• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 18,771 Views, 384 Comments

Dark Warrior of...... Neutrality?! - Cipherthefightingwriter

sent to Equestria by some nutjob dressed as the happy mask salesman, a Brony cosplaying as gaming's ultimate evil is petrified by the sisters merely for feeling evil. Once he free, he decides to not be a hero or villain but tries to live in peace

  • ...

Shadows of the Past

"Thanks again Doctor, you being yourself around me has been a real relief."

"Ah, its no problem Blaze, you struck me as the type to get angry when babied so I figured I would help you by acting normally."

"Once more, you are far better than your next form Doctor."

"Is my personality in my next regeneration really that bad?"

"Oh you have no idea Doctor, you have no idea."

After having my chronic depression revealed, most of the others had become unbearable. Link and Lana would practically tap-dance in their efforts of making sure I was OK. Trixie would put on shows just to entertain me, even calling on Pinkie Pie which only made me even more uncomfortable as the pink pony, seeing sadness as her worse enemy, would not hold back in her attempts to make me laugh, which only led to lots and lots of awkwardness. Urahara kept offering medicine he made, but I seen how some of his inventions were, and if it wasn't made by a certified doctor or medical scientist, I was not trusting it. Fluttershy was ultimately the worse out of them, often being clingy and doing numerous things in an effort to help, which of course would turn out worse than with Pinkie Pie. The only ones who didn't practically treat me like I was made of glass were Cia, the Doctor, Urahara despite his medicine offers, Rainbow Dash (unsurprising with her extreme distrust of me), and Dopple who thankfully understood it was better to step in only if there were actual signs of trouble.

A good bit of news was that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had left with the rest of their group to investigate some frontier village of whatever was going on, leaving me to only have to deal with a couple headaches, of which I decided to avoid by helping the Doctor, "Anyways, sorry to bother you on it mate, but have you talked to the local doctors about potential medicine to help you with your depression? I know you've been avoiding Urahara's and I can understand the reason for that."

I sighed, "I did, and while it inspired them to take a second look at some patients, they couldn't get a grasp on anything from me. Not only because of the dark magic this body produces interfering with their equipment, but the difference in brains also makes it impossible."

"Sorry to hear that, I'd offer to help but I am not sure how much good I'd be."

I grinned some and made a jab at him, "Some doctor, can't even prescribe medicine or make it."

"Still save some people that were dying in the past though."

"Touche doctor, touche."

"Anyways, just so that Zelda and Twilight Sparkle leave me alone about it, how have you been feeling?"

"More irritated at this point than anything, most of the others act like I am going to fall apart and kill myself if I get a papercut or something, and between Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. One of those two are going to make me do something I will regret. The only ones not harassing me over amongst my friends have been you, Cia, Dopple, and Urahara, of which, you and Dopple have been better at helping."

He nodded, "Cia I can't say anything myself because I have yet to actually have a full fledged conversation with, and Urahara is well... He is a good sort at times, but often he seems nonchalant about anything, even important things. As for Dopple, changelings always have been from what I know, good at reading emotions so I don't doubt that she has been one of the better ones for you. Like a dog humans train to detect health issues."

I smacked him in the back of the head, "Don't compare her to a dog Doctor, but ultimately, yeah, she has been good at picking up on my episodes and doing something to help me. She has been extremely helpful to me." I am startled some when I feel a hand gently take and squeeze mine, prompting me to turn and see Dopple standing there, having come with me as a precaution. She couldn't speak as usual, but her eyes and soft smile were enough. Smiling myself, I ruffled her mane, "That's right, you've been a big help Dopple, and I am completely grateful for it."

She smiled wider while blushing before surprising me as she went and kissed my cheek before going to look around the shop, prompting the Doctor to comment, "She seems to think the world of you. Between her and Zelda, I can't tell which cares and worries about you more."

I shook my head as I said to him quietly, "Which I don't get, I use her to ease my own ache, and with Zelda, we are polar opposites, she cares about people both as herself and in her role as a princess. I'm the guy who, as long as who or what was important to me was safe, I would watch the world burn rather than give a damn."

"This from the fellow who first, turned himself in, letting himself be petrified so innocent lives wouldn't be caught in the cross fire, then you repeated the action of avoiding the town getting in the crossfire during the misunderstanding on who you were. Then finally there was your fight against Tirek. Not saying you did much, but you still stood up to him when you could have ran."

I scowled and rolled my eyes, then decided to say nothing because I knew that everyone who knew me, minus Rainbow Dash, was going to argue against my claims, no matter what I did. Sighing and shaking my head, I then decided to ask something I had been thinking about, "So tell me Doctor, I know when we met I asked it but wasn't serious at the time, but now, how is the TARDIS?"

Continuing his work, he replied, "The old girl is fine and working perfectly, if you're asking because you haven't seen me using her, it is because, well, this world is interesting, but not enough so to travel through time, especially if it runs the risk of ruining the peace. I very nearly as is at one point caused a full fledge civil war because of it."

I nodded, "Understandable, a butterfly effect is a dangerous thing."

"Ooh, thats catchy, the butterfly effect. Heard in mentioned in passing but never understood it, what does it mean?"

Doing my work, I replied, "Basically the whole saying is, 'a butterfly flaps its wings, and a storm forms on the other side of the world'. My generation... god that sounds old, anyways, my generation likes saying it when we are talking about the idea of changing one small thing in the past, leading to either utopia or destruction in the future, usually destruction though. Heck, another of my favorite games back home offered a whole possibility on what would happen if Hitler was killed before he even took over Germany, which lead to a nastier situation as the Geneva convention got thrown out the window."

The Doctor nodded, "Impressive, your world I mean, tell me, did it have Stalin seizing control in the east and starting the war instead?"

I blinked, "Yeah, it di-... wait... you did something to keep Hitler out of power didn't you, at some point I mean!"

He looked sheepish, "It was one of my first attempts at trying to help humanity, I thought that by removing him from everything would help set things toward a better future for humanity, but all it did was lead to the cold war turning into a world war and terrible weapons worse than your time period being made and used."

"...Despite the result, you just went up further on my respect list doctor."

He just waved it off while embarrassed, "Anyways, my turn on the questions, why Blaze? I can tell that is a nickname, after all, despite all the crazy names, no one would name their child Blaze, especially a military one."

I chuckled, "I wondered how long you or Urahara would take to comment on that. Anyways, growing up, I have always had a love of two things. The first was speed, fast cars, fast planes, I absolutely loved the idea of going as fast as possible. The other reason, and I grew out of it, I had a love of fire. I would often enjoy even simply lighting candles, just the act of making a flame made me smile. Though ultimately I grew out of that thankfully, who knows what I would do if I was younger or still had those tendencies when I got this power."

"A good thing indeed then, don't need you acting like a pyromaniac near a forest or with a town full of wood houses."

I just chuckled and resumed working, only for the door bell of Urahara's shop to ring. It was fortunate for me Urahara had to leave for Canterlot for things he needed, but it left the Doctor needing to have to handle the costumers. Humming to myself, I dealt with organizing everything along with Dopple when a voice spoke up, "You seem to be a hard worker Blaze, working to help Twilight with her library and now here?"

Looking to see who was talking to me, I was surprised, "Cadence? I didn't expect to see you here in town."

She smiled, "I'm on vacation right now, and I figured I would come to Ponyville to relax."

"Seems contradictory to come here for that, the place doesn't have the best track record."

She giggled, "True, it has its moments, but still, it is a nice little town. Anyways, can I as a favor while I am here?"

I nodded, "Sure, what do you need?"

"Well, I heard that Twilight was gone for the moment for work as the princess of friendship, so I was wondering if you would be willing to keep me company."

I blinked in surprise, "You want me to keep you company? I am not exactly the best company, between my temper and personality."

"The same personality that showed me the truth and kept me from being not knowing I was being cheated on due to a desire to protect the meaning of love?"

I blushed, "I am sensitive on the subject Cadence, I despise anyone or anything that makes a mockery of it."

She smiled, "And that is why you have my respect Blaze, despite how you may act, you value love more than anything."

I rubbed the back of my head, blushing from her words, only to realize something. Looking around for Dopple who disappeared, I commented, "Where did Dopple disappear to?"

"Dopple, thats the changeling that came to Ponyville when you came back from your trip correct?"

I looked at Cadence, "How did you know about her?"

She smiled softly, "Aunty Luna told me about her." She then got a sad look, "She also told me about what you learned about the changelings. To know that most are gone, simply because most ponies couldn't accept their true appearance..."

I shook my head, "It seems a sad fact that, Earth or here, if it is different, chances are it won't be accepted."

"I guess she is scared of me... because of what happened at the wedding, most of the changelings are gone, and all because we didn't bother to try to understand them."

I simply went and gently rubbed her back, "Don't blame yourself no one knew, and you can't control how ponies react to something they don't understand."

She made me stiffen when she hugged me in response. Blushing, I rubbed her back, scowling at the Doctor, who was snickering at my situation. After a bit, she finally let go, "I'm, I just feel so guilty about the whole thing."

Before I could say anything, a familiar changeling revealed herself, nervous, but got Cadence's attention as she went and gently took Cadence's hand. Seeing what she was doing, I nudged Cadence, "It looks like she knows you're telling the truth and forgives you."

Cadence was surprised, but with tears in her eyes, she smiled softly and hugged Dopple as she said, "Thank you... Thank you so much."

I smiled softly at the two only for an ache to form, to which Dopple then went and pulled me into the hug, making me blush bright red and the Doctor to burst out laughing. As we separated, the Doctor commented, "That is another good thing about miss Dopple, she is good at making sure Blaze doesn't get too far into an episode."

Cadence blinked as I tried to motion for him to shut up, "Episode? What do you mean?"

"Blaze suffers from a human condition known as chronic depression, which means every so often he gets episodes where he is depressed to near suicidal points. Only reason we found out was that Princess Zelda read his journal and both her and Twilight Sparkle threatened that if he didn't he would be taken to see a therapist and all of us brought along."

I scowled, "Doctor, you just lost the respect I gave you and went down on the list."

She looked at me worried, "But how is that possible, is it a disease?"

I sighed, "Yes and no, it is a disease somewhat, but not one you catch... honestly disease isn't even the right term. It is a disorder humans are either born with or can wind up with through stress that leads to an imbalance in the brain, which leads to bouts of depression that vary in level."

To my chagrin, she hugged me again, "I am so sorry, is there anything I can do to help?"

I motioned to Dopple, "Dopple is already helping me, when an episode is about to start she does what she can to help me and cheer me up."

Cadence turned to Dopple, "Thank you then for helping Blaze then, you have my gratitude for helping him."

Dopple just nodded as I asked, "So, you mentioned you wanted company, is there anything in particular you'd like to do?"

She place her hand on her chin and though about it, "Well, a simple walk around the town would be nice. I would enjoy the opportunity to go and explore the town."

I smiled amused, "And hopefully no Discord to keep you from relaxing."

She giggled, "And this time it won't end with you getting hit in the wrong place."

I blushed as she turned the joke back on me then rolled my eyes before we wound up going out and exploring. As we walked, Cadence would examine places, curious of the town. I couldn't help after a while but to smile in amusement. I knew she didn't in the past have the chance to explore the town properly. After a while though, I started to get bored and look around, only for Cadence to comment, "Oh! Lets go in there! I haven't been in one in a long time!"

I looked to see what she was talking about, only to go pale, "I am not going in there Cadence! No way, no how!"

"Oh come on Blaze, it is just a spa."

She quickly grabbed my hand and started dragging me into said spa. Eventually, realizing I wasn't going to escape, I resigned myself to my fate, determined to get it done and over with. Going inside, I blushed out of embarrassment from being inside, knowing as both Ganondorf and a guy, I shouldn't be there. I went to voice my discontent, only for someone else to say, "Welcome to our spa, how may we help you?"

I turned to see the spa ponies, Aloe and Lotus. Once more, before I could voice my discontent on being in a spa, Cadence spoke up, "I'd like a treatment special for me and my friend."

They smiled wider and bowed, "Of course Princess Cadence, we would be honored, if you would just follow us."

Cadence then grabbed my hand and started dragging me along again till we reached the main room, where I went wide eyed at Lotus's comment to us, "Now, if you would undress so that we can begin."

I was having no part of that, "Nope! Not happening! Definitely not!"

Cadence looked at me in surprise, "Whats wrong Blaze?"

"I am not undressing here! Not in front of you three!"

As her and Aloe looked confused from my reaction, I could have sworn that, with Lotus, there was a weird glint to her eye, almost like disappointment. Before I could consider it, Aloe seemed to think of something, "Ah, could it be that you are shy? Do not worry, we have a screen and towels for shy patients such as yourself."

Before I could say anything, it was Lotus who started pushing me towards an area. Once there, she motioned to a screen as she picked up and handed me a towel, "Here you are, you may change behind there."

I quickly went behind the curtain and changed out of my clothes and wrapped the towel around myself. I blushed bright red as I came out, the towel only enough to cover my private parts. Once more cursing being stuck as Ganondorf, I stepped out from behind the screen. I noticed again for a moment that there was a glint in Lotus's eyes, but I didn't stop to think about it, opting to rush back and get everything done. Once back in the main room, I ignored the blushes on Cadence's and Aloe's faces as I asked, "Can we please get this done?"

Aloe motioned, "Let us start with the mud bath first shall we?"

At the mud bath, I quickly got in, determined not to be naked in front of the others. I closed my eyes and blushed brighter red when I felt the two slip into the bath on either side of me. Eventually though, I started to relax some, but refused to open my eyes. After a bit, I felt a nudge on my left as Cadence spoke up, "Why were you adamant about not undressing in front of us Blaze? It perfectly natural in places like this."

"Maybe here in Equestria, but on Earth it is a taboo to a degree to undress in front of the opposite gender, even in hospitals people don't feel comfortable doing so. I especially am one such person."

"That seems like it would cause trouble. If someone were too shy to undress of a doctor of the opposite gender, it could cause trouble if they genuinely needed aid of some sort."

My eyes snapped open, but I immediately shut them when I seen that Zelda was sitting across from me, also getting treatment. With a tomato red blush while my eyes were shut tight, "Zelda?! what are you doing here?!"

"Miss Rarity had noticed that I had been stressed myself, before her and her friends left, and recommended this place for helping me. I admit though, it is different undressing in front like so, but I can understand the reasons."

My only response was to lower myself back into the mud bath, thouroughly embarrassed from my situation. After a bit we got out and cleaned off the mud to continue with the treatment where it wound up being being a hot bath where once more, I kept my eyes shut as Zelda and Cadence talked. After a bit I noticed the feeling of hands on my back, "Huh? Who is touching my back?"

I then heard Lotus's voice, "I apologize, but you seemed tense, so I thought it would help if I gave you a shoulder massage in order to ease your tension as you receive treatment."

I just simply felt my face heat up more as she worked, embarrassed by my situation. Zelda then decided talk to me, "I must ask Blaze, on your world, do you have spas like this?"

I couldn't help it, "Oh yeah, just like this one, complete with pony attendants and everything. Seriously though, there are spas, but they tend to be more of a commercialized thing. Plus, and I am sure it is similar here, guys don't do spas."

Zelda giggled, "Well, now you are at one."

If my eyes were open, I would have rolled them as they giggled. After a bit, I let them climb out first, then once they assured me they weren't looking, I climbed out and wrapped my towel around me. The attendants then lead us to another room, where they had Zelda and Dopple lay down on a pair of massage tables first. As Cadence and I waited, she asked me, "So, has anyone in Ponyville managed to catch the infamous Blaze's eye yet?"

I blinked, "Infamous? What are you talking about?"

She giggled, "You made quite the stir back during the gala you played at. It has gotten around about how well you played and the music from your homeworld has made a stir. A few nobles back in Canterlot, from what I heard from Aunty Luna, had been trying to find you in order to personally request you to play for them."

"They can forget it then, I only played at the gala as a favor to Luna for what she did to help me get settled into town. As for being interested in anyone, I have no interest in anyone like what you are thinking. I have had no interest in that sort of thing ever since I lost Sophia."

"But why? Surely she wouldn't have wanted you to live alone like that."

I sighed, "She wouldn't, but I just can't bring myself to love again. It hurt to damn much losing her as it was."

She seemed to want to say something, but hesitated before talking, "Anyways, on the gala, I heard you at one point made it sound like a band was playing even though you played solo, how did you do it if I can ask?"

"It was actually simple. While I was away from Ponyville, I asked Trixie about how when Pony start singing, the whole town would bust into song and that was caused by the magic brought on by harmony and how social ponies are. After she taught me how to tap into it, I worked out how to implement it into when I play my violin."

"Thats actually pretty clever, and with the music you know, I am sure it will make what you play even more incredible."

I blushed and went to comment, only for the attendants to come for us next. It turned out as they lead us back, male and female patients are separated for massages... which makes no sense all things considered. As I complained internally, Lotus lead me into a room and had me lay down on the table. Laying down, I was nervous about this next step, but took some breathes so that I wouldn't mess it up. I didn't have to wait long as I felt Lotus straddle my back and go to work. To my surprise, the massage actually felt pretty good. As she worked, Lotus started humming gently, actually helping me relax more. Before long, she spoke up, "You are really gifted with your body sir. Tall, strong, truly amazing."

I blushed, "Wasn't really given much of a choice when I got this body."

"Well, it is still incredible. I am sure you have had many mares come to you."

"Not really, not really interested in a relationship, and there hasn't been anyone showing interest like that."

She stopped, "No one has shown you any interest? Surely with such a strong body and exotic looks you would be attracting many mares."

"Nope, none are interested."

"I see... well... would you turn and lay on your back for the final part of the treatment then?" I did as she asked, only to go wide eyed, "Now we can give you the happy ending portion of the treatment."

Now straddling my waist, I was alarmed to see Lotus was now naked. As she ran a hand along her front, I only had one thought, 'fuck that!' and quickly got out from under her before grabbing my towel and bolting out of the room. I took the others by surprise as I came barreling out. As I hid behind a wall, Lotus came out and I heard Aloe speak, "Sister! I told you many times, unless the patient requests it you are not to do that!"

"I couldn't help it sister, he is just so exotic looking."

When I heard a door shut, I peeked out and seen that the two were gone. I stepped out, "That was frigging embarrassing! I thought.... why are all of you staring at me?"

All three of my group was standing there staring at me, large blushes evident on their faces. As it was, Zelda was covering her mouth, Cadence just stared wide eyed, and Dopple was actually drooling. It didn't take me long to realize, I did grab my towel while running out of the massage room, but I didn't stop to wrap it around me. Quickly covering the south, I ran to the room my clothes were in and got dressed. Coming out of the room, I was certain my blush was evident, as well as the ones on the face's of the girls. Before any of us could work up the nerve to say anything, Aloe and Lotus came back out and Aloe spoke to me, "I am so sorry about my sister sir. I had forgotten that she gets.... eager, when working with clients of another race. If there is anything I can to fix this..."

I turned to Cadence and the girls, "Just... plain and simple, don't bring me back to any spa whatsoever... please?!"

As We left, I blushed as I heard Aloe and Lotus come out of the room they went in, giggling. The others were silent until Cadence spoke up, "I am sorry about how that went Blaze. I didn't mean for you to have that happen."

I didn't turn back, "Let's just pretend that I wasn't there today and had been helping the doctor all day."

I went to continue on, only to hear voices, and then was blinded by a light, and the last thing I heard of my world, was the girls shouting in alarm.

Author's Note:

sorry it took me this long to finally update this, but here is the new chapter. If there are any glaring issues, just let me know and I'll try to correct them.

Comments ( 76 )

Yeah!! Update woot!!

Man, Blaze really had bad luck at the spa. Nice to see this story again.

Huh. I forgot this was a Ganondorf displaced story until Link and Zelda were brought up. Welp, might as well reread it to remind myself.

... displaced crossover tease?

6404678 Actually... it was a terrible joke that I had made. I know that it was bad... but I couldn't help myself

6404748 huh, I never heard that story, I'll have to look it up, that's a funny coincidence right there though lol

Thanks for coming back, I was expecting you to continue the story.


6404838 thanks, glad to be back, had some severe writers block,a long with issues offline, but now, hopefully I'll keep the laughs rolling again

Frick-Fraggin cliffhangers...

So they were able to catch a glimpse of Blaze's mighty sword.

"Not really, not really interested in a relationship, and there hasn't been anyone showing interest like that."

Come on, Blaze! There are plenty of girls, who are after you! :rainbowlaugh:

Can't believe I'm not a follower of you!

Ok, fixed! You now have gained another follower! :pinkiesmile:

Oh, and take your time to produce such great chapters. I will happily wait! Quality should always go over quantity! :rainbowkiss:

Sorry Cipher, but I'm going to have to walk away from this story. And usually I don't comment about such actions to people unless I have some very specific item to speak of...

As much as it was a moderately interesting light read, the popup mantra of 'I'm not a sue' you've got going for your character here is like poorly written meta-storytelling kicking me in the face. I've made it up to... Chapter six, and just stopped mid paragraph.

Mainly, the phrase 'Blaze' utters every time he justifies his inaction feels like it constantly tries shove itself in the reader's face and shout: 'HEY LOOK! I'M NOT A SUE! I'M NOT A POORLY THOUGHT OUT CHARACTER!'

As a result, the phrase actually forces me to, right then and there, evaluate the character from the context of a external viewpoint. It does the opposite of what is obviously the intended effect and brings MORE attention to the characterization of this little 'Not-Gannondorf'.

To make things even more complicated, this expression further ruins immersion because it brings his 'reasoning' into the realm of meta-awareness and the lingo of the writers outside the story. But without the complexity that is involved with the meta, and no explanation that makes sense in-universe as to why he's determined not to be a sue. To put more simply, he's so determined to be unremarkable that it's remarkable.

Most all the rest of the reading I have no issues with, but this phrase, when it pops up, is like a kick to my face; a sudden shout by the story (and author) of 'Please don't hate me!' right in my proverbial ear.

If I were to make a suggestion, I'd say to go back through what you have, and reconfigure how 'Blaze' reasons his desire to remain a neutral. Even if it sounds like your typical 'I'm not special' poor-self-esteem drivel, it's better (in my opinion) than what reads like a subconscious attempt to beg for reader approval.

6405631 I understand, and thank you for being polite and explaining your reasons. I'm sorry for the constant repetition with that, hopefully I can figure something out to fix those moments, but as is, I'm sorry to see that I lost a reader, but thank you for being polite about it and explaining what I did wrong

Pretty sure that Blaze forgot about the fact that he gave away his calling card and that is what happened at the end. Still, it is pretty obvious that Blaze is completely ignorant to the fact that at least 2 or possibly 3 females seem to like him. Not actually looking for that kind of relationship might jam the radar a bit, but still he should have been picking up at least a few signals.

Blaze is going back home, or being stolen, or getting summoned via token?

so where's epona we haven't seen her since that one chapter

6406297 I can say, from personal experience, that not looking for a relationship does not jam the radar. It shuts the radar off and covers the screen.

6453946 Bioshock infinite, also, I'll be bringing her back, just wanted to focus on the primary stuff first

6466482 ... it was meant to be a bad pun... but apparently a lot of people thought it was incredibly funny :applejackconfused:

I kindly request another chapter. Please.:fluttershysad:


It IS incredibly funny! Come on, don't be a prude! Adult jokes are something great! :rainbowlaugh:

6600007 I'm not a prude, just stating a fact about the joke that I had made, I really hadn't expected people to like it


I know that. I was just teasing! :rainbowwild:

6614809 well, its just something Blaze took one way, Celestia knew something was up involving the spell that Twilight completed, a spell that a unicorn who wrote the book on modern equestrian magic couldn't complete, and then later when Twilight did complete it, she acted as if she knew what was going to happened, this was just one way Blaze, and of course, myself, looked at it

Evil cliffhanger.^_^ And as much as he hates Gary Stus, he's unknowingly getting lots of girls to fall for him. The irony of it doesn't cease to amuse me. XD :D

Well, it's been a good run...But, imma lost my interest...sorry.

6780401 She created the circumstances that were likely to lead to her ascension, yes. But the actual power behind it came from Twilight's enlightenment itself. Celestia cast no spell on her to cause her ascension. To somewhat quote Adagio, she merely gave it a push in the right direction.

7339779 The author probably edited it and didn't say anything.

is this story on hiatus?

i want more of this story

the wrter has been off for over 3 weeks. i think this died

That cliffhanger though. Definitely going to my favorites, well done. :moustache:

Hate to say it,but it looks like this story is dead.:pinkiesad2::fluttercry:

Yeah,come back! We need more Gannon flashing his own master sword!:rainbowlaugh:

get this story moving again :flutterrage: please :fluttershysad:

i left fimfiction for a while i come back and still no update :(

It's a real shame too, I wanted my Displaced Link to meet this guy.

You got an update anytime soon

please continue this story

me want more next chapter

do you have a serious case of writers block :applejackunsure:

I just recently reread that one too.

need more gannondorf



Cool story bro, but your last update dates from 2015l are you going to finish it?

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