• Published 16th Mar 2015
  • 1,364 Views, 31 Comments

Into the Rift - DiscordsAdvocate

Earth is assailed by an unknown force that is causing random people to disappear. The human reality jumpers whom were torn from that world can do nothing to stop it, except one, who's only friend may give humanity a chance to be saved.

  • ...

Chapter 7 - First, Learn the World

About an hour into the evening, a dark-grey coated, teal mained colt dashed over to the front door that was Tycho's home. His patience had broken and paranoia had finally taken over. He wore a battered and cracked breastplate and had facial piercings to boot. The door was unlocked. He didn't bother quietly going upstairs as his hooves clopped up the hardwood.

He noticed the door to his left was still open, wherein laid the suspicious human he was keeping an eye on. He didn't see Nightshade, though. He resisted the urge to awaken the human and checked the other bedroom. Seeing Nightshade's armor laid neatly at the foot of the bed, he guessed Nightshade was the lump under the bedsheets. He shook his head in disapproval and approached her.

He thought about how he would wake her and decided simply to find a pressure point on her side. He formed a blunt metal tip on his hoof and pressed it to her side, slowly increasing the pressure.

Nightshade snorted and shifted in bed and even kicked her back hooves. She wasn't getting away from it.

"...ow." Nightshade said as she woke up in tired annoyance.

The colt withdrew his metallic instrument as Nightshade turned to see who dared to hurt her while she slept.

After seeing who it was, she glared at the colt and angrily whispered, "Steelskin, what the buck?"

Steelskin fiercely whispered, "You're the most idiotically unprofessional guard I have ever met. You come into the house of a carnivore with warg piercings and fall asleep in his guest room. What the buck are you thinking?"

Outside in the cool evening, there was a still silvery pond that separated Tycho’s new home and the Roberts family house. It beautifully reflected the moonlight as ducks nearby the pond took their rest, with a small stream that fed the larger Ponyville river. It was peaceful and pleasant, up until Steelskin was magically thrown out the window into the water.

AAAAH-” Steel’s yelp was cut off with an agreeable splash, as Nightshade’s horn dimmed.

Steel's head popped out of the water, glaring disapproval at the guard captain as she shook her head and closed the window. Steel got out of the pond, shook off the water, and trotted back into the home. Behind him, Alex's front door opened with a curious Alex Roberts peering from around the door. Steel went back inside Tycho's home, wiped his hooves on the door mat and looked up to notice a very bemused Nightshade standing in front of him.

"Before you open your chatterbox, Private Presumptuous; Tycho is a vegetarian, he's emotionally hurt after saving his bucking world from a catastrophe of the 'jumping' kind. And his piercings are merely for decoration, no different than a colt wearing earrings." Nightshade kept her voice down as best she could.

"Which could be a ruse to bring your guard down!" Steel, on the other hoof, didn't have much luck controlling his volume. "Have you ever met Blackwoods Wargs? We should be guarding him until we can make sure he is safe!"

Tycho's voice can be heard from upstairs. "Who is in my home and why won’t you leave?!"

Just then Tycho's door burst opened as Alex, crouched, knife in hand, and ready to defend his friends, stepped inside. "What's going on-"

Steel then eyed Nightshade awkwardly. “Wait, you’re sharing his home. He just got here and you’re…” Steel sniffed, “courting him already?” Steel sniffed again. “Already ready to rut him?” He said under his breath.

Nightshade blushed. "WHAT?!" She then put both forelegs on her mouth, regretting her outburst.

Tycho shouted from upstairs again. "If you’re going to burgle this place, do it quietly!"

Alex scratched the back of his head, trying to ascertain the situation after sheathing his knife. "Tycho, should these two be here?!"

Tycho replied immediately. “I can think of two who shouldn’t!”

Nightshade retorted to Steelskin. "It is none of your business who i let into my plot, you cast iron-" She stopped realizing she lose one heck of a Freudian slip (as Alex would call it), now blushing furiously.

Steelskin just facehoofed.

Alex heard that loud and clear and grinned to one side. "Oh, I see! Tycho, you sly dog!"

Tycho shouted even louder. "Get out before you both catch fire!"

Nightshade looked up the stairs with a frown. "Me too, Tyke?"

Tycho paused for a moment then calmly replied, "The guest may return to her bed!"

Steelskin looked up to Alex seriously. "Does he really mean the fire part?"

Alex chuckled. "No, Steel, it's a sarcastic threat. So Captain, I'll just leave you two alone. Don’t stay up too late." He winked and nudged Steelskin out the door as he exited.

"I'm rubbing two sticks together right now!" Tycho warned.

Steelskin chuckled before he gave Nightshade a lewd gesture as he exited.

Nightshade sighed, still blushing as she trotted upstairs. She didn’t go into Tycho’s room, though. "It was just Steel and Alex, Tycho. I’ll explain tomorrow.” She tiredly said. “See you in the morning."

Tycho just gave a groan of acknowledgement and flopped back onto the bed. "First day here someone breaks into my house. That’s what I get for landing in an American cartoon show." He grumbled as he tried to get back to sleep, with Nightshade back in her bed doing the same.

Morning arrived with Tycho groggily waking up. First thing he noticed was he was still in his bed in the bedroom of his new home. He couldn't see it, but his old bedroom at home was arranged differently. There dashed any hopes this whole thing was a bad dream. Second thing was the air was fresh and there was a strange ringing in his ear. Mainly because it was so quiet. There were no street noises, background sounds of housing appliances, nothing. He had been so tired yesterday he hadn’t noticed it.

He searched for his clothes and found them smelling clean and neatly folded on the table across from his bed. Wonder who did that? Was it Nightshade? He shrugged and then heard the shower turn on as Tycho deduced Nightshade was probably inside the bathroom. They both must have a door to the same bathroom in their respective rooms. Not caring he was still naked, he knocked to check. "Nightshade?"

"Come in!" He heard Nightshade's voice.

He raised an eyebrow, was she serious? Has she no sense of privacy? "Uh...is that appropriate?"

"What did you say?" Nightshade replied, audible over the sound of the shower.

"I said; is that-" Tycho was interrupted as the door magically swung open and pushed Tycho back. He nearly lost his footing and didn’t have time to get out of the way (or cover up).

Nightshade's head popped out from behind the shower curtain only for her eyes to fall upon the lithe, athletic, naked form of the 14 hoof tall human. "Tyke, I can't hear oooooh my!" She glanced down and blushed.

Tycho didn’t need to see to know his guest just got a free look at his..."Dammit!" Tycho instinctively stumbled back while trying to cover himself but ended up hitting his back legs on the footboard of his bed and landing his back on the bed. "Razzin frazzin," he growled.

Nightshade was about to go over him to make sure he wasn’t hurt but quickly imagined the implications; she just coming out of the shower, approaching him while he was on the bed... that was a pretty hot image but she refrained from acting on it. Besides, he landed on the bed so he should be fine. "Sorry Tycho! Forgot your human shame!" She went back behind the shower curtain, kicking herself for being so inconsiderate.

Tycho groaned. Second day on an alien world and a woman... ugh... mare got a good look at his junk. "Just sit tight, I won't take long." He heard as the door magically shut.

The human spent ten minutes planning his day. First, food. Second, clothing. Third, go to Twilight's and talk about finding work. Fourth, return here and contact mom and dad. Fifth, contact Arjeta and Johan, wait no, insert between second and third; have a heart-to-heart chat with the jerk who broke into his house.

After getting cleaned up and dressed, Tycho walked down the stairs to sense Nightshade, Alex, and several ponies with him in the living room. “What does a refugee have to do go get a granola bar and cup of coffee around here?” He lowly greeted.

Nightshade floated two mugs in front of him. “Good morning! Regular or decaf?” She floated each a little higher to emphasize which one was which.

“Thank you. What happened last night?” Tycho selected decaf and sipped and sat down in the living room, enjoying the taste of some of the best coffee he ever had. “I want the name of your coffee growers.” He said quietly and sipped again.

“A misunderstanding.” Nightshade shot Alex a serious glare.

“Sorry, Tycho. Thought you and Nightshade, well, you wouldn’t have been the first human to fall for a beautiful mare so-” Alex was trying hard not to embarrass his friend.

“I should be doing a spit-take, shouldn’t I?” Tycho said to everypony’s amusement. “I let her stay in the guest room. She’s the first friend I have made here, so why not save her fees on hotels?”

“Awe, I’m your friend now!?” Nightshade hammed up her gratitude before hugging Tycho tightly. “Cause friendship is magic, right Tyke?” She teased, but was sincerely happy that Tycho proclaimed her a friend.

Tycho deadpanned and pointed to Alex. “He’s the resident brony here, captain. Not me.”

Alex grinned mischieviously. “My little po-ny. My little po-” He began singing, then laughed as he received a series of ‘stop’s’ and ‘no’s ‘from everyone else.

Tycho snickered. “So where are we getting breakfast?”

Rainbow Dash answered; “Grain bucket. But we need to take a detour after that.”

“The department of immigration?” Tycho asked.

“Something like that, Tyke. We need to take you to meet the mayor and the town counsel. They’re pretty nervous about your arrival.” Alex said. “Just let me do most of the talking, okay? You’ll only have to answer basic questions. Who you are, where you hail from, why are you here, etc.”

Tycho shrugged. “Then we do the other errands. Good.” He quaffed the rest of his coffee. “Who else is present?”

“Morning, Tycho.” Twilight waved a hoof.

“Morning, Uncle Tycho!” The jubilant voice of Scootaloo answered. “I am sorry you couldn’t enjoy the rest of the party. Oh, and you can call me Scoots if you want.”

Tycho yawned. “It’s no problem, ‘half-pint.’”

Alex lovingly snickered, much to Scootaloo’s annoyance. Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. “Half-pint?”

Nightshade giggled into one hoof as Tycho grinned. “It is tradition for the uncle next door to be eccentric and thus, come up with clever nicknames for his nieces.” That got some laughs from the mares in the room.

Scootaloo gave an annoyed look and looked at her adopted father. “Can we trade him for an Uncle Chamor?” That earned more laughs.

Tycho stood up as everyone got ready to walk out. He walked through the front entrance to sense a pony a little taller than Scootaloo, trotting up to him from across the street.

“Steel, I told you to come over later.” Alex followed Tycho outside. “Let the man get some breakfast, first.”

“This will only take a second, Alex.” The colt replied respectfully, then turn to look at Tycho facing down on him.

“Excuse me, Mister Tycho.” The colt had a respectful, but remorseless tone. “I must apologize for my actions last night. I have met some vicious humans in my travels and, between that and the piercings, I feared for Captain Nightshade’s life.” The colt shot Nightshade a serious glance.

The Nightguard Captain just rolled her eyes.

“You mean piercings like yours?” Tycho asked.

“Yes. Exactly like mine.” Steelskin stated aggressively.

“Wow. They let you kids get piercings that early, huh?” Tycho folded his arms.

“I got them when I was jumping, Mr. Tycho.” Steel corrected, a hint of sadness in his voice. “And they mean something.” He took a deep breath as if he was holding back a bad memory, Tycho noted. “What about yours?”

“Ah, that’s right, you’ve gone what Alex went through.” Tycho said sympathetically and knelt down. “Let me offer you a proper handshake, kid.” Steel extended his hoof and accepted it. “Now, see? You’re shaking hands with someone who looks dangerous, but you don’t judge a book by its cover, right?”

Steel gave him that. “That is why I was observing you.”

“Oh, you did more than that, as you just confessed.” Tycho shook his head. Everyone else just watched but Scootaloo went to Steel’s side.

“Can you give him a break, Uncle Tycho? He is very protective of us.” Scootaloo asked shooting Steel a grin.

“That is what I am doing now.” Tycho let go of Steel’s hoof. “As for my piercings, they mean ’I look good with metal on my face and I don’t care if other people disapprove.’”

Steelskin’s eyed the human’s piercings. “So it’s purely cosmetic?”

“As the tattoo’s on my torso, yes.” Tycho replied. “Second, you don’t have my permission to enter my house uninvited, especially when it involves harassing my guests.” He gestured in Nightshade’s direction. “You do that again and you’ll be explaining yourself to a judge.”

“A judge? What judge?” Scootaloo asked.

Tycho blinked then looked up at Alex for clarification. “You guys don’t have a justice system?”

“He means the mayor or town counsel, Scoots. On Earth, our justice systems often have appointed or elected officials, depending on where you are.” Alex explained.

Steelskin looked deeper into Tycho’s white and white eyes and finally shrugged. “If Alex’s trusts you, I’ll give you a fair chance.” Stubborn dude won’t relent, Tycho observed.

Tycho stood, then got a look like he had an idea. “Oh yeah, you and Scoots are dating, right?” He said with a twinkle in his eye.

“Oh no you won’t.” Scootaloo warned pointing a hoof at the towering human.

“Oh yes I will. Since you are dating Half-Pint,” Tycho pointed a finger at Steelskin. “By proxy, your nickname is Steelbutt.”

The teenage colt deadpanned. “Really?”

Alex chuckled. “So, Steelbutt and Half-Pint. Perfect couple.”

“Dad! Not you too!” Scootaloo whined.

“Yeah, only Uncle Tycho can call them that, you big lug.” Rainbow Dash patted Alex on the head playfully as Scootaloo groaned.

Steelskin sighed softly. “I’m heading to Gary and Ms. Redheart’s place.” He nuzzled Scootaloo. “See you later?”

Scootaloo simply nodded as her respective group went to the Grain Bucket.

A walk through downtown Ponyville made Tycho feel like has strolling through a petting zoo. Shapes of ponies kept coming within range and he was afraid if he didn't pay attention, he might trip on one. Of course many had stood still to see the blind newcomer walking with their group. There was the expected poorly-hushed chatter about 'the human the mayor allowed to come here' or 'Celestia's flank he's bigger than Mr. Roberts!'

Another thing he noticed was these ponies trotted twice as fast as a normal walk for humans. Either everypony was in a hurry or this was normal walking speed for them.

"So," Tycho started to drown out the peanut gallery. "Since we're slowing some of you down, how about I point my cane at a building and someone tells me what its for." He started.

The ponies took turns naming the buildings.

Rainbow Dash took the first one. . "That's the Ponyville bank. Mr. Chamor works there. Grumpy guy but for some reason he likes it that way."

Twilight named another. "That is Bonbon's candy shop. Lyra lives there as well."

And one building after another as Tycho committed each to memory as he walked. This, he decided, would be his starting path as he committed to memory his mental map of the town. The process of learning everything would take him several weeks, of course. But knowing where the market is would be important.

They then passed through the Ponyville market district.

"Are these market stalls, Alex?" Tycho asked.

"Oh yeah. So Tycho, how did you do your food shopping?" Alex asked with a hint of concern.

"Social services in Switzerland had a person meet me at the market to help me shop since I couldn't see the products or quality of them." Tycho frowned. "Aaaaand, most of my meals were delivered to me since I couldn't cook anything complex."

Dash looked at Twilight and gestured to Tycho. Twilight nodded with a smile. "Don't worry, we're hooking him up with some help after breakfast."

"Good, I'm glad you have social services for the disabled." Tycho complimented when they finally arrived at the restaurant.

Twilight paused for a brief moment, staring at him with a confused expression. “Number five, ask Alex what ‘social services’ means,” she whispered under her breath.

Tycho noticed the chairs at the restaurant were too short. He simply sat Indian style on his 'chair' given his knees would have gone up to his chin had he sat any other way. He noticed Alex did the same.

Alex was curious about something Twilight had mentioned earlier. "So Twi, you said you found some leads for Tycho to work in his field? . How did you do it??"

"Oh! Well I sent letters to the M.S.T. - That’s ministry of magic, science, and technology - with copies of Mr. Tycho's curriculum vitae and clarification notes on what he did." Twilight proudly proclaimed.

Tycho blinked, "While I appreciate that, Twi. Could you have run your summary by me before you have sent it out?" Tycho asked. "I understand you wanted to make sure I could get settled, but I'd rather describe myself as I intended."

Twilight seemed taken aback, but retained her composure. "Well that is fair, Tycho. Though I hope you can appreciate I managed that on top of helping you save your world."

"And you have my thanks for all of that. Just don't move faster than I can keep up." Tycho replied.

They left it at that as they finally ate.

"So I heard from Matthew you guys had a conflict with Celestia during all that mess." Tycho said too low for the surrounding patrons to hear, while his table stopped in awkward silence. "I bring that up because I don't want you guys enduring any more trouble."

Dash and Twi both looked at each other awkwardly, obviously trying to think of a quick way to assure Tycho he had nothing to worry about. "Bigger guy." Nightshade broke the silence. "Celestia isn't going to be a problem. Twilight is her personal student and Twi did only what a good Element of Harmony would. Everything Celestia taught her played a crucial role in Ms. Sparkle's decision to act."

"So I have nothing to worry about? No anti-human leagues? No crazies with strange sentiments toward humans?" Tycho inquired.

"You mean like Lyra?" Rainbow quickly remarked.

"Dash." Alex’s warning tone prompted his wife to hold back on putting her ex down.

"Lyra is a human enthusiast, nothing more. She has done a lot better since Matthew arrived." Twi proclaimed before finishing her egg dish.

Tycho looked at Alex with an inquiring expression. "She engaged in anthropological studies toward me without me knowing for a while and we had to have a major discussion about boundaries, consent-" Alex began to explain.

"And butting into our family." Dash quickly followed. Alex looked at Dash. "Hey, she knew she was wrong saying things about us in front of our daughter."

Scootaloo, who had been silent for a while, spoke up. "Mom, I thought you and Lyra forgave each other."

"We did. I am still saying it was wrong." Dash sat stalwart.

Alex smiled and scratched his wife behind the ear. "I know you weren't trying to open up old wounds." Dash smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.

As the breakfast nearly concluded, Alex went into more of the things he learned about ponies. “One thing you’ll probably have noticed already is that ponies are even worse whisperers than humans. Our senses are much better than ponies.”

“So does that mean Tycho is a hearing prodigy compared to you, Alex?” Twilight asked.

“No, Twilight. Every human and maybe pony can do what I do. It just seems like its super-hearing because I use it more often.” Tycho explained.

“Can you teach it to others?” Rainbow asked, very interested.

Tycho shrugged. “Maybe? I never considered myself a teacher.”

“That also makes it impossible to sneak up on you, unless you’re distracted.” Alex mused, then chuckled. “Oh yeah, that reminds me. So remember when I said ponies have difficulty being stealthy?”

“Not this again.” Nightshade groaned.

“Tycho, I’m not kidding about this. They considered camouflage the equivalent of holding two small branches in front of themselves while laying low.” Alex pointed out.

Tycho snickered. “You serious? And nopony could see through that?” He turned to Nightshade.

“Hey, it works for us. Its not our fault you guys are all-sensing.” The night captain stuck her tongue out.

Alex laughed. “You should have seen their upgrade. A small bush on top of a helmet.” That caused Tycho to break into a belly laugh while the ponies of the group rolled their eyes.

Noticed by no one, a mint green potted plant in the corner watched the humans with interest. Lyra, with a smug grin, thought to herself, “You underestimate pony ingenuity, Mr. Roberts.”

Scootaloo giggled. “Steel told me Tallic once put a bush on his head and both Lyra and Bonbon freaked out thinking he disappeared.”

Lyra grumbled silently to herself.

It seemed the meeting for Tycho's admission into Ponyville was urgent, for they were let in almost immediately. Tycho sensed he was in a larger room with what was likely the town board of officials, all seated and getting ready for their scheduled hearing.

Tycho remained seated with his entourage behind him. At the same time, Lyra maintained her disguise next to another potted plant at the entrance to the main chamber.

"Mr. Tycho Hernandez?" Said the mare at the center.

Tycho stood up and made his way carefully to the podium. "That is I." He answered.

"Can you state your full name for the record?" Asked the mare.

"Tycho Masayoshi Hernandez." He replied.

"Thank you. Now, your vouchers, that is Mr. Roberts, Mrs. Dash, Ms. Sparkle, and with a letter of approval from Princess Luna, have all elaborated to the reason of your arrival. We have not done this with any other human that arrived here, but know that we aren't discriminating against you, Tycho. There is some facts we need to clarify because your arrival has been under some strange circumstances." The mare replied. "Oh, and perhaps we should introduce ourselves to you as well. I am Mayor Mare, obviously the Mayor of Ponyville."

'Not a very creative name but oh well.' Tycho thought. Four others introduced themselves as town board members, Berry Punch, Filthy Rich, Gale Force, and Golden Coins.

Tycho noticed Alex wave to Golden Coins briefly as he nodded in his direction. They must know each other, he concluded.

"So now that we are introduced, we just need to clarify your involvement in the event that led to your relocation here. If you don't mind telling it in brief." Mayor requested.

Tycho nodded and told it. He refrained from explaining the finer details of how their machines worked. He emphasized that he didn’t have the time, nor the years to explain it now. It took about twenty minutes as Tycho was brought a glass of water to wet his throat after that long explanation.

"So you had no choice but to go inside the chamber and activate that laptop device, thus why you are here." Rich clarified.

Tycho sadly nodded. "I suppose one could argue I always had a choice. I guess it's accurate to say I didn't have a better choice." He sighed.

"Now, Mr. Tycho. You are blind, yes? Yet just from observing you here, you seem to get around just fine." Mayor adjusted her glasses.

"In a matter of speaking, I can memorize where I have been, but it isn't a perfect memory. I can lose my way and that isn't a comfortable situation. I also can't read without technological aid, which I have back home, plus a few things we take for granted aren't easy for me. But I emphasize highly on my independence. I can't watch a movie or read a comic book, but I can do other things that don't exclusively require sight." Tycho explained as he took a gulp of water.

"That is quite an accomplishment, Mr. Hernandez, as evident by your education. A doctoral degree and two masters.” Coins cleared his throat. “Are you aware of the other circumstances involved in your arrival here? The one's involving your new friends?" Gold coins pointed to Alex and the others.

"I," Tycho stopped himself before he answered. He didn’t want to get them in trouble saying something that might implicate someone, but neither did he want to add to any conspiracy. Best to play it safe, he decided. "I cannot confirm allegations I did not witness."

"Fair enough, Mr. Hernandez." Gold Coins picked up a paper. "I am going to read the following: obstructing a royal investigation, resisting arrest, mischief, and an unofficial count of the use of unknown magic without approval." He put the paper down. "Because of the town's position as a hub for you and other jumpers, you will understand that we are nervous that actions like this will bring more trouble than we can handle. Do you understand?"

Tycho thought for a moment. "I fully understand the extent that my friends took to save my race, counsel.” He said without remorse. “However, I am glad things did not escalate further."

"Let’s hope it does not." Filthy Rich remarked. "With that, Tycho, given your condition as blind, we are here to let you know that, combined with taxes and grants we can receive from the crown, we can provide services to you as we have with others." He explained. "Is there anything in particular you will need?"

"Back home I had a nutritionist accompany me to the market to buy basic ingredients for simple meals I can make, like stir fry, salads, or pasta. I don't suppose I can get the same." Tycho asked.

"Somepony should be easy to find." Mayor answered. "Anything else?"

Tycho thought about the meal delivery he used to get. "I also had the occasional meals delivered to me. Well, not occasional. About half the time, really." He hoped they'd say yes.

There was an uncomfortable delay as the five huddled for a moment. "Are you telling us there were no family members that could help with that? We might be able to get volunteers, but we cannot be sure of it." Gale Force explained.

Tycho scratched the back of his head nervous and looked back at Alex and the others.

"That shouldn't be a problem." Alex piped up.

Tycho nodded and turned back, deciding a little humor would add to a good impression. "And, one last thing. Back home I got one free beer per day, you see. It was a our famous ‘beer for the blind project,’ and-"

Berry Punch, who hadn't shown much activity on the board fell back in her chair laughing. "I like this guy."

Tycho followed up. "It was tax money nobly spent, I swear." He joked while faking sincerity.

The town board took his joke well with shared chuckles and giggles. "Berry Punch, sober up already and get back in your seat!" Mayor scolded. "Um, right, Tycho? No. Funny. But no. You can purchase children's drinks on your own." She smiled.

Tycho raised an eyebrow. “Children’s drinks?”

The mayor stood from her chair. "Well, if there is anything else, I think we can officially-"

There was the sound of a throat clearing in the room. "Excuse me." Tycho heard a deep male voice from the back of the room. "If I may speak about the matter."

"And who are you and why are you interfering with this meeting?" Mayor Mare asked.

A stallion, Tycho deduced, sounding middle aged and academically cultured approached the podium on the other side. "My name is Arcane Seeker, Head Minister of the Ministry of Magic, Science, and Technology, and I wish to submit a request for a royal inquiry into the matter of this colt’s arrival and the involvement of those whom have helped him.”