• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 8,673 Views, 161 Comments

Son of the Moon: Nightmare of a Child - Unending Suffering

A young Human child is orphaned in Equestria, Princess Luna is the first to discover the child and takes it upon herself to care for the child among her many responsibilities.

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Chapter 2

The first week had been rough on Luna, between trying to figure out what to do with the child and doing her appointed jobs. She remembered how bad it had been the first day after finding the child.

"CHILD CEASE YOUR CRYING AT ONCE!" Yelled Luna, as she smushed a pillow into her face to try and block out the infantile cries. Luna had not thoroughly thought out where she was going to keep the child, opting to have it sleep in her room. What she had not accounted for, because she was not and had never been a mother, was for the child to cry. And cry the child did, quite loudly as well. The other problem was the the child decided to do so early in the morning.

Now, normally Luna would have handled the situation much better, if she had not been woken only a scant few hours after having fallen asleep. Luna was nocturnal so to speak, slept for most the day and awake for all the night. The child however was obviously on another time schedule. Plus, he had almost instantly fallen asleep after she had brought him inside, so she had figured he would at least sleep a little longer than he had.

"Child... Jack stop crying please!" Begged Luna opting to use Jack's name seeing as she should get used to calling him such. To her surprise Jack seemed to quiet down a little at her words. And then promptly started right back up again.

"Ugh, Jack what's wrong? Dear Faust I wish you could talk." Complained the blue princess. At this moment she heard a grumbling sound, looking down at her stomach she realized that it had not been her. Looking at Jack she saw that he was quiet now.

"Oh, OH, oh, oooooohhhhhhhh." Oh'ed Luna. "You're hungry aren't you?! Ok I can fix that!" Said Luna just a wee bit insanely. "Just stay right there I'll be right back!"

She left the room so fast she left behind a dust cloud. Returning a minute later, she had a small basket with assorted baby foods, a spoon, and a bib. Lifting Jack out of his basket she noticed that there was a cloth wrapped around his legs, figuring it some kind of loin cloth Luna decided that she would probably have to toilet train, or at minimum get more made. Laying the bib over Jack's neck, Luna proceeded to take a small scoop of food from the baby food container and put the spoon in front of Jack. Jack for his part tried to understand what was happening, Luna saw this and huffed.

"Are you not hungry any longer?" She asked somewhat heatedly. "Or are you being difficult on purpose?"

'What was it my parents did to get me and tia to eat again?' Wondered Luna, 'ah yes, I remember now'

"Hey Jack," said luna. "Here comes the Pegasus!"

The next problem had been Jack's inability to use the bathroom. And while Luna could understand the necessity, she was still not happy about having to change smelly loin cloths every day.

But that all paled in comparison to when Jack started crawling around. She knew he could crawl she had seen him do it before, but she had figured that he would not go far, but at day three she really wished she had payed more attention.

"Alright Jack I will be right in here, don't go anywhere now." Said Luna as she went into her bathroom. She had awoken with a bad case of bed mane, and decided she should probably straighten it out before day court. See her sister had left yesterday to go on a trip to the gryphon empire to do some sort of diplomatic stuff. Luna was not very well versed in politics. But while her sister was away she was left in charge of day court, so she had to change her sleeping schedule to match Jack's which made it easier to get up and feed him. But she knew once her sister returned she was going to have a hard time getting back into her old ritual.

As she was brushing her hair her mind started to wander, she thought about if she should tell Celestia about Jack yet. She had refrained from telling her sister at first because she wanted to be independent but then her sister had left and she wondered if maybe she should have told her sister. Jack was becoming a real hoof full and while Luna's pride said she was doing a fine job her logical side told her she needed some help. 'It matters not now, Tia is far away and can not help me currently.'

Realizing she should probably check on Jack, she went to look out the door. The hair brush in her magical grip fell to the floor as she was shocked to find or rather not find Jack anywhere to be seen. 'It's alright Luna he's probably just hiding somewhere,' she tried to calm herself.

"Jack, where have you gone?" She asked hoping to maybe hear him give one of his silly giggles or babble. Silence. Starting to worry, Luna started searching her room, under every piece of furniture, behind every drape, under and in her bed. But Jack was no where to be found.

"Jack?! JACK?! WHERE ARE YOU?" Luna was thoroughly panicking now. Opening the door of her room she began to search the hallway. Checking behind pots and plants, looking under tables and other decorative furniture. checking drapes and carpet. No matter how hard she looked she could not find Jack.

'I can't break my promise! Not now! It's only been three days, and I've already lost him!' Panic was thoroughly coursing through Luna's mind as she became more frantic, searching in vases and under paintings. Tears started to form in Luna's eyes as she thought about what might have happened to him. Her eyes widened as she realised where she had not checked yet; the balcony just down the hallway. Moving quickly Luna galloped full speed towards where she knew the balcony was located.

As she rounded the last corner she saw the pale figure of Jack looking over the edge of the balcony, his body small enough to fit between the safety bars.

"Jack! Come away from there it is dangerous!" She yelled, she felt her heart stop as Jack turned to look at her, while losing his holding as he began to fall over the edge.

Everything slowed for Luna as she unfurled her powerful wings, not wasting anytime and rushing after the falling form of Jack. Jack's small form gave little to no resistance to the air around him, as he dropped like a living rock. Despite Luna's powerful wings she simply was not catching up to Jack.

'I will not fail you Jack!' She thought giving her even more energy as she used her magic to go even faster, slowly catching up to the infant projectile. When she was within grasping range she used her forelegs to grab and hold Jack to her chest. Her eyes went wide when she saw how close to the ground they had gotten. Trying to pull off without crushing the small body in her hooves proved to be too much to late. Curling her whole body around the small form and wrapping her wings around herself, Luna braced for impact. When she hit the ground it was at an angle that at least wouldn't crush her from the force instead she created a large ditch as she tore the the earth eventually coming to a stop.

She grit her teeth as she slowly unfurled herself. Hissing at the pain in her back and wings. She could feel some mana burn on her horn as well. All was forgotten when she felt the small trembling form of Jack in her forelegs. Looking closely at him she saw there were no injuries, as tears poured from the small child's eyes.

"Ma-mama" cried Jack as he hugged Luna's stomach. Luna's eyes went wide at the comment before a smile crossed her face and she hugged Jack, no, her son to her chest. Perhaps it was post event jitters but she knew that at this moment Jack was hers, and she would never let go. She noticed several guards running towards her as she felt herself grow tired.

As one of the guards reached her, she gave him one order;

"This is my son, treat him as such." Then she blacked out.

The next day she had awoken in the castle's medical wing. Jack by her side. The day had gone by uneventful. The nurses took care of her son's needs for her so she could enjoy his company. She was not mad, for he was only a child and did not know that he did something wrong, but she ordered the castle servants to prepare her a ground floor room. One of her advisors had informed her that Celestia would be leaving early from the gryphon empire, and would be returning to the castle by tomorrow.

Something told her that her sister was not going to be pleased, the thought didn't make her day any better. The guards and servants acting weird around her son did not help either, she knew he looked different but was he really that scary? So different that he would be treated as an outcast? She would not let that happen. Her subjects would accept her son one way or another.

She spent the rest of the day snuggling with her son, she also had the royal tailor come in and take measurement to make her son a set of pajamas and day clothes. She also ordered Jack a crib, and a feeding chair.

Looking down at her son curled up next to her, Luna gave him a small kiss on his head and felt sleep take her.

True to her advisors words Celestia arrived the next morning.

To say she was unhappy was an understatement.

"LUNA WHAT THE BUCK WERE YOU THINKING!" Yelled Celestia as she reprimanded her sister.

"I was only protecting my son!" Replied Luna


"He's adopted! Sister stop this yelling!" Returned Luna as tears came to her eyes.

Seeing this Celestia calmed herself, "Lulu I only mean well, I was just so worried when I heard you'd fallen from the tower!" She said, "also you caught me off guard with this news. I would fully support you if you had a child, as long as you're happy."

"I know you do sister." Said Luna bitterly. "I did not tell you because you are not mother. I am independent, we are both hundreds of years old sister."

Celestia looked hurt for a moment before she sighed. "You are right, I have treated you like a child, and for that I am sorry. But you will always be my little sister."

"As will you be forever my big sister." Said Luna giving a small smile.

"So where is this nephew of mine?" Questioned Celestia with a smile.

"In my new room, this way." Said Luna as she began to the new room she had moved into. She was unsure how Celestia would react to her son's appearance. Deciding she should at least give her a warning she stopped at the door and said, "I will say he looks a bit different from what you may be expecting."

"I would never love anypony less for looking different." Replied Celestia. Luna thought about mentioning how he wasn't really a pony at all but just mentally shrugged and opened the door. Stepping inside she noticed her son playing with a few blocks. As she felt her sister enter behind her she looked behind her and noticed Celestia had froze. Deciding to ignore it, Luna levitated her son over to her and placed him on her back, where he squeed happily and hugged her mane. Luna chuckled at this, looking to her sister she noticed that she had a face that clearly said 'I don't get it.'

"Tia this is my son Jack, Jack this is auntie Tia."

Jack for his part tried to hide in Luna's mane. This action caused Celestia to snap out of her trance as she smiled at the little human. "Why hello there little one." She said in a soft voice, while leaning in close to Jack. Jack seemed to be more interested in Celestia's nose more than Celestia herself. He reached out one of his little hands to try to touch her nose but fell short. Celestia smiled at this and booped his hand with her nose, eliciting a happy giggle.

The rest of the day was spent between the two sisters and Luna's son. Playing laughing and naps were had in the small ground floor room.

Saturday was spent in a happy quiet. Breakfast was held in the royal dining hall, and they set up Jack's feeding chair on the right of Celestia so Luna could sit to her left and across from her son. Luna was talking to Celestia while levitating a small spoon with apple sauce to her son.

"So the gryphons want to actually sign a peace treaty?" Asked Luna, "and to think it was only two years ago they were threatening war."

"Indeed, I was fairly surprised myself, but I believe that they are truthful, they have much to lose from lying." Mentioned Celestia. They enjoyed their food for a few minutes in silence before Celestia brought up another topic, something Luna was not looking forward to.

"Sister you know we must give an announcement soon right? And then we need to get the adoption forms together. Not to mention their is still the ceremony, and the mphh." Celestia was cut short as loon sealed her mouth with her magic.

"Sister I know we must get the adoption papers done, but must we really do all the rest? Must I force my son into a life in the spotlight?" Asked Luna sadly.

"Mffhmnnnfff" said Celestia.

"Oh right sorry" said Luna sheepishly as she removed her magic from celestias muzzle.

"Firstly don't do that again, secondly; yes, technically we do, unless you want it to get out through a less, flattering, way ." Said Celestia. Luna knew full well what her sister meant; she was talking about the possibility of someone finding out and telling the public. This would make her look like she was hiding it, possibly ruining her son's life even more.

"I guess it is inevitable, but is their any chance we can at least wait until he is old enough to speak before we hold the ceremony?" Begged Luna.

"I suppose so." Answered Celestia, "it would surely make the ceremony easier."

The ceremony in question was less of an actual ceremony and more of a chance for other leaders and politically powerful people to meet the new prince. It was something of a show of good will, and often led to good trade deals between Equestria and other countries. Luna thought it better to wait for Jack to at least be able to talk, not only because it would be better for him in the eyes of their guests but also because she had the feeling that in his current state he may be more than just nervous around such a large quantity of creatures.

"But!" Celestia said, interrupting Luna from her thoughts, "we still need to have the criers inform the noble's, and the rest of our subjects, so you need to write down what you want them to say, or of course you could just let them do it.."

Luna knew that her sister was going to ruin her morning somehow. But she also knew it made sense; it wasn't everyday that one of your princess' is seen smashing into the ground from her royal tower. The nobles were sure to be getting nervous, they would need to be addressed to calm them down. At the thought of the nobles, Luna began to worry about their reaction to her son. Nobles were fickle people who she despised, and they seemed to reciprocate, but if they learned that she had an adopted heir, well... she worried that they may do far more than complain.

Voicing her worries to Celestia, her sister seemed to ponder this for a moment before giving a response.

"If they do not like their prince then their is nothing we can do, but if they try to harm a single hair on my nephews adorable head, then we can simply have them thrown in the dungeons for treason, or worse." Luna did not exactly disagree but the way her sister said that statement left a chill on her spine. But it was good to know that her sister supported her.

After breakfast Luna retired to her room to work on the speech for the criers, she decided to leave Jack with Celestia for the time being. It had been several frustrating hours when she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in!" Luna said without glancing from her parchment. "Hello sister, what can I do for you."

Celestia seemed quite surprised at having been identified without her even speaking. "How did you know it was me?"

"Well I used a small mana charge to bounce off of your mana aura and it brought back some of your mana so I recognized it was you." Explained Luna then broke out laughing at Celestia's confused face. "''Tis a jest sister, you are the only one who visits me without announcing who they are." Celestia began to laugh as well at this. When the giggles died down, Celestia noticed the mountain of crumpled up parchment in the corner.

"Are you in need of assistance?" asked Celestia, "with your speech I mean."

Luna gave a tired sigh and rubbed her temples with her hooves.

"Yes, I simply can not seem to write what I want to say, I try to be gentle but it ends up sounding extremely flat."

"Can I read what you have so far?" asked Celestia as she gestured to the parchment in front of Luna. Instead of saying anything Luna simply levitated the parchment to her sister. Celestia gave a quick nod and took the parchment into her own magic.

"Also where is Jack?" asked Luna as she looked around her room not seeing the small human.

"He's just sleeping in my room. Ah-ha here is the problem." Ah-ha'd Celestia, "you're not a speech writer! I'm jesting sister don't give me such a face. I think you should just let the criers figure out what they are going to say, though."

"I guess, I just don't want them to over dramatise my son." Grumbled Luna as she buried her head in her forelegs, "I just dont want them to make him out to be some weird or strange creature. I mean hes a living breathing intelligent being; not some dog."

"I agree Lulu, but I have much faith in our criers, I believe they will do a fine job. How about I talk to them, and you work on getting the adoption papers done?" Suggested her sister. Luna simply groaned some more. Taking that as a yes, Celestia turned to leave but stopped at the door saying, "Oh also the royal tailor said he should have Jack's pyjamas done by tomorrow." Then left the room. Luna spent the next couple hours working on the adoption papers, filling them out with Jack's information. She took a look at the sun and saw that she was going to need to take her nap now if she wanted to have enough energy to finish night court. Simply being a mother would not stop Luna from completing her duties. To be able to care for Jack, Luna had refit her entire schedule to where she was awake for most of the day, would take a nap, then do night court (which had been shortened to only a few hours), spend a few hours guarding the dream realm, and then retire for the night. Celestia would take care of Jack while she was at night court, and then return him afterwards.

The next day had been hard, after waking up Luna was surprised to have a pyjama wearing Jack curled up next to her. Taking a moment she looked at his pyjamas, they were a a deep blue that matched her fur, and had her cutie mark embroidered on the hips. All in all it was quite cute. Rousing Jack and joining Celestia for breakfast she heard that the criers had left this morning to go notify their subjects. Luna was understandably nervous. Noticing this Celestia suggested that Luna should spend some time with Jack today. Luna agreed, and after breakfast the two returned to their room. Everything had been fine up until lunch time, when Celestia opened day court. Her room was only a few doors away from the court, so when she heard yelling she knew where it was coming from.

Thinking about whether or not to investigate, Luna finally decided it probably wouldn't hurt to sneak a peak. "Jack, I'll be right back dear, stay out of trouble." She knew he most likely couldn't understand her, but it was the thought that counted. As she made her way towards the court, she could make out some of the words being yelled, she heard her name and the word son, being used quite often, along with the word thing. This made her halt and she wondered if she really wanted to hear what they were saying. Deciding it was probably smart to get it over with now then hear it from Tia later, she pushed forward until she was just outside the doors, which were open. Deciding not to reveal herself just yet, Luna sat at the corner. What she heard made her fill with both anger and sadness.

"We will not allow this.. this thing to be our prince!" yelled a male voice, which was followed by several confirmations. This nearly broke her heart, that her ponies cared so little for her and her son that they only cared about the fact that he wasn't a pony. What she heard next however, was worse.

"He is not our prince, because she is not our princess! It does not matter! She can call this monster her son if she wants, but I will not bow to either of them!"

Her rear legs gave way as tears formed in her eyes, it did not hurt as much as she thought it would, deep down she had always known they did not care for her. But to hear what they thought being said indirectly to her, it was too much. She felt the tears come to her eyes before eventually spilling out. A noble near the doors noticed the princess, turning on her he hissed, "why do you dishonour pony kind so much? Why must you make a mockery of us by taking in this thing!" At this point Luna had enough and got to her hooves shakily and ran back to her room. Accidentally letting her crown fall from her head.

Celestia had just barely gotten a glimpse of her sisters tail, but the puddle surrounding her sisters crown was enough to finally set her off.

"YOU DARE INSULT MY FAMILY! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT NOBLES! YOU HAVE NO REAL POWER, YOU THINK YOU KNOW MY SISTER? WELL YOU DO NOT! AND I SAY TO YOU IF I HEAR ANYHTING ELSE AGAINST HER AND HER SON I WILL HAVE YOU FOR SLANDER OF THE CROWN! GAURDS REMOVE THESE NOBLES FROM THE CASTLE AND CLOSE THE FRONT DOOR!" Celestia was more than pissed, she was enraged. Her tail and mane had burst into flames, and her voice had not been amplified by magic, she was that angry. The guards quickly jumped in action, backing the nobles out of the room and out of the castle. Celestia took several deep breaths to calm herself, eventually returning to her normal form. Standing from her throne, Celestia moved to where her sister's tiara lay on the floor. Grabbing it with her magic she then walked over to Luna's room. Taking a moment to listen through the door, Celestia heard only crying. Taking one more breath Celestia quickly knocked on the door. When she received no answer she said "Lulu, its me Tia. Open up."

"G- Go a-wa-ay" Celestia felt her heart tighten at hearing her sister so distressed. Instead of leaving Celestia instead decided to open the door anyway. The sight before her made her pause. There lay her sister on her bed, forelegs and wings wrapped around her son, while tears streamed down her face. Celestia rushed over to her sister, laying down on her bed and pulling her into a hug.

"Lulu, those nobles don't know anything, don't let them get to you!" Said Celestia trying to get her sister to calm down.

"Th- they h- hate m- meeeheehee" cried Luna.

Celestia could not lie, what she had just seen was troubling. Her ponies had acted very rashly and she was not happy with them. She could tell that most of the nobles had meant what they said. She could not tell her sister that the nobles were only scared, because she knew that would be a lie.

"Lulu, I don't care what the nobles say, what you do is very important. And I think you make a great princess."

"Tia, I... Thank you, that means a lot" Luna gave a small sniff "But i-if the nobles really think that way, what abut all our other subjects? Do they hate m-me as well? And my son? W-what am I going to do? I can-cannot live with all of my subjects hating me!" Luna was slowly working herself back into a panic. Celestia had to say something to stabilise Luna now or possibly lose her to depression.

"Luna look at me." Celestia said sternly, "our subjects sleep through your night because it is the only thing that makes them feel safe enough to do so."

Luna's eyes went wide. "Truly?" She asked with a small amount of hope.

"Truly" smiled Celestia.

"Thank you Tia, I love you."

"I love you too, Lulu" said Celestia with a soft smile. "You too jack."

And so Luna and Jack fell asleep in the embrace of Celestia, who promised to stay with them for as long as they needed.

Author's Note:

First I wanted to thank everyone for reading my story! 22 thumbs up in like 2 days and 1 chapter. Im gonna cri guys (and gals)!

So I put a ton of effort into this chapter, trying to make it the best I could! I hope the feels and character development is up to par. This chapter is just to build the characters and relationships. time skip will be much bigger after this. Criticism is welcome and if you see a typo or mistake LET ME KNOW FOR GORDONS SAKE. :P jokes. Friendly advice or criticism is welcome.

Thank you to;
Wolven5, Dakingace, omni001, Saseliterecon, ninjanaut1000,
Cyanjames2819, Tiberius, FlyingMeister, Warlord-1, Ryuk9091,
Rainbowdash1, Sasuke2490, link4, paulorex, Lord Nopony

And all my other readers, for enjoying my story and making this all worth writing.