• Published 22nd Mar 2015
  • 2,103 Views, 58 Comments

The Courier's Journal - RF and AG

Luna reminisces over a lost friend by reading his journal. A Fallout Crossover

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A Broken Land - Day 4

He set up camp near where I first entered. I kept a watch over him the entire time, whether it was out of caution or curiosity, even I couldn’t tell. We spoke a fair amount on the way back from his ‘Temple’ and to where we are as I write this. He talked about his adventures and experiences really; it was like reading my own book. We are alike, as though we were seperated at birth only to be reunited in the fiery pit of hell.

Forsake his origin and eventually the cause he allied to. He sought to destroy both sides to end a war that no-one would win. No matter how much we are alike, no matter how much he says we are brothers, that is where we no longer have anything in common. He wanted to leave the entire west coast in shambles, no one to pick up the pieces, and the Legion destroyed.

Though I agreed with him on destroying the Legion, there were too many on the West Coast that didn’t deserve the same fate as the NCR. Civilians and those who didn’t align with that flag. No, there was only one option, and I chose it back in the Temple.

Fought my way to the Temple, killing all that I needed to, and sneaking the rest of the way. Uneventful, all it really was was throat cutting and wasting bullets. Whatever was left of those Scorched Men in that section would be taken care of by the Deathclaws. Those, I left alone. Why wouldn’t I? They needed me to be on the ground to harm me, while all I did was scale along the cliff side. Definitely the easiest day in this hell hole.

When I got to the Temple, I had a nice chat with Ulysses, one that also involved me punching him hard enough to knock the gas mask off his face. Surprisingly enough, he didn’t react other than to say he deserved it. I don’t know if that makes him more of a dick, or if that makes me the dick. Either way, he rambled on about morals and choices, but my mind was made up before I entered the Temple. It was all I could think about last night anyway.

From there it was rather fast, in that those Scorched bastards attacked while I hit the correct button on his console; also known as the one aimed at the Legion. The bastard console forced us to stay and hold off the attack until it could finish its prep. Pre-War tech sucks.

Eventually, when that console finally started firing the missile, we fled the scene and thus sealing those fuckers off in the room. The deed was done and the Temple would be their grave. The other missile was fucked or something, since we only barely made it out before it went off, sealed the whole place shut. Thus leaving the barren Divide even more empty.

On the way back, I offered him a chance to join me in taking full revenge against the Legion. He simply shook his head before saying “my journey ends in the Divide. It is my home. It is my grave. Yours is yet to come.” As profound as I expected from the brief time I knew him.

I plan on leaving in the morning, why would I stay any longer? Perhaps I’ll ask him about what he thinks of my choices .. maybe. Not like I need a former Legion dog to tell me how to get stuff done. Though an outside opinion is nice … I guess.

That was one thing that kept bugging me, and still is. He used to work for the Legion, so why had I left him alive? I had long ago sworn that they were my enemy and yet one was alive. I couldn’t afford to get soft yet, my main goal was still ahead of me, and I would start the beginning of the end this week.

Author's Note:

His vengeance against the Legion has only begun.

Usually I abort both nukes.