• Published 30th Mar 2015
  • 3,931 Views, 673 Comments

Maybe I'm Dreaming - Night Flight

How do you feel when someone tell you you should get married with someone you don't know? Maybe you get angry but Rainbow dash acts different. By the way this is Rainbow dash. She loves to be different...

  • ...

CH 24-Getting information... or not?

“And here’s the day that Soarin won his first race. It was his fifth race but it still was very good for a young pegesi like him,” Hurricane
explained as he showed me picture of Soarin winning a race with a huge grin.

I giggled. He did looked very cute. The album was filled with these
kind of pictures. They were all about Hurricane or Soarin or both. These two seemed to be very, VERY good friends and I wasn’t even a bit repent for asking Hurricane to show them to me.

I just felt like I had gone back to the days that I was only five and Hurricane was a ten-year-old boy. At winter nights that our parents had to work in the weather factory until late night, we sat by fire and Hurricane told me funny stories so I won’t be afraid of darkness.

Besides that, from those memories I could gain some good information about Soarin. True that it still wasn’t what I needed to hear but they still helped know more Soarin.

‘Why do you want to know more about him? It’s not like you’ll marry him for certain. You have to find that mare, his love…’ said a voice at back of my head.

Even thinking about that made me wanna cry but that was something that I had thought over. This was a decision that I didn’t want to change this easily. I needed a good reason for stopping it.

“Oh, here’s the weird show.”

“Weird show?”

“Yeah, it was after this show that Soarin seemed a little… off.”

“Like… what kind of off?”

“I don’t know. It just looked like something had gotten into him. It was at the end of our show in Cloudsdale. It happened after giving autograph to fans.”

That was it! All of the signs were the same as the ones that Spitfire gave me. A show in Cloudsdale, Soarin’s weird behavior, autograph and fans! “So… what had gotten into him?” I asked enthusiastically.

“Um…nothing!” said Hurricane quickly.

“What do you mean nothing?”

“I meant nothing. Nothing is nothing.”

“Hurricane speak…NOW!” I said with a deadly glare.

“Talk about what? There’s nothing to talk about?” said Hurricane with an awkward smile.

“I asked, what had gotten into him?”

“Rainbow,” he called.


“Do you love Soarin?”

“What? Why do you ask it?”

“Just answer.”

“Well… maybe.”

“Yes or no?”

“Yes but not completely. I mean… I juuuust started loving him and I’m still not sure if I love him or not.”

Hurricane shook his head. “Fair enough.”


“None of our teammates got a word out of his mouth but not all of them were Hurricane, Soarin’s very good and of course, best friend. I managed to talk to him and he told me everything. Everything about a mare that he had fell in love with at that show.” He looked at me who was staring at him and was waiting for the rest of story. “I shouldn’t tell you this. You probably hate him now.”

“No I don’t but… Hurricane, do you know who was she?”

Hurricane sighed. “At first, I thought that I know her but I feared that my guess would be true. Then, all of my life would be crashed.”

“Was it Speedy?” I said with wide eyes.

“No crazy. Soarin knew about her and she knew him too. He wouldn’t dare do so. I meant another mare somepony who was very, very important for me.”

“OK… continue.”

“With every sign he gave me, I was more sure and sure that this mare is the one that he meant. After a while, he didn’t see her anymore. His life had turned to hell… all because of me.”

Ooooh, this was getting interesting! “Because of you? Why?”

“Forget it.”


“RAINBOW, NO…” shouted Hurricane. “Sorry… I didn’t want to shout but… this isn’t something that I should tell you. Not now,” said Hurricane as he wrapped his hooves around his head.

“I’d… better go and buy some jelly,” I said as I stood up. Then I chuckled nervously. “I forgot to make desert. It’s dinner time by the way.”

I flew out of house to go and buy some jelly but in fact, it was the last thing in my mind. I needed some time to think about what Hurricane. It wasn’t much new information but I needed some time to compare
it with the other point of view from Spitfire.

* * * * *

Hurricane Dash’s P.O.V.

Rainbow exited house and left me with my bad memories who wanted to show themselves to me over and over.

How could I? I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe anything. All of those things I’d said seemed so far away from me but its memory was as fresh as a movie in my mind. I had learned that the only way of fighting it is to let it take all of your mind.

* * * * *


It was time for another one of those damn shows in Ponyville. I’d just realized name of that mare. The mare my best friend was talking about over and over.

Rainbow Dash…

The mare Soarin loved… with all of his heart. My one and only sister. Somepony who couldn’t have happiness with Soarin just because of damn traditions.

Yeah, it wasn’t like I didn’t want Soarin to love my sister. In fact, I always believed that Soarin’s the perfect stallion for my sister. But reality had another plans for me.

Because of that crazy, old tradition in our family, Rainbow couldn’t find happiness and a good life with Soarin like I always imagined and wished.

And now… now that Soarin had fallen in love with Rainbow, it was MY turn to stop this love. I knew… I knew how hard it was for him. I was a lover myself by the way, but I had to do it for him and
Rainbow. I had to stop it before he fell for her any further.

That was why I was waiting at home waiting for my 15-year-old sister to come downstairs. “Hurricane you’d better hurry cause I have to go to show.”

“Hey dummy, I’m gonna be at show myself. They won’t start without me.”

“Whatever. So, what did you want to tell me?”

“Rainbow, you go and stand at Soarin’s fan aisle after shows right?”

“Yeah… wait… how do you know?”

I sighed. Here started the hard part… “Soarin had saw you but that’s not the important thing…”

“Wait… Soarin had saw ME? How can you say that’s not important? It’s the most important thing in the WHOLE UNIVERSE! THAT’S. SO. COOOOOOOOL! What did he said about me? When did he saw
me? Oooh, ooh, what…”

I quickly interrupted her. “Rainbow, listen. I want you to don’t go to Soarin’s fan aisle anymore.”

“Don’t go there? But why? Hey I promised him!”

“You hea… wait you did what?”

“Nah… nothing important. I just asked him for autograph and then he said that he hopes to see me again and since then, I always stand at his fan aisle. That’s all!”

“Hmm… so that was the reason…”

“What reason?”

“Nothing. Just do what I told you OK?”

She pouted. “But why? Please let me gooooo! Please.”

“I said no. Hey wait, why do you wanna go and see him this badly?”

She blushed and tried to hide it but it was completely visible for me. “No reason.”

I frown. This meant that she might have a feeling toward him too. So then I HAD to do this. “If there’s no reason then do what I told you OK?”

She sighed sadly. “OK. I don’t know why you’re doing this to me but fine.”

I sighed too. “All I’m doing is protecting your heart…”


“Hey, we better hurry or we’ll miss a great thing.”

“Miss what?”

“Hello? Did you forget about the show?”

“Oh… let’s go!”

I smiled as I saw my little sister speeding through sky. Deep in my heart, I knew I broke my best friend’s heart but I hoped that I did the right thing to protect both of them.

Also, I hoped that Soarin love my sister too much to chase after her and smart enough to find the right way.


* * * * *

Fortunately, Soarin loved my sister enough to chase after her. He was also smart enough to take several researches and find out her one and only brother.

The minute he came to me and explained his love to Rainbow with a shaky voice and his whole body prepared to take my punches I couldn’t help but smile and tell him that I’ll do all I can to make
Rainbow love him.

Everything went just fine until last night… I’d saw everything and I knew that it wasn’t Soarin at all. It was like something had got into him and that thing certainly wasn’t drinks. It was more like… a spell or
something else.

I just wished that Soarin and Rainbow could survive from this…

* * * * *


Rainbow’s P.O.V.

My head still spun around for all of those staying up late with my brother and watching movies till sunrise but at last, it totally worth it. I had fun and gained some more information about Soarin.

Hurricane had told me that Soarin never stayed angry at anypony for too much time but once somepony broke his pride he didn’t do that again.

Well… that wasn’t good for me at all cause I JUST broke his pride the minute he came after me and wanted to explain everything to me. He had come to me AGAIN but I said that I hated him, something
that wasn’t true AT ALL.

Wait… why did I didn’t let him explain everything to me at the first

Yeah… I remember that… I was too angry at him that I didn’t let him even explain things to me and I regretted everything that morning but there was no way back. I knew once he see me again he
wouldn’t care for me even a bit.

“Rainbow, don’t you wanna wake up? It’s almost noon! Well, just in case you wanna wake up!” said Hurricane. It was the thousandth time he said that.

“OK Hurricane, just shut up! I’m up,” I shouted.

“Fine, fine. I heard you. No need to shout just wanted to say that I’m going out to pick Speedy up from her sister’s house.”

“OK, I get it. I’ll look after house.”

“Thanks sis. Owe you one!” said Hurricane.

Few seconds later, voice of closing door echoed through house. I sat straight on couch and opened my wings. They were aching from sleeping on the couch for too long and not only them, but also my
whole body.

‘Remember to smack Hurricane in face if he made you sleep on the couch again,’ I reminded myself as I stood up to go to bathroom.

In front of me, on the TV screen was menu of Mortal Combat. It seemed that Hurricane had decided to play video games again. I just shrugged to nopony else and walked to bathroom.

I was going to open the bathroom’s door when it opened and somepony came out of it and I bumped right into him.

“Oh, sorry…” I said as I rubbed my head. I looked up to see the pony I had bumped into and…

All I could think at that moment was OH MY GOSH!

It was Soarin who was standing in front of me.

‘OK, OK, girl. It’s fine. Just act like nothing had happen and play it cool,’ I told myself as I stared at him. So I smiled and said, “Soarin, hi!”

In return, Soarin only stared at me with the coldest look I’ve ever seen and walked away without saying anything. His cold look was like a bucket of very cold water that he poured to my heart. Before it my heart was filled with a warm fire that told me he loves me but the minute he went away without looking at me, he took that fire away too.

And I couldn’t do anything but fight back tears as I thought about how bad I behave there. I blow up my only chance. If his cold look had broken my heart, then the things I’d say there had broken his heart into very small pieces.

‘I hate you…’ my own voice echoed in my ears. What I said back at the bay was just… terrible. Extremely terrible.

‘But he broke your heart the minute he said those words to that mare,’ said my conscience.

It was at that minute that something clicked in my head…

Didn’t Soarin told that mare that he loves her? Well he did. Then maybe that mare was the one that Soarin loved.

But just maybe. Or maybe it was just a random mare. I couldn’t tell until Soarin explained to me but I just didn’t want to break my pride and tell him to explain. My pride was very important to me. I just couldn’t break it like that.

Then I just had to rely on my instincts to help me in this. It was hard just to guess and each of your guesses would be wrong but it was something I decided to do and won’t come back till I find that mare.

However, I walked back to the living room, where Soarin was sitting and waiting for Hurricane. I looked at him sadly. My heart beat fast the minute I saw him. It told me to go and hug him but I couldn’t. I really liked to but I couldn’t so I just looked sadly at him the whole way to couch.

As if Soarin felt my look, he looked at me. I quickly looked away but it was late because he’d saw me. I could swore that I saw his weak smile when I looked away.

The only thing I could say was that everything at that moment was awkward. Few minutes passed and the awkward silence stayed there and neither of us tried to break it for some minutes.

“Umm… why are you here for any way?” I asked with so much hope that he’ll instead answer me.

“Came here to spend time with somepony who doesn’t hate me,” he said in the coldest voice possible.

I lowered my head as I heard his words. He was giving my own words back to me. It was worse than somepony smacking me in face.

“Soarin, I…”

“You what? Broke my pride?” said Soarin with a frown. Then he sighed and shook his head. “I’m so sorry for you.”

“EXCUSE ME? Do you really expect ME to apologize YOU? Did you forget who cheated on me? Let me give you a hint: YOU!” I shouted angrily.

“I never ever cheated on you. If you let me explain everything to you back at the bay, you would find out that I wasn’t myself anymore.You would find out that it probably was a magic that was cast on me. YOU WOULD FIND OUT THAT I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW THAT MARE,” said Soarin with a voice that was raised with every single word he

By that time, tears had completely filled my eyes. “I’M sorry for YOU. I was trusting you. I thought you were the one I can give my heart to BUT YOU JUST CHANGED EVERYTHING,” I shouted. Then I took a deep breath to calm myself. I didn’t want to ruin everything like last time. “I don’t hate you. I can’t but if that mare was the one you loved, I’m OK with it. I understand if you love another mare and don’t ask how I know. I just know. But know that if you love any other mare, I’ll let you go. I just hope you a happy life. Good bye Soarin,” I said calmly before exiting and flying as fast as I could.

“WAIT, RAINBOW…” I heard Soarin shouting as I got further from there. No matter how much he called me, there wasn’t a place for me to stay there anymore.

I just had said everything that was in my heart to the pony who knew the whole fact. I felt like a heavy weight had been lifted from my chest. I felt more lightly but instead of that, a big anxiety had been replaced by that.

Now I knew at least half of story. That it wasn’t Soarin’s fault. That was what I wanted to hear all that time. It still wasn’t the whole story but that was enough for me to do something that I wouldn’t do this
easily: Forgiving.

‘Soarin, I forgive you…’ I said in my mind and although it was impossible but I wished that Soarin would hear me cause I wasn’t going to break my pride any time soon.

Author's Note:

School starts at a week or so:fluttercry: I'd written several chapters and I'll try to update sooner but I can't promise cause these recent chapters all have been updated with my cellphone.
However, hope you enjoyed the third perspective of Soarin's love story.:raritywink::pinkiehappy: