning. Yet before the light could consume him,

Bardock heard a single word. One word that would change his life.


Then nothing.

…..Canterlot Castle….

War… What is seen everywhere is the result of the long and dreadful war. The bodies of both, the Royal soldiers and the Moon soldiers. Yet
even though there have been so many deaths, the war continues. Screams of the two large armies, as they rush to their deaths. Neither side having any kind of advantage against the other. Yet above them, high in the sky, there is another battle.
One which will decide the fate of all of Equestria. The battle between two of the most powerful beings in the world. The sound of their clash, even snuffs out the noise made by their armies.

Princess Celestia. Princess of the sun, and leader of the Royal army. An Alicorn, with clear white fur coat, a rainbow mane, with gold accessories. On her flank, is the cutie mark of the sun.

Flying right in front of her, is the Princess of the moon, Princess Luna. Or as she is now known as, Nightmare Moon. Leader of the Army of the Moon. An Alicorn, much like her sister. A pitch black fur coat, a black and dark blue mane, and purple war armour. ON her flank is the mark of a twisted moon.

“RAW!” With a quick blast of magic, the dark mare rushed her sister. Fully intent on impaling her. Yet, the sun princess formed a bright yellow shield, which deflected Nightmare Moon’s attack to the side.


From the tip of Celestia’s horn, multiple rays of light appeared. The light shot out to the dark mare.
Wide eyed, Nightmare Moon flapped her wings in a vain attempt to escape the light attacks. As each orb of light hit it’s mark, Nightmare

“Give up Luna.” Commanded the older sister. Her voice was emotionless, but her eyes leaked tears. She hated having to do this, but what other choice did she have?

“Never, Our Dear sister,” Started the dark mare, “I will plunge the world in eternal darkness. You can’t stop me, only delay me.” Nightmare Moon then proceeded to stand, with little effort. Celestia stared in shock, as her attack seemed to have little effect.


A beam of dark light shot out like a cannon from her dark and twisted horn. The huge wave of power raced to the stunned Princess.


Celestia called out in slight panic. It was her best defence, yet she knew that since her opponent used night magic that her shield would, at best, absorb most of the blow.

The attack hit and just as both suspected, after a few seconds the weakened attack hit the solar Princess. With a small cry of pain the princess flew back, smashing into the castle.

Yet not a moment later she flew out at neck breaking speeds. As Celestia flew past Nightmare moon, she grimaced at the small trace of blood on her horn. Nightmare glared at her counterpart, ready to end this.

Yet, as the dark mare glared, Celestia could only look at her sister with sadden eyes. She could remember the times they shared as fillies. Running around the castle, getting on their parents nerves, and just playing in general. Celestia had no idea what may have caused the sudden change in her beloved sister, but if this goes on any further she would have to resort to… that.


Three beams of magic appeared, and in a nano second they charged Celestia.

Celestia’s eyes widen at the new attack. With three quick dodge, Celestia was not prepared for the attacks to turn and face her once more.

“Run as much as thou wants, but thy will never escape my beams!” Shouted Nightmare Moon in triumph. The dark mare smirked in joy at the scene of her sister trying to out maneuver the dark beams.

“Damn!” Cursed the solar Princess. One of the beams dashed to her side, which she barely managed to duck under. Only to barrel roll out of the way of another. The last of the three aimed at her head, which she ducked to the side in order to avoid.

“Run, run, run, run, RUN! RUN FOR ALL THOU IS WORTH!” Nightmare taunted with a sinister smirk. She was unprepared for a blast of yellow to graze her wing. With a yell in surprize, Nightmare turned to see the sight of Celestia’s horn aimed at her, while the princess was still dodging
the attacks.

“Damn thy sister.” Muttered the moon princess in irritation. She stood still and watched as her sister delayed her death.

Celestia ducked and weaved through the never ending assault, knowing full-well that she couldn’t keep it up forever. She would need a way to avoid the blast, and outsmart her sister. She would need to cause some damage to show that the same trick wouldn’t work twice.
It was then that a grin spread across Celestia’s face. One that greatly confused Nightmare, and put her on guard.


All the light around them brightened to blinding level, leaving Nightmare to try and clear her eyes. Yet while still blind, Nightmare felt three separate spots on her body being attacked. She knew what the other had done. While Nightmare was blinded, Celestia maneuvered the three attacks on her counter part.

“Thy has forgotten of thou cunning, dear sister.” Muttered Nightmare Moon as she shot a glare to her sister.

“It seems, that thou hast learned new techniques in my short time of absence.” Replied Celestia, now stone faced against her sister.

“Indeed thy hast. And this shall be the one that WILL KILL YOU!” With a small shout, Nightmare Moon was covered in her dark purple aura. Her power flowing around her as she grinded her teeth, hoping to end this.

“Now watch,” The dark mare slowly started, “AS THY CRUSH EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!” She screamed as more power rushed forth. It was then that six dark orbs started to spin around her.

“Oh heavens no… Sister, thou didn’t.” Celestia almost pleaded, as she quickly pushed her power, so that six bright orbs were now spinning around her, fear stretched on her face.

“Yes… I have released the Elements of Disorder! Or the Elements of Chaos. Which ever thou may prefer.” She said with a wicked smirk. The six dark orbs then shot into her body, forcing her to cough up some blood.

“Are thou a fool! The Element of Disorder will slowly kill you! They may offer great strength, but so doth the Elements of Harmony! Don’t do this Lulu…” Nightmare paused at the nickname. It was something that she hasn’t been called in a long, long time. Yet a grin slowly made it’s way onto her face.

“I have made thy’s choice. You will die, the kingdom will die, the sun will die, and HARMONY ITSELF WILL PER-” Before the dake mare could react, a blast of rainbows hit her square in the chest. with a small cry of pain, Nightmare looked to see Celestia, merged with Elements of Harmony.

“So it has come to this then… Sister thy truly does pity you. Having been a being of beauty, now is only a monster.” She said in a cold emotionless voice. She would mourn later. For now, she must protect her little ponies.

“ARGGHHH!” Nightmare speed towards her counterpart, ready to inflict only the worst possible pain imaginable. Fortunately, Celestia managed to fly to the left. Leaving Nightmare open to an attack. Taking the chance, Celestia uses her horn to slash at the others torso. Nightmare screamed in mild pain, as more blood exit her body.

“DAMN IT!” Yelled Nightmare in a fit of anger. With a quick black teleportation technique, Nightmare appeared right above her sister with a evil grin. She aimed her horn down at the shocked Sun Princess. Pointblank, Nightmare shouts-


Celestia had no time to block, or set up a magic shield, so she had to take the full force of all the black magic that covered her full being. The huge, black beam of magic didn’t stop there, instead it was soaring straight down. The attack caused a massive explosion, killing off both Royal and Moon soldiers.

“Take that, you wench.” Insulted the younger sister, with a wicked smirk. As the smoke cleared, Celestia was seen, still standing, with various cuts and bruises. The sun princess’s eyes narrowed and hardened at the seething anger she felt.

“This is a battle between us! Are forces have no right to be in the middle!” Celestia’s eyes glowed with golden power, as the Elements of Harmony gave her more strength. As a white light enveloped her, Celestia could feel the changes being done. Not only in power, but in appearance.

As the light died down, Celestia was seen in all her glory. Her tiara, once only big enough to fit her four head, had grown larger and sharper. Her wings, once soft and already big, now sharp enough to cut open anything, and grown to a new wingspan. Her hair, once rainbow in color
and flowing, now blazing red and on edge. All of her wounds, having disappeared.

A look of power in her glare was all Nightmare needed to know, that this just got a lot harder.

“This. Ends. NOW!” With a war cry, the new Celestia was behind her sister in an instant. The shocked Nightmare had no time to put up any meager defense against this new power. Thus, Nightmare was hit square in the jaw by a front right hoof. The sheer force created a small shock wave, and sent the dark mare spilling to the ground.

“RAAAAGGGHHHH!” Screamed Nightmare, as she attempted, and failed, at stopping herself. The impact caused even more smoke to rise up. Not giving the dark mare a reprieve, Celestia flapped her powerful wings to clear the smoke. The image of a beaten Nightmare Moon, who could hardly stand amidst the debris, could be seen.

“Damn th-” Was all Nightmare could say, as Celestia appeared in front of her with a glowing horn. In a quick downward swipe, a wave of magic energy erupted from her horn, hitting Nightmare pointblank. Celestia flew backward and out of the following smoke.

“Was it enough?” She asked herself. She hoped. She really, really hoped that put her sister down. Yet she wasn’t naive. Nightmare definitely survived it. All Celestia wanted to know, is if it made her unconscious.

“D-damn th-thou.” Stuttered a broken voice from within the clouds. Celestia looked on with wide eyes, as her sister limped out of the smoke. Now even more battle damaged than before. Yet the determination in her eyes did not falter.

“Please… stay down. Thy does not wish to cause thou harm.” Celestia pleaded. Yet her concern fell upon deaf ears. Nightmare tensed as the pain caused by the Elements of Chaos suddenly skyrocketed. She was now in dangerous territory. One second too long, and her life is forfeit.

“Worry about thy self!” With that, a dark aura erupted from Nightmare’s body. Celestia stared in shock as her sister took a similar, yet more lethal than herself.

“By the Gods’... Sister.” Wings, now much larger, have become sharper and a hundred times more deadly. Nightmare’s horn, while not as big as Celestia’s, now had a dark aura surrounds it. Her hair has now become pure black. Nothing but an endless void.

“To late to pray! Now die!” Rocketing towards the sun princess, Nightmare new powers got her there in less than a second. With a mighty roar, Nightmare slammed her giant wing across Celestia’s face. The sun princess was sent back by surprize.


Much like last time, the still falling princess shot out multiple beams of light at Nightmare. Unlike last time, the beams have a multi color form, and are much larger than before.

“Tis’ all?” Asked a confident Nightmare. Instead of dodging or deflecting the blast, the Disharmonic user smirked as she took the full force of the multiple blast.

“LUNA!” Celestia cried in shock. She knew the power of the blast, and exactly how destructive it is. She knew that even with that new power, that Nightmare wouldn’t be-

“Yawn. Is that truly all?” Mocked a sinister voice from in the smoke. With wide eyes, Celestia could only look in horror as Luna-no Nightmare Moon, hovers in the center of all the smoke. That twisted grin still in place.

“Sister…” Said the still shocked sun princess.

“Surprised? Well, thou should be. That is one of your strongest, no?” Nightmare absolutely loved the look of pure fear on her sister's face. She could compare it to the feeling of one getting a Heart-Warming gift very early.

“How?” Was all she could think to say.

“The Elements of Chaos! What else! Thou precious Elements of Harmony are powered by Harmony.” She explained as she laughed in glee,

“Mine are powered by Chaos! Look around! There is no harmony, only Chaos! As there has always been.”

“Why must it be this way?” Asked a fearful princess. She hold no fear of herself, but for her subjects, all of Equiss, and most of all… her own sister.

“Why? WHY?! Your sun has always been the most valued off the two of us! While the ponies rejoiced in the light, they have neglected the dark! Always seeing it as evil! When in reality, my night is nothing of the sort!” Ranted the Princess of the Moon.

…..Unknown Location…..

Unknown to both of them, several miles away, a swirling vortex of purple energy appeared in a flash. The force of the vortex sucked in debris from the war. After a few seconds, like a rocket, a figure shot out of the vortex at break neck speeds. WIth little to keep it open, the vortex closed in an instant.

“AAAHHHHH!” Screamed the figure from the vortex. Like a flaming meteor, the figure smashed into the ground, creating a huge crater. Smoke rose from the huge crater, as rocks crumbled.

“KAKAROT!” Screamed a male voice from inside the hole. Suddenly, a blue aura erupted from the crater. Standing in the middle, a man in his early to late twenties, with hair that spiked in unusual directions, black and green battle damaged armor, and torn black pants. The man glares at the sky for what to him seems like hours, but in reality is only seconds.

“What the fuck just happened?” He asked himself. He should, for intents and purposes, be dead. He half expected to wake up in Hell, and suffer eternal pain. This place however, was definitely NOT Hell. If anything it just looked like a battle ground.

“If this is some psychic bullshit then I’m turning into a great ape, and killing every damn thing I can find!” With that Bardock shot into the air. Hoping to find SOME form of civilization. He would get the answers he’s looking for, and depending on how the locals act towards him he may just let them all live… or half.

“I that they would give me a reason to-” With a sudden stop, Bardock’s eyes went wide.


We see a grown man standing in the entrance of what looks like a spaceship. The man looks just like Bardock, only with a whiter skin tone, and instead of armor the man wears a orange Gi, with a blue undershirt, a pair of blue boots with orange trimming, two blue wrist bands, and a makeshift blue belt. On the man’s Gi is the Kanji for ‘Kia’ on both the front right of his chest, and a bigger one on his back.

“Ka-Kakarot.” Bardock stands to the side, watching his son.

“I’m sensing some really huge powers around here. Both bad and good. Krillin and Gohan are in that direction. They seem to be in a lot of trouble. I better hurry!” With that, the man unleashed a white aura and took off in his friends direction. Leaving Bardock there shocked.

“Sensing?” He asked.


“Wha?” Bardock found himself back in reality. With a sudden headache, Bardock went to grab his head in pain. It was then that Bardock started to feel… spots. Spots in millions of different directions. He could feel each spot in one place or another. He could feel how some are… heavier than others. How each feels so alike, yet so vastly different from the last.

“What the hell's happening to me?!” And just like that, it all stopped. Bardock could only stare into the sky. His whole being felt different. Like he was a knew… well, him.

“Psychic Bullshit.” Before he could create his moon ball, like before, Bardock felt two spots. A few miles away and like two giant pillars, it felt like they were calling him. Gritting his teeth, Bardock shot out in the same direction in an explosion of blue aura.

…..With Celestia and Nightmare Moon…..

“What in the name of the Gods’ was that?!” Celestia almost shouted. Nightmare didn’t reply, but only stared into the same direction as her sister. It was only moments ago that they felt it. A huge surge of power. Not magic, but power. Enough to possibly best them both of them.

“...” Nightmare couldn’t even describe it. The one thing she DID know is that it was coming… and fast. She could already make the outline of a figure flying towards them. A Pegasus? Another Alicorn? Or even a Dragon?

“DAMN PSYCHIC BULLSHIT!” The figure was upon them in less than a second. However, he looked completely different than what they expected. Instead of the pony, Alicorn, or Dragon stood what they could only describe as a big hairless monkey.

“What the in Tartarus are thou!” Shouted an enraged Nightmare. How dare this… THIS THING, with so much power just show up.

“It’s always the same. This only confirms what I was led to believe. I’m on a primitive planet. Which means that space travel is out of the question… Fuck Frieza.” Bardock muttered to himself. Both princesses stared in shock at how easily he was… ignoring them. Two of the most powerful beings, in their most powerful forms even!

“How. Dare. YOU!” Anger written on her face, Nightmare rushed behind the Saiyan. With as much force as she could muster, Nightmare slammed her left back hoof into Bardock’s back. Surprised by the blow, Bardock was sent spiraling to the ground. When he hit a cloud of smoke rose.

“Hahahahaha… HAHAHAHAHA! That was to easy! To think I was intimidated by-by that monkey! That stupid, hairless ape! I feel silly just thinking about it! HAHAHAHA!” Unknown to her, then same ‘monkey’ she kicked to the ground had heard every word.

“You know… I was going to let you live.” Nightmare’s laughter immediately stopped at the voice.

“You then went and called me a ‘Stupid, hairless ape’ not only that, but that laughter… It reminds me of someone who I hope to kill someday.” In Nightmare’s place now stood the one person Bardock hated more than anything. Frieza.


The same technique he used on Frieza. He’d suppose that this lowly horse would be the next best thing.

“What?!” She screamed in shock. Bardock threw his hand, and the attack, forward. The blast grew around seven times the size it was. And
Nightmare knew that it would be more powerful than any defense she could muster in the short time it would take for the blast to hit her. So instead, Nightmare casted a quick teleportation spell.

Appearing far off to the side, Nightmare couldn’t even register the pain in her left side, before it was too late. Floating there with his foot in her side, Bardock had a sinister grin on his face.

“Trying to run? No, no ,no. I’m just getting STARTED!”


APRIL FOOLS! Yeah I’m a day late. Well it’s been a month coming and I was lying the whole time! I’m sure there was a lot of people who knew. And if ya didn’t… HAHA! SON BARDOCK FOR THE WIN! So not up for adoption, and will still continue at a faster rate… I’m going to laugh at all the rage comments!