• Published 30th Apr 2015
  • 615 Views, 23 Comments

Ember Gaze - HeavyMetalKnight

A mare named Ember Gaze decides to travel to Ponyville to start a new life, but ponies from her former home wish vengeance upon her for her past misdeeds.

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Chapter 1: Ember's Exodus

Chapter 1:

Ember's Exodus

It's morning, already? She thought to herself as she awoke from her slumber.

She had lifted her head from her striped white pillow, and sat up. Her mane had gotten messed up from sleep, so she pushed back the stray strands of hair with her hoof. She had then yawned as she stretched her fore hooves. After some time she got herself out of bed, uncovering herself from her comforter. A first, it would seem like this is a normal routine for her. And it was, but today was going to be different. Today is the day everything changes for her. And why should she waste any time? She had to get herself ready!

All four hooves on the floor, she made a dash for a door on the left of her room--that of course being the bathroom. In her bathroom, was a bathtub with an old fashioned shower fixture. There were plain, beige colored shower curtains placed over the tub. There was also a mirror, but she didn't want to look at it. A white porcelain toilet was placed close to the tub, with a fluffy bath mat in front of it. A towel hung on a hanger, also close to the tub. Once she walked up to it, she gently pushed aside the curtains in a melancholic manner.

Using her magic from her horn, she turned the knobs to the appropriate temperature. The faucet blasted streams of hot water onto the tub. She felt the water with her hoof, to make sure it wasn't too cold, or too hot. Once she stuck her hoof in, she felt the hot water rush over it. It was warm enough to step in. She felt the sudden heat from the rushing water as she stepped in. The water felt hot on her light colored coat, sure, but she loved the heat. Using a levitation spell, she got herself some shampoo to wash her mane. She poured a little in her mane and rubbed it all in with her right hoof. She usually showers before going to bed rather than in the morning, but this was a different occasion entirely.

After cleaning every inch of her body with soap and shampoo, she rinsed herself off. She turned the knobs to shut the water off. Pushing the curtains back, she levitated a towel to dry herself off. Steam had clouded the whole bathroom. She rubbed the towel on her body vigorously, to make sure she was completely dry. All the while making sure her horn doesn't rip through it--again. She's always had the misfortune of ripping towels with her horn when she dries herself off, so she had to be really careful. Once she felt completely dry, she went up to the foggy mirror and wiped off the condensation.

It had been the same light orange colored face as before. Her red and orange mane was still a bit messy and damp, but it can be tamed. Her mane was not very long, but she preferred it that way. Her expression was the same as her reflection's: sad. Her dark amber eyes gazed unhappily into her reflection's. Many ponies proclaimed her eyes to be impure, or demonic. Her parents named her for her eyes; Ember Gaze was her name. She was a unicorn, living in a small province in the eastern parts of Equestria. Her cutie mark was a ball of fire, surrounded by six stars. The pain she felt inside was too much.

I can hardly look at myself! She thought as she opened up the mirror, doubling as a cabinet. regardless, I need to brush my teeth

She levitated her toothbrush and a tube of paste, and closed the cabinet. She rinsed off her toothbrush in the sink, and squeezed the tube's white substance onto the bristles. Even though she tried to avoid her own reflection's gaze, she had to make sure her teeth were at least clean. It had been hard to look at herself, for fear of her eyes tearing up. She really didn't want to see herself cry. But hopefully, this day will forever wipe away her tears and cleanse herself entirely.

Out of the bathroom and feeling as fresh as can be, she rushed over to her closet on the other side of the room. Upon opening her disorganized closet, she saw at least some of her personal belongings. Among those being a few suitcases, of which she levitated and placed on her mattress. Ember started levitating her stuff, and placing them in the suitcases. Most of the items included: clothes, rain boots, striped socks, etc. Once she gathered what she needed from her closet, she then went over to her black wooden bookshelf.

Her bookshelf had lots of very precious items that meant a lot to her. Most of what was on her shelf was of course books--lots of books. She has a love of reading all kinds of books, whether it be factual or fiction. She used to have more spell books than she does now; having to get rid of a few. Her reasons were because they were either damaged, or their information was outdated. There had also been a few knick knacks resting on the top shelf, most of them were old foalhood toys. She began removing and placing them in the suitcases. Hopefully she'll make good time getting packed and ready.

As she continued removing her stuff from the shelf, she heard a knock at her bedroom door. It was probably her mother. She hasn't eaten breakfast yet, which is what most likely triggered her to come upstairs. Ember hurried to remove her things from the shelf, practically stuffing them in her bags. She heard her mother knock impatiently once again. Her suitcases looked as if they were about to explode, but it didn't matter. Maybe she could find some tie wraps to keep them from opening?

"Honey!" She heard her mother call, "Is everything okay in there?"

As much as she wanted to groan, she didn't. "Yes, Mom!" Ember replied, "I'm alright. Really, I am." In truth, she wasn't.

She was startled when she heard the door open. It might have been clear her mother sensed something wasn't right. When she saw her enter her room, the look on her face showed deep concern. Her mother's coat was a lighter shade of orange, and her mane was a paler red. Her eyes were purple rather than amber. She wore a white apron.

"Are you sure, hon?" Her mother said, worried. "You haven't come down for breakfast yet. What have you been doing?"

"Packing." Ember answered simply. "I'm leaving this place for good."

She sighed before saying, "You're serious about moving, are you? Are you really certain you want to do this?"

"I'm positive, Mom. I can't stay in this town anymore!" She looked down at her hooves, "Everypony hates me! Ever since I did all those terrible things, everypony wants me to leave this place!"

"Ember." Her mother said calmly, "You can't keep beating yourself over the head about it."

"Try telling that to everypony else!" She argued despondently, "They will never forgive me, Mom! After that last incident, they never lived it down! It's best that I leave, Mom. Leave and never come back."

"That's not true." She tried to reassure her, "You will be forgiven in time, believe me. We all do things that we wished hadn't, it's normal."

"But what I've done is inexcusable! I'm not a good mare. I deserve to leave this province. And when I leave, everypony will rejoice. No pony's going to miss me, Mom... No pony."

Ever since she became a teen, Ember became a very troubled mare. Every time she used magic, it was almost always for something wicked. She had bullied many ponies in the town, and has always gotten into serious consequences. Every pony in town--except her parents--hated her. But the last act she committed, is something she and everypony else wished had never happened. For the past week, ponies still remember the incident. And ponies now, hate her more than ever. To her, it is one incident better left unsaid.

"I'll miss you." Her mother told her, still showing concern, "Your father will miss you. I know you've done horrible things in the past, but you cannot let it eat up inside you. You must remember, Ember, you are still loved by us."

She knew her mother meant well. Her father too. Her parents were the only ponies who still loved her. Regardless of what she had done and the punishments they gave, they still loved her. Even when everypony else could never forgive her, her parents still loved her unconditionally. When everypony thought her wicked and evil, her parents never thought the same. Despite it all, she could never forgive herself. No matter how many times her parents forgive her, Ember could never forgive herself.

"My mind has been made up." She told her, looking back up, "I'm leaving this place."

"But where will you go?"

"I've heard of a place in the west, called Ponyville." Ember explained, "I've heard a lot of good things about it, Mom. And I know that's where I want to be. No pony will ever know of what I've done, or who I used to be. And maybe at some point, you and Dad could come visit."

"Well," She sighed sadly, "I guess I can't stop you then."

Ember at least gave her a smile. "Thanks, Mom."

"But before you go, at least have some breakfast."

Ember had all her bags packed, and took one last look at her old home. She had eaten pancakes right before she left. And rather than use tie wraps, her mother just helped her pack. The process of it had taken a while, but it was worth it. She wasn't sure if that would be the last she would see of her home, but she can't linger on any longer. She had to get to Ponyville, and fast. It was still early in the day, thankfully, so she should be good. The well known town was at least twenty miles from the province, which at a walking speed of two miles per hour would probably take ten hours.

Ten hours is a long time, She thought, but at least I'll be far away from here.

There had been several ponies on their daily commute, and most of them glared at her with contempt. The province was rather small, so everypony knew each other. Unfortunately for her, everypony knew who she was, and despised her. There had even been ponies she's known since she was little. Every stallion, mare, and foal only glanced and turned their backs. In spite of it, she carried on. She carried all of her bags on her back, as well as on straps to her sides. It was a little weighty but she could still manage. She tried not to take notice of anypony who came close to her.

"Hey look, everypony!" She heard a young stallion jeer, "The wicked witch is leaving!"

"Good riddance!" She heard another.

Walk away, Ember, she ordered herself, just ignore them.

Soon enough, ponies started jeers of their own; pelting her with insults and curses. They all have good reasons to despise her. Some even threw small rocks at her, which she dodged. She knew some of these ponies well, which is always a bad sign. Anypony she knew personally, hated her most. She has had a track record of treachery, leading her to become hated by all who called her friend. She tried so hard not to shed a tear, but at least this would be last she'll see of them. Regardless of their taunting, she continued on walking, and never turned back.

"Hey, you!!" She heard a familiar voice.

"Oh no." Ember said to herself quietly, "Not now."

A ruddy brown mare walked up to her. Her steel colored eyes burned with fury. She had a white and dark gray mane, which was put in a ponytail. Her cutie mark was an orange and black stone. She barred her teeth in a seething rage that could not be quenched. The mare's name was Tephra, named after fragmental material produced by volcanic eruption. Her temper was much like that of a volcano, she knew.

"What do you want, Tephra?" Ember asked.

"So, you're leaving? For good?!" The mare snapped angrily, "After what you've done?!! I'm surprised they didn't imprison you!!!" Ember did her best to ignore her. "You're lucky the Mayor let you off easy! You should be put to death for what you did, you monster!!!"

Pay no mind to her. Ember tried not to feel guiltier than she was already feeling, She's not worth fighting.

"So that's it, huh? Not even gonna defend yourself?! Not gonna look me in the face?!!" Tephra ranted, still staying in one place, "You better go somewhere far!! Somewhere far away!!! 'Cause if I ever see you again... you will be sorry you ever crossed me!!!"

It wasn't long until she reached the edge of town. She was more than thankful to be away from the raging mare. Ahead of her was a brown dirt road, leading out into the lush green woods. This would be the ideal path she'll walk on. She had only stopped to look at her map, which she kept in her pack. On the map, she could see the town which she had recently left, close to the mountains. Ponyville seemed to be in the central area of Equestria. There had been a wide river ahead of the woods, so she may need to find a way around it somehow.

After some time thinking, she figured out her exact route. And so she continued her way down the dirt road. It had felt better now that she was away from her old home, and onward to a new place. Should she ever ever get too tired of walking, she'll rest by a tree or somewhere decent. Her mane had been brushed to the side before she left, so that way her mane won't bother her. She also of course took about three brushes with her. She's not a very girly pony, but she needed to have something to make sure her mane won't keep bothering her. Her tail was also brushed, but that never bothered her.

She used to have a longer mane, but it had always gotten in the way. Strands of hair would irritate her face, and sometimes get in her mouth. Before, she refused to have it cut. But after some time, she had to cut her mane. It wasn't too short, otherwise she'd be mistaken for a stallion--or so she was told. She was happy with her mane, even if she is prone to having a pretty bad bed-head. Her mother had always told her she looked very beautiful with a longer mane. Though she had always called her beautiful, regardless of what anypony else says. As much as it comforts her, it wasn't enough to make her less like a monster.

She eventually came across an old tree stump along the path. She only walked past it, however, not feeling the least bit tired. She just kept going. Tall oak trees were on her left and right sides, while golden sunlight through green leaves. It was like she was walking down an aisle. Green thorny bushes grew along the path. Ember could see the dark blue berries tempting her to try a taste. She just ignored them continued walking on the brown dirt path. Red and gold leaves littered her path, yet her eyes missed their beauty. She heard the chirps of multiple birds in the trees. The way the breeze felt on her body, and the way the branches swayed, was incredibly relaxing to her.

This is definitely better than being being made fun of! She thought gleefully. Twenty miles? Ha! I'll get there before the day ends!

Why didn't I stop by that stump?! Ember thought tiredly, My legs are killing me!

She had been walking for, what seemed like hours to her. It probably wasn't that long, but it sure felt that way to her. She had already cleared through the forest, and now the road lead out into the fields. She had to be close to the river by now. She had to be! The road kept twisting and turning like a grass snake. Already, she could feel her legs aching and burning from walking so much. Fortunately, she had brought refreshments. She had to pack food and water, otherwise she'd get too hungry or thirsty. But at the moment, she needs water--now!

"That's it!" She said aloud, her voice had grown hoarse from lack of water, "I'm drinking water!"

Using her levitation spell, she took out her thermos full of cool water. She took off the cap, and rather than sip she gulped large quantities down her throat. Once she was content, she let out a big Ahhh, feeling a lot less thirsty now. It sure felt good when the cool clear liquid went down her throat. If only her legs didn't hurt so much, else she would have moved faster. She had to rest. Ember couldn't continue on like this. The fields were wide open, and there wasn't a lot of shade. But she didn't care, she loved the heat. She may as well sit down for at least a few brief moments.

She found a decent spot to stop, close to the dirt road. When she got there, she took off her bags and plopped herself down onto the grass. It felt a whole lot better on her legs now. Perhaps she'll have a small morsel while she's at it. She remembered bringing quite a lot of food in one of her bags. Grabbing that said bag, she rummaged through it in hopes of finding a quick snack. She eventually felt what she was looking for: a thin paper wrapper. Inside the wrapper was a granola bar. Taking it out, she admired the oat covered treat. Ember sat up to enjoy her delicious comestible.

"Mm...mm...mm... Hello delicious!" She closed her eyes as she was about to take the first bite. As she opened her mouth, she heard a short burst of wind. The feeling of the bar was lost somehow.

Opening her eyes, she saw that her bar was gone. A bird probably snatched it from her grasp. She moaned in absolute disappointment. She really liked granola bars, but at least she still had more food. Feeling through her bag again, she found a plastic bag containing a bigger source of food. Pulling it out of its plastic bag, she grabbed herself a sandwich. Before she even thought about taking a bite, she scanned her surroundings both above and below her. Once the coast was clear, she took a large quick bite. She savored the juicy taste of bread, tomato and lettuce in her mouth. Once she swallowed the first bite, she went for another. Hopefully nothing else will come to steal her food, or anything else important.

As she was eating her sandwich, she felt a slight disturbance. It was as if somepony--or something --was watching her. It made her feel vulnerable, and made her question why she even lied down here of all places. She turned her head around, to make sure nothing was watching her from behind. The uncomfortable feeling of being watched, tingled along her spine. Was she being watched? She really didn't want the answer, and her intuition was telling her to get up and keep moving. She made sure to grab her bags, and fasten them to her body. At first things seemed to be going easy for her, but now it just became very unnerving.

Okay, I don't know how things just got creepy all of a sudden, She thought, frightened, but I should be going now.

To her horror, she heard a rather unsettling noise. Turning her head slowly behind her, her fears became reality. A being, shadowy and black, slithered and squirmed over to her direction. She wasted no time, and ran away from it. She could hear the noise again; dark voices and many whispers. She raced her way to the wide river ahead of her, hoping the creature wasn't still chasing her. Her legs still cramped, but she couldn't just rest when trying to run away from a monster, that would be foolish! Despite how fast she ran, she can still hear the creature; Its many voices, still rang in her ears.

"Witch!!!" She heard its voices screech, "Murderer!!! Monster!!! Murderer!!! Villain!!! Demon!!! Murderer!!! Murderer!!! Murderer!!!!"

The dark presence of the creature got closer, her fear rising as she ran. She tried not to scream, for fear of prompting the creature to come after her faster--plus, she could see the river ahead. The clear water glistened in the light of the sun. She hoped there was at least a boat or something that can take her across. She didn't dare look behind her. If she turned her head, she'd risk tripping over. She had to get away, even if it meant swimming across. She didn't like going in water that wasn't to her preferred temperature. But when push comes to shove, she had to take a risk.

As much as I hate the cold, anything's better than being killed by that thing!

As she got closer to the river, she could see a very promising miracle: a boat. She saw an elderly light brown stallion next to the boat, tending to a fishing rod. A fisherpony it would seem. She had to warn him of the creature, she didn't want him to suffer the same fate. Hopefully he won't ask for anything in return if she asked for a ride, like bits--which she needed for a home. As she got closer, the elder stallion took notice of her.

"Howdy there, missy!" He greeted in a friendly country accent. His mane was white as snow and receding, and he wore an orange vest.

Does he know I'm being chased?! How could he not know? There was a black shadowy creature right behind her!

The stallion seemed to realize something was amiss. "Are ya ah'right there, miss?"

"Sir," She told him quickly, "you have to let me cross the river! I'm being chased, and I have to get to Ponyville, asap!"

"Chased?" The fisherpony sounded confused, "Uh... chased by what?"

"There's a--"

When she turned back to see behind her, the black creature was gone. Not a trace of it was left. Her eyes widened in absolute shock. She could have sworn a black shadowy creature was chasing her. She felt even more unnerved than ever. Had she gone crazy or something? Was the creature even real, or was it all in her head? Either way it disturbed her. The fisherpony probably thought she was nuts too. Did she see something like it in a book she read? Was it a creature she knew very little about; overlooked in a page of her bestiary book? Then again, she probably would have remembered something like that.


"Ah sworn Ah been see'n things before. You ain't the only one." He laughed. "So, ya need t' get 'cross the river, eh?"

"Yes, sir." She had still been baffled by the creature, but pushed the thought aside--for now. "I need to get to Ponyville."

"Well, that's quite a long way to go from 'ere, y'know. If ya just wanna git to the other side, then sure, Ah'll help ya."

"Oh, uh... Thank you, sir. Thank you so much!"

The boat ride had been brief, but it was leisurely. The fisherpony didn't want anything in return--much to her relief. He told her he came just to simply fish. She had viewed lily pads and reeds close to shore. The flow of the current was fortunately slow, and not too fast. She noticed the fisherpony didn't cast his pole. It might have been because he wasn't planning to fish here. They eventually docked on the other side, right on shore. She stepped out of the boat, lifting one hoof after the other. Right before she decided to leave, the fisherpony stopped her for a moment.

"Y'know, ya could'a just swam across?" He told her. "It is summer after all."

"I just wanted my stuff to stay dry, is all." Ember replied. "Plus, I don't like cold water."

"Cold? The water ain't that cold."

It wasn't worth debating to her. "Thank you for helping me get across, sir." she thanked him.

"No problem, ma'am!" When he said that, he was already pushing his boat back in the water. "Been nice see'n ya!"

Well, that's good. She thought to herself, content, He was actually nice to me!

With that said, she left straight away. She followed the dirt road up, continuing her way to Ponyville. The thought of the creature came back to her. The way it looked, the voices she heard from it. What was it, and why was it chasing her. These were the questions Ember pondered about for some time. She couldn't forget its black, amorphous form. All those voices... how did it come from that thing? And why did it call her all those things? She couldn't forget what it said: "Witch. Murderer. Monster. Murderer. Villain. Demon. Murderer. Murderer. Murderer." And it had been in that exact sequence.

"What could it all mean?" She inquired aloud.