• Published 9th Nov 2011
  • 5,298 Views, 80 Comments

How I Got Your Mother To Love Me - Evowizard25

Spike tells his little girls how he attracted their mother.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Pinkie Pie paced in front of a large door. Her face showed her troubled demeanor, which was got continually worse, as she heard crying from inside. It wasn't long before Cardinal came around to her. He gently nuzzled her. "How is he?" He asked.

Pinkie Pie shook her head. "No." She said. Cardinal shook her head, sadly. "I'm going to have to make a super duper fun party to make up for this."

"Mommy." Cherry Pie said, poking her head out from under her father's large red hat. Her large eyes were focused on Pinkie. "Is the writer pony okay?"

Pinkie Pie smiled sadly. "Nope." She said. "He's all saddy waddy from not writing often." She then knocked on the door. "Evo! The readers are here."

It was another moment, before I opened the door. I was in pony form, as usual. I had a couple of tears running down my cheeks. "They are?" I asked. Pinkie nodded. I then looked to the readers. "I'm sorry for not uploading anything in a while. I've been so preoccupied with college and getting onto Equestria Daily. Every time I try, they turn me down. I even started a couple of other fanfics that I thought they'd like, but they said no." I sniffled. "I'm sorry for not uploading. I know I should write more, but I'm quite down nowadays."

Cardinal tapped his chin. His eyes then lit up. "I got it." He said. "Why don't we tell them the story of how me and Pinkie got together."

"You'd do that?" I asked. "For me?"

They both nodded. "Of course." Pinkie Pie said, smiling. "That's what friends are for."

"YAY!" Cherry said, jumping up and down on the ground. She then sat down. "A story. I love stories. Tell me. Tell me. Tell me…."

I put my hoof in front of her mouth and chuckled. "No." I said. "Let's let them tell it."


Sugarcube Corner was alive and busy as usual. A large number of cakes and other deserts littered the table. Our favorite pink party pony was there as well, finishing up the touches to a large cake. Pinkie pumped out the last piece of icing and smiled. She looked upon her concoction with pride and hunger. Though, she held the second in check. 'This time.' She thought, giggling.

Just then, she heard a knock on the door. Pinkie went over and opened the door. Ditzy Doo stood there, smiling goofily at her. She was carrying a small, brown box. "Muffingram…" She shook her head. "I mean, telegram…I mean package."

Pinkie Pie just smiled. She knew that Ditzy was somewhat, ditzy, but she didn't pick on her about it. Actually, it made her fun to be around. "Thanks." She said, grabbing the package.

Ditzy saluted. "I'm welcome your happy…I mean glad to be of service." She walked away shaking her head, muttering to herself.

Pinkie could make out some of it, which involved her scolding herself. She sighed, feeling sorry for her friend. She closed the door and then looked at the box. "I wonder what's in it." She said, shaking it a bit. "Oooh, it could be anything. Maybe an invitation to Wonka's." She jumped up and down in excitement, before opening it. She pulled out a little card and squinted her eyes to read it. "I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition."

Suddenly, a loud dramatic music played as a group of red clothed earth ponies came charging in. She noticed one of them had a bandana around his eyes. "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition." He said. "Not even we expect us, that's how good we are."


"I have a question." Kermit The Frog said, interrupting the story. "Why did you send her the note?"

"Oh, it was a slow week." Cardinal said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our special guest of the evening, Kermit the Frog." I announced. A huge applause swept through the audience. Kermit bowed.

"How'd you manage to get him?" Cardinal asked.

"Eh," I shrugged. "I asked nicely." I answered.


"Uh, why do you have a bandana around your eyes?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Are we playing pin the tail on the pony?" She raised her hoof. "Ooh, ooh, I call first."

The brown Earth pony leader lifted his bandana. "How'd she know?" He asked, before laying his eyes upon her. His jaw dropped, nearly to the ground.

Pinkie tilted her head. "What?" She asked. "Do I have something in my hair? Is there a zombie behind me?" She jumped up in fear. "ZOMBIE!"

The other two cardinals grabbed each other in fear. The leader shook himself out of his daze. "No, you fools." He said to his two companions. "There aren't any zombies." Everyone else sighed in relief. "Now, Cardinal Fang. Read the charges."

He pulled out a large parchment from a pouch on his side. "You are charged with conspiracy against Celestia." Cardinal Fang said.

"How do you plead?" The head Cardinal said.

Pinkie giggled, before gasping. "You're new here. I so have to throw you a party." She said, completely ignoring their question. She went right up to him and smiled. "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie."

The Cardinal was silent, completely lost in her eyes. "I'm Cardinal Cardinal," He said, taking his hat off. "But you can call me Cardinal."

"I like that name." Pinkie said, staring at him with equal admiration..

Cardinal Fang and Biggles looked at the two and then between themselves. "Uh sir," Biggles spoke up. "Should we question her now?"

"No need." Cardinal held up a hoof. "She's innocent."

The other two cardinals looked worried. "But sir, we always question…" He said, before being silenced by a hoof in the mouth.

Cardinal returned his hoof to the ground. "She's cleared." He said.

"Ahh," Pinkie Pie groaned. "I wanted to go to the hearing."

Suddenly, Cardinal felt a large disturbance in the story. "Our next scene is running." He said. The other two Cardinals ran out of the door. He grabbed Pinkie's hoof, to which she couldn't help but blush. "So, you'd like to go to a hearing, do you?" She nodded. "Well then, would you like to come along with me..." He blushed. "I mean us."

"Oooh, like on a date." Pinkie Pie said.

Cardinal got even redder. "Yes." He squeeked out.

"I'd love to." Pinkie said. "I just finished decorating the cake, so the Cake's won't mind."

"Excellent." Cardinal said, before pulling her along. He then stopped and looked her over. "You don't have a uniform."

"Uniform?" Pinkie said, before jumping up and down. "We're dressing up? I love dress ups."

Cardinal chuckled. "Yup." He said, getting the red uniform and giving it to her. "You're an honarary Python."

Pinkie gasped. "YAY!" She squeeled. She then hugged him. "Thank you."

Cardinal hugged back. "Your welcome." He said, before pulling away.


I wiped away a few tears of joy. "Wow." I said. "You two were made for each other."

"Yup." Cardinal said. "And then nine months later, this little joy came into our lives."

"Nine months?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow.

Pinkie Pie and Cardinal's eyes shifted about. "We...got excited." Cardinal said.

"Super duper excited." Pinkie Pie said, laughing nervously.

"But I don't regret it." Cardinal said, staring at his daughter. She was looking up at them with admiration. He nuzzled Cherry, who giggled.

"Daddy." She said, giggling. "Stop it."

"Not in this life." Cardinal said, continuing to nuzzle her. Pinkie Pie giggled and joined in on tickling their daughter.

I smiled at the scene, before looking at the audiance. "Sorry people for stalling." I said, rubbing the back of my head. "I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And please review and share your opinions. Hey, if you could be nice, I'd like you to check out my other fanfics. I really want to make these stories better for you bronies out there. I really would appreciate the help in showing Seth I can really write. Until next time."

We all waved at goodbye.