• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 8,671 Views, 161 Comments

Son of the Moon: Nightmare of a Child - Unending Suffering

A young Human child is orphaned in Equestria, Princess Luna is the first to discover the child and takes it upon herself to care for the child among her many responsibilities.

  • ...

Chapter 5

The first rays of dawn made their way though the cracks in the curtains of the small home on the outskirts of Everfree, the beams illuminating the small particles of dust that floated in the air. Tender Hooves however, was not enjoying the soft sunlight as she was too busy trying to rub the sleep from her eyes. Tender Hooves was not a morning mare by any stretch of the imagination, but today was speacial, today she had to get up extra early to make sure she was absolutely ready to meet her new employers.

Turning the knob on the stove, Tender cracked an egg onto the pan as it began to heat. On a separate brurner she started to fry a couple strips of hay bacon. Deeming the food stable she retrieved a plate and set it next to the stove.

Moving into the bathroom, Tender went about her morning routine. Looking into the mirror she took note of her mane's rough shape. Seeking to rectify her bed head, she grabbed one of her brushes and smoothed out the offending hair. A quick wing pruning, and Tender deemed herself presentable. Deciding to not leave her food unattended she made her way back into the kitchen and grabbed her now cooked eggs and hay bacon. After checking her stove was off, Tender made her way to her front porch, sitting down at the small patio table Tender was finally able to relax a little as she ate her breakfast. She watched as the hustle and bustle begin to pickup down the street, merchants could be seen walking to and fro on the road leading into and out of Everfree proper.

The cool morning air, combined with the comfortably full feeling from eating and the warm sunlight seeping over the horizon clouded Tender's mind with a comfortable buzz. Her eyes grew heavy as her breathing evened out.

Tender was suddenly awoken from her impromptu nap by the hard clack of hooves on cobble. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she looked around for the offending noise, what she found was not a noisy traveler as she had first thought; but was instead a carriage puller. The carriage was very fancy; fully covered with decorations and a colorful paint job. The carriage also had a large amount of gold on it, but Tender thought nothing of it. As the stallion came to a stop in front of her house, he unhooked himself from the harness and approached the steps to Tenders porch.

"Ms Hooves? I've been sent to collect you." To her credit she only stared in confusion for a few seconds, before remembering that she had places to be.

"Oh yes, thats me." Stated the mare, "I'm a little disoriented right now, you'll have to forgive me."

The stallion nodded in understanding before motioning for her to follow, as he stepped over to the carriage before opening the door for her.

Not wanting to be late, Tender wasted no time complying with the stallion's directions. As she stepped into the cart, she noted that the interior was just as luxurious as the exterior. The seating was also just as comfortable as it looked, she found out as she sat down.

The ride to her employers house would be just over an hour, so she decided to pull out one of her books she brought along.

The first thing that Tender noticed was that the noise had increased significantly. All around the carriage she could hear the bustle of crouds and the sounds of merchants advertising their wares. Taking a peek out the window confirmed that they were infact in the market district.

'That's odd, perhaps the driver had to make a detour.' Tender rationalized in her head. Returning her attention to her book, she couldn't quite shake the feeling that she was missing an important detail.

Tender was thoroughly convinced that either her driver was insane, or had picked up the wrong passenger. To her it was the only logical reason for why her carriage was currently at the royal palace. As the carriage trundled onward, Tender's imagination was running wild with all the ways she was doomed.

'I am in so much trouble. They are probably going to throw me in jail for impersonation. Oh no! What if they think I'm a spy?!'

Her worrying was interrupted when the door was opened on the carriage. After a few seconds waiting for the guards to rush her, she decided that she would explain her situation.

"Um, I'm sorry but I think I'm in the wrong place. I was supposed to meet my employer; you see I'm a caretaker and-" her ill prepared speech was cut short when she saw who was waiting for her.

"Oh yes I'm well aware of your job description, hello again Ms Hooves," spoke a grinning Nightfire.

"Huh? Buh... wah... you.." she intelligently replied

"Hmm yes I am quite stunning. But let's not let that get in the way of work," Nightfire's grin was only growing. "Now if you would like to follow me I promise everything will be explained."

As he said this Nightfire turned and started walking towards the castle entrance, snapping out of her stupor Tender hurried to catch up.

"So wait, you're a Royal guard?" Questioned Tender as they walked.


"So what was with the whole butler thing?"


"You're not going to tell me are you?"


The two walked in silence as Tender took in the interior of the palace. Bright banners and tapestries lined the walls, alternating between Lunar and Solar. Beautiful stained glass windows were dotted around the corridors, and flowers and paintinsg were abundant.

The duo came to a halt in front of two large doors, flanked on either side by two guards. Nightfire turned to the one on the left and saluted, before a hushed conversation was carried out. After a minute the two nodded and the doors began to open.

Luna's morning had been much more hectic than was normal. She had spent the night thinking on how best to greet her new employee without frightening her. She had decided that having the carriage simply bring Tender to the castle was much simpler than some large charade where she continued to use her disguise and lived in the small house. After the mare arrived she would have a guard retrieve her and bring her to the throne room. There Luna decided to have a grand entrance where Celestia, Jack, and her self could greet the mare properly.

Unfortunately this required getting Jack to behave, which had become increasingly more difficult as he had started to act 'independent'. Luna did not find him to be difficult to deal with, but he had become stubborn often complaining, vocally, about doing things, like taking baths, or putting clothes on.

"Jack! Stop squirming! The shirt is not going to bite you!" Growled Luna as she tried to wrestle the shirt onto the human child.

"Nuh!" Argued Jack as he continued to squirm. Jack himself had already been tricked into wearing pants, but once he had realized what was really going on he was outraged. Or as outraged as a three year old can be.

With a victorious shout Luna finally slipped the white shirt over his head, she then used her magic to get his arms through the arm holes. The result was a very dapper human boy, a grumpy boy, but dapper no less.

Smiling at the small frown on his face Luna levitated her son in her magic and placed him on her back. "How about breakfast now? What say you Sir Jack?

"Yuh!" Agreed Jack, as he instantly perked up at the mention of food.

"With all do respect princess, you almost burned down my entire kitchen!" Luna had gotten herself into a spot of bother after trying to prepare breakfast for herself and her son.

"I don't understand, I was only making cereal, how does one burn cereal?!" Luna was honestly confused how one minute she was pouring milk into a bowl, the next the counter was on fire.

"I'm not quite sure either, but can I kindly ask that you don't make any food in MY kitchen from now on?" Asked the exasperated chef.

Luna nodded in agreement, "I think I shall leave the cooking to the professionals, if only for my own sanity." A sheepish smile appeared on Luna's face as she realized she still had no food. "Could I perhaps ask you to prepare some eggs and pancakes for us?"

Roughly thirty minutes later Luna and Jack received their meals. Normally it would have been quicker, but repairing the damage had taken some time.

Luna was currently spoon feeding Jack, he could eat with his hands but Luna didn't want him to get dirty. Placing the utensil down, she focused on her own meal. The sounds of levitation magic twinkled softly in Luna's ears alerting her that someone else had arrived, but looking around Luna found no one else in the room. Checking on Jack next to her she found him to be using the spoon to feed himself.

"Oh it was just you, Jack" stated Luna absentmindedly, then her mind processed what was actually happening. With a squee Luna levitated Jack into her embrace, nuzzling him lovingly. "Oh my Faust! Jack! You're doing magic!"

Jack giggled happily in her embrace as he used his levitation to play with her mane. Luna could not stop herself from giggling along with Jack.

Celestia was enjoying her morning time to herself. As the handler of the sun, she was often one of the first ponies to awaken in the morning. Currently the Solar diarch was relaxing in the throne room before court, enjoying a cup of Earl Neigh tea. Taking a deep breath, Celestia closed her eyes as she enjoyed the warm sunlight streaming through the windows. She reveled in the calming feeling that-

"TIA!" Shouted Luna as she burst through one of the private side entrances.

Celestia groaned as she felt the blissful feeling disappear rapidly. Recognizing that she would not be relaxing again any time soon Celestia popped an eye open to look at her sister questioningly. "Yes Luna?"

Instead of responding, Luna levitated Jack off of her back and sat him down in her lap and whispered something in his ear. Jack looked at Luna curiously. Luna gave an exasperated sigh and motioniioned at him then to Celestia then to him again while whispering again. Meanwhile Celestia was looking at the two amusedly.

Finally Jack seemed to understand what was being asked of him as he clapped his hands while smiling. Suddenly Celestia felt a tug on her mane. Looking at Luna she said, "If you Just came to entertain Jack by playing with my mane, you need not act so strange."

Luna shook her head in an exasperated fashion before replying, "I am not the one playing with your mane sister." And it was true as Celestia noticed that Luna was indeed not using her magic.

"But then, who is manipulating my mane?" Asked Celestia, as she looked around obliviously.

Luna facehoofed. "Jack is."

Celestia Looked at Jack and noticed that his hands were aglow with magic. "Did you teach him how to use levitation?" She asked Luna with wide eyes.

Luna shook her head in the negative with a small smile, "No, he just started levitating his spoon by himself this morning." Suddenly Celestia and Jack burst into a fit of giggles. "What is so funny?" Asked Luna.

In response Celestia pointed at Luna. "I didn't think I was that funny, wait..." Luna summoned a large mirror to check her reflection.
"My mane!"

"My mane!"

Tender and her escort stood shocked by the scene they had stumbled upon. Princess Luna was sporting a rather... odd mane style, while Princess Celestia was lying on her side laughing while clutching a small form. Tender felt very awkward given the situation, like a house guest in the middle of a family argument.

Her escort however, didn't seem to be fazed in the slightest, as if the princess' acting like children was an everyday occurrence. Or maybe that was just his training.

Nightfire coughed into his hoof, loudly.

The two royal immortals turned to face the sound. Princess Celestia smiled ebarassedly as she stood up and straightened her regalia, whereas her Lunar sister Gave a wide smile.

"Ah! Miss Tender, I'm so glad to see you have arrived!" Stated Luna merrily as she walked towards Tender, "I was worrying that I might have scared you off."

Tender suddenly remembered who she was in the presence of and dropped into a bow. "I'm so sorry your higness', I did not mean to interrupt-"

"You need not apologize, you have done nothing wrong." Interrupted Luna, "I called you here of course."

"Not to be rude, but I have no clue why I am here princess. Infact I kind of need to get to-"

"Your new job?" Luna smiled knowingly.

"Um yes actually." Tender was very confused at this point, was she in trouble? She had heard stories of the princess' pulling ponies off the street for a quick chat, but she had never put much stock in them. "So, um, is there some reason I am here?"

"Has Nightfire explained anything to you?" Asked Luna.

"No? He has been quite tight lipped." Tender said while giving the mentioned stallion a pointed look. Nightfire chose to become very interested in the trees outside.

Luna gave Nightfire a glare before turning her attention back to Tender. "I must apologize for his behavior." Nightfire's ears flattened against his head. "I suppose I should explain why you are here." A sheepish smile made its way onto Luna's muzzle, "perhaps after I fix my mane, that is. How about we can discuss over some tea when I get back? I am sure your employer will be lenient if you show up with a royal letter." Not waiting for a response she turned to Nightfire, "show Ms. Tender around if you would be so kind, I shall not take too long."

Tender meanwhile was more shocked than anything. She had just been plucked off the streets on her way to work, and now she was having tea with Princess Luna.

'This day could not get any weirder' thought Tender.

Celestia watched from the background as her sister left to fix her mane and then Nightfire led his charge off on a tour. Celestia shared a look with Jack, "So Jack, do you like cake?" she asked.

"Ye! Cake!" He responded.

"Hm, I like cake too." Smiled Celestia, she levitated Jack onto her back as she walked to the kitchens.

"And this here is the training ground." Stated Nightfire as he gestured to the large field filled with dummies, targets, and a whole assortment of military items Tender couldn't identify.

Tender smiled politely, it wasn't that she was uninterested, she had actually quite enjoyed the tour. It was just that her mind was focused on other things. Mainly, whatever was so important that Princess Luna herself had to tell her.

"Hey, are you okay?" Asked Nightfire.

"Oh yes, sorry. I'm just a little distracted." She replied.

"Look, I know it's very overwhelming, but I can guarantee that everything will be fine." He said with a reassuring smile.

This did nothing to soothe tender's fears but she decided that there was no use worrying about something she had no control over.

"So what next? Secret rooms? Dungeons?" She asked jokingly.

"No actually, I've shown you just about everything, and we should probably head back soon." Nightfire said as he looked at the sun's position.

"Oh, okay..."

They walked in silence for a while until Nightfire broke the silence.

"Alright, I didn't show you everything, how about later I finish the tour?"

"I think I would like that." Tender said with a sly smile.

For the second time today, Nightfire had lead Tender to an impressive door. This one was not nearly as large as the previous door, but it made up for its size in grandeur. The wood was a deep blue, with an inlaid silver design. The design depicted a caricature of the moon, with pegasi wings behind it, the door's edges were bordered in a silver olive tree branch.

What was on the other side was even more breathtaking. The room was circular, with bookshelves lining all of the room. Thousands of books laid upon the shelves, ranging from astronomy to novels. The most interesting things was the night sky. Tender had been stunned to see the enchanted roof, which she later learned was a perfect replica of the night sky, it could even focus in on certain areas like a telescope.

The center of the room was filled with comfortable looking chairs and cushions, two of which were already occupied by the princesses. The two diarchs were deep in conversation, so Tender decided to explore the books. Tender had always enjoyed reading, ever since she was a foal she was mesmerized by the tales novels could spin.

"I see you have found an interest in my library."

Tender gave a startled squeak; she had completely forgotten about the others in the room. Turning to see Princess Luna looking at her with an amused smile, tender felt her cheeks burn in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I just really like books." Tender apologized as she returned to the center of the room.

Luna motioned for Tender to sit down. "Tea?" Luna asked.

"Yes please." Tender graciously accepted the offered cup of steaming liquid. Taking a small sip, she hummed as the pleasant warm feeling spread through her body.

"I prefer Earl Neigh myself, but this is a very fine mix." Said Luna.

Tender sat and sipped on her tea awkwardly. "Not that I'm ungrateful Princess, but what was it you wanted to talk about?"

"I suppose I have been, 'beating around the bush' as they say." Luna said bitterly, "I suppose the easiest way to explain our situation is to start from the beginning."

"I'm sure you have heard that I have adopted a child, but it has been brought to my attention that I can be rather busy." Luna explained, "I also needed someone to properly teach my son. So my sister suggested that I should look for a tutor, which is what lead to me posting an anonymous ad."

Luna cast her illusion spell that changed her appearance to that of the disguise she used, "So, it was actually I, Princess Luna, who was looking for a caregiver, in disguise."

Luna dropped her disguise, "So, Ms. Tender, are you still willing to work for me?"

Tender let what she had just learned sink in for a moment. Sure, she had already figured out what Luna was trying to tell her as soon as the princess mentioned the advertisement, but it wasn't until Luna said it flat out that it really hit her. The more she thought about it, the more she realized what a great opportunity was being presented to her, but Tender still felt hesitant for some reason. Then it hit her:

"Can I meet your son before I make a decision?" Tender asked.

Luna was confused for a second, then she remembered that Tender had never actually met Jack. "Oh, of course. How silly of me." Luna said, "Tia, where is Jack currently?"

"He was quite tired, so I put him down for a nap in your room." Celestia answered from behind her book.

"I will be back shortly. Make yourself comfortable." Luna said as she headed out the door, to where Tender assumed was her bedroom.

After waiting a few moments Celestia placed her book down and turned to face Tender. "You will have to forgive my younger sister, she is just very excited. When she came home from interviewing candidates she could not stop talking about you." Tender blushed at the praise.

"My sister is a little out of her zone here, if you couldn't tell. She's always been the more anti-social of the two of us, so she finds it hard sometimes to explain things." Celestia looked Tender in the eyes, "She really does need your help, she's a great mother, but a terrible teacher. Plus she believes that you are the most suited for the job, you see Jack is not a pony, nor a gryphon. Hes not even from this planet, but that doesn't keep my sister from loving him." Celestia's stare softened, "But I must agree, you are most definetly the most qualified, seeing as you were one of the maids that worked the embassy section, I heard you were very popular with the ambassadors aswell." Celestia gave a sly wink, "welcome back Ms. Hooves."

"You actually remember me?" Asked Tender in bewilderment.

"Of course, I never forget any of the ponies that work for me." Celestia smirked, "currently employed with me or not."

"That is a very impressive memory."

Celestia nodded in agreement and returned to her book.

Tender was about to ask the solar princess if she had said something offensive, but was interrupted by the sound of a door opening.
"I have returned! I apologize for the delay, Jack was being very difficult." Luna stated.

"It wasn't that lon-" Tender started to say as she turned to face Luna, but her words died on her lips as she noticed the peculiar creature sitting on Luna's back.

Luna noticed that Tender was fixated upon Jack, and with a slightly awkward cough decided that she would introduce the two. "Ms. Tender, this is my son, Prince Jack." Stepping closer, Luna levitated Jack off of her back and onto the ottoman so he could sit eye level with Tender.

Tender stepped closer to study the infant, finding him to not be so different from a Minotaur, besides the obvious lack of fur, horns and hooves.

"Hm, so...." Tender drawled as she turned to face Luna, "Where do I sign?"

Suddenly she was engulfed by two large shadows, that began to crush her life force out of her.

Seconds later Luna bashfully released Tender from her bear hug, oblivious to Tender's futile attempt at breathing.

"Great! I must thank you dearly! We will have some mover ponies sent to your residence to help you move your belongings to your new room."

"Wait, new room?!" Tender gasped futilely.

"Oh did I forget to mention? You will receive your own suite within the castle, you will be treated as one of my personnel, so while you are a fellow employee do not hesitate to ask a maid or butler for assistance." Luna explained, "you will be payed a monthly salary of 10,000 bits, which you can spend however you please."

Tenders mouth dropped, "Princess, that's simply too much!!!"

"I suppose it is a bit extravagant, but it is my decision. And it is also my money, so I shall spend it however I please." Luna responded coolly.

Tender bowed her head and pawed at the floor akwardly, wondering if she had already upset her employer.

Her worries were alleviated when she felt a wing wrap around her, lifting her head she found Luna smiling at her. "Besides it's not like the taxes are going to go up to pay for you, your funds are coming from my savings." Tender returned Luna's smile. "Now, let's get you settled in!"

Luna awoke from her day dream to the sound of knocking at her door, checking the sun, she was relieved to see that she had not spent to long reminiscing about the past. The knocking sounded from the door again, forcing Luna to answer.

"Ah hello Tender, how can I help you?" Luna greeted to her newest employee.

"Celestia asked my to let you know that dinner would be served soon." Tender said with a bow.

"Hmm yes, thank you for letting me know. Tell my sister that I shall join her shortly."

"Princess, if I could, can I have tommorow off? I wanted to go see that new fair that arrived."

Luna nodded sagely "I'm sure that's the only reason." Luna winked, "Sure, go have some fun, I can hold down the fort for a day."

"Thank you so much!" Tender bowed.

Luna blushed with a small chuckle, "Its quite alright, don't hesitate to ask for time off when you want it. Of course I will say no sometimes, but still ask."

Tender gave another bow of thanks and walked off, with a slight trot in her step.

Luna rolled her eyes at her caretakers silliness.

'I remember on her first day she wouldn't stop bowing, even the guards were giving her weird looks.' Luna reminisced, 'she's made some progress, but she still acts much too formal."

Forgoeing her royal regalia in favor of some slippers and a scarf, Luna decided to dawdle no longer and started her trek to the royal dining chamber.

Somewhere within an unknown noble's house, several cloaked figures crowded around a table with a map of canterlot in a dark room. The group talked in hushed whispers as if afraid the guards would hear them from the street above. Quietly yet another robed figure entered the room, the group ceased there chatter and made way for the newcomer.

The group sat in silence as the newcomer studied the map. Several tense minutes passed, until finally the cloaked figure spoke.

"We shall attack the royals on their stroll after dinner, I want our best assassin's to go in first, with our mage, and bow-stallions on the lookout." The speaker looks around, "any objections?"

The other cloaked figures shake their heads.

"Soon, the royals will fear the might of the Nightfire guild!" Exclaimed the leader.

"Wait, I thought we were the Earthhammer guild?!" One of the cloaked figures complained.

"Don't speak out of character, your ruining the immersion dude!" Hissed the cloaked figure to the right of the complaintant.

Suddenly a bright light shone throughout the room, and a voice called out. "What are you nerds shouting about?"

The cloaked group covered their eyes from the blinding light.

"Sis how many times have I told you not to interrupt on Dragon's and Demons night?" Complained the leader as he pushed his hood back. Beneath the hood was was a squinty eyed Nightfire.

"It's not night time anymore, you've been in here for the entire night! You need to get to work in three hours!" Exclaimed the female pegasus. In the better lighting she was easily identified as Nightfire's sister, same coat and mane colors, but with azul eyes. "Now I want the rest of you nerds to clear out, Nightfire needs atleast an hours nap before he heads out."

The group of cloaked friends lowered there hoods and said goodbye to Nightfire. Once it was just the two siblings Nightfire turned to his sister.

She gave him a look, "get that stuff off and get atleast two hours sleep, I'll wake you when you need to leave." She stated as she walked towards the door.

Before she completely left, Nightfire called out to her. "Thanks sis, atleast one of us is responsible."

She gave him a soft smile and wished him good night. "Good night Nightfire."

"Good morning Nightstrike," he replied.

Nightstrike closed the door on her way out, and as Nightfire fell asleep, he thought about how happy he was that he had a great sister like Nightstrike. And then he realised how tired he was going to be tommorow. Oh well.

Author's Note:


New sister story is up! It will be updated much more frequently, but with smaller chapters. Link

Alright, so I'm happy to present a new chapter, (even if it took waaaaayyyyy too long) but I need your help. See I need OC's, I'd make my own but I'm terrible at ponies. I need young foals, (CMC age), maids, guards, and nobles. If you want to submit your OC send me a pm with the name, age, which one of the groups you would like, physical description, and a short personality summary.

This chapter brought to you by "Candyman" By Zedd & Aloe Black.

So what do you think so far? If you please, leave a comment with your thoughts on the chapter, constructive criticism is welcomed. I love reading comments, so even if your reading this from the far future I don't mind if you comment. (Unless it's been like 90 years in which case I'm prolly dead)