• Published 9th Nov 2011
  • 5,294 Views, 80 Comments

How I Got Your Mother To Love Me - Evowizard25

Spike tells his little girls how he attracted their mother.

  • ...

Chapter 5

The peaceful evening was pierced by a speeding streak in the sky. Sky Blitz flew as fast as he could. Usually, this meant that he was trying to perform the Sonic Rainboom, like his mother. But today, there was another reason. And that reason was giggling on his back. "Faster, faster." Cherry Pie cried.

He smiled. Of his friends, Cherry was the youngest. He always loved hanging out with her, 'cause she was so fun and energetic. "If you say so." Sky said, picking up the pace.

"WHEEEEEEEEE!" Cherry Pie cried, as they flew on. Sky Blitz couldn't help but laughing. He loved the way the wind swept past his mane. He knew that some of it was probably smacking up against Cherry's face, but she didn't seem to mind. So, he kept up his pace, until something caught his eye. He would have stopped right there, but Cherry was riding him. He didn't want to risk throwing her off. She could get hurt. 'I'd never live with myself after something like that.' He thought. Instead, he circled around a bit, before coming to a stop behind a building. Once he did, Cherry Pie jumped off and looked up at him. "Why did we stop? I was having so much fun." She whined.

"Cause I just thought of something." Sky Blitz said, smirking.

"What is it?" Cherry Pie said, eager to hear it. She always looked up to him, like the big brother she never had.

Sky Blitz led her slowly around the building and into a set of bushes. He slowly peeled them away, to reveal Ruby. She was staring through a window, and they could see her long reptilian tail swishing back and forth. Cherry giggled. "Now, I'd like you to go over and say hello." Sky said.

Cherry raised an eyebrow. "You stopped flying, just so I could say hello?" She asked.

"Make it one of your special hellos." Sky Blitz said.

"Okay." Cherry Pie said. "If you say so."


Ruby sighed once again, as she peered in through the window to get another look at him. Orchestro played his instrument beautifully. He seemed to be at one with his instrument. She loved that about him. His determination, his skill, and his total commitment. Oh, how she wanted him to treat her the same way. To hold her as lovingly as he did his instrument. She blushed, when she realized she was wagging her tail. 'Stop thinking like that.' She thought. 'You know dad would kill him if he did.' Still, she couldn't help it.

"SURPRISE!" Someone yelled behind her.

This startled Ruby, who let out a yelp and accidently fell through the window. She hit the floor with a thud. She got up and rubbed her head. "What the hay was that?" She said.

"Are you okay?" A familiar voice said. A hoof was lowered towards her.

"Yeah, I'm..." Ruby said, looking up at the hoof's owner. It was Orchestro! She blushed as she stared into his purple eyes. Gently she took his hoof. She thought. 'He's holding my hoof.' She fought the urge to squeal as he helped her up. "Thank you." She hid her face behind her light blue mane.

"It was my pleasure." Orchestro said, bowing. Ruby couldn't help but blush under her red scales. Thankfully, they hid her blush well enough. "Now, how did this happen?"

Ruby's eyes widened. She couldn't tell him the truth. 'Well, I was spying on you through the window.' She thought. 'How's he going to take that? Okay, girl. Think of something.' "Someone spooked me." She said. "I fell through the window by accident. They nearly gave me a heart attack."

"Why would anyone want to spook a lady such as yourself?" Orchestro asked.

Normally, she would have punched anyone who dared call her a lady, but this was Orchestro. She swooned at his words. "Just some punks." She said.

"Well, if I meet up with these 'punks', I'll be sure to give them a piece of my mind." Orchestro said, huffing in indignation.

"Oh, it was nothing." Ruby said. "I can deal with them myself." She turned for the door. She wanted out of their as soon as possible. It was just too awkward. "I'll let myself out."

Right before she reached it, Orchestro rushed over and opened it for her. "If you must leave, allow me." He said.

Ruby smiled. "Thank you." She said, before quickly stealing a kiss on his cheek. She spread her draconic wings and took off.


'She kissed me.' Orchestro though, holding a hoof to his cheek. 'Ruby actually kissed me.' Suddenly he became frantic. 'What do I do? What do I do? Mother didn't prepare me for this...MOTHER!' He rushed off, towards Carousal Boutique.


Octavia stood absolutely still as Rarity finished up with her dress. "This dress will look absolutely marvelous on you, darling." Rarity said, doing the last couple of stitches.

"I do hope so." Octavia said, in her cultured toned voice. "The Grand Galloping Gala is next week. I don't want to look shabby while performing."

Rarity turned to look at her. "Have I ever done anything shabby?" She said.

Octavia quickly shook her head. "No," She said. "That's why I came to you."

"As you've always done, since you've moved here." Rarity said, looking over her finished project. "There."

Octavia looked over the dress. She smiled. "It's definitely grand." She said, before looking at Rarity. "And my son's suit?"

"He'll look smashing." Rarity said, motioning a hoof to put away her doubts. "Don't worry; mares won't be able to keep their hooves off of him."

At that moment, Orchestro bust through the front doors. "Mother!" He said.

"Orchestro!" Octavia scolded him. "What did I say a proper gentleman does?"

"Knocks first." Orchestro said, his head lowered, but he quickly put it back up. "But I thought this was a good time as any to forgo a few manners."

Octavia raised an eyebrow. "And what would cause you to think so?" She said.

"A girl kissed me." Orchestro nearly shouted.

Both Rarity and Orchestro gasped. "Perhaps I spoke too soon." Rarity said, giggling.

"What should I do?" Orchestro said, going up to his mother. "I've never dealt with girls like this before." He was breathing in and out rapidly.

Octavia nuzzled her son. "Calm down." She said. "Just remember everything I taught you about being a gentleman."

"But what if I'm not...adequate." Orchestro said, looking up at her with pleading eyes.

Octavia stroked a hoof through his mane. "You will be." She said. "Now, who's this mare that's got you so worked up?"

Orchestro looked away and blushed. "I'd rather not say." He said.

"And you can't tell you own mother about her?" Octavia said.

"There, there." Rarity said, trying to diffuse Octavia. "If he wishes to keep it a secret, then it's not right to impose."

Octavia sighed. "Alright, but do invite her to the Gala." She said. "I would love to meet this mare."

Orchestro smiled and nodded. "I will." He said.


Applejack lay down after a hard day's work. Sweat ran off her well-toned body. She had been bucking apples all day. The Gala was just a week away. She wanted to make sure she had enough it for it. 'It's a good thing those city ponies got a likin' to apples now a' days.' She thought smiling. 'Got ta thank the Princess for that.' Suddenly, a large shadow fell over her. She looked up to see Spike fly down, with a large crate of apples. "Seems like we're having a good day." He said.

"Eyup." Applejack replied. "Definitely our best yield of the year."

"Thank you." Spike said, looking proud of himself.

Applejack chuckled. "As if it was ya doin'." She said. "You're pride can be a rather annoyin'"

Spike looked away for a moment. "You talk to me about pride," He said. "Shall I mention the time when you and Soarin…"

He was silenced when a rope flew around his maw, sealing it shut. "Don't ya go talkin' about that." She said, blushing hard.

Suddenly, two small, blond mane, gray coated, colts came flying out of the forest. "Whoo-Whee!" One of them yelled. "That was a mighty fine wind."

"Eyup." The other little Pegasus said. The two colts looked absolutely identical. "I say it helped us a bunch in buckin' those apples."

"Nah, we could have done it without some wind." The first one said.

"I reckon your right." The second one replied. They both turned their attention to Spike and Applejack. "I think we flew right in the middle of something, bro."

"I think we did." The first said, eyeing the rope around Spike's mouth. He flew up to his face. "You been messing with our ma?"

"Now, Ballistic, Ricochet, ya'll best not bother 'im." Applejack said to her twin sons. "It was just a little somethin' between us." She tugged the rope of his jaws.

"Yeah," Spike said, rubbing his jawbones. "Just a little disagreement."

Ballistic eyed him for a moment. "I've got my eye on you." He said, going back to the ground.

"Same here." Ricochet said.

"Now, why'd you two come over here to spy on us?" Applejack said.

"We thought we bucked enough apples for the Gala, ma." Ballistic said.

"I say we made a new record." Ricochet said.

"Shoot, I think we oughta get in that fancy paper they make each year." Ballistic said. "Gotta show them city folk we knows how to live."

"I hear ya." Ricochet said, nodding his head.

Suddenly, Ruby flew up to her father. She looked real frantic. "Tell me the rest of the story." She said, nearly shouting out the plea.

"Hey, not without us." Jessebelle called from behind. Soon, she and Sapphire caught up to them. "Why'd you have to drag us along? It's not like we can't wait till later to hear it."

"But I need to hear the rest now." Ruby said, looking up at Spike. She gave him the puppy dog stare.

Spike couldn't help but simply smile. "Alright, I'll tell you." He said.

"Can you skip to the end?" Ruby said.

"No!" Spike answered. "I'll tell it from start to finish." He turned to Applejack. "Do you mind?"

"Nah, I can sit here an' listen." Applejack said.

"Us too." The twins said, settling down beside their mother.

Spike sighed. "Very well." He said.


She thought. "So, you ready to find Goldhoof?" A scottish voice said.

Spike looked over to see Bond next to him. He jumped up in fright. "What are you doing here?" He said.

"Don't you remember?" Bond said. Spike shook his head. I gave you the signal yesterday."


Bond made several motions with his hooves. He knew Spike must have caught them, for he turned around for a split second. He decided it was best not to repeat himself, cause the little dragon was busy with his mare.


"WAIT!" Pinkie Pie yelled, popping out from a tree branch. "You just had a flashback, inside a flashback."

Suddenly, Cherry Pie jumped up on Spike's head. "Inception!" She said. Cardinal appeared beside Pinkie Pie, with a music box. He hit the play button and a familiar music started playing.

All of a sudden, a tan coated, brown mane colt, came running up to them. "Stop it." He said. "No fourth wall breaking jokes."

The Pythons groaned, turning off the music. Colonel walked up to the new Earth pony. "Well, Mr. author, I don't see you trying to be funny." He said.

"I am funny." Evowizard said. "I am truly funny. I am the author."

"And a sloppy one at that." Colonel said, poking him with his baton. "You upload too infrequently, with all your stories, with little grammar awareness."

"LIES!" Evowizard yelled, raising a hoof in the air dramatically. "I shall hear none of this. Now, go back to the story."

"Why?" Cherry Pie said.

"Because that's why we're all here, sweetie." Pinkie Pie said, stroking her daughter's mane.

"Well, if you put it that way." Evowizard said, rubbing the back of his head. He sighed. "Alright. I've been here long enough." As I walked by, he waved to the dragon. "Hi there, Spike. Hope it doesn't hurt too much." He walked off.

"What did he mean by that?" Spike said, before Soarin flew right into his head.

"SOARIN!" Applejack yelled, rushing to his side.

"DAD!" The two colts flew over to their father.

"Speak to me." Applejack said down to him.

"Can I have another slice of pie?" Soarin said, his eyes spinning in their sockets.

"Yeah, he's fine." Applejack said, helping him onto his hooves.

"Now, this has been all good and fun, and no one enjoys a good joke more than I do." Colonel said. "Except maybe my wife…And my neighbors and I think I should include my cousins…Alright, most people enjoy a good joke more than I do, but let's just continue on with the story. Cue flashback."

"Wha…" Spike was cut off.


Bond groaned. "Alright, I'll just fill you in." He said, looking around to make sure no one was close by. "I'm looking for the notorious criminal, known as Goldhoof and I need your help to find him."

"Why me?" Spike asked.

"It's simple." Bond said. "You want to have the girl. Girls love spies. That and you know this place better than me."

"I'LL DO IT!" Spike yelled.

Bond put his hoof over the little dragon's mouth and pulled him down into the bush. "Shhh." He said. "You want to get killed." The Scottish pony raised his head. "Alright, the coast is clear." He gave Spike a bag. "Put this on." He walked out of the bush. "I do have to say, this may be the last suit you will ever wear."

A moment later, Spike walked out of the bush, wearing a tuxedo. "I look good." He said, smiling.

"Don't get cocky." Bond said, walking through Canterlot. "We still have a job to do." They spent the next several moments, questioning ponies. None of them had seen him.

It wasn't until a half hour later of searching, did Spike see someone like him. He was a tan colored, golden mane, Earth Pony. He was adorned with assortment of gold pieces, he even had golden hooves. "I found him." He said.

Bond looked over and smirked. "We got him," He said. "And you're little marefriend too." Spike blushed as he looked over and noticed Lollipop. She was looking over a few perfume bottles. "Now, I'll take care of him. You are to make sure he doesn't escape." Spike nodded.

Right at that moment, Goldhoof looked over and through the crowd. His eyes widened. "Bond." He said, before turning around and running. Spike jumped onto Bond's back and then he took off. Goldhoof raced through crowd. He wasn't athletic and he knew it. He was using the crowd, in a last ditch hope to lose Bond. But Bond was ready for this tactic. He weaved about, closing the distance. Goldhoof proceeded to turn back and around Bond.

Finally, they got close enough. "I think you can take him." Bond said.

Spike was about to ask him what he meant, when he felt himself being lifted by magic and thrown at Goldhoof. The small dragon landed on his back and gripped his arms around his neck. "Get off of me." Goldhoof said, trying to buck him. Since he was in a large crowd, he accidently hit a couple of ponies. This caused everyone to run away from the scene, allowing Bond ample opportunity. He concentrated on his spell. A large ball of grey energy appeared. He fired it right at Goldhoof. It hit Goldhoof right in the chest, knocking him to the ground. The spy smiled, as he trotted over to Spike. He still had his arms around Goldhoof, his eyes held shut. "It's over."

Spike opened his eyes. He looked down at Goldhoof and smiled. "I did it." He said, standing up. "I took down a villain."

A few ponies, as well as a couple of guards, walked up to them. "Gentlemen." Bond said to the guards. "I present to you the infamous Goldhoof."

"Take him away, boys." The head guard said. The others pulled the evil doer.

"Wow!" Lollipop said, looking over to the scene. She walked up to Spike. "You're a spy."

"Yes, he is," Bond said, winking at Spike. "I couldn't have done it without him."

"Oooh." Lollipop said. "You've got to tell me everything."

Spike felt like he was about to faint. A goofy smile was plastered on his face.


"Dad, you didn't say you were a spy once." Ruby said. "That's so cool."

Spike smirked. "I don't like to brag…" He said.

"He will." Applejack said, cutting him off.

Spike rolled his eyes. "As if." He said. Applejack groaned, facehooving.

"Hey, could I learn that spell?" Ruby said. Spike looked terrified for a moment.

"I don't want to." Sapphire said. "It sounds dangerous."

"Danger's my middle name." Ruby said, pointing a hoof at herself.

"You don't have a middle name." Spike said. "And I should know."

"What's all this now?" Apple Bloom said, walking up to the group. She had certainly grown up to be a beautiful mare. On her back was a little basket.

Applejack smiled and walked over. Gently she lifted the basket off. "How's my little Apple Dumpling doin'?" She cooed to the baby in the basket. "Is she enjoyin' her walk around the apple trees?" The little blue coat, orange mane, filly smiled up at her. It giggled and waved it's two front hooves in the air. Applejack giggled. "She didn't give ya any trouble, did she?"

"Nah, she was an' angel." Apple Bloom said.

"Well, I certainly hope you find a colt of your own soon." Applejack said. "You oughta have a little angel of your own."

Apple Bloom blushed. "Big sis," she said. "I don't need ya to go an' fix me up with no stallion. I'll find him in my own time."

"Sorry, if I'm interrupting," Spike said, lowering his head. "But I think I need to take my girls elsewhere. Don't want this boy stuff filling their heads."

"Well, they're goin' to learn about it one way or the other." Applejack said.

"I choose other." Spike said.

I hope you all enjoyed this. I'll try and upload more often. It's just I have another MLP: FIM story I'm working on. (Equestrian Wars: A Fixed Pathway)(A FIM;Dinosaur Wars crossover) And I have another crossover in the works. (I'll only let people who review know about that one.)

"Stop teasing people." Pinkie Pie said. "It's not nice."

"For you, I'll stop." I said, smiling at her.

"Don't try anything." Cardinal said, sending a glare my way.

"Hey, I'm not the one who broke the fourth wall." I said.

"You did now." Pinkie Pie said, in a sing song voice."

"Gosh darn it." I scolded myself.