• Published 30th Mar 2015
  • 3,931 Views, 673 Comments

Maybe I'm Dreaming - Night Flight

How do you feel when someone tell you you should get married with someone you don't know? Maybe you get angry but Rainbow dash acts different. By the way this is Rainbow dash. She loves to be different...

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CH 27-He's fine?

“You said that I have to add the blue one to cold water and use it for antisepticising his wings?” I asked Twilight.

“UGH! No Rainbow,” said Twilight. From her tone I could guess that she was face hoofing. “Let me tell you what to do step by step.”

“Fine. Go on,” I said. Twilight started to explain all she told me back at her library and this time I wrote them on a piece of paper I found in the house.

“Remember ONLY THREE MINUTES. Fine?” said Twilight.

“OK, fine. Got it. Next?”

“There’s no next. The end,” said Twilight. “Ooh, ooh wait! I forgot to tell you something back at library. The blue potion has some side effects on the pony who uses it.”

“And what's that?”

“The book said that the pony who drink it should be careful cause drinking too much of it can cause some mental harm on that pony.”

“Mental harm? What kind?”

“The most usual effect of it is ‘Truth Telling’ illness. It’s a rare illness but even so, it happens often. The pony who has this illness tells all that is in his/her heart and he/she can’t lie but it depends on the amount of potion you give Soarin. If you give him the right amount, this won’t happen. Just a warning,” said Twilight. “Now remember if you killed him don’t blame me cause I told you TWICE.”

Although I was scared like a little filly in front of a ghost, I rolled my eyes and answered, “Fine.”

“And another thing…”


“Look I know I should ask Rarity about this stuff but it’s just so… embarrassing and I know if I talk to her, the subject will be Ponyville’s subject of talking a day after, so I wanted to ask you this. By the way you had experience in this and all. So tell me…” said Twilight in a nervous tone. “WHAT SHOULD I DO ON A DATE?” shouted Twilight nervously.

“Whoa, slow down Twi. The first thing is not to panic.”

“Not to panic? NOT TO PANIC? FLASH SENTRY ASKED ME TO A DATE AND YOU TELL ME DON’T PANIC? IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?” said Twilight loudly and clearly nervously.

“Of course you can. Just take a deep breath every time you think you’re nervous”. The sound of Twilight taking deep breaths could be heard clearly through phone.

“OK, OK. Now I’m calm. What’s next?”

“Look Twi, don’t panic but I’d only gone on a date once and that wasn’t a real one. I don’t really know what to do.”

“THEN…” she stopped mid-sentence and took a deep breath to calm herself again. “Then how am I supposed to know what to do? Rainbow I can’t find ANY book about how to go on a date and I don’t have time for doing any research, since I'm going on that date tonight! At least give me some advice.”

“Fine, fine. First, you can’t find anything in books and second, let me think…” I said as I tried to think and find a little bit of advice for her. I smiled as I remember the advice that helped me in that lovey-dovey thing a lot. “Here’s some advice that a friend gave me: If you want to know what to do when you’re in love with somepony, just listen to your heart. It’ll always tell you what to do.”

“You sure that’ll work?”

“Well it worked for me. I’m sure it’ll work for you too,” I said with a smile.

“Thanks a lot. That helped me a lot cause now that I’m listening to it, it’s telling me to calm down and take everything carefully with Flash.”

“You’re welcome. I guess now I owe you nothing for potions.”

“Rainbow, friends don’t owe each other ANYTHING. It was my pleasure to help you in this.” Although I couldn’t see Twilight but I was sure that she was smiling on the other side of the phone.

“Heh, yeah right. Bye Twilight. And also, good luck on your date!”

“Thanks Rainbow. Bye.”

I smiled as I put my phone aside. It was great to see one of my friends finding a love of their own. My other friends must have felt the same when I told them about the arranged marriage.

Although, a long time hasn’t passed since then but it felt like an old memory for me. It was funny how worried I was about it! And then, I was doing all of this just for a stallion other than my brother or my father.

Right… I hadn’t done anything for the stallion I was talking about and if I didn’t hurry I might harm him.

I rushed to kitchen and looked through cabinets to find a warm drink. ‘Tea? No it’s so lame. Good for old folk. Coffee? I don’t know if he likes it or not. Hot chocolate? Well, most of the ponies love it, including myself. That’ll be good,’ I talked to myself as I eyed the items in the cabinet. I quickly made a half cup of hot chocolate and filled the other half with the blue potion.

I started to mix two liquids with a spoon and rushed back to the room that Soarin was in. I placed the plate and the cup on the bed side table. ‘OK girl, next step is giving it to him.’ I huffed as I thought how to give it to Soarin. There was one simple way, sitting him upwards and giving the liquid to him but the question was how?

“OK, OK, OK. Remember Rainbow, it’s only you here so you have no choice but to do it all by yourself.” I took a deep breath and continued, “You’re Rainbow Dash you can do it, yeah I can, I definitely can,”

I reached my hooves and tried to sit him upward and… DAMN HE WAS HEAVY! My breath caught in my throat. “I CAN’T! I DEFINITELY CAN’T!” I screamed as I tried my best to sit him upward. Finally after many times of trying, I sat him upward. ‘Now, give it to him,’ I told myself as I grabbed the cup and readied myself to give it to him.

Although this step seemed easier than any of them, it was the hardest step for me. Anyways, it showed me if Soarin was still alive or not. I didn’t know why but as recently, Soarin’s life was my own life. If he died then I would kill myself too. I’ve been like that since the day I thought Soarin was lost.

‘Keep it in Rainbow. There’s only one way to find out if he's still alive or not so don’t waste any time.’ I galloped and slowly, I poured the hot chocolate in his mouth. “Come on Soarin. Wake up, wake up…!” I said as I bit my lip and poured the last amount of hot chocolate in his mouth.

Some seconds passed and nothing happened. I started to walk nervously in the room. ‘What if he never wakes up?’

That thought was enough for me to rush to him and check on him. No movement. He wasn’t moving. I quickly put my head down on his chest. After concentrating for some seconds, I finally heard his heartbeats.
He was alive!

Oh Celestia! He was alive!

Tears came down from my eyes as I hugged him tightly. No news could be better than the sound of his heartbeat. I smiled as I nuzzled his chest. It was the first time I felt that way. My cheeks were burning and my heart was burning in a warm fire. But most importantly, the butterflies in my belly were more tingly then before. Was all of this because the closeness between Soarin and I? Maybe, cause I truly loved the feeling. Familiar, yet old and most importantly, amazing!

‘You shouldn’t get use to this feeling. You know that a day will come that you won’t feel it anymore,’ said the familiar and usual voice in my head. Before I get to think about it, a new voice in my head shouted, ‘SHUT UP!’

And that was when I found out what’s going on in my brain! The first voice belonged to my brain and second one belonged to my heart. All of these times, I only listened to my brain and didn’t listen to my heart at all. Spitfire did tell me to listen to it but I never did. Then, when I was listening to it, it was telling me, ‘forget everything about that mare and enjoy your time with Soarin.’

I smiled as I lifted my head off of Soarin’s chest and looked at his face. ‘Wow… he seems ten times more handsome than before,’ I said in my mind. ‘Shut your mouth Rainbow. What are you thinking about? This isn’t you,’ said my brain.

‘No Rainbow. Continue doing it. Didn’t you say that you want to stay girly around Soarin? Well, here you go,’ said my heart. My smile widened as I started to think about things that I had kept inside of my head so long. All because it wasn’t Rainbow Dash style.

‘He’s really handsome. I’ve never seen anypony more gentle and amazing than him. And his gorgeous eyes… I just wanna stare at them forever. And… and his smell…’ I blushed as this thought entered my head but if it was the only way I could get those ridiculous yet, amusing thoughts out of my head, then I had to go for it. ‘And his smell… I just wanna breathe in it every single second of my life…’

Before I knew my hooves started to caress his mane softly. His mane was softer than any silk and his face seemed very innocent.

How could I treated him like that? He was great enough to break his pride for me twice and all I did was breaking his pride more and more. I’ve been punished for it too. The times he talked and looked coldly at me was worse then any other pain.

“Soarin… just wake up. I swear I won’t hesitate in apologizing this time,” I said to him softly. As if on cue, Soarin shifted in the bed. I perked up and looked at him with hopeful eyes but I didn’t stop caressing him. Few seconds later, he shifted again and groaned painfully.

“Soarin?” I called as he started to open his eyes slowly.

“Am I in heaven?” asked Soarin as he saw me smiling at him.

I giggled at his words. “What? No. Why?”

He smiled weakly and answered. “Cause I see a beautiful angle right above me.”
Those words made me blush. What the heck had gotten into him?

‘The pony who has ‘Truth Telling’ illness tells all that is in his/her heart and he/she can’t lie,’ Twilight’s voice echoed through my head.

Oh… right… that meant I had to be super protective over the words I spoke.

“So… are you hungry?”

“No,” said Soarin as he stared at me with dreamy eyes. OK, this was getting awkward…

"Um… you have to let me bandage your wings. They were… bleeding pretty badly,” I said worriedly as I took a look at his wings that weren’t bleeding anymore.

“My wings? Oh, my wings! Yeah, sure go on,” said Soarin casually.

I grabbed the red potion and went to kitchen to grab some warm water and add the potion to the warm water. I also add the purple potion to the cold water and let bandages soak in it. Then I grabbed both of potions and got back to where Soarin was. Then, I started to clean his wings carefully.

After I cleaned all of the blood in his wings, I got the milky bandages out of water and wrapped them around his wings. From corners of my eyes I could see Soarin biting his lip and squeezing the mattress trying to muffle his groans of pain.

That sight made me feel the pain in my chest too. I didn’t know what it was but I felt Soarin’s pain too. Maybe it was something that connected us together.

“Are you OK now?”

Soarin smiled warmly at me. The same lovely smile. The same smile I hadn’t see in several painful days. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

Thinking about Soarin’s smile made me think about the promise I gave myself. Finally, it was time to break the honor I’d gained over the years of my existence.

“Soarin, I want to tell you something.”

He smiled again and answered, “What a coincidence! I wanted to tell you something as well but you go one first.”

“OK. It’s about… our argument.”

Soarin quickly lowered his head and frowned. “Look Rainbow,” he begun. I gulped as I waited impatiently for his next words. From the look of things, the next thing didn’t seem to be a good thing. “I understand if you don’t wanna be with me anymore. If you hate me now, we… can…” he looked up and took a deep breath to end his sentence. “We can end our engagement now.”

I stared at him with wide eyes. I just couldn’t believe how far he had gone! I couldn’t help but smile at his words. Then I chuckled and a few seconds later, I was laughing hard.

“Oh…Oh Soarin, good joke!” I said between my laughs. I wiped a tear from my eyes and continued. “Silly! It's true that we argued but I never ever think about ending the engagement! There are many couples who argue but get over it,” I smiled at him and continued, “I never ever want to end our engagement Soarin. NEVER EVER!”

I saw with both of my eyes how Soarin’s face lightened up like a chandelier. He grinned happily. His eyes were shouting that they’re owner is happier than a filly in candy shop… well, that wasn’t a good example but it was like somepony had turned the Christmas light on, in his eyes!

His expression quickly changed to a soft one as he looked at me. Well… soft wasn’t a good word to describe his face. His face was… special. Something I’d never seen in anypony before.

There was something strange yet familiar in his eyes. Those two emeralds that were fixed on mine made me tingly. They made me wanna blush without any good reason.

“Do you really mean it?” he asked softly and with something strange in his voice.

“What?” I said dumbly. By the way I was busy drowning in those wonderful eyes.

He smiled at my tone and said, “When you said that you’ll never ever end our engagement… did you really mean it?”

I blushed as I realized what I let slip through my lips. Did I really, truly say that? What a mess! “Um…I…I…” I took a deep breath and smiled. “I really mean it. For real.”

His eyes softened more as he looked at me. “Well, I have to confess something…”

I quickly perked up as he said the word ‘confess’. What does a stallion confess? Especially to a mare? The only one thing it could be was: Love…

Was he really going to confess his love to me? A love that didn’t exist? Who knew?

“I have to confess that I…” continued Soarin. When he stopped I wanted to smack him and tell him to continue.

My heart almost stopped when he spoke again. “I… I’m sorry.”

My pupils that had shrunk went back to their normal size as I looked at him with surprised eyes. “Sorry? Sorry for what?”

Soarin raised an eyebrow as he looked at me. “Hello? Our argument of course.”

“Oh, yeah,” I said with a little hint of disappointment in my voice. “I’m sorry too.”

Soarin’s smile came back to his face. “Whoa girl, you killed me! I broke my pride just for you!”

“Oh… sorry about it too,” I said sheepishly.

“You don’t have to be sorry about everything,” he said with a chuckle. “I told you once, I’ll say it now and I’ll say it whenever it’s needed. I’ll do ANYTHING for you. Breaking my pride is the simplest thing I can do.”

I blushed at the things he said. The fact that he was telling me the truth (thanks to the potion) didn’t help me at all.

If it weren’t because of the potion, I wouldn’t hear those things. They were truly new. ‘That’s the perfect time for whoever wants to hear the truth from Soarin.’

Truth… from Soarin…

Those words were awfully familiar to me. Like a half done mission…


I grinned secretly as I thought about it. It was finally the Right time! There was Soarin, alone with me with an illness that made him tell the truth about everything! Wasn’t it the perfect time to ask him about that secret mare? Of course it was!

“Um… Soarin, can I ask a question?” I asked.

“Not only one question, you can ask a thousand if you want,” said Soarin and that made me blush again.

“Umm… who’s the mare that you loved?”

He smiled and looked at me. “I guess Spitfire and Hurricane had told you, right?”

“Well, yes actually.” I stared at him. “Soarin?”


“Did you really love her?”

“Yeah, I did. More than the world,” he said with a smile and a tint of pink on his cheeks.

I bit my lip to hold my tears back in. “Do… do you love her now?”

“I do. And I’ll never ever stop loving her,” he said as he faced me.

“Do you mind telling me her name?”

Soarin quickly frowned. “Rainbow, you don’t have to…”

“No, Soarin, let ME talk this time. You don’t have to stay with me just because traditions in my family or your family says so. I’ll go and tell everyone that we’re done.”

“I thought you said you’ll never end our engagement…” said Soarin sadly.

“I won’t, but if you really…”

“Do you really wanna know who is she? Well, if you think a little you’ll find out. Just think carefully and search for a girl who stopped coming to see the Wonderbolt's,” said Soarin angrily. Then he put his head in his hooves and continued in a sad and much quieter tone. “I can’t tell you now Rainbow. Maybe one day but not now. Just know that you should never ever look for her. Not anymore.”

“But... but why?” I asked stubbornly.

“You wanna know why? Because as much as you don’t wanna end this engagement, I don’t wanna end it either,” said Soarin before putting his head back at his hooves.
‘You shouldn’t have asked this Rainbow. Not now,’ said voice in my heart. I sighed as I walked up to the bed Soarin was sitting in. I slowly put my hooves around him and hugged him as hard as I could.

I saw him shift and looked up at me, I was looking at him with a smile. He returned the smile and hugged me back, tighter than any time before. And only God knew who much I loved that feeling.

Author's Note:

“I have to confess that I…” continued Soarin. When he stopped I wanted to smack him and tell him to continue.

You guys are REALLY lucky. I wanted to end the chapter right there but I didn't.
Well... here was the chapter you've been all asking me.:twilightsmile: Next chapter will take a longer time because of damn school.:twilightangry2: