• Published 9th May 2015
  • 682 Views, 11 Comments

Jr Wonderbolts - randomkid

Back story for how Rainbow and Soarin first met.

  • ...

The dream is born

Things at the academy were going really well for the Rainbow mare. Sure there was the occasional teasing but that never brought her down. She had her friends and that's all she needed. She even got her cutie mark in the most awesome way! She did the impossible! A Sonic Rainboom! She proved those old legends were true! Needless to say, she was over the moon.

Rainbow decided that she would go back to her cabin and relax after that. After all being awesome is tiring. Rainbow was laying on her bed when she heard a knock.

"Who is it?" Rainbow asked showing slight irritation. "Who does this pony think they are to interrupt my relax time?" Rainbow thought.

"Um it's me Soarin! I was wondering if I could come in." The colt said not noticing Rainbow's irritation.

"Oh this person think they're Soarin. That's okay then." Rainbow thought to herself and then said, "Sure. Come on in."

The older pony ran in shouting, " Rainbow! Did you see what happened outside?! It was amazing! It looked like a Sonic Rainboom!"

Rainbow replied still laying down, "No I didn't see it..."

"What?! Why not?!"

"Because I was in it!" Rainbow boasted flying off her bed. "That was all me! I caused that!"

"What?! That was you?!" Soarin asked looking dumbfounded at Rainbow who just nodded. "That's amazing! You weren't lying when you said you were awesome! The Sonic Rainboom is like impossible!"

"I know right?! It was so awesome!" Rainbow said gushing.

"Wait Rainbow, what's that?" Soarin asked pointing at the mark on her flank that wasn't there before.

"Oh it's nothing special it's just my CUTIE MARK!" Rainbow said excitedly.

"Wait so you pulled off the Sonic Rainboom AND got you Cutie Mark?!" Rainbow nodded smiling at him. "That's amazing! You've got to tell me the story!"

Rainbow told the light blue colt of her amazing feat not leaving out any details. The whole time Soarin had a look of amazement and a sparkle in his eye.

"Wow Rainbow. You really are the coolest pony ever!" Soarin told her when she had finished her story.

"I know. Thank you very much." Rainbow said.

"You know you're ego's going to get you in trouble some day" Soarin told her.

The two burst out laughing at their little mock lesson.

When their laughter had finally died down Soarin asked, "Hey what happened to Fluttershy?"

"Uh I don't know. Hey let's go find her!" Rainbow said dragging him out the door.

"Hey you don't need to pull me!" Soarin shouted.

The two looked all over but couldn't seem to find the yellow Pegasus anywhere. They asked other foals and they didn't seem to know. Then there was one who said they saw her fall during the race. This got them both extremely worried. They knew she wasn't the best flier and instantly thought the worst. They flew as fast as they could to where the starting line was looked down and saw no body.

"That's good right?" Soarin asked turning to Rainbow. "That could mean some pony caught her."

"Well let's go down anyways. I couldn't live with myself if I caused her death." Rainbow said and Soarin nodded.

The two foals flew down trying to find her from the sky. They saw a big group of animals and decided to check it out. When they got there they saw Fluttershy sitting down surrounded by a bunch of animals that the Pegasi Had only seen in books.

"Fluttershy! Are you alright?!" Rainbow asked running to her with Soarin following.

Fluttershy jumped a bit at the sudden loud noise that was her friend. "Oh hi Rainbow, Soarin. Yeah I'm fine." She said smiling.

"What are you doing down here?" Soarin asked concerned.

"Oh I fell and was caught by a bunch of butterflies. No pony came to get me so I just stayed down here."

"Why didn't you try to fly back up?" Rainbow asked.

"I did but Cloudsdale is so high up I couldn't reach it. I sprang my wing trying to fly up there."

"I'm so sorry we didn't notice earlier Fluttershy! You must think that we're the worst friends ever." Rainbow said putting her head down.

"No not at all. You were busy with the race and Soarin wasn't there to see me fall." Fluttershy told them happily.

"So you forgive us?" Soarin asked.

"I was never angry with you."

"Thanks Fluttershy!" Rainbow and Soarin said now hugging their friend.

"No problem."

"Hey Fluttershy what's that?" Rainbow asked now seeing a new design on her friend's coat.

"Oh. I got my Cutie Mark."

"Really?! What's it for?!" Soarin asked excitedly scaring Fluttershy a bit.

"Oh I can talk to these animals" Fluttershy said gesturing to the animals around her.

"Aw Cool! What's this frog saying?" Soarin asked pointing to a small tree frog next to him.

"He said hello."

"HI MR FROG!" Soarin shouted scaring the frog away. "Aw..."

Rainbow and Fluttershy both laughed at his excitability.

"Hey I got an idea! Me and Soarin can fly you back up to Cloudsdale. With the two of us it should be easy." Rainbow said confidently.

"Yeah that's a good idea Rainbow." Soarin replied.

"Thanks guys. I'm sorry for being such a burden." Fluttershy said facing down.

"Nonsense! You're not a burden! We're friends, and this is what friends do." Soarin said smiling.

Fluttershy smiled at the older colt. He really was a very nice pony. Rainbow and Soarin stood next to each other and Fluttershy climbed onto their backs. Fluttershy squirmed trying to get in a good position.

""Ready?" Rainbow asked a little impatiently.

"Hmm-Hm" Fluttershy nodded.

"Okay, liftoff!" Soarin said as Rainbow and him taking off.

As soon as they left the ground Fluttershy squeaked and started to hang on tighter. The two carrying her couldn't help but laugh.

"Relax Fluttershy, we're not even that high up." Rainbow said through small laughs. Fluttershy just hung on tighter and it was like this the whole trip. Fluttershy hanging on tightly to her friends and shaking like a leaf with her friends laughing at their scared to death friend.

It took a while but they had finally reached Cloudsdale and by the time Rainbow and Soarin's hooves touched the clouds Fluttershy had gotten off them and started kissing the cloud below. "Oh thank goodness." She said softly.

Her friends snickered at this and Rainbow commented, "Hey our flying isn't that bad."

Fluttershy didn't react.

Soarin just told her, "Hey Flutters why don't you just go lay down. We wouldn't want you to hurt you're wing more.You want us to go with you or are you good?"

"I'm fine it's just over there." Fluttershy said pointing her hoof over to a cabin not too far away. "Thanks guys"

"Okay see you tomarrow Fluttershy!" Rainbow said waving. When Flutters was out of ear shot Rainbow turned to Soarin and said, "She must of been really tired I mean she didn't even notice my Cutie Mark."

"Yeah... Hey Rainbow, I wanted to show you this really cool place I found yesterday. Wanna go since Flutters is too tired?" Soarin asked the rainbow filly.

"Sure why not?"

"Okay follow me." Soarin lifted off the ground and started to fly in the direction of the sun with Rainbow right behind him.

As they flew Rainbow decided to take in her environment. This was something she had started to do lately since that incident where she kept bumping into ponies. She would pay attention to every little detail while she was flying no matter how insignificant. She actually had done it so much lately that it became second nature and didn't even need to think about it anymore. She saw fillies and colts playing games, birds flying above her and even saw all the designs in the clouds. It was about 6:00 so the sun was starting to set but not quite yet.

"We're here." Soarin finally said after about 20 minuets of flying. He started to lower in altitude and land on the clouds beneath him.

Soarin had lead her to a hill a little ways from the camp. The hill lead down into a valley of clouds, red and orange from the now setting sun. The valley continued for a while before cutting of leaving a view of the land below Cloudsdale. The land looked lush and green with flowers of tons of colors scattered everywhere. There were trees spread out without any kind of pattern. There was also a small village not to far away past an apple orchard. When Rainbow saw this she was absolutely captivated by the beauty in front of her.

"Hey Rainbow you okay?" Soarin asked breaking Rainbow out of her trance.

Rainbow was just floating there staring at the beautiful scene in front of her and completely forgot about Soarin. She flew down to where her friend was sitting and asked, "How did you find this place?"

"Oh well the group I was with decided to go for a hike and I got a little lost. I flew around for a bit and found this place. It looked amazing and I could see the camp off in the distance so I stayed here last night." Soarin told her.

"Wait no one tried to find you?" Rainbow asked puzzled.

"No... I don't really have very many friends besides you and Flutters."

"What? Why not?"

"Well I guess no pony wants to be friends with a pony like me."

"Why wouldn't they? You're funny, cool and a really kind pony. Hay you're almost as kind as Fluttershy!"

"Well the other ponies don't seem to think that."

"Don't listen to them. What do they tease you about anyway?"

"Well they seem to always tease me about my slight obsession with apple pie."

"Apple pie? Who the hay cares how much you like apple pie? That's got to be the stupidest reason to tease someone ever!"

That got Soarin to laugh a bit. "Yeah I guess you're right. It is kind of a stupid reason." Soarin said. Then getting sad again. "It's just, my mom would always tell me that foals with find a way to make fun of anypony and that I shouldn't listen to them. At least she said that when she was still around."

"Well follow her advice and don't listen!" Rainbow said getting angry. "If they're making fun of you then they're not the type of ponies you want to be friends with! They're just jerks that make fun of other ponies just to make themselves feel better!" Rainbow stood up and turned away from Soarin. "I hate those ponies! What gives them the right to make fun of somepony just because they're different?! It just makes me sick! I hate those ponies! Don't they ever think of the other pony?!" Tears streamed down Rainbow's face as she let out the hurt of having to protect both herself and her best friend.

"Rainbow are you crying?" Soarin asked getting up to face her.

Rainbow turned to face him with tears running down her face and anger in her voice. "Yeah what of it?!"

"Woah calm down Rainbow! I'm your friend remember?" Soarin asked putting his wing around her.

"I'm sorry. I just hate seeing ponies suffer especially my friends. I've had to stand up for fluttershy so much because she can't stand up for herself. That's made me hate ponies who do stuff like that" Rainbow admitted with anger and sadness in her voice.

"Well it seems like this is hurting you more than me. You wanna talk about it?" Soarin asked sincerely.

"No I'll be fine. I honestly feel better after that. Thanks Soar."

"Your welcome Dash."

The two decided to lay down and relax. They laid back on the clouds and saw that the sun had officially set. The stars were out and the former red and orange clouds turned to a deep purple. The land below was bathed in the moon's light.

There were so many stars and constellations out and Soarin knew them all. Little did ponies know that Soarin was obsessed with stars because they were the one thing that ponies couldn't control.

"Wow! Look at all the stars! There's so many!" Rainbow said amazed.

"Yeah there are. You know my dad told me once that each star is a pony that achieved everything they ever dreamed of." Soarin told Rainbow.

"That's a lot of ponies. I want to be a star one day?"

"Well what do you want to do?"

"Well recently I had a dream of becoming a Wonderbolt. They're just so cool and getting my Cutie Mark today made me believe I could do it."

"No way! I want to be a Wonderbolt too."

"Really?! That's so cool!" Rainbow said gushing. "Wait I've got an idea! What if we become Wonderbolts together?"

"Yeah that would be so cool. We could hang out and get our stars together."

"Yeah let's do it! We'll be just like the Wonderbolts and help ponies out and be super loyal!"

"This is gonna be so fun!"

"Wait what about Fluttershy?" Soarin suddenly asked.

"Oh well she doesn't really want to become a Wonderbolt. Plus me and you both know that she's not the best flier but she's still our friend and will always be our friend. I don't think she'd mind" Rainbow told her light blue friend.

"Okay then! Let's start training! Let's start with a race to uh..." Soarin looked around for a bit and found a big tree on the ground below. "That tree and back!"

"You're on blue boy!" Rainbow said flaring her wings.

"But we're both blue." Soarin said joking.

"Oh shut up let's race!" Rainbow shouted taking off for the tree.

"Hey you cheater!" Soarin shouted laughing as he chased his Rainbow friend.

From now on they weren't just some ordinary ponies. They were Jr Wonderbolts.

End of chapter 1

Author's Note:

There is going to be about 2 more chapters after this and 2 sequel stories that are multi-chapters. Plus those two will be Soarin Dash ship fics with some light other ships mixed in there. Just letting you know so you know what you're getting into. Chapters might take a little while to come out because I write them in a notebook, then type them and then review them so if you're following please be patient and thanks. Also I'd like to say that what Rainbow said about bullying, those are my actual thoughts. You see I had a problem with bullying when I was younger and this is loosely based off my experience with it (except that I was the one bullied). Yeah bullying is a serious topic for me so i decided to put that in the story plus it kinda fits with Rainbow's personality and her friends.

Comments ( 3 )

Go dash! go soarin! you can do it

5980087 Yes they can. (It's just Rainbow will be a little late to the party)


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