• Published 3rd Apr 2015
  • 3,483 Views, 19 Comments

The Unnecessary love triangle of Daring Do - DemonWriterX

A.K Yearling has writer block, she decides to go to a notorious bar

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Writer's block

The unnecessary Love triangle of Daring Do (one shot)

It was worse than A.K Yearling had realized. Her mind was muddled, her hooves ached from sitting upon the metal plates waiting for her to decide what to type. Her ears twitched in annoyance as she heard the wall clock tick away. Each tick signaling her ever diminishing time as she sat hour after hour at her desk. She grunted, sighed, and groaned forcing her to face the inevitable.

A.K Yearling had an unfortunate case of writer's block. She hadn’t been on an adventure as Daring Do in months. She let out an exasperated sigh as she stared at her typewriter, waiting for inspiration to kick in. Her editor, Feather Quill, or what she liked to call behind his back, "Pain in the flank Quill", was making her try to add romance in her upcoming Daring Do novel.

The thought of adding romance to an action-packed adventure series made her cringe. There was no room for romance in an adventure series. Being Daring Do, she was always a loner, it helped that she didn’t have any friends or loved ones to be used against her. Being busy with her adventures helped with that, she hardly ever went out to find a special somepony, not like she needed one.

She was more than satisfied in being alone. Why have a love life distract her? Yet her fans have different thoughts, they wanted to see more of the personal life of Daring Do, but instead of a back story which she wanted to do in the beginning her "lovely" editor decided to make her write romance. With a threat of an uproar from the fans, she had no choice but to concede and write a short side story, which brings her back into staring at the blank page in front of her.

She shoved herself away from her desk and decided to get out of her cottage and head into the nearest bar she can find hoping that a change of scenery might help....and a drink or two.

"Relics bar" was the name of the place, it was shady, dirty and filled with every type of criminal from the Everfree forest to the sands of Saddle Arabia. Perfect for a mare like Daring Do. She shifted her cloak slightly as she walked inside, thugs roared with laughter as their glasses clashed with each other. Meanwhile with hushed whispers, shifty deals were being made at the back of the room, and a few ponies slept with their empty glasses as their sleeping buddies. She made her way to the bar counter, sidestepping as she dodged a pony thrown across the room as a result of a hoof fight that was taking place. She took her seat at the third bar stool to the left side of the counter. Private, and with a view of the fight and a back door if she needed it. With a small smirk she watched as a couple of muscle headed bouncers took the two colts hoof-fighting out of the establishment, literally kicking them out the door.

"What's your poison?" The bartender asked gruffly. He was a white middle age pony with a 2 o'clock shadow to match the stained covered apron he had on over his black shirt.
She looked at him bored as he wiped an empty shot glass giving her the same bored expression she had on.

"Apple cider-on the rocks." She answered. He snorted, the sound of mucus being swallowed made her cringe.

"You don't want anything stronger?" He asked with a strained chuckle as he filled up a small pint class. He slide the cup to her making it glide across the counter in her hoof with precision. She shook the cup, the cubes of ice clinging against each other as if not wanting to be separated.

"I need a clear head....for now." She answered stonely, staring at copper colored drink.

"Sure thing gal," he replied, going back to wipe the same shot glass. "Feel free to speak up if your glass is half-empty." He turned away going to attend another customer who suddenly passed out on his counter. Daring gulped down her drink feeling the cool flavored of apple run down her throat, refreshing her pallet. She let out a sigh, slamming the drink back down on the wooden counter.

She needed to think of something to start her new story, but with no romantic experience, she would have to rely on "imagination". She scoffed at the thought. She needed to live it, not pretend but she needed something to bring to her impatient publisher.

Her eyes darted to the entrance hearing the door burst open in a loud bang as it hit the wall. Immediately the bar went silent, customers dashed under the table in fear, others stuck to the walls like flies to wall-paper, while others avoided eye contact. Even the bartender shook in his hooves as Ahuizotl strolled inside. If she had her cider in her mouth the moment he came in, she would have spat it out.

He silently walked in, alone with his eyes lower in a steely gaze. The patrons turned away not wanting to lock eyes with the most powerful being in the forest. Daring moved up her large glasses making it stick closer to her as she slowly took another sip of her drink, not wanting to get the attention of her most hated enemy. It was sheer luck that she went out dressed in her disguise of A.K Yearling.

She took her drink, pretending to take a sip and glanced back at him, wondering what he might be doing in a place like this, but perhaps she shouldn't be so surprised since this is a bar for criminals. Their eyes met unexpectedly, she quickly looked back at her drink placing it down on the counter. Hoping that he didn't notice her.

She was wrong. He silently strolled up to her and took a seat beside her. She mentally hit herself for making eye contact. He placed a hand on the counter, motioning the bartender to bring him a drink. The white pony quickly filled a martini, filling it with sparkling water and decorating it with a slice of lemon on the edge. Her brow rose as the bartender fearfully set down the drink in front of him. So he did come here often, she thought.

"I couldn't help but notice you across the room." He spoke softly, taking a sip of his drink.

Oh feathers, he saw through her disguise. She continued to stare at her empty drink, her eyes darting to the exit behind her. Should she make a run for it? No, a bar fight might be perfect for her story. She could risk it, she had been in a few bar fights before. She went still as Ahuizotl leaned his head towards her, giving her a toothy smile.

"What's a beautiful mare like you doing in a place like this?" He grinned. Again, if she had a drink she would have spat it out. She forcefully swallowed and chuckled slightly. He really had no idea who she really was. Yet, for some reason, males always seemed to be taken in by her when she is not Daring Do, but when she is one of her many disguises instead of blending in, she always seem to attract unwanted attention.

"Alright, dial it back Ahuizotl." She replied, giving him the cold shoulder. He chuckled slightly and leaned into the counter.

"So you have heard of me?"

She mentally hit herself again. She had to learn to stay hidden, and more importantly quiet. Yet, maybe this approach could be used to her advantage for her book. While the thought of Ahuizotl hitting on her made her cringe and crawl in her own skin... She could play along, and if it works out, she could use him as a character all she needs to do his change his name and make one up.

She gave out a forceful smile.

"Who hasn't?" She began, turning herself fully towards him. "You're the great Ahuizotl who is the leader of a tribe full of relentless ponies..."

He let out a grin rubbing his knuckle against his chest in pride.

"I try-" he smirked confidently. She rolled her eyes, what a dunce.

"And the guy who keeps getting his flank kicked by Daring Do." She smirked, in the end she couldn't resist pushing his buttons. His demeanor quickly went sour.

"It is not wise to mention her name in front of me-" he warned, she let out a scoff flicking her mane back playfully. She saw the bartender slowly back away, taking cover from under the counter.

She thought that he might finally leave her alone but instead leaned his head closer to her, holding a grin. "You must be very brave, I admire that in a mare." He purred.
She almost gagged.

"You know-" she began. No, she couldn't do it if it was Ahuizotl. "I would rather enjoy my drink… by myself." She emphasized in hope that he will take the hint.

"Ah but two is company yes? I can't leave a mare like you to go against these types of criminals, what type of gentleman would I be?"

She held back a scoff. What she wouldn't give for a distraction right now. Ahuizotl snapped his fingers and the bartender, knowing his cue, scurried out from under the counter and placed a silver tray filled with the finest cheese and warm bread in front of her. Daring was taken back as the bartender grabbed a champagne glass and filled it with the sparkling cider, setting it in front of her.

Oh for the love of-!

She turned back to Ahuizotl letting out a the kindest smile she can muster.

"My...what a gentlepony indeed." She replied coolly. He grinned dangerously at her, if only he knew who she really was. "But I really must be going-" she jumped off the barstool ready to head to the exit before she stumbled forward, her hoof catching her cape. She expected to fall flat on her face but what she didn't expect was Ahuizotl catching her with his tail. He brought her up slowly and sat her back up on the stool.

"Careful, my dear...." He grinned wolfishly leaning towards her, she leaned back.. "I wouldn't want you to be injured and ruin your...complexion."

She let out a small chuckle as her eyes darted to his tail, which was held out, blocking her escape. A cold sweat ran down her neck, this was more uncomfortable than the time she was trapped in a sinking pyramid when she went to Saddle Arabia.

"Why not tell me your name, my dear?" He asked, keeping the distance close between them.

"A.K..." She replied, avoiding giving him her full name. "The A stands for...Angel." She lied.

"And an Angel you are." He said wiggling his eyebrows at her. She let out a nervous laugh as she wished there was something to distract him so she may have the chance to get way.

Her wish quickly became a reality when a familiar face came through the front door. He was known in the city of Maretropolis. He wore his distinguished egyptian headdress and collar. His beard was tied to that of an neighptian King but Daring knew he was far from King. He goes by the name of Pharaoh Phetlock, but in fact he used to be an neighptian archaeologist until greed got the better of him making him turn to a life of crime.
He had one weakness, excluding his incompetence and overwhelming pride. He had a thing for mares. Daring's eyes lowered as she let out a small smile watching him enter the room. He looked around, and his eyes was soon at her. She flicked her mane back.


"So Ahuizotl, why don't you you tell me about yourself." She said with a sly smile on her face, making her hoof run up his hand, that was set on the counter. He let out an excited growl from her touch. "Are you really such a villain?" She asked batting her eyes. Not towards him, but towards Phetlock who was swiftly caught in her gaze. His eyes immediately lit up, and let out a small smile. He made his way towards her. She leaned back holding a small grin.

Hook, line and sucker.

Ahuizotl being oblivious, continued their conversation. "Indeed, my impeccable flower, my strength and power in known throughout the lands!" he stated proudly slamming a closed fist over his chest. "But, I am also a wonderful lover..." he rolled lifting her hoof up leaning in to kiss it. She almost decked him when Phetlock came to her "rescue".

"My beautiful lady-" Phetlock began towards Daring making Ahuizotl pull away from her hoof casting daggers to the ex-archaeologist. "Is this "Beast" bothering you?"

"Beast?!" Ahuizotl growled letting go of her hoof. Daring leaned back against the counter watching with a small smile, making notes in her head.

"My-"Daring began with a breath. "And who might you be? somepony who is "decorated" as yourself must be important."

Phetlock lifted his head up in pride. "Important I am, my sweet, I am Phetlock! I am related to the power Pharaoh of Egypt, Tukenpony..."

"Wow!" She exclaimed, clapping her hooves together pretending to be interested. "Even more important than....Ahuizotl?"

"Obviously not!" Ahuizotl snarled towards Phetlock. "All he is known for is his failure against the so call "power-ponies", stealing from low-security museums just to pay his rent!" He spat. Phetlock nostrils flared.

"Please! and you are known for your success? I am against 6 ponies, you on the other hoof is against one, that is called Daring Do!"

"She is witty! and hard to catch! but at least I never went to prison for my crimes!"

"I'm free, aren't I? and far more interesting to this lovely mare here than an illiterate savage like you!"

Ahuizotl slammed his fist through the counter, successfully shattering it. Phetlock stumbled back as Ahuizotl growled at him.

"Illiterate? A savage!?...how dare you insult me! I shall have your head if you think you can get away with it!"

"Typical for a savage like you to resort to violence-but if you insist!"

Ahuizotl lunged at Phetlock like a panther lunging at it's prey. Daring sipped her drink as she watched them destroy every table and chair as they fought. Soon the rest of the patrons joined in the fist-fight and began fighting with each other. Chairs were being thrown and ponies being tossed across the room. It made Daring lite up in glee gathering all sort of ideas for her book. She left a bit for the bartender on the counter, who was cowering underneath, and got up from her seat. She calmly walked away from the heated fighting, dodging chairs and bottles before leaving the bar. If her readers want romance, she'll give them romance or the loss of one.

Author's Note:

Hey just a short little one-shot for you guys.
This is just for fun.
I hope you enjoyed it. ^_^

Comments ( 19 )

Oh Daring how I love her you capture her so Wonderfully I really love your writeing and a huge fan of yours please keep being the awesome Writer you Are! :twilightsmile:

Aw shucks thank you so much for liking the story, fans like you always make me so happy ^_^

You really are an awesome writer I really hope I can become as good as you! I've come to find my writeing is...well less the great so I've kinda lost confidance in my writing a bit ill admit it.


No way anybody can write, it just takes practice, I was a pretty sucky writer and my grammar was really really bad...it still is lol ^_^ but its all minor now but it really takes a lot of practice to really hone in a style. My advice is to write every single day, and to have a editor to help me I have about three So don't ever feel bad, I know you can do it if it's really your passion. ^_^

I tried to get an Editor but Im really bad at this so i couldn't figure out how to get someone in. I was embrassed plus do you happen to know how I could find a Good editor?


Join a group, I think it's called "looking for editors" tell them about the story and what problems you have, also if you have a Google doc that helps too, it's much better for you and your editor to work together. ^_^
From there on its kind of like a waiting game but I got an editor in about three days ^__^
So do that first and if you have any problems feel free to message me again.


Thank you so Much! :pinkiehappy:


No problem happy to help ^_^


Just wanted to say you did a Amazing job! This was hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:

:rainbowlaugh: <--- my reaction XD this was great!


Oh my goodness it's perfect!!!! ^_^

6194767 :yay: I'm glad you like it. :twilightsmile:

Oh my Celestia, lol, this needs to be an episode!:trollestia::heart: Or at least, an animated short (minus the alcohol of course), because this is hilarious:twilightsheepish: This needs a dramatic reading with character voices, art, and lots of love from people. :heart: Awesome job Demon!:yay:

6194767 AWesome! Damn I wonder why I missed this! Awesomesauce! Glad I helped on that. If you need my help more don't hesitate to say!

6195278 I agree! XD Though I'm kind of curious how far Ahuizotl would have gone before find out who she was XD

Naughty, naughty Daring Do! That was genius!

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