• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 3,399 Views, 80 Comments

The Bare Weekend - Blake Skies

Four ponies, Three days, two stories, one thing in common: this will be one weekend Cheerilee and the CMC won't forget

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Set Up

Chapter One: Setup

Applebloom lifted the rather heavy crate full of apples and loaded it into the cart. Once it was resting comfortably on the bed, she pushed that crate to the back so there would be more room. However, she found she couldn’t push the crate back any further, as there was no room left in her family’s travel cart.

She chuckled, “Well AJ, I guess we’re full!”

Her older sister Applejack smiled proudly, “I reckon we are Applebloom, good work.”

“Thanks sis,” Applebloom smiled.

Applejack made a quick inspection of the cart before walking back to her sister. It was a clear, sunny, and particularly warm day in Ponyville. The Apple family, at Sweet Apple Acres, was preparing for their annual trip to Baltimare to make some important apple deliveries. Granny Smith and Big Macintosh had already gone, and now it was time for Applejack to leave. The trip was going to take a good three days there and back, so someone was going to have to stay behind to take care of the farm. And that job fell once again to Applebloom. The last time this had happened, Applejack’s overprotectiveness led to Applebloom getting in trouble with a Chimera. This time however, Applejack had full confidence in her youngest sister.

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves Applejack turned to her sister, “Alright, sis, I’m ready to go. Are you sure you’re up for it this time?”

“Applejack,” Applebloom moaned, “You said I could!”

“I know I know AB, but- look, taking care of the farm for an afternoon is one thing. But you’re going to be taking care of the farm for three days, are you really sure you want to take this up alone?” Applejack asked.

“But I won’t be alone, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are gonna hang out with me during those three days,” Applebloom smiled.

“Did you clear…?” Applejack started.

“Yeah, I did. Rarity’s cool with it, and so are Scoots’ parents,” Applebloom replied.

Applejack begrudgingly nodded, “Well alright then.”

Applebloom beamed as Applejack boarded the cart. Then Applebloom remembered something important, “Oh AJ, you promise not to come back and check on me like last time?”

Applejack chuckled, “I promised already didn’t I, Sugarcube?”

Applebloom scowled, “You said that last time, I want you to Pinkie Promise me!”

Applejack sighed, “Alrighty then, Sugarcube. Cross my heart, hope to fly, and stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Satisfied, Applebloom nodded, “Mighty thanks, sis, I won’t let you down!”

“I certainly hope so,” Applejack said, “Well I’m off; see ya in three days Applebloom.” And with that, Applejack started the motorized wagon and was off.

Applebloom waved as she watched her sister head off until she was out of sight. The moment Applejack was out of sight, Applebloom raced off to gather her two best friends. She wasn’t lying when she told her older sister that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were gonna be with her, she just hadn’t told them that yet. As she ran, she felt a gentle breeze brush against her grayish olive coat and through her cherry red hair.

Certainly she wasn’t surprised at the sensation; she had her pink tank top tied up over her still developing chest and her shortest pair of ripped jean shorts on. It was certainly impossible for the farm girl not to be feeling a gentle breeze. At least she knew that this was going to be a fun weekend.

Meanwhile, across town, sitting at her favorite coffee shop, Cheerilee sipped at her caramel macchiato in somber silence. She had only gotten the drink about a minute ago but she felt like she had been holding and drinking it forever. Despite her outward calm, inside she was a complete wreck.

She was dressed in her business suit and skirt, having just come from a meeting of the Ponyville school board. The meeting hadn’t been very long, nor was it important enough for her to meet with any of the high level officials. But it was important for her; she had accumulated far too much vacation time. Shows what dedication can give a woman: no sick days and no vacations, just work ‘til you drop.

And it wasn’t like she hated her job; she loved being a schoolteacher. It was one of the few things in her life she actually enjoyed. The only other thing she enjoyed was staying in Ponyville, the one town in Equestria that was as lively as Las Pegasus. There was just one major problem with living here: she couldn’t get a date. The fact was the very teaching gig that she enjoyed so much also relegated her to un-dateable status. Single parents usually avoided her because she might be teaching their kids, and non-parents left her alone because they tended to be ex-students. And there was the more basic problem that teachers usually made for bad dates.

She had no idea why, it just was. As she sat there, moping over her coffee, she gently rubbed her pale, greyish rose hair. The minimum she could take was a three day vacation, three days with no date and a minimal social life for a woman of thirty. Lyra and Bon Bon were out of town on a trip to the Griffon Empire and Derpy was too busy traveling with her doctor friend. Cheerilee resigned herself to the fact that these would be three very lousy days.

But just as she was about to take another drink of her coffee, fate handed her an interesting proposition.

“Miss Cheerilee?” asked a very familiar voice.

Cheerilee looked up to see the purple alicorn Twilight Sparkle. She gave a confused smile, “Oh Twilight, what are you doing here?”

Twilight laughed, “Just picking up a small coffee from this place. These guys have the best mint coffee in town.”

“Well, I won’t deny that,” Cheerilee said.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked after a short pause.

Cheerilee sighed, “Trying to wash down a bad day.”

Twilight raised an inquisitive eyebrow, “Wouldn’t a stop at Changing Times work better for that?”

“It would, but it also wouldn’t be professional,” Cheerilee sighed before she motioned for Twilight to join her.

Twilight sat down across from the teacher. “So bad day in class or bad day at the board?”

“The outfit’s kind of a giveaway, don’t you think?” Cheerilee replied tiredly, “Yes, I was summoned by the Ponyville school board today. I’ve got too much vacation time.”

“Oh that’s great!” Twilight beamed, “What are you planning on doing?”

Cheerilee sighed in response. “Well, that’s the thing. I don’t have anything to do.”

“Really,” Twilight stated in surprise, her eyebrow rose again. “No date, no plans nothing?”

Cheerilee shook her head, “Everyone’s out of town, and as unbelievable as it seems I’m probably the only woman in town no one wants to go near.”

Twilight snorted, “One of two, actually, but I see your point.”

“Oh, sorry, I keep forgetting of your new title.” Cheerilee said sheepishly.

Twilight waved her hand, “I don’t mind. Anyway, it’s a shame you don’t have anything to do. I mean, what’s Big Mac doing?”

Cheerilee gave her an unamused smile, “He and the rest of the Apple Family are out of town for the weekend. Besides, Mac’s nice but he’s not my type anymore.”

Twilight gave her a sympathetic look. “Oh, I’m sorry.”

“It is okay, blame that damn love potion spell,” Cheerilee grimaced. “Anyway, enough about poor old me, what are you up to, princess?”

“Well,” Twilight said, not too keen on leaving the original topic so easily, “I’m packing to go away for a few days. I’m sorry if that seems mean given the circumstances.”

A pause took over between the two. Twilight obviously looked uncomfortable even talking about vacation plans in front of Cheerilee. And Cheerilee knew why, but honestly she just wanted to have conversation so she pressed forward.

“Oh, I see, where too?” she asked.

“A town just outside of Tall Tale called Holmesdale; it’s a gated vacation community right on the west coast,” Twilight answered.

“A weekend trip,” Cheerilee stated.

“About that yeah,” Twilight answered, “I’ve never actually been to the place, but Vinyl recommended it to me a while back.”

“Oh, how is Vinyl? I hear she and Octavia Melody are an item now.”

“So the tabloids would have you think,” Twilight giggled, “Yeah she’s doing fine. Her career’s kicking off and she’s really happy with things.”

“She’s still in Canterlot, then?” Cheerilee asked.

“And proud of it,” Twilight smiled.

Cheerilee nodded. “So this place you’re going to, is it fun?”

“From what Vinyl told me,” Twilight said, “Like I said, I’ve never been there before.”

“When are you leaving?” she asked.

“Tomorrow morning,” Twilight answered.

Cheerilee nodded. “What about Spike?”

“He’ll be visiting the Crystal Empire. They love him there, you know,” Twilight replied.

Cheerilee nodded. “Okay, I’m sorry for prying about your vacation plans, Twilight.”

“No, no, no you have every right to ask,” Twilight assured her. There was another pause from Twilight as she seemed to ponder something. Really ponder, so much so that Twilight actually scratched her head. Cheerilee knew that meant Twilight was seriously debating an issue but just didn’t know how to address it. Finally the princess seemed to come to a conclusion. “Look, why don’t you come by the library later tonight.”

“Oh, Twilight, I don’t want to impose,” Cheerilee replied.

Twilight waved her hand, “It’s no problem. We can talk more then.” As she slowly got up, she said, “Does seven work for you?”

Cheerilee smiled, glad to have something to do other than mope around her house. “That works just fine, Twilight. And thank you.”

Twilight nodded and departed. Cheerilee returned to her drink with a warm smile. It may not be a three day dinner, but at least it was a nice gesture from a good friend. As she took another sip, she idly noted the Cutie Mark Crusaders in the corner of her eye, running out of Sugar Cube Corner.

“Are you serious?” Scootaloo cheered as they all ran, “Are you serious?”

“Three days?” Sweetie Belle added just as enthusiastically, “You got the farm to yourself for three days?”

“Exactly!” Applebloom cheered. “Ain’t it something great!?”

“Oh, definitely!” Sweetie Belle responded.

The three girls ran from Sugar Cube Corner as fast as their legs could take them back to Sweet Apple Acres. Their first stop was going to be the CMC clubhouse and then to the farm.

“Wait a minute, what’s the catch?” Scootaloo asked catching up with Applebloom.

“There’s no catch this time, I get the farm to myself for three days and three nights.” Applebloom explained somewhat smugly.

“Oh come on, AB,” Sweetie Belle shouted from behind them, not buying Applebloom’s misinformation. “Even I know Applejack wouldn’t let you off the hook that easily.”

Applebloom didn’t answer until the girls reached the CMC Clubhouse. When she did, the trio was already out of breath. Hopefully this would allow her to convince them without any argument.

“Well, the only thing is you two have to be with me those three days,” Applebloom answered, grinning.

“Ha! I figured there was a catch,” Scootaloo declared triumphantly.

“Does that mean we have to do chores?” Sweetie Belle groaned.

“Yeah,” Applebloom admitted sheepishly. “But it honestly ain’t that much, girls.”

Scootaloo looked at Sweetie Belle. “Could be a good way to get our cutie marks.”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes. “I figured you’d go there, Scoots. Well, I think Rarity would enjoy a weekend without me, she’s got a big order coming in.”

Applebloom beamed, “Oh girls, thank you. I promise it won’t be boring. Plus, we get the entire farm for ourselves this weekend.”

Scootaloo snickered, “Can’t imagine what we’d do.”

Soon enough the girls were off towards Sweet Apple Acres. Applebloom went over the rules of the farm: No drinking, no parting, and no funny business with the animals. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle took the rules easy enough. They honestly didn’t want to ruin Applebloom’s best chance at becoming independent. And they worked hard at getting the farmhouse cleaned, trees watered, and pens cleaned out.

By the time the sun had set, the three girls were flopped on the grass, exhausted.

“Boy, I didn’t realize that working on a farm was actually this hard,” Sweetie Belle said, wiping her brow.

“I have to agree,” Applebloom sighed, “I keep forgetting how tough it gets without Applejack or Big Macintosh.”

Scootaloo shrugged. “At least this is one heck of a workout.”

Both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom nodded in agreement. Pulling out the checklist of chores, Applebloom checked the last item. “Alright Crusaders, one last job: we gotta clean out the food troughs.”

Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked at each other awkwardly. Applebloom smiled as she led the trio over to the troughs. They were pretty decently sized troughs, able to feed five pigs at a time. Lifting them on their own would be next to impossible for Applebloom and her friends. Thankfully, the Apple family had thought ahead when they built them: the troughs were hooked up to rollers that allowed them to roll over easier. Moreover, a small channel was built on the opposite side of the troughs to allow the food to flow away easier.

It was all part of the cleanup system Big Mac designed in case he was never around to do any of the heavy lifting. And Applebloom was thankful that they had built it.

“All that we gotta do is push it?” Scootaloo asked.

Applebloom nodded. “Yep, it’s that easy.”

“Okay, that doesn’t seem too hard,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Once we do, step on that pedal and the slop will just flow away.” Applebloom explained, pointing to a pedal at the end of the channel.

“Okay, Cutie Mark Crusaders, let’s do it!” Scootaloo declared loudly.

The trio took hold of the trough and began to push. But the thing wouldn’t move. So they pushed harder, and harder, and harder. But despite all their best efforts, the trough wouldn’t budge. Finally the CMC gave it their all. But still the trough would not move. Breathing heavily and extremely frustrated, Applebloom took a jab at the metal trough.

“Darn it, move will you!?” she exclaimed, flopping onto the ground again.

“Not so easy, huh?” Scootaloo snarked.

“Shove it, chicken, I ain’t happy,” Applebloom snapped at her friend.

“I’m with her,” Sweetie Belle said. “I didn’t expect it to be this tough.”

Applebloom righted herself and looked the trough over. Nothing was blocking it and all the nuts and bolts were in place. So why didn’t it move? Scratching her head, Applebloom then gently leaned on the trough and found out what was wrong. Unfortunately, the Crusaders had failed to notice the channel by their feet. In short, they were pushing the wrong way. And poor Applebloom found that out the hard and disgusting way.

The poor girl fell forward, thankfully not hurting herself on the trough or the channel, as the trough rotated beneath her weight. Before she could land, the through tipped over and dumped its load of slop all over her, dirtying her clothes, hair, and big bow. All this happened within a quarter of a second, so fast that none of the girls had time to react. The only thing Applebloom could do was yelp when she landed on her chest.

“Oh goddess,” Sweetie Belle yelped.

“Applebloom, are you alright?” Scootaloo shouted.

The youngest member of the Apple family groaned as she pulled herself out of the mess she was in. She wasn’t hurt, thankfully, but she was sore. When she managed to pull herself back onto her feet, her two friends were thankfully there to assist her. But the damage had been done: not to the trough, the channel, or the food, but to her clothes. They were, simply, ruined.

“Well this sure is nice,” Applebloom groaned, looking over the mess.

“You’re not hurt are you?” Sweetie Belle asked a note of worry in her voice.

“Just mah pride,” Applebloom sighed, “This ain’t anything a good shower can’t clean up.”

“Good, because after that little show I think I’m going to get a hernia. I’m sorry, Applebloom, but that was too perfect,” Scootaloo snickered, clearly struggling to keep her laughter contained.

“Oh, sure, laugh it up, Scoots,” Applebloom said in exasperation.

Scootaloo waved her hand as the laughter subsided. “Oh come off it, aren’t you farm girls used to getting dirty?”

“Yeah but not this dirty,” Applebloom snapped back.

“Alright, fine, but you still have to admit the comedic value of what you just did,” Scootaloo chuckled. “And it’s even funnier since you came out of it unharmed.”

Behind Applebloom, Sweetie Belle burst into light giggles. “Yeah, thinking about it, it is pretty fun. Sorry, AB.”

While Applebloom did want to laugh, the situation didn’t call for it. The last time she had gotten into a mess with her family not home, Applejack hadn’t let her out of her sight for a month. Thankfully, AJ was nowhere to be seen and Applebloom was in the clear. Though she still felt yucky.

“I’m gonna go take a shower,” Applebloom said.

“Probably a good idea, you’re gonna stink soon,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Hey Sweetie, that should give us time to go get our things,” Scootaloo said, “I think we can let Apple-klutz to clean up.”

“That’s mean, Scoots,” Applebloom complained.

“Payback for the chicken comment,” Scootaloo grinned, sticking out her tongue.

That at least made Applebloom smile. But not in the way Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle thought, well not entirely. She was happy her friends cared enough about her when she fell, though the fact she was covered in stinky and dirty pig food was a source of great amusement for them made her less happy. And that was something that Applebloom figured she’d pay them back for.

The duo walked off to get their sleeping bags and a change of clothes. Applebloom, meanwhile, headed inside. Instantly shedding her clothes she put them in the wash and set the washer on. Then she wrapped a towel around her to cover her still developing body and headed up to the shower. It didn’t take long for her to get the water temperature right and step in.

“Ah, that feels good,” Applebloom sighed as the water ran over her.

She grabbed the soap and began to clean herself up. Thankfully, she had gotten inside rather quickly after the accident so the dirt and muck simply slid right off. As she cleaned, Applebloom ran through a number of scenarios to get back at the girls. None of them were hurtful, those were reserved for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, but they would be playful acts that would even the score card. Or at least get an apology.

But when she finished her shower, she couldn’t think of anything. She grabbed a clean towel and began drying herself up. All the while she continued to think of some way to get some payback at Scoots and Sweetie Belle. Nothing came to her that was fitting enough. She could get the two in a similar muddle by having them drain the water tower, which was always a messy process even when Big Mac did it. But the tower was simply filled with water, and just didn’t feel quite enough.

Once she finished drying herself off, Applebloom exited the bathroom and began walking to her room. As she walked, she gave a soft chuckle. She was planning revenge against the Crusaders as if Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were responsible. This was Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, something extremely innocent would be enough. Though she didn’t know what she’d do, she knew she’d do something to embarrass them.

Then her thought process was interrupted when she heard a knock at the farmhouse door.

“Darn it,” Applebloom sighed, “they got here faster than I thought.” The youngest of the Apple clan made her way down to the main floor and up to the door when she noticed something off.

She couldn’t quite put her finger on it until she looked around and noticed the reflection in a nearby mirror. “Oh, right, I’m naked.”

She had forgotten to wrap the towel around her. It was for decency’s sake, for herself and for the others in the household. But today, and for the next three days, the house would be mostly vacant of family. And with that fact present, Applebloom had simply forgotten to cover herself. And now she was standing near her front door completely exposed, a simply embarrassing position. However an embarrassing position that she could use to her advantage. It was definitely a worth reply to the earlier laughter, and that’s what Applebloom was going to do.

“Alright,” she said softly, “I won’t put my clothes back on. That should freak out the girls enough to give me an apology for earlier.” She grinned evilly as she put together her plan. Another knock came at her door, and Applebloom took a deep breath as she placed the towel on the chair near the door.

“This shouldn’t take too long,” she muttered to herself. And with a deep breath of courage, she opened the door. “Hey, girls!”

“APPLEBLOOM!” Scootaloo shouted as she averted her eyes, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”

“You’re Naked,” Sweetie Belle squeaked.

Applebloom faked shock. “I am?” she said innocently. “Are you sure? I could have sworn I was wearing something.”

“Yeah, yeah, real funny, Bloom,” Scootaloo said bringing her gaze back to Applebloom, though trying really hard to keep her eyes locked on AB’s face.

Both Sweetie’s and Scootaloo’s faces were beet red as they tried to keep their gaze focused on Applebloom’s face. Applebloom meanwhile did everything she could from not looking smug; her plan had worked.

Finally, she let her self-control slip. “Oh, well look at that, I am naked. Guess I forgot to put clothes back on after I screwed up with the pig trough.”

“Wait a minute,” Scootaloo said, “Was this your payback?”

“Yeah, for you girls laughing at me,” Applebloom said stepping back and grabbing the towel and wrapping it around her. “You girls caught me coming out of the shower and I didn’t have much time to think of something so I went with it.”

Sweetie shook her head as she and Scootaloo walked into the main living room. “Pretty lame AB, if it was me I would’ve milked it for the three days we’d have this place.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo said, “I’d pay to have that happen.”

Then an idea hit Applebloom, one that hit Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle got as well a second later. “Like, a bet?”

“Yeah, that’s not a bad idea. Applebloom, I bet you that for the three days we have this farm to ourselves, you cannot wear any clothes!” Scootaloo said.

Applebloom bit her lip as a sudden wave of nerves struck her. She had been fine welcoming her friends to her home naked as a prank. But having to do so for three days and nights actually scared her and made her feel a little self-conscious. She felt the towel constrict a bit around her naked body. She couldn’t really say no for, pride’s sake if nothing, but if she said yes… well, who knew what might happen.

She was about to say no outright when Sweetie Belle chimed in, “That’s it Scoots? We can’t have poor AB run around this place nude alone.”

“Yeah, that’s right!” Applebloom hastily agreed. “If I gotta do it you girls do it with me.”

Now it was Scootaloo’s turn to be self-conscious. “Wait a moment; wouldn’t that be a little….weird?”

“Oh, yeah,” Sweetie Belle blushed, “I just realized that. We’d all be naked in front of each other.”

“What, it’s not like we’re gonna screw each other,” Applebloom said dismissively. “That would make things too weird. Tell you what, Scoots, we got three days to ourselves, let’s do this: Day one it’ll be just me.”

“I’ll join you on day two then,” Sweetie Belle said, nodding.

“And you’ll join us on day three,” Applebloom nodded. “And all we gotta do is house chores, after that we can put our clothes back on. First one who either refuses to strip or puts their clothes back on without finishing loses.”

Scootaloo thought about it. “Okay, I like the sound of that.”

“Deal!” the other two shouted.

Cheerilee sighed as she wrapped a towel around her hair. The shower was barely done and already the teacher was feeling depressed again. Her apartment was quiet, too quiet. The entire place was an unwanted reminder that she had nothing better to do this weekend. She stepped out of the shower, her modest body covered by a grey towel.

For these reasons, Cheerilee was looking forward to tonight. It had been a while since she’d actually had dinner with Twilight; in fact the last time they did was the night after the big talent show. It would be fun to have dinner with Twilight. After walking into her bedroom, she shed the towel and began to pull out a comfortable set of clothing for the dinner. It wasn't anything too fancy, just a pair of jeans and a T-shirt; this wasn’t a date, just dinner.

Soon after she walked out of her house, right on time. The sun was setting to the west and the twilight sky looked rather beautiful. A gentle breeze gusted over her as she walked from her house to the library. By this point in the day things were winding down in Ponyville, most of the shops had closed up and every pony was sitting down for dinner.

Cheerilee walked past the coffee shop, the outside tables occupied by several couples enjoying their dates. The romantic scenes reminded the school teacher of her loneliness. Brushing it off, Cheerilee resumed her walk towards the library with haste. As she arrived at Golden Oaks, she could see that Twilight had the interior completely lit up.

The faint scent of cooking food entered her nostrils and Cheerilee smiled. Pressing upon the door, Cheerilee made her way into the library. She knew Twilight and Spike were expecting her so there was no real reason to ring the door. Plus, this was a library; it was public property, so she didn’t feel guilty for not ringing the doorbell.

When she entered the main floor, Cheerilee couldn’t find either Twilight or Spike. Cheerilee then made her way towards the stairwell that led to the house portion of the library. As she drew nearer, she heard a soft hum in a feminine voice. That gave her all the clues she needed to know that Twilight was in fact home.

However, as she was now entering personal living quarters, she had to announce herself.

“Twilight, Spike,” she called up, “I’m here.”

“Come on up!” Spike called back in reply.

Cheerilee walked up the stairs. Then when she hit the top step, she turned pale.

“Oh Sweet Celestia!” she yelped. In front of her, lying on a couch reading a book was a very nude Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight gasped the moment she spotted Cheerilee and threw a blanket over herself. “Oh Cheerilee! I’m so sorry!”

“No, no,” Cheerilee said, “If I’m interrupting something…”

“Oh dear Celestia no,” Twilight said as she sat up, her cheeks flushed “That was just one of Daring Do’s books.” She held the book up to prove it. “Daring Doo and the Kingdom of Lost Compass,” Twilight said.

Just then Spike walked in. Thankfully he was fully clothed.

“Spike,” Twilight glared, her wings flaring despite the blanket covering herself. “Why didn’t you tell me Cheerilee was here?”

“I thought you heard her,” Spike said, “Besides, she is on time.”

“Still a little reminder would’ve been nice. You know what I like to do in my spare time,” Twilight said, her tone reproachful.

“Oh right, I kinda forgot you do that,” Spike said awkwardly. “Anyway, dinner’s ready.”

Cheerilee smiled at that, though she still felt very awkward. “Oh, that’s good. Shall we?”

“Yes, lets,” Twilight said. “Spike will show you to the dining room. If you’ll excuse me, I have to put clothes on.”

Cheerilee meekly nodded and followed Spike into the dining room. Spike had set out a lovely dinner of hot pumpkin soup with cheese and wine, and in no time at all Twilight walked in dressed in a shirt and pants.

“Oh, Spike, this looks delicious,” Twilight said a delighted tone in her voice.

“I completely agree, Spike, did you cook this yourself?” Cheerilee asked.

Spike nodded before taking a bite of one of his gems. After a moment of chewing, he swallowed enough to courteously talk. “The only thing I’ll legitimately complain about Twilight is that she can’t cook.”

Twilight gave a grinned sheepishly. “And whenever I try things really go badly.”

“So I had to learn how myself. Can’t really complain, because when I do well I really do well,” Spike boasted.

Cheerilee laughed and then took a spoon full of her soup. Amazingly, it tasted as good as it looked. The trio continued to eat in silence for another moment or two, but as they did Cheerilee felt a little uncomfortable. No less than five minutes ago she had seen Twilight naked and reading Daring Do. While she was uncomfortable asking about it, she couldn’t get that fact out of her mind. Plus she did feel bad for intruding on whatever it was Twilight was doing.

“Um… Twilight, I do want to apologize for what happened earlier,” Cheerilee said.

Twilight waved it off. “Oh, don’t worry about it. I get so wrapped up in books sometimes I completely forget what’s going on. You didn’t interrupt any major scenes, so it’s fine.”

Cheerilee was taken back for a second by Twilight’s comment. “Well, if you don’t mind me asking, if the scene wasn’t anything important why were you reading it nude?”

Twilight blushed slightly. “Oh well… you see… um…”

“She’s a nudist,” Spike said, like he was talking about the weather or the price of apples.

Cheerilee gasped slightly. “Oh my, Twilight, I didn’t know. I hope I’m not making you uncomfortable right now by keeping you…”

“It’s okay, seriously,” Twilight sighed, waving a hand. “Besides, I would’ve put something on for dinner anyway.”

Cheerilee nodded. “Okay, that’s good, and are you a, uh, nudist Spike?”

Spike shook his head no. “Tried it for a few weeks, just not for me.”

“I see,” Cheerilee answered. She then turned to Twilight, who was in the middle of sipping some wine. “May I ask when you became a nudist, Twilight? I only ask because the last few times I’ve stopped by here you weren’t so…” Cheerilee trailed off, vaguely indicating with her hand.

“Clothing free?” Twilight finished, “Well actually Fluttershy got me involved in this about a year ago when she took me to the Soft Sun’s Pool Party over in Stableville. To be honest I was nervous at first, but after a while I came to enjoy it and I haven’t looked back since.”

“And all your friends are comfortable with it? Besides Fluttershy I mean,” Cheerilee asked ignoring the fact that she just learned that Fluttershy of all people was also a nudist.

Twilight’s eyes shifted, “Well… not all of them know about it, only Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.”

That gave Cheerilee a bit of shock. “Really, I always assumed you were so open with your friends.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to tell them as there’s nothing wrong with nudity. It’s not about sex, more just living your life without clothes. And that’s….well look at it this way: Rarity is too cultured to really be comfortable with it and Applejack and Rainbow Dash are too hardheaded to differentiate.” Twilight explained. “Pinkie only found out the same way you did, coming in when I was undressed, only she did it by appearing behind a bookcase.”

The trio chuckled at Pinkie’s expense. Cheerilee then sighed, she could see Twilight’s predicament. Hell, even she was uncomfortable even sitting across from Twilight despite Twilight being fully clothed. She glanced at Twilight, with curiosity this time.

“Is it fun?” Cheerilee asked absentmindedly after taking another spoonful.

Twilight looked up. “Well that depends on your immersion, really, but for me I find it completely relaxing.”

“So you spend your entire days around this library in the nude?” Cheerilee asked.

Twilight nodded, “Only time I’m clothed is when I go out, deal with customers, or have friends over. And once a month I go with Fluttershy to her nudist party in Stableville.”

Cheerilee gave a very accepting nod. “Okay, well that’s certainly a weird life you live, Twilight, if you don’t mind me saying.”

Both Twilight and Spike gave a chuckle. “That’s nothing,” Spike said, “You should hear where Twilight’s going this weekend.”

“Yeah, you mentioned that when we met earlier,” Cheerilee said, “Holmesdale was it?”

“Yes, actually, and since you now know my secret I feel I should add that it’s a nudist vacation spot,” Twilight said, waiting for a reaction.

Cheerilee merely looked on inquisitively. “So what will you are doing there?”

What Cheerilee was expecting was a completely lewd answer from Twilight, either for laughs or seriousness. It would just fit with the oddity of this whole conversation. But what she got was something different.

“Well, Vinyl’s gonna be performing there on Saturday and Sunday so I’ll be attending her concerts. Other than that, maybe take a run at the beach, try their tennis courts, and maybe the theme park,” Twilight answered, “But they also have wine tasting, antiquing, and one of the best spa centers in all of Equestria that’s not in Manehattan.”

Cheerilee gave a shocked look. “That… actually sounds like a normal resort. And they do all this…?”

Twilight nodded with pride, “Yup. I was supposed to go with Fluttershy but Angel got sick and she had to cancel. So I actually have a ticket open.”

“Who were you going to invite?” Cheerilee asked, taking a big sip of her wine.

Twilight grimaced as Spike silently got up and left the dining table after finishing his meal. She gave Spike a passing glance before looking back at Cheerilee. “Well I was going to ask Pinkie Pie…”

Cheerilee nodded. Then a thought popped into her head. Whether it was the wine or her loneliness that made her ask the question she was about to ask, Cheerilee didn’t know. But it happened.

“Well, I have nothing important to do over the weekend…” she started. “Maybe I could come with you.”

Twilight gasped in surprise. “Really? Are you sure?”

“Do I have to be nude?” she asked.

“Well…not really, these guys don’t require people to be nude, but… you might enjoy the experience a bit more if you were,” Twilight answered. “But I won’t force you.”

Cheerilee nodded, “Well, if nothing else, it’ll give me something to do over my vacation.”

“That’s a good attitude to take,” Twilight smiled. “Now let’s finish this meal.”

Cheerilee nodded and began to eat again. At that point she began to realize something: she was going to be around other naked people, possibly thousands. It was a bit unnerving, especially considering that nudity was a bit of a taboo in Equestria. But then again, when she was a teenager she was into some weird stuff. Maybe a good trip of exposure might be a nice experience.

Plus Twilight said she’d experience it better if she was naked. Cheerilee wasn’t self-conscious; in fact she was proud of her body. Maybe actually joining the others would be a great boost to her confidence. And who knows, maybe that could help her find some romance. So right then and there, she told herself she would spend those three days nude.

Author's Note:

I honestly got this idea, as you see in the discription, from two different sources for two different stories. Reason why i made them one big story is becasue doing two seperate would be rather boring really, becasue when it comes to nudist stories, its the same damn setup. So i decided I might as well combine the two just to make it interesting.