• Published 22nd Mar 2015
  • 2,103 Views, 58 Comments

The Courier's Journal - RF and AG

Luna reminisces over a lost friend by reading his journal. A Fallout Crossover

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Journal 7


I’ve been meaning to write down my thoughts on the NCR for awhile. Ever since I became entangled in the mess that is the Mojave, I’ve had little to push me to believe the NCR was good. Honestly I still don’t, but at the same time I think there is more to that faction then I originally believed.

For the first few weeks of my journey, I despised them, vowed never to talk or associate with them but I learned how tough that was. I had this idea in mind that the NCR was corrupt through and through, that the taint, that was so evident in their leadership, had infected all of those that backed them. I don’t know where this idea came from, perhaps all of those past dealings as a courier had left their mark on me.

Sometimes, no matter how strong headed you can be, you grow up and learn that not everything is straight black and white. I couldn’t lump in the hard working people, who just wanted protection and survival, with the ones who only wanted more and more power. Eventually, my pure hatred for the NCR died slowly and ended up being more focused on those who were in charge. Not your average officer who followed orders, but the high ups that told them to follow orders.

It was the most ideal thing, to let my hate flicker and die, for it brought about opportunities to make some caps as a merc. Collect a few things here, kill something over there, deliver this to a certain place … all that nonsense. Paid well and gave me a decent rep with them even if I didn’t want it. Though one perk was catching a couple of guards talking about interesting things that they heard. New information was always good, and I even got some straight from the rats’ mouth.

I got to beat up an officer from the Legion. Got to whip his fucking ass while he was tied to a chair and boy did it feel good. At first the fucker was defiant, acting smug and going on about how we will all lose in the end. In response, I pushed the chair onto it’s back, with him still tied to it, threw a cloth over his face, and dumped irradiated water on him. Watching him choke felt more satisfying than anything.

Broke more bones in his body then there were tents outside of McCarran terminal … there’s a lot of tents. Every snap felt more satisfying than anything I’d ever done to a Legion soldier. Left him a bloody, whimpering pulp that barely could talk. I wanted to kill him, but Lt. Boyd kept that from me … at least he spilled some secrets before I nearly put him in a grave.

It saved a few lives in the end.

Now, even to this day, though it has only been roughly a month, the NCR still loves me. Tried to get me to help them take over the Mojave and all that jazz. Hah, it was funny to watch their smiles light up when I told them I would think about it.

Of course, just to be safe, I grabbed a stealth boy and snuck into Crocker’s room. Found some info on me, and it’s amazing that they had so little. Basic info along with some deeds I had done, yet they had nothing about my dealings with Yes Man. Admittedly, it is still a humorous thought when I picture my army of Securitron’s rolling over the Mojave and escorting the NCR out of my territory.

Not permanently though, just until a decent treaty will be reached. Unfortunately, that is just a fantasy for now.

I’ve got bigger fish to fry yet.

Author's Note:

Someone has a lot of issues with organized government.

Not my personal opinion on the NCR, but honestly I do love the Free Vegas route.