• Published 16th Mar 2015
  • 1,364 Views, 31 Comments

Into the Rift - DiscordsAdvocate

Earth is assailed by an unknown force that is causing random people to disappear. The human reality jumpers whom were torn from that world can do nothing to stop it, except one, who's only friend may give humanity a chance to be saved.

  • ...

Chapter 13 - Going Blind Yonder Pt. 1

Going Blind Yonder Part 1

A chill blew across the railroad tracks far north of Canterlot. To the east of the train track was a waystation isolated and surrounded by snowy planes. To the north showed the slight glimmer of the Crystal Empire. Two crystal-pony guards stood waiting at their post. A train could be heard approaching from the south. The two guards stood waiting as the train reached a stop. Exiting the first few cars, twelve Nightguards stepped onto the lightly snowed ground and approached the station. The train moved again and brought several other cars forward, each carrying what appeared to be seven large mobile homes built for winter. This time, Earth ponies exited them and began unloading the immense structures.

The two waystation guards watched silently until a particular male Pegasus Nightguard approached, followed by a female Nightguard. The male stood stalwart and resolute as a good soldier would. His cutiemark consisted of a blooded blade over a shield. The symbol on his uniform indicated his rank as Lieutenant. The female seemed more easy-going, having a Jasmine flower for a cutiemark. While the male walked forward diligently, she sauntered behind him. Her rank was indicated as Corporal.

“I am Lieutenant Noctus of the Nightguard,” The male said, hoofing over some papers to the older crystal-pony guard. “We have been assigned to expand on this waystation.”

The older crystal-pony sifted through the papers and nodded. “I wasn’t expecting your ranks showing up. We have no trouble at this station. Frankly, we’re just here to conduct a rescue in case the train breaks down.”

“You will notice the seal on the papers, sir. We are conducting an S-class operation here for an indefinite time. You will be briefed on your responsibilities momentarily,” Noctus said coldly.

“But look on the bright side!” the corporal interjected. “You get bigger facilities here than this little shack.”

Noctus annoyingly glanced at the corporal. “Conduct, Corporal Jasmine,” he grumbled.

Jasmine rolled her eyes and watched as the workers began piecing together the living-spaces.

About an hour later, what was a small waystation was now a larger base, complete with barracks, civilian quarters, a mess hall, an operations room, storage, and place labeled research lab.

Noctus called a meeting for the Nightguard to meet inside the operations room. All guards sat informally.

One guard flagged the Corporal. “Jasmine. Did Noctus really say we’ll be out here ‘indefinitely?’”

Jasmine waved a hoof. “Relax. S-class missions are secretive even when it comes to timeframe.” The guard seemed satisfied until she spoke again. “Worst case, the crown is just getting rid of us by sending everyone to this frozen wasteland,” she said nonchalantly.

Several guardstallions nervously looked at each other after hearing that.

“Noctus on deck, fillies!” Jasmine called out as the guard stood attention.

“That’s attention, Corporal,” Noctus grumbled again.

Jasmine shrugged. “Potayto-potahto.”

Noctus set up a projector and it flashed a display, depicting the symbol of the Nightguard.

“Welcome to your first S-class mission, everypony. We now have the opportunity to show Equestria what we are made of,” Noctus said proudly.

“But S-class missions are top-secret, so nopony will know about what we’re doing,” Jasmine interjected again.

Noctus’s eye twitched as several of the guard chuckled. “Very observant, Corporal.” He grimaced. “But the point is we have now received a very important mission that all three princesses will be observing our performance on. I expect us to perform beyond one-hundred percent. S-class missions are considered the most sensitive, serious, and often dangerous.”

“That’s not an S!” Jasmine pointed out. “You also forget who else we will be dealing with. They will expect our best performance too.”

Noctus nodded. “I’m getting to that. Let’s first review what you have been told. First, you will be on a need-to-know basis. Second, we will be assisting the science team as guard escorts to go further east to what is called the ‘umbral frontier.’ Third, further to the west, we will also be escorting the head of the science team to inquire with a long-existing but little-known race of ponies. In the meantime, I have scouting points for you all to go to and document anything you have seen or found. We are to use the highest safety precautions in this mission.” He began switching between slides showing off a map of the two points of interest between the waystation.

“Our staff has been assembled to meet our needs, which will include cleaning, cooking, and two assistive nurses for our medical needs,” Noctus explained.

“But no masseuse,” Jasmine grumbled.

“Another important matter,” Noctus said staunchly to keep the guard’s attention. “Know that the Umbral Frontier is NOT to be approached beyond the border signs. You will go over your briefing manuals to know what the frontier is and its history. You will be quizzed about it tonight.”

“We can do it Quiz Show style!” Jasmine mused.

“I’m sorry, but your answer must be in the form of a question,” Noctus replied dryly, a hint of a smile showing pride in his ability to be clever. Laughter followed. He cleared his throat to silence the crowd as Jasmine leaned on her table looking at Noctus with a smirk. “You will be fulfilling the wishes of the science team according to regulations. Any unusual requests will NOT be followed under any circumstances unless approved by me or the Captain, who will be arriving in two weeks with the science team.” Noctus switched to another slide showing a picture of a pony with bat wings, darker mane, grey fur, a yellow eye with a long black slit for a pupil.

“Batponies?” One guard asked.

Jasmine gave the guard a flat, unamused stare. “The term is Thestral,” the corporal corrected. “And they are west of here.”

“As Corporal Jasmine has pointed out, the head of the science team will be going to the Thestral Nation-State to conduct diplomatic inquiries.” Noctus explained. “Most of you do not know much of anything about the Thestrals, mostly because their history is kept secret by royal decree. They have had little contact with Equestria. The Crystal Empire is another matter. In fact, when the Crystal Empire returned, the Thestrals reopened trade with them, but not Equestria.”

Jasmine nodded. “Can’t blame them, they aren’t happy with Equestria’s sun tyrant.” Her hooves formed ‘quotations.’

Several nightguard stood up in offense to what was just said.

“Settle down!” Noctus shouted and the guard slowly sat back down. “Jasmine was explaining that relations with the Thestral ponies are strained due to a difficult relationship with her majesty, Princess Celestia. But they are not our enemies. They are allies, silent allies, but allies nonetheless.” Noctus shot Jasmine a glare.

Jasmine looked at Noctus with her red eyes unapologetically and shrugged. “Better to hear it from me first than from them.”

“Now, set up yourselves in the barracks-” Noctus was about to finish until a guard raised a hoof.

“Where exactly is the captain?” One guard asked.

“She is currently with the chief researcher, no doubt engaging in important official business.” Noctus answered.

“So, did you know the humans have no estrus cycle? They are ready for rutting anytime.” Captain Nightshade laid on her back on the train-bed.

“Nightshade, I’m not sure if that is entirely true, but if they ‘rut’ anytime that just means estrus is year-round. Maybe.” Erebus laid on her bed, reading a book.

“Wait till you meet them, Erebus. These guys grow three times taller than a pony. They are like walking tree-ents, only smooth-skinned with only patches of hair.” Shade lay on her side, propping her head up as she looked at her friend. “And their technology. I mean, I don’t know how to explain it. They got these ‘laptops’ that store all kinds of information. It’s like a library of books in a small mechanical book.”

“They’re probably an equatorial species if what you are describing is true.” Erebus hmmed as she turned a page. “Metal books that hold libraries. Almost like a magic fiction novel coming to life.”

“Considering they came from another dimension, that’s pretty accurate. Only no tentacles or weird eyeballs, or strange desire to probe ponies for long-minutes to learn their biology, or breed a new race.” Shade said as she looked out the window.

“Which novels have you been reading?” Erebus uncomfortably asked before the conductor walked in.

“Now stopping at Ponyville!” The conductor announced.

The train pulled into the station as a certain purple unicorn and young dragon waited for them.

Shade stepped out beside Erebus as the albino mare clicked her tongue while moving her ears forward, her shadow moving as an individual among the others, alive in the sunlight. Erebus yawned.

“You need a fix, honey?” Shade asked.

Erebus shook her head. “No, I’ve got about another hour before I need a spoonful.”

A train worker hoofed the two ponies their saddlebags.

Twilight Sparkle approached with Spike. “Greetings Captain Nightshade. It’s great you’re back so soon. And Professor Erebus.” Twilight bowed. “How long has it been?”

Erebus smiled pleasantly, her little fangs showing. “Too long. I really enjoyed your presentation on chaos magic studies for your master’s work.” Erebus looked at Spike. “Hiya Spike. You making sure Twilight isn’t cooped up with her studies all the time?”

Spike chuckled. “Naw. She’s raising a family now.”

Erebus nodded, intrigued. “Wow, you’ve come a long way, Ms. Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled, blushing for a moment before regaining her composure. “So, are you two here to meet our new prodigy?”

Shade nodded. “Yeah, how is the bigger guy faring?” She asked, concerned.

Twilight sighed. “He’s doing his best to adjust here. It’s been seven days since he informed his friends and family back home he won’t be able to return home at any definite time.”

Shade’s ears drooped. “And nopony told me he was going to? I would have raced back here to help.”

“What happened?” Erebus followed alongside Nightshade and Twilight as they moved towards the library. “Can you not replicate the events to send him home?”

Twilight frowned. “The human world does not have magic like we do. They use technological means that require a lot more power or complicated work to accomplish what we can do. I mean, to do what we can do with magic would require a lot more energy and even then they can only accomplish limited achievements, like holding highly charged particles in place using magnetics.”

“Or making music players that fit in a pocket.” Shade added.

“I know you sometimes forget, Twilight, but teleportation is not magic that every unicorn can cast on a whim. I understand the magic behind it, but it is too energy intensive for me. Meanwhile you are able to ‘wink’ with ease.” Erebus chuckled.

Twilight blushed a bit. “Well, magic is my special talent. And yes, humans are good with electromagnetism. But while I can attempt to create the conditions that opened the boundaries between our worlds here, they’d have to invent new technology to do the same over there. It was a miracle me and Lyra managed to help Tycho accomplish what they needed to.” Twilight was hesitant to say, “Plus…”

Shade eyed Twilight. “Twi, what is wrong?”

The purple unicorn frowned. “Celestia has confiscated all our research and scientific work on interdimensional jumping for the reason that it is too dangerous to mess with any further.”

Shade bit her lower lip. On one hoof that is a good reason to confiscate the material, but at the same time that condemns the humans here to not being able to return. That is especially not fair for Tycho. She wondered how he took it. How did Twilight deal with it?

“Given who her majesty listens to for advice on such matters, I’m not surprised. Saddened, but not surprised.” Erebus recalled Archanis’ words about humans.”However, I don’t believe that it will be locked away forever. The Princess believes in you a great deal, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight said nothing about she and Celestia’s last meeting. “I... hope you’re right.”

Shade noted Twilight’s hesitation. So she and Celestia’s relationship might have experienced a strain. She’ll make a note to ask about that later. “Well, what is Tycho doing now?”

Spike interjected. “He has been designing some weird stuff. He requested a ‘garage’ to be built next to his home so he can study something about the nature of magic particles.”

Twilight nodded. “You might say he is trying to create a small version of something that can move and control individual magic particles, and from what he has read about magic-sciences, he says we can do it with less power than required by their Hadron Collider.”

“Hmm, guess once a scientist always a scientist.” Erebus pondered outloud. “Oooh, I want to ask him so many questions. It’s not often you meet somepony who sees magic from a world without magic.”

“And given both of you are sciency, you two will hit it off just fine.” Shade mused. “Hmmm... that is a good point.” She said silently to herself.

“There is still one obstacle. You see, even though what he wants to do requires less power than it would where he comes from, the amount of magic he will need is very high. So while he is waiting for the parts I ordered for him, he is planning on taking an excursion to the the Diamond Dog mines to search for mana.” Twilight explained. “I wish I could come with him but Trace, Alex, Eleanor, and Matt will being going with. Plus, I think Emerald will be going too.”

Erebus’s ears perked up, her shadow did the same as both looked at Twilight. “M-mana? Solid primal magic?”

Shade and Spike looked equally confused. “Care to explain what that stuff is?”

“Mana is a substance that consists of super concentrated raw magic, or primal magic unformed. While it does exist, it is unknown how it forms. Some say it falls from the sky as part of meteorites, others say it is forged from geological processes. But to give you an idea, a single bead of the stuff contains enough magic to allow a single unicorn to move the sun with little effort.” Erebus explained.

“Yes, in fact Starswirl the Bearded sacrificed a bead of mana to create the spell for the unicorns to do it after he passed.” Twilight followed up.

“But magic is dangerous to humans! Wouldn’t something like that kill them if they came near it?” Shade asked.

“Oh, no no no. We have given Tycho equipment for safe extraction. And his glasses keep the magic particles off of him.” Twilight explained.

Shade furrowed her brow. “Well, when is he going? Does he know what he is getting into?” Her worry was tangible.

Spike looked at Twilight’s list. “Tomorrow, I think.”

Erebus nodded. “Rather active, this human. Well I hope our brief meeting won’t slow him down-”

“We’re going with him.” Shade interrupted. A glint in her eye showed a spark of idea in her mind.

Twilight looked at the Nightguard Captain as they neared her home. “Shade, I am sorry you came all this way to introduce Erebus to Tycho but this isn’t an excursion that requires any further intervention.”

“That and we have official business elsewhere in a week, Nightshade,” Erebus added.

“How long will it take for them to get to those mountains? A day with a pegasus chariot? Plus Tycho will need an expert in magic sciences to collaborate with. He can’t sense magic like a unicorn can.” Shade pointed out.

“Its called Thaumatology and I’m sorry, Captain, but I can’t go with him on this one. I am busy with other projects.” Twilight said. “Besides, he is being given equipment for that task. Equipment he helped develop with enchantment, even.”

“She means me and Shade go with him,” Erebus said, slightly annoyed. “And why the Diamond Dog mountains?”

Spike piped up. “They said they had found some strange fountain of magic and they think it’s spewing out something bright, but they won’t go near it.”

Shade took position in front of Erebus, facing her. “Please, Erebus? It will only take three days, then we head back to Canterlot.”

“Only you would call a hike up a mountain a vacation.” Erebus frowned.

“We’ll get a Diamond Dog to carry you?” Shade shrugged.

Twilight facehoofed. “They aren’t pack mules. But if you are going, then we’ll send a message to Grassrunner to have a cart ready for you... that is, if you are actually going.”

Erebus sighed. “I would really like to meet this guy, but I’m not sure he really needs our help. He sounds competent on his own, and here we come along ‘doh you poor little thing here let the big mares help you’.”

Shade shakes her head. “You have any idea how often these humans have gotten into trouble? They don’t have magic and are physically weaker than than even a unicorn!”

Erebus stared into dark space amazed by this prospect, given what was told to her earlier on the train. “Seriously?”

“More precisely, they can match a unicorn in strength, but can be outdone by a pegasus or Earth pony, which seems odd given the size of a human being compared to a pony. But it’s because they don’t have starswirls that these significant physiological differences exist. They also have some crazy endurance that would put many earth ponies to shame.” Twilight pointed out.

Shade sighed. “Okay, then look at it this way. You can see how a human being conducts science and making an important discovery. That would be worth the trip.”

“Yes. Yes it would. Spike could you send a message to him and his party. Tell him that we will be joining the team soon.” Erebus stopped at the library waiting for it to open.

As they arrived, Spike opened the door to Twilight’s home. “He’s supposed to meet us here in a few minutes. You can meet him in person there.”

Shade gave Erebus a soft hug. “Thanks, honey. If things get tiring, I’ll carry you on my back if necessary.”

“Fine, but I don’t want you complaining about my weight.” Erebus stuck out her tongue. “Wouldn't want to embarrass the Captain of the Guard in front of the humans.”

Shade followed Erebus inside and grinned mischievously. “How could I not enjoy your slender body on top of me?”

Erebus nearly stumbled before she smacked her with a shadowy newspaper across her muzzle and pointed to Spike “Not in front of the young drake.” The shadowy prop disappeared into the shadows inside the home.

Shade grumbled rubbing her mug. “Sorry.”

Spike rolled his eyes and went inside the kitchen.

After everypony settled into the living room with tea and snacks, a human walked in, accompanied by Matt and Alex.

“How are the clothes fitting you?” Alex asked as the tall human leaned lower to go inside.

“Had no idea silk felt so nice, and this stuff is easy to come by?” Tycho asked.

Matt shrugged. “Cotton on fur isn’t very comfortable. So there would be plenty available.”

“Captain Nightshade!” Alex greeted. “Welcome back!”

“Paladin Alex.” Shade got up from her seat and bowed. “Good to see you. How is Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo?”

“Good and growing.” Alex answered.

“Sergeant Brennan.” Shade nodded as Matt gave a casual salute.

“Welcome back, Shade.” Tycho said.

Shade frowned and approached Tycho. “Can you kneel down for a second?”

“Uh-oh.” Matt mumbled below his breath.

Tycho didn’t know what was going to happen, but he did so.

Shade stood on her back hooves and hugged Tycho. “You didn’t write to me, Tyke. I thought you said you would keep in touch.” She scolded as she softly hoofed him on the chest.

Erebus noticed and raised an eyebrow. She had only heard her use that tone with somepony once, the pegacorn recalled.

Tycho hesitatingly hugged her back. “It’s... been rough.”

Shade let him go. “I would have been there. Your friend, remember? I know I don’t have a fancy laptop but can you-”

Alex took out a laptop. “We humans aren’t used to writing letters, Shade. So, here. It only has an email and chat channel so you can correspond with us.” He smiled.

Tycho looked at Alex and raised and eyebrow. “Does he always think this far ahead?”

Shade smiled. “Yep. Now you’ll never be rid of me.” Shade grinned and put the laptop in her nearby saddlebag. “No internet?” She asked Alex.

“I don’t think you’d want exposure to that.” Alex said.

“Well in that case,” Tycho stood back up. “I actually can write to you.”

Shade nodded. “Good. Oh! Let me introduce you all to my best friend! This is Professor Erebus! Thaumatologist and head of the department of new magical sciences.”

Erebus strained to look up. “Big guy. Um, hello. You. Um. Hi. Shade said you were a nice po-human... I'm Erebus!"

Tycho found a seat and sat down across from Erebus as Shade took a seat beside him. “It's a pleasure. I’ve done a lot of reading in Thamatology and it would be nice to have another pony to ‘hobnob’ with.”

Erebus nodded with a pleasant smile. “And, um, who are the other two humans I have the pleasure of meeting?”

“Matthew Brennan. Working with the Nightguard’s new guard training program.” Matt said. “I hope Nightshade mentioned me given that we work together.”

Erebus nodded again. “Yes, she has. Said you train some of the new recruits.”

“Alex Roberts, Paladin of Redemption.” Alex introduced himself.

“I have heard of you.” Erebus bowed. “You have a reputation of doing a lot of good.”

Alex smiled. “I’m just one human among many people in that business.”

“What does that make you compared to Captain Nightshade? I know Matthew is under her employ, but you?” Erebus curiously asked.

“I’m technically of equal rank to Captain Nightshade, and, with Luna’s permission, I can take command of her forces, but I have full confidence in the Captain’s abilities to command the guard and step up when it matters.” Alex explained.

Shade looked admirably at Alex, then leaned to Tycho and nudged him. “He’s cool, ain’t he?”

Tycho shrugged. “I guess I need to see it for myself to believe it. I still remember him from before; a bit of a goofball, really. Besides, I’m still coming to grips being in a world like this.”

Shade nodded sympathetically. “Anything you want to talk about?”

Tycho looked in Shade’s direction. “I don’t want to get into that with a new person around.” He could sense Shade’s concern.

Shade frowned but made a mental note to address it later.

“Doctor Tycho?” Erebus addressed the human. “Twilight Sparkle has told me you performed a successful enchantment.”

Tycho nodded. “I have done several since then. My first was to create an item to keep the magic off me, and help me read.”

Erebus looked very interested. “Care to tour me in what you have done so far?”

Shade grinned, seeing the two already hitting if off.

Tycho took everyone up to Twilight’s lab and showed them what he had been working on. Several of the things he had been working on surrounded the lab, including engineering charts and a fully working printer. The enchantment table stood at the center and a large multipart chalkboard was covered with many complex equations.

Tycho put on his glasses. “It took me two weeks after my first enchantment to get a handle on it. But I eventually got better at it as I read more into the science of Thaumatology. My issue with current enchantment is that it relies mostly on 2D applications to a three-dimensional object.”

Erebus scanned as her shadow leaped from place to place with the rest of the audience not noticing (except Shade). “What specifically have you been working on?”

“Did you know I am a double major?” He said that to Erebus’ amazement. “Engineering physics is one of my specialties but particle physics is my passion. So I looked at the physics of enchantment and did some math,” he pointed at the chalkboard, “and applied engineering principles to look into three-dimensional enchantments.” He passed out hand-sized rounded lenses. They were all made of crystal with enchantment praxies on them.

Alex scratched the back of his head, looking at his work. “Tycho, I knew you were incredibly smart but I had no idea you could pull this off in a short span of time.”

“To be fair, enchantment is a simplified craft.” Erebus chimed in and rubbed a crystal with her hoof. “So you would position these around an object to produce a three-dimensional enchantment? Fascinating! How many new enchantments has this new technique revealed?”

“Yeah, and how do you apply these?” Matthew asked holding a lense up to the light.

“I have an enchantment table in my garage with an apparatus. I mount the lenses to suspension arms and project an enchantment fueled by primal magic batteries. I use 3D design models to place the enchantments on an object to create more complex effects.” Tycho explained. “So far I have made something similar to a magnetic bearing, only it could catch magic particles inside. If I were to try this with non-magical technology, it would take decades of work.”

Erebus nodded as she observed the different enchanted crystals, each having a unique shadow for her to read. “All this in just a couple of weeks. Have you prepared a research proposal on this? You should be given some funding from the government for this work, and probably a team.”

Shade and the others just stood in awe and amazement. Twilight broke the silence. “Under my name with the Ministry of Magic and Science, Doctor Hernandez has already prepared one. I will be providing guidance counseling for his internship for him to receive certified approval to conduct further research with minimal supervision.”

Alex, Matthew, and Shade approached Tycho and congratulated him. The humans patted him on the back or fist bumped him. Shade tapped his hip.

Twilight interrupted nervously. “Well, here is the problem. You see Archanis has, um, shown apprehension towards humans, which would probably prevent Tycho from being certified. But with my voucher and one submitted by another research chairpony...”

Erebus smirked and then nodded. “So Archanis was not kidding about his issues with you humans. You want me to ensure he won’t stop Tycho from being able to earn income doing research.”

Twilight nodded.

“Well even at the worse case scenario, if the government refuses, there is always a private business who would take you up.” Erebus frowned a bit. “Still, though, this should not be a problem to begin with. I’m going to try my best to see you approved.”

Matt whispered to Alex. “Have we heard anything on Archanis, yet?”

Alex shook his head and pointed to Nightshade. “I’d rather we try this first before doing anything potentially rash.”

Shade furrowed her brow. “Lousy pencil pushing bureaucrat.”

Tycho gave a brief scratch to Shade’s ear. “Amen, Shade. And thanks, Professor, for giving me a voucher. I’d like to live on my own income, finally.”

Shade’s ear twitched as she stood straight, wide eyed to the sudden feeling of a wondrous sensation by that strange appendage. It was brief, but heavenly. She became lost as the feeling of relaxation overwhelmed her.

Erebus smiled at Tycho. “I think it would be a criminal waste to not give you a chance to contribute to the field of science here, Tycho. If Shade’s description of human technology is accurate, then we have a lot to learn from your sciences, as you have learned from ours.” She looked at Shade and noticed she was in a trance. “Shade? Equestria to Shade.”

“It felt... heavenly.” Shade said with a dumb-smile.

Deadpanning at her friend for acting weird, the pegacorn yawned. “In that case, I need to check into a hotel. Could someone help my friend here? She seems to be suffering from a mental relapse.” She rolled her eyes and walked downstairs.

Alex chuckled, seeing Shade’s state after a single ear scratch. Twilight picked the unicorn up with her magic as everyone followed. Tycho scratched the back of his head and tapped Alex and Matthew on their shoulders. “Seriously, that happens with all ponies?”

Matthew nodded with a humourless grin. “I’m surprised Aloe and Lotus haven’t offered you a job yet. Lyra tried to make it mandatory by request with the town counsel.”

That brought chuckles among the humans.

After they settled back into the living room, Tycho with the help of Matt and Alex began explaining more about human technology and science from electromagnetism, to combustion engines, to astronomical sciences.

“Yourf planef reffolfs aroun’ te shun?” Erebus said eating a spoonful of peanut butter. Her tail was wagging throughout the evening as she learned more.

The humans nodded. “Power of gravity, our system is heliocentric. Our sun is pulling on a lot of astronomical bodies. Including a possible planet outside the Kuiper belt.” Tycho explained.

Matt raised an eyebrow. “We might have tenth planet?”

“Um, Pluto has been demoted to Dwarf-planet.” Alex said.

“Heresy.” Tycho grumbled. “It’s a planet, no matter what Tyson says.”

The non-humans shrugged but Twilight giggled.

Shade had finally snapped out of her stupor enough to finally bring up why they visited. “Oh yeah! Tycho, me and Erebus are going to be doing some important work later, so would it be okay we go with you to the Diamond Dog Mountains?”

Alex liked the prospect. It didn’t make much difference to Matthew. “Any particular reason?”

Shade looked innocently. “Can’t a mare spend some quality time with her friends? I’ll be busy for a couple of weeks. I promised Tycho I’d be around more.”

“What Shade isn’t telling you, is I am also interested in seeing how you conduct scientific field studies, so I can back you up in my voucher having witnessed you work.” Erebus added as she licked peanut butter from her spoon.

Tycho shrugged. “Well, I have got room for more people so I have no problems.”

Matt gave his approval. “I wouldn’t mind my boss being around to see me work.” He yawned. “Speaking of which, gonna turn in. Night everyone.” He stepped out as the others bid him good night.

Alex nodded and got up as well. “Dinner with the family. So I’ll see you all early morning. Six o’clock in the AM at town hall.”

Tycho stood. “I’ll be right behind you, Al.” He was about to leave, but was stopped by Shade and Erebus. He knelt down. “It’s real good to meet a good mind. I look forward to working with you tomorrow.” He extended a hand to Erebus.

Erebus looked at it. “Hold on. I wanna try this, don’t get scared. This is a talent of mine.”

Tycho looked in Shade’s direction, a bit nervous. Shade leaned over and whispered, “It’s okay. She knows what she’s doing.” Tycho seemed to accept that and let Erebus proceed.

He felt something grab his hand, another hand that felt like a human, but not quite right. “This is my shadow. I can make her do a few things for me, like greet you human style.”

Tycho felt as if a textureless hand hold his. He could feel the shape, humanoid at the very least. “Right.” He shook the hand. “Magic, of course.” Once the grip was mutually loosened, Tycho felt Shade walked to him and nuzzle his cheek. The human briefly and softly rubbed his mug against hers at the same time. “Did I do that right?”

Shade smiled and nodded. “Before you go, can you do that thing to my other ear?” She presented the other untouched ear as she wiggled playfully in his direction.

Tycho rolled his eyes. “Night, Shade. Wait, you getting a hotel too? I told you my guestroom is free if you want a place to stay.”

Shade sighed and smiled. “Yeah, but this time it’s all expenses paid.” She nudged Erebus softly.

“Yes, but you get no spa treatment this time.” The albino mare stuck her tongue out.

Shade giggled.

Twilight gazed in fascination at the Shadowy hand. “I forgot you could do that, Erebus. I’ve read a lot of papers about shadow magic. Want to stay awhile and chat some more about it?”

Erebus shook her head. “No. I really do need to sleep and prep for the trip. You can make sure there will be accommodations for me and Shade, right?” Sensing Twilight nodding, she accepted that. “Then in that case, goodnight everypony.” She stood as Shade followed.

“Night, guys!” Shade said following Erebus.

Tycho waved everyone goodbye and headed to his home, following Alex as the two made small talk on the way home.

It was late evening; Tycho sat at his desk and turned on his laptop. He clicked the recording button on his journal software. “Journal Entry #3. Day 41st. Having spent several weeks in Equestria I can now state I will officially have a job. Twilight and Erebus drafted my vouchers this evening and got approval by Princess Luna and sent to the ministry. I was told Archanis can’t refuse this and can’t interfere without petitioning the princesses, and Erebus will smooth things over with that asshat before he gets any ideas.”

Tycho sat down. “I’ve got a trip tomorrow, as I am feeling a bit cooped up in Ponyville. I miss mountains. I want to build a bike to go mountain biking on again. I don’t want my life to just be about work, meeting friends, and going home. If I’m gonna be here, I need to start living.”

Tycho sipped some water as he thought of what else to say. “Met a new friend. Another intellectual like me. She seemed pretty nice. I look forward to learning more from her about the Equestria science ministry. Erebus, interesting name. She and Shade seem to be good friends. Quite a pair they make. Shade seems like this easy-going girl with tact issues and a very specialized intellect. She could tell you anything about military sciences, history, and related education, but not much an intellectual beyond that. But by far the sweetest friend you can ask for, heh. Erebus, on the other hand. I kinda think I’m talking to a reflection. She has a magnificent intellect and a desire to use it. I think Shade drives her nuts but she wouldn’t give up her friend for anything. Those two belong in sitcom.” Tycho chuckled. “Nightshade and the Brain.” He sung the Warner Brother’s tune. “Yes, Nightshade and the Brain. One is a genius, the other’s insane.” He chuckled again.

Off, on the other side of town, in the upper floor of Sugarcube corner, Pinkie Pie’s ear twitched.

“Emotionally speaking, I think I’m keeping under control.” Tycho felt he should talk about it more, but decided to let it stop there. “When I get recognized by the Ministry, I’m gonna take a visit to this Princess Celestia and have a heart-to-heart talk with her. Then she can tell me face-to-face why I can’t have that research.” Tycho grimaced. “Anyways, if all this works well, Mom and Dad, friends. I’m gonna show them what human science can do. Then maybe they’ll treat us humans better. The princesses, I mean, not the little ponies. They have been more accommodating than ever.”

Tycho frowned. “I am thinking a lot about what things may be like back home. Everyone on Earth must trying hard to forget what happened. The news has said nearly all the humans that jumped back are experiencing a very obscure case of PTSD. They can’t recall what happened, only the feelings of fear, wonder, pain, or any combination thereof. No amount of medication or therapy is revealing the details. What the hell happened, I keep wondering? Was it a natural disaster or on purpose? Anyways, I am just glad you all are safe and things are returning to normal for you all. So, here’s to you, friends and family, the most important people in my life.”

Tycho clicked and stopped the recording before sending it to his parents and coworkers, then going upstairs to sleep for their big trip tomorrow.

End of Part 1

Author's Note:

Coauthored by Warpd
Thanks to my editors (mentioned in previous chapters). Finally some more adventure!