• Published 30th Apr 2015
  • 616 Views, 23 Comments

Ember Gaze - HeavyMetalKnight

A mare named Ember Gaze decides to travel to Ponyville to start a new life, but ponies from her former home wish vengeance upon her for her past misdeeds.

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Chapter 3: "The ends justify the means" Part 1

Chapter 3:

"The ends justify the means" Part 1

There was only one word I can think of when I think of her... hate!

The night was dark. Had it not been for the moonlight, it would have been too dark to see. The town had been dead silent at night, outside. In a house was another story. The light of the moon shone upon the cobblestone road, giving her enough light to see what was in front of her. Tephra trotted forward, towards a small building. It was a pub, she knew. She was told to meet there, with other ponies she's known. But from what she was told, they weren't there for the drinks.

As she opened the door, the aroma of alcohol wafted in the air. Ponies at their tables were chugging down hard cider, and perhaps a bit of jack too. Every patron was merry as lambs in a field. She made her way down the pub, in search of whom she plans to meet. Teprha looked down, and realized she had stepped in a spilled puddle of the fermented liquid. She shook it off from her hooves and continued forward.

She had a good feeling about what she was here for, even though she wasn't told. It had to be for Ember Gaze, the pony she hated most. There was no denying how much she despised her! She had caused her much grief in the past, she knew. Even though Ember left town, she still wanted something of her. She may have wanted her gone... but she wanted her DEAD even more. She has done unforgivable acts, and must pay for it--in death!

She eventually found the ponies she was looking for, all gathered around a table. She recognized everypony at this table; friends of hers. Sitting on the right was Delilah Blossom. She was a unicorn mare with a light yellowish coat, and very long pinkish mane and tail. Her cutie mark was three pink flowers. She was a good friend of Tephra's. On the left was Olivetail. He was a pegasus stallion with a dark brownish green coat, and a slightly spiky olive colored mane and tail--hence his name. His cutie mark was a square sandwich.

Opposite of Delilah, was Pale Glory. She was a white earth pony mare with a grayish, medium length mane. Her cutie mark was a regal looking mirror. Next to Olivetail, was Bluff. He was a huge stallion with a half burnt face. Even though she couldn't see it now, she knew what his cutie mark was: a giant dumbbell. Seated in front was the organizer of the arrangement. Grimwell, was his name. He was a blackish purple unicorn. His long mane was three different shades of purple. His eyes glowed a very luminescent purple. He sat with his two hooves together, as if he has been waiting for her for a while.

"Ah... miss Teprha." His voice was soothing and calm. "We have been awaiting for your arrival."

"Sorry I'm late." She apologized, "I would have been here earlier, had it not been for that shopkeeper."

"Well... at least we're all here." Delilah said shyly, looking over at everypony.

"Very good. Now that we are at this summit, we shall discuss the matter regarding the mare who departed from this town. Any additional thoughts before we begin?"

Everypony shook there heads in unison, reassuring the dark purple stallion. Grimwell made a wide grin, obviously pleased with their agreement.

"Good. Now, let us begin with Delilah." He turned his attention to the light yellow mare. "So Delilah, how long have you known Miss Ember?"

"Um... about a year, I think." The mare replied.

"Alright. What did she do to you, to make you despise her?"

"Well, um... I told her how I liked a stallion, and I told her not to tell anypony." The yellow mare paused, trying to fight back tears. "B-b-but she told him, in front of everypony! How could she do that to me?!"

Everypony only stared at her unimpressed. Tephra knew that Ember has done worse...Much worse. Delilah shrunk down into her chair awkwardly, aware of them staring.

"Seriously?" Olivetail snickered. "That's the worse thing she's done to you? She did worse to me!"

"Really?" Grimwell said, intrigued, "Care to tell us why?"

The olive maned pegasus slicked his mane back before he began. "She burnt up every sandwich I made in my shop! All because I got her order wrong! A HONEST mistake!!"

"I see."

"Nearly burned down the whole shop." He muttered to himself.

The dark stallion then turned his attention to the white mare. "Pale Glory. Tell us your tale. What exactly did she do to you?"

At first the mare seemed like she wasn't listening. But then answered, "Well, I was working on a particularly gorgeous gown... that was until she came along! I had been making it for an important client, but then she came and offered to help. Like the heathen she was, set the gown on fire! When my manager found out about this... he fired me!"

Everypony looked at one another looking rather furious. She knew the reason why. They all looked back at the dark stallion and waited for him to ask. His direction pointed over to Bluff, with the half burnt face.

"Now, I'm rather curious to hear about your tale."

"Do I need to say it?" The stallion said in a bass voice, his good eye glaring at Grimwell.

"Very well." There was a short pause. He then looked over to her. "Tephra. I have heard bits of your tale but I would like to hear it from you. Nopony seems to despise her as much as you do. Care to tell us why?"

She knew she had to tell them even though she hated to relive the pain. She tried to fight back tears from her eyes just thinking about it. Ember had caused her much pain, she must be stronger!

She sighed, and explained, "I was at the theater when it happened. My younger brother was with me at the time. We went to watch a movie, though I can't remember what it was. Ember was there too, she wouldn't talk to me or anything. She only stared. And then sometime after the movie was over, the entire building became covered in fl--flames." She started choking up, "When we tried to escape, a part of the roof was falling down! My brother couldn't move fast enough! It fell on top of him!!"

It was too much. Tephra was inconsolable at this point. She cried with her face on the table. She felt somepony pat her on the back as she cried. She looked up to realize it was Delilah who did so. Her smile was small, yet warm all the same. It made her feel a little better to see that somepony comforted her.

"I see." He observed. "Now that I have heard your stories, it has come to my conclusion that all of you have something against Ember Gaze. Am I correct?"

Everypony muttered in agreement. It was clear that this Grimwell is rather observant. His face was expressionless and his eyes looked from one side to another. His mouth then started to form a wry smile across his face. The muttering had stopped at some point.

"I trust that you are all aware of the phrase: 'The ends justify the means', right?" He asked them.

Everypony else nodded. "Well, yeah, I guess so." Pale Glory said.

"Good. Then you all know what must be done. We must make this mare pay for all that she has done to you." He announced, "And seeing how Teprha's brother's murder was the worst out of these crimes... then the answer is clear. We must do the same to her. And more."

The yellow mare was shocked. "Y-y-you mean we have to KILL somepony?!"

Grimwell's grin widened. "Yes. Specifically her, and the ponies she cares about."

Almost everypony was not expecting to hear that. Everypony except Bluff and Grimwell, had a shocked expression. It was a dark thing to think about for her. She wanted revenge on this pony but would go as far as to kill somepony, if it meant getting back at her? If it is true, if "the ends justify the means", then maybe she would...

I don't know. This sounds too low, even for me. Still... she killed my brother. What to decide?

"So," Grimwell stood up, "is anypony willing to do this endeavor?"

The group for a time remained quiet, possibly unsure of what decision to make. Bluff had raised a hoof high and made an ugly sneer. Olivetail grimaced yet raised his hoof high. Pale Glory seemed hesitant but raised her hoof as well. All that leaves is her and Delilah, who looked scared beyond belief.

"I-I-I... I don't think I can!" She cried. "She did terrible things, but I don't want to do the same to her!"

"Delilah!" Olivetail snapped, "Ember has committed all these terrible crimes, and yet you don't wanna make her pay?!"

Delilah teared up again, "But it just doesn't seem right! Tephra! Don't you see how wrong this sounds?!"

Tephra sighed. "She killed my brother. If killing her, and the ponies she cares about can avenge his death... then I'm willing to go through with it!"

She raised her hoof up with the rest of them. Delilah looked appalled. Everypony else cracked a smile at the thought of putting their foe in a grave. It seemed macabre that they were plotting murder... but who is she to complain? She along with these ponies want her dead as much as she did. Though Delilah disagrees, at least she's of the majority.

We'll make her pay! Even if I have to kill to do so!


Ahh... a brand new day! Ember's side ached as she lifted her body up, but that didn't kill her enthusiasm.

Yesterday, she made it to Ponyville, met a few ponies; friends hopefully, and--sort of--found vacancy in a cottage. She never thought to bring a mattress or anything, so she slept on a soft purple blanket. Unfortunately, a blanket was only going to do so much to make a pony comfortable. The pegasus mare, Tempest Blast, helped her find this place. She admired how kind some ponies have been to her. Much better than the treatment she got back home.

The room was mostly empty and kind of dusty. The wallpaper was ripped in several places, the floor had a few piles of dirt, and the window had a web shaped crack. Her bags were placed beside her purple blanket. The only light source came from the window and not much else. There were wall plugs in the room, so if she had a lamp she would be able to plug it in.

I feel like I should get a lamp.

She felt her own mane with her hoof and realized it was standing up. She frowned at this. She levitated the brush she left out to fix this problem.

She had been more than thankful she found this place; it would have been a nightmare to sleep outside again. She hoped to at some point, find her newly made friends, and chat up with them. When it came to starting a new life, this to her was the best way to do so. It made her feel more confident now then ever before.

Ember trotted to the door and opened it, leading her down a dirty hallway. It looked no better than her living area and it needs a bit of clean up, but she felt it would be best to worry about for another time. Probably after she buys a lamp. She kept her pace to a trot, eager to see her new friends.

The hallway had a distinct smell; not a bad smell, but not good either. She knew the place had to be cheap given its current state. Regardless of how dilapidated it seemed, it was her new home. She needed to get used to it. She went down the stairs at the end of the hall down to the "living room". It was just as much of a disaster--if not more--than upstairs. Sofas were covered in plastic, shelves looked dismantled, and dust was everywhere.

It just needs a bit of work. Sure it'll take a long time to get everything situated, but it will all be worth it.

As she was about to open the door--which was not in prime condition either--she heard a knock. And then three more knocks. Opening the door with her magic, she noticed it was Tempest who knocked. She seemed frazzled based on her expression. But what alarmed her more was the sound of distant screaming.

"What's going on?!" Ember asked.


She moved aside, letting the white pegasus in. Tempest immediately went under the couch, shivering fearfully. Ember needed to know what was going on so she came up to her.

"What's going on out there?" Ember asked again, "Why are ponies screaming?"

"Harpies! They're back!" She said, afraid.

"You've performed dangerous stunts, and you're afraid of harpies?"

The pegasus looked crossed. "I may have dodged quarray eels, but harpies are no joke! They're way worse!!"

"How can they be more dangerous than quarray eels?" She asked, unconvinced.

Tempest got closer to her this time. "At first there were few of them. But now there's over 50 of them! Maybe even a hundred!!"

Huh. You're not as brave as I thought.

Ember then thought of a crazy idea. "Why don't we try to fight them off? You know, keep 'em away from the citizens!"

"ARE YOU NUTS?!?!" She shouted. "I ca... I mean we can't fight them! They'll kill us both!"

"It's better than sitting here cowering! Come on! Let's go kick some harpy flank!"

The pegasus went from looking scared to looking a little bit confident. "O-O-Okay!"

"That's the spirit!!"

She herself thought it was a crazy idea. But it has to work! It must!

Outside of her home now, she witnessed the flying bird-ponies zooming across the sky. It was a frightening sight. Harpies of many colors were wreaking havoc on Ponyville. They attacked anypony in sight, and tore up the roofs of cottages. Ponies were screaming at the top of their lungs: "SOMEPONY HELP US!!

Tempest was still behind her, looking a little less than afraid. It was still plain that this pony was indeed scared of these creatures. From the sight of it she understood why. Regardless, she tried to be fearless. Ember sprinted towards a light blue harpy harassing a familiar pink pony.

"Aaah!!!" The pony shrieked, "Get off of me! Get off of me!!"

It was the same pony she met before she came here. The same prissy pink mare who was being mean to her. Her lilac mane was being messed up thanks to her assailant. She had scratches and a large gash across her side. She was screaming in agony from the harpy attacking her. She was mean to her, yes, but she didn't want to see this done to her.

"Hey! Bird-brain!" She shouted at the harpy.

The light blue harpy stopped, and looked at her with yellow, cat-like eyes. The harpy had the appearance of a pony, but with wings for their front legs, eagle-like back legs, and long feather shaped ears. There were also long feathers along its head. The harpy's claws were incredibly sharp and white in color. It stared at her as it got off of the writhing mare. It hissed at her and reared up, flaring up its wings.

Ember prepared for a special spell... Ignis. She lit her horn with burning, fiery magic. The warmer her horn got, the powerful the blast. She widened her stance as the creature got closer. She felt her head start to sweat from the heat... which was good.

The creature lunged forward, claws pointed at her. It was then she let loose the fire within her horn. A long beam of orange flame shot out from her horn, knocking the bird pony back. Ignis could also burn fur and feather, leaving singe marks or soot on an attacker. It did as such. The bird-like pony staggered to get up, she needed to assist the fallen pony.

She rushed over to her, looking over the torn mare.

"Here, let me help." She assured.

"Wh-wh-what?!" The mare said, confused.

Ember lifted the mare with her hooves, trying her best not to hurt her.

"But... why?" she asked, "Why would you help me? Even after what I said to you?"

"I'm won't leave somepony to die, even if they weren't nice to me. Not this time!"

When she looked back at the harpy, it was gone. This brought an uncomfortable feeling in her chest. The scratched-up mare was bleeding from her scars; the gash especially.

"You need to patch that up, now. Go! Go somewhere safe!" She commanded her.

The frightened mare didn't even question her, she bolted off towards one of the cottages. She glanced back at Tempest who was cowering under a food stand.

Ugh, seriously?

"Come on, Tempest! We gotta town to save!"

"A-a-alright!" Tempest quivered.

To be continued...