• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 18,771 Views, 384 Comments

Dark Warrior of...... Neutrality?! - Cipherthefightingwriter

sent to Equestria by some nutjob dressed as the happy mask salesman, a Brony cosplaying as gaming's ultimate evil is petrified by the sisters merely for feeling evil. Once he free, he decides to not be a hero or villain but tries to live in peace

  • ...

Shades of Darkness

I was in my toughest battle yet, leading my men in battle. Yet as my men rushed the enemy, I was forced to retreat as the enemy rushed me. Ultimately, none of my strategies could work and my enemy finally cornered me. I prayed for a way out, only to hear the dreaded words, "Checkmate." I glared at the young dragon anthro sitting across from me, looking smug. Not liking his smug look, I decided to settle this the way I always do.

3rd PoV

Twilight had been getting ready to come down to go to the train station when she suddenly heard a crash downstairs. Rushing down, she found the chess set that Spike and Blaze were playing with on the floor. As she looked at the two, Blaze pointed at Spike, "Spike flipped the table when I beat him."

Spike went to defend himself, only to get nervous when Twilight prepared a spell... and zapped the side of Blaze's butt, causing him to jump with a yelp, "Nice try Blaze, but Spike never does something like that when he loses."

Blaze PoV

I just scowled as Spike looked smug again, only to laugh when Twilight zapped him too, "And don't gloat spike, it is not funny to gloat when you win."

As he scowled, I grinned an internal grin before remembering something and turning to Twilight, "Twilight, with those nightmares, did you or Luna ever figure out the cause?"

She sighed, "No, and that scares me even more. Princess Luna handles all dreams, ridding ponies of nightmares, but from what she told me, she was trapped in her own dream, one that was same as the others."

Hearing that scared even me, knowing that LUNA of all ponies was trapped and forced to watch a dream that had ponies all over screaming, I felt afraid, "Does she have a theory on why me Link and the others were not affected like everyone else?"

She shook her head, "No, I am afraid I do not. Anyways, I'm sorry, but I have everything for me and Spike packed, me and the others are going to the train station to head to the Crystal Empire for the Equestrian games. Though are you-."

I held up a hand, "Twilight, a normal everyday time there went to hell because of me, just imagine the trouble if I showed up there again. Whats more, I know they'll mention to anyone outside the Empire what happened between me and Celestia if I go and remind the guards of it just by being there, and that would not only cause trouble with ponies knowing I attacked the Princess, other lands not so peaceful could see it as weakness and Equestria's thousand years of peace will come to an end, badly. In the mean time, me and the others will try to bounce ideas off each other and attempt to figure out the cause of the nightmares."

She sighed then nodded, "Alright Blaze, and I am sorry about-."

I poked her nose, "Twilight, if you keep apologizing, I will rearrange all the books in the library in the worse possible order."

She yelped, grabbed Spike then her bags then ran out the door. Once Twilight was gone, I cleaned up the library then headed out. Along the way, I tried to ignore the suspicious looks the towns ponies were giving me. Ever since a week ago when the nightmares happened and word got out me and the other none Equestrian individuals didn't have the dreams, we became targets of paranoia and suspicion. As I walked, I noticed the doctor and Urahara and nodded to them, prompting them to nod back and fall in step behind me. Arriving at the house, we found the others, Daring Do included, gathered and waiting. I went and leaned against a wall as Lana asked, "I guess we are going to discuss the nightmares?"

I nodded, then turned to Daring, "I hate to do this Daring, but out of all of us, you are the most stable when thinking of the nightmares, can you tell us what happened in it?"

She shuddered, "I saw a war... no... not a war, a slaughter. Ponies all over, dead and mangled from something. Monsters I never seen before running rampant. While all that was going on, the land was burned and was cracked. Just as I thought I would see more of whatever caused the slaughter, there was a flash, and I saw everything incinerated in a flame-less light. Ponies, souls, everything..."

She hugged herself as she remembered the dream before Zelda spoke up, "Blaze, do you think this could be a possible vision?"

I crossed my arms, "Possibly, but why only the natives. Why not the rest of us as well? Whats more, if it had been a vision, Princess Luna who had been trapped in her own dream, would have been able to see into the dreams of others." I closed my eyes and started to think, "OK, I have three suspects on mind for possibilities. The first is Nightmare Moon, or rather the creature that made Luna into Nightmare Moon, but without a host it is mostly powerless and also it wouldn't have the power for something like this. Then there is Queen Umbra but she is apparently dead, but seeing as I remember a piece of her surviving we should leave her on the list. Then finally there is Tirek."

Trixie then spoke up alarmed, "TIREK?! Please Blaze, for Trixie's sake, tell Trixie you are joking!"

I merely sighed and ran my hand through my hair, which to the ones that knew me, knew it was the sign that I revealed something big, true, and bad. Whimpering at the thought, Trixie gently touched her horn in fear as I spoke, again, "Tirek is the most likely suspect, though the meaning of the nightmare and why he would broadcast it to everyone confuses me. Anyways, he is the primary suspect and-."

I was interrupted when there was a knock on the door. Moving to the door, I answered it and found a familiar gray furred mare, "Muffin?"

Grabbing a muffin off the table next to the door, I handed it to Ditzy, who smiled wide then handed me the mail before flying off. I went through the mail as I walked back, "Lets see, bill, junk, junk, bill, junk, bribe from Celestia."

As I let what Celestia sent drop to the floor, Urahara grabbed it, "Oh? Whats this? Is our dear receiving naughty mail from the solar princess?"

I scowled as I snatched it from him then tore up the letter, "Celestia has been trying to offer me land, money, and such in an attempt to 'fix' her screw up with me and everything in the past."

Trixie looked at me in shock, "The princess offers you all of that and you just reject it?!"

I scowled, "There are things you do not do to a man. And one of those things was insulting my beloved. I damn near broke a man's jaw back home for hitting on her. Celestia is just damn lucky I didn't decide to break her neck for that."

They all looked unnerved at my anger, making me sigh, "Look, lets just drop the subject. Anyways, what is there to do now?"

Lana turned to Cia, "I am curious, how are you alive Cia? We all seen you die."

Cia looked to the floor, "...I don't know. I remember everything going dark and floating in darkness, when a voice said, 'You will do nicely', and then suddenly I found myself here in Equestria in front of Blaze and his group."

Link turned to me, "How did that turn out, the two of you meeting?"

I blushed as the memory came back to me.

The past


I kept tapping out as Cia tried to choke me out with her weapon, Dopple and Daring trying to get her of me.

The Present

"Lets just say I learned to treasure the ability to breath and my parents having tried before I settled on the violin, getting me to attempt to learn to use a bugle but fail with that."

They looked confused and Cia sheepish, but I didn't say anything. Then the doctor spoke, "So what now? Any ideas?"

I shook my head, "If it is Tirek and he sticks to the schedule like I remember, then he should be appearing after the games in the Crystal Empire."

Zelda then decided to ask, "Is there anything we should know about this Tirek?"

"Don't use ANY magic whatsoever, he feeds on it and grows stronger with each bit he consumes, and with me, you, Lana and Cia with our magic, plus the Triforce. We must not use it even slightly when he is around. It would be like handing them on a silver platter to the real Ganondorf along with any magic we can utilize." This made the Hyruleans of the group shiver before I continued, "Fortunately, we already have what is needed to beat him, so we just need him distracted in order for it to be used. For now though, our best bet is to try to relax and figure out one thing."

Link blinked, "And what would that be?"

"Getting you, Lana, and Zelda jobs! You've been here as long as I have and I have yet to have heard anything about you working!"

Link looked taken aback before pointing at Cia, "What about her?! She needs a job too!"

"Cia hasn't been here as long, heck, she barely knows anything about Ponyville. I will expect her to get one eventually, but for now she needs to know the lay of the land."

Cia came over to me, and I promptly blushed as she brushed my cheek with her hand, "Come now Blaze, do you truly think it necessary to make me work? We could ultimately do... other things."

I blushed more at the innuendo along with the others, but rapidly shook my head, "Not getting out of it Cia, once you know your way around the town you are getting a job as well!"

She scowled as her attempt to trick me into letting her get out of work failed, then Urahara commented, "Anyways, you don't seem scared on the matter of this Tirek guy Blaze, in fact, unless it is a woman's wrath, you always seem calm. Anything you are afraid of?"

Unable to resist, I pointed at Cia, who in her confusion asked, "What did I?... It was only once Blaze! I didn't even realize you weren't Ganondorf!"

I shrugged, "Not what I meant, I should be less specific, anyways, what I am afraid of is a specific kind of person called a yandere."

Lana tilted her head, "What is a yandere?"

I shivered, "A yandere is someone, man or woman, who is obsessed with another, often to the point of things like stalking them-."

"Like little miss Fluttershy does with you?"

I punched Urahara before continuing, "and even becoming homicidal if someone tries to get the target of their obsessions attention, even for minor things like the time, either killing the person interacting with their obsession, or even killing the one they're obsessed with themselves."

Link shuddered, "That does indeed sound like Cia."

Before I could do it, Lana smacked him in the back of the head. Amused, I commented, "Well, you don't have to worry on that anymore."

He gave me a look, "Why is that?"

I gave him a deadpan look, then motioned to him and Lana, motioning that they were together, then Lana and Cia before motioning once more in sign language that they had been one person. Seeing his confusion, Cia chuckled, "What Blaze is trying to say, is that, now that my mind is clear of the corruption, I am content with you and Lana being together. Since we had been the same at one point, it means that in a way, I do have you."

Link looked a little unnerved by the thought, but when Lana patted his arm, he calmed down. I looked away from the two then sighed, "Right, now I have no idea what to do now. All things considered, we still have a while and nothing really to do. Add to that the townsponies being uncertain and paranoid of us, it is going to be a long wait."

Some time later

I couldn't help but to tap my foot nervously, we had ultimately decided to train as best as we could to get ready for Tirek, trying to practice in non-magical combat. After about a week, Twilight had returned a couple days ago and went to the former castle to see the tree of harmony for ideas on Tirek's arrival. Seeing all of that, I knew it was a prelude to T-day, along with the others, and we were all bracing ourselves. Finally, it happened, there was a pounding at the door and I quickly went to answer, and found Twilight. Before I could say anything, she prepared a spell and cast it, and I found myself on my knees, throwing up in disorientation. I didn't even get a chance to recover when I found myself yanked to my feet and yanked along. Finally we came to a stop and I was able to reorient myself when I heard a voice say, "Twilight Sparkle, kind Blaze, thank you for coming."

Seeing through my haze, I found myself looking at the three princesses. Seeing Celestia smile a shy smile at me, I scowled and moved to a pillar and leaned against it as she looked sad before focusing on Twilight. As I watched, they went through the whole thing with explaining everything that happened and Discord's treachery. When Celestia mentioned what Discord did, I made sure she saw me as I gave her an 'oh really' look. As she looks ashamed, Luna explained what they were going to do to keep Tirek from getting their magic before actually doing it. Once they finished, Celestia came up to me, "Blaze, I know I have no right, but-."

I raised a hand, stopping her, "You're talking to the wrong person Celestia and I am not saying that out of spite. In terms of usefulness against Tirek, I am the last guy you want fighting him. I don't know any fighting styles and my magic is my key point. Hell, if the real Ganondorf were here he would be useless because, plain and simple, we both rely on magic! But I am not going to stand by out of spite or anything, the others and I already have a contingency plan worked out and we will implement it when we return to Ponyville."

She looked sad but still relieved at my words, from there, I groaned as Twilight came to my side and once more we teleported, this time back to Ponyville. Shaking my head of any sickness, I quickly left the library and got back to the house. Thankfully the others were awake and gathered, "Alright everyone, this is it, Operation Ground Zero is now in effect!"

With that, we scrambled to do our jobs. As me, Link and the other Hyruleans prepared our weapons, an alarm started to blare as Mayor Mare came out of the town hall with a loud speaker, "Attention Everypony! This is an emergency situation! Everypony must grab only what you can carry and head to the designated safe zone outside of town now! This is not a drill, I repeat, this is not a drill!"

As we watched, the townsponies started rushing out of their houses with bags and their children, then heading for the hills. As we watched the ponies get out of town, Rainbow Dash and Applejack rushed up with Applejack asking, "What in Tarnation is going on?! First Twilight starts acting weird, telling us to keep ponies inside then heads into the Everfree, and now the emergency escape alarm is activated and ponies are fleeing. What is going on Blaze?!"

I motioned, "I know you ponies know of him, so I am not going to sugarcoat it, the demon Tirek is free and draining magic. We had the ponies get out of town because we know Tirek is going to be coming here for Twilight. As for Twilight, she is trying to figure out a way to deal with him."

For once I got to see ponies go pale as the two go as white as their fur would show before Rainbow Dash got in my face, "IS THIS YOUR FAULT?! IS TIREK ON THE LOSE BECAUSE OF YOU?!"


With that, Applejack dragged Rainbow Dash off as we set out on patrol so that we could catch Tirek. It isn't long before we hear a commotion somewhere and rush to investigate, only for me to trip over something.

3rd person

As the group arrived to the source of the commotion, only to Twilight's friends trapped in a cage. Before they could figure out the cause, there was a snap of someone's fingers and a cage formed around them as well. Then a being that looked to be made from parts of various creatures and wearing a suit appeared, "Oh my, how good for you to show up, I was a bit worried that you would get a chance to interfere."

Recognizing the creature, Zelda scowled, "Discord? Why are you doing this?!"

"Simple my dear princess Zelda, I get to rule alongside Tirek this way."

Then before he say anything else, a being that could only be Tirek appeared, "You've done well Discord, not only did you capture the ones who could cause me trouble, but ones that could bring the fourth princess to me."

As they watched, he opened his mouth and an energy flowed from Twilight's friends, into Tirek's mouth, their cutie marks as well. Then he turned to them and did the same, and as the energy left them, the group felt weak and could barely stand. Once he finished, Discord then spoke again, "Now once you take Twilight Sparkle's power, no one will be able to stand against us and-."

Discord was interrupted when Tirek suddenly lifted him up with his magic, grinned, then drained him as well.

Blaze's PoV

Arriving to the center of town where the others would be, I wasn't shocked to find Fluttershy and them capture, but I was when I seen Zelda and the others were as well and looks like they were ready to collapse, rushing over, I tried to break the cage as I said, "Hang on! I will get you out of there and-."

I stopped when Zelda touched my cheek, her piece of the triforce glowing to show she still had it, "Blaze, he took our magic as well as that of Twilight's friend's you must help Twilight! You know how this is to be stopped, you must go to her!"

I hesitated, but seeing them like this, seeing Zelda and them weak like this, I remembered Sophia, then gritted my teeth. I didn't say anything, my anger had spiked at this point, and I wanted to deal with this. As I walked to the edge of town, I felt the magic in me pulse, and roared in fury just as the library exploded.

3rd PoV

Twilight was angry. She had just watched as the library, her home and one of her joys had been destroyed by Tirek. Furious, she teleported above Tirek and started blasting him with magic. When she launched a powerful beam, she carved a trench in the ground with anther blast, only for Tirek who covered his face, to stand unmarked. Before either could do anything, a huge sphere of fire struck Tirek in the side then exploded, sending him into a house. Looking to the source of the attack, Twilight was shocked and fearful. Standing on its hind legs and roaring, was a giant boar like creature. She could see though, despite resembling a boar, it had key differences, such as in place of hooves, it had clawed hands. Its tusks were longer than any pony was tall, and the horns on its shoulders looked like they could destroy hills themselves. A gem was embedded in the center of its head while a pair of half gauntlets covered its forelimbs. When she seen the eyes, she was shocked, they were glowing like flames, but there was no mistaking the golden glow, "Blaze..."

Before she could say or do anything else, she heard an explosion, and turned to find Tirek, unscathed, climbing out of the debris. Remembering what he done, she took to the air just as Blaze barreled into him, trying to gore him on his tusks. Tirek's response was to narrowly catch him then throw him, only for her to blast him from above. Still without a scratch, Tirek used his magic to grab her, then flung her into a hill. As she regained her senses, she went wide eyed to see Tirek come flying at her with his head lowered, only for an orb of some sort of energy to strike him, knocking him out of the air. Pullling herself out of the hill, she seen Tirek facing Blaze. Reacting quickly, she got in front of Blaze and made a shield, deflecting the attack. Lowering her shield, she was taken by surprise when she was grabbed, only to find herself placed amongst a mane of orange hair. She only had time to realize Blaze placed her on his back before she was clutching his mane as he barreled forward and tackled Tirek, plowing him into, and along the ground. She then watched as he rose up and to her shock, breathed fire that, even from her position, felt blistering.

Knowing how Tirek was to the previous attacks, she shot into the air, then launched another blast of magic into Tirek before he could get up. Panting, Twilight prayed that was it, only for Tirek to climb out of the ground and brush himself off before saying, "It seems we are in a stalemate. How about a deal?" He then shocked Twilight when he snapped his fingers when Discord, Zelda and her group, along with her friends appeared, all trapped in magic bubbles, "I will trade you all the alicorn magic in Equestria, in exchange for your friends."

Blaze, radiating more power, was ready to attack, only for Twilight to cast a spell, causing him to fall asleep, "Deal."

Blaze PoV

I groaned as I started to come to, I realized two things, one was that, for whatever reason, I still had my power, and two, my head was in someone's lap. Opening my eyes, I found myself looking at Zelda, who smiled softly, "Welcome back Blaze."

Letting out another groan, I sat up, "What all happened? I don't remember anything after finding you guys in a cage."

Twilight came over with tears running down her eyes, "Tirek has them, he has my magic and the magic of the princesses."

Seeing she had the pendent Tirek gave discord around her neck, I stood up, slightly wobbly, "Come on, it isn't over till we are dead, and we have the final key for that crazy box at the tree."

Realizing what I was talking about, she went wide eyed as she remembered the tree and I started leading the others to thee castle. Right as it came in sight though, a blast of magic tore through the ground in front of us, "What makes you petty fools believe I will allow you to obtain the power to stop me?"

Between us and the castle stood Tirek, and as he laughed due to his apparent victory, I could only think, 'this shouldn't be, not even the princesses knew the truth about the box?!'

Author's Note:

sorry if this chapter is put out so quick and seems rushed, but I needed to get things ready. Also, I know I said before I was going to make a side chapter, but due to something coming up, it went ahead with this chapter. On Cia's return to life, well, if is a secret and when I reach the appropriate chapter, the full reason for Cia's return will be revealed. Also, be prepared, next chapter and the fight against Tirek is going to get intense as Blaze receives back up and learns that he 'is not alone'. Also, as a warning, my work on this WILL slow down due to the fact that I have another story in mind and will be working on both this and it. anyways, again, sorry if this one was rushed, and hope you still enjoy it.