• Published 30th Apr 2015
  • 616 Views, 23 Comments

Ember Gaze - HeavyMetalKnight

A mare named Ember Gaze decides to travel to Ponyville to start a new life, but ponies from her former home wish vengeance upon her for her past misdeeds.

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Chapter 2: New Ponies, New Town

Chapter 2:

New Ponies, New Town

Witch!!! Murderer!!! Monster!!! Murderer!!! Villain!!! Demon!!! Murderer!!! Murderer!!! Murderer!!!! The hideous voices chanted in unison.

No! She cried, Please, stop! She couldn't see anything other than the pitch black darkness. She tried to move, but couldn't .

You killed him!!! You murdered him!!! It accused harshly.

Stop it!!! Please!!!

He died because of you!!! You murderous witch!!! Burn!!!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! She screamed in agony. She could feel her whole body burning.

Burn!!! Burn!!! BURN!!!! Rot in Tartarus, where you'll stay for all eteeerrrrnityyyyyyy!!!!! The voices cackled. As they did, she writhed in immense pain. She could now see their eyes glow in the darkness; red and harsh.

She couldn't see it, but she can feel the fire wreath around her. She could feel her eyes sting, and smell her mane scorch. She could not see herself. The odor of burning flesh filled her nostrils. The flames went inside her, and burned through her. Her internal organs were incinerating within her. As the pain intensified, so did her screams, and the voices cackling. Their cackles sounded like cawing crows, taunting her. Their eyes stared, and burned with deep hatred.

All the feeling she once had... has gone. The fire no longer hurt her. She could still smell the burning though. She heard something in the distance, but couldn't quite make out what it was. The cackling continued, still ringing in her ears. But after some time, she heard the same something she heard before. It almost sounded like a voice was calling her. The voices laughed and laughed, but their laughs fainted. She could almost make out what the voice was saying.

"Hey... wake..." The voice was really faint.

That voice... she thought, Who could it be?

"Wake... Up..." She heard the voice call again. It was much clearer than before, and distinctly female.

The darkness around her disappeared, instead she witnessed a bright flash of... light.

"Hey, you awake yet?" She heard a mare's voice. "Helloooo! Anypony in there?" The mare banged on her head.

Ember jolted up from the grass she lay upon, eyes wide open. She shook with fear from her nightmare. She had been sweating as well. Whether it be from fear or the heat, it didn't matter. The voice she heard, came from a mare who stood next to her. The mare was an Earth pony with a yellowish green coat, and a dark green mane. Her mane was long and straight, with bangs just above her face. She had very light green eyes as well. By the expression on her face, she was rather curious.

"Wh--where am I?" Ember asked, unsure of what the mare may answer.

"Well, you're laying in the grass next to the road." The mare put it frankly, "Not much I can say, other than that."

When she said that, Ember scanned around to realize she was in an open field, laying close to the dirt road. There were a few hills in the distance, covered in green grass. Not a tree to be seen.

She may as well ask the most important question: "Am I anywhere near Ponyville?"

The Earth pony mare raised a brow, "Why?"

"Because I have to get there soon, before it gets too dark. I plan on moving into one of the cottages there. That's why."

At first the yellowish green mare stared at her suspiciously. "Interesting... But, okay!" She then added jovially.

"Uuuhhh... what?"

"You don't have to worry," She pointed her left hoof in the direction of the road ahead, "Ponyville's juuuust over yonder! Not too far from where you are right now, whoever you are!"

"Really? It's that close?" She asked fervently.

"Uh huh!" The mare replied happily, nodding her head exuberantly. "Just keep following the road up, and you should be fine! Shouldn't take you more than two hours, I think."

"Phew..." she sighed in relief, "Thank goodness!"

"Oh! Where are my manners?!" the mare suddenly shouted, "My name is Kiwi Juice."

Ember was baffled by her sudden shift. "I'm Ember Gaze." she introduced herself. "Pardon me for asking but, why are you called 'Kiwi Juice'?"

"It's a family name. I hail from the Kiwi family! Isn't that great?!"

"Um... so, kiwis are your special talent?"

Kiwi started laughing hard, as if what she said was hilarious. "No no no. MY talent is actually pretty different!" She corrected, turning her flank towards Ember, showing her cutie mark, "I just so happen to be pretty good at chemistry--or alchemy, or whatever you call it! I can make just about any kind o' potion ya need!"

Her cutie mark depicted a flask with half a kiwi in it. The cutie mark also depicted green fumes spewing out of the top. Ponies with cutie marks like that, are usually potion makers. Earth ponies wouldn't normally have a talent like that, which in many ways makes this remarkable. She remembered reading in her bestiary, about zebras making potions and having mystical abilities. EARTH PONIES don't have the same mystical abilities as a zebra, though.

Of all the talents this pony could have... and it's potion making. Not what I expected.

"What do ya think?" the mare continued to show her, "Pretty cooool, huh?"

"That is pretty cool." She admitted. If she was to arrive at a decent time, she had to get going. "Well, I best be on my way. It was nice meeting you, Kiwi!"

"Aw, it was nice meeting you too, Ember Blaze!"

"Um... it's Ember Gaze." She corrected her.

"Oh... Darn, 'gotta remember that!" Kiwi said, cursing herself, but then waved goodbye. "Anyway, bye!"

The dark green maned mare trotted off into the fields, off the road. As she got closer to the hills she then started... bouncing? The mare kept hopping in midair in a very cheery sort of way, as she reached up the hill. To her, it seemed very nonsensical. Who would have thought a potion maker could act in such a strange, and jovial manner?

That pony... is weird. At least she was nice, though.

She thought about Kiwi for a time, as she continued to walk down the dark brown dirt road, carrying her bags. She spotted a few patches of pink and yellow flowers in a meadow. It was kind of hard to tell what type of flowers they were; since they were rather far off. The sun's rays beamed down on her coat, bringing absolute comfort and more importantly warmth. Thankfully it wasn't winter. Ember never liked snow, or ice (or just winter period), and the cold. She preferred the summer. She preferred the heat.

"Shouldn't take you more than two hours", she said.

It had been almost two hours, and she had not stopped for a break in while. If it really did take two hours to get there, she had to get there and fast. She was that eager to get to her new home. The trees were once sparse, but now they flourished. Trees with light green leaves, dotted the landscape. Smaller plants grew along the sides of the road, and flowers bloomed just as close. Such a pretty sight.

The thoughts of the creature came back to her, all of a sudden. She kept trying to push it aside, but it just kept coming back. Why was it in her nightmare? It blamed her for something, but she can't remember what. You killed him!!! it had said, You murdered him!!! The voice was shrill, and intense.

"What is it talking about?" She asked herself aloud. "What have I done to it? And how could I see it, but nopony else?"

She wouldn't have expected to have those questions answered right away. As for what it was, is the better question. It had to be some kind of undiscovered creature, not known by science. Or maybe an ancient beast from thousands of years ago. It had to be one of the two. As enigmatic as it was, she needed to focus on getting to her new home.

Somehow, it seemed as if the ground was elevating right before her. Was she going up a hill, or small mountain? She supposed it was a possibility. She was still surrounded by forest, so it was hard to tell how high she was going. However, she also noticed a sight she would never forget... the largest mountain she had ever witnessed. A tall, purple colored mountain that towered over any tree in sight. Along side it, she witnessed other, smaller formations, along side it. She also swore she could hear the faint sound of a great waterfall.

Canterlot must be up there! she thought exuberantly, I'm getting closer! I can feel it!

She tried her best to keep calm. But what the hay?! She was close, she had to get there fast! Ember sped up to a gallop with hopes to view her destination. She felt giddy, ready to burst from her excitement. Trees passed by quickly, a blur if you looked to your side. She could care less about anything she's passing by, Ponyville's not far off. She looked to her side again, to see a clear view of yet another breathtaking sight: Ponyville. The trees had parted, making it easy to see it. The cottages and town hall looked minuscule from this vantage. It is just beyond her-


Pain flooded her chest suddenly, collapsing on the dirt road. Her face was planted in bad tasting earth. She groaned a little, and heard another groan as well. Lifting her head up slightly and spitting dirt out of her mouth, she noticed a pink colored unicorn mare had also fallen to the ground. It was clear she collided with the other pony. Staggering, she managed to get herself up on her hooves. As Ember moved closer, she noticed the mare had a long lilac colored mane. It was rather dirty though.

"Ow!" The mare whined, "That really hurt!"

When she got to the fallen mare's side, she held out her hoof to offer her help. "Here, need some help?" Ember offered

The pink mare saw this, but only growled furiously. The mare then smacked her hoof. "I don't need your help, you idiot!" She hissed, reddish eyes glaring at her, "I am perfectly capable of getting up on my own!"

The mare did as such. Her long mane had been covered in bits of dirt, and tried to brush it all off furiously with her hooves. The tips of her long mane curled inward, and the same with her tail. She noticed her cutie mark was a bright pink jewel, encrusted with gold. This mare had quite an attitude, but she shouldn't judge. Ember used to be no different.

"Listen, I'm very sorry about that." She apologized. "I was j-"

"Oh, whatever!" The mare interrupted rudely, "It's not like I didn't have better things to be doing, than wasting my time with you!"

Sheesh, who crapped in your hay bale?!

"Gotta go. I'm supposed to be having a spa day with my closest friends. Probably something you don't have. Ta ta!" She giggled evilly, and trotted off.

Her horn started to ignite a fiery aura. But as much as she wanted to give this snooty mare a piece of her mind, she couldn't bring herself down to that level. Instead, she just continued on her way. A few of the ponies she encountered were rather nice, except for this mare. All she did was bump into her. She didn't do it on purpose, she was just excited to see Ponyville for the first time. Ember did her best to push it aside, even though she was walking beside her.

"Um, did I not make myself clear, or something?" The mare said snootily, "Go away!"

Don't say anything, Ember, she's just trying to get on your bad side. Just walk ahead of her, and ignore her.

She trotted ahead of her and picked up her pace. Ponyville is close, and she won't let some snob ruin it for her. She didn't know her name (she preferred not to ask anyway), and would rather forget her immediately. Hopefully she will make good friends there, since all of her former friends hate her. She should have enough bits to afford a cottage at least. If that pony she just met lives there, she'll just ignore her entirely.

"Oh. My. Gosh!" She exclaimed as she stared in awe at the town before her.

She could see it all: the town hall, the medieval inspired infrastructure of the houses, a windmill, and even a small bridge just over a stream. There were so many hills surrounding it, and much more. Just... glorious! Ember felt giddier than ever before, bouncing with utter excitement. She could not waste anymore time! She just had to rush herself towards her new home! She galloped over the pink bridge, and finally entered the town at last.

Ember was in absolute astonishment at the town, and everything in it. It's not just the timber framed houses with thatched roofs that excited her, but everything else entirely. From the small markets, to the distinct shops, and so on. Ponies swarmed left and right, all with warm smiles and friendly appearances; stallions, mares, and foals alike. Everypony made polite stares and went about their business. It was much better than the angry faces of the townsfolk back in her former home. It wasn't always like that, however. Her experience here so far, reminded her of the day she came to her old home when she was little. She remembered throwing a bit into the fountain, hoping her wish will come true.

That was a better time. A time when ponies didn't hate her so much, for all of her misdeeds. She couldn't remember what she wished, when she put her bit into the fountain. Whether or not it came true remains a mystery to her. She also remembered eating vanilla ice cream--which was her favorite--with her parents on that same day. Even with the newer comforts of this place, she still missed the ponies who loved her most. This is probably the only time she actually "missed" her old home. Something she thought would never happen.

She looked up at one of the houses, and noticed the thatched roof was torn in several pieces. Ember witnessed ten pegasi repairing it. Twenty to thirty ponies were watching the winged ponies work down below. The workers were carrying spare pieces of shingles, and placed them upon the rooftop. Something tore into the roof somehow, and she needed to know why. Ember went over to the gathered crowd, and decided to ask one of them.

"Excuse me, ma'am." She called out. A light brown colored mare turned to her. "What happened to that house?"

"Harpies." The mare answered.

"Harpies? You can't be serious!"

"I'm not lie'n!" The mare protested, "Everypony in Ponyville saw them. A whole flock of them started attacking us, and drove almost everypony to madness! They tore up our roofs, and injured dozens of ponies!"

Harpies were a race of half bird ponies. Like pegasi they have the ability to fly. Unlike pegasi their wings replace their front legs, and they had bird-like back legs and sharp talons. She remembered reading about them in her bestiary. They mostly live up on mountains, high above Equestria. Other than that, not much was known about them, not even their behavior. Even dragons and griffons are not as elusive. Ember had to ask a more important question:

"What would drive them to come to Ponyville of all places?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, at this point." The mare replied, as puzzled as she was.

It was definitely interesting, but she couldn't linger for much longer. She continued on her way, hoping to find a "For sale" sign next to one of the houses. As she kept on looking for a house, Ember pondered about the damaged rooftop. Harpies have been invading Ponyville, and terrorizing its citizens. She had not heard a word about harpies until now.

Why did they come here? Why are they attacking ponies? Somehow I don't think I'll have the answer straight away.

So many strange things are happening; from black amorphous monsters, to hearing about harpies. She wondered if things could get any stranger. As of yet, not a single house for sale. Ember was already getting exhausted from carrying around her bags. She had to set them down, before she faints. As she was doing so, she heard a whizzing noise. Turning her head over her shoulder, she saw a white pegasus mare flying towards her at a rather fast pace. Ember yelped, and quickly dashed to one side. The mare crashed onto the ground, luckily missing her belongings.

"Ouch!" The pegasus exclaimed, and got herself onto her hooves.

The pegasus mare shook her body from head to tail, dust flying off in clouds. Those cloud shrouded her and Ember, forcing them to cough and wheeze. Once the dusty air dispersed, she could finally breathe clean air. She could see clearly, now that all that dust was gone. The pegasus mare's mane and tail was spikier than her own hair, and it was blue in color; a moderate azure to be precise. Her eyes however, were lighter shade of blue. Her cutie mark was a thunder cloud, blasting a streak of blue lightning.

"Are you alright?" She said worriedly.

"Yep!" The mare replied nonchalantly. "I've had way worse falls, trust me. I once sprained my wing while dodging some quarray eels, down at Ghastly Gorge!"

"Quarray eels?! Are you serious?!"

"Uh huh. I crashed into the wall, hitting it wing first! I was in the hospital for a few days, but after that I was back to fly'n."

"That's just the most... awesome thing I've heard in a while!!!" Ember added with a sudden spring of enthusiasm.

"I know, right?!" The pegasus shared her same excitement.

Ember was to an extent, very interested in daring stunts. Her journey here was some parts exciting and mundane--minus the black monster. Aside from a few comedic tales, lot of the stories she reads have adventure and gratuitous action. She was never interested in smutty romance novels, like a lot of the mares in her old town. In her eyes they were just plain disgusting. So to meet a pony who has actually been through a dangerous event like that, was just simply awesome!

The pegasus mare inspected the pile of bags. "You're new here, are ya?"

Ember nodded. "Yeah, I was just trying to find a place to live. But so far all of the houses are already occupied."

"Well, you're not gonna find much on this block." The pegasus told her, "There are some houses over in the western area for sale."

"Oh, sweet!"

"Name's Tempest Blast." She introduced herself, holding out a hoof. "Yours?"

"I'm Ember Gaze." she shook her hoof, in reply.

Tempest raised a brow. "Ember Gaze? Why the hay are you named that?"

"My eyes." Ember leaned her head forward, opening her eyes wide. "They have the same color as an ember."

"Oooohhh, okay." Tempest then wrapped her hoof around her shoulder. "Well Ember, you got a lot to learn about this place. You're gonna love it!"

Author's Note:

Sorry this wasn't as long as the first chapter, but I hope you still enjoyed it. It to a HECK of a long time to get around to this. I hope you guys like it, despite how short it was.