• Published 22nd Mar 2015
  • 2,102 Views, 58 Comments

The Courier's Journal - RF and AG

Luna reminisces over a lost friend by reading his journal. A Fallout Crossover

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Chapter 1

“Luna?” Celestia called out as she wandered the halls of Canterlot Castle. Normally she wouldn’t need to search for her sister like this but Luna had up and disappeared after supper. Despite being back for four years now, Luna had kept a rather strict schedule that never deviated from what was set, and Celestia knew that schedule all too well.

First she would eat supper with Celestia, which was actually Luna’s breakfast, before making her way to the Canterlot Archives in order to catch up on some reading. Shortly after her reading time was over, Luna would sit in for Night Court which thankfully had become much more popular amongst regular ponies. It was good to see her sister finally getting some attention, her hard work finally appreciated.

Once done with Night Court, she would grab a bite to eat before making her way to the Royal Observatory so she could view the sky and the lands. During this time she would dreamwalk with ponies in order to keep them safe from nightmares, though her job was much more relaxed then it used to be all those years ago.

Finally, Luna would have breakfast with Celestia before going back to her room to either catch up on sleep or bills, depending on whose turn it was. Sleep was for the weak Luna had once said, and she was right when it came to Alicorns. They didn’t need sleep per say, but it was a nice thing to have every once and awhile, so instead the sisters had a system. Each one would stay up for a full day and a half before getting their sleep. Luna wanted to sleep during the day but Celestia had convinced her to sleep at night on her off day. She could always perform her dreamwalking while asleep, so Luna accepted at Celestia’s pleading. That also meant that Night Court was held every other night, which was fine by Luna, since she sometimes filled in for Celestia during Day Court. When it wasn’t their night to sleep then they would catch up on paperwork, though Luna would do hers during the day.

Tonight was Luna’s Night Court and Celestia’s bill day.

“Luna?” Celestia shouted again, though this time she was poking her head through the doors to the observatory. She had already checked the Library out, and the throne room, so the observatory was the only real place left to look.

Yet no answer came.

Celestia’s brow furrowed at the thought of not being able to find her sister. It had never been this tough to find her, even before she was banished. They had stuck together nearly all the time when they were fillies, and even when Luna became distant it was easy for Celestia to find her. Hide and seek was hardly a game for them, because no matter how much they tried to find a good hiding spot, the other would not only find them quick, but they would always be somewhat near by. They were more inseparable than anypony could even imagine.

“Luna?” Celestia called out once more as she walked down the hallways.

“In here, sister!” came the muffled call back. Celestia whipped her head in the direction that she heard Luna call from. At first glance all Celestia saw was just a room with a door open slightly, but then she noticed one painstakingly obvious detail. She was standing in front of Luna’s room which was made obvious by the two guards looking at her with their stoic faces. Celestia brought a hoof up to her face, placing it on her forehead as she chuckled slightly. Of course she had neglected to check her sister’s room.

“What are you doing in here, Luna? I would have thought to find you in the library,” Celestia said as she walked calmly into her sister’s room.

The room itself was nothing overly special, which was how her sister preferred it. Though that didn’t mean there weren’t things that made it stand out. If one were to walk into the room while Luna wasn’t there, they would feel a stillness about the air that seemed to permeate each corner, from the book filled shelves, to the mahogany dresser and desk. Of course, that didn’t mean that Luna didn’t have her own personal touch to the room, in fact it meant the opposite.

While other rooms were adorned with rather bright colours on a constant basis, Luna had crafted an illusion spell that constantly had the colours of the room shifting hues. In one moment, the large, drapery and self stylized sheets adorned, bed would take on a near purple tone just like every other aspect of the room, even the glass door to the balcony. Yet you could turn your head to look at something for a single moment and find that the room had shifted to something more befitting of the title maroon. Of course on more than one occasion, Celestia had found Luna sitting in front of a green hued desk instead of the natural mahogany colour.

Tonight, Luna’s spell had decided to be a blue that almost mirrored Luna’s coat.

“Well I was going to finish reading Thaumagical Theories Revolving Around Developing Ley Lines by your student, but I guess there was another book that pulled my attention more,” Luna said, not bothering to look up at her sister from her spot on the bed.

This of course perked Celestia’s interest as usually Luna didn’t get this caught up in a book. Even in her deepest of studies, she would always make time to give her older sister a hug. So what was it that had her attention so much. Celestia decided to skip asking her sister, instead moving to the bedside before pulling herself up on it.

She scooted over a few times until her side was pressing right against her sister’s, it wasn’t too often that they got to cuddle like they used to when they were young.

“So what has my little sister so-” she cut off her words as she was able to see explicitly what her sister was reading. “You’re reading it again, Luna?”

“Indeed, he was a good friend to us so I try to read it as much as possible, ‘Tia,” Luna said with a smile across her muzzle. She truly enjoyed reading the book, no matter what was said in the contents, it always reminded her of one of her recent friends. Perhaps the closest friend as well ...

“It’s been over a year now, hasn't it?” Celestia asked, her head coming to rest against her sister’s.

“Indeed it has. I figured I would read it again in memory, especially since he never came back,” Luna said, her smile faltering slightly. It was a tough thing to think of, but it wasn’t something entirely new. For this day and age it might be considered barbaric, but back when the nation was only beginning to be founded, the idea was common.

“I would never have thought you one to believe he died,” Celestia inquired.

“I’m not sure, ‘Tia. He wanted to ‘go out in a blaze of glory’ as he put it. He could still be out there, but the Unclaimed Lands are hardly a nice place,” Luna replied.

There was only silence after that, allowing Luna to once again focus back on the book. Celestia, having nothing better to do at the moment, decided to indulge the quality time with her sister and follow along with what was currently on the page. Not matter how much her sister tried, she could never read faster than Celestia, but Celestia would often wait for Luna to finish when they both read the same book.

Author's Note:

Aaaaaand here we go!

This note is going to be longer than preferred but I need to clarify a few things first and then each note after this will be short.

First off:

This story is written in the form a journal that has moments of the current present. If the title says "Chapter" then you are in the present time of the world. If the title says "Journal" than you are reading something from the past.

Second off:

This is a crossover of the Fallout New Vegas game, as you should be able to tell by now. I have taken liberties in modifying small aspects to said world to make it less of a game. With that said, he doesn't carry a crazy amount of shit, just the right amount. He doesn't go scaving all the time. He does not follow the normal dialogue spots, and at times he blatantly abandons aspects revolving around characters.

With that said, they are not major aspects and do no affect the actual plot in itself, more than a "huh, that was a little different than the game."

Third off:

The reason for the small chapters is because this was originally designed as a large one-shot. I cut it into pieces because people have put in input saying it would easier to read. So, sorry for the short chapters, but it was that or like 26k words all at once.


This story will update three chapters a day until it's finished. Yeah, you heard me. Three. Not twice, not four times. Three. Don't even think about five times! For the number is three, and three is the number.

Thanks to all that have helped me write this, you're amazing, and I am grateful! Also thanks for reading this, and commenting if you did indeed.