• Published 16th Mar 2015
  • 1,363 Views, 31 Comments

Into the Rift - DiscordsAdvocate

Earth is assailed by an unknown force that is causing random people to disappear. The human reality jumpers whom were torn from that world can do nothing to stop it, except one, who's only friend may give humanity a chance to be saved.

  • ...

Chapter 6 - Put Out but Not Out, Yet

Alex grinned as he followed him inside. ‘Yep, same ol' Tycho

The whole crowd that was prepared to shout the same thing stood confused. Pinkie Pie was already hopping in front of Tycho in mock annoyance. "Now what do you think you're doing ruining our surprise?! I prepared this just for you, Mr. Hernandez! You just ruined the flow of the whole party! Shame on you!" She giggled. "Just kidding! Welcome to Ponyville, ninth jumper Tycho!"

Tycho blinked. "I thought I was the seventh."

Pinkie smiled beatifically. "Oh, well you see there were two more but those two authors stopped writing and we never heard from them again so they were kind of written out-"

Tycho stopped listening as he pointed a finger at her and looked toward Alex confused, who just shrugged.

"If any two phrases could define her, they are ‘very sweet’ and 'just go along with it.'" Alex whispered in his ear.

Tycho was brought to another crowd of ponies milling about. "We have a few who'd like to meet you. All whom I know. Sorry this is going to take a while." Alex said as he helped Tycho to each person or pony.

"Okay, lets start with the other elements. Rarity, Applejack, you've already met Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy." Alex gestured to them. "You've met Loyalty and Magic. So in order, Generosity, Honesty, Laughter, and Kindness."

"What? No element of 'free beer?'" Tycho joked, drawing more chuckles from those listening.

"Well I don't do beer, but if cider’s your drink." Applejack extended a hoof, who was surprised Tycho returned it. "Shucks, Mr. Hernandez, my big brother weren't kidding you're very capable for a blind stallion.”

"Applejack, be a bit more sensitive!" Rarity scolded.

"No, that is exactly how I like it. Blunt and honest." Tycho smiled.

Applejack nodded in approval. “Stop by my farm anytime you need something, sugarcube. Preferably apples.”

“Thank you, Ms. Applejack.” Tycho replied.

Rarity then approached. "Well, darling, Applejack and I are both business mares here in Ponyville. My trade is in fashion. Though, you will probably be consulting my colleague Mr. Elusive for your tailoring needs." The elegant mare extended a hoof.

Tycho merely took it and softly bowed. "Arigato gozaimasu." He said to Rarity.

"Oh, he elegantly speaks Neighponese!? Do you speak others?" Rarity asked intrigued.

"Portuguese and French." Tycho stood up. "And I guess that leaves Ms. Fluttershy?"

"G-greetings Mr. Hernandez." Fluttershy's greeting was barely audible.

“Its okay, I’m a world-saving hero like you, Ms. Fluttershy.” Tycho waved in her direction. “Don’t let my size fool you. I’m safe.”

Fluttershy approached a little closer. “It is, um, nice to meet you.”

Tycho simply nodded to her pleasantly and moved on. "Now the Paladins?" Tycho assumed.

Alex nodded. "Okay, so here is my noble team." Alex explained. "You have met Trixie and Emerald, here we have Prince Blueblood, Gilda of the Griffons, and Grassrunner of the Diamond Dogs."

"That sounds like the starting of a joke, doesn't it?" Tycho remarked.

"He's a friend of Alex alright." Gilda took a swig of some beverage before waving to Tycho.

"You’re waving to a blind colt, my dear." Blueblood whispered within both human's hearing.

"He's got super hearing, Blue. He knows I waved." Gilda replied.

Tycho nodded. "The griffon is correct. I can hear more than Alex can." He shook both Blue and Gilda’s hooves/talons.

"Can you hear what wind brought from far away?" Grassrunner said with a deeper, feminine voice. She approached Tycho and put a paw on his shoulder. Tycho could feel iron-solid claws on her paw.

"No, but I can guess you can smell it." He put a hand on her shoulder in return. "Am I doing this right?" He asked Alex, who nodded.

Grassrunner looked Tycho deep into his blind eyes. "I hear from friends you save your kin, but now lost home. You do under free will. You brave hound."

Tycho didn't know how to take that. "I... I had no choice. Someone had to do it and the one who stood to have less to lose was me."

Grassrunner looked at him sadly. "That not speak of brave. You think that of you?"

Tycho frowned at her. "I did what what I thought was right, okay?” He was getting uncomfortable. “Can we talk about something else?" He looked to Alex almost pleadingly.

Alex briefly made some gesture to Grassrunner, who nodded. "I sorry, Tycho. Be well in your life here." She said and went over to what Tycho deduced were children due to their size.

"Okay, well the others will be here soon. How about some food? I've got a menu written up." Alex handed Tycho a pamphlet as he used his reading device to listen to his choices.

"That is a lot of vegetarian dishes. I'm starting to like it here." Tycho mused. "Just get me one of everything vegetarian."

"Wait, you turned vegetarian? The guy who used put bacon on his poutine?" Alex crossed his arms.

Tycho grinned in mock smugness. "I have evolved passed you primitive carnivores.”

They both chuckled as Tycho found a chair near a dining table. He folded his arms on the table and laid his head down. Humor was helping him, but behind all that he was exhausted; physically, emotionally, mentally, even spiritually. Thoughts swirled in his head about his choices and what he will have to deal with here. Rebuilding his life all over again. Learning a new science to become employable. There was a lot to take in at once.

He didn't pay attention to the man who approached him. Each step thumped on the floor as if he was wearing heavy boots, and he was. Matthew Brennan was his name. He pulled a chair and sat next to Tycho, holding two mugs of liquid in his other hand.

"You look like you've got a lot to drink about." Matt slid a mug of cider to Tycho.

Tycho recognize the voice from his first skype call. He brought his head up. "I don't know you, but if that is alcohol I smell, you just became my new best friend."

Matt snorted and sipped his mug. "Enjoy the inebriation. Sadly, I I’ll need a lot more to join you with all the stuff in me."

"Stuff?" Tycho asked. "You got antitoxins or something?" He sipped his mug and hummed softly at the taste of the sweet ambrosia cooling his nerves.

"Nanites. I process alcohol a lot quicker." The man extended his hand. "Matthew Brennan, jumper, Independent Commando"

"Tycho Hernandez, fuck titles." Tycho gave Matt a hearty handshake. "I heard you guys were having some problems while I was having my own back home. What happened?"

Matthew shook his head. "Lets just say our glorious fusion flank didn't like the idea of us playing with space-time. Even if it was to save our race from possible extinction.” He snorted. “Especially after we pleaded our case when we were already implementing the plan."

Tycho tried to imagine what he was talking about with no luck. "Fusion flank?"

Matthew laid back in his chair. "This nation has a triarchy of three Alicorns: That's a pegasus and a unicorn caught in a transport accident, add earth pony to taste." He humored, eliciting a snicker from Tycho. “Alex told me you’d appreciate that joke. Anyways, one likes us humans and gives us the benefit of the doubt; that would be Cadence. Luna is determined to help us humans redeem ourselves of all the things we did in our jumping... with exception of you. You are probably the purest of all of us here, lucky you." He patted Tycho on the head.

"I don’t know, man. I cheated on my taxes, twice." Tycho humorously declared, invoking Matthew to grin.

"You horrendous kur." Matt jeered. "Anyways,Celestia is cautious, and that is understandable if you were the ruler of a nation for 1000 years, alone."

So their leader is long-lived? Maybe her species is to pony as elves are to humans, Tycho thought. "She tried to deter you guys?" Tycho asked.

"Me and the others kept the morning guard busy without breaking too many laws. Her guard isn’t very bright or flexible, not slow to react or to be trifled with if they catch you… But man are they easy to get chasing their own tails." Matt took another gulp. "The ones that found you took care of the super-science."

"I take it this will come back to bite you guys later." Tycho mused.

"Doubt it. Twilight composed a plea to Celestia to just let it go. I won't get into more details seeing you have a lot on your plate right now." Matt said looking at the exhausted physicist/engineer.

Tycho didn’t question that. "What do you do around here?" Tycho asked. "Alex runs a theater, but you? You sound like you've got lead boots."

"That’s my armor, more of a diamond titanium alloy over a beskar core.” Matt patted his suit.

Tycho turned to Matt’s direction and deadpanned. “That sounds like it would make a materials scientist drool and cry at the same time.”

Matt could not deny that. “Yeah, armor heavy enough that I wouldn’t go ice fishing in it....not that I ever tried ice fishing back home.” Matt waved his hand.

“I’m also involved with a boarding school slash orphanage, spend some time playing piano in concert and when I want to do something that doesn’t stroke my ego, I help Fluttershy with her animals.”

Trace piped up. “He’s also co-owner of the meadery I am in charge of, though he spends little time there nowadays.”

Tycho nodded. “And how young are your recruits, Matt?”

"Depends on how you view ‘recruits.’ The school accepts any foal without a home. They start attending classes around the same time as regular foals. The military focus doesn’t start until they’re in their early teens and they don’t get proper combat and weapons training for a few years after that.” Matt notices the look from Tycho. “Don't worry, it's all voluntary and approved by Luna. I actually go out of my way to make sure that they know their loyalty is to Equestria and Luna and not to me. I'm not raising myself a personal army here."

Tycho shook his head. This sounded like a child-soldier program to him. “How does a foal volunteer? They’re kids, they can’t make competent informed consent.”

Before Matt could reply, Alex finally returned with two plates. "Very sorry Tyke. I got held up talking with the others." And gave Tycho his food.

Others joined them as well and Matt decided to table the matter for another time.

Eating blind was not easy for Tycho. Knowing where and what was on his plate was a bit of a challenge, but he managed. Back home half his meals were delivered to him and he could only cook things that were easy and didn't require much precise dexterity. On his plate were several selections Alex had neatly arranged for him. Tapping and pressing each item with his fork, he carefully gauged their shape and get a good idea of the texture. Identifying the salad was easy; a curious egg dish reminiscent of a southwestern omelet smelled great; a vegetable wellington, and a cupcake topped with an apple slice. Everything was fresh and delicious.

There was idle chatter around the table until Tycho felt the air shift and heard the door opened.

"Princess Luna!" Twilight called out as Tycho heard everyone stand to attention as a rather larger figure entered. Suddenly Tycho felt strange as the figure approached closer.

Tycho didn't think about standing as he remained seated while the figure approached him.

"My princess!" That silky voice of Nightshade became a little hard as she approached her and bowed.

"I have received Twilight's report, Captain Nightshade. You have done very well. I will speak with you later about new business tomorrow. Take the rest of the day off." Luna spoke gracefully.

"Thank you, princess." Nightshade looked back at Tycho and turned back to her. "I'll spending the day here if you need me, m'lady."

"Please carry on everypony. My business is with our guest." The night princess bid as she approached Tycho.

"Doctor Tycho Hernandez, I presume." Luna sat on her haunches as Tycho turned to her direction. "You look very exhausted after all you have been through. I have no doubt your predicament upsets you."

Tycho's attempt to maintain a better demeanor was failing. It was as if someone was bringing out emotions in him he didn't want to acknowledge. Was it the princess? "I... I don't suppose you... know... I mean has anyone here worked on a way back?" He was using all his willpower to hold back his returning grief. It was a hard struggle. He was shifting in his chair to maintain his composure.

Luna shook her head sadly. "It need not be said the possibility wasn’t researched, Tycho, if I may call you that." Seeing Tycho nod assured her she could. "What we have done recently was incredible, but whether we can duplicate what our neighboring universe accomplished is another matter entirely. As Alex once said, it would take far too long to ‘build the tools that build the tools’ to make the marvel that was the “L.H.C.’"

Tycho rested his face in his palm, keeping the tears from falling down his face. There went his good mood. "I suppose you are going to tell me I can make a life here."

Luna cocked her head, looking sympathetic. "I won't tell you anything you haven't already heard, Tycho. You definitely don't want to hear that there is no hope of returning, much less to just give up and start life anew. But I will say this." She extended a hoof to Tycho's knee, which prompted him to pay attention. "You aren't alone here. Everypony you meet, every friend you make are your greatest assets for coping. That includes myself."

Tycho remained silent at first until Alex broke it. "I think my friend will be thankful for advice at a better time, princess." He said.

Tycho finally spoke as Luna nodded and began to turn to speak with other attendees. "Nightshade told me something similar." Tycho said. He knew Nightshade was probably listening when he said that. "I won't be a hikkomori."

Luna must have smiled because that effect she had on Tycho seemingly withdrew, allowing Tycho to regain his composure. The night princess went to greet the others as Tycho quickly snatched his napkin and wiped his face.

"You said you have arranged a home for me, Alex?" Tycho said. He couldn't deal with any more pleasantries. Better to just rest this off.

Alex was about to answer until a certain pink pony approached Tycho with a sudden hug. Tycho tensed at first. "Please warn me next time." He grumbled. He was shocked he didn't detect that! It was like Pinkie was ‘schrodinger's pony.’

"Sorry Tyke." Pinkie Pie stood by him. "You looked like you need a lot more of those."

Tycho paid no heed to that and stood up. "Alex, if you don't mind but I need to lay down and rest this off." All that humor and pleasantry wasn’t helping enough.

Alex patted Pinkie Pie on the head and knelt down, then whispered in her ear, “He’s had a really rough day, Pinkie. He needs some rest.” The despondent pony gave Tycho a sad sweet smile and nodded.

They got up and passed two ponies that entered, both were shorter than the other ponies.

"You're back!" The female one hovered up and hugged Alex. The other looked up at Tycho who was leaning on his cane, waiting impatiently.

"Hey pumpkin, Steelskin." Alex greeted both. "I'm sorry but Tycho isn't in high spirits, right now. We'll be meeting for breakfast and errands tomorrow, is that okay, Scootaloo?"

"Sure, dad." The teenage mare approached Tycho. "Its nice to meet you, Uncle Tycho."

Tycho didn't know what that was supposed to mean. "Um...yeah, kid. Nice to meet you too."

Steelskin seemingly stared at Tycho for a bit and simply nodded. "Have a good night, Mr. Hernandez." Before following Scootaloo.

"Two questions. When did I become an uncle and is that her boyfriend?" Tycho asked tiredly.

"Tyke, you were as close as family back home and you are still family to me now. Oh, I’m not saying I want to replace your mother and father.” Alex explained as Tycho nodded in acknowledgement. “And as for my daughter’s boyfriend, yes. His name is Steelskin. Also a jumper. He has had it about as rough as I have." Alex said solemnly. "But he’s been doing much better."

Tycho followed Alex to his home. It was seemingly a two-bedroom house, Tycho estimated as he 'sonared' it when they were close enough. "Hope you made it tall for me." He remarked.

Alex smiled and handed Tycho the key. "You do the honors."

Tycho unlocked the door to his home and he got the gist of where everything was. "So how much is rent, what are the amenities, and how much do I pay for utilities?"

Alex chuckled. "No rent or utilities, Tyke. This place is yours. Consider it a reward and thanks from humanity." He showed Tycho around. "When i got your food back at the party, I mentioned to Pinkie to quickly replace all the meat with more vegetarian stuff, no hay, though.” Alex showed him around. “All the cabinets in the kitchen are labeled with braille. You'll have to hand-wash your dishes, but the fridge works as expected. Two bedrooms are upstairs with a full bathroom in between. You have a half-bathroom down here behind the stairs. Oh yeah, one more thing."

Alex showed Tycho to a desk in the livingroom. He took Tycho's laptop out and after a few sounds of fiddling. "So, remember when I said my laptop is super high-tech? It is also a regenerator. Like, if it breaks, it repairs itself. But if I break a big-enough piece off, it will make another."

Tycho stood and looked at Alex deadpanned. "And all that is known about science and physics weeps. Where is it getting the material to do that?"

Alex shook his head. "Never asked. Reed Richards just told me it could do that."

"You met Reed Richards? Holy shit, Alex. That must have been like meeting a God." Tycho sat down at his desk.

“I’ve had many moments like that and moments where I wish I didn’t.” Alex shook his head. “Anyways, I’ve set you up.”

"So my pinpad will work with this?" Tycho asked as he fiddled with the laptop, getting a feel for it.

Alex nodded. "Its got a pretty fast connection to Earth's internet, lots of bandwidth. Your pinpad app is on there too."

Tycho attached his devices to the USB ports to charge them. "Well I'm not totally disconnected from Earth. Do I have clothes here?"

"We're going to go to Elusive’s tomorrow to get you some new threads. First thing after breakfast." He gave Tycho a manly pat on the shoulder. "Oh, and one more thing, there isn't any toilet paper. They use bidets."

Tycho nodded. "Yeah they have those where I lived." He yawned. "Okay, well as much as I want to chat, Alex, I need to memorize this place and sleep. Just knock on my door to wake me up." He heartedly put a hand on Alex's shoulder.

"I'm next door, Tyke. You need a shoulder to lean on, knock anytime." Alex stood and left. "Good night, buddy."

Tycho simply waved good night as he explored his home. He noted the location of everything in his mind using mental exercises he used since he was a kid. He then headed to his bedroom and stripped. The bed was perfect for his size. Good thing since he hated his feet hanging in the air. He pulled the covers over himself as when he felt the balcony window slowly open.

"That you, Batman?" Tycho asked sarcastically.

"Please, Batmare." He heard Nightshade's voice as the mare landed on the hardwood floor. "Just thought I'd wish you a goodnight. From me and everyone else."

"Thanks." Tycho yawned again. "You staying the night in Ponyville?"

Nightshade nodded. "Was going to get some early sleep for morning festivities." She walked up to the foot of the bed and crossed her forelegs on the edge, resting her head.

Tycho propped himself on one arm revealing his chest.

Nightshade’s pleasant smile turned into shock and worry as she looked at the strange markings on his body. They were pitch black and like wavy shapes all interconnected. They were on his arms too. "Tycho, we need to get you to the doctor!"

Tycho blinked. "What for?"

"Your skin! Its has these markings. Do they hurt?" The captain carefully touched one on his arm. “Has somepony cursed you?”

Tycho tried to forget how awkward this felt. He hasn’t been here 24 hours and a sexy-sounding lady was touching him in bed. ‘Already getting felt up, eh you ol' smoothy,’ Tycho sarcastically thought to himself. ‘Shut up perverted thoughts,’ he internally retorted. "You mean my-Oh! No, Nightshade they are fine. They are ink under my skin. It's art, nothing more. Don't worry about it." He explained.

Nightshade stared at them. "Really? They don't hurt?"

Tycho patted reassuringly on her hoof and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "No, but the needle that put these on me did. Totally worth it, though."

Nightshade, fearing she might be being too forward with Tycho, pulled back. As that Alex was uncomfortable with those things when he first arrived, maybe this human was too. "Sorry about that, Tycho. I’ll let you sleep, okay?”

Tycho chuckled shaking his head. "Its fine. Hey, you need a room? Take the guest room. Save you the coin on hotels."

A smile grew on Shade’s face as she tossed the ‘being too forward’ idea out the proverbial window. “That is nice of you. But I’m paying you back tomorrow.”

Tycho pulled the sheet over him and laid his head down. "Sounds great. Goodnight, Shade." He turned over and began to doze off.

"Goodnight, Tycho." The mare whispered and went to the guestroom, keeping Tycho’s door partly open. Tycho quickly fell asleep while the stars of this alien world passed over Ponyville.

A pair of eyes watched his house as the night wore on.

Author's Note:

Editors and pre-readers and current readers, receive my wholehearted gratitude!