• Published 29th Mar 2015
  • 3,398 Views, 80 Comments

The Bare Weekend - Blake Skies

Four ponies, Three days, two stories, one thing in common: this will be one weekend Cheerilee and the CMC won't forget

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Day Two (Part One)

Day Two

Sleeping while being naked was something Cheerilee had never considered before this trip. Now she couldn’t have imagined living without it. No waking up in the middle of the night to kick off sheets because she was too hot, no having to remove undergarments in order to feel comfortable before bed, and no having to worry about messing up some clothes by tossing and turning. For the first time in years she finally had a good night’s sleep.

Rolling out of bed, Cheerilee stretched her arms and legs out. She looked around the room and saw Twilight was still fast asleep. The alicorn princess looked beautiful as she lay in the bed, covers wrapped around her.

Cheerilee smiled softly, “Be quiet Cheerilee, let her sleep.”

The sun was barely off the skyline and its light was filling the room. She walked around the bed before making it nice and neat before walking into the shower. Soon as she walked in she found the next reason why nude sleeping was awesome: nothing to take off before showering.

She turned on the shower, let the water get hot, and stepped in. As she showered, Cheerilee began to wonder what today’s plans were going to be. Yesterday’s beach trip was fun and even better with the trip to the arcade, so what was today going to be? Maybe they’d visit the theme park Vinyl was talking about. Maybe they’d go to the mall, or hit up some diners. Maybe she’d finally meet a single guy. Sheppard was a good target, but the fact he had a girlfriend deflated Cheerilee’s chances.

But now she knew that Twilight, Octy, and Vinyl were on her side. At least they would help her look for a guy to fill her life. Regardless, today was going to be another good day. Then she heard the bathroom door open.

“Cheerilee are you in here?” Twilight asked.

“Yes I am,” Cheerilee said poking her head from out of the curtain.

“Did you sleep well?” Twilight asked, beginning to run a comb through her hair.

“Surprisingly better than I have in years.” Cheerilee answered as she continued to wash up.

“I know, I will admit though I wrap the blankets around me more than I used to.” Twilight giggled as she pulled out a toothbrush.

“Cold much,” Cheerilee answered as she shut off the shower.

“I don’t think it’s just that, but probably.” Twilight answered, “Spike told me I’m so used to sleeping clothed I guess I subconsciously do it. However I don’t think I’ll ever go back to sleeping normally again.”

Stepping out of the shower, Cheerilee couldn’t help but nod. “After one night of this, I think I can completely agree.”

Twilight nodded as she brushed her teeth. Cheerilee, after drying off, pulled out the blow dryer to start to dry her hair. After giving her hair a long comb and blow drying session, she finished with her hair just as Twilight was about to step into the shower.

“So where do you wanna go today?” Cheerilee asked.

“I’m not entirely sure, but I know Octy wanted to try out that theme park.” Twilight said.

Cheerilee giggled, “I can’t see Octavia being the type whom enjoys high speed roller coasters.”

“You know,” Twilight said, “I completely agree but we’ve been proven wrong before.”

“Good point, do you know if those two are up?” she asked putting down the hair dryer and wrapping a towel around her.

“Beats me,” Twilight answered as she turned on the shower.

“Alright I’ll go get breakfast.” Cheerilee said and walked out of the bathroom. She made her way through the bedroom, towel still wrapped around her. Once she reached the door, she checked her fur to see if it was fully dried. One of Cheerilee’s greatest pet peeves was being dripping wet, so she always made sure she was fully dry before putting clothes on. Now that she was, at least for the day and day following, naked she didn’t want to drip on the floor.

She rubbed her hands all over and still found some wet patches, so she put the soaking wet towel in the hamper and grabbed a second one. This one was considerably shorter, as it was a towel provided by the house, but it covered enough of Cheerilee and the wet patches that she was content. Exiting the bedroom, she made it a point to ask Vinyl why the towels were so small here.

It didn’t take her long to find the duo.

“Oh hey Party-lee good morning,” Vinyl’s voice came in from the kitchen.

Cheerilee turned a corner and saw the duo in the kitchen, Vinyl working her way through a small stack of pancakes and Octavia, wearing an apron, cooking up some more.

“Indeed good morning, and perfect timing too I just finished my full batch of pancakes.” Octavia said.

“I’m taste testing!” Vinyl said with almost the tone a young child would say.

“I can see that, are they good?” Cheerilee giggled as she walked in.

Vinyl nodded like a bobble head being pushed too hard. Cheerilee almost was worried some of the food would slide out or worse down her throat, but Vinyl surprised her again by resuming munching on her food just after stopping. Walking in, Octavia handed Cheerilee a small stack of five pancakes on a plate.

“Thank you Octy that was so nice of you.” Cheerilee said.

“You’re welcome Cheerilee.” Octavia said.

“I hope these pancakes won’t affect your condition?” Cheerilee asked.

Octavia smiled, “Oh no don’t worry about that, and I made these gluten free.”

Cheerilee smiled brightly, “Well then I best go eat.”

“Coffee machines almost ready,” Vinyl said before stuffing her face with another pancake.

“Oh good, I could go for that.” Twilight said appearing from the bedroom, towel wrapped around her body and hair.

Cheerilee smiled as she sat down. As she did, she noticed that Vinyl was the only one who wasn’t wearing anything. Cheerilee and Twilight had towels that at least covered their modesty, and Octavia’s apron did cover much of her front half though it left little hidden on the back. But then again that was always Vinyl’s famous trait: standing out from the crowd.

Twilight walked over to the coffee machine and began to press buttons, “Cheer you want any?”

Cheerilee nodded, “Yes please, black.”

Twilight looked at Cheerilee, “Ain’t that going to be bitter?”

“That’s how I like them.” Cheerilee smiled.

Twilight shook her head, “Okay, no problem. I’d just never thought I’d meet anyone whom liked it straight black.”

Cheerilee chuckled for a bit and went back to her pancakes. After taking two small bites of a piece she cut out, she was instantly hooked and began to eat away at the pancakes at her plate. She stopped only once, when Twilight brought her the coffee. Once the pancakes were finished, she looked up to see that Octavia had finished cooking breakfast and now had joined the trio, apron still on.

“I see you enjoyed them, I told you she would Octy.” Vinyl smiled.

“Alright Vinyl, no need to rub it in. I just wasn’t sure whether.” Octavia responded.

“They were good,” Cheerilee said.

“Yeah, you really cook well.” Twilight said, “You’re a natural.”

“Oh I’m no natural, Chief Gaston taught me. He was the family’s personal chief and when I was a little girl I would always sneak into his kitchen to see how he prepared my food.” Octavia blushed.

“Well he taught you well.” Cheerilee complimented before helping herself to another batch of pancakes.

“So what do you two want to do today?” Octavia asked, cutting another triangle out of her pancake.

“Vinyl told me she wanted to go to the Theme park we talked about.” Twilight said.

“Oh yeah I forgot, Today’s swim with the fish day.” Vinyl said.

“That sounds like fun.” Cheerilee said.

Octavia bemused for a moment, “I hope the water isn’t freezing cold.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it,” Vinyl sighed, “But I do know we can ride in a small boat if we don’t want to get frost bite.”

“What about the roller coasters?” Cheerilee asked, “How good are they?”

“I know they got nothing on the coasters out at the Gardens but I hear they’re a worthy contender.” Vinyl answered.

Cheerilee chewed her food for a moment, “Well I guess we should find out now shouldn’t we?”

Vinyl cheered, “That’s the spirit Party-lee.”

“Alright then let’s finish up and get ready for the day.” Twilight said with a smile on her face.

The other girls nodded and went back to eating their breakfast.


Applebloom slept well that night, after getting home around three in the morning. She still had just enough time to bank a well nights rest before waking up the next day. The morning had preceded much like the previous one with one major exception, she was still naked. There really was no explanation Applebloom could find, she just didn’t have a desire to put her clothing back on. Yeah she was exposed in front of her friends, but by now they seemed to be perfectly okay with it, more so she didn’t seem bothered by it either. But now was going to be another trial, as this day was Sweetie Belle’s time to be naked.

However, unlike Applebloom’s tormented morning the previous day, Sweetie Belle seemed to be taking this all rather well. She stayed in her pajamas even after showering but Applebloom could tell that was all she had on. She sat at the table for breakfast and really said nothing within regards to how she was feeling today, though both Applebloom and Scootaloo tried their hardest to get Sweetie to talk.

But she didn’t and the other two bit their lips and moved on. Soon enough, it was time to go back out for more chores. Approaching the front door, Applebloom once again faced the nerves she felt the day before but this time it was minimalized compared to what she was feeling the day before. She wasn’t shaking and she also wasn’t feeling any draft, so Applebloom was now comfortable. She reached for the door handle to go outside when she heard Sweetie Belle descending the stairs.

“You ready to go AB?” Sweetie asked as she reached the bottom step.

“Yup, are you?” Applebloom nodded before turning around, half expecting to see Sweetie going through the same problem she had yesterday.

But to Applebloom’s remarkable surprise, Sweetie Belle was already naked and looking completely comfortable, “Oh yeah, I just hope it’s not cold outside.”

Applebloom’s face scrunched in complete shock as she saw Sweetie walking over to her. The fact that Belle was completely comfortable in her own skin, better more in front of Applebloom, was stunning. Applebloom had to push her way through a torrent of emotions to try and go outside naked; Sweetie seemed to be very willing to just do it.

“Something wrong Applebloom?” Sweetie asked.

Applebloom stammered for a moment, but then found the words she was trying to convey. “Um, you seem rather comfortable there Sweetie Belle.”

Sweetie looked at Applebloom oddly, “Yeah why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, I mean you….you kinda are….” Applebloom started.

“Naked, and in front of you, who is also naked.” Sweetie Belle finished.

“Uh, yeah,” Applebloom nodded.

Sweetie shrugged, “Well, to be honest I was kinda nervous about doing this yesterday, but after seeing how well you handled it yesterday…it kinda gave me confidence to try it.”

Applebloom took a step back. On the one hand she was still very shocked at how comfortable Sweetie Belle was, even more so now that she learned Sweetie had drew inspiration from Applebloom herself. But on the other hand, Applebloom was completely honored. Here she was yesterday, and a little bit today, going through an emotional rollercoaster and yet she had managed to overcome that to become a source of inspiration for a friend. That actually made Applebloom blush a little.

“Aww thanks Sweetie that actually means a lot.” Applebloom said.

Sweetie giggled, “And besides, part of me was enjoying the prospect of doing this ever since we made the bet. You won’t believe how tightly Rarity runs the house, it’s almost like I can’t enjoy anything this…uncouth.”

Applebloom giggled along with Sweetie Belle, “Yeah, she might faint just upon seeing us.”

“I wouldn’t be surprise, come on let’s get out there!” Sweetie Belle said.

Author's Note:

So let me tell you about problems, My comp broke! And right now its been extremely long since i wanted to put this out so I wrapped up the first part and get it out here right now just to stop the suspense and get this out there. Part two is gonna take a while cuz i gotta get my other story "Razgriz" Act One out.