• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 18,771 Views, 384 Comments

Dark Warrior of...... Neutrality?! - Cipherthefightingwriter

sent to Equestria by some nutjob dressed as the happy mask salesman, a Brony cosplaying as gaming's ultimate evil is petrified by the sisters merely for feeling evil. Once he free, he decides to not be a hero or villain but tries to live in peace

  • ...

Freezing Darkness

I gritted my teeth as Tirek gloated over his apparent victory. From what Zelda told me on the way there, in my rage, I fought Tirek as Ganon, and even then failed to do any sort of damage against him, even with an overpowered Twilight mixed in as well. It was then a memory was sparked when Lana spoke, "Is there anyone that could help us in this fight?"

Reaching into my armor, I pulled out a green and black cylinder.


I growled as I looked back to see what I tripped over, only to blink when I spotted an odd cylinder that looked like it belong to the doctor. Looking over, I was about to comment to myself on how familiar it looked, only to hear a voice "I am the changer of shape, seeking to understand the many forms of life. Call for the man of many shapes during your hour of need and I will come, a one man army. Activate the cylinder and in a flash I’ll be ready to clash.

Looking the cylinder over, I shook my head and stuffed it into my armor as I rushed to catch up with the others, "I'll figure out this thing later."

Gripping the cylinder, I thought to myself, 'I don't know who you are, but please, if there was ever a time help was need, it is now!', with that, I spoke to the Cylinder.

3rd PoV

"I don't know who you are, and I don't care, but right now we need all the help we can get. So Please, I am begging you, help us!"

With that, Blaze tossed the cylinder into the air as a precaution. For a moment nothing happened and the object just tumbled through the air before it exploded with a green flash and a figure slammed to the ground. It appeared to be a young man, with long shaggy hair, a pair of well worn jeans and a grey hoodie.

“Someone called?” he asked getting to his feet, his peircing red eyes scanning the area.

Blaze raised a hand, uncertain of the new arrival, “That would happen to be me.” He then looked over the new comer, “... Please tell me you are some sort of over powered god or something.”

The newcomer looked at him for a moment before bursting out laughing. “Oh man, I’ve never had someone hit the nail on the head so quickly. Names Jason Hughes, prince of Equestria, ruler of Jotunheim, lord of winter and sucessor to Odin.” he gave a bow before looking Blaze over, “Thank Yggdrasil you didn’t end up like the other guys.”

Blaze wasn’t sure what to think of that but shook his head and started gesturing, “We can discuss who we are later, right now there are priorities.” He pointed to the oversized Tirek.

Jason froze, staring at the centaur, his eye twitching, “Where are Twilight and the others?” he asked in a rather commanding voice.

Blaze motioned to the group behind him, “The friggin cheating bastard is blocking our path to the only thing to beat him, and I am, for god knows what reason, the only one with magic.”

“No your not,” Jason held his hand up, conjuring up a strange, multicolored distortion. “Ultima!” he shouted, firing it off at Tirek. The spell hit him, causing an explosion powerful enough to crack the ground. “I’m going to beat the shit out of him. You girls go get rainbowfied. And yes I know that sounds random as hell but trust me, I’ve already lived this.” he took off his hoodie, tossing it to Blaze before starting to move towards Tirek.

Blaze caught it and tossed it to Link then summoned his swords, “Not leaving me out of this, he tried to screw over my friends and wrecked the place I work at, I am not leaving without my pound of flesh from him.”

“You might not get the chance,” Jason said, cracking his neck, “Omnitrix, Way Big,” he commanded before he was engulfed in green light. He was replaced by a towering alien creature, around the size of Tirek.

Blaze shrugged, “I have to deal with the doctor and Urahara, whats a Ben Ten impersonation.” He then raised his hand, “Lets see if we can do this without the rage!” With that, the Triforce of power started to glow, then his body started to be enveloped in a shadowy mist. Once the mist parted, Blaze was once more in the form of Ganon, and roared before charging at Tirek.

“Heh, I’m met Tennyson, he’s an annoying idiot,” Jason commented before he charged after Blaze, drawing his arm back for a punch.

As Jason prepared his attack, Blaze reached Tirek’s legs before conjuring a spear like sword and swiping at a leg to serve as a distraction, to which Tirek complied and looked down at him before trying to stomp on him, only for Blaze to jump out of the way, “Missed, and you’re not kissing me!”

Jason planted his fist into Tirek’s face, forcing the centaur back. “You know, if I didn’t think it’d mess up your time line, I’d break this idiot’s neck.” he swept his leg out, knocking the centuar to the ground.

Blaze scrambled up Tirek’s back leg onto his back before jamming his weapon in his back before shouting, “Are you kidding? This bastard wasn’t even suppose to be here! In fact, only reason I want him alive is to know how he knew about the box in the first place!”

“Oh good, that saves the awkward conversation about this being a fictional world,” Jason said, grabbing the centaur by the horns, repeatedly punching him in the face.

Blaze started clambering up Tirek’s human half’s back to his head despite the danger and started hacking at one of his horns to remove his ability to use magic“Are you kidding?! I am surrounded by people that are suppose to be fictional!”

“Don’t talk to me about weird,” Jason said with a scoff, “I’m the guy who married Chrysalis.”

Blaze laughed as he jammed his weapon into Tirek’s head, “Lord, never say that back home, lord knows how many bronies would try to kill you just because you have the luck to score with her, shame I will never meet her here!”

“Well... her and Rarity,” Jason grumbled as he glared down at Tirek, “My life is weird.”

Blaze blinked, “I don’t know what to pity you more on, being with the banshee or having two women at once!” Before Blaze could strike again, Tirek reach up and grabbed him before heaving him at Jason.

Jason caught him, stumbling back a bit, “Ok, the girls are just taking their sweet ass time now.” he glared at Tirek. “Can’t use Keel... don’t want to blow the planet up. Ormagoden? No, can’t risk the bloodlust.”

As Jason said that, Blaze seen seen part of a glow come from the castle and decided to have one last shot at Tirek, “Hey! Ever seen the X-men?”

“Which one?” Jason asked, “I swear to Yggdrasil if you say Jubilee I’m chucking you into the sun.”

Blaze clambered to Jason’s hand, “You’re close on the plan! I think it was the second one during the training room scene with Wolverine and Colossus, catch my drift?”

“Oh that,” Jason said with a smirk, lifting Blaze up and drawing his arm back, “Fastball special bitch!” he shouted, hurling him at Tirek.

Flying through the air, Blaze roared, thrusting his blade forward, “LEEROOOOOYYYYY JEEEENNNKKIIINNNSS!” Then managed to nail Tirek in the eye, blinding the struck eye before jumping to the ground before Tirek could grab him as he reached for the eye.

“Hi,” Jason said as he punched Tirek in the face. He stopped before a very evil smile appeared on his face. “Hey, what flavor candy do you think he’d make?”

Blaze snorted as he seen the glow brighten, “Are you kidding? He looks like he would make a black widow venom tasting one!”

“Lets kid out shall we?” Jason asked, smirking, “Omnitrix, Niktu,” he commanded, shifting into a child sized pink humanoid with white pants.

Blaze threw his hands in the air just as he changed back, “Grand, now mini Majin Buu is on the lose!”

“Oi! I’m in complete control of myself thank you very much!” Jason shouted, glaring at him, “Now...” he turned to Tirek, cracking his neck, “Lets see what kinda candy you’ll make.”

Before he could do so, and before either Blaze or Tirek could say anything, the light reaching a blinding point as the girls, now powered by the tree of harmony, rose from the nearby gorge. In response, Tirek tried to blast them like in the series, only to shock Blaze with what he said afterwards, “NO! THAT CREATURE SWORE I WOULD WIN! IT SWORE IF I KEPT THEM FROM THE TREE AND DESTROYED THEM I WOULD CONQUER ALL!”

Saying nothing, the girls struck, utilizing the magic of friendship and harmony to free the magic Tirek took and return him to his prison in Tartarus. Hearing those words, as the girls did their work, Blaze thought to himself, ‘What creature could Tirek have been talking about?!’

“Welp, that was a buzzkill,” Jason said, tapping the Omnitrix, returning to normal. “Ok so, was that Link I saw earlier a former human as well.”

Blaze shook his head, “No, I am the only Earth human here, Him, Zelda, Lana, and Cia are the real deals.”

“Ok then, you and me need to have a talk, away from them,” he said, starting to move out into the forest. “Well come on,”

Blaze nodded and followed, “Alright, then you have A LOT to explain, maybe I can get a full idea on what is going on with your help.”

“You went to a con, saw something that matched for costume and bought it from some weirdo. You put it on and wham, you ended up here as your costume.” Jason said as a statement of fact rather than a question.

Blaze shrugged before pointing to his headpiece, “Close, didn’t even get inside the con when I was stopped by the friggin Happy Mask Salesman of all people who then gave me this headpiece for no charge before I found myself here. Which by the way, if you spot the SoB, knock his teeth out for me.”

“That guys name is the Merchant. He’s a void entity thats been displacing people for god knows how long. That my friend, makes you a Displaced like me.”

Hearing this, Blaze looked at Jason blankly, turned and walked to a tree, then banged his head on it a couple times, “Why couldn’t I have listened to the old rule and avoided talking to a stranger.”

“There are A LOT of Displaced. In all honesty, you should feel extremely lucky you're still yourself.”

“Only thanks to forcing myself to fall asleep while petrified.” Blaze sighed, “So based on the fact I found something of yours and summoned you here, is it the same with others?”

“For the most part, some call them tokens, some call them totems,” Jason explained, “Each represents the Displaced who sent it out. I will warn you though, while I’m a helpful asshole, not everyone else is. Some of them... well some of them became their costumes mentally as well.”

Blaze blinked, “So I am a lucky SoB then, anyways, I tend to be a neutral asshole but help those who help me. Also, any big names I should count on if I need backup or ones I should punch out on sight?”

“You can definitely count on Team Rocket, Gilgamesh the Final Fantasy one, Kat Shifter, Nemesis, that dofus Wade and surprisingly Majin Buu,” Jason started, leaning on a tree.

Blaze thought about the names, “Don’t know much about Gilgamesh, only Wade I know is the one my fave youtuber would pick on, heh, ironic that there is a good team rocket, I seen Kat Shifter, or at least the game one not a displaced, she was cute, and its the multiverse so of course Majin Buu is running around somewhere, and… on Nemesis, do you mean the greek goddess or the tentacley B.O.W made by umbrella?”

“B.O.W. His Twilight got converted by what I assume is a Reaper Displaced, but if so I’ve never run into it.”

Blaze just started at Jason before grinning brightly and fist pumping, “HELL YEAH! Good Nemesis for the friggin win!”

“As for who you want to stay away from? I know there is a Pyramid Head Displaced, several Overlords, Alice from American Mcgee, and Don. Don’t get involved with Don.” Jason said simply, taking on a rather icy look.

“That sucks with Alice, she was a major cutie in the games, and sounds like you and this Don guy have major bad blood.”

“Don’t.” Jason said simply, “I’m not getting into it. Now... do you know anything about season five?”

Blaze sighed, “It was just getting started before I was pulled here, but at this point, I doubt it is going to happen.”

“Punch Starlight in the face,” Jason looked into Blaze’s eyes, “I don’t care what she’s doing here, punch her in the face.”

Blaze raised an eyebrow, “A mare? Sorry, but other than Celestia and that was only once, I don’t hit women of any kind, shape, or whatever.”

“She stole the cutie marks of an entire town, brainwashed them into this weird cult and tried to do the same to the girls.”

Blaze scowled, “If that is the case, I will make sure Trixie, Dopple, or Daring hit her, hard. By the way, you seem pretty calm about meeting Ganondorf, even if I am not him in mind.”

“I’m not exactly easy to kill, besides I fought Broley. Compared to him, you're an ant.”

“Don’t know a thing about any Broley, and I don’t doubt the ant thing, I am a selfish ass who prefers not to fight.”

“Momma say’s fighting is bad,” a voice female voice says. Jason sighed, putting a hand on his face.

“Is there a toddler sized, pony that rather resembles Discord behind me?” Jason asked with an annoyed groan.

Blaze nods, looking at said pony, “Let me guess, somewhere in your world, Discord got lucky?”

“He hooked up with Flutterbat and Nightmare Moon,” Jason explained.

Blaze snapped his attention on Jason at the mention of Nightmare Moon, “Nyx slash good Nightmare Moon?”

“No. Try Nightmare Moon with the personality of Fluttershy,” his gaze darkened but he didn’t say more.

Blaze calmed down, “Good Nightmare Moon then, and wish my Fluttershy went for him. Anyways, I pity him though being with two mares himself, and sorry for the attitude, right now Nightmare Moon is one of the two suspects on my list for an incident we had a while back.”

“But momma Moony is really nice!” the little mare said, appearing in Blaze’s face.

Blaze jumped back startled, “First off little one, personal space. Und second, it is a long complex story.”

She frowned, looking at him. She had the forearms of a raccoon, while her body, which was mostly pony like, was serpentine. Her ears and wings resembled Flutterbat’s, with two small fangs poking out of her mouth. Two backwards pointing unicorn horns rested on her head while her colors were a reverse of Fluttershy’s.

“Eris, why did you follow me?” Jason asked, getting her attention.

“Elusive told us about his trip. I thought it would be fun to come with you,” she said, looking at the ground, her ears drooping. Jason just sighed, picking her up.

“You could have gotten really hurt and I don’t think your parents would like that at all.” Jason said, shaking his head.

Blaze butted in, “Trust me comrade, if she is Discord’s you have as much chance at getting her to listen as you do to make Pinkie as apathetic as her sister.”

“Actually, Eris is very well behaved, she takes after her mom.” Jason pet the girls head, making her purr, “One of the kindest ponies we’ll find besides Fluttershy.”

Blaze shrugged, “Pray to whatever that she stays that way then, cause if she grows up to be like Discord then you have my pity.”

“You act as if I can’t beat Discord,” Jason said with a scoff.

“Discord I don’t doubt, but if it were a female version, well, two things, puppy eyes at all ages, and PMS when grown.”

“Ponies don’t work that way,” Jason deadpanned.

Blaze crossed his arms, “Can you say the same about a draconequus?”

“Omnitrix, Hodepodge,” Jason commanded, shifting into said species. “Oh yay!” Hodgepodge declared, in his signature Walken voice, “I was hoping that I could show up in this chapter!” (A/N: author pokes HodgePodge in the nose then makes a shh, motion).

Blaze blinks, “It would be so easy to comment but I will just shut up except for one thing, do you keep the nice gentlemen in the white coats nearby when like this?”

“No see Blaze my boy,” Hodepodge said, putting Eris on Blaze’s head and coiling around him, “I’m a separate entity from Jason, created to help him manage Alien X. It just so happens that I can see past the fourth wall as it were.”

“.... Riiiiggghhhhhtttt.” Blaze steps away from Hodgepodge, unnerved.

“I also have the voice of Christopher Walken,” Hodgepodge said, floating around him lazily.

Blaze watched him cautiously, “I can hear that, but can I go back to talking to Jason… Please?”

“Yes but not before I do this,” he snapped his fingers, casting an R63 spell.

Blaze looked confused, then spoke, “What was tha-.” Blaze blinked, “Wait, what?” Then looked down at ‘his’ body.

“Lets see you make PMS jokes now ‘Ganderella’.”

‘She’ blushed then went to snap at him, paused, then grinned, “At least I look good as a chick.”

“Eh... I’d give you a six,” he shrugged, “Not into elves.”

Blaze just sighed, “Anyways, can I be changed back…. please?”

“Hm... I dunno, what do you think Eris?”

Eris peered down into Blaze’s eyes, blinking a few times, “I dun think he ;likes being a girl, you should change him back.”

“Oh alright,” he said snapping his fingers, returning Blaze to normal.

Blaze smiled once back to normal then reached and ruffled Eris’s mane, “Next time we meet little one, I will have a bag of candy for you.” Blaze looked back at Hodgepodge, “Anyways, can I please talk to Jason? I have something I need to discuss with him.”

“Alright, alright,” he said tapping the Omnitrix, reverting into Jason. “Well that was headache inducing as always,” Jason groaned, rubbing his head.

Blaze chuckled, “I’d play the song of healing for you but I don’t have my violin on me or know a violin cover of it. Anyways, I have an important question for you, During your interactions with other displaced, have you encountered any capable of inflicting the exact same nightmare to all of Equestria, and one that can trap even Luna in her own version of it?”

“No but... that does sound like Darkrai, you know, the pokemon of nightmares. Doubt its him though. Most likely, its something from a Zelda game.”

Blaze shook his head, “There was only one game involving dreams and the whole game turned out to be one big dream sequence for one person. Here, do you want me to explain what exactly happened so you know what to expect should it happen to your world as well?”

“It won’t,” Jason said, looking at him, “My world works... differently than almost all other Equestrias”

“Be careful, there is a reason there is the saying, ‘pride comes before a fall’, but do one thing for me, if you, or anyone you know meet a being capable of doing what I describe or even bragging that they did it, I don’t care if the being is so friggin OP that it can imagine me dead and it would happen, you or them are to summon me because I want that, and I apologize for the language, I want that fucking thing’s head! There are things you don’t do when it comes to me and fucking with my friend’s heads is a damn good way to make me furious! So swear it to me Jason that you’ll do this!”

“Alright I swear it on my life,” Jason said with a nod, “Though I really doubt it’ll happen to me, not sure if something like that would work in my world. I have to look into it.”

Blaze nodded, “Just having multiple eyes on the lookout is enough for me. Anyways, if you do need to summon me, you’ll need a… token wasn’t it?”

“Yeah, or totem, whatever you want to call it really,” Jason said with a shrug, “Oh! I almost forgot, you’re the second Zelda Displaced I’ve met. Theres a Zant running around as well.”

Blaze snorted, “Displaced or not, if you meet him again I’d like a word with him to have a word with him for screwing Midna over. Anyways tok-.... Nah, I’m calling mine a calling card.” With that, Blaze held up his hands and focused, it took him a while but he smiled as a small pile of black rupees formed in his hands then he handed them over, “Here you go, just hand them out to those who you inform of me and trust. Just don’t try to spend them though, they’re rupoors and they actually cost rupees instead of being worth anything.”

“Okay... do me a favor though?” Jason asked as he took them, placing them in his pocket. “You know Trenderhoof right?”

“Sure, Rarity tried to go all hillbilly pony for him in the series.”

“Kick him in the nuts for me.”

Blaze blinked, “Did something to wrong you I take it?”

“He led a genocidal rebellion that killed thousands. First person I killed,” he said with acid, his eyes glowing a very dark red. “So yes, he did something wrong.”

Blaze bristled as he heard that and started radiated dark magic as his eyes and piece of the Triforce started glowing with his fury, “A fucking pony Hitler?! I’ll do you one better! If mine is anything like yours, I will personally castrate the bastard!” After saying that, Blaze caught himself then calmed down, sighing, “I guess that brings me to a warning you should give anyone that tries to summon me. Three things, one, I don’t fight unless the bad guy enrages me. You yourself seen how well I work in a fight, and just cause I killed one guy doesn’t mean I can fight. Second, three things will instantly set me into po’ed mode, racists, people who mock love, and most immortals. I am neutral with Norse gods, fine with Shinto and native american ones, but despise greek, roman, and the big man capital G god. Finally, I have issues with my past. Unless that person earns my trust, they are to stay out of it unless I am willing to talk myself. If they try to force it out of me I WILL return here without helping if things aren’t important or bad enough for me to help, ok?”

“I’ll try to remember that,” Jason said rubbing his head, “Also, I think your... aura is bringing out my more... violent tendencies. I don’t really want you to hurt Trenderhoof, as much as I want to hit him for what my versions did.” Jason shook, “On the subject of gods, you’re looking at the grandson of Hel right now.”

Blaze held his hands up in surrender, “I said most gods, you are pretty cool so far. Though I must ask before I make my next comment, since you know the Norse gods, are they the Valkyrie Profile versions, Marvel, or what?”

“One its straight up after Ragnarok so its just Hel now,” Jason said with a shrug. “Can’t really tell ya about the rest of them.”

Blaze shrugged, “Can’t say what I was thinking then. Also, sorry about my aura, I know I can’t help it seeing as, I have always had a temper, can’t tell you how many fights I been in while in school over it.”

“Your mane is nice,” Eris commented, looking down into Blaze’s eyes, “It’s got a really pretty color.”

Blaze smiled softly, “Thanks, though I am going to get it trimmed soon, I hate having it long because of both it’s weight and ability to get tangled.” He then looked at Jason, “By the way, I am not going to be able to keep the whole thing about the displaced a secret from the others.”

“Why would you?” Jason asked with a raised eyebrow.

Channeling his inner Tony Stark, he replied, “Well, first off, you pulled me out here like it is some big secret. As for me not being able to keep it a secret, they already know from my memories that our world knows of a version of them. Plus, my stalker heard everything.” He turned to the bushes, “ISN’T THAT RIGHT STALKERSHY?!” An eep was heard and a sheepish Fluttershy came out who said nothing as she went next to Blaze.

“Mommy!” Eris cried, darted off of Blaze’s head and latching onto Fluttershy’s neck, giving her a nuzzle.

While Fluttershy looked bewildered and confused, blaze in amusement decided to make a jab at her, “She belongs to a four legged pony version of you and discord, ‘mommy’.” Making her eep once more in surprise.

“You look like aunt Trixie!” Eris said, looking at Fluttershy, flicking her tail a little.

While Fluttershy was confused by that comment, Blaze simply looked at Jason and raised an eyebrow.

“It’s a long story..” Jason said before a loud boom was heard. A portal opened above them and a more pony version of Rainbow Dash bolted out, followed by Flutterbat. “I take it Fluttershy freaked out?” Jason asked, shaking his head.

Looking Flutterbat over, Blaze just grinned, “Oh the vampire jokes I could make right now, it would be too easy.”

“Ohh... two mommies.” Eris gasped, before Flutterbat scooped her up.

“Don’t worry me like that,” she scolded the child, hugging her close. “Oh um.. hi...” she said, looking at her alternate self twitching her ears a little.

While the anthro Fluttershy looked confused, Blaze commented, “Ah the multiverse, how it loves to mess with our heads, anyways greetings to both of you mein pony friends.”

“Sup?” Dash asked, waving a talon at Blaze, “Just came to make sure Eris was ok.”

“What? Don’t trust me?” Jason asked with a mock frown.

“Nah, we trust you, just not the guys you meet out here.”

Blaze looked amused, “Smart choice, never trust strangers, they could ambush you and send you to other worlds.” He then motioned to the talons, “By the way, whats with those?”

“These are talons dude,” she said rather flatly.

“Time to channel doctor Lector, I take it from your tone and sarcasm your hooves weren’t lost in an accident but rather someone attacked you, severing them from you?”

Dash just sighed, “Do I really have to tell this story everytime I meet one of you guys? It’s in the past, let it stay there.”

Blaze grinned, “Finally, someone who talks sense! That is the exact truth! The past is the past, live for the moment!”

“We’re going to head home Jay, don’t stay too long,” Dash said before she moved back up toward the portal.

“Bye!” Eris called with a wave as Flutterbat moved after her, the three vanishing into the portal.

Blaze waved and before they left, shouted to Eris, “And I promise to remember that bag of candy!”

“Well, I should probably get going, I have students too teach,” Jason said, looking Blaze over, “Ganon’s a moblin right?”

Blaze opened his mouth to answer but closed it quickly, “....Honestly? I want to say yes because of him being pig or boar like, but the only thing I know is that his human form is from the Gerudo tribe.”

“Then I just scan that,” Jason said, moving closer, holding up his Omnitrix arm, “If thats alright with you.”

Blaze shrugged, “You can try, but the only reason I or the real Ganondorf can become Ganon is because of the Triforce and the piece of power we possess.” He then moved to an open space and changed into Ganon to let him try.

“I meant I would scan your Gerudo form,” Jason said, face palming a little.

Blaze snorted as he went back to normal, “Clarify next time, and also, Gerudo are human, just with pointy ears like all humans from Hyrule, that and only every century is a man born to them.”

“So are osmosians and I still have a scan of those,” Jason said, moving closer. The Omnitrix chirped, passing a yellow light over Blaze, "Also, I refuse to believe that Hyrulian’s are humans, their freaking elves.”

“Its the freaking multiverse man, for all we know, humans in one possible Earth could have two sets of each limb, heads included!”

“I know what I’m talking about, I already have two different elf species in here,” Jason argued, tapping the omnitrix.

Rolling his eyes, Blaze commented, “I was told in the past I was one of the most stubborn SoBs around, now I am not so sure.”

“I’m a jotun, we’re all about aggression,” Jason said with a shrug, “But I should get going.”

Blaze nodded, “Alright then, well, you have my calling card for you and others, just remember what I said to warn them about, and also, with Hodgepodge? Tell him that I said that if he has to genderbend someone from here again, to do it to Link, I have seen the fanart of him as a chick and he pulls the look off beyond perfectly. And tell Rainbow Dash she has my respect for looking me in the eye, mine won’t do it and trash talks me a lot.”

“I’ll see if Hodge will agree,” Jason said with a nod, “So you have to send me home. All you have to do is say “Jason, our contract is complete,”

Blaze was about to say it, only to grin and do it with a flare as he bowed and said, “Jason, Prince of Equestria and ruler of Jotunheim, I free you from our contract now that it is complete. Return home as the hero you are!”

“Seeya,” Jason said as he was engulfed in a bright flash, his token falling to the ground in his place.

Blaze picked up the token and slipped it back in his armor before motioning to Fluttershy, “Well, lets head home Fluttershy before the others think we got lost or in trouble.” As they returned to Ponyville, neither of them noticed a presence looking amused from the battle before disappearing.

Author's Note:

And so the day is saved by the girls and a hero from another Equestria. This Chapter is brought to you courtesy of Shagohad12 and his character Jason from And Then There Were 10...Er...67. I hope everyone enjoyed this crossover, I know we did writing it! Also, for Jason, spoilers in this Chapter for the sequel to Shagohod's work so that you the readers are forewarned of that.