• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 8,673 Views, 161 Comments

Son of the Moon: Nightmare of a Child - Unending Suffering

A young Human child is orphaned in Equestria, Princess Luna is the first to discover the child and takes it upon herself to care for the child among her many responsibilities.

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Chapter 6

The one thing that surprised Tender, was how intelligent Jack was.

Despite his quiet demeanor, the adopted prince was more than capable of holding a steady, if basic conversation. He also showed a eagerness to learn that Tender had never seen in any colt or filly. Tender wondered if it was something pertaining to Jack’s species or if it was simply a trait that was solely confined to him.

However; math was a different story.

“Good job Jack, that ends our reading class. Now we can move on to math.”

“Do we have to?” Jack whined from his desk. Currently they were in the room Princess Luna had provided, that had been renovated with a teachers desk and students desk for her to use for educational purposes.

“Yes, I’m pretty sure when your mother hired me to teach you she expected me to teach you every skill you need.” Tender booped Jack as she said this. “Besides, it’s not that bad.”

“But I don’t like math, it’s stupid and useless!” Jack argued

Tender frowned, the young prince had been adamantly against math, usually complaining that It was ‘useless’, But Tender speculated that it was actually his lack of progress that was causing Jack’s anger. Now he was in no way stupid, in fact it wasn’t that he couldn’t do math, it was just that he had a hard time understanding the concepts. Once he understood the concept he could easily apply what he had learned to any question.

Addition and subtraction had been easy enough once she introduced visual aids, but Tender didn’t have a way to display long multiplication visually.

Tender frowned, “You said the same thing about addition and subtraction, but you understand it now don’t you?”

“Yeah I guess so, but this doesn’t mean I have to like it,” Jack finished his proclamation with a grumpy pout.

Tender simply giggled into her hoof, “If you say so. Alright so let’s go over the multiplication table again...”

“Alright, I think that’s enough for today Jack.” Tender stated as she gathered her books and papers, “we’ve made good progress so let’s-”

Tender was cut off by the rooms door slamming open quite loudly. Both Pony and Human waited expectantly for something to happen.

After what felt like an eternity byput was really only a few seconds a large black board on wheels squeaked its way into the room, revealing its escort to be-

“Mom!” Jack proclaimed as he got up and ran over to give his mother a hug.

“Hello darling, how are you. Were you good for Ms. Tender?” Luna asked as she looked at Tender.

“Yes he was an angel as always, and we have made some significant improvements today.” Tender answered, after a moment she decided to broach the obviously elephant in the room. “Not to be rude your heighness, but what is that?”

Luna seemed to remember the large object she was pushing. “Ah yes this is a ‘Blackboard’ as my sister calls it. It’s a special coating that allows you to use these chalks to write on it.” She demonstrated the ability as shed said this, “and when you are done you can use this eraser her to remove it and write something new!”

And sure enough the strange sponge like eraser removed the white line as easily as water removes dirt.

“Wow that truly is a useful tool, I must thank you Princess!” Tender could already visualize how much easier this would make explaining most of her subjects already.

“It is quite alright! Anything to help you and my son.” Luna seemed to think for a moment, “speaking of which I was wondering if I could steal Jack from you early.”

“Of course Princess, I wouldn’t dare stop you, besides I think we were nearly finished up here.”

“Marvelous!” Princess Luna scooped up Jack in her magic and deposited him on her back. “Well then I was thinking we could go get some ice cream if that is agreeable with you my little prince.”

Jack gasped before embracing his mother in a death hug (well he thought he did anyway) proclaiming ‘yes!’ Over and over again.

“Well that settles it then! The Aye’s have it!” Luna glanced back to Tender, after a moments hesitation she cautiously asked. “I don’t suppose you would like to join us?”

Tender was taken aback but she recovered quickly giving a genuine smile but shaking her head. “No, sorry. Unfortunately I have some other matters I attend to today. But thank you for the offer and if you ask again at a later date I would gladly accept.”

Luna’s smile fell slightly before she nodded understandingly. “Aw, too bad. Oh well, I wish you luck Ms. Tender. I bid you adieu.” She stated as she turned to leave.

Tender waved as they were leaving before a memory resurfaced and she blurted out; “Wait!” Luna’s and Jack’s heads snapped to view her.

With a burning face she gave an award giggle before speaking.

“Sorry. Um, I was just wondering if I could possibly have tomorrow off?”

Luna’s smile turned devious as she pondered the request. “Hmmm. I suppose that would be fine, most curious that a guard of mine also asked for tomorrow off for that exact same reason.” Tender could feel her cheeks heating up at the realization that her employer knew full well what was really going on. Luna nodded her head wisely, “Never the less, I shall grant your request.”

“Thank you so much Princess!” Tender said as she shook her hoof.

“Just go easy on him. Nightfire is a young colt, but he’s also one of my officers, I need him back in working order.” Luna whispered in her ear.

Tender nearly died.

*The next day*

Tender found herself standing outside the entrance to a particularly fancy restraunt called “Le Zuerst” waiting for her date to make himself known.

As she stood there, trying to keep her dress from getting dirty, she couldn’t help but think about the events that had lead up to this day.

She had been working for Princess Luna for a little over two months when he had approached her. The two had hit it off as friends from day one, and she had to admit that she had caught herself admiring his physique occasionally.

Alright more like every time she saw him. Usually when he was walking away from her.

It wasn’t just his physique that she liked about him of course, she also admired his strong but geeky personality. He was as much brains as he was brawn so that helped too. Besides there is no harm in trying, right? But despite this she had still been shocked when he had asked her on a date to go see a new fair that had popped up in the city. She had accepted of course, and now they were on their first anniversary.

She was snapped out of reminiscing by the sound of someone clearing their throat behind her. She turned around to find a floating bouquet of roses with... Black ears and a horn?

The bouquet floated to the side to reveal the smiling face of Nightfire, in full tuxedo.

Giggling at his antics, she gladly accepted the roses and tucked them under her wing.

“How did you know roses were my favorite?” And indeed they were, she would almost call it an addiction, I’d it weren’t for the fact that she couldn’t usually afford them prior to her royal employment.

“Call it royal guard ingenuity.” Nightfire winked at her as he took up a position beside her. “You look dashing tonight”

Tender blushed at the compliment, but she was quick to respond. “You don’t look half bad yourself when you clean up and brush your mane.”

It was Nightfire’s turn to chuckle as he held out is forehoof, “So, shall we proceed milady?”

Tender giggled at his antics before nodding in agreement as the two walked into the establishment. The inside of the Zuerst wasn’t the most amazing thing she had ever seen, but it wasn’t a tavern by any means. The building had nice wooden floors, and high quality paintings could be seen hanging on the walls over booths and tables alike.

A couple of magic chandeliers provided an even, steady light that gave the Zuerst a homey feel. Treble Clef’s third symphony could be heard playing if you listened over the din of polite chatter.

As they entered; a stallion, presumably the host, approached them and asked if they had a reservation.

“Yes sir, Nightfire party of two.” Nightfire answered.

“Ah yes! Mr. Nightfire, right this way please.” Tender was surprised at the expedient service that they were receiving. Sure she knew they had a reservation, but she still expected to have to wait some amount of time.

And then she saw where the host was leading them.

The indoor restraunt had suddenly opened up to a porch, with one table that had an umbrella covering it. But what was most interesting was the view.

“Wow, it’s beautiful.” The scene before tender was quite beautiful, the Zuerst had been built on a hill that was steep on one side and gradual on the other. And now she knew why, as she stared out over the rolling plains as a tangerine sun set on the horizon, giving the grass a golden shine as it blew in the soft wind.

“I know, you wouldn’t believe how hard it was to reserve this area, I had to book two months in advance!” A small amount of annoyance shone through Nightfire’s mostly smiling face.

“Well I must thank you then. Quite the patient stallion you are.”

The two took their seats and ordered their drinks.

“So how has work been?” Tender asked from behind her menu.

“Not too bad actually, its been all quiet on the home front. The princess has been shortening the shifts so she can have more guards working in a day without being over staffed. But of course that means we get payed less.”

“Well the time off sounds nice, the whole less pay thing, not so much.”

An awkward silence fell over the party of two.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought up money on a date.” Nightfire apologized as he rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.

"I guess your just going to have to make it up to me later then," tender stated with a wry smile.

Nightfire's cheeks lit up in embarrassment as he stammered uselessly.

"Mm yes, I think I know exactly how you're going to make it up to me."

Nightfire was saved from any further embarrassment by the waiter as he returned with their ordered drinks.

"That... That was amazing." Tender stated with a yawn.

"I know right?" Nightfire said from next to her.

"I don't think I've ever felt this full before." Tender stated as she patted her tummy.

"Me too, I didn't realize just how big the serving sizes were!"

The two sat on a bench in the city park, having just left "Le Zuerst" feeling completely satisfied. The sun had dipped below the horizon and the moon was just beginning to give off its soft white glow. The two Lovebirds snuggled closer as they watched their princess' moon come into full view.


"Yes?" Tender asked as she turned to face him.

Nightfire felt his tongue choke up as he witnessed the most beautiful creature he had ever seen."I just wanted to say that.. That I really... I love... You."

Tender smiled at him.

"I love you too."

Nightfire felt a sudden pulse of bravery as he darted his head forward and left a peck on his lovers lips.

Tender was taken aback by the sudden move, before her signature wry smile broke out and she grabbed her stallion and brought him into a deep kiss.

The last word heard out of Nightfire before he submitted to his doom was a panicked eep.

Luna smiled as she watched over the couple below.

'my work here is done' she stated as she powered down the spell she had been using to keep an eye on her guard.

"Mom, why is the moon so big tonight?" Jack asked from beside her.

"I just felt like making two ponies a little happier tonight" she replied as she turned around and levitated Jack onto her back.

"Now I believe you were supposed to be asleep, about an hour ago actually."

"But mom, I'm not even tired!" Jack complained.

"You will be tomorrow if you don't get your little butt into bed right now."

"Fine, but only if you read to me."

"I believe your terms are acceptable." Luna stated as she tucked her prince in as she pulled out his favorite book. "There once was a mouse who wanted a cookie-"

Author's Note:

I know this is really short compared to how long it took to write it, but school and sum such got in the way.

But there you go, you got some lovey dovey stuff in their, and to anyone who thinks this was a bit quick, each chapter is about a year skip. Also I'm no good with romance.

I got to a point with this chapter that I couldn't go any farther without having an awkward transition, so I feel like there might be a part two.

As always leave a like to help get more readers, and leave a comment to sustain my creative muse.