• Member Since 5th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Sir Hat

Comments ( 201 )

"...and that's the story of how a tick ended a day 6 hours early."

"You want to!? You wanna switch jobs for a while!? I could do what you do, I could yell at ponies and sit around all day, no problem!"

... Burn.

I huffed. "Well you feel like powerslamming your sister?"

Luna stared down at me, burning a hole into my right eye. "Yes...."

I've always felt like Celestia and Luna needed to do more to resolve any lingering tension over the whole banishment thing. :rainbowlaugh:

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I dunno, this one kinda bugged me, pardon the pun. It's just that Celestia is very old, surely she's encountered ticks or other nasty bloodsuckers before, and she's linked to the sun so most (?) people assume she's also good at pyromancy (ok the sun isn't technically burning but none the less heat yo thar be lots), so why wouldn't she be able to remove it herself? So having her leap into full blown panic mode dignity be dammed, seems like a really big leap from the Celestia you've built up through your other works, but without the sort of logical explanation you find in jousting stories from the old au cannon.

So yeah, rant over, none the less still looking forward to more Tia and Able.

You get a tick ( possibly magic type ) a quarter inch from your A ** hole and tell me you’re going to be rational about it

Maybe not, but then I'm not thousands of years old or used to the pressures of running a nation, of commanding and fighting a war. Even if this was so uncomfortable it had to be dealt with immidiatly I feel like she'd probably just call for a 15 minute recess then deal with it in private.

To put it bluntly, it's like how Able deals with Spike.

Not quite a fear, but utter hatred and complete loss of rationality when confronted with one. And I thought about the magic thing, and without a few mirrors, I don't think her magic would be precise enough o pluck a tick from her dock, without the help of tweezers, and maneuvering tweezers you can't see is like trying to fuck a gloryhole in pitch black.

Fair enough I suppose, I still feel like she would have dealt with it in private, but as you say she's not being rational. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one

Aahhhhhh ticks... The bane of my existence

5735377 The big thing with ticks is that getting the body is easy. Their head comes off very easy when you pull on the body, so unless Celestia wants to risk lighting her butthole on fire, a second set of hands/hooves is required.

Are ticks and fleas considered venereal diseases to ponies?

but you can just feel for one, then stick it in?

Trial and error.
or set the whole tail on magic fire, will it to not burn the tail.

Not sure about ending, Luna is mad because she lost precious sleep hours or what?

The "protagonist" is a jerk to everyone, cusses because cussing is cool and edgy, and is dating Celestia because . . . reasons? He literally displayed no redeeming factors.

Celestia swears because that's what she does now, she completely loses all senses of sanity because of a small bug, and with all the power she has, she can't get it off with her own magic. (You know, the stuff that controls the sun and can shoot death lasers.)

Luna would rather body tackle and wrestle Celestia to the ground than calmly pluck it out with her magic. (You know, her magic which can control the moon, dreams, weather.) I mean, seriously, did everyone catch the stupid? Couldn't she have just lifted Celestia off the ground and, at the very most, have had a unicorn pull it out?

For a race of magical, sapient horses, you'd think they would have a lot of experience with ticks (Celestia especially). They would have this thing down to a science by now.

Basically, I liked nothing about this story.

Hmm. So even after the fall of Western civilization, football survived. Go figure. And go, Luna.

In any case, I can definitely see how that tick could wreck even Celestia's composure and concentration. In the future, she may want to set up some kind of anti-vermin screen in the throne room. And why did Able eat that match?

The full story of how Able came to be in Equestria is in Woodpecker. Suffice to say, he's not from Earth as we know it.

Main 'protagonist' seems like a jerk for no reason. Are we taking lessons from Final Fantasy 8 on how to write a moody asshole and somehow make him a hero?

Really all I have to say about this one

Bravo, bravo, completely and utterly ridiculous, best one-shot I've read in awhile, but then again, I don't read many one-shots.


So kill all the fun, got it.

Nocturnal equivalent of waking up at 1am and suddenly having time skip six hours ahead.

Kinda, except he's not really the hero.

She slowed to a high gait and walked back towards me. "Able I hate you!"

I shrugged. "Everyone else does. You act like its special."

Able your mare is nuts.
Anywho, nice little comedy one shot.

He ate the match to keep from having to put it out in a planter and accidentally catching something on fire.

That, and its a little nod to this...https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-bAhKphuNssWx0Lh-q-q4yM3Lcl-YDERkhxhujMVktA&authuser=0

I think I'm gonna like these short stories.

why can't I find more stuff like this? I'd read it all Night.

There's another reason Celestia keeps Able around. She's comfortable around him, comfortable enough to turn off the filters she otherwise has to keep going constantly. Luna may be the only other person who claim that honor.

Also, Twilight writing smut may always amuse me.

It reminds me of The Lusty Barmaid, from back when I was a filly.

The Lusty Argonian Maid reference? Considering she was a filly thousands of years ago, that paints an interesting picture of pre-Equestria, if it was anything like The Elder Scrolls.

I love these kind of awkward dialogue stories, so much. It's such a refreshing look at Celestia's character (and especially refreshing compared to a HiE version where she is super overly Victorian in her protectiveness of her ponies).

Oh wow. Sunbutt, you're an ass.

Awesometacular chapter! And that ending! MOVE IT PRIVATE! :rainbowlaugh:

I like this sunbutt.

.....yes Luna, I like moonbutt more.

"You're just racist...it's okay...it's okay. Shhh."

Well he's not wrong with how she treats the thestrals.

Always funny to see fics where ponies react to black humans.

This guy sounds a lot like me... I should reevaluate my life.

Being a racist isn't extraordinary. Everyone's a racist. The difference is how much of a racist you are, and how it affects your life (and how well you hide it). Me for instance, I'm a minor to medium racist, it doesn't affect my daily life at all, and I don't hide it particularly well. :rainbowwild::raritywink:

Taking into consideration that ponys cover every single color of the Rainbow i honestly do belive that they would not even give it a second thought.

also, she kinda has to act like that to them.

I'm legitimately curious if they hire girffons now.


Taking into consideration that ponys cover every single color of the Rainbow i honestly do belive that they would not even give it a second thought.

Yeah, going to second this.

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