• Published 27th Apr 2015
  • 8,308 Views, 345 Comments

The Royal Fillies - blazikenking

Princess Cadence and Shining Armor have alicorn fillies. One is normal, the other, not quite.

  • ...

The Letter


It’s Friday. It’s been almost a week since Inova left us. Dad and I have been at the hospital with mom more often than we’ve been at home, and none of us like it. The doctors say mom should be ready to deliver the newest member of our family any day now, so that’s good, at least.

Speaking of mom, she’s doing a bit better. She seems to be mostly over Inova leaving, but we all miss her. We were planning on making her the one to cook after our little sister was born, since mom would be too busy with the foal, I can’t cook anything without eating sampling the whole meal to make sure every part is good, and nopony but me can eat dad’s cooking.

Today at school, Inova found me after classes let out and gave me an envelope, which she told me not to open or read until I was back with mom and dad. She was very serious about it.

I saw her leave with Diamond as she has for a long time, and I went towards home as usual. Dad’s asked me to pick up the mail from home and bring it to the hospital. He’s been working from there as well, refusing to leave mom’s room. I’ve been staying there as well since I don’t want to be home alone.

I kept Inova’s envelope in my saddlebag as I got the mail and newspaper. I sorted it out into things for dad, things for mom, and the well-wishing cards. The cards made up more than half of today’s mail again. I’d probably be going through them tonight.

On the way to the hospital, I got myself a snack bouquet. I always ate those from the bottom up, saving the sweet and savory flowers for last. I also brought Inova’s envelope out of my bag with my magic. I knew looking it over from every direction wouldn’t reveal anything, but I did it anyways.

I finished my bouquet right as I reached the hospital. It was good, as usual. I passed by various ponies as I made my way up to mom’s room. Almost all of them were hospital staff.

“Hi mom, hi dad” I said as I entered the room, numbered 555. “I got something from Inova today.”

“Hm?” mom asked. “How is she?”

“She seemed upset about something. She didn’t want me to open this until I was here with you.”

“Then it’s probably something for all of us to hear” dad said as he closed the door for some family privacy. What he said made sense. “Open it up and read it.”

I opened the envelope and unfolded the letter inside before reading it out loud. “Dear family: I want you to know first and foremost that I still love all of you. Even my new little sister. I can’t find it in my heart, soul, mind, or anywhere to not still love you.

“Skyla may have mentioned how I was kind of on edge when she saw me. There is a very simple reason for that: nobody has asked me what my side of the story is for why I left. Everyone except Diamond Heart is giving me extra space, and even though I know why they are, it still unnerves me.

“I will state here why I left, so that you may know my reasons and have a document to back any press releases you may make on the matter. The first reason I left goes back to when Skyla and I were still in diapers.” I blushed a bit at that before continuing. “I remember the first time dad put his soundproof shields in my ears. Before then, whenever I cried, I would always cry until I ran out of energy and fell asleep. I was the reason I cried for so long so many times. I still have no idea why that was.

“My second reason goes with my first: I am a very light sleeper. Whenever Skyla’s woken up at the smell of breakfast or gone on a midnight pantry pillage, she always went over me. Her leaving and walking over me always woke me up. Mom, dad, I’m sure you don’t have to imagine what it’s like to wake up in the middle of the night because of a crying foal. I think Skyla’s the only one who has to imagine it, since she can sleep through anything, like that one time she was sleeping on mom’s back at the train station and the train whistle blew right next to us. I was jolted awake. I couldn’t sleep for that whole train ride.

“Now take that and spread it out over days, weeks, months, even past a year. If I were to stay with you, I would lose a lot of sleep. I’m imagining that the lost sleep would make me a little crazy. General irritability would be the result, and I can’t help but imagine myself destroying things around the house and being a pain in the plot. My imagination continued down the dark side and I could see me taking a. . . more direct method to quieting my little sister. A method that normal ponies would not exactly get back up from.”

I paused in my reading to drink some water before continuing. “I also imagined that I would no longer be the stellar student that I am at Pristine Pearl. I saw my academic scores going down, my flight taking a nosedive, and my magic progress fizzling out.

“What I do not want known in any kind of press release, should you do one, is that I’m staying with Diamond and her family. I do not want them to have the potential of the media hounding them over their heads, even if my very presence makes that impossible already.

“To sum up, I’m leaving home to preserve my sanity and keep everyone safe. I still love all of you, but please don’t try to talk me into visiting for a while. Not until my new sister can control herself.

“Sincerely, Inova.”

All three of us were quiet as we thought about the letter.

“I. . .” mom started. “I’m not sure where to start.”

“I don’t know either” dad admitted.

“How about the beginning?” I suggested as I reread the letter to myself before giving it to mom.

Mom looked it over. “It’s good to know she still loves us. That really puts my mind at ease.”

“She also made a good point about her side of the story not being known” dad said. “I’ve been scouring the newspaper everyday and haven’t seen any articles on her opinion.”

“I think most ponies are just afraid to ask her” I said. “Especially after this long. She was rather upset when she gave me the letter.”

“Maybe it’s like when she cried when she was younger.” All eyes turned to dad. “Think about it: she would cry herself to exhaustion because her crying made her cry more. It took outside interference from me to end and discover that cycle. Now, because she left us, ponies are giving her extra distance, nopony’s asking her about it, she’s becoming more irritable, which causes ponies to keep their distance, and nopony’s asking her about it.”

“And knowing her, she’s not going to look for the help she needs herself” mom finished before sighing. “What if we have Diamond Heart help her?”

“Inova would notice that” I pointed out. “I think one of you should announce why she left.”

“Why would you think us announcing why Inova left would help her?”

“Inova was the one to bring up the idea.”

“Maybe I could just take it straight to the newspaper?” dad suggested. I thought it sounded good. “There wouldn’t be as much fanfare, but the message would still get out.”

“Go for it” mom encouraged.

“What about how Inova imagined herself reacting?” I brought up. “I can’t imagine her doing those kinds of things.”

“I can’t either. Destroying things around the house and being mean just aren’t her.”

“What did she mean by a direct method normal ponies wouldn’t get up from?”

Mom and dad looked at each other before quietly agreeing that he would be the better one to explain, as tough as it would be. “When you or Inova cried, we figured out what your problem was and took care of it. By Inova’s phrasing, that would be the indirect method of quieting a crying foal.

“Have you read any of Inova’s comics?”

“I’ve seen some of them.”

“What does that have to do with anything?” Cadance asked.

“Inova likes action comic books” Shining stated. “In those comics, the characters have various fighting techniques. Her favorite is The Hopper, and he fights cyborgs from the Lightning Organization. When Hopper finishes them with a powered kick, the cyborgs are never heard from again.”

“They go boom, I think” I said as I thought it over. “Wait, does that mean Inova would kick our little sister?”

“Hopper uses more than just kicks to finish his opponents. He can use any weapon he can get his hooves on. I think Inova, at her worst, would do things like that to her. A normal pony. . .” Shining took a deep breath. “A normal pony would die from things like that.”

The words hung in the air for a while. “Oh.” I said. “That’s not good at all.”

“No. Honestly, if she could imagine herself doing that, I think she probably took the better course of action.”

“I suppose” Cadance said. “It still hurts that she just left like she did, but I think what she imagined herself doing is far worse.”

“I think I’ll get started on writing out the article for the papers” dad said as he gathered up some paper, ink, and quills with his magic. “You know, I’ve heard that bottling up stress isn’t good, but what I think Inova’s done is prevent the stress from getting into that bottle in the first place.”

“Huh” mom and I said at the same time.

“I think I’ll write that down and give it to Inova on Monday” I said. “She loves it when anypony points out her creative solutions and ideas.”

“Kind of makes you wonder what your cutie marks will be” mom said.

“Yeah. It does.” Neither I or Inova have gotten our marks yet. More ponies in our grade have them than those that don’t. Our royal status keeps us from being teased, but I’ve seen it happen to others. “She seems to take it in stride though.”

“Maybe it’s her human part? Twilight’s told me that humans don’t get cutie marks.”

“Yeah. Why does she have that in her anyways?”

“Nopony seems to know. Now, Skyla, get started on your homework. You and Inova’s little sister wants me to rest.” Mom relaxed and closed her eyes. She looked more peaceful than she has over the past week.

I used my magic to take off my saddlebags and pull out my Culture Studies folder. It was a reading assignment on griffons. I held back a shudder at the memory of the meat that made me sick and Inova ate with no problem as I got started on it.

Author's Note:

This chapter does four things.
1: It gives some perspective on the events from the view of the rest of Inova's family.
2: It explains in detail why Inova left.
Those two things were suggested in comments in the previous chapter. I am too lazy to look for the comments right now, but they are there.
3: It lightly touches on the topic of the cutie marks, which I have neglected for a long time in this story. No apologies.
4: It exists.

Comments ( 70 )

Nicely done i found the reactions really fitting.:twilightsmile:

Can't wait for the next chapter:pinkiehappy:

So Inova left for her safety and sanity? She won't be visiting for awhile, that's for sure.

This was a pleasant chapter explaining some details not told before.

I still do not understand why she did it all cloak and dagger style. Why couldn't Inova just talk to her parents about her sleeping problems. I doubt loving parents with the resources available to them would not do something to fix this without this strange unilateral action, which I am still unsure is even legal.

7566971 Going to have to agree here.

So will Inova come back at some point? Or will she continue to live where she is now?

7566971 7567224 Inova has problems asking for help. Besides, even if she had brought her light sleeping up, it wouldn't change her reactions with the foal's crying. As for the cloak and dagger style, it was to ease the separation somewhat and get them more used to her being less present. After all, you are less likely to notice a gradual change over time than a sudden change. Ten months is a lot of time, especially when it's a pony still in her first year of high school.

7567669 There will be a proper reunion, I assure you. I don't have the details planned out, but I do have a bit of a timeframe in mind.

7567902 still super idiotic and little unrealistic on how you handled it. I mean, if your kid runs away, you don't just let her run away; you call police and have them drag her back home.

7585263 You make a valid point, but. . .

BLEEP realism, this fic takes place in a city protected from a constant blizzard by a love powered bubble.

Besides, how many times have we seen the CMC just wander off? Like that one time they went hang gliding. Sure, they probably told someone they were going to do it, but they were also unsupervised. And out of the Mane 6's cutie mark stories, Pinkie's is the tamest. She never left home. Rarity appeared to already be on her own, or at least was left alone for some time, and she was younger than Inova. That in itself might warrant a call to the police.

Finally, and this may sound like an excuse, but this is a whole other world, dealing with a whole other species, in a whole other culture (one that admittedly shares a lot with our own). There will be times where there are wild differences in how things are done.

7585609 Let's not get into argument about magic... i could give you a possible scientific explanation, but it's too long for story comment. As for the pony society; the only reason pegasus and earth ponies have any work or worth, logically speaking, is because unicorns let them, so really, it's obvious that Hasbro modeled Equestria after ours pretty much, just because it's more easy to keep track of things than create a new, completely different fictional world. As for CMC's carefree actions without adult supervision? Well, it's pretty normal in our world and since Equestria has these things called 'cutie marks' (more like "Slave task marks") it's most likely that pony society is less... 'keep track of children' because they need to find their cutie marks.

Though seriously, I think Rarity's and Sweetie Belle's parents also live in Ponyville, so your argument is invalid. As for the rest of Mane 6? there's an explanation for their lives, all which can be very easily found in our world too.

So really,Equestria is mostly an mirror image of our world, but with ponies (and other sentient animals) instead of people. Even the god damn building look more fitting into human or minotaur (we have already seen Iron Will) civilization than a pony civilization.

7704495 Professional Logue can be shortened to Prologue. As for the offer, feel free to send your OC details via PM.

I just started reading this, please no incest, please

7799149 Incest? No, I'm not planning that. That would be messed up. The idea never even crossed my mind.

7963688 Magic.

7964030 Cadance tried. She really did, but Inova simply refused on her own every time and expressed it in the only way she knew how: crying. Unfortunately, the sound of her own crying is a stimulus for her to keep crying and so begins a vicious feedback loop that only ends once Inova runs out of energy and goes to sleep. Cadance could have tried to nurse her while Inova was asleep, but when you're asleep, you aren't fully functional, and Inova could choke or drown on the milk. While it wouldn't kill her, it certainly would hurt, and could have a lasting negative impact.

When will more come?

So when's the next update?

I'll need to see a paper or something similar about that. And even if that is true that a new born can go a three or so days without feeding (I am suspecting cause of brown fat), there is still a huge issue with dehydration.

Is the story dead ?

If so then:fluttercry::fluttercry::fluttercry:

8123938 Exactly. It's a black so dark, it's kind of unreal.

8166897 Would just a few pieces of that pasta be a scoobi snack?

8167546 There's also a thing called Vanta Black. It's a substance that absorbs 99.965 of light. It's kind of trippy to look at pictures of it.

I paused in my reading to drink some water before continuing. “I also imagined that I would no longer be the stellar student that I am at Pristine Pearl. I saw my academic scores going down, my flight taking a nosedive, and my magic progress fizzling out.

“I. . .” mom started. “I’m not sure where to start.”

“I don’t know either” dad admitted.

“How about the beginning?” I suggested as I reread the letter to myself before giving it to mom.

this story really has a lot of potential. I liik forward to when/if it resumes.

Upvoted due to birdman.

Also while I agree the story itself has a lot of potential the last two chapters while meshing with the writing style seem too far off to be as good as they could be.

It just seems off to me. Not the concept. Although I can see how the weirdly we as the royal family live in a house because reasons part conflicts with people it is the I am moving out part without resolution that messes with the last chapter.

You do know that Hydra was originally a cult, dedicated to returning an ancient Inhuman they considered a god, right? Cult of Alveus.

8350595 Yes, those are a thing. Hanna-Barbera/Warner Bros./Cartoon Network don't get no royalties here!:rainbowdetermined2:

Good sir! May I have MOAR please?

8474617 What? Those are seriously a thing. Like macaroni,but longer and more twisty.:applejackconfused:

I want a mask made of that stuff

yes but i don't remember anything from it

8595014 Rubies are often red and emeralds are often green. Besides, Sapphire Thursday's just doesn't have the same flow as Emerald Thursday's, you know?

8595045 WTNV: Welcome To Night Vale. While you're there, be sure to praise the almighty glow cloud. ALL HAIL THE GLOW CLOUD.

Sorry, I was tired when I wrote that! I meant Cloud's buster sword........damnit..........

It's okay. =)

We all make mistakes.

'Specialy when we're tired......

This is a brilliant story, I love it and I hope for more chapters in the future :twilightsmile:

No, just how would a leap year make it 11 months, yet not 11 months? Sense, what is it?

Is this fic still alive? If not please at least have the decency to declare it cancelled.

Aww I've always liked this story

Why did you cancel this work of art:applecry:

8994337 Loss of drive and lack of direction.

A shame. This was a really good story.

9003419 Yeah, but things happen, like a Displaced idea that doesn't leave your head, or things just sputtering and dying out.




But she already said it all before, in the moment she left! And what with that weak reaction on their daughter admitting her cruelty? She's a princess! This is very serious! Besides, no consequences after discovering her love for meat was already strange. But no visible reaction about finding in her alien side from another species, mystical one at that? This is absurd!

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