• Published 9th Nov 2011
  • 5,297 Views, 80 Comments

How I Got Your Mother To Love Me - Evowizard25

Spike tells his little girls how he attracted their mother.

  • ...

Chapter 3

The wind gently blew, pulling the few clouds in the sky, peacefully along. On one of these clouds, were triplet sisters. "I think that story was too short." Sapphire said.

"The story has only just started." Jessebelle said.

"Yeah, well he should have given us something better than that." Ruby said, kicking at the cloud they were sitting on.

"You're just mad cause dad didn't tell you how to get someone to love you." Jessebelle said, smirking.

Ruby blushed. "No." She said. "I wouldn't need that. Why would I need to know that." Jessebelle got on her hind legs and pretended to play a violin. Sapphire giggled. Ruby just glared at her. Her face was ripe red with embarrassment. "Stop it."

Jessebelle giggled before sitting down. "Anyways, I think it's better that he gives us his full experience with love." She said. "For if one is to decipher the intricacies of the heart, one must find the reasons behind the actions. Therefore, a more complete story allows one to express all that needs to be expressed, which ends with a much better satisfaction." The other two just stared at her, with their mouth's open. "What? Just because I'm a lady, doesn't mean I'm stupid."

"Hey!" The other two said. "We're ladies too."

"Actually, none of you are." Said a voice out of nowhere. Suddenly, a blur flew right through the cloud, before a light brown Pegasus came down onto it. He flicked his Rainbow mane to the side.

"And what did you mean by that." Jessebelle said, tilting her head ever so slightly.

"What do you think it means, blankie." Sky Blitz sneered.

Sapphire shrunk back and started to tear up. Ruby, on the other hand, jumped up and got right into his face. "Take that back." She demanded.

"Make me." Sky Blitz responded, cocky as ever.

Jessebelle got in between them. "Now, now, let's not start this again." She said.

"You're right." Sky Blitz said, nodding. "I need to take a break from winning."

"Oohh." Ruby said. If looks could kill, hers would wipe out the whole town.

Sky Blitz cringed under it. "Alright, I don't win all the time." He said. Ruby kept on glaring at him. "Will you please stop with the glare? It's rather scary."

"Apologize." Ruby said, stomping a hoof to the ground. "You know how that effects her."

"I didn't mean to offend you." Sky Blitz said. "I was just kidding. Now stop glaring."

Ruby pulled back, smiling. She looked back at Sapphire who was huddled back, holding back tears. "He apologized." She said.

"It's not like she won't ever get her cutie mark." Sky Blitz said.

Sapphire buried her face under her hooves and whimpered. "You had to keep talking." Jessebelle said.

"Sorry." Sky Blitz said. "Seemed I went a bit too far."

"A bit?" Ruby said.

"Okay a lot, sheesh." Sky Blitz said.

Jessebelle patted Sapphire's head. "There, there." She said, trying to sooth her sister. "Blitz was just being an idiot as always."

"Hey." Sky Blitz said. Sapphire giggled at his protest. "What were you three doing up here anyways?"

"Girly things." Jessebelle said, fluffing her hair. "You wouldn't be interested."

"I think you're lying." Sky Blitz said.

"Friends don't lie to each other." Jessebelle said, before raising her snout in the air. "No matter how rude they are."

"Alright, I'll believe you." Sky Blitz said, before going over to the edge of the cloud. He smirked. "If you beat me in a race to the ground."

Ruby got right next to him. "You're on." She said.

They got themselves ready. "1...2...3..." At three, Ruby immediately took off towards the ground. Sky Blitz just stayed put, smiling.

"Why didn't you go?" Sapphire said, rather confused.

"Oh, I don't need to go." Sky Blitz said. "Mom says I'm the second fastest flier in Equestria, right behind her. Besides, Ruby has some company down there." The two girls went over and looked down. There eyes widened and they giggled.


Ruby dropped right to the ground. She hoof pumped and looked up at the sky. "Take that Blitz." She said. "Who's the fastest now?"

"Who are you talking too?" A rather familiar voice spoke up. Ruby froze in place, only lowering her head to stare into Orchestro's purple eyes.

'They are so lovely.' She thought. She pulled back a few steps. "Sorry." She said timidly. "Just racing is all."

"That would explain your speed." Orchestro said. "Another few feet and you would have come crashing onto me."

Ruby blushed at the thought of being so close to him. "It's a good thing I missed." She said.

"Yes, indeed." Orchestro said, chuckling. "I best be off. Mother is expecting me for this evening practice."

"Oh, you don't need the practice." Ruby said. "You're so good." She turned her head away in embarrassment.

Orchestro smiled. "Well, thank you for the compliment." He said. "I'd love to see you later." Ruby simply nodded, her mind blank. He smiled, before walking off. "Bye."

"See you later." Ruby said, in a rather small voice. She then looked up at the cloud. 'You're going to pay for this, Blitz.' She thought, before speeding up into the cloud.

Sky Blitz and the others were sitting there, with big grins on their faces. "So, how was it?" He said.

"I'll tell you." Ruby said, before readying herself to sprint. "After I give you a black eye."

"Oh, come on." Sky Blitz said. "It was the least I could do. You helped me get my cutie mark," He showed off his flank, which sported a tornado shaped rainbow. "And I got you hooked up with the colt of your dreams."

"We didn't hook up." Ruby said, blushing. "Just a little chatter is all. Anyways, what about making it up to Sapphire."

"I did." Sky Blitz said, nodding over at the pony in question. Sapphire was licking a strawberry ice-cream cone.

"But, I wasn't gone that long." Ruby said, looking back from the cloud all the way to Ponyville.

"I'm the fastest colt in Equestria, remember." Sky Blitz said.


The three sisters went back home. Ruby walked along, kept on kicking the ground as she walked. "Boys." She said. "So stupid. So cute." She blushed at her last statement.

Sapphire was licking her lips, of the last of the ice-cream. "Why didn't I get some ice-cream?" Jessebelle said.

"Maybe Blitz favors her." Ruby said, still rather annoyed at her whole ordeal.

"Ugh, not Blitz." Sapphire said, sticking out her tongue. "He's a friend."

"Then leave Orchestro alone." Ruby said.

When they arrived, Spike was holding his head. "Hi girls." He said.

"Why are you holding your head?" Jessebelle said.

"You're mother found out that I yelled at you." Spike said, rubbing hi forehead. "I hate it when she gives her talks."

"Well you shouldn't have yelled." Ruby spat.

"You girls know I hate yelling at you." Spike said. "I rarely do it, if ever." He looked down at her, taking in her expression. "What's got you frowning about?"

"Nothing." Ruby said, looking away.

"Did Sky Blitz beat you in a race again." Spike said. "I told you that winning isn't everything."

Ruby turned on him. "I didn't lose to him." She said. "I could beat him every day of the week."

"Then, why are you sad?" Spike said, getting a bit concerned.

Jessebelle pretended to play a violin. "Stop it." Ruby yelled, blushing.

Spike raised an eyebrow. "And what is that about?" He inquired.

"Nothing, daddy." Ruby said, not wanting eye contact.

Spike eyed her for another minute, before sighing. "If you say it's nothing, I'll believe you." He said. "Now, did you girls come back here for the rest of the story?" They nodded. "Good. Then I'll begin. Let's see." He tapped his chin. "Now, I had been watching Lollipop from afar for quite a while. I rarely did talk to her. Too shy and what not. But, I wanted to change that."


Spike just stood and stared around the corner at Lollipop. Twilight was helping her with her studies, as usual. 'How can someone be so perfect while just reading?' He thought. Soon, however, Lollipop got up and left the room. Spike knew he had to talk to Twilight. He rushed over to her. "Wow, what's the rush?" Twilight said, once he ran up to her.

"Lollipop." Spike said.

"Oh, so it's the usual rush." Twilight said, rolling her eyes. "What about her?"

"I need to know if you have any books on...dating." Spike said, looking away.

"Dating?" Twilight said. "Spike, wouldn't another dragon..."

"No." Spike interrupted her. "She's the one. I know it."

Twlight sighed. "Alright." She said. "They're probably under D."

Spike took a step towards them. "Umm, Twilight." He said. "If you knew where they were, why didn't you use them before."

Twilight turned around and looked at him, sending over a stern gaze. "And what is that supposed to mean?" She said.

"Nothing." Spike said, hurrying over to the section. He took him a moment, before he found the right book. 'The Perfect Date'. "Found it." He quickly skimmed it, before coming across a particular page. "Knowing what your date prefers or fancies helps improve ones chances when dating." He hurried over to Twilight. "How do I do this?"

Twlight looked at it. "Well, I would study up on this person, maybe follow them around, check up with their freinds, etc." She said.

"Isn't that, I don't know, stalking." Spike said.

"No, it's study." Twilight said, getting back to her book. "I do the same with animals. Why shouldn't the same be done with ponies?"

"Becasue it's creepy." Spike said, giving her a 'duh' expression.

"What's creepy?" Lollipop said, from right beside Spike.

Spike tensed up when he realized she was there. "Uhhhh, nothing." He said. "Just a creepy story I was reading."

"Oh." Lollipop said, before getting her things together. "Well, see you both tomorrow."

"Bye." Twlight said, as Lollipop left.


"So, if you fancy someone, you should spy on them." Ruby said.

"No, that's not what I mean." Spike said, shaking his head.

"But you spied on..." Sapphire started.

"How about I continue the story." Spike said. "And on a side note, please don't got spying on other people."

"We won't." The triplets said. 'I don't believe them.' Spike thought.


Lollipop was strolling through town, minding her own business. She had no idea she was being watched. Spike stuck his head out through the bushes and looked at her through his binoculars. He smiled. "Yep, they work." He said.

"I would say so." A brown, earth pony said, looking through his own set.

Spike put his own down and looked at him. "And you are?" He said.

The earth pony lent out a hoof. "Erwen." He said, with an Australian accent. "It's a great to meet you, mate."

Spike took it and shook it. "Pleased to meet you too." He said.

"That shiela you were looking at." Erwen said, before whistling. "She's a beaut if I ever did see one."

Spike blushed. "I wasn't looking." He said.

A white unicorn stuck his head out of the bush. "Will you two shut your bloody mouths?" He said, with a slight scottish accent. "I'm trying to spy here."

"Who are you?" Spike said.

"Bond." The unicorn said.

"Bond?" Spike said, raising an eyebrow. "That's a wierd name."

"It's my code name." Bond said.

"Then what's your real name." Spike said.

"Classified." Bond said. "Have you seen a pony by the name of Goldhoof."

"No." SPike said. "I think I would remember someone with a golden hoof."

Bond just stared at him for a moment. "Americans." He said, shaking his head.

"I wouldn't be so judgemental." A gray earth pony said, coming up. He wore a detectives outfit. "The name's Clueso." He said, with a french accent. "This Goldhoof of yours has stollen The Pink Poodle. And I shall be the one to bring him in."

"Look, here you're too young to take him on." Bond said, pointing a hoof at him. "I've been tracking him long before you got here."

"Hardly." Clueso said. "Now if you excuse me, I'll be...WHAAA!" He tripped on one of the vines and went tumbling into a bunch of baskets.

"Crikey." Erwen said. "That bloke is going to feel that one in the morning."

Spike groaned. 'This bush is too crowded.' He thought. He stepped out from it, backing up from the strange trio. Suddenly, he bumped into something. "Oh, hey Spike." Lollipop said. Spike turned around to look at her. She was smiling down at him. "What are you doing here?"

The little dragon stared at her for a moment, before gulping. "Just getting a few things for Twilight." He said, nervously.

"Well, if you could be a dear, would you help me get a few things as well." Lollipop said. "I'm not exactly that good with magic yet."

Spike smiled. "Of course." He said. 'Dreams do come true.' He thought, happily.

"Great." Lollipop said, moving on.


"Wow." Ruby said. "You were desperate."

"I was not." Spike said, raising a single claw. "I was trying to help out a lady in need."

"Desperate." Ruby said. Spike groaned.


It had a been a hard days out, shopping and all. Spike was exhausted as they reached her front door. Lollipop opened the door for him. "Leave them in the front hall." She said. He put the boxes down and started breathing loudly. "You've been a big help." Lollipop said, giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

At that simple gesture, Spike felt relieved. He sprang up and bowed. "Anytime." He said, before walking out.

(Back at Twilight's)

"So how did it go." Twilight said, before she saw the dreamy expression on his face.

"Wonderful." Spike said.


"You're meeting went better then mine." Ruby moaned.

"What?" Spike said, growing concerned. "Is there a boy I should know about?"

Ruby quickly shook her head. "No, daddy." She said. "I swear there isn't."

"Yeah, she just likes Orchestro is all." Sapphire said, before covering her mouth with her hooves. Jessebelle face-hooved.

"Orchestro, eh." SPike said. Ruby nodded, her face looking down at the floor. Spike lifted her chin, so that she could look at him. "Don't be ashamed for liking this boy. Love is a marvelous thing. YOu should never stop purseing it. Anyways, I'm your father. I should know about these things."

"Yes, daddy." Ruby said, nodding.

"On a side note, if Orchestro harms you in anyway..." Spike said, his face stern.

"He won't." Ruby quickly put in. Spike sighed and patted her head. 'My little girl is growing up.' He thought.