• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 8,295 Views, 345 Comments

The Royal Fillies - blazikenking

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor have alicorn fillies. One is normal, the other, not quite.

  • ...

The Professional Logue (otherwise known as a prologue)

In the castle of the Crystal Empire, two ponies, a mare and a stallion, were getting ready to sleep. These two ponies had been married for almost ten years and loved each other dearly, and wouldn't give up the other for the world. Their love was truly powerful and powerfully true.

These ponies, known to the world as Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, soon got in their oversized bed and cuddled up next to each other. Unbeknownst to them, a fly was buzzing around in one of the homes of their subjects. This fly also went unnoticed by said subject, who was away on vacation.

"Shiny?" Princess Cadence asked.

"Yes, Cadence?" Shining Armor asked back.

"Does living in the castle seem like a bit too much to you at times?"

"Well, it is nice living here, but it does get a bit overwhelming at times. Why do you ask?"

"I've been thinking over the past week about moving out. I want to live in a house like our subjects do."


"Yes. The first time I came to your place to foalsit Twilight, well, that was the first time I had been in a more normal house. Before then, it was either a castle or mansion that I was in. And at first, I felt rather uncomfortable in the house. It was close in ways I wasn't used to, and much smaller than any other residence I'd been in."

"I still remember your face when you saw how close the kitchen was to the living room" Shining said, a fond smile on his muzzle.

"Well excuse me for being used to going through halls and doors to get anywhere before then" Cadence snarked.

"Okay, okay. You are excused. Go on."

"Thank you. But as I spent more time at your house, I began to feel differently about it. The closeness, both of the house and its occupants, became rather comforting. I actually started looking forward to foalsitting Twilight because I could escape the lavish, empty vastness of the other places."

"And then you started visiting us."

"Oh, yes I did."

"You came by so often that we started to consider you an honorary family member. We even turned the spare bedroom into 'your' room."

"Yes, yes you did."

"And after the first night you spent with us, we had fake adoption papers ready at breakfast."

"I remember that. Those papers are still in the scrapbook. Anyways, I want a closeness like that again. Besides, I don't like living at my workplace. I have to sleep lighter than I'd like in case I have to take care of something, and the sheer vastness is a bit much at times."

"I agree with you there. What kind of house do you want?" Shining Armor pulled out a quill, inkpot, and scroll, ready to take notes.

"I want a one story house with three bedrooms, a large bathroom, a cozy living room, a fairly large kitchen and dining room, and perhaps a space for our hobbies."

"What if we have a basement for the hobby space? We could split it into separate areas for our own purposes, and it would let us keep our private projects more private."

"Ooh, I like the sound of that. And how about some outdoor space too?"

"That sounds good. And if we find a house we like without a basement, we can just have it added on."

"Oh, yes. Let's take the next few days off to do some house shopping!" Cadence was giddy at the prospect.

"Alright. I have all our desires on here, so let's get some sleep."

Soon, an alicorn and unicorn were asleep together, the prospect of a home outside the castle on their minds all the while.

~The next day, after looking at lots of houses~

"None of the houses we looked at work for me" Shining said as he flopped onto the bed, his hooves aching slightly from walking all over the empire.

"Really?" Cadence asked as she flopped across his back.

"The ones that were close to here felt too spacious, and the ones further away felt a bit too small. Those that had the right amount of interior space didn't have enough of an outdoor area."

Cadence was silent as she thought for a bit. "What if we have our dream house built?"

"That could work. All we need to do is find a plot of land and somepony willing to build there."

"I don't think we need to worry about finding somepony willing to build for us. We just need the right plot of land."

"How about you fly around, use a sight sharing and telepathy spell, and we can look that way?"


~Tomorrow and After~

Cadence was flying around the Crystal Empire, looking at empty plots of land. After an hour of searching, she and Shining Armor saw the perfect plot of land. They both took note of where it was and set out to buy it. At least Shining Armor did. Cadence went out to find a construction company. Both were done fairly quickly and met up at the plot of land, where blueprints were started.

Over the next six months, construction of the house went smoothly, which shouldn't be much of a surprise in the Crystal Empire, where the temperature and weather conditions were constant at all times. While the house was being built, Cadence and Shining Armor looked at furniture. They did not go all-out with their considered options and eventual purchases.

The move out of the castle and into the new house went very smoothly, thanks to the help of Celestia, Luna, Twilight Sparkle, and her friends. By sheer coincidence, those exact same ponies were invited to a small housewarming party immediately after the move was finished.

As Cadence and Shining Armor continued living in the house, they did stuff they couldn't have done, or at least not with the same degree of freedom, at the castle.

Shining Armor found out why he was never allowed to cook when he burned a cold lettuce, tomato, and daisy sandwich. Much to Cadence's horror, he vowed to improve his cooking skills.

Cadence took up painting. Under the pseudonym of Credenza, she made some extra bits by selling the paintings.

As they got used to living in their house over a couple of years, thoughts of having foals crossed their minds. Eventually, they acted upon these thoughts in a scene the author is not willing to write.

~A week later~

"Princess, you are pregnant" the doctor said.

"Whoo!" Cadence and Shining Armor happily exclaimed before giving each other a double high hoof.

"With twins" the doctor added.

Reportedly, two unicorn head shaped holes appeared in the ceiling after those words, and the room would forever be tainted with a sense of happiness. Coincidentally, Shining Armor and Cadence had a painful headache over the next few days. The chances of these all being related are about the same as the doctor mentioning that the due date would be anywhere from late April to early May.

The next eleven months were filled with sleeping, eating, working, and other normal things, with the exception of Cadence being pregnant. It took both a long time and practically no time, along with many meals seasoned with thyme, but eventually, it was time for the foals to come into the world.

Author's Note:

While this story will be about both Skyla and Inova, it will focus more on Inova. I have so many ideas for her, it's plausibly absurd. Whosoever guesses her first word will have bragging rights (it's going to be a fun scene).

And now, I have a riddle of sorts for those interested in trying it out: Cadence's pregnancy took about eleven months (pretty normal, from what I've learned). At the same time, it did not take eleven months, though certainly not fewer. How is this possible? The answer will be revealed in Inova and Skyla's school days. If you decide to take a guess, you can include a link to an OC of yours. Those who get it right before the chapter's release can have their OC appear somewhere in the story.