• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 3,398 Views, 80 Comments

The Bare Weekend - Blake Skies

Four ponies, Three days, two stories, one thing in common: this will be one weekend Cheerilee and the CMC won't forget

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Day Two (Part Two)

Day Two (Part Two)

If you told Cheerilee on Thursday she would be riding around in a convertible on Saturday, she’d believe you. Now add on the fact that in that convertible would be Princess Twilight, Octavia Melody, and Vinyl Scratch, she might believe you. What would be completely inconceivable would be she would be in a convertible with those three, and naked. But even better was, she was enjoying it. The wind blowing against her fur felt amazing, and the fact her breasts and body were getting the full of it without any clothes made it all the more special. Yesterday she was amazed by the experiences, today she was hooked. And the other girls knew it mostly because it was written all over her face.

Vinyl had taken the convertible onto the highway running through town with the promise that the theme park was only an hour long drive. The roof was of course down and the quartet loved every minute of it. Twilight leaned forward to talk with Vinyl while Cheerilee looked out towards the sky. She wasn’t really a theme park type of person, as when she was younger a rather large roller coaster ride scared her pretty badly. With the help of Carrot top and Derpy she had managed to overcome her fear of coasters, but she still didn’t like them.

Still that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy herself. She did like the water as well as dolphins and whales, which this place provided, so it wasn’t a total loss. Plus she was surrounded by friends, which were always a benefit.

“So how long have you been looking for someone?” Twilight asked.

Cheerilee looked at Twilight and then realized that it wasn’t the first time Twilight had asked that question. She blushed, “Oh well… It’s not that I’m…I’ve just been…”

“Oh don’t worry Party-lee,” Vinyl said, “This place is full of nice guys and girls ready to find other people.”

“That’s funny,” Octavia smirked, “I always thought families and couples went to something like this.”

Vinyl shushed Octavia and whispered, “I’m trying to make her feel better.”

“I know Vinyl, but honestly we’re not going to find any nice guy for her at an amusement park. Why don’t we hold off on finding Cheerilee’s love until the party tonight?” Octavia smiled.

Cheerilee giggled, “Thanks guys but I’m honestly here to enjoy this new life.”

“Oh don’t lie to me Party-lee,” Vinyl smiled.

Cheerilee smirked but said nothing as they made their way to the park.

“Oh my Celestia,” Cheerilee exclaimed, “This Park looks fantastic!”

And she was right on the money. Amphitrite Water Park was stunning to look at. Filled with at least fifteen water park rides, twenty slides, and four pools including a lazy river, a petting zoo, and finally a small beach zone to tan.

“Wow,” Twilight said a little off put, “This is a lot bigger than I had planned for.”

“Still we won’t go bored here,” Vinyl chuckled, “Where should we start?”

Cheerilee bit her lower lip trying to think, “Why not look around first, and if we see any ride that’s awesome enough we’ll hop on it.”

“Oh a smashing idea,” Octavia said, “But may we get something to eat first, that smell is driving me crazy.”

It wasn’t until Octavia mentioned it that Cheerilee noticed the smell as well. The entrance to the park was lined with food shops each with vendors hawking their wares. And each one smelled better than the last.

“You know that’s not a bad idea,” Twilight said, “But let’s get something to walk around with.”

“Great!” Vinyl exclaimed, “I vote churros!”

The other three laughed and they walked into the park, towels resting over their arms or shoulders. Much like the three of them, the rest of the park’s patrons were nude. In fact, Cheerilee noticed, most of the park employees were nude too. Of course the food vendors wore clothing to cover them from getting burned or having something horrible happen while preparing the food. But as for everyone else, naked as the day they were born. It also wasn’t Equestrians either, many others were present too. And they all seemed very comfortable which calmed any nerves Cheerilee might have been having.

There was one major down side though. Most, if not all the men present, were accompanied by someone. If she was going to find a date here, it was going to be next to impossible. Not as if any of the other girls weren’t going to try and help, but that being said the other three were more focused on getting food. However Cheerilee did sigh slightly, it was going to be a tough but fun day.

The first few rides were gentle ones, nothing with the flips and turns that Vinyl had been actually begging for. But they were good enough to allow the girls to get settled into the park first. They also made great use of the lazy river as a transportation device, as the river flowed to pretty much every part of the park. For most of the early day, they didn’t use the floats handed out and just free swam through it. Soon enough though; it came time for the more intense rides.

Twilight and Cheerilee handled the first set well enough, but after the fourth intense ride; a rather nasty ride called the Cthulhu, the duo wanted a break. Something Vinyl and Octavia weren’t going to stand for since they were now pumping with adrenaline.

“You really want to stop right now?” Octavia asked, a little dismayed, “But that Cthulhu was so much fun!”

“Yeah come on you stick-in-the-muds!” Vinyl smirked, “You wanna be fillies forever or earn your rider stripes?”

Cheerilee dismissed both of them, “It’s not like we don’t want to, but we’re a bit spent.”

“Yeah,” Twilight panted, “I think I’ve had enough for right now.”

“Oh come on!” Vinyl whined.

Cheerilee straightened out, employing all the traits that made her a great teacher to make Vinyl see sense. “Well, if it would be okay with you two, you guys can take a few more rides for the thrill. However if you cannot come to that, would you like it better if we just left and skipped all the rest this park had to offer?” she said evenly but sternly.

Vinyl’s mouth dropped, the wind clearly taken out of her sails, “Well when you put it like that.”

Octavia was clearly defeated too, “Alright, where would you like to meet us?”

“How about in the café area, we’ll get coffee afterward.” Twilight smiled.

The two nodded and headed off. It was nearly mid-afternoon and Celestia’s sun was starting to hang low while Twilight and Cheerilee headed back to the lazy river. When they got there the life guard asked, “Would you like two singles ladies?”

Cheerilee shook her head no, “I’d rather have one double please.”

“Really,” Twilight asked, “Why?”

“Those singles are so hard to control sometimes, and I’d just rather like to relax. Besides we can share it and talk easier.” She said with a smile.

Twilight sighed, “Alright good point, come on.”

They were then handed a double, rested it in the water, and then headed off down the lazy river. Cheerilee lay on her stomach, resting her arms in the water. Twilight meanwhile lay on her back, decided it better to sink slightly into the hole of the tube.

“I didn’t think those rides would wear me out so much,” Twilight sighed.

“I know right,” Cheerilee agreed, “I think my stomach is still churning from that last one.”

“Well at least we can ride this thing all the way around, maybe that will calm us down.” Twilight said.

Cheerilee giggled, “I’m just gladder my teacher shtick payed off, I didn’t think Vinyl and Octy were going to back down.”

Twilight laughed, “Yeah that was good of you.”

Cheerilee lifted her head and looked at Twilight, “You know this has been a good day. Just wish I could find someone interesting.”

Twilight pondered for a moment, “Why not one of the guards?”

“Nah, they’re on duty. Besides I dated a lifeguard once, not all that fun.” Cheerilee responded.

“You could try latching on to someone who is alone,” Twilight added, “Try the hunter approach.”

“That only works when you have something of notice to talk about, like a dress or shoes. Look around Ms. Sparkle,” Cheerilee giggled, “Best I could do is mention package size, and that’s not something I wanna get smacked with right now.”

Twilight laughed, “Well, you could always show off your assets, make the men come to you.”

Cheerilee laughed, “Maybe. But I’m no siren. And if the guys don’t come I’m sure I could grab one girl or two.”

Twilight laughed, “With what you got, any mare or stallion would be lucky to have you.”

Cheerilee nodded. Before slumping back over to relax she took one good look at Twilight. Cheerilee couldn’t put her finger on what it was, but there was something about the alicorn that made her look rather stunning while she rested in the raft. Shaking off the idea, Cheerilee rolled onto her back and went into a gentle snooze.

Author's Note:

Huh what's this? what's going on? am i writing? what? when? why? How?

So day two done, time for our intrepid nudists to go into their second night! and trust me, things are going to get a bit interesting.